#my stomach hurts now though. always does. aaaaaaaaa
aroace-poly-show · 6 months
buahh i need to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me
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lycorogue · 4 years
Miraculous World: New York - United HeroeZ live-blogging (sorta)
Okay, it’s hard for me to live-blog everything I want to squee about, especially with the first watch. But I’m still wide awake and watching the re-air so let’s see how I do. (Turns out, I’m a slower typer than I thought and most of this was done post-watch again :P )
I absolutely love this special’s opening credits. It has a very Marvel feel. Nice.
Um... Uh... Did... Did Cristina Vee forget her Ladybug/Marinette voice over the break? I’m not liking this voice. I’m not liking it at all. STOP WITH THE VOICE! NOOOOOOO! (Also... Mr. Pigeon... Again? -_- )
Love that Adrien has started looking up the meaning of roses so he can find one Ladybug will actually accept. XD The boy tries so hard. <3
Hubby thought that Cristina might have decided to change up Ladybug’s voice so it’s not so obvious she’s Marinette (a la Batman) but the deeper voice is still here for Marinette. WHYYYYY!? The hiatus was clearly too long. She’s completely forgotten Marinette’s voice. OTL
Awww, Miss Bustier is pregnant!? She’ll be a great mom! eeeee
Also, smoooooooooth Marinette. Adrien is TOTALLY just a friend now... >_> Poor Luka. -_-
Also... ALYA’S VOICE IS WRONG TOO! WHAT THE HECK! WHYYYYYYYY. THIS IS SO AWESOME BUT I JUST CAN’T WITH THESE NEW VOICES! Everyone sounds deeper and gruffer... is that because the VAs are out of practice? Is it because they had to record at home with different equipment? What’s going on!?
Of COURSE Gabriel suspects a Miraculous in America. Good way to bring him to the States. At least Keith Silverstein remembered his Gabriel/Hawk Moth voice. I don’t know if I could have handled either Hawky or Adrien having the wrong tone of voice in this.
Oh. Oh no! Oh dear! Nathalie’s voice is the worst! At least hers can be explained away that she’s still recovering from the Battle for the Miracle Box but... *cringe*
KAGAMI’S OFF TOO! I think it’s 100% the actors not remembering the voices they used for these characters. -_- Such a shame. This movie is amazing, but the voices are so hard for me to get past. 
OMG, THE LITTLE CAT TO ALERT LADYBUG IS FLIPPIN’ ADORABLE! I’d hit the button a million times myself, so I feel ya, Chat Noir. Also, BRILLIANT play, Ladybug. :D
Equally brilliant plan on Plagg’s part. At least, it would have been if they were able to actually exercise it. Also.... WHERE DID THIS POWER OF FLIGHT COME FROM AND WHY DIDN’T THEY USE IT BEFORE!? >_> Me thinks the recipe for this power is magically going to be forgotten again once we get into the show proper.
Also, I know there will be salt thrown by the handful at Adrien after this special BUT THE BOY DIDN’T WANT TO ABANDON PARIS! He was going to stay and give up his class trip, but Plagg was right, when does Gabriel ever give him the freedom to do something like this? As someone who never got to go on any out-of-state (let alone out-of-country) class trips, I know how hard FOMO hits. If I had the chance, I would have jumped at it, ESPECIALLY after Plagg came up with a solid plan. EVEN SO, HE WAS GOING TO STAY! PLAGG CONVINCED HIM! And Plagg meant well. He wanted his kid to have a taste of freedom. Just... JUST LEAVE THESE TWO PRECIOUS BEANS ALONE, SALTERS!
UPDATE: The salters did NOT leave Adrien alone for this -_-
-_- And of course Luka’s voice is ALSO off. Still, my boy RACING A FRIGGEN BUS so Marinette can make the trip to NYC! SUCH A FRIGGEN GOOD BOI AND HOW CAN FANS HATE HIM HE’S JUST AMAZING AND *chef kiss* My heart just BREAKS for him though, because he’s sending his would-be girlfriend off on a weeklong class trip with her “former” crush and he KNOWS she’s still in love, but he’s not asking her to stay or pushing her to give up on Adrien and omg this kid is too pure my poor son!
UPDATE: So, apparently the hate mostly comes from Luka being - excuse the pun but - “one note” where as Kagami is more fleshed out and well rounded? Really? We know just as much about her as we do Luka. Just because we’ve seen Kagami flawed and we haven’t particularly seen Luka stumble that makes her more well-rounded? What if we just haven’t seen what Luka’s bad at? It IS possible to write someone whose flaws don’t necessarily come up often without them being some 2D Mary Sue. Give the writers (and Luka) a chance....
Awww. Adrien feeling guilty about leaving Paris and Ladybug. :’( But look at how cheered up he was just by SEEING Marinette! LOOK AT HOW HE RACED TO HER TO SEE WHERE SHE WAS SITTING!
Aaaaand then she panics. -_- This could have been Startrain all over again, but NOOOOO she’s now so focused on “he’s just a friend and I have to get over him” that she just has 0 chill around him anymore. -_- Go back to admitting you have a crush and just stumbling over yourself around him, huh?
(The Adrienette is STRONG in this scene though and I’m eating it up)
LOOK AT HOW DISAPPOINTED ADRIEN LOOKS SINCE SHE RAN OFF FROM HIM! WHYYYYYYY? And he has to be stuck sitting between his bodyguard and Mendeleiev. Poor kid doesn’t even have a friend to chat with on the long flight. TT3TT 
(So kind of serves Marinette right that she ALSO feels guilty about leaving Paris and now she has Mr. Damocles falling asleep on her instead of Adrien!)
I do appreciate that Cristina seems to be remembering Marinette’s voice more-or-less finally. Yay.
EEEEEE The sunset on the plane scene!!!!! <3 He speaks so softly to her and <3 <3 <3 (Also... Bryce Papenbrook seemed to have lost his Adrien voice in this recording... -_- )
UUUgh... was that still Ben Diskin doing Nino’s voice during the whole Operation New York dialogue with Alya? That didn’t sound anything like Nino! *sigh* Again, the main problem I have with this is the actors didn’t seem to get back into character before recording. Such a shame.
UPDATE: It was in fact NOT Ben Diskin anymore. :’( The new voice actor did well enough, but it just wasn’t Nino. I’m sure it will feel more like him the more I hear it, but I already miss the Southern Cali 90s Surfer Dude accent, even if it made no sense for a Gen Z Parisian to have it in the first place.
Awww, Mr. Damocles changing into his Knight Owl costume. <3 And then had to change back out of it. XD
They... actually named a superhero Uncanny Valley......
Knight Owl and Sparrow, AKA Batman and Robin.
“That’s just Captain Redlight directing traffic.” XD I mean, yeah, we have a lot of superhero characters but I think this is a bit much.
Alya oh so discretely pointing to Marinette as Nino directs Adrien to look out the window to see how beautiful NYC is. XD
AAAAAAND sliding doors vs Adrienette part 1. LOL I love how Aeon instantly figured out that Adrienette belong together.
Ooooooo Sabrina is gonna get herself an American boyfriend (And look at how jealous Chloe gets XD)
Adrien’s Soft Smile as Marinette realizes she was resting her hand on his stomach as she was hiding from Ms. Mendeleiev. So cute!
“Is it a bird?” “A plane” “No, it’s Hotdog Dan!” Oh. Em. Gee. Seriously? Ketchup Boy and Mustard Justice? Why!? Who came up with these code names!? XDDD
eeeeeeeeeeeee THE FLOATING SCENE!!!!
Also, helium-voiced Nino commenting about his chick having wings <3
Adrien’s soft asking Marinette to dance with him? He was practically PLEADING for her to say yes! And then she just scurries away from him!? And he grabs her hand to stop her from floating away. And then they just... nuzzle into each other as they dance and... yup. I’m screaming. <3 <3 <3 <3 (Also, the dance was at a party Chloe threw to prove to Adrien that she can be nice; it wasn’t her birthday, but I guess canonically it now was????)
Superheroes in America don’t have to hide their identities... perhaps someone should look into the comic book run of Avengers Civil War and decide if that’s a good thing... >_>
“I don’t mind being stuck with a friend like you” My heart is just flatlining. Like. ADRIEN, JUST SAY YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER ALREADY, OKAY!?
Jess and Aeon’s plan is as convoluted as one of Marinette’s XD I just love these two and I hope we see more of them.
Ah, Alya and Nino are good at manipulating their friends. 
Paris is under attack! Oh no! 0_0 
Ah, bargain-bin Doctor Octopus
After fully watching the special I know the answer, but when first hearing Sparrow I wondered if maybe Jess was genderfluid. Kind of a reverse of the Sailor Stars.
The transformation for the American heroes is both awesome and ridiculous and I love them.
“Marinette’s in danger” Adrien then INSTANTLY becomes Chat Noir to save her! <3 <3 <3 <3 I FREAKED when I first watched this part because I was afraid he might have spotted (excuse the pun) Marinette transforming. I was also curious how they were going to explain why they were in NYC. “I’ll explain later” is a good excuse. They are preoccupied by the villain and that gives him time to come up with a lie. Smart?
Aaaaand Cristina Vee forgot her Ladybug voice again. I hope this isn’t a new thing; switching up her voice for Ladybug. I’m not much of a fan, especially since she hasn’t always done it. :/
It kills me that Sparrow constantly comments about not calling for backup and gets in trouble for not calling when Sparrow DID try and the communicator was destroyed.
*flinch* The Chat Noir Cataclysm scene. My heart. It hurts. Poor Adrien. </3 All the guilt he has to hold for the majority of the second half of this thing.
EDIT: Totally forgot about the “American superhero gets understandably emotional over a loved one and smashes the villain through about half-a-dozen buildings with complete disregard for the collateral damage” trope.
Dollar Store Batman couldn’t figure out the manhole cover wasn’t in place. Whoops.
The breakdown scene where Ladybug lets Chat Noir know about how her powers work and how she can’t repair Paris. And Adrien giving up his powers. </3 And even though she’s so upset, and she felt betrayed by Chat Noir, the fact that she INSTANTLY yelled when she heard him renouncing his Miraculous and relinquishing it to Ladybug! And her TEARS as she realizes she lost him and won’t be able to return his Miraculous to him since she can’t even ask Fu to return it anymore!? Aaaaaaaaa! My heart!
“Gilbert?” XD I’m sorry but just hearing the poor little Eagle calling out the name is just too adorable.
The press conference requesting the NYC residents to stay inside until further notice. >_> Yeah... that... that might not work out so well if real life is any indication.....
“I wouldn’t have minded being stuck here a little longer with a friend like you.” >______< OH MY GOD, ADRIEN! (Also, Bryce lost his Adrien voice again... *sigh*)
Oh, and Marinette trying to chase him down to finally confess!? TT3TT
Oh man. Releasing a superhero from her fear of her powers. That can’t be.... yup. There goes like a dozen buildings in Manhattan.... -_-
Of course the POTUS is a superhero as well.... with access to weapons. Greaaaat. This isn’t a terrifying thought right about now.
About a million missile launchers hidden throughout the streets of NYC... >_< This isn’t hitting close to home or anything.
Eeeeeee. Marinette isn’t just unsure she can be Ladybug without A Chat Noir. She needs HER Chat Noir. She needs ADRIEN specifically. (Also, there goes Bryce once more forgetting his Adrien voice. Maybe he forgot what Adrien sounds like when he’s sad???)
UPDATE: Can we just talk for a minute the significance that Uncanny Valley - the superhero (accidentally) KILLED by Chat Noir (even if she was revived shortly after) - is the one happily returning Adrien’s superhero powers to him? How she has NO malice towards whatsoever towards Chat Noir? How SHE is the one to tell him that “to err is human”!? Beautiful! Love it! 
Nice. I liked that Uncanny can’t see the kwamis. Nice continuity.
THE LADYNOIR GLOMP! She was so afraid to never see him again. I LOVE how much this solidifies how important he is to HER, if not the team itself. 
The Americans being coerced by a foreign power to start a world war. -_- This truly is hitting too close to home right now....
Uh...How did Ladybug come up with the plan to trick Doorman to go to the Statue of Liberty? Both her and Adrien were already out of the room when he talked about the mystery of Eiffel’s safe inside the statue, and Marinette didn’t have any time to talk to Alya, so the two of them couldn’t have discussed how Doorman resisted figuring out this mystery because you don’t use your superhero powers for personal gain. Did she just luck into there being a mystery there that Doorman wanted to solve? Slight continuity issue there with the writing.... Whoops.
Awww, poor Doorman. He just wants to know the answer to the mystery!
Eagle’s transformation is so awesome! I love it. I love her. I want more of these American superheroes and wielders.
I love that Knight Owl and Sparrow are hand-me-down superhero titles! 
Oh my god, Hawk Moth slowly walking backwards dramatically from the window. XD WHY IS THIS MAN SO EXTRA AS WELL!? At least we know where Adrien gets it from. :P
So the American Miracle Box looks like it’s filled with Native American styled jewelry. So... are they based off the spirit totems!? I NEED TO KNOW MOOOOOOOORE!
UPDATE: Upon really paying attention to the opening credits, yes, the American Miraculous do indeed seem to be based off spirit totems.
I’m sure there’s more that I reacted to in real-time, but, as I mentioned at the top, I wasn’t writing fast enough to keep up with the pace of the show itself, so this is also largely by memory. :P Oh well. Always wanted to do a sort of reaction post about this series. One thing off the fandom bucket list, I guess.
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yureimori · 7 years
get to know me tag! i got tagged by @random-hylian yeehaw rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
@hero-of-thighs @phillozophy @welcometofeelstowneveryonesdead @ureshiibri @ka-lada @anime-suckx @spoiledspine @notsosilentprincess @zeldaofhyrule @mewtyn @czat @mikey-hunter @circulargoat @assipattle
im sorry that’s not 20 but i can’t think of anyone else,, (oh and if anyone i tagged doesn’t want to do this it is a-ok my dude)
also gonna put this under the cut bc wowie that’s a lot of text
THE LAST: 1. Drink: agua  2. Phone call: mmmm i think it was one of my friends 3. Text message: my mom 4. Song you listened to: gerudo valley theme 5. Time you cried: im probably crying as i write this tbh HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah 8. Been cheated on: nope 9. Lost someone special: yeah (some through death and some because like.. they moved away. also my dog) 10. Been depressed : bihf im always depressed 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: light blue, peach, and lavander IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yee
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: yes yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: ??? does it count of like i walked into a room and someone was like ‘oh hey we were just talking abt you’
19. Met someone who changed you: idk,,
20. Found out who your friends are: whta does this mean
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: uhhh,, i kissed my mom on the cheek
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them bc my only friends on there are family
23. Do you have any pets: a wONDerFUl cat
24. Do you want to change your name: maybe but i dunno
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i just chilled at home and talked to some nerds
26. What time did you wake up: once at 7, then 9, then 10 rip
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: talking on skype with @phillozophy and @welcometofeelstowneveryonesdead abt how i was gonna fuck a spider
28. Name something you can’t wait for: im going to a very small local con with some friends in august so that’ll be fun
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like two seconds ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: ahhhhhh i’d like to change a lot of things,,, maybe not look so feminine
31. What are you listening to right now: animal crossing new leaf music
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my uncle
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: ppl telling me to stop being quiet/shy/etc. oh and ‘you wouldn’t be so depressed if you had a better attitude and smiled more!!’
34. Most visited website: this hellsite and yoot-toob
35. Mole/s: none i think
36. Mark/s: i have some scars on my ankles 
37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a tailor
38. Hair color: darkish brown but it’s bleached currently
39. Long or short hair: shorttt
40. Do you have a crush on someone: my man feelings are confusing and i can’t tell if i just get strong platonic feeling or chill romantic feelings
41. What do you like about yourself: hhhhhhhhh i think my eyebrows are cool
42. Piercings: nah
43. Blood type: i,,,, i don’t know
44. Nickname: li and yurei 
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
47. Pronouns: i like to use they/them mostly
49. Tattoos: don’t have any but maybe in the future
50. Right or left hand: right handed
51. Surgery: yes but im not gonna get into it
52. Hair dyed in different color: i tried dying my hair pink but it washed out after like, a day. i might try to do blue soon, though
53. Sport: i can stare blankly at my ceiling for 3 hours
55. Vacation: most recent one was in new jersey like maybe 2, 3 years ago
56. Pair of trainers: i thought this meant training wheels  MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i had a sandwich an hour ago 58. Drinking: i haven’t had any liquid all day whoops,, 59. I’m about to: i wanna play animal crossing or skyward sword rlly badly 61. Waiting for: death am i rite kids haha 62. Want: m kinda wanting chicken nuggets tbh 63. Get married: mm probably not but who knows 64. Career: i want to be an illustrator or maybe a storyboard artist 
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs they are warm and soft yes good good 66. Lips or eyes: yOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE YOUR  E Y E S 67. Shorter or taller: both are good 68. Older or younger: maybe younger?? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: probably stomach 71. Sensitive or loud: mm both 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: also both as long as trouble isn’t like,, gonna hurt someone bad HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: my brother gave me a baby spoon of pumpkin beer once and it was actaully disgusting 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: all the time 77. Turned someone down: ye 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: i hope not 80. Had your heart broken: no 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: i might get teary eyed but of someone dies i just kinda feel numb 83. Fallen for a friend: maybe im not sure
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: hell no 85. Miracles: ye 86. Love at first sight: no 87. Santa Claus: nah 88. Kiss on the first date: depends?? maybe??? first date seems kinda soon
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: aaaaAAAAA HEATHER RANDI LOZY LILY AND CODA I DON’T CARE IF THAT’S TOO MANY BEST FRIENDS I LOVE ALL OF THEM SO MUCHSAADFVBGNH 91. Eye color: greyish blue 92. Favorite movie: howl’s!! moving!! castle!!!!!!
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extraplanaire-blog · 7 years
i want the k aaaaaaaaa
time to die meme ! // accepting // @mujonainu5) eyes gouged out eye gore my favourite ☆ ~(���▽^人)
this is really long i got excited.
Constant regeneration is very exhausting, but of Lovecraft has one use it’s dogged perseverance.
A skill which Akutagawa does not possess.
The mafia hound stands hunched, one head of [rashomon] taking guard of his stomach and providing support for the boy that leans over it, the other still managing to stay upright, eyeing Lovecraft threatening.
Lovecraft does not like dogs, and these fabric mutts are no better. (They take even larger bites out of him than flesh dogs do, they’re worse.) The fabric dogs have done their best at their master’s command, taking off limbs (and head, once, which actually gave Lovecraft several minutes of pause as he attempted to reform it), trying to run him though, so forth. Reforming his body always worked, and the poor, stupid child always left large enough pieces of Lovecraft where it did not take him long to reassemble himself from a temporary death.
(Mark the number of people in this city who have killed him up to two, and Akutagawa did it over & over & over & over & over–
                  but fortune does not favour bemired strays, now does it.)
Akutagawa coughs violently, doubled over his pet beast and spattering the ground with crimson when he finally moves his hand away from his mouth. Lovecraft almost manages to feel pity on him– would it not be easier to die? Would it not be easier to simply subject to what Lovecraft has been tasked with? Lovecraft has already stated he is not going to kill Akutagawa, but the boy’s response seems to have nearly killed him already, before Lovecraft could properly act.
Pride, or something similar, an open maw at Akutagawa’s back to kill him if he runs.
What a waste (he rather liked this boy).
(He liked the boy’s pride, too, but ah well.)
Lovecraft continues his dogged path forward, holding one dissolved arm half-up, the tentacles emerging out of his coatsleeve gathering to attention and making their way much quicker to Akutagawa. He stares, eyes solid black, his human form in shambles. (It’s too much effort to ensure he is correctly reforming time after time after time. It’s easier to just let the muscle fibers in half his throat remain tentacles.)
Akutagawa coughs again, hard enough to only narrowly avoid retching. The rashomon behind him readies itself, then darts forward, maw open.
Teeth connect with tentacle, ripping yet another chunk away from Lovecraft’s body. But there’s more, there always are, and the ones that Rashomon missed curl just behind its head, more follow further down its neck.
Lovecraft beheads it, and the beast crumples to a shred of coat in the wind.
“I am so tired…. Tired, hungry, let’s get this over with.” Lovecraft’s voice is hoarse, and the words are out of sync with the minimal movement of his mouth. “Hold still… it’s not death.” The one consolation he has to offer in the hopes of making this boy stop being so violent, though he knows it’s really not going to work.
The only reason the rashomon head isn’t back and continuing to bite at his is because Akutagawa doesn’t have the energy to reform it, it’s too much effort to stay standing that no room is left for fighting more directly.
Akutagawa spits blood at him in between ragged breaths.
Lovecraft is unaffected.
Persistence hunting is such a hassle.
Work is such a hassle.
Lovecraft mutters such to himself as he trudges to Akutagawa, who has receeded as far as he can go amongst the port. When he’s only a few meters away, he hears Akutagawa curse, mutter something. The hound in front of him disappears, running into the ground, and Akutagawa is left hunching over himself, wheezing.
The coat runs up in spikes, ramming through Lovecraft’s feet and anything else they can get high enough to reach every few steps. It doesn’t hurt. He’s too far gone for things to hurt, Lovecraft only notices it in the tugs of resistance as he tears skin through around the spires, tentacles wearily tugging themselves out of extradimensional space into his body to repair the wounds so he can continue walking.
Tentacles curl towards Akutagawa, their mass mindless and unaffected by the spikes that keep emerging to puncture through them as they wind around Akutagawa’s feet and upward until he’s restrained.
Akutagawa bristles as Lovecraft approaches– quite literally, the fabric of his clothing becoming sharp and abrasive in a last resort that does nothing. Lovecraft stops to stand in front of the mutt.
Akutagawa glares at him, the inability to fully reform Rashomon and the blood left smeared around his mouth not a deterrent at all to his fury.
“I’ll kill you, I–” he rasps, cut off by a sharp hack.
“You already have,” Lovecraft replies. How many more times must the kid try and kill him. “Leave it alone, I need to rest….”
Akutagawa would not have left it alone, were it up to him. It is not up to him. Lovecraft digs in his coat pocket, unconcerned as a tentacle winds its way nicely over Akutagawa’s mouth.
A nice muzzle.
A better muzzle once Lovecraft’s tentacle has enough grip to curl over his teeth, take purchase about his lower jaw and wrench downwards until there’s a nicely effective crack.
He won’t have to deal with Akutagawa talking, this way, and all he gets now is muffled screaming at him.
Lovecraft can deal with that.
No situation is perfect. Sometimes things have to be noisy.
It’ll stop being a problem once he just finishes his job. It is merely a simple maiming. Only difficult in that killing people is so much easier and requires so much less complexity, but he’s already here.
He pulls a borrowed switchblade out of his pocket. “This is a warning,” he informs Akutagawa absently, looking at the blade as it flips outward. Lovecraft sighs. Yes, that is all Akutagawa is– though the mafia will probably kill him themselves.
Or something.
That’s not his problem.
Lovecraft squints at the mass of tentacles around Akutagawa. Ah. Yes. That’s where his other hand went. He needs more fingers, though, they have nicer purchase than tentacles. A few seconds before his right hand reforms, rising out from where it vaguely should be within his coatsleeve, tentacles parting and more wrapping around Akutagawa from under Lovecraft’s coat body to account for the ones that left to make Lovecraft’s hand.
He flexes fingers experimentally. There we go. It works.
New hand lies against Akutagawa’s face, despite the boy’s best efforts to angrily shake him off. Lovecraft pulls Akutagawa’s face back, pulling eyelid open as the boy screeches muffled threats and whatever other panicked nonsense at him. Lovecraft doesn’t pay attention, instead noting that fingernails are quite useful in keeping the kid’s eye open.
The wonders of humanoid anatomy.
The knife is pressed against the outer corner of Akutagawa’s eye; the kid leaning backwards doesn’t do much to help him. The kid tears up involuntarily, unsurprising, but still keeps the anger in his eyes and gaze fixed on Lovecraft, which is more surprising. He’s a strong kid. Too bad.
Switchblade digs in, popping open sclera. It is not the cleanest enucleation ever done, blood and vitreous fluid waste little time falling down Akutagawa’s cheek as Lovecraft wiggles the blade further in. Messy and imprecise, he’d very much like a smaller knife. A scalpel would be nice.
But he’ll work with that he has, and what he has is digging a thin knife in an arc around a kid’s ocular orbit until he scrapes bone. Something-something cut the ocular nerve without jarring it too badly.
It bleeds a lot, blood dribbling out of the socket and taking pieces of eye with it. It shows no sign of clotting, either, after Lovecraft finally procures one incredibly mangled eye.
The remains of the organ are flicked to the ground among the rest of the blood pooled around Akutagawa. Lovecraft wonders to himself if the kid’s going to bleed out before the mafia finds him or not (a question only relevant because if the kid’s going to be dead when found, all the effort put into mangling him would be quite a waste).
Instructions were to maim and blind, and he’s not done with that yet.
It’s only the subdued rocking of the kid that shows Lovecraft that he hasn’t passed out yet, blood loss taking its toll on Akutagawa’s already-exhausted energy. He mumbles against muzzle, something muffled and uncertain in tone (fearful? angry? Lovecraft will think angry).
Lovecraft sighs and moves on to the next eye. He mutters in return to Akutagawa about being tired as the kid’s muffled noises increase in volume and frequency.
He pats Akutagawa’s cheek once before wrenching the kid’s eye open, in some poor facsimile of consolation. (It’s what people do, to convey some emotion right? Yes. A consolation– you’re an alright kid, too bad you were decided to be the sacrifice.) It’s more difficult the second time, Lovecraft has to wipe blood off his hand, then Akutagawa’s cheek where his thumb left it, as things keep slipping. The entire lower half of his hand is coated in blood and it makes things much more difficult than they need to be, in terms of gripping things. Not much time is wasted, because Lovecraft’s starting to be concerned about the continued dripping of blood from Akutagawa’s  right eye socket (it will be such a waste of effort, such a waste of effort, if he exsanguinates before Lovecraft can set him on his merry way to the nearest Mafia hive.
It’s messy, Lovecraft doesn’t care. The knife makes a neat, deep arc after being shoved into Akutagawa’s left eye, to renewed noises from the kid. Another pull downwards, scoring against the skull, and about three-fourths of Akutagawa’s left eye joins the right on the ground.
“That’s good enough,” Lovecraft murmurs wearily to himself. It’s not like the third of the retina left could do anything. He did what he was told. The mafia hound is blind. Blood wells up in the socket, falling around Akutagawa’s eyelid as it drops with Lovecraft’s release hold.
A little like crying, but thicker. More colourful. The blood overwhelms the real panicked tears, anyways.
Lovecraft’s hold on Akutagawa lessens, and the boy does nothing but murmur, barely conscious, and buckle forward. He’s narrowly spared from falling facefirst to the ground and, in all likelihood, drowning in his own blood (if anyone were to have that fate, Akutagawa’s destiny would find a way to ensure it was him). Lovecraft frowns. Must everything be left up to him? When will he be free to rest… there is so much work to be done.
He listens to Akutagawa’s breathing as he picks the boy up about the midsection, tentacles dragging him off as a parcel behind Lovecraft.
Where to go… he was told to make a statement, but without the boy to wander off (humans are less resilient than he thought), Lovecraft isn’t certain where to go.
(If only he read Alcott’s reports on where the Mafia seemed to localize.)
He settles for where he dimly recalled the guild ship last being docked, before it exploded. It’s nearby enough, and still within port mafia territory.
Trailing Akutagawa’s blood behind him, Lovecraft wanders off until he finds a building he’s pleased to set Akutagawa against.
He regards the boy carefully. He’s still breathing, but not very well. Lovecraft pushes his head back to see if it’ll make the unconscious body sit up straight, but that fails predictably. Oh well. A message was written, a message was sent. Not everything can be arranged nicely.
Red still sticks to his heels, leaving tracks as he ambles off back to the ocean, job effectively completed. Mafia’s move now.
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