#still feels weird tagging that. like this probably could be classified as one but it doesn’t feel right. yknow.
aroace-poly-show · 6 months
buahh i need to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me
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lemonzestywrites · 3 months
writing patterns
tagged by @jeeyuns @devirnis ty lovelies!!
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
a foundation of trust a love we cannot see
| buck/eddie, WIP, explicit, BDSM, slow burn, fwb (3/17 ch. 61k) |
Weird calls aren’t unusual in their field. That’s a simple given with their job- one that Eddie has definitely come to learn by now.
let me find some warmth inside this little love of mine
| buck/eddie, teen, new year’s eve, first kiss, mutual pining (4k) |
Loud and Eddie are two things that usually have a record of not mixing well. Eddie can deal with chaotic. He can deal with crazy and hectic and adrenaline seizing his body during every call.
the last shred of truth in the lost myth of true love
| buck/eddie, explicit, introspection, fwb, getting together (25k) |
Eddie wants to be supportive about this; really, he does.
the place in my heart that used to be yours
| buck/eddie, general, angst, bedside vigils, feelings realization (1.9k) |
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
temptation comes from wants we cannot yet claim
| buck/eddie, teen, angst, coma, getting together, dream (8k) |
There’s a soft feeling that gradually, from the depths of Eddie’s chest, finds itself being emerged as he’s eased awake. The slumber makes its way out of his body in a slow, methodical pull. It makes no rush to leave, allowing Eddie to enjoy the gentle serenity that the early morning still has to offer.
our sweet love (built on the unspoken things)
| buck/eddie, 5+1, getting together, mutual pining, non-sexual intimacy (8k) |
Eddie isn’t really sure he could really classify himself as a coffee person.
five more minutes
| buck/eddie, established relationship, snuggle, morning cuddles (2k) |
Eddie really wishes he could learn how to properly sleep in. To lie in bed, asleep without a care on a weekend like this, and wake up sometime past 9 o’clock. To him, ‘sleeping in’ has always been whenever he finds himself the luxury of having to wake up anytime past 5:45 am, but today, like most days, his inner body clock works against him. Even without his alarm, Eddie found himself easing out of slumber, the world around him growing more present and alert as the sleep rolled off his shoulders.
jadeite hearts could never cost this much
| buck/eddie, first kiss, sharing a bed, non-sexual intimacy (6k) |
If Eddie is being completely honest with himself, he has definitely thought about kissing Buck a couple of times before (maybe more than a couple if he’s being generous). He can’t exactly pinpoint when he started doing it; there’s no definitive moment that set it all off. Just one day, he had found himself staring off at Buck’s lips, transfixed on a phantom feeling that he could only dream to experience. His mind drifted, wondering what it would feel like, how soft Buck’s lips would be, where exactly he’d place his hands. It had taken an embarrassing couple of minutes before he had caught himself, only then realizing the severity of the situation and what that meant.
t-rex kisses
| buck/eddie, established relationship, late night conversations, non sexual intimacy (1.7k) |
Buck loves his job. Undeniably so. It’s probably one of, if not the best, things that’s ever happened to him, and he could never imagine life without it. It’s brought him so many amazing things in his life now: belonging, safety, love, a place to call home, people to call family, and in recent developments- the newfound love of his life.
exactly what you were looking for
| buck/eddie, domestic fluff, established relationship, marriage proposal (3k) |
Eddie is 6 years old, sitting in Adriana’s room, watching as his older sister plays with her Barbies without a care in the world, when in the smallest, most curious voice, he asks, “How do you know when you’ve found your true love?”
it’s super interesting to see my little habits all laid out like this! obviously i might have a preference on pov 😅 but i love doing little character introspections or even just random little factoids i later dive into- this is very fun!!
tagging- @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @kitteneddiediaz @aroeddiediaz @wildlife4life and anyone else interested!!
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neuxue · 7 months
from the maximum trojan mindfuck list, if you don't mind, which of those books would you recommend individually?
It would depend on what I know of your reading tastes and interests, really. I don't think any of those four are on my 'would not recommend to anyone under any circumstances' list, but nor would I put them on an 'everyone go read this immediately regardless of what you usually enjoy' list.
So if you don't want to complete the full trojan mindfuck, some brief guidance below to help you determine which ones you might be interested in:
The Iliad: I feel like this one's worth reading (at least in some version) if you're going to read any of the others, just because it's the (or in one case, a) basis from which they're drawing. And also because it's one of The Classics, and one so frequently adapted or referenced in the Western canon. For that alone I'd say it's a good one to at least be familiar with, but I do think it's a compelling story in its own right, especially if you're into proud doomed heroes, the impetus for and costs of war, and what happens when all the ties that bind - of love or loyalty or fate - collide. Also if you, like me, are into the weird bond that exists between the great champions of opposing sides, and the moment that shifts from symbolic opposition to personal vengeance.
The Song of Achilles: I will say this is the one on this list that I enjoyed the least; it's just... not really for me (with the exception of a single sentence - boys trained for music and medicine, and unleashed for murder - that found its way into my brain and parked itself there), but I also think it draws more scathing criticism than it perhaps deserves, from those who despise it. If you'll forgive the flippancy, though, I think the most concise description I could give this would be 'Angsty Soft Gay Iliad', in a way that feels very ~2012-2015 tumblr. You may enjoy this if you like the idea of reading a doomed hero's story from the perspective of their best friend/sidekick/lover, or the idea of The Iliad but with characters who are gentler, or if your first stop after reading The Iliad is the Achilles/Patroclus AO3 tag. I would probably not recommend this if you're here for sharper/darker characters, the brutality of war, or complex politics.
The Silence of the Girls: This might be the one I would recommend most widely, not necessarily because I enjoyed it more than the others, but because of the modern three on this list it's the one I feel the least 'it really depends on your tastes' about (though it does come with some content warnings). I think what I liked about this, especially in contrast to some of the feminist Greek mythology/ classics retellings that have been popular of late, is the way it leans into the 'original' story even (especially?) when that's uncomfortable, rather than reshaping it into something more appealing to a modern audience. Obviously the latter has its place as well, but I really like how Pat Barker navigates this. Briseis is not a girlboss and Achilles is a nightmare, and all these characters feel at once so recognisable as their legendary selves but also so very human, in the best and worst meanings of that word. Read this if you like characters who are not easily classified as good or bad, if you enjoyed the messiness of the Iliad and the characters involved in it, and if you thought 'but wait, what would that look like if you were not one of the chosen of the gods?'
Terra Ignota: oh man, what to even say here. This might be the one on this list that I enjoyed the most (though at times I still struggle to decide whether enjoyed is even the right word), but it might also be the one I would be most... particular about who I recommend it to. It's extraordinarily unhinged, extremely committed to an on-the-surface absurdly pretentious bit, and the layers of narrative unreliability mean that at times it feels like a thousand-plus-page trust-fall as you just have to hope that the author knows what she's doing. Also this is one where it's probably easier to list the content warnings that don't apply as those that do. That said, this series is an experience, and the sheer scale and scope of what Ada Palmer pulls off in the space of four (admittedly long) books is kind of astonishing, especially because you get a depth to it that stories with that level of ambition in terms of setting and characters and concept and style and-- don't always manage to deliver. Read this if extreme content warnings and characters who have done monstrous things are incentives rather than warnings to you, if you like complex politics that are almost indistinguishable from complex interpersonal relationships, if you struggle to find narrators who are unreliable enough to suit your tastes, and if you want a story that believes in hope and the good of humanity but doesn't soften edges or skim over the darkest facets of it to get there. Or, I guess, if you're really into The Enlightenment and want to see it as a space opera. ('Wait Lia I thought this was The Iliad?' that too. When I say this series is ambitious.)
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metamercury · 30 days
I was tagged by @darksidekelz
Thank you!
Rules: look back on your works, both past and present, finished and unfinished. What are five to ten narrative elements or tropes that continuously pop up in your work? Give a list of these things!
Hmm, this is hard for me because how are we defining narrative elements? But I've been thinking it over. Idk if these all classify as elements, but they're themes I guess?
It's about the Yearning I've noticed for sure that I don't write a lot about tropes or physicality. I can probably count on one hand the number I've times I've written kissing or anything like that. It's not about the kissing here, it's not about if things are requited or unrequited, complicated or simple, absolute and engulfing in the case of dcrampage -- it could be any one of those things. There is always the yearning, and that tends to be what I focus on in one way or another. But it does leave me feeling quite often that I've written yet another fic where nothing really happens hahaha
Two guys fighting Nothing much to say about this. Probably 50% of what I write can be boiled down to two guys fighting. I just like to write people who want to fight each other. I like to write fights. Even when I write Ironwasp they're usually competing (or it's post-stockades angst and they're still fighting. I really write fighting a lot). Sometimes it gets out of hand and I can't get the characters to stop fighting long enough to actually do anything else (see: anything maxwil i've ever written)
Jokes that other people hate hearing One of my favourite things to do when writing fic is to make references to things in the series (or a related series) that the character Doesn't Know, but the reader does. I especially like to do this when it foreshadows bad things that are definitely going to happen. When Alia would read these jokes she'd shout at me, but when I read them back in my own fic I think I'm hilarious. I do it all the time in a lot of fics, but I do it the most with Wasp. Obviously.
The Character Study Not sure if this counts as a narrative element? But I really like to write fic that are essentially just character studies maybe with a ship wrapped up in it for engagement lol. I do have some that are just straight character studies. It can also feel like I'm writing a fic about nothing when I do these, because the focus is on the person, not the plot (generally, for oneshots at least). But I really enjoy reading them back, so it's probably fine. I just love getting in there with a character.
If I'm gonna write smut it better be fucked up I don't think I've ever written smut that wasn't dub/noncon or at least had something shady and weird going on underneath the surface. Now, you'll say "well of course, you only ever wrote shockblurr porn" but i'd like to remind you of Fit Like A Glove and then also direct you to my wip folder where I've been sitting on a dino2/megs fic (d2 pov so you know it's fucked), a tfa swindle/starscream where the feature is necro, and a snuff film fic for a fandom that will not be named at this time, for about 6-8 years. One day I'll get around to these I hope.
If it's not about the Yearning, then it's about Denial Unreliable narrators are fun, as are characters whose thoughts don't match their actions. I mean a lot of the time this writes out as anger, which leads to two guys fighting, but Not Always (and here's where I'd link that shitty two-part vampire au if I had the want to do that). (Mnemonic is a much more angsty example). Also, for wips, I have a dcrampage wip that is just about this element from start to finish, because it's dc pov. Here's the handwritten note I have for myself about the concept of this one, basically word for word: What's it about? Obsession, always. Instincts. DC is a protector, it's in his coding. And Rampage is unlucky and tortured -- that's the truth no matter how much he'd love to forget it. Anger? Disgust? Dead dedication to the vengeance he's owed? Always. Until that slagger is offline for good. But for as much as DC has thrown away his humanity, it's not as easy to throw away his nature (plus gay) I really want to pick that one back up. Anyways, if the Denial let's you play with a bunch of fun emotions in a way that works with the character. Pride, Jealousy, Insecurity, Depression, and of course Being a Shell of the Mech You Once Were. It's fun!
Five Senses This one I think I do to my own detriment sometimes. But at some point while I was learning to write better over the last 10/15 years I started to really try to lock scenes within the senses. To have the narrative focus on not just sights, but smells, texture, ambient sounds to really try to ground the characters within their environments, put us within the head of the pov character. I think, doing so can really help to make things more graphic, which is good. But i also think sometimes it slogs down the narrative and actually takes us out of the pov to more of like a 3rd camera perspective so to speak? I dunno, i like the way things read back in the end but during writing it can really feel like it stalls the flow of the narrative. I was talking to alia about this not to long ago, her narratives are always so fluid, and i think I get in my own way trying to ground things sometimes. Sometimes. I'm not sure if this one counts as a narrative element either. But its something that's definitely a thing about the way I write that I notice.
Anyways! That's all I can think of that's worth pointing out. I want to write more, and remembering to appreciate my writing as a craft I think is part of that.
I tag @neuropraxia. Do this.
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mywhitetennisshoes · 2 years
All I Wanna Do Is Kiss Her Lips In My Bed - Robin X Nancy
Couple: Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler
Word count: 1.4k
Tags: First kiss, friends to lovers, fluff, wlw
Description: Nancy does Robin’s makeup and they may or may not have their first kiss…!
A/N: Hi it’s h! I posted this on ao3 a little bit ago but I wanted to post it here. It’s my first time posting a fic on tumblr so i’m sorry if it messes up somehow. Okay, anyway, love you guys!! Enjoy!
“Nance, do not bring that ANYWHERE near me. I’m so serious, Nancy, why are you laughing?” Robin is trying to contain a smile and a laugh as Nancy is holding a curling iron in one hand and foundation in the other.
“I just want to give you a makeover, that’s all!” Nancy is giggling, eyes crinkled as her smile gets bigger and bigger. Robin can’t take her eyes off of her.
Robin and Nancy have gotten closer. After Vecna reigned his terror on Hawkins, the group sort of re-formed. Everyone is back in Hawkins, everyone is friends again. Some are closer than others. Robin and Nancy would be classified as best friends, but they’ve never explicitly said so. It just seems like a weird combination, no one really expected it (if you ask Steve, he totally expected it. Nerd + nerd= a beautiful friendship. Besides, they can be a trio, so it’s a win-win for him).
All in all, Robin and Nancy hangout. Nancy got a job at the Video Store where Steve and Robin work so when Nancy is checking someone out, Robin is checking Nancy out. Sure, Robin has a crush on Nancy that’s been brewing since they were 15, but doesn’t everyone? That’s how she justifies it, anyway. Having a crush on your best friend's ex-girlfriend who he is potentially still in love with is not the best thing in the world. Despite trying to push down all of the feelings she has, she still can’t take her eyes off of Nancy sometimes.
Robin hesitates a few seconds, before eventually giving in and letting Nancy do her makeup. Nancy makes her sit on the edge of the bed while Nancy sits on her chair pulled up right in-front of her. Their legs brush when Nancy turns around to her desk to grab the makeup she needs. Robin blushes a bright shade of red.
The girls don’t talk for a while, and even if they did talk, Robin probably wouldn’t be able to respond because she is holding her breath. While she is watching Nancy focus so heavily on Robin, it takes her breath away and she doesn’t get it back. Nancy is messing with Robin’s face in numerous ways with powder and liquid stuff that Robin isn’t too sure of.
Nancy’s eyes keep darting back and forth from Robin’s eyes to her cheeks, where she’s now applying blush. Nancy’s face looks like she’s working out a mathematical equation.
“Nance, what are you thinking about?” It took all of the oxygen in the room for Robin to ask her that.
She snaps out of the trance she was in, shaking her head and turning around to grab more makeup products. “I’m just trying to figure out how i can do you eye makeup like this.” She takes one of her arms and reaches toward Robin’s eyes and realizes that that angle won’t work.
“I mean, I could like, lay down if that would be easier?”
“Actually, yes that will work. Go lay your head on those pillows right there and I’ll grab the rest of my eye makeup!” She jumps up excitedly to grab her makeup from her desk as Robin scoots all the way back on the bed to lay her head down.
Nancy climbs back on the bed, one hand is being used to steady herself and the other is holding all of the things she’ll need. She sticks herself to the right of Robin’s torso, leaning over to see if that angle will work.
“Uhm, I’m not sure how well this will work with me right here. Is it- is it okay if I like climb over your lap to do your makeup?” Nancy looks casual asking this while Robin is having an internal freakout.
“Uhm sure, yeah, yeah that should be completely fine.” Her face looks anything BUT fine and Nancy looks like she can tell but she didn’t say anything about it.
“Okay, awesome!” Nancy once again uses one hand to steady herself as she kneels over Robin’s lap and sits herself down. Robin lifts up the top half of her body to fully see the sight of Nancy Wheeler sitting on her lap about to do her makeup. This alone makes Robin’s heart speed up to an unhealthy degree. She slams her body back down as Nancy starts to hover over her face.
Suddenly, Nancy’s face is only about 10 inches away from Robin’s as she starts rubbing eyeshadow on her eyes. She can smell the mint gum that Nancy was chewing just a little bit ago. The eyeshadow doesn’t take long, it’s slathering powder onto eyes, but next is the eyeliner.
Nancy whispers to Robin as she gets even closer. “Okay, I’m going to hold your face while I do your eyeliner, is that okay?” Robin’s heart stops beating all together.
“Uh, yes yes of course you can.” She sounds and feels like she’s drunk 10 cups of coffee. Everything is buzzing and fast.
Nancy nods her head ‘yes’ slightly with a smile on her face. She puts her left hand up to Robin’s face, her thumb is on her cheek and the rest of her hand is on her jaw and neck. She’s focusing on the eyeliner now, but all Robin can do is think about how close they are. The eyeliner is cold and distracting and only one of Robin’s eye are open but she swears she can see Nancy looking at her lips.
Nancy finishes her right eye in no time, so she moves on to her left eye. She shifts her body just a little and is now even closer to Robin’s face. Her left hand staying where it’s been as Nancy’s thumb starts to slowly move against Robin’s face. Robin’s breathing halts as she feels Nancy’s thumb moving up and down. Nancy has stopped doing Robin’s eyeliner and is now just looking down at her.
“Nance…” Robin is whispering but she doesn’t know what to say or do.
Nancy whispers back. “Can I kiss you?” Her eyes flicker from Robin’s eyes to her lips.
Robin’s eyes scan Nancy’s face for any signs that it’s a prank or a joke. She looks dead serious.
Robin swallows hard and it’s the only thing that’s audible until a few seconds later when she says, “yes.”
Nancy caps the eyeliner and sets it down on the bed to the right of Robin. She moves back to where she was looking at Robin, but now both of her hands are on Robin’s face. Robin’s hands are on Nancy’s waist, holding her or else it will feel like a dream, like it’s not real.
Nancy moves slowly, it looks like she's not even moving at all. When her face gets closer and closer to Robin’s, she squeezes her eyes shut and Robin does the same. Their lips connect and it was like all the oxygen was removed from the room. Their lips move slowly, careful not to startle the other. Robin’s grip on Nancy’s waist has become tighter, grabbing onto her pink blouse as a lifeline. Nancy’s thumbs are stroking each side of Robin’s jaw. Everything is delicate and warm.
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
a different type of high (spencer reid/reader) pt 5
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Title: A Different Type of High (part five)
Request: no
Couple: spencer reid/gender-neutral!reader
Category: angst/fluff 
Content Warning: swearing, mentions of drug use/withdrawl, mentions of narcotics anonymous, anxiety, comments about someone’s weight (for like a quick second), mentions of smoking (cigarettes)
Word Count: 4,192
Summary: Reader goes to the BAU offices to meet the rest of the team, where they find out how Spencer met them. And reader and Emily have a heart to heart about their life.
A/N: i don’t have much to say here, other than thanks for reading this and loving it so much. I wasn’t expecting it to get as much attention as it’s getting! so thank you all for the love and support! check out my masterlist!
previous part    series masterlist    next part
A white and blue plastic tag was clipped to my nicest shirt. The word ‘VISITOR’ was printed in bright red at the bottom. I glanced at Spencer, feeling my anxiety start to rise in my stomach and up my throat. He seemed different here. I supposed he had to be different here because it was, indeed, his job. He had to pretend to not be a drug addict, and going through tough shit in life with some girl he met at NA. 
“Can we get lunch after?” I looked up at him as we stepped onto the elevator. Spencer was close beside me and it was nice having his presence so close to me. “Or coffee or something?” I looked back at the doors of the elevator. The lighting was more of a crispy white light, and I’m sure the rest of this building has this bright and blinding light.
“Of course… My treat since I brought you out here,” Spencer looked back down at me. He lifted an arm and wrapped it around back in a weird side hug. I swallowed and nodded before looking at the ground. 
“Do you know what we’re going to tell them?” I looked back up at him. And before he got the chance to answer, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. I dropped my shoulders and looked at the now open doors.
Spencer looked down at me with an apologetic look in his eye. He slowly lifted his hand, offering it to me to hold as some sort of comfort. I stared at it for a moment before grasping it. I looked up at his face and forced a smile, silently telling him that we could move. The lobby was very open and large. A large glass window/door showed a series of desks and a few offices. And hallways led off of either side of the door to more offices. 
“We can stop at my desk first before we go see anyone,” Spencer whispered as we walked towards the doors. I looked back up at him and nodded. “Are you okay?” his voice filled with genuine worry.
“Yeah,” I mumbled and stayed close beside him. I wouldn’t dare tell him that I was scared shitless because then he’d feel bad for taking me here. And I don’t want him to feel bad because this was my decision to come here. He wanted me to meet his friends and family. In fact, I wanted to meet his friends and family. 
The expression on his face told me that he was worried. So, me trying to not make him feel bad wasn’t working out. I guess if I pretended like everything was okay and faked it all, he’d be okay. Spencer’s a smart man, he knows how to read people (I mean, that is basically his job). To be fair, I’ve never exactly imagined stepping foot in a government facility while I struggled with drugs. And, maybe the anxiety I was feeling wasn’t from meeting actual FBI agents, but instead, it was withdrawal...
“I didn’t know you played chess” I looked at the small chessboard on the desk we were walking towards. I only assumed it was his, it just had a vibe that suited him. “My mom showed me how to play when I was 12, but… It’s been a while since I last played,” I shrugged as I watched him collect a few things from his desk. They were a few beige/brown colored folders and books. I wondered what was in the folders, but it was probably classified information that a normal citizen, like me, wasn’t allowed to see.  
“Yeah, my mom taught me when I was younger. This was given to me by an old friend that I used to play with,” he looked at the set before moving a piece, “Keeps me busy when I’m bored,” he looked back at me and smiled. Something told me that he played fairly often when they weren’t working.
“You’ll have to reteach me how to play,” I shrugged, watching as he put everything in his bag. I looked around the office and noted just how many FBI agents were around, and I was starting to feel a certain anxiety rise in my stomach. No, no, this was definitely anxiety from being in an FBI facility, because of the illegally obtained drugs. Maybe a little bit of it was from the withdrawal.
“Okay, I’ll give you the tour then everyone should be up there,” he looked down at his watch before looking up at a room separated from the desks and other offices. 
“Sounds good,” I whispered. He walked beside me, bringing me back out of the room with the desks. A small shiver went through my body as we left the room. Spencer glanced down at me before wrapping an arm around my body, holding me close to him.
He brought me down one hall, showing me to the bathrooms and his friends' offices. There were a few other boring offices before he brought me down the opposing hall.  There wasn’t much other than more offices, but at the end of the hall, was another office owned by one of his friends. 
“She has other things to do so she won’t be joining us in the conference room,” Spencer spoke before knocking on the door. A faint, but cheery, ‘Come in’ came from the other side. Spencer looked back at me before opening up the door. “I promise you’ll like her,” he whispered before entering the room. I stayed close behind him, kinda hiding myself from the other human.
“What can I do ya for, Reid,” a woman asked, her tone filled with playful sarcasm. I bit back my lips and kept my eyes on my back. At least she sounded nice… “Wait, I thought you had the day off,” 
“Just came by to grab a few things. And I brought a special guest,” Spencer spoke as he reached behind him. I looked down at his hand before gently placing my hand in it. His fingers wrapped around mine and he carefully pulled me around to stand beside him. “This is Penelope Garcia,” he looked down at me with a smile. Penelope stood up from her chair to look at me. Spencer looked back at the woman and smiled before introducing me.
“Oh! You’re Reid’s friend! I’ve heard so much about you!” Penelope exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. I froze as she embraced me, and I wanted nothing more than for Spencer to just pull me away from this situation. 
“You’ve… You’ve heard so much about me?” I asked, mostly to myself. What exactly did Spencer tell his friends about me? I guess I just assumed he didn’t talk about me at all. I looked up at Spencer with a raised eyebrow. I’m sure my expression told him that I was worried about everything she knows about me. 
“Goodness! You’re so skinny!” She added as she stepped away from me. I stared at her with wide eyes as I stepped further away from her and to stand closer to Spencer. Spencer looked at her with a raised eyebrow, silently telling her something. 
“Yeah it’s probably bc of my shitty life,” I thought to myself, “It’s nice meeting you,” I looked at her and smiled. My smile was very forced and felt very fake. Spencer knew that, and Penelope knew that. 
“If you ever need anything, anything at all, please feel free to call me. Even if it’s just to hang out,” she smiled at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded. “I know it can get pretty lonely while they’re working a case,” Penelope looked over at Spencer with a smile. I stared at her with wide eyes as I tried to figure this woman out.
“I’ll have to keep that in mind,” I nervously smile at her. Spencer glanced down at me as Penelope started talking about something. My anxiety was entirely too high to actually know what the fuck she was actually talking about. Could have been anything, honestly. But, from the basic gist that I was getting, she was just asking me a million questions and Spencer was answering them.  But, the one question we both avoided was ‘So, how did you meet our precious Boy Wonder?’, like we were in some sort of relationship, even though we were just really good friends. It still scared me though, mostly because we’ll have to answer that question in a matter of minutes.
“Well, I think the others are in the conference room,” Spencer looked down at me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and faked a smile before looking over at Penelope. 
“It was nice meeting you, Penelope,” I made sure to keep my fake smile on my lips as I looked at her. She dropped her shoulders before going to give me another hug, which I accepted even though I didn’t really want to hug.
“It was so nice meeting you too! I hope we can hang out! And I hope I can see you again soon,” she placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled. I looked up at Spencer and smiled softly. The smile Penelope gave Spencer was awfully cheery smile before she actually allowed us to leave.  
I glanced up at Spencer once we were in the hallway and away from Penelope’s office. 
“I’m… I’m sorry for her,” he whispered as he grabbed my hand. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
“It’s okay, I think,” my voice was even lower than his. The uncertainty in my tone caused Spencer to look down at me. I didn’t want to tell him that Penelope was overwhelming, while we were still in the building with hundreds of FBI agents. “Just as long as everyone else is chill and they don’t ask a million questions,” I looked at him with a shy smile.
“They’ll probably ask a bunch of questions, but not a million miles an hour,” Spencer laughed lightly. The closer we got to the main office areas, the more anxious and nervous I got. I mean, I was already nervous, but this was just making it worse. It was incredibly hard not to go into autopilot mode and just fake my way through the whole interaction. But then they’d know something was wrong with me. I’m sure the pure exhaustion on my face, the skinniness of my body, and the weird mood I was already in were all good signs of something being wrong with me. Maybe they won’t question it all to my face? 
 “Do you know how you’ll answer the thousand dollar question? The one that I worry about the most?” I kept my voice low because I didn’t want a stray agent to hear my question and Spencer’s answer of ‘Oh, I was just going to tell them we met at narcotics anonymous,’. Because I just know he’s going to tell them that.
Unfortunately for me, Spencer didn’t actually answer my question. He just stayed quiet. Which caused me to have a mild heart attack as we walked back into the main office area and up a small staircase. It wasn’t until we were at a door that he answered me. 
He turned and faced me, a slight worried look in his eye. I couldn’t exactly tell what it was about though. So, that’s when my mind started running wild with all the worst possibilities. What if he already told them? And this isn’t him bringing me to meet his team, his friends, his family. No, this is him bringing me in, to go to jail. He’s been lying to me this whole time… Shit, fuck, shit… I don’t know what to do. 
Spencer must have seen something, my sudden fear, flash in my eyes. Part of me wanted to turn and run, but that’d cause too much of a scene. I’d probably have more Federal Agents on me than behind this stupid door. Whatever. 
My body partly turned, and I could feel my legs wanting to move, but I was honestly paralyzed. Spencer lifted a hand and rested it on my shoulder, stopping me from moving any further. His touch was very gentle, and I stopped all movement there. I nearly had to convince myself to actually breathe and blink. 
“It’s okay. There’s no reason to be scared…” he whispered as he pulled his hand from me. I swallowed roughly as I looked at him. My heart was going a million miles a second, and it just wouldn’t slow. “I was… I was just thinking… We should just tell them,” his voice, just like his touch, was gentle. Don’t fall for this. There’s still a chance that he was lying, that this was all a ruse. Well, wait… Why else would he want to tell them…
“You think… you… You want to tell them? Spencer, I,” I stopped talking and swallowed roughly, feeling my anxiety go higher and higher as the time passed, “I’ve barely been clean for 2 months, Spencer. You know I almost… And you… You want to tell them that you met someone at Narcotics Anonymous… Where people go… when they’re addicted to drugs… because you’re… I don’t think that’s a good-”
“Trust me. Can you do that? They won’t be mad. I think they’ll be happy that I have friends outside of work, and that I’m getting the help I need. And, that you’re getting the help you need. Two months is a big accomplishment. Even if you were clean for a day… That’d be a big accomplishment. But this is the first time you’ve made it this before,” Spencer whispered, a soothing and warm smile on his lips. I couldn’t help but return the smile, trying to hide my face from him as a very sudden embarrassment took over. “You don’t even have to tell them where we met. I’ll do it,” he whispered before grasping my hand again. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Okay, okay,” I looked down at the ground and nodded. 
“Ready?” his voice still a whisper. I looked up at him and nodded.
“Now or never, I suppose,” I shrugged. Spencer looked at my face, a worried crease in his eyebrows and in his eyes. He slowly turned to the door to open in it. It was taking everything in me to calm myself down, and to convince myself that I was not going to be arrested. 
Spencer pushed the door open and led me into the office. The least he could have done was warn about how many people would be on the other side of the door. I thought I was freaking out before. But standing in front of me were 4 other Federal Agents, and standing beside me was another. This was bad… This was really bad.
“This is Jennifer, Derek, and Aaron,” Spencer spoke, gesturing towards each person, “And of course you’ve met Emily,” he looked towards Emily. I smiled at each of them and nodded as Spencer gave them my name. “Where’s Gideon?” 
“Office. Should be up in a minute,” Aaron looked up from his folder and at Spencer and me, “It’s nice meeting you,” he looked right at me and nodded. I stared at him and nodded lightly.
“Where did you two meet,” Jennifer looked at me as she walked around the table to stand in front of me and Spencer. I froze like “I was in a freezer” froze. “A deer in headlights” froze. I slowly looked up at Spencer with my eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, where does my man, Spencer Reid, meet a person like you,” Derek then asked as he leaned against the table. His eyes looked up and down at me, checking me out… Or was he looking for something out of the ordinary? I could feel my breathing stop, yet simultaneously picking up. 
“I actually… We met at Narcotics Anonymous,” Spencer’s voice was real low, so quiet as he spoke. The air in the room got tense, so tense that it was suffocating. Everyone looked at Spencer, and just Spencer, with shock on their faces. For the first time since I entered this building, I felt invisible. Which, I guess, was good. But bad at the same time. Because, if I’m invisible to them right now, that means a high beam is on Spencer and shit could go down. 
“Reid,” Derek started but stopped when Spencer looked at him, silently telling him to stop. The grip Spencer had on my hand tightened, and it scared me. Mostly because he probably realized that this was a mistake and he’s scared now. Which, in turn, only scared me more.
“We’re both clean. I swear, we’re both clean,” he looked back at everyone. I knew he was lying, but I think that’s okay that I was the only one who knew he was lying. Granted, he was doing everything he could to get better, but… I understand being stressed, or anxious, or scared, and wanting to just turn to a weakness that could kill you. Last week, for instance… I got scared of nothing and almost made a big mistake. “I know I should have said something sooner, told you the truth instead of keeping it from you. But…”
“Spence,” Jennifer looked over at Spencer with wide eyes. She stepped away from the table before hugging him, hard. I looked at the pair hugging, wishing I had someone like that to hug me when they find out I’m going through a “rough time”. “I wish we knew… We could have… We would have helped,” she stepped away from him, resting her hands on his shoulders. I looked at her before looking down at the ground. 
“I’m… I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” I muttered before quickly rushing away from the others. More words would be exchanged between Spencer and his co-workers, his friends, his family. A family I don’t have and will probably never have. Whatever… Whatever, I’m happy he’ll have a great support system.
Once I found my way to the bathroom, I locked myself in a stall and could feel myself begin to hyperventilate. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, and my hands quickly went to my face to hide from the world. Although, I was hiding in my own world, behind the bathroom doors, in a small stall. 
My world wasn’t necessarily collapsing around me, but it felt like that. My head spun and my chest felt like it was going to explode. This sudden anxiety attack wasn’t something I was 100% expecting to happen. Although, the anxiety I was feeling beforehand was probably just building up, and I was just pushed to the edge before I broke down.
“Are you alright in here?” A familiar voice asked from outside the stall. I froze before wiping my nose. It was hard being silent, pretending like I didn’t exist. “I know you’re in here. You told us you were going to the bathroom, and I heard you sniffling just a moment ago,” she continued with a small chuckle. I looked down at the ground before standing up and pushing out of the stall. 
Emily was standing against the counter, leaning right in front of where the door was. She looked at me with a distressed look on her face. Shit, they got Spencer, and now they’re going to get me… I glanced at the door, before looking back at Emily. I could feel my body moving before I gave it the okay. My feet going quick towards the door.
“I’m not going to arrest you,” Emily quickly said as she stepped in front of me to stop me from running away, “And, we’re not going to arrest Spencer either,” she laughed lightly as she looked down at me. I looked up at her with wide eyes. “You can calm down. I promise. I’m just making sure you’re okay… You’d been in here for a while, and Spencer was worried about you,” she calmly explained as she rested a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her before nodding lightly. 
“You’re… You’re not just saying that?” I whispered, keeping my eyes on her. Because surely if I looked away from her, she’d do something I didn’t want happening. 
“I promise you, I’m not just saying that,” she reassured. I nodded and looked at the ground, “Are you okay?” She actually asked, pulling her hands away from my body.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I nodded as I cautiously looked up at her. She raised an eyebrow, silently telling me that she knew I was lying. I looked back at the ground and shrugged. “What?”
“I’ve been in this line of work long enough to know when people are lying… And to know when people are not okay,” she whispered, her voice so soft and gentle. She was genuinely concerned about me. I’ve only met her once before, and she seemed very nice. 
“I’m not okay,” I whispered as I looked at her. I don’t remember the last time I was honest with someone about my feelings. 90% of the time I lie at meetings because I don’t want a bunch of actual crackheads knowing that I’m depressed. “I think… I think seeing Spencer with everyone… And everyone being supportive…” I started but allowed my words to trail off, mostly because I didn’t really want to say I was jealous of my best friend. 
“Oh, I see,” Emily whispered as she leaned against the counter in front of me. I looked at her before looking down at the ground, then over at the door, then back at the ground. 
“Yeah, I’ve never really had a support system like he does, now, and…” I sighed deeply and looked up at her again, “I just have Spencer, and that’s a little hard when we’re both trying… To… Ya know,” I whispered and shrugged. 
“Well, I don’t know if Spencer told you this… But, any friend or family of his is a friend or family of the team. I know we’ve only met once before, but I’d gladly be a support team for you,” she whispered, and I honestly couldn’t tell if she was just telling me what I wanted to hear. But part of me knew she was telling the truth.
“You guys aren’t, like, mad or anything that Spencer was doing drugs? Or like... That he made friends with a dru-recovering drug addict,” I looked up at her, very cautiously. 
“We’re just happy he, and you, are getting the help you both need. We’re all just surprised he kept it to himself for as long as he did,” she explained. I nodded and looked down at the ground.
“And, like… He’s not going to get fired, is he? He said it wasn’t his fault that this happened,” I sighed as I looked at her. 
“Spencer’s not going to lose his job. He’s too loved and too much of an asset,” she laughed lightly. I returned the laughter and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, he’s pretty smart…” I rubbed the underside of my nose and shrugged, “The first time we kinda hung out… He kept telling me that smoking can take 6 minutes of your life away to get me to stop,” 
“Did it work?” Emily asked, a playful chuckle in her tone. I laughed and nodded.
“Kinda. I mean… I smoke every so often, but not as much as I used to,” I sighed as I looked up at her, “I still do it when he isn’t around. But when he’s around I forget things… Like… The shit hand I was dealt. Ya know? Like, he gives me something else to think about,” I furrowed my eyebrows as I spoke. Emily cocked her head to her shoulder and looked up at my face. I looked at her, feeling my face relax.
“Like what?” She asked. I could feel a small smile slowly growing on my lips. She returned the smile, kinda knowing what I meant. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say. We should probably go back out there, don’t you think? They might be looking for us,” she laughed and gestured towards the door. I looked towards the door one last time. 
“Yeah, yeah,” I nodded before stepping closer to the door, “Spencer said something earlier about lunch, and I’m starved.” I laughed and walked beside Emily.
“Where were you guys going?” 
“I’m not sure, do you know of any good places,” I looked over at her. She thought for a moment and cocked her head.
“There’s a really good deli down the street, I’m sure Spencer would love it there. They serve coffee and I’m sure you know how he feels about coffee,” She chuckled lightly.
“Whenever he stays at my apartment, he always insists we get coffee because I don’t have any,” I shook my head before laughing. Emily nearly cackled and nodded.
“Sounds like him,”
“What are you two laughing about,” Spencer looked over at Emily and I as we re-entered the conference room. I looked over at him with a smile.
“Uh, lunch,”
series taglist: @shameleswhorehourstm , @itsametaphorbriansblog , @bxtchboy69 , @sammypotato67 , @seninjakitey , @thebluetint , @honestlystop , @herecomesthewriterwitch , @mediocrity-atitsfinest​
tags that didn’t work: @mediocrehamiltrash , @thatsonezesty13 , 
(if you want to be apart of the series taglist, let me know!)
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7-wonders · 4 years
All You Have Is Your Fire
Summary: Reconnections and realizations abound.
Word Count: 1223
A/N: You asked, and here it is: Mad Love! So, I’m thinking this is the end of the first “act,” so to speak. Then I can start the chapters over again from one, and it will be fresh and brand new. Let me know your thoughts, my inbox is always open, and if you enjoyed I hope you’ll like, comment and reblog!
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
Things were supposed to be better. You had been rescued, your kidnappers killed, feelings had been confessed and reciprocated, and you finally were where you belonged. The end, case closed...right?
If only things were so simple. For weeks, the kidnapping has rested heavy on your heart. More specifically, the person who had a hand in orchestrating it. You had wanted to forgive Mallory almost since the moment you saw her with Michael, but common sense held you back. You needed to play it cool, but life has a funny way of putting people back into your path. When the stars aligned and Mallory asked to see you, it had happened mere days after you realized the only person you could turn to for your troubles was Mallory.
“Thank you...for meeting me, I mean.” You sit across the small table from the doe-eyed brunette who was once, what seems like a million years ago, your best friend. Mallory fidgets nervously, smiling to try and diffuse the tension.
“Once I figured out that this wasn’t another trap, it seemed like a good opportunity to air out some grievances.” The smile on Mallory’s face freezes at your words before slowly sliding off her face. 
“I really am sorry, (Y/N). I’ve said it before, but I’ll continue to say it until I’m old and gray if that’s what it will take for you to believe me.”
“I know that you’re sorry. I just don’t know that we’ll ever have the relationship that we once did.”
“However weird it sounds, you forgave Michael and fell in love with him after he kidnapped you. I’m holding out hope that you’ll forgive me too.”
You bite back a smile, knowing that she’s right. Already, just sitting across from her for a couple of minutes has shown just how much you’ve missed her. Mallory, for better or for worse, is something like a platonic soulmate. Besides, at least you weren’t forced to marry her too. “Just be glad that Michael doesn’t know, then there’d be a lot more trouble.”
“How’s that going? Your relationship.”
“Not that it’s any of your concern, but it’s good. Never been better.” You’re not lying. In all honesty, things were better. Now that your relationship with Michael was “official,” or as official as a relationship can be when you married months before even dating, any of the petty fights you previously had seemed to have disappeared. Domestic life with your Antichrist was everything you had dreamed it would be, and yet…
“There’s something nagging at you.”
You shoot her a look, but nod anyways. “Not related to Michael, per se.”
“But Michael-adjacent?”
“Yeah. Specifically, the Cooperative.”
Mallory’s coven was well aware of the Cooperative, even before you were. The Satanists were just the first layer of Michael’s followers. These were the people that would follow Michael to the ends of the Earth and do anything that he asked of them. The Cooperative held all of the funds, making sure that Michael could carry out this apocalypse in the first place. Actors, artists, politicians, world leaders: all have earned a seat at the table that Michael sat at the head of.
After your Snow White moment, as you’ve so lovingly dubbed the poison apple incident, the Cooperative had become less of a priority. The good thing to come out of that was Michael taking a step back from his apocalypse-related shenanigans, even more so when you were kidnapped. Up until last week, you had thought the Illuminati-but-not-really was on the back burner for good.
Michael had approached you from where you were sitting on the couch, reading a book. You smiled at him, reaching a hand out and pulling him down next to you. It was a peaceful, sweet moment until Michael had to go and ruin it.
“I have a meeting on Saturday,” he said.
“Why do you have a meeting on a weekend?”
Michael grimaced, and you knew it could only mean bad news. “Well, people with a lot of influence typically can’t make their way to a classified location for a meeting during the week.”
“You’re meeting with the Cooperative?” you groaned.
“I have to, (Y/N). I technically own them, and they’re the ones funding my father’s plan.”
Your blood ran cold in your veins. “Wait, you’re still doing the whole end of the world thing?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I just--it seemed like that was sort of...forgotten about.”
“I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been quite distracted lately--”
“Are you calling me a distraction?” you said with a fake pout before Michael had given you a quick kiss.
“A very cute distraction, of course. But now that life has settled down a little bit, it’s time for me to get back to business.”
You continued to sit there with Michael in what he had thought was a quiet peacefulness. Meanwhile, your mind had begun to race; was the fate of the world really in your hands?
“The answer’s pretty simple, isn’t it?” Mallory asks.
“Enlighten me.”
“You have to convince Michael that the world is better the way that it is and that he shouldn’t unleash a nuclear firestorm to ‘cleanse’ it.”
You snort. “Nice and easy, huh?”
“You could always get pregnant, that would definitely put ending the world on hold.”
“Mallory!” Laughing, you reach across the table and swat at her arm. “I’m not going to hinge saving the world on having a baby.”
“You’re right, but that can definitely be part of the five year plan.” Mallory winks conspiratorially. “I think you need to subtly undermine him. Not in a malicious way, but in a way that starts to show him that the Cooperative isn’t right.”
“So, should I go to those stupid meetings with him?”
“It wouldn’t hurt. Make him think you’re on his side, as well as the Cooperative’s side, but then make him second guess his choices. You’re so smart, you could come up with a million logical reasons as to why Michael shouldn’t go down this path.”
Groaning, you put your head in your hands. “Why is this so complicated?”
“Don’t ask me, I’m not the one in love with the Antichrist.” Mallory glances at her phone. “I should probably go. I have to meet with the council so we can elect new members, considering half of our previous council was killed.”
“Don’t look at me, I’m not the one who kidnapped the Antichrist’s wife,” you retort.
“I’ve missed you, (Y/N).”
“I’ve missed you too,” you reply sincerely. “I wish things hadn’t happened the way that they did.”
“Trust me, I do too. I was so stupid for being under Cordelia’s influence like that, and letting her warped idea of sisterhood guide me.”
“We all do stupid things. And you were the one who helped to rescue me.” Mallory beams, knowing that she’s made her way back into your good graces.
On your way home, you can’t help but to think about all that’s at stake, as well as how cruel fate is. You and Michael are complete and total opposites, yet were brought together by circumstance. The dark to your light, the yin to your yang. Two sides of the same coin. Michael’s meant to destroy the world…
And apparently, you’re meant to save it.
Tag list: @betweenthesepaiges @gemini-el @90sroger @nsainmoonchild @brattylovee @dark-mei-rose @ladyrindt @yoheyyosup @zivooshka @michaellangdon @trelaney @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @ultragibbycentralworld @xavierplympton @ajokeformur-ray @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @everything-is-awesomesauce @jimmlangdon @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @hplotrfan @1-800-bitchcraft @coloursunlimited @kahhlo @storminmytwistedmind @langdonslove @cuddletothecake @born-on-stgeorges-day @tcc-gizmachine @gold-dragon-slayer @atombombastic @blakewaterxx @wroteclassicaly @forever1313 @kaetastic @loilko @riotsouls666 @lustminaj @hecohansen31 @accio-rogers @holylangdon @sojournmichael @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @diaryofalandlockedmermaid​
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
idea for another continuation of red/reader/black timeline!Cute but unwanted fluffy times as they lock reader away in there room killing off the rest of the crewmates and coming to check up on their beloved reader,when they visit it’s all cuddles and soft spoken comfort and eventually the two get into the topic of how red and black met and explain to reader glossing over the murder that definitely happened like it was no big deal and painting it as a perfect love story
The funny part about this is how I was considering making a joke the other day about how they could have met, so you can imagine how hard I laughed when I heard that someone was interested in a headcanon about it.
Thanks for requesting this!
TW/Tags: silly fun // not game accurate // monster fuckery // delusional thinking // mentions of death // pretty short // mentions of drinking/alcohol // Buddy is gone in this timeline and most of the crew has already died // I changed some of the aspects of your ask unconsciously, I'm sorry ;-;
How I met your lover [Yandere! Among Us x Reader - Headcanon]:
It was past the sleeping curfew your crewmates had set to guarantee everyone's safety. You were about to go to bed when you heard the familiar knock on your metallic door.
You had let them inside despite the guilty feeling creeping in, you were sure that this small friendly act would be considered breaking the rules, and that would cause the rest of the crewmates to be alarmed by the sudden decision of breaking rules and not following the curfew.
Still, it's not like you really believed in that stupid rule, after all, what would stopped the killer from simply entering their room and killing them? And besides, it's not like Black and Red would ever hurt you, they're simply way deep into their own little world for any of them to be the killer.
It's not like you even had a choice actually, they simply came in after you opened the door. You suspected that they were possibly a little bit drunk, considering the lack of self awareness and personal privacy, not that you minded them hugging you and being touchy, but-
It was still kinda off, even a little out of character for them to be so giggly and happy, carrying a wine bottle they shouldn't even be able to have access to since it was considered a "only for celebrations" type of necessity.
Still, they claimed they wanted to spend time with you and that this was indeed a date to be celebrated (although it was more of a personal reason than anything). They seemed happy and you felt like you couldn't stop them from sharing it with you, after all, you did feel a little lonely that day. With your little partner in crime gone and most of your crew dead, you had started to feel really lonely and a little uncomfortable how everyone seemed to be drifting away due to the distrust that your crew was experiencing.
So you've let them come in and celebrate this special day inside your bedroom, as weird as that sounds. Why was today so important to them? Well, it's very simple-
"- It's our 6th wedding anniversary you silly little thing!" Red booped your nose as they continued to explain the details of their relationship. They were a cute couple, but it was also a little sad inducing how they would go on and on about how perfect their marriage was. It made you feel somewhat sad and jealous of how long they've been with each other and how happy they seemed whenever they were in each other's presence.
"- Tell [Y/N] how we've met, babe, please!" Red was shaking their lover as they continued to indulge in their own state of high due to the consumption of alcohol. Black was a little more alert than Red, so the moment their partner told them to tell you about that day, they panicked trying to find the right words to describe their first encounter.
"- Well- Uhh, you see, we-we've met-" Black wasn't quick enough to come up with an excuse, which caused Red to misinterpret it as Black not remembering how they met.
"- Blaaaaack, did you forget that we met in the lab-" Red whined feeling hurt since their partner had forgotten simply the most important day of their lives-
"- N-No babe, I-I remember- We met in the laboratory, at the space station, I-I was…. I was, uhn-" Black was stuttering trying to remember the exact thing they "were" before joining the crew for the extraterrestrial exploration.
Truth was that Black took the form of a poor unfortunate scientist that discovered and classified them as an extraterrestrial violent creature that needed to be studied further so humanity could have some sort of advantage in defending themselves against a shapeshifting space creature.
This whole expedition to space was created to be a learning expedition, so that the crew could have hopefully found another one of the shapeshifting aliens living out there. What that same scientist didn't know, was how far their intelligence went, and how much could they understand human behavior and mindset, and if it wasn't for a tiny mistake, that same scientist could have been here right now with all of the fellow crew members still alive.
Well, that tiny mistake was letting their assistant take care of the alien whenever the scientist wasn't around, which led to Red and "Black" meeting each other and falling in an odd obsessive love. You could say that they were work colleagues in a way, which was exactly what Black told you, that they were just two colleagues that had fallen in love at work, so sweet right?
It's not like Red ended up freeing a violent specimen and helping it escape and letting it blend into society by taking away the identity of the same scientist that had discovered them, by not only eating the original one but also assuming their role and name as "Black", right?
It's totally not that specific thing I've mentioned-
"- Oh so you two have known each other for so long? It must be nice getting to meet the love of your life at work." You said naively believing in their lies as they continued to sugar coat the specifics of their relationship.
"- Yes it is…" Black said, still sweating at the fact they're terrible at lying, especially towards their own "partner" (you, in this case).
"- You seem upset, [Y/N]. It's something wrong?" Black asked as they continued to observe your expression growing into a frown.
"- It's nothing really… I just think it's really cute how you two met, sounds like a fairy tail if you ask me-"You answered them, while still hiding the fact you feel jealous of their perfect, overly sweet, marriage. It's starting to make you sick how happy they're, even in a situation as terrible as this one.
Being trapped inside a spaceship while a maniac runs down killing everyone? Sounds like the perfect recipe to conflict, yet they haven't even yelled at each other once. And what about you? You're all alone, most of your close friends dead and your dog is missing-
"- Ooooooooo noooooooo, baby don't cry!!" Red had suddenly thrown themselves at you causing you to come back to your senses. You must have looked like a jackass getting so jealous of them, but for your luck they didn't notice you were getting jealous of their relationship.
No, they actually thought you were getting jealous of them, of them not including you in their lives sooner so you all could be celebrating this exact day together already!
"- R-Red I'm not crying, don't worry about it." You tried shaking your drunken crewmate away from your torso, they didn't even budge since they were holding you with all the strength they had.
"- I just think it's so unfair-" Red mumbled something that you didn't understand, so you asked them to start again.
"- I JUST THINK IT'S SO UNFAIR!-" They said a lot faster and louder now, they were clearly mad that they had to repeat their words, as if they didn't realize they weren't making any sense in the first place.
"- Don't worry too much about them, they're too drunk to-" Black was about to apologise for Red's current state, when they ended up being cut short by sniffing and crying.
"- [Sniff]"
"- R-Red? Are you alright??" You shook them trying to get them to look up in your eyes.
"- I love you two just so much, I can't even [Sniff]-" Red continued to cry and mumble things of the liking. It was clear to you that they didn't seem to be in the right state of mind and we're only saying nonsense.
You decided to tell them it was time for them to get some rest, which Black took as a sign to simply flop down in your bed, as Red was already deep in their unconscious while their faces were in your lap.
It was… Cute, how they simply fall asleep in your bed, but at the same time it feels like you wouldn't be able to get them to wake up and move into their rooms, as they didn't respond to either or your tries to get them off of your bed.
You had considered changing rooms with them just for the night, since they probably wouldn't want a stranger like you to sleep with them like that right? They would probably freak out whenever they wake up.
Yet the moment you managed to get out of bed and reach the door, you felt an eerie cold air hit your stomach, as if you would be doomed if you decided to open the door and go away from the bedroom.
You decided to place your ear on the metal door, just in case you could hear anything on the other side. You only heard the sound of an empty spaceship, as the internal functions seemed to be still on and working as usual, however, the loud sound of the machinery working on the other side of the halls didn't really help your busy mind feel any better, since the silence still dominated the entirety of the dorm area.
Was… Everyone already asleep? Why was everything so silent?
Why did you feel like something bad just happened? Why did you feel like you should be running away from this very bedroom?
But more importantly, why was your bedroom door locked? How was your bedroom door locked without your permission?
You felt like you did something wrong… Like the attentive eyes carefully watching you were judging every one of your moves. You probably shouldn't have gotten out of bed.
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sortaotaku · 3 years
Happy New Years! 🎉
Ikevam New Year’s Set Stories
2021 Super Awesome Set
I wanted to share because I understand the paywall is probably too much for a lot of people. It’s a pretty informal overview of the stories though~
Boys Talk - Team Abnormal 
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Shakespeare, Le Comte, Jean
Setting: Thermae
Le Comte asks why Shakespeare is looking gloomier than normal. Shakespeare says he feels a bit weird about a sarcastic comment Arthur made about the three of them (Shakespeare, Le Comte, Jean) being abnormal.
Le Comte: I guess he means we’re deviants. Idk where he got that from. 
He comments that Shakespeare likes to tease people and wonders what to do with him.
Jean: You two are most definitely deviants
Them: Wha? 
Le Comte calls his comment unnecessarily cruel. Shakespeare defends himself and says unlike Le Comte he’s a gentleman
Le Comte is like LOL I feel like you added an insult in there
Jean: It’s best you hear the truth bc you’re in denial. You’ve been buying <your name here/MC> dresses a lot. Are you sure it’s not just bc you like dressing her up?
Le Comte: What else am I supposed to do? She looks ravishing in everything. I’m not doing anything except sitting and watching in the dressing room.
Shakespeare: A grown man enjoying dressing up a girl like a doll sounds pretty deviant to me
Jean: Yep. He’s the most deviant one.
Le Comte: Judging from the content of your plays I think you’re worse than me.
Shakespeare: My writing isn’t necessarily representative of my desires
Jean comments about how Shakespeare has been inviting MC over to his villa a lot.
Le Comte comments that he quite likes Jeans fixation on MC and Jean tells him to shuddup.
Shakespeare also says he isn’t doing anything weird. He says he blindfolded and cuffed her for research purposes.
Jean: Hold on, I’ll come back with my sword.
Le Comte: Don’t run around the mansion naked and angry. Return to the water now.
Shakespeare states that Jean is upset by trivial matters. Basically “tough luck, that’s life”
Le Comte: Yeah, be more open-minded
Jean: I must destroy the world then
Shakespeare asks if he had any weird encounters and Le Comte says he’s basically been a recluse 
Jean admits to giving MC a boost on his shoulders, but... He was shocked because her thighs were pressed against his cheeks and they were soft. 
Shakespeare: How are you insult us when you had her pressing her thighs against your face? You’re the worst deviant one.
Le Comte is basically like LOL and Jean is kinda baffled.
Boys Talk - Battle Against Desires
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Theo, Napoleon, Mozart
Setting: Thermae
Mozart calls the two of them sighing in sync annoying
They do it again and state they’re tired
Mozart comments that this is rare considering how adept they are at dealing with the more eccentric residents 
They’re both like “That’s it!”
Napoleon is like that’s what everyone says. Everyone thinks I’m sensible
Theo: Yeah, I thought common sense is something everyone should have. We just look overly sensible because everyone lacks it.
Napoleon is like how about we just toss that (sense) out, I’m sick of it. 
Theo: Yeah, I’m going to do whatever I want
Mozart: Hold on, if you do that you’ll lose sight of yourselves.
Mozart (Internally): They say it’s the most dangerous when people go off the rails. These two keep order. I must stop them.
Mozart adds that everyone didn’t start out selfish. He asks if they’re sure if something else isn’t making them this way.
Napoleon says its a problem that MC sees them as so sensible.
Mozart is like: 🤨 Why?
Napoleon says that everything is wrong. She lies around in the common area asleep and apparently sleep undresses. (Half way, that is)
Mozart: Yea sounds about right... Wait what? Don’t tell me you...
Napoleon: Obviously I buttoned her up and tucker her in so she wouldn’t catch a cold.
Mozart: Are you her mom?
Theo: I get that! I would do that too.
Napoleon: Theo~ 🥰
Mozart: Can you guys not hug in the bath? Anyways what about Theo?
Theo: I went in for a bath and MC was in there stark naked bc she mixed up the time.
Mozart: Yea, she’s ditzy sometimes. Don’t tell me you...
Theo: Obviously I simultaneously tossed her my own towel and quickly turned around.
Mozart: Are you her dad? 
Napoleon: I get that! I would do that too.
Napoleon~ ❤️❤️❤️
Mozart: Stahp hugging in the bath... So you’re saying you don’t feel free to express your desires bc you’re seen as too sensible?
Them: Yea
Mozart: That’s easy to fix. Just act on your desires. It’s important to be true to your feelings. I just do what I want.
Napoleon: Easier said than done. Women find it even more frightening when a “safe” man comes onto them more than normal men. They feel violation AND disappointment because of the breaking of expectations.
Theo: And you’ll lose trust that you cannot recover.
Mozart: That sounds oddly convincing from you two.
They sigh heavily again. Mozart smiles a bit and comments that he must warn MC to be careful from now on and encourages them to cheer up.
Boys Talk - Imagination Station
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Dazai, Arthur, Isaac
Setting: Thermae
Dazai talks about how great a bath after a good drink is. Arthur agrees and asks Isaac what he thinks. (Note: Don’t go into a huge hot bath while drunk)
Isaac: STAHP TOUCHING ME YOU TWO! Why did you guys insist we bathe together?
Dazai: It’s a good way to get to know each other.
Arthur: Yep, we know each other well but there are no limits on luvbbb ❤️
Isaac: If this is your love I have some doubts...
Arthur + Dazai: Lalalala~~~ 🎶
Arthur: Isn’t it funny how alcohol loosens inhibitions? I’d love to get naughty with MC
Isaac: Don’t you dare touch her!
Dazai: I find it questionable too.
Isaac: Dazai?
Dazai: Women get uncomfortable with sudden moves. You haveta do “that” 
Isaac: huh?
Them: I-mAg-I-nA-tIoN!
Isaac: 🤨huh???
Arthur: Lemme explain. We’re writers. We think up scenarios for a living.
Isaac: ?
Arthur: GOSH. We can do anything we want. In our minds. In vivid detail.
Dazai: Ai-kun is confused still, we must invite him into our minds
Arthur: Good idea! Naughty story time!
Isaac: Hold on—
Arthur and Dazai cook up an Isaac x MC smut headcanon in which Dazai still calls her “Toshiko”
Isaac didn’t even notice at first and commented that it makes sense Mc was drowsy because she’s a hard worker. He gets embarrassed when he figures out and the other two are like LOLLL 😂😂😂, we love your reactions!
Isaac: You’re saying you spend your days thinking about lewd stories of MC?
Them: No.
Arthur: We could imagine but the real thing is a whole different thing.
Dazai: The real thing trumps fantasy.
Isaac: So you were trolling me?
Them: Yes.
Isaac: You’re the worst!
Them: Rofl
Boys Talk - A Steamy Nighttime
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Leonardo, Vincent, Sebastian
Setting: Thermae
Leonardo: A bath sure is nice!
The other two: ...
Leonardo: Why so quiet?
Vincent: I don’t think MC registers me and Sebastian as men. (Correct. You are indeed an angel and not a mortal man)
Leonardo: Why?
Vincent recalls how he was sunbathing with MC and she commented how he was comforting like a little brother
Leonardo: Pride must’ve been hurt by that. Sebas?
Sebastian: Similar. She said I was like her dad.
Leonardo: Dad-zoned, huh (*This isn’t my own abridging of the story, he actually said that) It’s not as bad as you think. Its proof MC is comfortable, that’s important.
Vincent and Sebastian says that : They want to be seen and treated as reliable men
Leonardo (internally): I’m pretty sure she sees them as men though. If I’m too serious about this, they’ll try too hard. The best thing is to make them laugh
Leonardo: You must get comfortable around women. If you get too self conscious things get weird right?
Sebastian: I see. How?
Leonardo: Prof Leonardo shall teach you. This is classified so don’t share
Them: We Promise.
Leonardo: Did you know a women’s breast is as soft as the inside of their arms. Start there with the inner arm
Vincent: Brilliant. What do we say after
Sebastian: Practice on me master Vincent
Vincent: Your arm is hard
Sebastian: I’m actually swole. (He says quite muscular)
Leonardo: You weren’t supposed to take this seriously
Vincent: Will you give more tips? I wanna get closer to MC
Sebastian: Please teach us professor Leonardo
Leonardo (internally): I didn’t expect this... They’re so pure. I can’t let them down.
Leonardo: When someone licks their lips it means they want you to kiss them, so watch out.
Vincent: You’re a genius! Arthur does that all the time! But I won’t do that since it will startle MC if I suddenly kiss her.
Sebastian: Start with the forehead/cheek
Vincent: Anything else?
Leonardo: Playing with hair = Wants affection
Sebastian: Isaac does that a lot, but he DOES crave affection. I gotta watch out for that.
Leonardo: Listen. I didn’t expect this...
Them: Teach us more!
Leonardo: 😓 
Sorry it’s late. Distracted my Animal Crossing. You can find 2020’s set in my previous post or under the “2020 New Years Set” tag.
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binniewon · 4 years
In Their Eyes 6
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS/ Female!Reader
Warning: None!
A/N:Hi my loves, I am sorry to everyone who was reading this story and had to wait so long I was trying to finish my other story before I resumed this one but I hope you enjoy! Also if you want to be on the Taglist please let me know!
@babyboytae1  @crystal581  @reallysparklychaos  @mayla548  @dbaby14  @missseoulite @tundrafox548   @tae-letubbie @thebleuprince​ (unable to tag @alex--awesome--22) 
You were slowly allowed more freedom to do things without one of them being with you, you had Hobi to thank for that he had asked his soulmates to let you do things because he trusted you which kind of surprised you since he was really close to Yoongi and he absolutely despised you.
When you woke up that morning you saw that nobody else was awake so you took that opportunity to change your clothes and slip out of the hut without anyway noticing, you knew that you were allowed to do things like this but you were still scared of them finding out that you left for some reason they just had that power over you.
You walked down the trail that you and Hobi had taken not too long ago it led to a river that you loved watching the sunrise over as you were looking down at the water you suddenly got this feeling that someone was watching you, if you weren’t in a place where everything wanted to kill you then you would have brushed it off but you knew that the hybrids here hated you so you stood up and turned around to leave when you were knocked back by a tall figure.
When you looked up you saw that it was not a hybrid but a human “Miss Y/N please come with me” thinking that he could save you from this place you immediately agreed and went with him “Where are we going” you asked the stranger but he didn’t reply you thought it was weird but still continued to follow him what’s the worst that could happen?
You eventually got to this place where people in white lab coat were walking around it didn’t take you long to realize that it was the scientist that had sent you out here, before you could even get to the front door the Lead scientist  came and shook your hand “Miss Y/N how have you been” you rolled your eyes at his statement “Terrible, I got poisoned, then I got thrown into a cage and then I got deathly sick and where were you guys during all of this nowhere!” he nodded his head like he understood everything that you had went through.
“We are so sorry that you had to go through all of that but we are here to help you” you tried not to get angry at him before you heard his offer “You have been with the hybrids for a while now so we would like to know everything that you do” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion “I don’t really know anything” the scientist laughed and shook his head “That’s okay you will eventually we just need you to get some info and you will be extracted from here and brought back to your home”.
It was such a tempting offer but how you could betray the hybrids they hadn’t been so nice to you but Hobi was starting to become your best friend how could you just betray him like that “I won’t betray them” the scientist sighed “It’s nothing too bad we just need to know where they come from and we need you to gain their trust so we can come in and take someone of them back to our lab” your stomach turned in disgust at his words “No!” you shouted at him “You will be here forever and on top of that I am sure they will kill you before they let you go also think about your mother Y/N she wanted this remember”.
There was no way your mother would want them to be tested on she was never like this but they worked with her everyday so of course they would know right, “Fine as long as you don’t hurt them” the scientist shook his head and let out a light laugh “We would never Y/N” you had no choice but to trust him you mother wanted this right?
You talked with the scientist about everything you had to do so that you could go home and it wasn’t anything to extravagant he said you had to talk to one of them about where they came from because he wanted to talk to that scientist about things that were classified information he also wanted you to gain their trust so that they could take some of them back to their lab it was everything that he had already told but he went a little more into detail.
“Is that all” you asked him as you got up from your seat, the scientist whose name you found out to be Mr. Lee nodded his head “Actually wait” he got up from his sit and grabbed a bottle from a table and sprayed you with it “What the hell” he dismissed your comment “It’s nothing it is just a spray so that the hybrids don’t know that you have been around other humans” you sighed and shook you head you felt like you were betraying them most importantly like you where betraying Hoseok “Remember we meet her every Friday” you nodded your head and walked out of the make shift lab.
As you walked back to you temporary home with the hybrids your mind began to wonder what would happen if they found out you were doing this you figured Yoongi and Namjoon would be happy because it gave them a reason to kill you but what about the others Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung were still wary about you but you could tell that they kind of liked you and Jin has been nice since the first time you saw him and Hoseok who has been an absolute angel to you would probably despise you and every human you shook your head at all of those thought they could never find out for the sake of them and you!
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hiscyarika · 4 years
Some Things You Just Can’t Speak About
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader
Summary: Reader and Javier work through the emotional baggage that comes with their jobs in Colombia. (Unofficial Prequel to When It’s Finally Over)
Warning(s): Heavy Angst, Hopelessness, Grieving, Mentions of Death, Blood, Mentions of Violence/Terrorism
A/N: So like a lot of people, I’ve fallen in love with Taylor Swift’s new album folklore. And when I heard the song “epiphany” (which I highly recommend you listen to while you read. I would link it but I’m afraid the post wouldn’t show up in the tags. The hellsite has been weird about that lately), it immediately sparked the idea for this oneshot. I just hope that this hasn’t been done yet, because I’ve already seen that a couple of authors have used songs on the album as inspiration. I really hope you guys enjoy this. It’s taken a couple of days to get it just the way that I want it. And a special thanks to @bestintheparsec​ for beta reading this for me! I love you Lauren! ❤️
Tag Lists (Open!)
Gif by @pascvl​, originally from this post. Please let me know if you’d rather me not use the gif! I’ll take it down immediately with no questions asked.
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The thing about Colombia is that even after the smoke clears, the blood remains. It’s a crimson river that runs through the streets of Bogotá, then dries as a deep, lingering stain. The blood of men, women, and children. Guilty and innocent alike. And so long as Pablo Escobar lives, the stain will never wash away.
Even the sky burns scarlet with the dying sunset when you finally step out of the hospital. Ambulance sirens glow bright as paramedics attempt to bring more people into the already overwhelmed building.
Early in the afternoon, over two hundred pounds of C4 had been detonated outside of a crowded shopping center. Dozens were killed on impact and the death toll has continued to rise throughout the day. For hours, you haven’t stopped moving, trying desperately to save those who’d survived long enough to get to the hospital to be treated. Fortunately, recovery will be possible for some, but what weighs more heavily on your shoulders are the countless others that you could do nothing for.
Even now that you stand outside with a chance to breathe, your lungs can’t draw in enough air. The sharp stench of antiseptic still burns your nose, turning your stomach in violent knots. Every muscle is sore with a bone deep ache as you force one foot in front of the other in the direction of your car. But none of it compares to the stabbing pain in your soul, the helplessness and defeat that throbs more fiercely with every passing second.
You climb into your car, meeting your own eyes in the rearview mirror. You tear the nursing badge from your scrub shirt and toss it onto the passenger seat, not caring when it slides off the vinyl and onto the floor. Immediately, you have to close your eyes at the sight of the bloodstains on your clothes, a gruesome token of a day spent battling death.
All your years of schooling never prepared you to fight this war. You know how to read vitals. You know how to staunch bleeding and stitch wounds. You know how to intubate someone, to breathe for them. These are all things that can be taught. And you’ve learned them well.
But watching a woman die on the table, one close to your own age, is something entirely its own. You never get used to the shrill cry of the heart rate monitor as it flatlines. Nothing can prepare you for standing in front of an elderly woman, telling her that she’s outlived her daughter. They can’t teach you how to crouch down in front of a six-year-old boy and explain to him that he’ll never see his mother again. There’s no way to gently shatter someone’s world. As their reality crumbles, it takes a piece of you with it, and you only have so much of yourself to give.
The drive back to the apartment passes in a blurred haze, your mind on autopilot as you navigate your way in the growing darkness. You repress every emotion that threatens to bubble to the surface of your consciousness. Forcing numbness is far easier than letting your humanity tear you apart.
The last of the light dies from the sky as you pull into the parking lot, right next to Javier’s Jeep. You find your only solace in the fact that he’s home. In what little news you’d been able to hear, you’d learned that the DEA had been called to the scene. Escobar had never claimed responsibility for the attack, but a confession wasn’t necessary to know the truth, so you knew Javier would be part of the investigation.
Sucking in a deep breath, you try to prepare yourself for whatever state of mind he might be in. Javier brings work home in the form of endless files and a guilty conscience. Both he processes with whiskey and sleep deprivation. But you understand. You’re fighting with him on the front lines of this war. Losses are shared just the same as victories. Even the hard ones.
You drag yourself from the driver’s seat, locking the car up once the door is closed. The stairs to the apartment seem so much steeper as you stare at them now, and it takes what little remains of your perseverance to make it up.
The usual squeal of the front door grates on your nerves as you enter the apartment, more so than it normally does, anyway. You stop for a moment in the doorway, toeing off your shoes and listening carefully for any sign of Javier. From where you stand, you can see the soft yellow glow of the lamp in the living room and after a moment you realize that the voice you hear is coming from the television.
Padding quietly into the room, you feel your heart clench when you see what’s playing on the screen. It’s one of the local news stations, replaying footage from earlier in the day. You’re too tired to mentally translate the quick Spanish that the news anchor speaks, but when the numbers appear next to her to note the casualties, it’s not something that you can ignore. There are more than you thought.
You lose yourself in that news report, your mind running back through all of the trauma that you’ve seen. The shouting and screaming and crying becomes the soundtrack of your thoughts, all blended together in a somehow deafening cacophony despite the fact that it’s all in your head. You see that little boy again, the confused look he had given his grandmother as he asked her when his mother was going to come back from heaven. Oh, how her tear-filled eyes had pleaded with you to give some kind of an answer. And you’d tried. You really had.
You’re pulled from the violent reverie when the news report is replaced by a commercial. You pay it no mind, instead looking around the room for any sign of Javier. It doesn’t take you long to find him.
He’s passed out on the couch, sitting up with a glass of whiskey still in his hand. Even in sleep, his brow is furrowed, and worry lines cut deep into his forehead. Upon further inspection, you find the liquor bottle and a messy array of manila folders on the wooden coffee table in front of him, just as you expected.
You shake your head slightly, though he can’t see the action. The ache in your heart grows stronger as you watch him, his lips parted slightly as he breathes deeply and evenly. You suppose it’s the one thing that you have to be grateful for. As closely involved as he is with the hunt for Escobar, every night he comes home is a blessing. And for him to be sound asleep despite the day’s tragedies is truly invaluable.
You decide to leave him. Better for him to rest uninterrupted than to wake him. And though you know it’s better to work through the horrors you’ve been subjected to before you sleep, you don’t have the energy to face any of it right now. So you step closer to Javi, carefully prying the glass from his hand. Against your better judgement, you finish it off. You wince at the way it burns down your throat as you place the empty glass on the coffee table, but the warmth in your chest that follows is a welcome relief.
You scan the room then. It takes you a minute, but eventually you find the remote on the floor by his feet, probably dropped after he’d fallen asleep. You don’t hesitate to press the power button on the TV, and it brings you a bit of peace to watch the screen go black. Silence falls over the room, interrupted only by a soft snore from Javi.
You turn back to the coffee table, making sure that there’s a paperclip in each file to mark where he’d been. All the while, you try to avoid reading over any classified information, not that your brain could truly process a word of it in your current state of exhaustion. You then close the folders and stack them neatly on top of each other, letting out a heavy breath as you push yourself to stand upright again.
Your face falls in sympathy as you look at Javi once more. Even in sleep he looks exhausted. Your own emotional turmoil aside, it pains you to see the way that Colombia has worn him down. Every day he grows more desperate to find the man responsible for so much suffering, and with each day that passes, you know it only seems like he’s getting further and further away. You wish there was something more you could do to ease his mind.
After another moment, you take the blanket that’s draped over the back of the loveseat, unfolding it and gently covering Javi with it. Your movements are slow and cautious in an attempt to keep from waking him. Once you have the blanket situated, you cradle his cheek lightly in one hand, leaning down to press a tender kiss to his forehead.
You close your eyes at the contact, the first and only gentle interaction of your day. As your eyes flutter shut, you feel your chest begin to swell, and emotion wraps around your throat like barbed wire. Your lips linger for a few seconds longer than necessary as the dam inside you cracks, threatening to give way to a flood at a moment’s notice.
But as you pull away, you feel the feather light brush of eyelashes against your cheeks. You open your eyes, finding soft, tired brown eyes staring back at you. You’re frozen in place as he takes a moment to rouse himself, and once he’s more alert, his eyes trail down your body, catching sight of the blood on your scrubs. When he looks at you again, there’s a knowing glint in his eyes. You don’t have to tell him what you’ve seen, because he already knows. He’s seen it too.
Javier places his hands on your hips, gripping them gently as he tries to pull you closer to him. You brace yourself against his shoulders, resisting him while you’re still wearing your scrubs. Your chin falls to your chest in defeat. It only takes a moment to understand, and he carefully pulls the shirt up and over your head, making sure to keep the bloody fabric away from your face. Once it’s off, he tosses it carelessly to the floor.
You collapse into him as the dam breaks, and he takes it in stride, cradling the back of your head as you bury your face in his shoulder. Your knees land on either side of him, and with his free hand he guides you into a more comfortable position against him. In any other context, this arrangement with you straddling his lap would be carnal and passionate, but all Javier can feel now is the same pain that you force from your body with each gut-wrenching sob.
There are no words he can give you that will ease your pain. It’s something he knows from experience, repeated experience that he wishes you didn’t share with him. He knows what this constant fight against death and injustice can do to a person. He’s not blind to the ways that he’s changed in the years since he came to Colombia. Javier would do anything to make sure that you don’t suffer the same fate. You’re too good to have your gentle soul torn to shreds.
But he knows that all he can do for now is hold you. He can let you cry and mourn and release every emotion you’ve had to keep caged since you first stepped into the hospital this afternoon. And as you wrap your fists around the fabric of his shirt, he only holds you closer, clutching you tightly as his own pain begins to bubble back up into his chest. He’d tried so hard to drown it in booze and escape it in sleep, but Escobar had taken it too far this time. The saving grace is that the rest of the country agrees.
Javier cries silently with you, and though the manifestation of his grief is much quieter than yours, it’s by no means trivial in comparison. This is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And break he does, in the safest place that he possibly can. He knows that there’s no judgement here, and that there never will be. So he closes his eyes and presses himself closer to you, your proximity being the only thing that could possibly soothe him.
Time is rendered tangential as you mourn together, though eventually you both fall quiet again with no more tears left to shed. Only when you stir against him does Javier lift his head and open his eyes. He manages a halfhearted smile as you meet his gaze, gently wiping away the remnants of your tears with the pads of his thumbs. In turn, you do the same for him, and he turns his head just in time to press a kiss to the underside of your wrist before you pull away again.
He watches you intently, and for just a moment you seem to hesitate, but then you capture his lips with yours. Javier lets out a soft breath in surprise, but soon melts into your touch. You are the salve to his very being, soothing his soul in a way that no one and nothing else can. At the end of the day, when the smoke has cleared and it’s time to count the dead, he thanks whatever god looks down on him, because he has you. Never will he march into battle alone. And he’s grateful, because he knows that he would never survive the war without you by his side.
You pull away again, and the look in your eyes says far more than words ever could. Because in your eyes is the same reverence for him that he holds for you. It’s night like this where you question why you chose the life you did, why you endure more anguish than any one person ever should have to. But then you look at Javier, and you know that you’re fighting the good fight. You know that with him, you can keep going until you reach the end of it all.
Javier presses a quick, soft kiss to your forehead, then shifts again to turn out the lamp light. In the dark, he carefully maneuvers you with him to lie down on the couch. You’re both still in work clothes and the couch is far less comfortable than your shared bed, but that’s not important now. What matters is the feeling of his heartbeat under your cheek as your head rests on his sternum. In just a few hours, the sun will rise again and you’ll both be forced to return to the battlefield, but for now you can find just a glimpse of relief in each other’s embrace.
Permanent Tags: @bestintheparsec​ @hail-doodles​ @aerynwrites​ @murdermewithbooks​ @themandjalorian​ @longitud-de-onda​ @readsalot73​ @lovingtheway​ @talesfromtheguild​ @mystical-934​ @tiffdawg​ @lokiaddicted​ @adikaofmandalore​ @blue-space-porgs​ @forever-rogue​ @acomplicatedprofession​ @fleurdemiel145​ @cable-kenobi​ @opheliaelysia​ @pedropascalito​ @creamysacrilege​ @bandofmarvels​ @paryl​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @agentmoonshine1​ @randomness501​ @starlight-starwrites​ @keeper0fthestars​ @stilllivindue2spite​ @hdlynn​ @theocatkov​ @coonflix​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @wickedfrsgrl​ @frietiemeloen​ @liadamerondjarin​ @pancakefancake​ @someplace-darker​ @dontjudgemedude @mistermiraclee​ @pynch-bug​ @kaetastic​ @chrisbostonevans​
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justlightlysedated · 3 years
20 Questions
20 questions, writer's edition, I was tagged by @lambourngb 😊❤❤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
71! 70 for roswell and one for vagrant queen
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
468, 583!!
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
not entirely sure tbh, but let's count now:
timkon, bandom, glee, specifically pukurt, but some other ships too, merlin, doctor who, torchwood, teen wolf, agents of shield, runaways, the old guard, vagrant queen, and obviously, roswell new mexico
i think there might be more, but i don’t remember rn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the cost of greatness, which i cowrote with marlo
a cure i know that soothes the soul (does so impossibly), the first pwp i wrote for this fandom lol
the person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger, which i wrote for marlo
for better or for worse (til death do us part), which i also cowrote with marlo lol
it might be your wound but they’re my sutures, which i also wrote for marlo
so the pattern im sensing here is that my most popular fics were written with/for marlo which sounds about right lol
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i am not sure tbh, i write some pretty angsty one shots and longer fics, but i TRY to at least give a slightly hopeful ending, tho now that i’m thinking about it, i think the angstiest thing i’ve written was that prompt fill based on the song, for island fires and family, i remember SOBBING the entire time that i wrote it (there is miluca in that one), but ALSO there is the fic i wrote in reaction to the season one finale, which also made me cry, which was called, we both know how this story ends
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
once again i’m not sure, like i said before, i try to give my fics hopeful endings if they’re really angsty, and i love me some hurt/comfort, but i’m not entirely known for writing happy, fluffy fics, tho i do TRY sometimes for certain people
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
yes!! i do love me some crossovers, and i guess i would have to say the malex, sort of doctor who au, i’m technically still writing for tove
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes??? but i’m not sure if i could classify it, like i’ll write pretty much anything within reason and if it doesn’t squick me out
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
okay, so like don’t hate me, but no, i rarely, if ever respond to comments, i just don’t know what to say at all, like i’m the type of person that really wants every single message to be unique and special, but there are only so many ways to thank someone for reading your fic, so i just tend to post things and then thank everyone for reading afterwards, if there is someone that shows up often on my notifications, or if someone asks me a specific question pertaining to the story, then i will answer, i also answer back if i wrote the fic for someone and they left a comment, and if i’m sent an ask on here about something that i wrote, but i am simultaneously the world's most shy and confident person ever, when it comes to my writing, so i’m so sorry
this doesnt mean that i dont appreciate every comment that i get because i really do, im just super shy and awkward and i may write good-ish, but i do NOT have the same way with words in person
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not really?? if i have i don’t remember it, usually i’m the one who talks the worse about my own writing
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, the only kurtbastian fic i’ve ever written was translated into russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep!! as y’all probably saw from my top five fics up there somewhere, marlo @bestillmyslashyheart is basically my fic writing soulmate, we just really click when it comes to writing
14. What's your all time favourite ship? to write for?
atm it’s malex, which is more than obvious, BUT before they hijacked my brain and made their home within my neurons, it was skimmons!!! i wrote fic for them for YEARS, even after i stopped watching aos
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i’m just gonna talk about fics that i’ve posted and haven’t updated and not any of the hundreds of wips that have never seen the light of day, my original witch au tbh, i just, roswell made maria and isobel somehow related, and just made me really uncomfortable with the ship, which is the main reason that i’m not gonna finish the fic if i’m being perfectly honest, there is ALSO that au i had where michael’s daughter from the future comes back to the past and she had been raised by alex, because of reasons that are petty, probably my space opera au as well, and only because i just want to write other things MORE
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i’m good at describing things, especially kisses, i LOVE writing kisses, it’s one of my favorite things, that and my fight scenes are two of the things i pride myself the most on
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, sometimes i feel the characters are ridiculously out of character, but then i don’t care because sometimes in canon characters are also ridiculously out of characters, also describing things, because sometimes i just feel like scenes don’t flow right, i am definitely a comma whore, and use dashes and hyphens in places they definitely shouldn’t be used, run-on sentences are my best friends, also english isn't my first language, so, sometimes the way i phrase things just come out wrong
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
tbh completely honest, i follow the nora sakavic method where you just write the dialogue in english like, “hey there love,” they said in perfect french, and i only break this rule if i actually know the language because just translating straight from english always makes things sound stilted and weird
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
dc comics, i wrote several timkon fics which i posted on livejournal
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
oh, i know that love is all about the wind, how it can hold me up and kill me in the end (still i loved it), no specific reason why, i just love it with my entire heart!!
and that's it!! im not gonna tag anyone cause I saw that most ppl were already tagged, but if you want to do this just say that I tagged you!!
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ashenwren · 3 years
seven comfort movies
thanks @vishcount for tagging me! this was fun to think about ^^ though I have the memory of a goldfish so it took me a while to think of what movies I’d actually watched haha
1. Song of the Sea There’s something about this animation that instantly calms me. It’s a combination of the beautiful visuals and the music and the irish mythology elements? I love stuff based on folklore and it’s so gentle and soft while being super emotional as well. This is the main song (the english lyrics) but I also adore the Irish version sung by Lucy O’Connell, who plays the main character! 
2. The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity I also have to add this one here, because it’s a recent favourite and just gave me all the feelings gosh. The whole atmosphere of this film was so unique, it packed so many emotions in such a short film. I also love the song and the visuals so much (that opening scene with boya playing his flute on top of the roof? and the water village at night with all those lanterns? 100% yes :D)
3. LOTR: Return of the King I grew up watching the Lord of the Rings, and I’ve watched Return of the King so many times (partly because it was on tv so much, but also it was just so epic? That scene with Aragorn arriving with the Army of the Dead as reinforcements always blows me away!)
4. Ne Zha This chinese animation totally took me by surprise! I knew nothing about it or the myth of Ne Zha before watching it. But the animation was beautiful, the story was great and I just love Ao Bing’s character a lot ^^
5. Brave Still probably my favourite Disney princess film! Extra points for will-o’-the-wisps ^^ I also liked the story of Merida embracing her independence (and possibly being the first Disney princess that wasn’t paired with a love interest I think?), but also learning to understand her mother’s point of view (and vice versa). And I still laugh so hard at Merida’s dad doing an impression of her ~“I don’t want to get married, I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset.” Very relatable XD
6. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs I just loved watching the giant animated food okay? XD This film was so colourful and vibrant!
7. John Wick 2 This is a little different from all the previous films ^^; but this series had the prettiest visuals and most fascinating worldbuilding I’ve seen in an action series. There was a whole crime underworld of assassins with their own codes and rules, it was all very cool. Though I’m not sure if I’d classify it as a “comfort” film ^^; And I don’t know if I could still watch it now? It’s kind of weird, but I feel like in the past year, my tolerance for films with lots of violence/shooting has just dropped dramatically? (I remember getting halfway through Umbrella Academy S2 and just having to stop because I couldn’t handle it D:) It’s just very exhausting now and I tend to prefer these softer chinese shows ^^ Maybe it was the pandemic? or just me getting old? Idk XD
Tagging: @underaswift-sunrise @manhasetardis (I know vishie already tagged you both, but I want to see your posts if you do end up doing it ^^ ) and @auriond @aheartfullofjolllly @psychic-waffles @canary3d-obsessed (if you have time/feel like doing it, no pressure at all! and hello to those I haven’t talked to before I’m ashenwren/ashenlights ^^ I hope you’re all having a lovely day/night! )
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clarionglass · 4 years
okay so those of you who are here because of chatfic already know i’ve got theories about hozier (he’s a buried avatar lads), and those of you who know me irl know i just love batshit mad theories, so here we go (those of you who may possibly see this in the hozier tag without any other context keep scrolling, this gets weird) a post in which i use lyrics to posit that hozier has in fact been marked in some way by all the entities from the magnus archives actually i’m gonna put this under a cut because it’s getting hella long, my apologies mobile users if you disagree with any of these or just want to chat about it then please hit me up! i love my pet theories lol
the buried: “why were you digging, what did you bury / before those hands pulled me from the earth” --like real people do; “when my time comes around / lay me gently in the cold dark earth / no grave can hold my body down / i’ll crawl home to her” --work song; as well as all of both those songs, plus probably more i can’t think of rn this is the easiest to classify. lrpd is just him going “hello yes i am a buried avatar hi there.” plus the whole bog body thing outside of that? “oh yeah hozier rises from the dirt/woods every 5 years to drop a new album” is pretty much what he actually does i think (credit for bringing work song to my attention goes to a_random_nymph on ao3) the corruption: “i have never known hunger / like these insects that feast on me” --in a week definitely encountered it, he’s marked, but it’s not his the dark: “i would shun the light / share in evenings cool and quiet / who would trade that hum of night / for sunlight, sunlight, sunlight” --sunlight; “there will be darkness again” --no plan look, the stuff in sunlight lasts for like. half a verse. it’s definitely not his, but like the corruption, he’s encountered it the desolation: “when i was a child, i’d sit for hours / staring into open flame / something in it had a power / could barely tear my eyes away” --arsonist’s lullabye; “though i’ve handled the wood i still worship the flame” --would that i; as well as all of both of them actually, and again probably others look there’s a lot of evidence to support hozier being a desolation avatar too, as seen above. and i get that! but i really think he’s done a mike crew here and renounced the desolation in favour of the buried. there’s actually a work song quote that might metaphorically relate to that? but yeah arsonist’s lullabye pretty much places the desolation stuff as being when he was young the end: “two corpses we were / two corpses i saw” --in a week; in fact all of in a week tbh yeah, not much to unpack here. again, was marked but isn’t affiliated the eye: “i knew that look, dear, eyes always seeking / was there in someone that dug long ago” --like real people do he’s met the eye. encountered avatars of the eye. is possibly being pulled from the earth by an avatar of the eye here? unsure. but he’s an older avatar than he looks, and i’m clinging to the theory within a theory that he once met jonah magnus the flesh: “something meaty for the main course / ... / we’ve a lot of starving faithful” --take me to church yeah. i know it’s absolutely metaphorical. but it’s the only thing i could really find and it does kinda fit, so i’d say he’s got the mark. now i think about it there are bits of angel of small death and the codeine scene that fit as well, so there u go the hunt: “dragging along, following your form / hung like the pelt of some prey you had worn” --shrike; plus various quotes from “in the woods somewhere” he’s known a hunt avatar intimately i’m pretty sure. it didn’t work out, and it left him marked. he also touched the hunt itself, but once again, it didn’t stick with him the lonely: “never feel too good in crowds / with folks around” --to be alone it’s a passing reference, he’s marked but not affiliated the slaughter: “open hand or closed fist would be fine / the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine” --cherry wine didn’t feel drawn to it, but hell if he hasn’t been marked by a slaughter avatar the spiral: “the shape that i’m in now is shaping the dooway” --as it was i won’t lie, this is a tenuous one, but that’s a pretty distortion kinda quote. also possibly “when i was sixteen, my senses fooled me” from arsonist’s lullabye, but that’s so tangled up with the desolation so :// the stranger: “i’m almost me again / she’s almost you” and “i laugh like me again / she laughs like you” --almost (sweet music) again, it’s tenuous, sorry lads. he’s marked but not affiliated the vast: “there’s no plan / there’s no hand on the reign” --no plan this one was the hardest to find, actually. but i think the feel of no plan is very much your insignificance in the wider universe, so i’m counting that as a mark the web: “i’d be the voice that urged orpheus / when her body was found / i’d be the choiceless hope in grief / that drove him underground / i’d be the the dreadful need in the devotee / that made him turn around” --talk say it with me lads: marked but not affiliated. it’s a very web statement, but it only appears the once that i can think of bonus! the extinction: all of wasteland, baby. need i say more?
fun fact! if you hit ctrl+enter instead of shift+enter (to avoid a line break) you accidentally end up posting the post Very Before you mean to post it! fun times
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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prompt: neighbor (prompts are by @jojosmilktea)
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word count: 1,025 words | themes: children. platonic but can also be for slow build-up (after all they just met)
tags: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @sparkleswritings @brinthie @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @bitchtrynafck k @astrxrism @animatedarchives @deephasoceanmagic @strawberrysalwa
rv: i honestly forgot to edit this so now i’m scrambling on preparing this at 3:30 am haha
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✒︎ girl next door
the first time you moved to your new house, there was a flying saucer that was shaped as an UFO that flew right to your face.
luckily, you had no injuries or so afterwards since it didn't flew directly to you. but still, it was a moment that you couldn't classify whether it was traumatizing or not.
what you do know; is that it was because of your neighbor.
"ah sorry, sorry! that's my baby." she grins at you while getting the weird-looking flying saucer with her eyes wide open—which were almost close to being expressionless despite having an apparent emotion anyway.
"no, it's fine-" you halted when you saw that she wasn't already looking at you but her "baby", as if examining it if it was destroyed or not. for a minute there, it was you who was scared that she'd get mad at you for being responsible if the flying saucer indeed dealt any more damage than how it was to you.
"uh-what's your name, by the way? i'm new here so i don't know anyone. i hope we can be friends!" you attempted to get her attention, swallowing up the unknown feeling that was eating up your courage. your parents told you to get along with anyone your age and now that you've moved to a new place, it feels like you should start anew too.
she does divert her eyes to you, piercing and almost scary in a way that makes you feel awkward just by trying to talk to her. "oh you must be the new neighbor." she grins wide then, almost dispersing your anxieties behind.
"i'm hatsume mei. and this? this is my baby number ten."
"number ten?"
"yeah! this is my tenth baby! want to see my other babies?" mei suddenly turns and before you know it, she's running back to her house and you were left alone, only for her to go back and pull your hand.
"what's your name by the way? you haven't told it yet, have you?" she questions without looking at you, but even so, you can still hear the enthusiasm in them.
"(y/n), my name's (y/n)." you reply, letting yourself be dragged into their garage that was full of metals and tools, probably even scraps.
contrary to what you expected, mei grins to your way, shaking your hand enthusiastically, "nice to meet you, (y/n)! now let's get started! do you plan to be a hero? a support? a normal citizen? a villain?"
your brows furrowed instantly wondering if that came out randomly or not.
"uh-i'm not entirely sure, but surely not a villain," you paused before adding, "for now"
"why are you not sure?"
the moment you met mei's eyes, you unconsciously avoided them, feeling that slight pressure from the question. it was something that no one really bothered to ask you despite the overwhelming amount of children wanting to be a hero someday in the future. for you, you never really thought about your future yet.
"what do you want to be someday, mei?" you avoided the inquiry, shifting the attention to her. if your guesses were right, she's going to be the type to want to talk about herself.
and you were right.
"oh me? of course i'm going to be for the support! and i want to go to yuuei, yes. that way, my babies will be more recognized since yuuei is the most famous school there is! did you know that?"
"no," you answer instantly. "i don't."
there was a silence in the air as a visible frown appears on mei's face. for a moment, you thought it was about what you said but then her eyes were focused on one of her 'babies'.
she becomes silent and stoic as she walks to her toolbox and grabs hold of one of her tools that you surely can't recognize. but for mei, she didn't even have to look at what she got but she still seems to have gotten the right tool on her hand.
you didn't know if you were allowed to enter their property further but since you were curious, you let yourself in, placing yourself beside mei and peeking on what she was working on.
all afternoon you spent time watching her, actually. but in the silence, you found a light that seemed to amuse you as you carefully observed her each and every move. you had your focus on her 'babies' but every time it shifts to mei, you could see the intensity and passion that she puts onto her work, her irises wide and showing the movements inside of it. you might have to ask her about it but her presence alone begged you not to interrupt her.
so that question must come by later anyway.
you never talked afterwards, and it's not like you minded at all. you weren't supposed to say goodbye but she notices you before you could even step away further from the garage.
"oh, you're still here." she says, as if she had gone to another dimension and lost all her senses to be able to know of your presence.
"you didn't-i mean, thank you for letting me stay. i really enjoyed watching you work." you smiled genuinely at her, nodding before turning your back, walking towards the entrance of their lot towards your own.
"you haven't answered me by the way." her voice makes you halt and stop on your tracks, looking back at the standing figure of mei, your new neighbor that surely was quite different from your previous ones.
but for some reason, you know she will leave a long lasting impression on you just from the UFO that flew right to your face the very moment you first saw each other.
"being a support seems interesting." you answered, the words spilling out of your lips that you were sure you thought you only had the thought in mind. but now that the truth is out, it doesn't seem that bad at all.
with the grin on mei's face, you just know that the next years of your life will be exciting.
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xcziel · 3 years
get to know me
tagged by @vishcount (thank you!!) and i'll follow her format bc making two posts seems a little much - i'm not that interesting!!
(hilariously, this post shows up as blocked for me bc of the tag 'joker' which? tumblr?????)
Part I
name: i'm an internet old, so i never use my real name online, mainly because it's spelled in a very unique way (thanks mom & dad) - i mean like, if you googled it you could find my home address in a few seconds kind of unique - but also, though i do enjoy the spelling, i actually don't like it very much when it's said out loud? (is it weird that my name written down is 'me', but my name aloud has never felt like 'me'?) always wanted a nickname but never acquired one :/
at any rate, i've had the username xcziel forever and i go by that 😊 (pronounced ex-SEE-zee-el, similar to etc. or ex-SET-er-ah! thanks @xia-xueyi for pointing out that it can be confusing to guess!)
rest behind a cut because it got long!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: i don't ... really *do* astrology? but technically saggitarius
height: 5'4" (162.5cm for the intl folks)
time: 5:43pm but these thing take me forever to type out so ... ???
birthday: playing the 'internet old' card again .. but it floats around american Thanksgiving depending on the year
nationality: american
fave bands/groups/solo artists: lumping these together because i just .. don't really do music much anymore. if you had asked me this back in my 20s i'm sure i would have had all kinds of opinions and things to share, but these days i actually mostly prefer to listen music from when i was a kid. part of it is also that as an old, i prefer to buy my music, even digitally, and i don't really use spotify - which does so much to enable diverse music exploration i admit! but i mostly have earplugs in all the time and music does not work for me as background noise, so...
so i guess my answer would be 70s disco and classic rock and 80s new wave artists? i've never liked any artist's entire discography and prefer greatest hits-type compilations, but i guess duran duran and def leppard and depeche mode would be considered formative? i love new order but specifically late 80s new order, NOT joy division. the only concert t-shirt i've ever worn was the cult? i loved sonic temple but i can't listen to most of it anymore though i still adore love removal machine. i think maybe if you get old enough, for some of us there's TOO MUCH good music and we can't pare it down anymore
song stuck in your head: jamiroquai's canned heat
last movie you watched: re: the above, i re-watched center stage, the 2000 one with zoe saldana and the mandy moore soundtrack, bc it's a happy comfort movie and i just got a digital version
last show you binged: i can't really "binge" very often bc after a couple of hours i need a break, so i guess i'd say the tgcf donghua on netflix since it was short enough to get through all in one go
when you created your blog: in 2012 i stopped lurking so i could post about the avengers movie
the last thing you googled: 5'4" in cm? lol before that it was chinese wrapped street food
other blogs: everything is here! i discovered i compartmentalize about as well as i tag reliably (😓) but i do have several automated ao3feed-tag style sideblogs. and i did, very briefly, have a *winces* hockey sideblog too
why i chose my url: ooh i know i've done this before, sorry if it's repetitive, basically it was the username i picked back when my family first got aol: short, unique combo of letters - 14-year-old me really thought about it! and then it wouldn't let me use anything other than my name. thirty-some-odd years later, trying to come up with a livejournal username that wasn't already taken and getting fed up, i plugged it in and went: good enough!
how many people are you following: like 760-something last i checked? although many, many, many of them are deactivated
how many followers do you have: idk i don't like looking at that stuff, but way fewer than i am following
average hours of sleep: it varies too much day by day, my sleep schedule is too wonky, i have no idea what the average would be
lucky numbers: 7? cliché i know, and again not really buying into it, but somewhere in my hindbrain i like it that my first, middle, and last names all have seven letters
instruments: none. i like singing
what i'm currently wearing: giant black t-shirt and baggy black drawstring shorts, standard sitting around the house gear
dream job: don't have one. if i did it would give me something to be working towards *sigh* this is how you end up in retail for decades, kids! but also, to quote a random post i saw in true tumblr fashion "i simply do not dream of labor"
dream trip: covered this one before but: back to the uk and some railway daytrips, or a really fancy northern cruise, atlantic/pacific either one
fave food: uhhh, don't really have a favorite but i'm almost always in the mood for pizza
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: none really, if i had to still be me..maybe some kind of actually utopian future? but the pandemic has confirmed for me that i do NOT like living in interesting times, so most fictional story universes are RIGHT out. my favorites to read about like discworld or diana wynne jones' worlds would be way to chaotic for my comfort. possibly diane duane's young wizards universe would be safe enough to be okay?
Part II
last song: watching center stage made me think of my dance playlist so sunrise by simply red
last movielast stream: i don't watch streams or youtube often, so it was the same as you, vish! liu chang's birthday stream was SO enjoyable i screenrecorded the entire thing just so i could play it back (and maybe gif sometime if i ever get the drive to actually do it)
currently reading: well i just finished the translated quan qiu gao kao or global university entrance exam novel, which was sparked purely from catching a single rec post here on tumblr and basically just *falling* into this 166 chapter epic that is *amazing* and not coming up for air until i got to the end, which is typical novel-reading behavior for me (yes i was the kid who read through lunch period and got hassled by people who kept pestering me with "what're you reading" questions and yes i realize probably a lot of you on tumblr were too) plus, the new murderbot novel is out tomorrow!!!!! so that'll be where i end up next!
currently watching: the entire dmbj verse (that i can get my hands on) but ... sporadically and stopping at random different parts because the thing is ... this type of show is not really the kind i enjoy so much? so since it's more for "research" and learning character arcs (and let's be honest: shots of liu sang), etc. it's easy to get distracted by other stuff. i'm also watching the sleuth of the ming dynasty, mr queen, bromance, the expanse, re-watching farscape and stargate sg-1, just finished the falcon and the winter soldier, and then anytime something new and short gets introduced it jumps the queue. there are just. so. many. things. to. watch! (now i have to look into anti-fraud league too!? you all are cruel ...)
what is antipoetry to you: i ... don't really think much about poetry? i know what i prefer is usually the more basic rhymed kind like lewis carroll, emily dickinson, poe, coleridge, etc. so i suppose i don't have much use for classifying non-rhyming verse? i can appreciate stuff like rupi kaur which i guess would qualify? or that william carlos williams plums poem? but it doesn't really stick with me the way lyric-like verse does
currently craving: i never know what exactly this is meant to be in reference to ... hmmm, i would love a new high-concept, high production-quality movie like say, pacific rim, to be released, just for that massive, excited energy that comes with something new that hasn't already got tons of disappointing or conflicting history behind it - that would be so fun!!
other than that, right now, i mostly kinda want some fried fish? but that will have to wait until i go to get my second vaccine shot on wednesday since it's on the way there. i'd also like my internal body parts to settle down and fly right but it's been more than a month and they don't seem inclined :(((( maybe once i'm fully vaxxed i'll think about consulting somebody about it
tagging @foxofninetales @xia-xueyi @momosandlemonsoda @memorydragon @thewindsofsong @elvencantation @mylastbraincql @hesayshesgotboyfriend @aurawolfgirl2000 @smaragdine-galaxy and anyone who wants to! but never feel obligated and if you don't get around to it for like half a year that's totally fine, i am still interested!!!
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