#nd takeru
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{When you reread pages of the Adventure manhua (Chinese produced comics) again And certain lines jump Out regardless}
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last-answer · 1 year
ily i wanna hear about collar x malice.. mayeb more about kazuki but you didnt hear that from me
OH MY GOD FAE ILYSM RN okko so quick summary of teh prologue !! basically uu r this rookie police officer in the city of shinjuku which is under quarantine bc of a terrorist organization known as "adonis" who claim to want to purify japan and rid it of evil by killing those they deem unjust. one day uu basically get jumped by one of their members ( who it is unknown until the true ending of the game ) nd they put this collar on uu that monitors your actions and can poison uu shld uu do anything to thwart their plans :thumbs up emoji: then five hot guys come to help uu yadayadayada romance :silly:
ANWYAYS !! kazuki is the mcs emo and mean little brother /aff his dream is to be a musician which is super supported by his best friend ( akito !! whos also a rlly good composer ) ADN HONESTLY THEIR RELATIONSHIP MAKES ME REALLY REALLY SAD . . . bc spoilers but akito is a part of adonis so in most of the endings he has to be imprisoned . . . also this is going to sound completely out of place but adonis members have these little microchips implanted in them so that the higher ups in the organization can erase their memories . . . and so akito loses his memories of his friendship with kazuki in takerus good ending and they have this whole heart to heart talk in those rooms. yk where they talk to criminals ( I FORGOT WHAT THEYRE CALLED ) where kazuki has this whole gay monologue abt how even if akito forgot they can just become friends again and that he wldn't play any music that akito didnt write even if it meant being looked down on for being associated w a criminal and YEAH SOBS
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
The morning after
A/N: One-shot time! Last night, I suddenly felt the spark of inspiration to finish this WIP. For some context, I recommend to read chapter 7.1 ‘Italian French kissing’ and (nsfw) chapter 7.2 ‘No regrets’ from About all the times he/she kissed me. But if you don’t feel like reading it, let’s just say Taichi and Sora had some physical fun the night before, hehe. It’s written from Hikari’s POV. 
Also, @stoppingtosmelltheflowers this is the finished WIP you asked about in the WIP-tag/ask game :D (I wanted to hint Takari more, but I failed sorry)
As always, under read more. Happy readings :)
Characters: Hikari, Takeru & Taichi, Sora (Taiora) Genre: ... (I have no clue haha, judge yourself)  Rating: K+? Words: 1350-ish
Summary: Taichi had a visitor last night and Hikari is determined to let her brother explain himself. 
August 1st had always been a thing, but for Hikari August 2nd would be just as memorable from this year on. Not only was she in Italy with great company, but her brother had finally made ‘the next step’.
It was some time after midnight when she heard Taichi having words with a girl who’s voice couldn’t be more familiar. Besides, there was only one girl her brother could have words with like that. Hikari smiled to herself.
Eventually the words of her brother and the girl were interrupted by a careful knock on her bedroom door. It opened a crack and she was met with a set of blue eyes and blonde hair. Takeru asked for permission to come in which she granted.
“Are they fighting?” Takeru asked her, closing the door and leaning against it. Though she knew that he already knew her answer, she gave it to him anyway.
“No. This is a little different, don’t you think?”
He smiled at her question in the confirmative, simply because it was different. The small quarrel sounded both passionate and full of emotions and that was about damn time. Hikari looked at Takeru to share a little laugh. They grew quiet when the exchange of words were replaced with other sounds. She felt a light blush rising and her eyes wandered to the blonde in her room.
“Well, I think this is the right moment to head back to my own room,” he stated matter of factly, turning around to open the door and leave her alone to fall asleep. She waved at him as he whispered her a good night. The sounds coming out of her brother’s room slowly grew more vague to her and with that Hikari drifted off to sleep.
The next morning she woke up without any particular sound. Still, she could vaguely hear her brother’s voice arguing with the woman’s voice in her head. She stretched herself, ready to start the day fresh.
Once in the kitchen to prepare some breakfast, she heard the shuffling of sheets, muffled voices, giggles and eventually cautious footsteps coming from Taichi’s room. Her curiosity was piqued. Suddenly in the mood for playing a little game, she left the kitchen and breakfast preparations to take a seat opposite from her brother’s bedroom door.
It wasn’t like her at all, but for once she decided to act like the nosy little sister and she loved it already. Seated in a subtle spot at the kitchen table, Hikari had a clear view on her brother’s bedroom door. She knew they had to come out any minute.
“Good morning, onii-chan.” She was quick with her words, throwing them at her brother as soon as the door carefully opened. Hikari smirked.
Taichi looked startled, a light blush crept up his face. “Oi Hikari… Morning,” was all he could say. It seemed like he tried to mimic her smirky expression, but he failed being too flustered. Of course Hikari knew why, but she wanted to hear it from him.
“How’d you sleep?” Came her question.
“You came back pretty late last night?” Came her next one.
“Yes, so what?” Hikari internally rolled her eyes, her brother always had his answers ready. “It’s none of your-”
“Did you had fun?” She interrupted.
“Well yes, but-”
“Anything happened you should tell me about?”
“What?” He snorted, coming across as somewhat impatient. “Can you please stop this interrogation?”
Perfect, Hikari thought to herself. She was driving him into a corner, exactly where she wanted him. With that in mind she leaned back in the chair, crossing her legs and folding her arms across her chest. “You have something to hide?”
He looked her straight in the eyes, squinting a little, trying to figure out her motives so he could shut her down. “I came home late and I have a hangover, happy now?” But she wasn’t that easy, pointing a finger at his messy hair.
“Is that why your hair’s all messy?” He quickly ran a hand through his hair in response while interrupting her by almost shouting her name. Suddenly remembering they weren’t the only ones here in the apartment, he swallowed her name a little. Hikari however did pay no mind to his interruption and went on where she had left. “And your face all flushed?”
“Where’s the sudden interest coming from?” The annoyance in his voice was overly visible. It only made Hikari internally giggle harder.
“Why do you answer every question with a question yourself?”
“I did not.” Came Taichi’s quick answer. “I tried to tell you that all of this is none of your business, but you didn’t let me-”
“No,” but Hikari knew better, because this wasn’t the reason. She left a pause to let her brother finish his sentence.
“- it’s because you do have something to hide.”
“I don’t-” His face looked heated, though she didn’t know whether it was because she was driving him mad or because he was so ashamed. Maybe it was both. If it was up to her, he shouldn’t have any reason to be ashamed.
“Or better said someone.” It was too amusing to play with him like this for once. Behind her brother she spotted that all too familiar red shade of hair both her brother and herself loved so much, both in different ways. Hikairi’s smirk intensified, mischievously lifting one eyebrow while slightly tilting her head so she could peek behing her brother’s back. She watched as her brother followed her trail of sight.
“Hi Sora.”
While the blush on his cheeks turned a brighter red, a sigh escaped his lips marking his defeat on one and relieve on the other hand. A completely flustered Sora slowly stepped out of her hiding place behind Taichi, shyly waving a hand to Hikari. From what Hikari could see she was wearing one of Taichi’s shirts and shorts, a bundle of her messy clothes from the night before in hand. Hikari chuckled, finding the whole situations very amusing.
“Fine. You got me little sis,” Taichi spoke first while stepping into the living area with Sora following. Even though they both looked embarrassed by being caught, Hikari noticed both of them beaming as well. It seemed like they were in a happy place and the only thing left to do for Hikari was genuinely smile at the sight of her big brother and his female companion.
“For what it’s worth, I think you two are cute,” Hikari said standing up from her chair to get back to breakfast preparations in the kitchen. At the same time Takeru entered the living area, suspiciously taking in the sight of Sora following Taichi to the couch. Sora turned her heel, leaving for the kitchen, making Hikari chuckle once again.
As Sora entered the kitchen, Hikari smelled a mix of Taichi’s cologne and deodorant all over her. It was all so obvious to her, but she leaned in anyway so only Sora could hear her. “You can spare me the details, but I am curious… you two had fun last night?” Hikari bobbed her eyebrows at her watching Sora being unable to hide a cheeky smile, answering with a simple nod confirming Hikari’s hunch even more. But before she could ask further, another voice interrupted.
“You two came home pretty late last night,” Hikari suddenly heard Takeru making conversation with her brother— “did you had fun?” –with the exact same words as she had used earlier. Hikari gasped, turning her head back to Sora who was now biting her lip. “Anything happened that you should tell us about?”
The girls giggled together, looking at Taichi to see what he was going to do. But instead of answering Takeru the way he tried to dodge all of Hikari’s questions, he shifted his gaze to the kitchen, locking his eyes with Sora’s. A smirk appearing across his face, probably seeing no more reason to hide all of it, making Sora’s cheeks paint blushy pink.
“Yeah, well,” Taichi started, glowing, “I guess you could say we sure had a hot and fun night. Didn’t we, Sor?”
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sherry-l · 4 years
Why YGO Vrains is such an immeasurable disappointment: a list
First of all, I need to make it abundantly clear that Im a big fan of Vrains – I love Yusaku, Ryoken, Ai, Kusanagi... you see them very often on my dash. I fantasize about the ideal version of Vrains that’s written well, the Vrains that’s fully exploited its potentials, every night in my sleep. I wrote this list PRECISELY because I love Vrains. That’s why I got so frustrated with its cardinal writing issues (and production issues). It physically pains me to hear people calling Vrains the worst and most boring series of YGO – but the fact that I couldn’t argue against that because it’s true pains me more.
And now, an incomprehensive list of the faults of Yugioh Vrains.  
1.      What the fuck is wrong with the character designs (beside that of Yusaku and Ryoken???) Everyone looks aesthetically displeasing – characters in real life look incredibly boring they could easily drown in a crowd of background characters, but their avatars are OSTENTATIOUS. Seems like the character designer had no clue what “less is more” means – blue angel, soulburner, and Bohemann for example, look like they were immersed in a bucket of glue and then dumped into another bucket filled with random accessories.
(from a fan artist’s perspective…Im especially salty about takeru, akira, Kusanagi, and the Knights of Hanois’ designs…like, their designs don’t inspire me to draw. Their personalities might be interesting, but their looks lack the vibrant, enthusiastic energy that the 5Ds, Zexal, and Arc-V characters possess)
(imagine how many fanfics and fanarts of Kusanagi x Yusaku there would be had Kusanagi looked HALF as hot as Ryoken)
And don’t even get me started on the colour palette – whoever decided on the colours just cant make up their goddamn mind! Colour saturation is way off the charts, the range of colour is too wide the audience simply dont know where to focus.
2.      Forgotten plotlines. Yusaku’s link sense? Hanoi’s spy in SOL? The Queen and the rest of the chess pieces? Yusaku’s forgotten memories? The rest of the victims of the Lost Incident? Just to name a few. 
3.      Character relationships are weak to minimal to none. Bonds and friendships – the vital element in all previous YGO series – is practically non-existent in Vrains. Where’s the camaraderie between our main casts (Yusaku, Aoi, Soulburner, Ema, Onizuka, etc…)? They don’t feel like a team fighting the evil together. They’re completely separate individuals who don’t give a single fuck if one of their…acquaintance…dies in a battle. We don’t have heartwarming moments of friendship blossoming and consolidating. It’s honestly such a let down.
4.      Interesting and debatable topics thrown away. The conflict between artificial intelligence and humans could spark so many in-depth discussions, but then the writer just decided its all Lightening’s fault. No morally gray situations, no ambiguity between the line of good and evil. It’s just all Lightening and his petty jealousy… yeah.
Oh and if Ai lives on the world will blow up. Why? Do we have a concrete reason to back that statement? eh...
5.      Overall quality of the animation. I don’t know if its because the animation staff was short on time or low on budget, but for a megacorporation (konami cough cough) that makes billions every year, they certainly are capable of investing more in this anime series. I can count the number of episodes in which the characters don’t look wacky with a single hand.
6.      Character development, wasted potentials. Ryoken is the only character who received decent treatment. The rest of the Vrains cast are all disappointments. Original concepts are cool and promising – Yusaku, a victim of child abuse with PTSD, embarking on a journey to overcome his reclusiveness and learn to open up to people around him? HELL YEAH. Aoi, a teenage idol with depression developing into a more mature and responsible heroine who saves Link Vrains? IM ALL FOR IT.  Soulburner’s character arc is fine overall but personally I don’t feel like it’s expanded enough. Also, there’s the mistreatment of side characters like Onizuka, Ema, Akira, the list goes on. I got so furious just looking at these characters and remembering that they’re all wasted and sidelined.
7.      Incoherent/ random plotlines. IDK all episodes in season 1 (Hanoi’s arc) felt pretty consistent, focusing on a linear theme – Yusaku’s revenge on the Knights of Hanoi. But after that it felt like the writers gave up writing outlines and just wrote whatever he pleased/ considered more convenient for the sake of…a plot…that he had no idea which direction it was headed for. This is reflected in the amount of forgotten plotlines we listed previously.
8.      Weak villains. Kinda related to point 4. Bohemann, Lightening, Windy, and Haru are all one-dimensional, flat, predictable villains with the cliché goal of “destroying humanity cuz humans are dumb and Ais are superior”. Not likeable, not fun to watch, not morally gray (something I expect from well-written antagonists), they are just there to serve as symbol of evil for the protags to defeat.
Honourable mentions - what I personally want to see in Vrains, really. Very biased.
-        The familial interaction between Yusaku and Kusanagi? Brotherhood, perhaps? Without any mention of Yusaku’s parents, Kusanagi is the closest Yusaku has to a brother figure. I crave for some wholesome brotherly moments between these two.
-        More slice of life episodes please.
-        The friendship between Yusaku and Takeru. Please. Please. PLEASE. From the second opening we can see the animation staff CLEARLY intended for there to be a strong bond between Yusaku and Takeru – Takeru probably was written to serve as a Jounouchi/ Johan/ Crow sort of character. Yusaku and Takeru could bond over their trauma and overcome their PTSD together. AND IT WAS SO HEAVILY HINTED AT IN THE 2ND OP!!! fam what the fuck happened to that friendship, Im so robbed.
-        Yusaku and Ryoken’s duel or tag duel. These two haven’t duelled AT ALL since the first season ended. Isn’t Ryoken Yusaku’s official rival? Isn’t it Yugioh tradition for the protag and the rival to duel like, a trillion times? AND ISNT IT ALSO A YUGIOH TRADITION FOR THE PROTAG AND THE RIVAL TO TAG DUEL?????? The fact that Yusaku and Ryoken never had a tag duel haunts me every night in my worst nightmares afjw4ot9wgrk
-        Topologina Nabee
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, this marks the end of my rant on YGO VRAINS DISAPPOINTMENTS. Again, I harboured no malicious intent when I compiled the list – its more like a vent of frustration than actual criticism. I would pay billions to see a Vrains reboot or, if there exists an alternate universe where none of the writing/production issues above are present in Vrains, I would do a Kaiba and build a dimension travelling machine and immigrate there.
TLDR: wasted potentials. wAsTED PoTEntialS. WASTED POTENTIALS!!!!!!
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fandomsandfears · 4 years
i always love thinking about Kaiser Ken
Like This kid ego was so boosted and he was so isolated mentally from other kids his age. He found the Digital World and took it on as some obsur video game. He didnt have any real friends so it’s not like he would have found out about its inaccessibility  to others. So to him it was just this weird singlplayer game he used to escape the everyday world and the traumas left behind by his brothers death and the pressure of being a child genius.  So he’s playing this game and he’s here to just have funa nd vent and yall suckers must have played games like Plague Inc or have killed your sims before. It’s just a game. So of course he takes the oppirtunity  to just let himself indulg in some fantasy of having control. of course he plays up being the villain. have you seen this kid?? He’s a fuckin theatre kid larper hamming it up he’s just having fun.
Then he sees other kids for the first time and for a bit he assumes theyre some npc’s the game has created to thwart him and act as “good guys” for him to squash. Its just fun. Then he sees them irl and realises theyre actually other players! So of course this is infinitly more fun. He thinks theyre lame for not having even tried to customize their  avatars. The glasses girl may look like a disaster but at least she tried to dress up her avatar. Bit confused how they got into his game. Maybe theres servers and i just havent figured out how to access others servers?  But he doesn’t really mind. It’s his game theyre playing in so he has control.
so he keeps hamming it up as the villain. Goes through this whole identity reveal. Then he realises how the other kids look visibly upset. theyre actually angery with him. They must be sore losers. Taking this game too seriously. he laughs it off. Keeps having fun. This is his  game. If they dont like it they dont have to play. Hes not gonna stop having fun and he may as well teach those noobs some lessons. So he toys with them.  He continues to be the villain. And the more fun he’s having in the game the more the pressure of the real world grade on him. it weighs on him and he wants to scream and yell and hit. 
He wants to get away
So he runs away to the digital world. This video has become his safe haven. It’s the only thing making him happy anymore. he wants to fall into that avatar he’s created. Then he gets hit in the fight with takeru. He barely if ever has gotten hit. It hurts. This is a game it shouldnt hurt this much. And he whips Tk and it a moment for him to realise if it could hurt him too.
Then the darkness is everywhere. he’s desperate and this safe haven isnt safe anymore. He’s losing it. he’s getting sloppy. Barely able to keep the character up. he wants to pause the game. But he cant go home. He doesnt want to go home.
They defeat him. And he loses Wormmon. Wormmon meant something. He might have just been an npc. and Ken might have liked kicking him around. But who doesnt like fucking around with their favs. Who hasnt found a fav in a game or a show and thought about angst. Wormmon always being there, as stupid as it was to rely on some game character, meant a lot to him. and now he’s gone... just like Sam.
He wants to reset. 
It isnt fun anymore. He wants to reset the game and start over. he wants to kick the other kids off his server so he can play singleplayer again. maybe he s the sore loser now but he doesnt care, This was the only thing that mattered to him.
He can’t reset. this is real. This is a real place with real people and he wasnt just playing a chaarcter, He really was the bad guy. 
How do you make up for that?
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uniarycode · 4 years
Takari Week, Day 2 - Teasing
In which Takeru and Hikari talk quite a bit, and don’t say much of anything.  Teenage Takari, done as part of @takariweek and apparently the only one who picked teasing over first kiss
“That skirt looks good on you.”
The girl stopped, a dear in the headlights, clearly not expecting the compliment, or it’s source. “Thanks, I, uh, have to wear it.  It’s part of the uniform.”
“I suppose so.” Takeru answered. “But I think it suit you.”
A pink tint began to permeate the girl’s cheeks. “Thanks, I like your, uh shoes.”
She must have, she hadn’t looked anywhere else since the blond first complimented her.
“They’re my best pair.” Takeru lied, “I wear them whenever I carry girls off into the sunset.”
Hikari slapped her hand against her forehead.  This was getting painful to watch, she needed to step in.  “Takeru, I sure hope you aren’t talking about kidnapping another poor defenceless girl.” Hikari said in a deadpan.  “The last thing this school needs is more bad press.”
“What?” the girl asked. Looking up in shock.
“Hikari I’m hurt.  You know I’d never do anything without permission.” Takeru whined.
“I don’t know I have a few memories of waking up beside you, with no idea how I got there.” Technically true, although she was referring to innocent matters.  Collapsing in sickness in Mungendramon’s city, or in stress when her brother went missing.
“That was, I didn’t-” A sidelong glance informed the pair that the girl had taken advantage of the situation to escape. “You’re mean Hikari.”
“I’m not the one preying on underclassmen, building up their hopes only to reject them when they finally get the courage to ask me out.” She said playfully.
“You’re reading into it to much, she looked good in that skirt, it would be a crime to keep that from her.  I was doing my civic duty.”
“Civic duty, eh?” She replied in a low voice, “And the line about the shoes?  That you used them while carrying innocent maidens into the sunset?”
Takeru leaned in close. “I never said anything about them being ‘innocent’, Hikari.  Maybe I prefer bad girls?” She felt her cheeks heat up from the combination of his proximity and as her mind filled the mental gaps. “And I wasn’t lying.  Every woman I’ve carried into the sunset; I’ve done it wearing these shoes.”
“And is that number more than zero?”
“Such matters are confidential.  A gentleman never kisses and tells.” Takeru insisted.
“We weren’t talking about kisses.” She shot back.  “And I think your new ‘friend’ there might have a different idea of your sunset prowess. Do you even know her name?”
“I would, if someone hadn’t rudely interrupted.”
“Then hopefully she doesn’t get too attached.  I swear Takeru, one of these days it’s going to catch up with you.”
“What, being nice?” Takeru looked back at her, the same gentle smile painted on his face.  “Besides, you reject even more suitors than I do.”
“Not on purpose.”  She denied instantly. “I mean, I do reject them, but I’m not leading them on or anything.”
“I don’t know Hikari, you must be doing something to attract them all.  I don’t think this could be coincidental.”
“What are you saying?” she asked a slight amount of fire in her voice, “That I’m inviting these boys? That I enjoy watching them chase me?”
“Mine is not to reason why.” Takeru said “I just call them as a I see them.”
“Sure.” She too a breath, calming down a bit. “Sometimes I wonder why myself, if I’m doing something to make them think I like them.”
Takeru hummed in response. “Let’s see, you are kind, and make people feel like they are accepted no matter what.  You have this air of wonder about you, that makes people want to defend and protect you. But also a sense of mystery, being one of the chosen and all.  And most importantly, you’re cute.”
It wasn’t the first time she’d seen Takeru call someone cute.  It wasn’t even the first time she’d heard him call her cute, but there seemed to be an extra weight to the word this time.
“Hey Hikari, I think I just realized something.”  Takeru said, leaning in until their faces were inches apart.
Her heartbeat sped up, was he going to, right now?  She knew he liked her, at least she was pretty sure, but scars from the divorce still marked his heart, she would not dare move first.
“It must be dark magic.” He pointed a finger at her. “You’re a witch aren’t you.”
“Wha?” She cried out, stumbling backward, laughter following soon after. “Takeru my crest is Light.”
“So is your name.” he returned “Pretty suspicious if you ask me.  Like you’re pretending to be innocent.”
“I didn’t pick my name, Mom did.” She said between gasps.
“She must be a witch too, it would make sense, she doesn’t look a day over twenty-five, mind explaining that?”
Hikari’s laughter stopped. “Underclassmen are one thing, but you did not just hit on my mom.”
“What are you going to do about it?  Cast a spell on me?”
“So what if I am?”  She raised her fingers wiggling them at him aggressively.  “What are you going to do about it?” she echoed.
“I knew it!  This explains everything!” he raised a fist in front of his chest empatically.
“Everything?” She shot back.
He nodded sagely. “You’ve been intentionally drawing those boys in, haven’t you, using their broken hearts as part of a ritual to enslave them into being your unwitting servants.”
“You aren’t making any sense.” She laughed again.
“Well no more!  You may think I’m just another boy armed with nothing more than my favourite pair of shoes -”
“You don’t even like them that much.” She cut in, but he continued unshaken.
“Unbeknownst to you I’ve been in contact with the students that are immune to you -”
“You mean the girls?”
“- and we’ve made intimate connections-”
“You mean you hit on them.”
“- and together, these ordinary students, and me with my shoes, are going to free this school, no this world from your insidious light-based dark magic.”
Hikari couldn’t help herself, she doubled-over with laughter. “You really need to improve your plot lines” she said between fits, “That sounds like something out of a perverted game.”
“Wow Hikari, I didn’t expect you to be into that kind of stuff.”
This time she did not rise to the bait. “I can acknowledge their existence without being a perv.  You know Miyako is my best friend.”
“I thought I was your best friend.”
“Did you?”
He placed one hand over his heart in mock pain “You wound me.”
“That just proves what a witch I am.”
“Clearly you will be my greatest foe yet.”
She rolled her eyes. “So, if this was one of your stories, how would it end?”
“You can’t just skip to the end of the story, Hikari, that’s a deadly sin.”
“What’s the point of being a witch if you can’t sin a little here and there?”
“Even to a witch, there are some lines you don’t cross.” He raised a hand to his mouth thoughtfully.  “It would depend on the type of story.  If you were writing for kids then the witch would need to be defeated, cast out, and probably die in some way where you don’t actually mention death.”
“So you were going to kill me?” she asked.
“No just banish you to the second dimension.  If, on the other hand, you were writing for certain games, the type enjoyed by a particular brunette under the cover of darkness when she thinks no one is watching-”
“-the hero and the witch would come to understand each other.  The hero would teach the witch the meaning of life, friendship, and love.  He would teach her how to use her powers for good.”
“Using dark magic for good?”
“Light-based dark magic.” Takeru insisted. “And then they would work together to defeat one last threat, like maybe the witch’s teacher, before living happily ever after.”
“Stroll off into the sunset?” Hikari asked.
“Nah, not romantic enough.” Takeru said.  He moved in a flash, one arm going under her knees, another behind her back as he scooped her up. “He’d need to carry her, to show how much he wants to support and protect her.”
“Takeru,” she said softly, unsure what else to say, until it hit her.  
“At least you’re wearing the right shoes.”
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higuchimon · 4 years
Anyone remember when I wanted votes/opinions on the ultimate ends to many of my fanfics, such as the Reversal AU for GX? Well, I finally made my decision: all of them get good endings. It will take me ages to get to some of those (Reversal has a LOT of stories before that, but I know who takes Juudai down in the end) but eventually it will happen. Sometimes the villains will repent their deeds & work to be better (Digimon Kaiser, most of the time) or the protagonist will find freedom & safety & healing (Shun). It will all depend on the story. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask! (But I don't always give spoilers.)
Also, just because the good endings will happen, doesn't mean they will happen soon. I have so many stories to tell in each of these worlds.
The series are the following:
Take To The Skies: Daisuke will escape successfully and/or Ken releases him and reforms into a better person.
Fragmented Memory: Daisuke recovers his memories and returns home. Ken reforms into a better person.
Broken Bonds: Takeru rejects his soulmate bond to Piemon and forges one of his own choosing with Angemon & Iori.
Services Rendered: Daisuke eventually convinces Ken that Digimon are real and what he's been doing is wrong. Ken reforms to become a better person.
Scars of Victory: The older Chosen defeat the Digimon Kaiser and free Daisuke. *everything else I am keeping quiet about, it's too delicious to spoil*
Walking The Edge: Kaiser is defeated and Daisuke rejoins the others. Ken may or may not reform. I haven't actually decided that part yet.
Heart of Demon, Soul of Angel: Taichi & Yamato become dark but not evil. As for Ken and Daisuke...
What He Wants: Daisuke is freed nd has therapy. As for the Kaiser - well, you'll find out when I write more than drabbles.
Bitter Bargain: Daisuke is (eventually) released from his bargain with Ken. Ken may start to reform into a better person.
Blood Of His Blood: Yamato recovers himself and he, Takeru, & their partners escape Piemon.
Reversal: Juudai is defeated and killed. Johan and Ryou get mental counseling. Ryou stays a vampire (you cannot cure undeath) but regains his full free will.
Prison of the Prince: Mizael escapes Vector and eventually meets Kaito.
Life With A Demon: Masumi and Yuzu learn to genuinely love one another.
Confusing: Shun is freed from Yuuri and his memories straightened out. As for Yuuri - not telling~ (it won't be fusing with the others, though)
Angels, Demons, & Deciding Factors: Shun is freed from Yuuri and the poison cleaned out of his system (this may take several in-story years, let alone the years to write it)
Collars and Keeping: Shun is freed from Yuuri & permanently reunited with Yuuto and Ruri. Ditto not telling what Yuuri's fate is, except not fusing with Yuuya/etc
Dragon and Falcon: Shun is freed from Yuuri.
Strike Hard, Strike Fast: Shun is freed from the vampires - eventually.
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kazumahashimoto · 5 years
still crying over the fact that saku sings with takeru and hisashi like god. GOD. nd squad!!!!! nd squad!!!!!!!
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Hee hee hee...
... I found a Zi-O 14 raw...
I’m gonna watch it!
(I’m still tired though, so this’ll likely be a speed through and then I’ll do another post later, but anyway, more below!)
(So it turns out I lied. I got way to into the episode. Sorry.)
In no order:
YES! Geiz you softie, I knew it. Even if you’re gonna defend it by saying it’s bc you want to be the one to kill him or whatever, I knew you weren’t gonna leave it at that.
It’s making me think of something from the musical ep of Buffy (disclaimer: I have not actually watched Buffy I just have the music from that ep bc... I love show tunes. No. Really. That’s why.). Weird comparison, I know, but hear me out--Spike’s got this line that goes (w/ some less applicable parts removed) ‘I hope she fries ... I better help her out.’ Literally, I feel like that's what happened here. Geiz is like ‘I totally do not care at all that he is dead, absolutely not, not for any reason whatsoever, I’m going to leave now good-bye. ............ OkaymaybeI’mgonnagosavehim. But only bc I want to be the one to kill him. Not bc I care at all in any way even a little bit.’
Yeah, yeah. I know it’s just Tsukasa, but, I mean... Ryuki.
Aw, he did the henshin kinda like how Takeru used to do it. ^^ God, Tsukasa, what are you doing giving me warm fuzzies?
Okay, yeah, but... We already know Takeru has one/it. So... Hm. Does Tsukasa know that? At this point I just never take anything this man says or does at face value, so...
Ooop. Yup. Guessing he dropped that on purpose. What is your plan here, Tsukasa?
Wait. Is future¡nonRider¡Takeru gonna meet past¡Rider¡Takeru?
OH. Oh... Wow. Okay. Not the plan I was expecting to be implemented. A... Apparently Takeru’s new Force Push works on physical stuff, too. Alright then! Sure, I’ll take it!
Oh, hey Woz. I guess. He seems... A little frustrated about something?
Sougo, why are you making a face like you got caught talking in class? You don’t have to feel bad about this. You did a good. A... Side from semi-stranding Takeru in the past?
Wait... If the incident never occurred, then Another Ghost was never created, then Takeru never lost his memories, then he never got deRidered... But the Ghost Watch exists so he should still be deRidered.... Augh! I knew I didn’t have the brain for this time travel stuff! I’m gonna stop thinking about it.
And now Uhr (or whatever his name is) is gonna pout. Which is probably gonna be destructive.
But also... MAKOTO!!!
Though... Why is Makoto here? Though, I guess I’m not sure when exactly this would fall during Ghost, since we weren’t given any timeline indication for it. Seems to be after Takeru and Makoto made up, though... I guess he was in the area? And then saw Takeru getting attacked.
Yeah, okay, so he’s still Spectre, which means the Ghost timeline hasn't been erased yet.
Aw, and he doesn’t know it’s not the Takeru from his time. So... Are we gonna have two Takeru’s? I’m curious.
Unfortunately, we lost one bc Tsukasa is a dick.
I’m assuming Takeru’s memories are back, too.
Makoto is just staring at him (looking absolutely fantastic, might I add) like ‘dude wtf are you okay? What’s going on?’
Uhr, why are you surprised? Did you not do your research or something? YOU PICKED A FIGHT W/ THE ACTUAL KAMEN RIDER GHOST.
I realise this is all gonna get erased by the end of this (come to think if you erase the Ghost Timeline... What happens to Makoto and Kanon? I mean, Takeru never dies... Do they never get sucked into Gamma? Bc the accident never occurs, or bc Gamma never exists? And if Gamma never exists... What about Alain? And his family? Oh Dear.) so this won’t happen, but it’s really funny think about Makoto mentioning this to the Takeru of the past later and having 2015¡Takeru be like ‘Makotonii-chan wth are you talking about?’ and Makoto is like ‘Wth do you mean wth? YOU WERE THERE!’
SWARTZ JUST SHOWS UP TO SCOLD HIM. I love this evil time manipulating family that hates each other.
Okay, but Uhr is gonna turn the brother into Another Ghost anyway... But now he’s not dead, so destroying the Another Ride Watch isn’t a moral dilemma anymore.
And there go Makoto and Takeru.
Wait... Is Geiz still in 2015? Maybe he can give him a hand.
Sougo, did you just realise that Woz does not actually have your best interests in mind? I’ve known that since nigh ten episodes ago.
I feel like Makoto was either just like ‘Takeru what the hell is going on?’, ‘What are you doing here?’ or, ‘Weren’t you wearing something else half nd hour ago?’ (okay, probably not that last one). And now Takeru is scrambling bc he can’t very well be like ‘yeah I’m actually Takeru from the future who forgot he was a Kamen Rider etc.’
Mika there w/ the accidental save. I’m sure a little sister looking for her brother is gonna hit a nerve w/ Makoto, too...
Poor Makoto. He’s getting Gaim Arc Tsukuyomi’d. It’s okay, honey, this’ll all have never have happened by the end of this episode.
He’s still, like, two dimensional, though. Physically, I mean. Like, Flat Stanley. He can fit through tight spaces if he turns sideways.
Takeru is such a terrible liar he has to look the opposite direction. It’d be really funny if the Takeru of 2015 came running up right after they leave. Poor Makoto would be so confused. Even more than he already is.
Poor guy, I’m so sorry. Don’t worry. Like I said, by the end of this, this’ll never have happened.
Aw, Geiz came back. I’m glad he’s alright.
It sounds like he’s complaining, but I don’t speak Japanese, so I’m not sure. I’m really confused as to why Takeru didn’t tell them, though... Like, did he think they wouldn’t believe him?
Oh, yeah... What’d they tell Junichiro? He doesn’t seem as worried as he’d presumably be if he knew Sougo was technically dead...
Tsukuyomi taking one for the team w/ this conversation. Geiz is just sitting there like ‘this is one of the most awkward moments of my life.’
Oh my gosh, they just came in. Poor Takeru’s running around so much. His feet have gotta hurt by now.
Takeru don’t talk to Sougo when you know no one else can see him, for pity’s sake.
See what I mean? Everyone is looking at you like you’re nuts.
Oh for... SERIOUSLY? YOU’RE ONLY TELLING THEM NOW? You bloody little troll. It’s okay, I still love you.
I’m... Pretty sure they just mentioned Akari. Aw, that’s sweet. They couldn’t get her back, but they didn’t forget her.
I’m starting to wonder if the Ghost cast just have a group chat and Takeru’s actor was like ‘hey who’s free during this time period?’ and these are the folks who could make it.
Aw, Geiz is embarrassed. I saw you doing the awkward embarrassed thing. Poor Tsukuyomi just collapses in a chair.
Oh my gosh... Geiz is mad that that they made him embarrassed and have feelings, so he’s got both Sougo and Takeru by the shoulders like an angry big brother or something, and poor Takeru’s trying to explain, I love this episode. I also love how bad Geiz is at feelings.
Wait, though... Did they give Sougo his body back, or did they just temporarily revitalise his ghost? Bc I seem to remember that while Takeru was a ghost, he was capable of being corporeal at times.
I love how Sougo is just nodding along w/ what Takeru’s saying like ‘Sempai, save me!’
Geiz is like ‘You asshole... I GOT DOUBLE RIDER KICKED FOR YOU!’ He’s totally gonna try and kill him again for this...
This is totally like that moment in Dekaranger when Hoji got huffy about something and stalked out and the rest of the team just started giggling and someone literally said ‘He’s so bad at feelings!’ Bc Geiz is very bad at feelings. I love him, he’s so hopeless.
Yeah, it’s fine, Takeru was able to make it so he was no longer reanimated. And confused the hell out of poor Makoto in the process!
Geiz is also embarrassed about the Ghost Ride Watch getting destroyed. It’s okay, peaches, you got double Rider Kicked, remember? Anyway, Takeru’s got one. Well, I mean... Presumably it’s the same one. Just... It’s in a time loop. And it will be until we finish changing time. At least we know it’ll always come back, bc Puma Zi-O has to have it for Geiz to steal in the first place.
Aw, the Time Jacker sibs are working together! Guess Dad frustrated.
Robot fights? In my Kamen Rider? It’s more likely than you’d think!
Aw, look at that. They just got their gamers on.
Oh, nope, now we’re Build and Cross-z.
God, you boys REALLY SUCK at not being in sync. Are you sure you weren’t meant to work together?
Woz here, trying manipulate Tsukasa. Please. You don’t play a player.
Still excited for the day Geiz uses Sougo’s name.
Geiz here, sharing the powers again.
Tsukasa is sitting in this construction equipment like one of your french girls.
I think Tsukasa just asked Woz who he was talking to, and Woz was like ‘Uhhh... I dunno?’
I just realised... Sougo’s Decade Armour has a barcode on it?
YES! THANK YOU! I knew I could count on you, Tsukasa. He just yelled at Woz to either stop or be quiet, I’m pretty sure, snatched the book and closed it. Bringing back Masahiro was a great choice, I love this. So long as he can keep it up. I hope he’s not overdoing it between this and Jinga.
Either that or he said ‘too long,’ which is also true.
Oooooooo. He can use two Riders at once on the sword.
Woz, are you just realising Tsukasa is doing what he wants, not what you want? Seriously?
Like I said, I do trust Tsukasa to at least have noble intentions/goals, even if his methods are rather... Questionable at times. I do believe he does take his post as a Kamen Rider seriously. Even if he’s... Tsukasa.
The Decade Armour is chanting ‘HEI-SEI HEI-SEI HEI-SEI etc. etc.’ and I’m afraid I must admit I love it.
Aw, Tsukuyomi and Takeru waited for him to wake up. Geiz isn’t there bc he’s embarrassed.
Junichiro is scared of Tsukasa, and you know what, valid.
Also Geiz is gonna kill something and for once it might not be Sougo. It’s okay, dude. Like I said, at the end of the day, he is a Kamen Rider, the goddamn leggy bastard.
I love how he apparently takes the camera off to eat.
And Tsukasa is still himself, even though the Decade Ride Watch exists... Hmm... So either the thing about there being two Koutas was true, or... There’s something else going one w/ leg asshole here that allowed him to keep his memories when even Fruit Jesus lost them.
That’s... Actually an okay photo? Tsukasa, have you improved?
Geiz is gonna try and kill him again. Sorry, sweetie, he’s just like This. I wouldn’t advise picking a fight right now, he’s been around the block multiple times. He’d just trash you again.
Is Woz... In the scene? Or is he... Not? Is he trying to predict Tsukasa? Oh, this’ll be interesting. Tsukasa vs Woz.
Geiz is still glaring, Tsukuyomi looks a little like a frightened rabbit.  Zi-Ot3 isn’t sure what to make of the leggy bastard just yet.
So, the preview...: Is Puma Zi-O planning to beat his past self into submission? That’s... Dark. What’s the relationship between Woz and this Kisshan fellow? Did Puma Zi-O feel like Woz was screwing up, so he sent Kisshan back, or was this the plan from the start? Does Woz even actually work for Puma Zi-O? Is he just playing a part and biding his time for something else? Looks like, as a comment I saw put it quite well, Puma Zi-O is entering the chat next week. Kisshan is gonna throw Geiz and Tsukuyomi around, much to Sougo’s horror, it appears. And Tsukasa... Not sure what Tsukasa is up to yet. Not that I expected to know.
Oh, yeah, and wasn’t there a recent scan leak of Geiz’s Time Majin using a Diend Ride Watch? So... Are we actually gonna be seeing Kaito, or... What? Bc Kaito and Geiz, that’d be a pair. Kaito would probably tease him, and Geiz would fall for it every single time. We’ll see. I have no expectations as far as returns go bc I know they’re limited by availability and willingness, so let’s just go with the flow!
Alright. I’m sorry this was so long. Virtual toffees for anyone who read all that. I still love Geiz, he’s bad at emotions and embarrassed by feelings, I love it. Presuming we’re gonna have a ‘Puma Zi-O is my enemy, Tokiwa Sougo is my friend’ moment at some point (kinda like Ryuuga had over Katsuragi and Sento respectively). Poor Tsukuyomi is trying to wrangle these idiots, but I wish they’d give her a little bit more to do. Tsukasa remains Tsukasa, not surprisingly. Hope to see more of the bitter Time fam that hates each other in the future. Who knows, since Sougo is going to 2068 next week, maybe we’ll even get to meet Goggles.
Also, for anyone wondering why it says ‘Puma Zi-O’ all over this... Well, my computer kept correcting ‘Ouma’ to ‘Puma’ and I eventually decided that ‘Puma’ was funnier. That’s all.
Here’s a shot of Makoto looking attractive despite poor quality to finish off:
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scxlbxrner-closed · 5 years
[Holds the other’s hand when they think the other won’t notice]
@linkhacked // { Fujiki Yusaku } // meme
He would notice. Every time the other one attempt to hold his hand it was something Takeru noticed the same second their hands touched. But most of the time he wouldn’t show that. Instead it was only a soft, content smile on his face, while he looked into another direction a nd just continued their conversation because he didn’t want to make the other one feel uncomfortable. 
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flashfuture · 3 years
yes! digimon has really gay implications! second season, digimon adventure 02 (and digimon movie which came around the same time) introduced the concept of jogress bonds, which are basically soulmate bonds between two humans and their two digimon partners -- first it happened in the movie between taichi, his digimon agumon, taichi's best friend yamato with anger issues and rock band, and yamato's lizard digimon with wolf's furr, gabumon - it resulted in gabumon and gabumon merging into one digimon, omegamon -- later in 02 season, daisuke and ken, two maim characters from that season found out they were jogress partners, and lemme just pull the quote (daisuke:) "Of course I did! Ichijouji’s [Ken] heartbeat…thump, thump…I felt it inside me!" (daisuke about the moment their digimons merged) "Didn’t you feel it? When our Digimon combined, our thoughts and feelings flowed through each of our bodies. (puts his hand over his heart) Our hearts beating as one… it was an amazing feeling of unity! That’s when I knew we were partners." (daisuke to ken about their digimons merging) anyways there are also two other pairs with jogress bonds, taichi's younger sister hikari and her best friend yolei/miyako, and later takeru, yamato's younger brother and their baby friend iori (he was 9 at the time), though daisuke and ken, and later yamato and taichi have strongest jogress bonds in adventure verse, like taichi almost died and made omegamon save yamato from dying, and yamato felt weird until taichi came back because he thought taichi was dead, also other characters from the showare both nd-coded and queer-coded, it's pretty interesting // also what anon wanted to say is that tim, as 90s kid, would've watched adventure, though i disagree cause he would've been like 16-17 at the time and it was a show for the kids back then, so idk if that would interest him
Hmm maybe I’ll have to check this out. I can’t believe Digimon anon has brought something into my life like this.
And yeah Tim was a big Brady Bunch fan and a skater kid so I feel like he’d like tv and not vibe with the newer stuff
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kireiji · 3 years
no, no, i still want kisses :(( ‘nd i will wanna hold your hand :(( please, baby?? - oikawa
mm ok, you can have kisses. and i’ll hold your hand, since you’re being so sweet. oh and when we go see takeru i won’t tease you too much, but maybe i wanna bear embarrassing stories of you heheh
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last-answer · 1 year
I've seen these two like so much.. ik one of them is you but like who are they what's their dynamic I'm curious :o
OHGISUDF :excited: its a lil hard to explain w/o explaining a bit of the game plot but basically me ( the brown haired girlie ) is the main character in an otome / dating sim ( collar x malice ) nd takeru ( the green haired silly boy ) is one of the romance routes nd WE ARE IN LOVE TRUST :thumbs up emoji: brought together by the horrors
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FANDOM: Digimon Adventure 01/02/Tri RATING: General Audiences. WORDCOUNT: 5 758 words PAIRING(S): Pre-Taiyama CHARACTER(S): Taichi Kamiya & Yamato Ishida, with cameos from Sora Takenouchi, Takeru Takashi and Michel Takashi. GENRE: Will you just stop it? TRIGGER WARNING(S): Some l light references to depression and Yamato staying in a psychiatric hospital for a while. SUMMARY:  From: Yamato To: Sora ’got 2nd degree burns from a head in a fire ball last night’ Or: Yamato didn't really think spirits from his childhood stories were real, but if he had he certainly wouldn't have expected to meet one in the French countryside. NOTE: I would have gone further into the comedic potential of kechibi spirits, but I figured this story was already long enough as it was, and I didn’t want to fall into disrespect (since I only did realy cursory research) so here we go.
DIGIOTPWEEK 2017: [Day 1: Coffeeshop AU] [Day 2: Fantasy AU] [Day 3: Profession AU] [Read on AO3]
Yamato swears so hard, once he finally figures out what the problem with his bike is, that a rabbit jumps right out of its hiding spot and into the grazing field on the other side of the road. It can’t really be blamed for it: it’s midnight on a chilly, damp August night, and the poor creature probably thought it was safe from stupid humans who don’t have anything better to do than break down in the middle of the night.
Clearly, it never anticipated Michel Takashi’s ancient relic of a motorbike, or the absolute absence of patience Yamato suffers from at the moment.
 He swears for an unreasonably long time, mixing the few Russian curse words he remembers from high school with the full extent of his French vocabulary, until realizes he’s up for at least two hours’ walk, pushing a bike uphill and, most likely, in the rain. Honestly, at times like these, he almost wonders what’s the point of having enough strength to leave the house if he’s going to end up in these situations.
He knows the answer, of course, and wouldn’t trade the propensity to spiral down into irrational anger or despair for the gaping nothing that were the past few months, but that doesn’t make his present situation any more enjoyable.
 At least he didn’t break down on a dirt trail.
 He’s been at it for about half an hour, earphones blasting a long string of insults vaguely put to music at an unreasonable volume, when he notices a flame in the wheat field to his right. The weather as been awful since he got to France, so it’s unlikely to set the crop on fire, but where there’s a fire there’s a person and, in this case, they’re probably trampling around in the wheat.
Yamato, who needs something to throw his annoyance at, decides to be a proper farmer’s grandson and go kick an idiot’s ass.
 “Oi!” he starts, not interested in how odd that’ll sound to French ears, “you gotta turn your thing off! You’re gonna damage the crops!”
 He has to walk along the field for a bit before he finds the entry path and follows the tire tracks from the tractors into the wheat, stomping more than he walks. Not that it seems to bother whoever decided to get a hot snack in the middle of the night, though, because there’s no movement or sound of any kind, not even when Yamato growls and calls out again:
 “Hé! Piss off before you do anymore damage, dumbass!”
 Still nothing. The wind picks up a little and the flame shivers, but as for the rest Yamato might as well be pissing in a violin—either the bastard is entirely deaf, or they’re ignoring him on purpose. Given the general conditions of deaf people in the country, Yamato’s inclined to believe it’s the later, and bright hot anger clenches his fingers into fists right before he decides to use his grandfather’s tried and true technique: just yell at them in Japanese.
True, the reason it works for Michel Takashi probably is that he’s a super-white octogenarian with the general silhouette of a particularly ill-combed leek, but if Yamato hasn’t let his obvious Japaneseness hold him back before he really doesn’t see why he’d start now.
 (Ironically enough, there is also something viciously satisfying at making himself so other in his country, his culture and origins spontaneously and universally recognized and accepted in a way they rarely are at home. Who knew racist ignorance could do good things for his brain.)
 “Sir!” He shouts, using the lower tones of Japanese to make his voice sound scarier, “could you please put your fire out and leave the field? You’re damaging the crops!”
 The flame grows several centimeters after that, fizzles out, and reappears right in front of Yamato’s knees with a relieved:
 “You speak Japanese! Can you help me? I’m lost!”
 Yamato blinks.
 Pinches his arm.
 Does it again, but harder this time, digging his nails into the flesh for good measure.
 Everything hurts the way it’s supposed to, so he’s probably not sleeping but, despite that, the flame is still here.
 Clearly, he’s gonna need to check out his meds’ notice when he gets home.
 “Can you help me?” The flame repeats.
 It’s got a pleasant voice. Lighter than Yamato’s, maybe a bit too loud, but relatively pleasant.
 It would, of course, be even better if it didn’t come from a fire that gives the inexplicable impression of being a head with far, far too much hair on top of it in the middle of asking a question. For a moment—a couple of seconds, at most—Yamato tries to make sense of it all.
Then he decides he doesn’t have the strength for this mess and walks away, refusing to let himself slow down even when the fire’s voice gets louder.
 “Please,” it yells, far closer than Yamato would have thought, “I’m lost!”
 Don’t talk to it, Yamato tells himself, that’s how people get themselves interned. Just ignore it and it’ll have to stop, eventually.
 Right. Because this is exactly how hallucinations work.
 “I’m lost! Please! I’m lost!”
“Buy a map!” Yamato tosses over his shoulder, heart in his throat as he reaches the exit path.
 He’s giving himself a rather severe mental talk down by the time he reaches the motorbike and starts pushing on the handles. He’s finally lost it, there’s no way around that, but that doesn’t mean he’s got to go and make it obvious, for heaven’s sake!
 “Please! I’m lost, help me please!”
 Yamato screams and lets the bike stumble into the irrigation ditch when the flame touches his calf, searing pain shooting up his leg and sending his heart in overdrive. He whines in pain as he slaps the fire out, a litany of apologies floating in his ears even when he forces himself to his feet and takes off at a run toward his grandfather’s home.
He doesn’t remember getting home, let alone in bed, but he must have managed it somehow because, when the pain finally gets too much to bear, his eyes immediately land on the old dance trophy that resides on the bedside table of his mother’s childhood bedroom. He hisses and grits his teeth against the pain to sit up...and yells when the movement causes the sheets to brush on exposed muscles.
He’s still swearing by the time he gathers the courage to check, heart racing like it’s going for a gold medal in the fear Olympics.
There’s almost no skin left on the back of his right leg, raw flesh exposed to the morning air like a painfully undercooked steak. There are blisters all over it, one of them almost the size of an egg, and jeans fibers stick to the wound in a couple of places. It could probably be worse, but it’s bad enough to make him dizzy and vaguely nauseous.
He has to grip the edge of the bed with white knuckles before he tries to stand, and when he tries to put a foot in front of the other the pain, sharp and raw like nothing else, catches him fast and hard enough that he yelps and falls to the ground, wincing when the door open to reveal his grandfather standing there with his night gown and a panicked expression on.
“What did you do?” He yells in French when his gaze lands on Yamato’s calf.
“I didn’t do anything, it’s—”
A pained exclamation cuts through Yamato’s sentence when his grandfather plucks the jean fibers out of the burns, and it’s all he can do to get his breath back while Papy Michel chastises him:
“You couldn’t just do that with a knife, could you? You could have set the house on fire!”
“But that wasn’t me!”
He knows he’s lost before his grandfather speaks again. It shows in the way his features go from worried granddad to steely war veteran and, even if that wasn’t enough of a tell, the fact that he reverts to Japanese for the next sentence is a dead giveaway.
“Can you get to the bathroom?”
“Yes,” Yamato confirms with burning eyes, “I’ll manage.”
It’s easier to brace himself for the pain now that he knows what it’ll be like. With a wince, he bites on the pained sound that tries to get out of his throat and pushes himself upright, grabbing his phone on his way up. If his grandfather won’t listen to what he’s got to say, he might as well reach out for people who will.
‘got 2nd degree burns from a head in a fire ball last night’ he texts to Sora, before transferring the message over to Takeru.
It’s a little over seven PM back in Tokyo, so he’s not surprised when Sora answers first:
‘Did your dosage change recently?’
‘np & nothing causes hallucinations, I checked + I was in a wet wheat field. Nothing to burn me w even if I was seeing things’
‘Yikes. How did your granddad take it?’
‘YIKES. Hang in there & phone me when you can. My new pill keeps me up anyway.’
Yamato promises Sora to call her as soon as he’s done getting bandaged—possibly with lunch, too—and does his best not to be too obvious about how much he wants this thing to be over already.
“You know,” his grandfather tries after a while, eyes straying toward Yamato’s phone almost too quick to be noticed, “if you want to talk about this, I can—”
“Sora says hi,” Yamato says, heart in his throat, before the sentence can end.
“Sora. My friend from the hospital. She says hi.”
She never had even the beginning of a will to get in touch with Yamato’s family, a sentiment he approves of and mirrors entirely, but mentioning her is a surefire way to cut any conversation short without having to provide an excuse. It’s not that Yamato’s family isn’t trying to support him. They are.
It’s just that they don’t exactly understand one another at the best of time, and neither his parents nor the two grandparents he still has were prepared to deal with the kind of issues Yamato turned out to have. His friendship with Sora, born and forged in the heart of a psychiatric ward, is quite possibly too much of a reminder for them to be fully comfortable with it.
“Good,” Papy Michel mutters with a bit of a strangled voice, “that’s good. Well, you’re all patched up now. Don’t get this dirty.”
Yamato nods and gives a perfunctory mutter about wanting a smoke before he makes his exit to the garden, where he promptly lights a cigarette. He can’t honestly say he needed it right this second, but since he’s here he might as well indulge and settle his nerves.
Besides, it’ll give him some space to answer Takeru’s incoming text.
‘Dsnt that sound lk 1 of grdma Fumikos stories?’
‘the head ina fire thing. Its a Kõchi story no?’
‘maybe idk’
‘ill check’
Takeru doesn’t really need to check, seeing as his comment actually reminded Yamato of the legend in question, but waiting for more information gives hims something to do while he finishes his cigarette, and it’s as good an excuse as any to stay away from his grandfather for a bit.
The thing he met—the thing he thought he met—was probably a kechibi: some poor sod’s spirit literally rolled right out of them and into a fireball, for whatever reason. It can’t be real, of course, and Yamato feels stupid for entertaining the notion now, but he used to be a hardcore believer when he was younger. Not, as his grandmother first thought, because he was afraid of them, but because she used to say some kechibi were wrathful spirits, meant to exact vengeance on those who wronged them during the day.
The amount of time Yamato spent nursing his resentments, during middle school, hoping he’d generate a kechibi powerful enough to take care of his worse bullies, was probably not very healthy. He can’t say he regrets it, though of course he’s given up on their existence a long time ago now. After all, he may go to a temple on a semi-regular basis, half-because he wishes he’d believe again and half because the atmosphere soothes him, but that doesn’t mean he can’t realize that legends are just that. Legends.
‘how do u explain the burns then?’ Takeru asks when Yamato points that out.
‘dunno. Y do u even want it 2 b real?’
‘either it’s real or u burned urself & fabricated the encounter 2 cover it up. Whether were talking hallucinations or lies I prefer the 1st option’
‘...ngl, so do i’
It’s getting late by now, the butt of Yamato’s cigarette long discarded in the ashtray he keeps on the low wall protecting the vegetable garden, so he wishes his brother goodnight and finally goes back inside for lunch. He answers his grandfather’s questions—in Japanese, for the most part—without lying, though he’s careful not to mention the kechibi, and they spend the next few hours figuring out how to get the motorbike out of its ditch and into a garage shop.
The words ‘please, I’m lost’ float in Yamato’s mind the whole way through.
‘You’re a nutcase,’ Sora texts when Yamato finishes telling her about his projects for the night.
‘tell me somthng I don’t know’
‘No, the depression is regular crazy. This is just nuts.’
‘im going now ttyl’
Yamato can almost ear Sora’s disbelieving little snort as he sneaks out of the house and climbs on the mountain b ike his grandfather borrowed from a neighbor on his behalf. She doesn’t let it out as often as he does, but sometimes she’s got enough sarcasm to give him a run for his money and, honestly, the only reason he doesn’t keep texting her is because he has no intention to die on the road tonight.
Still it’d be nice if he could. He’d feel a little less stupid, for one. How else could he feel when he’s on his way to a freaking field in the middle of nowhere just so he can maybe have a—second—conversation with a head in a fireball.
Ridiculous doesn’t even begin to cover it.
The ride goes peacefully. There ’s next to no traffic on the roads as it is, let alone at eleven at night, and the weather finally cleared so aside from the darkness it isn’t that different from Yamato’s usual exploration of the countryside. There’s a sense of trepidation in him his usual outings lack, though.
The countryside in this part of France is dreadfully empty—not even five hundred persons in his grandfather’s village—and it doesn’t even have the decency to make up for it with particularly beautiful landscapes. Yamato had been spending most of his days out so far, but it’s a way to be alone with his thought and away from his grandfather’s worried incomprehension more than a show of appreciation for the place, r eally.
Add a healthy dose of depression to that and, well. That’s all you need to know about Yamato’s current hobbies, really.
There’s a real purpose to this particular trip, though, if only to figure out whether that thing really is real—it can’t be. Legends aren’t real! But then Yamato’s burn, still throbbing under the bandage and disinfectant, is, so there’s that. He pulls into the entry path to the field with a sigh and one last volley of disbelieving insults to his own intellect, and rests the mountain bike down on its handle before stepping onto the tire tracks.
The full moon’s getting near which, if legends are to be believed, make the possibility of a spirit encounter even more likely. Of course, that’d feel a little more logical if he weren’t thousands of miles away from Japan in a field that is painfully, obviously empty—of people and of flame.
Yamato is running a hand over his face with a weary sigh when there’s a firecracker sound, and he jumps about thirty centimeters into the air, shrieking as he lands on his ass and damages a sizable patch of wheat, as well as the butts of his hands, in the process.
“Shit, warn a guy would you?”
The face in the fireball doesn’t have very definite features, except maybe for the ridiculous excess of hair, but it still manages to convey a decent air of contrite confusion as it settles down at some distance from Yamato’s legs. Good. Not only does that mean he won’t get burned again just yet, it should also spare him the mental image of a head bouncing after him like a rubber ball which, as his irreverent conversation with Sora this afternoon attests, is nothing short of ridiculous.
Still, the head looks like it sort of feels bad, so Yamato sighs, shifts his mental processes over to Japanese, and says in as calm a voice as he can manage:
“Excuse me, oh Spirit, but what are you doing here?”
The flames around the head brighten, and the vague hint of eyebrows raise up as the head exclaims:
“You speak Japanese! Can you help me? I’m lost!”
“So I understand,” Yamato says, a not-so-small part of his brain still yelling at him to go home and get a grip.
The rest of him figures it can’t be worse than staring at the ceiling and hope for something to come and jump start his emotions back to life.
“Who are you?”
There’s a pause, like the head is gathering breath, and then:
“I’m lost, sir.”
“Yes. You mentioned that. Where are you from?”
There’s another, longer pause, and the flames around the kechibi’s head dim a little before it—he?—tries in a hesitant voice:
“I’m lost.”
“Alright,” Yamato sighs, distantly relieved this thing is managing to irritate him, “let’s try something different. Do you have a name?”
“I have a friend!” the kechibi answers, voice piping so high it sounds more child-like than the adult voice it had before.
It’s not the answer Yamato was aiming for, but it’s a step out of the ‘I’m lost’ loop, so he’ll take it.
“What’s you friend’s name?”
There’s happiness in that one name, like saying it is enough to put the kechibi in a good mood, and a trickle of dread worms its way inside Yamato’s heart. He really hopes he’s wrong about where this is going.
Maybe this Koushiro person is just a close friend.
“Do you know where Koushiro is?”
Pause. Dimming flames.
“...I’m lost.”
Evidently, not the right question to ask. This is going to be tricker than he thought it would be.
At least, he reminds himself, it’s not a wrathful one. He hasn’t believed in literal spirits in a long time—tending to interpret them as energies of some sort more than anything else—but he did grow up with a healthy respect for them. That, and a certain awareness of their potential for harmful behavior, because respecting spirits doesn’t mean pretending they’re only ever nice and fluffy.
Hell, even his mother, who is a practicing Catholic, always told him not to anger any spirit, that’s how well aware of their nature he is.
This one though? More confused than angry. It’s honestly the only thing that keeps him from turning heels and leaving it to its own devices. Instead, he follows his earlier inkling, and asks:
“What’s Koushiro like?”
Look, Yamato isn’t usually the type to compare real life to movies but, one, he’s literally talking to a spirit so the usual rules can suck it and, two, there’s really no other way to describe the way the kechibi glows other than Ghibli-like. It’s like watching a flaming, wild-haired version of Ponyo puff itself up and yell:
It’s a good thing it looks so cute, because it means Yamato doesn’t have to fake his little smile when he replies:
“That great, uh?”
“Yes! He’s smart, and he’s funny and he knows how to do so many things with computers! And he’s nice and sometimes he forgets to it so I bring him food and then he smiles and we laugh a lot. He’s a really good friend.”
It’s funny the kechibi’s voice should sound like a child’s. Yamato can’t know for sure tit’s not its real voice—although the head seems large for a kid’s, and it did start out speaking in deeper tones—but even then there’s something so...innocent about the way it sounds. There’s no fear, no embarrassment, no self-disgust here, just pure affection and a fondness that can never be faked.
He sort of wishes he’d get to have that.
“He does sound pretty amazing,” he says, trying to keep the wistfulness out of his voice. “How long have you known him?”
“Oh, forever, I’m sure,” the kechibi replies, head tilting back like it’s looking for an answer in the stars, “I don’t remember not knowing him.”
“That’s quite a long time.”
“Yes, but it’s nice! Don’t you have someone you’ve known forever?”
“Not really,” Yamato shrugs, “my oldest friend is my little brother, but I remember what it was like when he wasn’t there.”
Dimly, in short flashes that mostly consists of the few weeks before Takeru’s birth, but Yamato still remembers.
“Do you like your brother a lot?”
Yamato blinks at the change of topic, in part because he was starting to get lost in his own thoughts, but also because he’d kind of given up on the kechibi extending their conversation topics on its own. Evidently, he just hadn’t found the right angle.
“Yes,” he says, settling into a more comfortable position, “I do.”
“How much?”
Oh well. If he’s gonna hear a kid’s words in a kid’s voice, he might as well go the whole way.
He extends his arms as far as they’ll go before he says:
“That much.”
He really hopes this kechibi didn’t come from an actual child, though. If he’s right, and there’s less an less hold on the hope that he isn’t, then he really hopes it’s happening to someone who’s old enough to mostly bounce back from it.
“I,” the kechibi says, the flames at the side of its head widening like they’re trying to imitate Yamato’s gesture, “like Koushiro thiiiiiiiiiiis much!”
The fire licks at a couple of strands of wheat on the side, and Yamato is halfway to his feet before he realizes nothing caught fire. In fact, aside from the damage he inflicted, it’s like nothing’s happened here at all.
Well, good to know major burns are a human-only experience, he guesses. Could have done without the discovery, though.
“Oh, sorry,” the kechibi says, dimming and shrinking as it talks, “sorry, sorry—”
“It’s okay,” Yamato reassures it, one hand straying to his calf, as if he could have forgotten the wound there, “it’s not so bad, and you didn’t—”
“Koushiro is a boy,” the kechibi shrieks.
Fuck, Yamato thinks.
He was right.
The spirit vanis hes with a loud snap before he can fully figure out what to tell it.
Yamato waits for the kechibi to return for a long, long while, even going so far as to call out once or twice, but to no avail. The spirit, it seems, is either back to its body, or determined not to come back. Yamato could wait it out until morning if he wanted, he’s definitely got the hang of not moving of uncomfortable length of time. That would probably result in his grandfather having a stroke in worry, though, and he’s not so far down that it’s something he’ll let happen anymore.
Besides, even supposing he stays here all night and his grandfather either doesn’t notice or survives the experience unharmed, anyone who lives within in a twenty kilometers’ radius would soon know about how Michel Takashi’s grandson slept in a field. He’s already the local weirdo, there’s no need to add to that.
He calls out for the kechibi one last time, then looks around to make really sure no one hears him when he promises to come back the following night.
By the time he gets back to his bed, he’s tired enough that even his brain can’t keep him awake.
The kechibi is already there by the time Yamato makes it to its field on the third night and he thinks, a little stupidly, that he might have to find it a name at some point. It’s ridiculous, really, these things are supposed to be people’s souls, not pets. It feels weird not to have a name to give it, though, so it doesn’t hurt to think about it.
It isn’t a priority though, and as soon as Yamato is within speaking distance of the spirit he makes sure to say:
“It’s alright that Koushiro is a guy.”
The kechibi’s features are a little more defined when he looks up to stare at Yamato. Its hair, still overgrown, is dark brown, a little paler than the stereotypical Japanese black. Its nose is short, its mouth a little too thin but somehow friendly, as if made for smiling. It’s the kind of smile that half begs you to be telling the truth, half asks if you wanna be friends.
If maybe you already are a friend.
Yamato’s Gay Epiphany wasn’t what sent him to the psychiatric ward but damn, he would really have loved it if someone would have put that kind of expression on his face instead of having to figure it out on his own.
“It really is.”
“It’s alright,” the kechibi repeats, its flames growing a little taller, a little brighter.
“Koushiro’s a guy. And it’s alright.”
“Completely alright.”
He’s not sure how a disembodied and mostly featureless head manages to make fondness bloom in the vicinity of his heart but, eh. It’s a spirit. They do weird things, like burn people by accident while leaving crops alone or, in this case, flickering and changing colors at a steady pace.
Flick-orange, flick-redder, flick-range, flick-redder.
“That’s funny,” Yamato says after a moment of silence, “your flames.”
“What about them?” the kechibi asks as if having fire all around your head was a normal, every day occurrence.
It probably is to a spirit, mind you, but that doesn’t mean Yamato can’t keep in mind how surreal the entire thing is.
“The way they change color. It’s like a heartbeat.”
“Yeah,” Yamato replies, deciding to try and circle back just to see if their conversation changed anything, “it’s what you like people with.”
“I like Koushiro a lot.”
The flames don’t widen like enthusiastic little arms this time, but considering there’s no abrupt disappearance either, Yamato decides he’s okay with it.
“Yeah. It’s alright to like him a lot.”
It sort of feels like Yamato should be trying to have this conversation with a more elaborate vocabulary, mostly because the face in the flames doesn’t really look child-like. Sometimes, though, even adults need to get simple words, and this one hasn’t protested the lack of over-three-syllables lexicon yet.
“Jyou doesn’t like Koushiro as much.”
Ah, yes. That’s the fun part, as far as Yamato remembers, the moment he went from a relieved, almost elated ‘this is why it’s not working with girls’ to ‘oh fuck, now I’m even more different’.
There were other components, too, things being straight wouldn’t have changed like, oh, being blond or being socially awkward, or having lucked out at the brain make up lottery—although that point might have been easier to deal with in a different world. The fact remains that, even though his Big Gay Epiphany was, depression aside, a mostly smooth process, that part was particularly hard to swallow.
Still is, whenever it rears its ugly head, but Yamato learned to suppress his gag reflex by now.
God, this metaphor is getting out of control.
“Not everyone likes boys this way,” he says instead of trying to examine that strange train of thoughts.
“Boys don’t.”
“Some do. I do. Some girls don’t like boys that way, either. My best friend Sora, she prefers girls. The person she’s in love with is a girl.”
“I like girls a lot too,” the kechibi says, like it’s correcting a mistake, “and I like Koushiro.”
“Well, you’re allowed to like both. You’re allowed to like any kind of person.”
“Mom will be angry.”
“Maybe she won’t,” Yamato counters, because it’s true. Not everyone gets terrible reactions. “Even if she is, there’s nothing she can do against it. No one can stop you from liking people.”
Yamato has to hide his eyes behind his arm when he ends his sentence, and even then it’s not fast enough to prevent him from seeing spots for the next ten minutes, at the very least. He really, really hope no one was awake to see that, because he’s got no idea how he’d explain it.
Somehow, he doesn’t think ‘sorry, some poor fucker was having an identity crisis in the countryside’ would appease many people.
“I love him so much,” the kechibi says.
It’s quiet and wistful, back to the deeper tones of the first night. There’s acceptance in that, and some relief, but there’s grief, too, and Yamato isn’t quite sure whether the guy is grieving the safety of straightness or the possibility of something happening with Koushiro.
Either way, he’s definitely back in a headspace where he’s aware of the potential ramifications of his recent discovery, and Yamato knows exactly how that feels.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, “I can tell. Sorry.”
This time, when the kechibi pops out of the conversation, Yamato doesn’t bother waiting around before he leaves.
When he reaches the field the next evening, he’s almost afraid to find it empty. Sure, it’d mean no more risk of sounding like a complete nutcase, but then again...well, the spirit was the first person he had a real conversation with in this country, including his grandfather. He thinks it’s understandable that he doesn’t want to let go of the connection just yet.
Doesn’t prevent him from swearing blue murder when the kechibi startles him again, though.
Yamato ignores the kechibi’s surprised stare as he slaps dirt off his jeans and checks the state of his hands...yep. Fresh scraps. Damn it.
Then, because there’s only so long he can ignore a pair of big, almost pleading brown eyes in a fireball looking up at him, Yamato sighs:
“Why do you keep speaking in a different language? I don’ understand it.”
“We’re in France. If you wanted to hear Japanese you shoulda had your out of body experience back home. Why don’t you ask Koushiro out if you like him that much?”
“He’s aromantic. He told me last week.”
“Ah. Tough luck.”
Brown eyes look down, shadowing a vague hint of pinched lips and, well, yeah. It’s not like there’s anything wrong about the aromantism thing, it’s just inconvenient for the spirit’s love life at the moment.
“It’s not a problem,” the kechibi says, looking like it’s shrugging nonexistent shoulders, “I’ll get over it.”
“Of course. Doesn’t mean the first few days of it are fun. Is that why you’re here?”
“What? No. I’m on vacations with my family.”
Yamato would be lying if he said he doesn’t smile at that. Sounds like the spirit isn’t so lost anymore.
“Anyway,” the kechibi adds with the tone of someone who’s trying really hard to convince themselves, “at least it taught me something about myself. It’s….”
“Kind of painful and coming with a whole lot of unpleasant strings attached?”
Okay, Yamato knows he sounds harsh, here, but this is honestly the easiest part of this whole story so far. He’s had plenty of time to think about the sort of unpleasant reactions people could, would, and did have to learning he was gay.
“If it makes anything better,” he says as he sits down in the grass of the entry path, “you learn to enjoy the cool parts more than you think about the bad ones. Those are only there because people are ridiculous.”
“No offense, but ‘ridiculous’ coming from you sounds somewhat...nice.”
“Just wait ‘til I can handle more than two languages again,” Yamato replies with a shrug, “I’ll show you how mean I can be.”
The kechibi snorts at that, laughter burying itself in the ground next to Yamato’s feet, and the only reason Yamato can think of for that is that the poor guy’s had a pretty stressful week. It’s got to come out somehow.
Besides, it makes him chuckle, too. It’s not actual laughter yet, but it’s been a while since he did that and really mean it, so he figures he might as well enjoy this new step on the path of re-recovery or something.
“I’d like to do that, actually,” the spirit says with one last huff of breath. “I really was lost and you...you got me out of it.”
“Well, my twitter handle’s @yamaNO, if you want to get in touch there. I have a rainbow-filled silhouette as a profile pic.”
“Okay!” The kechibi agrees with more enthusiasm than Yamato feels is needed, “I’ll check you out!”
A second passes.
“I mean, I’ll check IT out. It. Your profile. Soon. Tomorrow. Oh my god this is—I really should go….”
He snaps out of existence before Yamato can ask for his name.
Yamato is wasting time around the web the next day, trying really hard to pretend he’s not checking his twitter tab every five seconds, when he gets a new follower notification and a direct message, pretty much in the span of a second:
@yamaNO: says the guy whose Big Gay Crisis gave him a literal out of body experience
@tAYYYYYchi: First of all I told you I’m still into girls so I don’t know what it is but it’s definitely not gay. Second, shut up, dumb face. Third: what are you doing?
@yamaNO: wondering if some1 invented time travel so I can go back & not help u
@tAYYYYYchi: Everyone loves me.
@tAYYYYYchi: Clearly, you’re A Big Liar Who Lies.
Well, there’s no denying the guy—Taichi, his bio says when Yamato follows him back—is entirely right about that.
Yamato really , really doesn’t mind.
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alisonmanic · 7 years
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So I was at Kitacon this weekend 18th to 20th August. I was happy to find out that an article I’d written for the con book made it in! (as pictured above). Now that the con is over and I’m home. Here is exactly what I wrote: It feels like only yesterday I would sit and watch the first Digimon (Digimon Adventure (Season 1) on CITV.  But Digimon did not start with the Animation. It started on the 26th June 1997 with the release of the Digimon V-Pet in Japan. Yup that's right, Digimon is now officialy 20 years old. Feeling old yet? I am lol as I was 14 at the time! You could raise Digimon like Agumon or even Devimon in the very first V-Pet. Ah if only I had been able to keep my original V-Pets and Digivices. Still, I have been very fortunate to get some of my collection back over the years and have recently ordered the 20th Anniversary from Japan. Digimon Adventure first started in Japan on the 6th of March 1999 and ran for 54 episodes into March 2000. The English dub started to air in America in August 99 to June 2000. We were introduced to the 'original' Chosen Children (Digidestined dub). I have keen memories of writing down the evolution lines while I was watching the dub and this drove me to start my own Digimon website (Digital Starlight) in 2001. Although it is no longer updated, the site still lives. Most of my favourite Digimon and cosplay have come from Adventure. I have cosplayed Vamdemon/Myotismon, Tailmon/Gatomon and Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya. I would one day like to cosplay Wizarmon/Wizardmon and PicoDevimon/DemiDevimon. Digimon Adventure Zero Two (02) first started in Japan on the 2nd April 2000 and ran for 50 episodes into March 2001. The dub started in America in August 2000 and ran to May 2001. The Chosen Children expanded a lot, we got new types of evolution (Jogress/DNA and Armour). I would like to cosplay the Digimon Kaiser at some point and was rather disappointed when there were no United Kingdom Chosen in the Digimon World Tour. Also it marked the return of my favourite Digimon villan – Vamdemon/Myotismon. It was towards the end of Season 2 that I was introduced into Real Media clips from Japan that took ages to download on 56k dial up! Digimon Tamers first started in Japan on the 1st April 2001 and ran for 51 episodes into March 2002. The dub started in America in September 2001 and ran to June 2002. We met new Digimon Tamers and their partners and this series was darker than the previous two. Digimon died and were not reborn like previous seasons. This was not expected and depression was tackled in youngsters. Afterall Juri/Jeri's Digimon Leomon died and sent her spiralling. For some, Tamers wasn't popular and for some they loved it. I'm more in the middle ground. Digimon Frontier first started in Japan on the 7th April 2002 and ran for 50 episodes into March 2003. The dub started in America in September 2002 and ran to March 2003. Digimon Frontier never aired in the UK and a friend in Australia ended up taping me the episodes from TV and sending me the VHS'! Digimon Frontier was very different. There were no Digimon partners, the children Spirit Evolved into their Digimon forms. Frontier was considered as 'the end' at one point. People did not like it didn't have partners or the drawn out Royal Knights story line. By  the time Frontier ended in Japan. There was no new Digimon show ready to take it's place. There was a hiatus, only broken by a Japanese Movie Digital Monster X-Evolution in January 2005. No humans, just a pure story about Digimon that got rather confusing at times. Then it was back to waiting until... Digimon Savers/Digimon Data Squad. Diginon Savers first started in Japan on the 2nd April 2006 and ran for 48 Episodes until March 2007. The dub, Digimon Data Squad, started in October 2007 and ran to November 2008. Data Squad was aired on an obscure channel called Kix at the time. Digimon Savers followed another new route with 'DATS – Digital Accident Tactics Squad' and the Humans partnered with Digimon were for the most part teenagers (Minus Ikuto/Keenan who was younger). Once again, this season was a little darker as it was shown how Digimon can be 'corrupted' with huamn thoughts' and even went so far to have a Nazi-esq evil human called Kurata who wanted to destroy all Digimon! We were also introduced to Yggdrasil (King Drasil) the god of the Digital World...and once again at set of Royal Knights. Some good..some not so good. Once again, we had another hiatus and paved the way to... Digimon Xros Wars/Digimon Fusion. Digimon Xros ran for 79 episodes in total and was in three different parts. It ran in Japan from 6th July 2010 to March 2012. The dub has only covered the first 54 episodes, Part 3 having not been dubbed. The dub Digimon Fusion started in America in September 2013 and ran to August 2015. Part 1 is just known as  Digimon Xros Wars and was 30 Episodes long. Digimon did not evolve as normal at first as they had to Xros using multiple Digimon to create Xrossed up Digimon (I.e Shoutmon X2, X3 X4 etc). Digimon levels as we knew them were thrown out of the window and things were somewhat war like. Part 2 is known as  Digimon Xros Wars The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdom and covered Episodes 31 to 54. Bagramon had won and turned the Digital World into his own image and placed several of his Death Generals into the seven single zones. The Chosen having to fight each to re-take back over the Digital World. Part 3 originally wasn't meant to happen and was more of an off shoot of Digimon Xros. It is known as The Boy Hunters Who Leapt Through Time. While it had Taiki/Mikey and Yuu from Parts 1 and 2 it also featured a new set of Characters. Episodes 55 to 79 were covered and are generally considered 'they don't exist' by some fans. Hunters went so far as crossing over with the other Digimon series and bringing in the 'Goggle boys and several other chosen/Tamers cast members' fan service like...which honestly...didn't do it for me. Once again, we had another hiatus and paved the way to something that many Digimon fans were very excited for... Digimon Adventure tri. This is currently still ongoing, with Part 5 Symbiosis of Part 6 airing on 30th September 2017! Tri Part 1: Reunion  was released on the 21st November 2015. Part 2: Determination on 12th March 2016, Part 3 Confession on 24th September 2016 and Part 4 Loss on 25th February 2017. Each Episode was released the same day, subbed, in America and other places (sadly not UK) on Crunchyroll. The original eight chosen are back...with a new addition of Meiko and her partner Meicoomon! The Zero Two children (Minus Hikari and Takeru) are 'currently unknown' status. Digimon are getting infected, the infection is making them very strong and attacking the human world. The Chosen, 3 years older after the events of Zero Two, start to take the burden and responsibility of still being Chosen with the attacks happening in the real world. Part 1: Reunion Dub (Japanese Audio and Subs available as well) was released in the UK on DVD and Blu-Ray on 22nd May 2017. Part 2 Determination dub is due out in America on 15th August 2017. At the same time, we currently have... Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters. It started to air in Japan on 1st October 2016 and is still airing. There is currently no dub. It introduces another new casting characters and Digimon are known as Appmon. So far as writing this, there are no 'old school' Digimon. A being known as Leviathan is wanting to turn all Appmon evil and our heroes must stop him! I actually need to catch up on Applimon! It does feel strange that Digimon has, pardon the expression, evolved so much over the years. Not only does it have animation, it has several manga. My favourte of these manga being Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01. A different Taichi Yagami and his partner Zeromaru the V-Dramon must save the Digital World from Demon and his 'child' Arkadimon. There were also English Adaptations of Season 1 to 3 of the anime with Tokyopop. Digimon is still going strong over 20 years. I hope you have enjoyed the little overview of Digimon and here is to another 20 years! Now the Adventure Evolves. ~Vande~
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miyanagateru · 7 years
there were a ton of shitty designs in smt iv but yamato takeru nd tenkai were SOLID, its a shame they were in such a shitty game, I hope they get used in th future
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