merloksdigitaltoes · 5 months
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actually posts art on Tumblr for once
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toxicoow · 10 months
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Nexo vibing too hard (CW: Flashing lights)
Artfight revenge for @ProtoNexo301
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dieckster · 6 months
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milkisvibin803 · 1 year
neck so nights fandom enjoy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoHHS-429mKOafztJs_oIieIlXQ_jEBeK
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ninjagozanefan14 · 2 years
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Jestro from NEXO Knights for Day 28! ~Art is mine I don’t own Nexo Knights Do not steal/edit/use/copy/repost -NinjagoZaneFan14/NZF14~
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guibcr5 · 1 year
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szepkerekkocka · 1 year
Antoni Trencsev, a Nexo társalapítója a CNBC-nek azt mondta, év közepére 100 ezer dolláros bitcoint vár, és arra is emlékeztetett, hogy míg a Dow, és a NASDAQ tőzsdeindexek 18 százaléknyit, az S&P 500 27 százalékot erősödött, addig a bitcoin árfolyama lekörözte a mutatókat, és 60 százalékot ment fel a járvány időszaka alatt. Trencsev szerint intézményi befektetők is felfigyeltek a kriptopiacra, ami nagy tőkebeáramlást hoz magával. Emellett véleménye szerint továbbra is megmarad az „olcsó pénz”, a likviditásbőség időszaka, ami szintén hajthatja a bitcoin árfolyamát.
A vélemények azonban messze nem egységesek, például a Sussexi Egyetem pénzügyprofesszora rendkívül pesszimista. Carol Alexander 10 ezer dolláros bitcoinnal számol az idén, ami azt jelentené, hogy a digitális eszköz esése nagyobb lenne, mint amennyit az elmúlt években összesen drágult. Úgy érvelt, hogy a kriptopiac szabályozásának elhúzódása és az extrém ármozgások miatt egyre kevesebben veszik majd a digitális eszközöket.
A Goldman Sachs sem zárja ki a 100 ezer dolláros bitcoint. Úgy vélik, ha a legnagyobb kriptoeszköz meg tudja őrizni értéktároló – menekülőeszköz – jellegét, akkor nagy tér nyílik a további emelkedésre. Becslésük szerint a mostani árfolyamokon 700 milliárd dollár körüli a btc piaci kapitalizációja, azaz az értéktároló piac ötödét birtokolhatja, ugyanis a befektetésre rendelkezésre álló arany mennyiségét 2,6 milliárd dollárra becsülik. Ha ez az arány a feltevésük szerint 50 százalékra nőne az elkövetkező öt évben, akkor a 100 ezer dolláros árat is elérheti a bitcoin egysége.
via vg
A bitcoin 16500 $ áron zárta az évet, a piaci kapitalizációja per pillanat 326 mrd$. Még leginkább Carol Alexander találta el az árat, de azt ő is rosszul látta, hogy vissza fog esni az ár a 2021-22-es mánia előtti szintre.
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nsdclassic · 2 years
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Hyundai Nexo - Hyundai’s fuel cell vehicle
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Good, "Morning"ton to you to....
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Part of drawing meme project I was doing...I just loved this pose... so here it is... with some color...
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mywebthreenews · 5 months
Crypto Loans Platform Nexo Simplifies Tax Obligations with Koinly Integration
Cryptocurrency trading has gained immense popularity in recent years, attracting millions of users globally. However, along with the rise of digital assets, comes the complexity of tax obligations for crypto traders. To alleviate this burden, Nexo, a leading crypto loans platform, has announced its integration with Koinly, the industry’s dominant tax calculation service. This partnership aims to…
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merloksdigitaltoes · 4 months
Tumblr thread except we pretend to be living in various nk villages.
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hugo-nobr3 · 6 months
Looking for a smarter way to make your crypto assets grow? Check out this guide to the best Crypto Savings Accounts!
Traditional savings accounts can't keep up with inflation, but crypto offers the potential for high yields.
However, crypto markets can be incredibly volatile. One day it's quiet, the next it's shooting for the moon!
That's where Crypto Savings Accounts come to the rescue!
They generate revenue through lending, staking, and more, offering higher yields and a stable way to make your money work for you.
No technical skills or trading required. Simply deposit, choose a product, and start earning.
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cutecoupons · 7 months
Interested in higher interests on your savings? Check out Nexo
Nexo is an innovative financial platform that provides a wide range of services to help you manage your digital assets and cryptocurrencies. Whether you're a seasoned crypto investor or just starting to explore the world of digital currencies, Nexo offers valuable tools and solutions to make your financial journey easier. Plus, with our exclusive discount codes, you can save money while accessing these cutting-edge financial services.
In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have gained significant popularity. Nexo, headquartered in Switzerland, has emerged as a key player in the crypto finance industry, offering a secure and user-friendly platform for managing your digital assets.
Nexo's journey began in 2018, and since then, it has expanded its services globally, providing a trusted solution for individuals and businesses looking to maximize the benefits of cryptocurrencies. With Nexo, you can access a range of services, including crypto loans, high-yield savings accounts, and a crypto credit card.
What sets Nexo apart is its commitment to security and transparency. Nexo employs cutting-edge security measures to protect your assets and provides insurance coverage for digital assets stored on their platform. This commitment to security has earned Nexo the trust of crypto enthusiasts worldwide.
The Nexo platform is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced crypto users. You can easily deposit your crypto assets, earn interest on your holdings, and even borrow against your crypto holdings without the need for credit checks. Nexo's instant loans are a game-changer for those looking to access cash while holding onto their valuable digital assets.
Another noteworthy feature of Nexo is its crypto credit card. This card allows you to spend your crypto holdings like traditional currency, providing a seamless bridge between the crypto and fiat worlds. It's a convenient way to access your crypto gains for everyday purchases.
In the United States, Europe, and many other parts of the world, Nexo has become a trusted name in the crypto financial sector. The platform's easy-to-use mobile app and website ensure that managing your crypto assets is straightforward and convenient.
Nexo's success can be attributed to its dedication to customer satisfaction and its ability to adapt to the evolving crypto landscape. They continually refine their services and offerings to meet the changing needs of their users.
In terms of pricing, Nexo aims to provide competitive rates while maintaining the security and quality of its services. The platform offers various pricing tiers and benefits to cater to different users, ensuring that both casual crypto enthusiasts and serious investors can find value in their offerings.
Looking ahead, Nexo is poised for continued growth and expansion in the crypto finance industry. As the world of digital currencies continues to evolve, Nexo's commitment to innovation and customer-centric solutions will likely keep them at the forefront of the industry.
In conclusion, Nexo has transformed the way individuals and businesses interact with digital assets and cryptocurrencies. With its secure, user-friendly platform, Nexo has earned a reputation as a trusted partner in the world of crypto finance. As the crypto ecosystem continues to develop, Nexo is well-positioned to play a vital role in the financial future of digital currencies.
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kripto-parahaber · 7 months
Son 24 saatte en çok kazandıran 5 kripto para birimi...
CoinmarketCap’ten alınan veriler, Chainlink’in yerel kripto para birimi LINK’in son 24 saat içinde kripto para piyasasında en çok kazanan olduğunu gösteriyor. Marjinal bir kâr elde etmesine rağmen LINK, kripto para piyasasındaki göreceli dalgalanma eksikliğini yansıtarak kazananlar tablosunun zirvesinde yer aldı. CoinmarketCap’te en çok kazanan ilk 5 coin arasında ROSE, APE, CSPR ve NEXO yer…
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ninjagozanefan14 · 2 years
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Inktober Day 25, drew Monstrox from Nexo Knights ~Art is mine I don’t own Nexo Knights Do not steal/edit/use/copy/repost -NinjagoZaneFan14/NZF14~
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ladookhotnikov · 9 months
Gary Gensler Was Made a Condition
The Securities Commission has not achieved significant progress in the field of regulation of financial markets. All forces were thrown into the case against Ripple, but this did not bring any result.
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Vladimir Okhotnikov believes that the SEC office is very dissatisfied with the work of Gary Gensler, "Under pressure he is forced to look for new directions where he could continue to implement the regulation policy."
Recently, on his page on the social network “X”, Gary Gensler called AI the most controversial technology of the future. The commissioner pointed out that the imperfection of the algorithms can be easily used in illegal actions, and fraudsters can take advantage of this.
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Gensler's shift in focus to the AI industry could trigger a downturn, as large investors will not want to participate in projects that later turn out to be controversial.
According to Lado Okhotnikov, founder of the Meta Force Metaverse, capital inflows will drop sharply as soon as the first lawsuit against companies owning artificial intelligence is filed.
A good example was the XRP token, when long legal battles did not allow Ripple to develop in the financial sector. However, after a positive court decision, the company nevertheless emerged from stagnation and is now negotiating with several large European banks regarding the integration of the blockchain.
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