#no hate to the actors bc they've all done their best imo
i am watching a film called 'don't blink' (2014) and i. don't care for it very much actually :P
this is probably the fourth time i've seen it and it does not improve upon rewatch unfortunately ;A; the premise is that when ppl blink or stop looking at each other.........they disappear. sometimes. not all the time tho!!! and maybe the animals too, bc there's no birbs or bugs or bunnies or anything!!! it's quiet and empty!! the fisherman is gone!!! their cars mysteriously refuse to drive!!!
um. we never actually get an explanation for it btw?? i can't remember if our group have been to this specific building before but....other ppl definitely have??? like there's half eaten breakfast and unused bath water and all, so ppl have BEEN here???? is this....a new phenomenon?? ppl just....disappearing??? has it happened before??? and NOBODY'S noticed?? NONE of these ppl had ANYONE who would miss them??? ;A;
and where did they GO??? a parallel dimension??? the underworld??? or is THIS the underworld and the disappeared ppl go back to reality???? is this some sort of.....elaborate prank???? WHAT IS HAPPENING.
spoiler under cut
AND THEN!!! after establishing throughout the whole film that ppl disappear ONE BY ONE.............at the very end, when it seems like the last woman standing is about to be saved.....she looks up.....
LIKE!!! u just did that for the EFFECT!!! the AESTHETIC!!! u ignored ALL the rules u gave us for one last lil ~spook~ !!! completely undermining the entire thing just for a lil 'gothcha!!' at the end!! i do not care for that ._.
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liamlawsonlesbian · 3 months
tagged by @albonoooo, thank you, emy <33
what colour are your eyes?: brown (I used to say "chocolate brown" as a child)
tell me about your pets/your dream pet: my dog growing up was a shih tzu named merry (short for meriadoc, my family is incredibly nerdy) and he was the best boy in the world and thought he was a human. I would loooove a dog but the more realistic goal for my lifestyle atm is probably a rabbit
share some interesting fact about yourself: when I was 16 I was so hyperfixated on checking on certain actors/projects on imdb that when we had to do a challenge to be "closer to nature" for a creative writing project in 11th grade English, I wrote about trying to see how long I could give up imdb for (it was four days). My english teacher gave me an A but his only comment was a script for a conversation between me and Thoreau that ended w Thoreau saying "I'm going back to the woods"
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: hmmmm I was really intense about my interests from a very young age, but the first time I was part of an internet fandom in a participatory way was 1D
do you have any phobias?: I have an anxiety disorder but very few specific fears, weirdly
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: nope! I will try most things and have a pretty varied palate. I used to be a pretty snobby eater (which is NOT the same thing imo) but I've mostly gotten over that
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: usually mostly one after another, fries first, but I wouldn't say I'm strict about it
winter or summer: hmmmm see I really hate being overheated and don't mind being cold, so winter in a place where there are real seasons. but I grew up in a place where it's basically between 50F and 70F all year, so there I prefer summer bc I hate when it gets dark early
favourite fanfiction tropes: I love friends to lovers, I also love enemies to lovers.... basically I love any fic in which one character realizes they've been in love with a person they've been thinking about too much this whole time
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: I'm a lawyer! I work for a law firm that does city attorney work for cities
what is the last country you visited: the netherlands, last february!! I went to amsterdam on a solo trip and I loved it so much
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: I think it really depends how my life turns out! but I would love to live in New Zealand at some point
who was your first crush?: this feels....difficult to answer in a concrete way bc of comphet lol but I'll say Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit
how did you get into f1 fandom?: @oscarpiastriwdc told me that I had to read the object in mirror series by @drivestraight at the beginning of May 2023 and then it was the Monaco gp and I decided to watch and well....here I am
no pressure tags for @formulahuh @piastrology @omigodyall @vegasgrandprix @argentinagp @chilegp if you haven't done it yet!
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jalapenyochips · 1 year
hey, how are you doin'?? i just wanna thank you for fueling my fascination and adoration for behrad!! now i'm far from being updated on l.o.t (bc lack of energy + i think of some blorbos more than others). however!!! your behrad fics and art make me very '!!!' for this boi. it has spiraled me gathering info + things about him (scenes via gifs, some text posts, etc) without continuing the show, sksksk. he seems like a funky and awesome dude and i wish to skip lots of scenes just to see. . . this precious boi! i know this sounds weird but tell me the basics about him?? the wiki is just. . . eh in that regard, lmao. i know for sure, behrad's snuck his way into teh blorbo land of my mind!! i know i don't have to be too familiar with canon to be a fan of a character. . . however, i'd like to hear from your perspective!! and answer this whenever you can!!!
sending good ~~ vibes ~~ and good luck your way!!! once i got the monies, i hope to commission ya, someday!!! ✨✨✨
hello there!! so glad you're enjoying the fruits of my labor <3 target audience reached!
Behrad truly is a funky and awesome dude, and I wouldn't blame you for just skimming the show for all his scenes (bc i've done that more than a few times myself!) and the wiki truly is terrible! so just a few points that I feel like are the necessities are:
The Behrad we see following the s4 finale is from a timeline different from the one established in s3 (in which he dies helping Zari escape). In the new timeline, the Tarazi family never had to go into hiding, and Behrad is the one who joins the Legends during the totem storyline that takes place in season 3.
Zari in the new timeline, on the other hand, grew up as a child celebrity due to the events of the s4 finale, and becomes a superstar, which means Behrad grew up in her shadow.
When he was a kid, there was a reality show made about their family, Kardashians-style, that Behrad hated so much that he refused to take part, and he was replaced by an actor. This spiralled into a lifelong tendency to mask his real feelings and to be the laid-back and unbothered person he appears to be when we first meet him. It also contributed to his stoner habits, using weed as a coping mechanism.
That said, he does love Zari a lot. They just have a lot of unresolved issues that they've avoided talking about, and only confront in season 7.
It would probably take me more time than i'm willing to put in to explain much about him, though my fics probably say a lot of what i think i'd probably end up saying? especially if you're looking for my perspective on him as a character. the behrad tarazi tag on my other blog is probably another place you might find things, both from myself and from other people, though it's a bit of a mess in there! but i do think the best way to learn about him is to watch all of his scenes from s5-onward, as well as zari's scenes too (both versions, imo! z1's version of history is just as crucial to behrad as a character as the post-s4 version). I would especially recommend 6.09 "This is Gus", and 7.09 "Lowest Common Demoninator", as those are i think his biggest episodes and worth watching in their entirety!
thanks so much for the ask <3 absolutely rekindled my love for him a bit as it's been a while since i really thought about him this much! might have missed a few points here and there, but u know how it is with spaghetti
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steveharrington · 2 years
But we’re not told WHY they’re vecna’d. There’s no reason why vecna targets traumatized teens EXCEPT to make it even more horror-movie-ish. Why do they get trash compacted like that specifically? It’s implied that’s how vecna a powers work but why? No idea.
The show has left so many unanswered questions already and this new element (vecna itself!) just over complicates everything
And I’m actually kind of pissed bc Patrick gets vecna’d and we know almost nothing about him. But stranger things… hates poc
I actually kind of hate Chrissy because of how differently she (pretty white girl) was treated from Patrick (black boy). And. her eating disorder existed SOLELY for exploitative purposes just to cause an emotional reaction it’s not something that adds to her as a character it’s just there to freak the audience out, meanwhile other REAL LIFE ACTORS are being forced to starve themselves for the roles. We get it eating disorders are scary good thing they’re not real! /s
Acting like this new girl will be important focusing on her ed only to kill her off in the most horrific way possible… i don’t like it it feels exploitative especially of a real world problem this show is absolutely complicit in spreading
We got a LOT less development for Fred than chrissy and didn’t fucking. Languish in such a triggering topic I think he was the happy medium.
Regardless the focus on traumatized teens with no other similarities was already so random they could have just picked literally anyone with no special backstory and it would have worked just as well? At the end of the day Chrissy ONLY matters as motivation for Jason, who only matters as motivation for Eddie ( and since Eddie’s death did nothing like. It didn’t seem like he was saving Dustin’s life or anything) who only matters to make Dustin kind of sad? She died for man pain except the ultimate man pain was for some guy she never even met
Chrissy isn’t a person or a character she’s a bafflingly written INTENTIONALLY TRIGGERING and misogynistic plot device with an outrageous amount of minute details they could have given to any of the real characters. They didn’t have to spend 10 minutes pretending she mattered only to beat her to death with a rock and then run over her a few times for good measure
well first of all i am no authority on the topic of whether or not chrissy's struggles with her ed were done correctly and therefore i will not speak on it because its really....not my place as someone who hasn't experienced that!
as for why vecna targets people with trauma specifically, i think it serves a greater narrative purpose and that's depicted best through max's arc this season. vecna's whole backstory as henry shows that he was obviously traumatized himself by brenner and when he appeals to chrissy, fred, and max he attempts to persuade them to just give up/join him/etc because it's easier than carrying on. he's using their trauma against them. and then when max is faced with this threat of losing her life to vecna, it motivates her to want to get better and want to stop isolating herself from lucas and the group, she literally says "i don't want to go, im not ready" and it kinda overall like. saves her life! vecna acts as a narrative tool to explore mental health and trauma and guilt. imo it's much much MUCH more impactful for our characters to overcome him through their bonds and their desire to live despite what they've been through than like.....killing a monster of the week
obv you dont have to agree with me and that's fine but i don't think chrissy is like...a misogynistic charicature in the slightest. like i said before i really don't think chrissy's treatment in the show was uniquely different than fred's or even max's. i don't really understand how chrissy's trauma was "languished in" any more than fred's? i feel like they got equal screentime and fred's vecna vision was just as brutal as chrissy's, even if they talked about two entirely different topics. and if im being completely honest (again not trying to be rude or demean your view of the show, but you did send this ask to me personally so im going to give my honest opinions back) i think referring to chrissy as a "plot device" and not a "real character" is intentionally reading the show in bad faith.
this season is a horror season. people die like they do in any slasher movie. i understand if the vecna plotline isn't for everyone because like yeah watching characters who are already suffering die very tragic deaths is hard! but i think the point of vecna like i said before is to personify trauma, guilt, and shame to allow our characters to overcome those feelings. chrissy's death worked both to establish what vecna does and to involve eddie. but i dont think that automatically makes her a "prop" or a "plot device" because she's given a personality, she's given a lot of thought and care from the actress, she's given people who mourn her. i think it was genuinely one of the sweetest moments in the whole show when eddie dedicated his little guitar solo to her because it showed that her death affected him and in motivating him to want to kill vecna and save his friends from her same fate, it had meaning
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