#normal girl swag!
oneroyi · 9 months
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she refuses to change her bass' strings, but that only makes it sound strained and painful
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ministarfruit · 4 months
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day 10: love is devotion ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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marciliedonato · 8 months
My brothers in rock (gn), we are gathered here today for one purpose and one purpose only.... To be batshit insane 🙏 we are on 48h mcr5 lockdown anyone caught not being insane about the babyghouls from jersey is gonna be put down like a lame horse
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larrythefloridaman · 6 months
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#hey. hey. im just saying. he LITERALLY 'transed his gender' in a diagetic bit in orange. and if that wasnt enough.#in blue he disguised himself as squid jenny specifically with larry's powers (the only thing hes done with them on screen)#got caught by his god-assigned roles-obsessed caretaker. and was given the label of being something intrinsically unescapably deceitful.#while 'pretending' to be trans girl.#like. if i wasnt pretty sure it was all an accident i might even call the allegory here slightly heavy-handed.#with the nccts emphasizing a theme of 'youre not just what people say you are#you can be more than one thing at the same time' with crim#i think crimson can have boygirl swag. some bigender pizzazz. i think he deserves it.#is it REALLY a cpu kerfuffle arc without a subversive narratively relevant gender-transing.#am i supposed to believe the spirit of deviance himself is cis? get fucking real. grow up. /silly#also a lil crimtoinette in there. just for flavor. because i cant help myself.#also sidenote the nccts have given him this cute lil tendency#to tip his hat down to hide his face when hes trying to be Genuine or Thoughtful or Poignant. and i enjoy that little touch#i maybe like this guy a little too much. hes most of what ive drawn for months.#but what do you want from me. i read him as a queercoded villain deconstructed at the metanarrative level.#am i just supposed to be normal about that.#me and zia talked about this in dms and discovered. we came to a lot of the same conclusions. completely independently. lmao
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termagax · 5 months
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relearning how to draw my freaks
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reinabeestudio · 2 months
you stop shaving as a woman and people just dont know what to call you anymore huh
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#you ever get so annoyed that you draw ur irl self instead of your epic swag yass slay pretty sona#i didnt stop shaving for any statement btw it just drains me to do it & i havent been in the mood for months LMAO#i think i'm so used to the comfort of being surrounded by ppl presenting however they want and calling themselves whatever#sometimes i forget how. binary everything still is where i live#note that aint trans btw. i was afab & i dont fully identify as that currently but i have no problem being called a girl#and due to Health Reasons(tm) i get hairier than one would consider 'normal' for a woman (among other things)#(listen we all know gender is a nuanced spectrum but im not in the mood to talk about it in the tags of my own blog lol)#that + short + fat + voice breaks sometimes + mostly wears 'gender neutral' clothing. been mistaken for a prebuscent guy sometimes#(i say 'gender neutral' but its just regular ass baggy shirts and pants/jeans. 💥)#and if y'know me personally youre prolly reading this like 'what'. and yeah thats my reality sometimes LMAO#and im spanish so things are Extra gendered >8'D#i dont even bother explainin my gender to family its just not worth it so i take the she/her and move on#usually i dont talk about these irl things bc whatever but it's starting to irritate me lol#like. do i have to fuckin shave just to not be misgendered. fuckin christ dude#i need to get my yearly haircut btw. i dont like long hair on myself. its getting warm & it makes me sweat i hate it 🧍‍♂️
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gillionslimestrider · 4 months
on the way home from therapy today i was ahem. Talking (infodumping) about the story in tf2 and the comics and stuff in the car to my mom and i was explaining the origins of the gravel wars and the respawn machine and she said something like "huh, sounds like the start of a horror movie" and i had to physically stop and stare out the windshield for a few seconds like that picture of the soldier with the thousand yard stare because oh my god i had to fight back the urge to go on a side tangent within this tangent to explain the entire plot of emesis blue because i really want her to watch it with me (she will not she hates horror movies, i'm just hoping one day i can convince her). but uh, anyways yeah what were you saying i'm sorry
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
trying so hard to put pen to paper but im . rattling too hard
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fr-thrice · 11 months
maybe sometimes dragons have hormonal imbalances. like high testosterone or thyroid disorder (like me!). i wonder if any r out there..
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isaquest · 2 years
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girls will be boys
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wetchickenbreast · 8 months
the other day a customer was yelling at me over some stupid shit but for some reason the anger i felt like shocked my nervous system and made me stop being anxious and made me euphoric and i could literally feel the kendall roy mania smile uncontrollably breaking out on my face
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computercreature · 11 months
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[id: part of the reigen spinoff manga. first panel shows roshuuto walking while on the phone with rusty-sama attached to his body. photos of jodo and his other connections are in the background. second panel shows only his phone and says "no one else would help me. all of my personal connections were for naught." end id]
something something uhh people need other people
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stinkbeck · 9 months
dying. "no one cares about these little things, so don't let your childhood trauma psych you out." you literally have not met my coworker.
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ironmanstan · 11 months
See i know th meds are semi working now whichs why the anxiety hitting me like a truck makes me so mad
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vodka-and-ocs · 1 year
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Vera Mironova aka the most normal cleric in the world @xylo-phone
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kaitcake1289 · 2 years
not to sound like a stalker but i went through your art tag and 73 times is practically an understatement if anything. mind you i counted the animatics as one drawing. so.
ok so this made me comb through the archives and count all the brad drawings i’ve ever made and i’m here to say me saying i’ve drawn him 73 times was in fact an understatement!
the total was roughly 123 times not including any animatics or animation i’ve made of him so if your choosing to count each of those as one drawing it would be 127 times!
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