#not even 9am yet and i already feel like i'm wasting today
ilkkawhat · 1 year
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9.16 Turn, Turn, Turn
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I'm here to send writing help. You didn't list any specific prompts so I'm going to wing it. Robin and her having a beach day? Idk I hate the cold and I want the opposite of that.
This... ended up being a little more than a snippet, but I like how it came out! Thanks for the prompt, this was fun!
"You know the water's only supposed to be like 60 degrees today, right?" Robin asked, glancing at the speedster in the passenger seat. He was practically vibrating with excitement, to the point that she could feel him bouncing in the seat. "I told you we should have waited until the afternoon. The sun's barely up - it's gonna be freezing out there."
"Nah, it won't," Peter replied, "It'll be fine."
Ask anyone else at the mansion - anyone else on Earth, really - and they'd tell you that going swimming at 9AM in the middle of early May was a recipe for disaster. But Peter was... how did she put this nicely... well, he went to the beat of his own drum. And besides, she was almost looking forward to the inevitable Fuck-It's-Cold dance the moment he stepped foot in the water. It would bring a little entertainment to her morning.
"If you say so." she said with a shrug, tilting her head as she glanced back at the road. Truth be told, this part of the day was pretty nice: it was warm enough but pleasantly breezy, enough to have the windows rolled down as she drove down the highway. And warm enough to build a few sand castles and play a round or two of beach volleyball, once Peter finally decided the water was, in fact, too cold to be swimming in. Truthfully, it was a day more suited to a walk around the park or a wander through the city, but she could make this work just as well.
There were more people at the beach than she expected, truthfully (though she still had absolutely no trouble finding a parking spot). Robin figured that this was the sort of weather that definitely wasn't yet summer, but just warm enough that people were willing to pretend it was anyway. Still, the fact that there was nobody else in the water should've been a warning sign.
Well, a warning sign to everyone but Peter. To give him a bit of credit, he did help her pitch a little campsite there on the sand, but he still wasted no time before he was running down to the shoreline. Well, she couldn't say she didn't warn him.
It only took a moment. Perks of the superspeed, she figured. One instant he was jogging down to shore, the next he was standing right beside her, teeth chattering.
"Okay, yeah, it's pretty cold."
"I told you." Robin replied, trying and failing to bite down her laughter. But to her surprise, Peter was grinning. He tilted his head towards the water, his damp silver hair flicking chilly droplets against her face.
"C'mon, you should try it."
"You're kidding me." Robin deadpanned, eyeing the water with a note of distaste. She hated the cold. It wasn't so bad for a guy like Peter, whose mutation kept him warm most of the time anyway, but she did not in fact have that perk. The only time people sang to warm themselves up was when they were trapped under an avalanche and slowly freezing to death. Or so she heard.
"No, c'mon, it's fun," Peter insisted, already taking a few more steps down the slope of the beach, "It's like the Polar Plunge."
"I don't know where you're getting 'fun' from 'polar' and 'plunge', babe. That sounds like some kind of Scandinavian torture method."
"Well, if we even get kidnapped by a couple of Norwegian mutants, we can say we're prepared," he fired back, holding out a hand to her, "C'mon, seriously, it's just for a second. I promise it's fun."
Those puppy-dog eyes were going to be the death of her.
"Alright..." Robin agreed, taking his hand and letting him pull her down to the edge of the water.
"On three." Peter decided, bouncing on his toes, "Three, two... one!"
Before she could protest, he dragged the both of them into the water. Robin yelped at the shock of cold-
And a moment later, she was back up to the shore, and Peter pulled his hand back from her waist.
"See, that wasn't so bad! It is kinda fun, right?" he asked, a fresh grin on his face. Robin tilted her head at him. She had to admit, there was a bit of thrill to it... but next time, she'd stick to a beach trip in June.
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automatismoateo · 1 month
i hate easter sunday... via /r/atheism
i hate easter sunday... (marked nsfw for mentions of su*cide) So my (20F) family wanted me to come back to our sister's house for easter break, and originally I didn't wanna go but had to because I had other errands to do and going just made them easier. My family knows I'm atheist, but they pretend I'm not and then act all stupid when I say I don't wanna go to church with them. I've always had issues with them forcing me to go to church (especially my mom), but there's only been a couple times where I've been successful in staying home. Today is one of those days, but it didn't go too well. The church service was at 9:30am, and they wanted to leave at 9am. I only take like 10-15 minutes to get ready in the morning because I don't really do makeup or get super dolled up (especially for church, obvi), so I didn't feel like getting up until at least a bit after 8:30am. My mom woke up at 6am and my sister woke up at 7am to get ready. Every now and then, they were yelling at me to get up, but I would just check the time and go back to sleep. At one point, my mom said, "You can't just sleep in through everything. How are your bosses gonna feel if you can't get up for work?" Like, first of all, it's only 8am, and I'm not gonna wake up that early just to be ready that fast and then wait for something I don't even wanna go to. Secondly, I actually wanna GO to my dream job, so I don't have any problem getting up for that. Church has made me depressed and su*cidal for 5 years now (I started s/h before my birthday in February), but college hasn't; I think it's pretty obvious which one I'd rather go to. Eventually, I got tired of them being condescending and just decided to sleep in and not go. When I was half asleep, I heard this conversation... Mom: "OP, we have to leave in 13 minutes. Why aren't you getting up?" Sister: "Is she seriously not getting up? I swear she does this every time..." Mom: "There's just no way to reason with her." Sister: starts crying and screaming "OP are you seriously not gonna go to church?! I'm supposed to be singing in the choir today and you're ruining it by not even being there!" Sister (to Mom): "Why can't she just think of someone other than herself for once..." Even though I've wasted my entire mental health trying to make THEM happy by going to church... Sister: "UGHHHH now I'm crying and my makeup looks horrible. I feel ugly now because you won't wake up. Now my throat hurts from crying. You of all people should know how hard it is to sing with a bad throat, OP!" For clarification, I'm a music ed major. So, yes, I've had my days where singing was rough from sickness, crying, or whatever. I was still half asleep (so I couldn't move or anything) when she walked over and yelled, "I know you can hear me, OP! Just get up already!" Then my mom said, "Don't bother; she's not gonna listen. We'll talk to her about it when we get back." As they were walking out the door, my sister said, "Do you know how embarrassing it is to walk into church after you've been crying?" And then they left. I do know how embarrassing it is to cry in church...because I do it every time I'm FORCED to go... It just annoys me that they think me not wanting to go to church is just me being lazy and inconsiderate, when I'm really just burnt out from all the sacrifices I'm forced to make for them. I wish I could just leave early, but I can't until tomorrow. I hate how today is supposed to be a day of "rebirth" for christians, yet they decide to treat me like that. I just wish I could cut them out of my life already... Submitted March 31, 2024 at 04:44PM by uwu_bunny_boo (From Reddit https://ift.tt/USGugMa)
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for When I Delete Everything and move
blog #4 first and foremost
I was excited at the thought of typing this out today and was thinking in the direction of what I might say. I could talk about so many things, and yet...
Now that I'm typing I have nothing to type about.
I guess I'm happy that the idea of doing this helped me get through the rough start but now I'm a little... Melancholy
That's right I'm a little sad, a little disappointed... I ought to have something to say, but it's not there...
Oh, I know! I-I'll talk about tomorrow! That's it!
You know what they say about a creative block? You should just do the first thing that comes to mind and go from there. What a novel Idea.
Alright, let's see....
First and foremost, Tomorrow I am going to go hide away at my X-dads house and force myself to practice math all day since it is the only day I have off.
Did I say that I had yesterday off, in my last blog? Because I didn't end up taking it. instead, I ended up going into work because a driver was sick, in a Badway. And I admit I felt empathetic since I had the day off and she was in pain and at the doctors and well-I wasn't! So I went into work. Moral of the day is that- I lied to you. Sorry about that, by the way.
Sometimes one can't help but turn truthful intentions into deceitful realities once everything comes to pass.
Saturday, I have to work 9am-9pm because another A.M. requested it off and the G.M. asked me, since I was already going to be there, if I'd-stay a few more hours-so I said yes-Not really thinking about what I wanted before agreeing. That has nothing to do with tomorrow, though, sooo let me get back to that!
Where was I? Oh yes-Of course, I'm going to be miserably torturing myself tomorrow, eh-hem, I mean Tutoring myself. On Math, of all things. All while everyone else goes camping. I just found out about this! I wasn't invited. I would have requested it, the weekend off I mean, but, now it's too late to even be invited and complaining about it doesn't really make anyone happy, now does it? No, Nooo, I suppose it doesn't. Now I'm hating tomorrow, and it hasn't even happened yet! You see what you did? You've made me feel silly. Silly for opening up to you about my life! Well, I hope you're happy, Stanley. I hope you're real proud of yourself.
This went from joyous expectations to disappointing realization and now utter embarrassment...
Who ever thought of using the internet as an outlet for creative expression and personal exploration was an idiot. surely! I mean, look who-No! "What" we're talking about!
I've said and done a lot of embarrassing things and I'm sure I'll do more again, some other time, perhaps for views or whatever the algorithm demands, but this really takes the cake, and I mean really!
it's all your fault-
if you think about it.
I shouldn't have to tell you why this was a waste of time, I've already spent more time than I have just typing this up. I could have been telling a more interesting story. Making up a grand ADVENTURE with many exciting twists and turns! Something with a deep metaphor or commentary, something fantastical in comparison to the truth of our boring existences. We could make choices with more obvious consequences to our actions to make up for the dissatisfactory of our daily decision making. Something that was always rewarding even if it wasn't, something like---Well..... we'd figure it out when we got there, but my point is I'm out of time to tell that story now thanks to you.
It could have been fun, Stanley
You just had to know more about me, didn't you! Is me talking about the monotony of my own life enough for you? Is it the thrilling, exciting, story you were looking for? Did it momentarily distract you from your own boring life?!
I hope so, because this would really just end up being a waste of both our time if not.
Speaking of....
You should be getting back to work. Stanley.
/note_(delete, now)
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runveganwankerrun · 1 year
Sun 13th Nov '22
I debated not running when I woke this morning. I'd the alarm and my mind set, yet I still waivered initially. I woke before the alarm though and as I sat on the loo, I just pulled on my big girl pants, literally and figuratively, and stopped thinking about the fact that I feel fat and hate being seen out on the roads at the minute. When I'm more svelt, I quite like people I know to see me, but not so right now.
No excuces though. It was before 9am, so the roads weren't busy. I only had to do a few k if I fancied it, no pressure. I picked a pair of shorts and a tee shirt that I didn't feel too fat in, stuck on
and went out the door. I'm pretty fucking chuffed that I made myself go. It meant that I was sitting down to a coffee and food, showered and smug, before 10am.
The run. The run was no fucking fun. I still hate nearly every fucking step when I'm alone. I still question my ability to run further and even more, my desire to get better. I've paid for Manchester, but I wonder how much of a waste of money it is. I have a few weeks left before I really need to tell TGG. A few weeks to build base fitness and stick to a basic programme before looking into flights and a hotel. I wonder what TGG will say. He's supportive of all I do. If I tell him I'm determined, he'll definitely be in my corner. He'll also be fully behind me playing it close to my chest. I don't think I'll say to anyone till a lot closer to the time, when I'll tell the other chaps from club who are entered. There are four blokes now. I will book us a hotel independent of them though, so we're not cramping their style. Till then, if anyone notices my mileage increase, I'll just let them think I'm considering the Belfast marathon, as loads of the club will do it. There's already talk of relay teams, as well as individual entries. It will be a believable story.
I had my instruction from earlier in the week to remind Coach today if I wanted a training plan, so I PMed him and told him briefly about my running this week. I apologised in advance for all the times I will complain in the future that I hate running and am shit at it and said I was grateful for any help he could give. He gave me the first week's plan, said it was twenty-three weeks to Manchester, so the first few weeks were to give me something to build from before "the fun starts." Doesn't that sound good? Not! :-) But it felt good to have something solid to aim for this week, despite the fear of failure. If I keep things in perspective, the fear fades. Bite size pieces, that's the way to think of marathon training. Take this week for instance. Five runs, all at easy, or "easy peasy" pace. No speed work yet, just km in the bank and time on my feet. My longest session is four miles easy, later in the week. I already plan to do that with Sonic on Friday morning.
I can't deny, I'm feeling positive. I had another good food day, another weekend day when I did not eat shit in front ot the telly. TGG and I had a light dander to ASDA, the long way,
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did not buy sweets (grapes instead) and I made a savoury bulgar wheat risotto type thing for dinner. Breakfast had been leftover stew from the other day. Lovely and protieny after a run. I had some of yesterday's soup for lunch, then the bulgar wheat for tea. I am delighted with myself.
I do not know what my weight will be like in the morning for the Monday morning weigh in, but if it's not as good as I'd like, it won't be for want of trying and any possible unfavouable result will be because I'm surfing the crimson tide as of last night and not because I ate unhealthily.
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150g bulgar wheat
200g chopped onion
100g broad beans
100g frozen sweetcorn
garlic salt
onion salt
garlic granuales
onion granuales
nutritional yeast
Put bulgar wheat and onions in a sauce pan with enough boiling water to cover them, bring to the boil, then bring down to simmer gently. The bulgar wheat will take approx fifteen minutes to cook, but will likely take longer in this case because we add the frozen veg immediately after. Add about half a teaspoon of the garlic and onion granuales and salts. Start with less of the salts, but I think once you add more water to keep the bulgar wheat moist, it will need the salt for flavour. Add enough water that the bulgar doesn't boil dry, but doesn't go too sloppy. Once tender and the broad beans and sweetcorn are cooked, add about three tablespoons of nutritional yeast. This makes it lovely and cheesy. This is two potions, at about 550 cals each. Delish! It's proper stodgey, stick to your ribs, Winter fare. Obviously I ate both portions.
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