#not tagging third because theres so much discourse around that media that i just. do NOT wanna get anywhere near you feel me
candyskiez · 8 months
what if we badly summarized the plots of our interests. I'll start
1. tiny neurodivergent bisexual with internalized ableism goes into a fantasy world and learns how to be an anarchist
2. chosen ones but make it an abuse allegory
3. kid goes to sleep and wakes up to literal mass murder
4. kid makes an entire fantasy RPG in his brain as his childhood friends lives fall apart due to their respective trauma
5. several lives are ruined because a kid stopped eating a sandwich and found a cool rock instead
6. several people are forced into high risk therapy by a morally ambiguous robot and also try to kill each other sometimes
7. a trans shark teaches a gay guy the power of incredible violence and fuck the police. the gay guy then proceeds to take that sentiment extremely literally.
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