asterparfait · 26 days
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jack and lacie my loves
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
YOUR HIGHNESS I HAVE A REQUEST FOR YOU. 💍 not much of request, more of a suggestion if you ever feel like writing it, what about a necromancer yandere? or a mortician?!! OOOOUGHH im so obsessed with necromancers and everything related to them, and there's só many options!!! trying to realive darling reader? put me in! necromancer went to get body parts but when they were doing research they fell in love with one of the people they were getting body parts from, now they want to realive them! DELICIOUS!! killing unwilling reader and bringing them back as a form of punishment! IM ON! i give you full creative control thy humble lord, thank you for the food
(and of course, feel free to deny, YOU are the artist, you are what matters ❤)
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Yeah, I can do this
Yandere!Necromancer x GN!Reader
CW: Mentions of death and corpses, both human and animal
The most powerful bastard to have ever lived.
The unspeakable horror known as Letum the Terrible, a powerful sorcerer that seemed to draw magic from the universe without any limitations; a bottomless pool of stamina who could wipe out armies with a snap of their fingers.
Or, as Nephin knew them, (Reader).
He still remembered the first time he met (Reader), when they were a young teenager and he was just a child. What the pitiful town's people called power hungry and malicious, Nephin understood to be ambitious and determined. Even at the age of five, the small boy could see how the people never broke (Reader's) spirit; how every time they publicly beat them out of fear, or accused them openly of evil and conspiring with dark forces, (Reader's) resolve strengthened.
Unlike wizards, who had to learn the ancient arts and memorize countless spells, or mages who had to use magickally imbued artifacts and books written by magick users of the past, the terrifying teenager was a sorcerer, who's power was instinct and perfected by trial and error experimentation.
Nephin craved the user's attention.
He studied so diligently, begging the universe to give him access to the energy of the universe or to grant him his own supply of natural mana.
The rest of the town was so focused on being afraid of (Reader), that no one but Nephin noticed their one and only flaw. (Reader) could not heal themselves.
Less than a month before the human known as (Reader) would seemingly fall off the face of the earth, they had changed the course of the little love sick child's life forever, after an encounter hidden deep in the woods.
Nephin cradled a bleeding rabbit, focusing on a simple healing spell, chanting it over and over again while rocking on his little heels, screaming in his heart for the universe to awaken his healing power. But the rabbit continued to bleed out over his shirt.
"Hel, oh breathing earth, this broken body. Hel, oh breathing earth, this broken body. Hel-"
The small little black rabbit went limp in Nephin's arms, releasing her last breath. Tears tumbled down out of frustration.
"No. No. No!" He whined, gripping the body against his chest harder. "Wake up! Wake up!"
A warm green light bubbled up from the earth like liquid, rising into the air around Nephin and the rabbit. It was working. "Wake up! Wake up!"
The rabbit stirred to life, moving within his grasp, without breathing.
Joy filled Nephin, believing himself to have finally achieved the power to heal, when he realized that the wound on the bunny never closed, and blood was still dripping from the gash.
He didn't have much time to wonder what was happening, as (Reader) emerged from the bushes, wide eyed at the sight before them.
"I.. didn't heal him right.." Nephin sadly stated, holding out the rabbit to his unrequited love.
(Reader) reached out for the beast, ignoring it's screams. After a brief inspection, (Reader) got on their knees to stand at eye level with Nephin. "What is your name, child?"
".. Nephin."
"Nephin, dear young magick user, you were born for power, but not to heal."
"This rabbit is dead." (Reader) angled the violently wriggling head towards Nephin so the child could see the green hue in the bunny's clouding eyes. "What you have accomplished, was quite impressive for one without training. You are a necromancer."
Nephin felt his tiny heart shatter. The tears that had begun to dry restarted, falling freely down his round, baby cheeks. "But I wanted to - to heal!"
"Look at me." (Reader) snapped their fingers, startling Nephin into choking back his sob. "With the advancements in non magickal science, even regular men can make healing medicines. With time, the doctors and the apothecaries will surely render healers useless. However, you can do what no healer has ever achieved. You can raise the dead."
(Reader) hoped that they successfully encouraged the kid, handing him back his first successful minion.
Their words would haunt him for the rest of his life.
After (Reader) disappeared, Nephin ran away from home, traveling across the continent to find necromancers to study under. They gladly accepted him as one of their own, filling him with praise over his natural talent. And as the years went by, Nephin grew in power tangentially with (Reader). He had no proof that the nearly inhuman Letum was (Reader), but with the descriptions of their abilities he had little doubt in his mind as to who they were.
Without an ability to heal themselves, (Reader) slowly became less and less of the person they once were. Stories told of the terrifyingly powerful being spread around the world, as the strongest warriors of all classes and species left to challenge them and were destroyed so thoroughly that there was not body to send back to their families. The only times (Reader) was injured was due to their hubris, which allowed their opponents to gain the upper hand. The fighters would be reduced to ash with a snap of their fingers afterwords, but (Reader) never missed the opportunity to allow their opponents to show off their pitiful abilities against them.
Scars covered so much of (Reader's) skin, that their original skin tone was difficult to determine. With a bald head and lack of a nose or upper lip, the intimidating menace was easily mistaken for a monster.
No one but Nephin remembered (Reader), but everyone knew of Letum the Terrible.
And as time went on, Nephin's love for his first crush never faded, counting down the days until he reached adulthood and could track down (Reader). He knew, logically, that (Reader) would not remember him, but whether or not they allowed him to follow them around like their loyal dog, or killed him without a second thought, was enough for him; just to be in their presence once more would be an honor.
On Nephin's twentieth birthday, when he was awarded the highest rank amongst his adoptive village and became not only an adult, but a necromancer more powerful than any other in history, he set out to find (Reader), ready to track them down by following their crimes like a trail of rose petals.
Instead, Nephin found a nation of people celebrating the death of Letum.
And it was as though his entire existence had been a waste.
Letum the Terrible was preserved with magick to be researched my magickal scientists.
Their body would not deteriorate, nor rot, as scholars from around the world freely came to poke and prod and slice open their body in an attempt to understand what gave Letum such immense power.
In the hall of intellectuals, Nephin stood transfixed before the viewing table, admiring what little remained of the neighbor he once knew. Their chest and abdomen were hollowed out, every organ except the brain removed and placed in jars to be examined. Everyone who got a chance to see the most powerful evil to have ever lived felt comfortable enough in the corpse's presence to mock (Reader).
"They died from something so mundane.."
"An allergy? Even children can heal themselves.."
"Perhaps they were bored with life.."
"Perhaps they weren't so strong after all.."
'Enough with this slander.' Except for (Reader's) body, each and every cadaver, no matter how incomplete they were, woke, and turned on the humans. The atmosphere quickly changed from cheeky to tragic, everyone scrambling in a mass panic as the dead began to tear apart the living. In the chaos Nephin stole away (Reader's) body, carrying them like a bride on their wedding day.
It took years to find every piece he needed.
Nephin searched the world for pieces to fix his precious neighbor, his first and only love. The two were now the same age as each other, as a corpse can not grow old.
Although Nephin found (Reader) just as beautiful with their scars as he did when they were children, the world knew of Letum, but only he knew of (Reader). So he hunted down pieces of the old (Reader) throughout the lands. Someone's similar shaped nose, a hide matching their skin tone and texture, scalping someone with (Reader's) hair. Bit by bit, throughout the years, with the help of a warlock under contract to resurrect her wife, Nephin sew (Reader) back together.
(Reader) woke up.
Head splitting in pain, they forced themselves to sit up, despite the voice of a stranger commanding them to take it slow. Everything was fuzzy, and they couldn't recall what had happened to cause such a stiffness and agony. The last thing they remembered was being bitten by a spider, and falling ill nearly instantly, collapsing alone in the woods.
They raised their arm to inspect their bite, but found an unfamiliar arm. Patches of skin stitched together. Their other arm was similarly foreign, and as their eyes learned to focus again, they learned that the same was true for the rest of their naked body.
"I wanted to clothe you, however I was worried the texture would be uncomfortable on your new skin." The stranger with white hair and tired eyes shyly spoke, disturbingly pale skin blushing red.
"I am in no mood for jokes." (Reader) attempted to proclaim loudly, however, their voice was nothing but a dry whisper.
"You may not remember me, but I remember you. I am the one who brought you back. And.." The red deepened as his smile trembled. "I am your master now."
"Ha! Cheeky. Regret your words, and I, Letum the Terrible, shall let you live."
"You are no longer Letum the Terrible." He bent down, caressing their left hand and placing a soft kiss on a their ring finger before pulling out a small box. "You are (Reader), my beloved spouse."
"That's it." (Reader) raised their hand, no longer amused. "This conversation is over."
And snapped their fingers.
.. but nothing happened.
Confused, they looked at their hand.
"I told you." Nephin said sweetly, admiring the green swirl of magick in (Reader's) eyes. "I am your master now."
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
The Phoenix, Miss Missing You, and Death Valley with starcake!! 🖤
Heyyyyy Church!! How's it goin!!?
7: "Miss Missing You" - Who's the more vulnerable of either of you, who's more closed off? How did you gain each other's trust?
Ooooughh good one. Cuz both of them have their walls, both of them have their own things. Pancake typically goes by Jack to everyone she meets, except for her close friends and family, so much so that "Pancake" sounds like a nickname, and not her actual legal name. However, I will say that being in the Underground had loosened her up a lot, leading her to be more trusting than when she was on the surface.
STARLO THOUGH!!! While Pancake just has a name she keeps from other people, Starlo hides his ENTIRE SELF. Going by North Star, having that entire "cool sheriff" front, thinking and allowing Clover to make fun of him when he takes off his hat, thinking he's some "nobody farmer" and that he needs to be North Star to be seen as cool and as someone people would love. Actually I think at this point it's Starlo. Pancake tries to me more vulnerable with him so he can feel safer, and Starlo in turn does feel that way, but it's still terrifying for him.
They just...idk. Pancake somehow gets the both of them to talk. And it's nice to hear the other talk. It's quite nice. Slowly he opens up, taking off his hat even, and Pancake even lets some walls down around him and him only
8: "Death Valley" - Who's more likely to get you both in trouble and who's more likely to get you out of that same trouble?
STARLO!!! Starlo by FAR is the one to get into trouble. Funny, cuz he's a sheriff. But the sole root of that IS Pancake. Crestina hopes that Stars would settle down once he got a wife, and he eventually does. It's just that this wife enables him and makes things WORSE!
However Starlo does get the two of them out of trouble. Whether it's blowing up rocket bottles, shooting cans out on a roof, or just play fighting in the saloon, Stars always manages to get the two of them out of trouble
Ask game here
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microsuedemouse · 5 months
I’m most of the way through The Straw Woman and. god
a) I can remember getting upset and angry and generally very wound up over any story featuring persecution, mob mentality, and/or witch hunts, even as a small child. (ask my parents: just as one example, I loved the X-Men movies but also tied myself in absolute knots every time we watched them.) at 29 my reaction is still exactly the same. this episode involves a literal witch hunt and I’m SO cranked and antsy and. ooooughh. I can’t even sit still rn
b) Dan that is VERY UNPROFESSIONAL OF YOU (and sure perhaps the tragedy humanises him or whatever but his behaviour still isn’t endearing him to me very much :| )
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