#okay azuma hisoka and misumi all something is up something is going on
haru-desune · 1 year
OH WE'RE NEAR THE HOME STRETCH FOLKS! If you still don't see a particular dynamic there's still a sliver of hope! Come and yell at me in tags - groupings, reasonings etc etc let me knowwwww
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
7th Anniversary Scout | Veludo Town Oshi Spot! ~Prologue~
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Sakyo: Director-san. Which pair is up next?
Izumi: Masumi-kun and Misumi-kun. But it seems like they’re not done changing yet.
Staff: Next is Sakuma-san and Mikage-san, please head to get your makeup done!
Sakuya: Okay!
Hisoka: Understood.
Tenma: Having everyone do a photoshoot on the same day is pretty chaotic, huh?
Taichi: The staff members sure seem to be working hard!
Banri: I mean, it is a pretty big project, so they’ve gotta get fired up too.
Chikage: It is the Veludo Station Redevelopment Project Commemoration Event, isn’t it?
Izumi: That’s right.
Izumi: (But I still really can’t believe our company was asked to be the ambassadors and navigators for such a big event…)
Citron: Director, Kazu and I have finished our photoshoot safely~!
Izumi: Good work, how’d it go?
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Kazunari: Aside from shooting the ads for the event, we had tons of fun with the offshoot pics too!
Izumi: I mean, that makes sense since the purpose of offshoots is that you get to pose however you like.
Itaru: By the way, we’ve all been split into pairs this time. How’d you choose all of the combos?
Tsumugi: I think they were chosen by both the redevelopment project and the people in charge of “VELUDO” since they’re working together for this event.
Azuma: I heard that too. And because the people in charge of “VELUDO” are already familiar with us.
Juza: Good work, Director
Kumon: Hey, hey, what did you think of our photos!?
Izumi: I think it was really nice to see how well you two get along.
Staff: You can see the photos from the shoot on the laptop over here, if you’d like to take a look.
Muku: Wah, really? I’d love to!
Tasuku: You want to check them out too?
Omi: Sure, let’s do that.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Thank you so much for your help today.
VELUDO Representative: The pleasure is ours. Let’s continue working together to make the redevelopment project a success.
Izumi: Of course!
VELUDO Representative: However, the Inste for the commemorative event that we’ve been posting on prior to the actual event isn’t nearly as the other one.
Izumi: Is that so?
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VELUDO Representative: Yes, the follower count hasn’t grown at all. We’re hoping that more people will get to know about us, but…
Izumi: Well, if there’s anything we can do to help, please let us know.
VELUDO Representative: No, no, you’re already helping us out with the web edition of “VELUDO”, we couldn’t possibly ask you to do more.
Izumi: It’s okay. We want to make this event a success, so we’d love to help out.
VELUDO Representative: If you’re really willing to go that far, then we’d like to ask you a small favor…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: …And so, each of you will shoot a video introducing one place somewhere in Veludo Town and post it to Inste.
Tsuzuru: Do we get to choose the places ourselves?
Izumi: Yeah, the idea is to introduce a place you like or recommend.
Homare: I see. That sounds quite interesting.
Azami: Filmin’ the videos by ourselves sounds kinda hard. Wouldn’t it be better to have someone else film it for us?
Guy: Then why don’t we pair up again and film for each other?
Masumi: Sounds good. I’ll pair up with you, Director.
Izumi: I’m not posting something, you have to pair up with someone else!
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Masumi: …Okay.
Sakuya: How should we pick the pairs? By roommates, or by drawing lots…?
Misumi: How about we draw triangles~?
Yuki: That sounds hard to pull together.
Tsumugi: Ah, I know… what if we use the pairs from the ad photoshoot?
Banri: Makes sense. I mean, they are for the same event.
Sakyo: Sounds good. Well then, we’ll shoot the videos for Inste in the same pairs we did the ad photoshoot in.
Izumi: And when you post the videos to Inste, you can post the offshoot photos you took today with them.
Tenma: Right, the ones we took on our phones.
Izumi: Yep, yep. I’ll send the data over to you guys later.
Izumi: Well then, everyone, please film your own videos in time for your individual posting dates.
Kazunari & Taichi: Roger that!
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icharchivist · 1 year
it's a bit early, but happy new year! i'll make sure to properly wish you when the time comes, but I did go through the mankai event now so it felt strange not to say it, haha... i was actually thinking about finishing this event new years eve to be appropriate, but i ended up getting a little sick so. might as well do the events now while ive got the time right? also also!! i started a3 almost exactly 2 years ago on jan 1 2021 so i thought it would be nice to maybe try to start act 2 then? since after this i just have the anniversary event and vday magic (i think i'll do one day princess after ch 5). anyways the actual event. as usual i'll go through my thoughts chronologically.
that first opening scene is so good. citron staring at that charm while sakuyas sleeping… now that’s not really any evidence for citron being a light sleeper but in my heart I just KNOW he is okay. and what great sound design!! like all silence. no backing music. just the sound of sakuyas quiet snores. it sets that mood so well so i really felt that the charm citron was staring at must be really important to him...
oh also i want to say this because i felt soooo smart for doing it. the moment that first scene opened with citron i paused and took some notes bc i wanted to guess who else was in the cg lmaooo. with all the act 1 non-play events, there's exactly 11 events. i'm assuming the anniversary event is special so that cg might have the whole a3 cast or smthing like all the leaders? or even like a cg of matsukawa and izumi or something. that'd be cool. but who knows. but without that, its ten, and then theres 2 per event cg which gets u the 20 members of the troupe. excluding inter-troupe pairings, there's 6 unique combinations of seasons you can make: spring summer, spring autumn, spring winter, summer autumn, summer winter, autumn winter. we've had 8 events so far, and 4 unique combinations have been repeated twice: spring summer (tsuzuru&kazunari + itaru&misumi), autumn winter (sakyo&azuma, taichi&tasuku), spring winter (masumi&tsumugi, sakuya&hisoka), and summer autumn (muku&juza, yuki&banri). there's 4 members who haven't gotten event cgs yet, then: citron, tenma, omi, and homare. and there's exactly 2 unique season combinations left: spring autumn and summer winter. suffice to say that when i noticed that omi and citron were in the same cleaning group, and talked to masumi and juza about their talent show thing, and THEN went to get groceries together... i cheered so hard. calculations for the win.
back to chronological thoughts:
i’ve written this before but juza 🤝 yuki: *sees any situation* how do I make this about banri/tenma (derogatory)
nonetheless juzas conception of banri is sooooo funny to me. like banris super smart and talented and juza is like. he’s a weirdo who will draw a face on his stomach and make it talk by moving his muscles. like that’s sooo specific. and then banri immediately being like. I CAN do it! the moment juzas like. oh. …you can’t? like. actually something is weird about both of you (affectionate)
sakyo: aren’t you all forgetting something very important we have to do before the new year
me, nodding sagely: ah yes. annual performance reviews. *cut to next scene* ohhhh they’re just deep cleaning. I was just like. 100% convinced that they needed to do their annual like evaluations. i don't even do those but it's just one of my first associations with the year end i guess???
anyways when they find that duct taped box w/ yuki mentioning they could sell old props for play funding… I don’t know if it’s ever said outright but considering yukis always talking to sakyo abt like costuming and stuff and they collaborated with that kigurumi punishment I have to wonder if yuki has like. a nonzero amount of info on play budgeting as compared to most of the troupe. kazunari. the 14 year old in your troupe knows more about budget management than you. i mean yukis been selling his clothing etc. on the net so maybe he does know a nonzero amount of this kind of thing with like selling props...
it was so cute to see their street act! they’ve come so far. love the way azuma thinks abt it like “how do I jump in here” and goes “I’m going to cause problems. on purpose.” with making a surprise phone call. citron though oh my gosh. its like. yes. he does know what a year end rush is. and abt travel prices. hes not stupid!! but god the way hes like im gonna wish all the grocery staff happy new year as his excuse for searching for his charm... he knows. what he is doing. same with those travel prices its like. citron can be So Loud but hes also so careful to not say much. i want to pat him on the head. unrelated but i didnt realize azuma called citron his highness? i thought monarchy hater no. 1 citron would dislike that a little more. its also making me think if citron has mentioned hes like a prince / royalty...? since azuma calls him that. but ive got to think he hasn't. still more points to my runaway prince citron theory. omi helping him find the charm was so sweet though! its like. wow. nice. still the way citron literally Does Not Say Anything. crazy of him
citron: …it is a very special gift that I received from someone.
me: …guy?
and later w/ citron: never mind. but there is someone in my country who I would like to see again.
me: …guy?
oh but i'm not glossing over the fact that citron has three younger brothers who he's convinced don't want to see him again. runaway prince im telling u. also thats so sad wtf. the citron and omi cg was cute tho! i kind of liked how little this event did in terms of revealing too much like... citron lets a couple of details slip but doesn't really say much at all. which makes sense for his character i think!! man what a great event in terms of making me excited for act 2, though... i hope it comes up when guy shows up!! not to be like. i want to see citron cry. but i want him to get a little emotional yknow. reveal some of ur feelings i want u to be comforted.
i thought a lot of duos for the talent show ep were so cute! like hisoka and homare with homare being like. ill get u special marshmallows even, so do something with me. idk how to express it properly but i feel like in this event especially u can really feel how much joy homare gets by like. simply spending time with hisoka? made me remember their play event. and shakespeare?? In ENGLISH???? im obsessing over this. was it much ado about nothing? what play would be best for them… i haven't read enough shakespeare to make a definitive decision, unfortunately... my personal vote is for othello. homare knows shakespeare in english bc he’s a fan but hisoka… if he’s proficient in english. hm. hmm. more points to him being some kind of assassin/spy/foreign agent thing. like chikage was also overseas probably doing some assassin/spy business for a while, wasn’t he… im watching you.
also tasuku and tsumugi with their pantomiming and the way when itaru compliments him tasuku is IMMEDIATELY like "oh im nothing compared to tsumugi though" like wow. its kind of so nice hearing this out loud bc its like. oh right. this is what they were yelling at each other about in act 1. and then masumi and juza's bartending act. with the rainbow cocktail. masumi and juza, pointing at a3: I know what you are. packing peanuts was my guess for what was inside the box so im glad it was at least like a daruma doll lol. and juza got his sweets! the lil bonus with the ppl staying in the dorm to celebrate the new year was so cute too tho. like when misumi mentioned the triangular carrots.
tenma: d—did you say carrots? why did arisu have to leave me now…
me: tenma and homare friends??? homare eats tenma’s carrots (which he. doesnt like?) for him??? i need to see this. well i'm pretty confident they're gonna be the duo for vday magic so I'm quite excited, haha. oh also in the new years text chat!! is homares screen name alice? i think thats cute. anyways what a sweet event! it didnt leave me feeling anything toooo emotional but it made me REALLY excited for act 2 bc i feel like that's where the real payoff is gonna be yknow? so it was cool in a different way.
AAH HEY HEY HEY! HERE YOU ARE! I needed to be done with the event to properly tackle this ask, thank you for waiting.
First of, thank you for the good wishes <333 Happy New year to you too if we don't get around to say it on the day itself. And saying it because you went through the a3 event makes total sense ahaha
And it's such a good plan with timing! I'd be nice if you manage to reach act 2 by then, i think it's supposed to start late February in the timeline so, at this rhythm you can get in synch with the story as it goes! (and good plan for ODP since it IS set right after chap 5 originally).
And oh god yeah, i can totally picture your HC about Citron being a light sleeper. As for the charm oh man… oh man.
and oh my GOD. THAT'S SO CLEVER HOLY SHIT. i would never have figured it out meanwhile you kept track of all of this!! that's so impressive holy shit!!! your calculation is IMPRESSIVE HERE.
ALHDLKDFJFDLKFD Juza and Yuki, together in being so damn tired of their leader (affectionly but also derogatory)
AND HELPPP I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SCENE. Juza's conception of Banri is truly the funniest, i love that about those two. And the fact Banri can totally catch the bait is what's even funnier. And they were both idiots (and they were both idiots!)
ohmygod you're really set up to be a fellow acting addict now that your first thought was "annual performance review" this is so funny.
And you're totally right about Yuki i think. I don't recall them ever mentioning it directly, but considering how much he's fighting with Sakyo about budget and how often Yuki wins, considering Sakyo isn't exactly the kind to go KINDLY on something just because someone would insult him, it figures Yuki is arguing with proper arguments when it comes to budget. Like, both arguing why he needs expensive material (how it would reflect on the company and all) AND on how to manage the budget to justify it. as you said, Yuki sells clothes online so he's probably the best equiped about it. Which is really impressive, the 14yo is the one the most adjusted to discuss budget with the yakuza. Love that about him.
ohmygod right the street acts are always a nice way to show how they changed. And Azuma <3333 my mister problem. But yes totally agree about everything Citron there (that isn't confirming or unconfirming theory at least). he's very considerate and very smart, his only issue is the grasp on the language, but aside from that? he knows stuff. And sometimes when he acts stupid, that's exactly what it is. an act. He knows when to not say much. For Citron, he never mentioned anything about his past to anyone, but you might want to read the Citron&Muku crossbackstage from the "Others" tab. It's called "Sir Citron's Secret" and probably would give fuel to your theories. (while you're on that tab do look at the Homare&Sakyo one just because it's one of the funniest on the list). As it though, aside from whatever he tells Muku and how serious he is about it, he hasn't really come into details about it to anyone at all, aside from hating the monarchy. So Azuma calling him His Highness is indeed strange. I feel like Azuma definitely got Vibes from Citron (which is mhmmmm considering Azuma is a really good people reader), and it seems that Citron hasn't found in his heart a way to tell Azuma to knock it off. Or perhaps Citron is more annoyed at the idea of ACTING like Royalty (so, with the royal roles he gets), than he is being refered as such? all the more mhmmm things about his behavior for sure.
Omi is so so sweet and so nice yessss and Citron was so interesting this event. I love when the mask falls around Citron for a bit. He remains mysterious in his own way, but it's always fascinating to approach. God the charm. I have many thoughts about the charm. That i will not elaborate on. But so many thoughts.
And god yeah, the sibling situation. It's so sad. Regardless of the details it also does explain why he wants the Spring Troupe to be a family this much and why he ends up caring about his troupesmates so much. (and Muku, who's one of the charas outside of his troupe Citron has a lot of affection for. Re: their crossbackstage)
And yeah i agree, this event was really good for Citron's development without ruining the mystery for now. It's also really a good event to go back to when you do know, it's so fascinating. BUT HELP "I WANT TO SEE CITRON CRY" I SEE YOU. I hope act 2 lives up to your expectations <3
god you pointing out that Homare has so much joy being with Hisoka. Yes you're totally correct. Like, he may complains at time and Hisoka can be so rude but Homare enjoys spending time with him so much. I do love that he bribed him into it though. Homare, of course, is just like that, talking in English and in French and whatever. For Hisoka…. Yeah it sure is shady isn't it. Like wow okay mister amnesia how did you get that.
Tsumu and Tasu being on this vibe was so good. I love how it shows just how complicit they are. And Tasuku gets to be more and more communicative of his feelings. It is, after all, the thing he had to learn, since it's because he didn't know how to talk to his troupesmate, especially Tsumugi, that things went wrong, and he's been learning and it's sweet. THE RAINBOW OMMENT HELPPP.
BUT YESS The preparation for New Year are so sweet. And DLKFJDLKFJFD THE CARROTS. THAT DYNAMIC. But yeah it's pretty much this, Tenma doesn't like carrot, Homare wants him to eat carrots, but as long as Tenma doesn't want to Homare will eat them for him. It's adorable isn't it. AND THE NEW YEAR CHAT YESS IT'S SO SWEET. Homare's name is indeed Alice on here (since his last name is Arisugawa = Arisu, which is pronounced Alice. It's also sweet considering Hisoka always calls him "Arisu" only. also i think it's really cute like, the duo Alice In Wonderland and Sleeping Prince (canon nickname Homare use on Hisoka). They're adorable.)
BUT YEAHHH this event was great. A good lighthearted event for NY and just. so soft all around. I love those guys so much.
And indeed building up some act 2 things which are going to be fun to explore. Looking forward to see you experience it all, since you do have a keen eye at picking stuff up ;DDD
thank you once again for sharing all of this with me. It was a blast to read through and relive, and reminded me of quite a few things (esp since you're entering the territory of material-i-only-read-once, compared to almost everything before that i read a few dozen times ahah). So that's going to be a blast to relive for me as well ;D
thank you so much once again, and happy new year if we don't see each other again before the 1st ;D
Take care <33
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A3! Mikage Hisoka | SR - Strawberry KISS | Translation
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Quote: “I haven’t been able to take a nap in the courtyard lately. It has been raining a lot. I made a teru teru bozu, so... the rain should stop.”
Thanks Noodles for your help proofreading the backstage!! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. By the way, Director’s name will be Izumi.
A Request to the Teru Teru Bozu /1
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Izumi: (It’s also raining today… the sun hasn’t come out lately.) Hisoka: Zzz… Homare: Come on, Hisoka-kun. Wake up!  Hisoka: Ngh. Izumi: A-Ahmm, is everything alright?  Homare: Ah, Director-kun. It is as you see, Hisoka-kun won’t wake up at all.  Hisoka: …I’m awake. Homare: Dear… you will block the way for others sleeping in the middle of the corridor.  Izumi: Why are you sleeping in a place like this?  Hisoka: Actually, I wanted to sleep in the courtyard, but it’s raining. Izumi: I see. Yeah, it has been raining a lot these days.  Homare: Indeed, there’s nothing we can do about it.  Homare: But I must admit I’m frustrated about not being able to hold a tea gathering in the courtyard for so long.  Homare: …Ah, inspiration has come to me! Homare: Would you come to this tea gathering in the rain? Maybe rainy but a tea party!  Homare: What do you think? A fine poem, don’t you agree? Hisoka: Zzz… Izumi: Ah, just when I thought he would be awake for a while.  Homare: Oh, dear… didn’t you have to work at Guy’s shop today?  Hisoka: …You’re right.  Homare: Then, hurry up and get ready.  Izumi: Good luck at work, Hisoka-san!  Hisoka: …Mhm. 
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Guy: Mikage. This is for table three. Hisoka: Okay. Also, table one asked for a Moscow Mule.  Guy: Understood. Guy: …Mh.  Hisoka: What’s the matter? Guy: It seems like we run out of stock of mixer drinks. I thought I bought more of them…  Hisoka: I can go to buy them. You stay in the bar, Guy.  Guy: It’s raining. I apologize, but are you alright with me asking you that favor?  Hisoka: Sure. I’ll be back.
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Hisoka: (...I’m sure this will be enough.) Hisoka: (...The rain hasn’t stopped at all.) Cat: …Meow.  Hisoka: (...A cat’s meow? Where did it come from?) Hisoka: Under those eaves… it might be taking shelter from the rain.  Cat: Meow~ Hisoka: There, there. Cat: Purr, purr. Meow~ Hisoka: …I want to play with you, but I have to go back. Guy is waiting for me.  Hisoka: Be careful not to get wet, okay?  Cat: Meow~ Hisoka: Hm? Hisoka: (So there was a poster displayed here. I didn’t notice it.) Hisoka: —!
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Kumon: It’s raining again today~ Muku: There’s no choice. It’s because of the season. I’ve started to miss the sunny days. Hisoka: ...Sigh. Tsumugi: Is there something wrong, Hisoka-kun? You let out a sigh after looking outside the window...  Azuma: Maybe he had plans to go out somewhere.  Homare: He mentioned he couldn’t sleep in the courtyard because of the rain. So Hisoka-kun might be tired of this never-ending rain.  Hisoka: … Yuki: I hope tomorrow is sunny. The weather forecast is not good, though. Tsumugi: Do you have something to do? Misumi: Mhm! The summer troupe will have a picnic~ Homare: I see. The weather determines if you carry it out or not. Kazunari: For these cases, the solution is making teru teru bozus!  Azuma: Teru teru bozus? The summer troupe makes them often. Muku: I’m someone who attracts the rain. The teru teru bozu’s efficacy might drop because of me… Yuki: You’re overthinking it. It has worked quite well before.  Kazunari: That’s right! The boy who attracts the sun is here too!  Misumi: Let’s get ready~ Hisoka: …I will make one too.  Kazunari: Oh, Hiso Hiso will join us too!? Kumon: Let’s make them together~! Tsumugi: So Hisoka-kun misses taking a nap in the courtyard that much.  Azuma: Fufu. There might be another reason he wants it to be sunny.
A Request to the Teru Teru Bozu /2
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Muku: The summer troupe's teru teru bozus usually have a face drawn on them. Hisoka: Oh, I see… Yuki: Also, we attach our favorite ribbon to it as a necktie.  Kazunari: You need to decorate yours too, Hiso Hiso! How about starting with the face?  Misumi: I will use this triangle I picked up earlier to make the head of the teru teru bozu!  Misumi: I spin it like this to cover it… and it’s done~! Kumon: Awesome! That’s impressive, Sumi-san!  Yuki: A teru teru bozu with a triangle head is innovative. A bit too much, though.  Hisoka: …Can I use anything to make the head?  Kazunari: Yep! Generally, you make it by rolling some tissues~  Kazunari: But the effectiveness will somehow rise if you put something important inside! Kumon: Really!? Yuki: First I've heard of that. Hisoka: Something important… Hisoka: Then I’ll use marshmallows. Some cheap ones.  Kazunari: Sounds good to me!  Misumi: It seems soft to the touch. So nice~! Muku: Tomorrow will be sunny for sure with this!  Hisoka: …Mhm. 
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Izumi: It’s been a while since we had a lovely day like today.  Azuma: It seems like the teru teru bozu that the summer troupe made with Hisoka worked in the end. Tsumugi: I think this weather is nice enough for them to have enjoyed their picnic.  Izumi: Yeah, me too. They should be back soon.  - Hisoka enters the room - Hisoka: I’m back. Izumi: Ah, Hisoka-kun. Welcome home. Tsumugi: Did you go out too, Hisoka-kun? Hisoka: Mhm. Azuma: And you even brought some packages with you. Hisoka: These… are freshly-made marshmallows from a sweet festival that’s currently exhibiting them.  Tsumugi: Freshly-made marshmallows? Izumi: Wow, they are colorful and fancy!  Hisoka: I couldn’t go to buy them if they canceled it because of the rain… I’m glad today was sunny.  Tsumugi: I understand… that’s why you made a teru teru bozu too.  Azuma: Fufu. You never change, Hisoka.  Izumi: So they were holding that type of festival.  Hisoka: I found a poster about it when I went to play with a cat sheltering from the rain.
Choose 1: Are there other sweets?
Izumi: There might be other sweets as well! I’m a bit curious about them.  Tsumugi: Sweets… I feel like Juza-kun would be interested in them.  Azuma: Fufu, I agree.  Hisoka: Then… I’ll invite them next time I go. Of course, Director can come too. Izumi: Thanks, I can’t wait. 
Choose 2: All thanks to the cat.
Izumi: Then, because of the cat, you learned about the sweet festival.  Hisoka: It was a pretty friendly cat… maybe it was the marshmallow god in disguise.  Izumi: Haha. In that case, you have to show your gratitude to it.  Hisoka: Mhm. I’ll say thanks to it when I meet it again. 
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Izumi: Even so, that seems like a considerable amount of freshly-made marshmallows to eat all by yourself—. - Tenma comes in - Tenma: I’m back.  Kazunari: That picnic was fun–! Misumi: I found a new triangle~!  Izumi: Welcome back.  Kumon: But, what are you doing gathered here?  Hisoka: …Here. For you.  Tenma: Hm? These are… marshmallows?  Kazunari: What, these are super puffy!  Yuki: Heh, their color is cute too.  Hisoka: Those are freshly-made marshmallows I bought at a sweet festival. …Please, eat them.  Muku: Can we really take them?  Yuki: They seem exclusive.  Hisoka: …I could buy them because it was sunny today.  Hisoka: That means, it was all thanks to you and the teru teru bozu. Thanks.  Muku: So that was it!  Kumon: I’m glad you could buy them without problems.  Kazunari: Since you insist, time to try them!  Misumi: Thanks, I’m taking one~! Tenma: Those are as good as the ones on my filming sets.  Yuki: If I’m not wrong, Tenma wasn’t with us yesterday. Are you sure you want to give some to him? Tenma: W-What are you saying!? Hisoka: There are many of them. Let’s eat them all together.  Hisoka: Director, Tsumugi and Azuma too.  Izumi: Thanks, Hisoka-san.  Azuma: It’s cute how absorbed they are in eating the marshmallows.  Tsumugi: A scene that makes you smile. Izumi: Fufu. Indeed.  Hisoka: Munch, munch… so tasty. 
Note: If you’re curious about how a teru teru bozu with triangle head looks like, Misumi made one before in the A3! Web Manga 
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
A3! Saying goodbye 🌸🔆🍁❄
This game has meant a lot to me. A lot to so many!
In honor of these two amazing years we have all spent together with our beloved actors, I hope this allows everyone to take a moment to say goodbye -though not really, they'll always be there- to each of them.
It is time...
Sakuya takes both of your hands, eyes softening with affection at the contact. He knows you will keep on looking for the brightest side of the world, finding your own happiness along with it.
Masumi kisses your hand. No one has to tell him you won’t stop being passionate about the things and people you love.
Tsuzuru gives you a clumsy hug. He's confident you will always give your all in order to follow your dreams.
Itaru nudges you. He hopes you keep in mind you don’t have to change so that others like you, but be yourself letting the right people know the real you.
Citron tickles you until you laugh. He believes you’ll remember making mistakes doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you’re learning in life.
Chikage gives you a tight squeeze on one of your shoulders. He wishes you never burden your soul with sorrows of the past, and always strive towards happiness.
Tenma squeezes your hand with a determined smile. He has faith you know you don’t need to always be perfect to be the best version of yourself.
Misumi picks you up and begins to swing you around laughing. He doesn’t have to worry whether you will be able to find sparks of happiness in any shape or form.
Kazunari cheers pulling you into a side hug. He’s sure you know the sky is the limit, and that you will do your best to live a life without regrets.
Muku gives you a pinky promise. He hopes you remember while it’s okay to have doubts about yourself, you are stronger than you imagine.
Yuki bumps his shoulder against yours. By now you better know self-love is born out of self-acceptance, and never forget it.
Kumon gives you a double high five. He’s thankful you know asking for help is not weakness, but rather a sign of strength.
Banri flicks your forehead and smirks. He takes pride you know that everything is possible, and that the impossible only takes a little more time.
Sakyo pats your head. He hopes you keep in mind you are never too old to set another goal or dream in your life.
Omi caresses the back of your hand with his thumb. He would like you to remember that no one, no matter what, will ever be too lost to be saved.
Juza gives you a firm nod. He’s grateful knowing you won’t judge anyone based on looks, and will do your best to try to understand their struggles.
Taichi picks up speed and throws himself into your arms. He just knows you’ll remember the value of your own worth, because you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.
Azami bumps his fist with yours. He has faith you will never stop fighting and following what your heart thinks is right.
Homare twirls you in circles. He wishes you remember you are never too broken, too scarred or too far-gone to create change in yourself.
Azuma caresses your cheek. He hopes you know by now family doesn’t have to end in blood to feel real.
Tasuku presses a hand on your back. He believes you will keep doing your best to surpass yourself and reach for the stars.
Hisoka leans on you. He’s sure you know by now that things change, jobs change, but memories stay with you forever, so you’ll make sure to create the best ones you can.
Guy bows solemnly and looks at you proud. He trusts your instincts, so that while your mind might sometimes be confused, your heart will always know the answer.
Tsumugi rests his forehead against yours. He hopes you don’t forget how important is to believe in yourself before anyone else does.
But most of all, they all want you to know that letting go doesn’t mean loving less.
They sure won’t.
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Outing Event Translation - A Love Song Dedicated to You (11/11 Epilogue)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
My Lucky Person
Omi: Did everyone get a drink?
Kumon: They’ve went around to everyone!
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Sakyo: Alright then. Please say a word, Director.
Izumi: Me!?
Tenma: Naturally.
Banri: The floor’s yours, Director-chan.
Izumi: Okay, then without further ado—. The concert went wonderfully again this time thanks to everyone. All the guests enjoyed themselves to the fullest. Mizuno-san got in touch with me and he said it was also a huge hit at the live-viewing venue. I was so busy myself that I wasn’t able attend many rehearsals… But it turned out successful thanks to all of you for coming up with and executing your amazing ideas. Thank you. I hope we can hold another concert together someday!
Tsumugi: Agreed.
Omi: It’s fun getting riled up with all our fans.
Yuki: I had fun making the costumes. Plus, the atmosphere that was different from our usual performances was pretty interesting.
Misumi: I wanna do it again with everyone!
Izumi: And on that point, this has gotten pretty long. But in celebration for the concert’s success… cheers!
Troupe members: CHEERS!
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Muku: All the food today looks really delicious!
Itaru: Yeah, they do. Now, what should I start with?
Azuma: This cocktail tastes great.
Hisoka: I like it too.
Citron: Let’s get this closing party fired up! Let’s all karaoke~!
Sakyo: Where the hell’d you get that karaoke set from?
Citron: A madam from the shopping district lent it to me!
Tasuku: We just had our concert, yet we’re singing again…
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Kazunari: It’s fine, it’s fiiine! Let’s do a duet, Ronron~
Homare: Ooh, splendid. Why don’t we rap together as well, Azami-kun?
Azami: Seriously? I mean, I’m down for just a little bit…
Masumi: …
Taichi: Great job back there, Masumi-kun~! The live was hella fun! The practice period also felt fulfilling. I was in great form, just like that horoscope we saw the other day said I would be! I guess it really was accurate, huh~? How did you feel, Masumi-kun?
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Masumi: …It was the worst.
Taichi: EHH! So it is accurate…! Lemme take another look~! …Hm? Hey! I didn’t notice this at all back then. Apparently there’s a “lucky person” section. I missed it~!
Masumi: …Let me see.
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Taichi: Ah! My phone~!
Masumi: Which one’s my page?
Taichi: Umm, Masumi-kun’s is… Ah, here!
Masumi: …”Your lucky person is a bar owner! They will surely treat you kindly and be there for you.” …
Guy: Do you two want something to drink?
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Taichi: Ah, I’ll have cola!
Masumi: …So it was you.
Guy: ? What do you mean?
Masumi: ...It’s nothing.
Izumi: The line was pretty long, but I’m glad we were able to buy the curry buns! I can’t wait to eat them…! Since we went through the effort, I suppose I’ll update my inste for the first time in a while~.
Masumi: I’ll be the first to give it a like.
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Izumi: Ahaha, thanks. You bought quite a few there, Masumi-kun. Could those be for the Spring troupe members?
Masumi: …Today’s different.
Izumi: Oh? I let it go today since it would’ve been too much to carry. But let’s buy one for all the troupe members next time.
Masumi: Sure.
Guy: …
Masumi: …Guy.
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Guy: Usui? What is the matter?
Masumi: …I’m giving these to you.
Guy: These are… the curry buns you mentioned? Is it alright if I have them?
Masumi: They’re thanks for the concert the other day and for helping me out so much. …You spoke with Director, didn’t you? About the fact I wasn’t in great shape.
Guy: …Did I overstep my bounds?
Masumi: I'm glad I got to talk to Director, thanks to you. …I appreciate it.
Guy: That’s great to hear. I am grateful for these as well. Are you not going to eat them, Usui?
Masumi: I ate some earlier on my way home with Director. At the park. When she said she just couldn’t wait… that was the absolute cutest.
Guy: …Nothing out of the ordinary here.
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (Training Camp Backstage)
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Revenge Boys' Night!
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
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Tenma: Come to think of it, how'd the training camp go?
Juza: At that Indian film theme park you guys supervised the stage performance for.
Tsuzuru: Director and Ikaruga-san said it felt like stepping into a movie once they saw the park's cityscape.
Taichi: Yeah, totally! There was lots of different food stalls and attractions, so it was all super exciting!
Taichi: There's so many things I wanna tell you guys about, the stage rehearsals, the discussions, the performance....
Taichi: Oh, right! That reminds me, I got revenge for that thing we tried, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tenma: Huh....?
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Taichi: Good... Now that we're all here...
Misumi: ....Tactical meeting, commence~!
Omi: Is that really why you called us here...?
Taichi: Of course! That's why I've arranged it in secret.
Taichi: I told you guys that I made the room assignments using a lottery app....
Taichi: But the truth is I actually thought about them long and hard!
Taichi: As revenge for the werewolf training camp, we're gonna do~.... a surprise wake-up call!*
Misumi: Operation: Surprise Prank~.
Taichi: I've thought about last attempt, and our greatest opponent will be.... how to catch Chikage-san asleep in order to wake him up.
Omi: So, do you have any ideas?
Taichi: Last time, Tsuzuru-kun helped out with the prank.
Taichi: I think the sound of Tsuzuru-kun getting up and leaving the room is what woke Chikage-san.
Taichi: In other words, we just needed to room him with someone who doesn't drag their feet when getting up!
Omi: Ah, so that's why Tasuku-san and Chikage-san are in the same room...
Taichi: It's not just them, don't you wanna see Azuma-san get pranked too?
Misumi: Azuma's being pranked~?
Omi: Come to think of it, our attempt to do a surprise wake-up call at the Autumn/Winter training camp also failed...*
Taichi: Right. That's why we're getting revenge for then, too!
Omi: Umm, is this going to work....?
Taichi: It's trial and error. So first, let's go to Hisoka-san and Azuma-san's room!
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Taichi: Sorry for the intrusion...
Hisoka: Snz... zz...
Taichi: Yes, Hisoka-san's fast asleep!
Misumi: Huh~? But Azuma's not here~?
Taichi: Wha-, I'm sensing a pattern...!
Azuma: Fufu, good morning. You're up early, Puppy-kun.
Misumi: Wah! Azuma~!
Taichi: Gh... You're awake...!
Omi: Good morning. You're up pretty early, Azuma-san.
Azuma: Fufu, I wonder why. Something must have happened, I normally sleep well.
Taichi: Uguu, our revenge failed...!
Azuma: Now now, I can practically see your ears and tail sagging. It's okay, Puppy-kun.
Misumi: Taichi, pet pet~.
Omi: Alright, then I'll make you your favorite dish again, Taichi.
Taichi: I'm so comforted, everyone....
Hisoka: Zzz....
Taichi: All this fuss, and yet Hisoka-san's still asleep.
Omi: He won't be up until the sun rises.
Misumi: Hisoka, good night~. See you later, Azuma.
Azuma: Yeah. I hope you succeed.
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Misumi: We failed~.
Taichi: Urgh, this sucks!
Omi: Doesn't seem like we're off to a very good start...
Taichi: We haven't lost yet! I'm sure we'll get it right next time! Off to Tasuku-san and Chikage-san's room!
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Omi: Well?
Tasuku: Zz... zz....
Chikage: .......
Taichi: Oh, they're asleep. This is our chance...!
Misumi: They're sleeping~.
Taichi: I'm sure Tasuku-san won't wake up, Let's start with Chikage-san.
Taichi: Ahem....
Chikage: Gh!?
Taichi: Yay! Operation: Surprise--.
Chikage: ...Just kidding.
Taichi: Huh!?
Chikage: Earlier, when you went to Azuma-san and Hisoka's room, the noise from that woke me up.
Taichi: Grrrrr.......
Omi: Haha, is that so.
Misumi: Disappointing~.
Taichi: Uu, we failed...
Tasuku: .....Oi.
Misumi: Oh, Tasuku~, good morning~.
Taichi: Huh!? T-Tasuku-san, you woke up!?
Tasuku: Nanao... Ikaruga... You two are so noisy...
Omi: Sorry to disturb you.
Tasuku: Even Fushimi... jeez. Whatever, it's fine. I was planning on waking up around this time anyway.
Tasuku: But still, keep your pranks in moderation.
Taichi: Uwaa, I'm sorry~.
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Tsuzuru: Uh, how exactly was that getting revenge against Chikage-san.
Tenma: That wasn't what you said at all...
Taichi: 'Cause~, I was kinda frustrated, so I wanted to spill...
Juza: Azuma-san and Chikage-san are amazing...
Taichi: Yeah, but! I'm still gonna get my revenge someday!
Tenma: What the, why are you so mysteriously motivated.
Tsuzuru: He never learns. Good grief...
*don't have the backstage and not translated afaaik, but assuming it's a reference to the "Infiltration Boys' Night" training camp backstage (liar night event)
*reference to the "Enjoy! Adult School Trip" epilogue
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utapri-hcs · 3 years
What if Utapri was in a3
So this is a little gift to those in both the A3 fandom and the Utapri one since engA3 servers are unfortunately being shut down. To those who don't know, A3 is a mobage game where you are now Izumi and have been appointed the director of Mankai company, you attempt to rebuild the company after its fall from grace and you basically learn about a bunch of funky people who you recruit
-Natsuki is instantly kamekichi’s favourite
-Kamekichi Just perches on Natsuki as there is a fire in the kitchen after Kazunari and Taichi tried a tik tok recipe
-Camus eats Kamekichi buns with Juza
-Banri and Ranmaru just shit talk their respective buddy and how they get diabetes
-Misumi finding out that Ai, Syo and Natsuki sing triangle beat oh god
-Ranmaru and Juza are the one that vibes together though
-Tasuku has now found two new members for his soccer club in the form of Otoya and Syo
-Masato and Omi just vibe
-Ren learns the amazingness of Instablam
-Tokiya and Azuma watch as things go down very wine aunt style
-Yuki and Syo compare styles and clothes with Banri sometimes joining
-Syo kinda hates Banri at first though (who didn’t though, have you seen Banri?)
-Itaru and Banri have found two new toxic gamers
-They can do like co-op vs now with Ai and Ren vs Banri and Itaru
-Reiji, Ranmaru and Ren like going drinking with the rest of the adults
-Reiji and Ren are also now designated drivers as well
-Now the school kids have some extra rides other then the early Sakyo mobile, the normal bus and who the fuck knows when Itaru is even going to leave his room mobile
-Masato and Homare just recite poetry with each other
-Masato and Tenma love their bonsai trees, they would die for that
-Reiji and Masato have joined the Mahjong club
-When something is broken they can also go to Ranmaru as well now
-Yuki and Ai get along since Ai likes helping out with the sewing, they like roasting their members though
-Citron and Cecil, just Citron and Cecil
-Guy and Camus, but Camus is kinda an asshole
-Chikage, Camus and hisoka have met eachother once during their organisation life
-Chikage probably tries killing Camus when he saw him
-Camus and Chikage just talk about casual murder and their preferred methods
-Sakuya and Otoya living their best life and being good boys
-“Oh god, we got another Currian”
-Otoya and Izumi can just eat curry for the next few years
-Natsuki and Yuki wouldn’t really get along since Natsuki probably tried hugging Yuki
-If they do get along, imagine Yuki making stuffed toys for him
-Muku probably asks Tokiya on how to be princely and what not
-Ai and Muku would read shoujo manga together and that’s adorable
-Natsuki calls everyone cute, everyone.
-The first time he called Sakyo cute, Sakyo almost had a heart attack
-12am you’ll still hear the toxic gamers yelling at eachother
-Ranmaru and Azami bond over eyeliner
-Natsuki, Misumi, Hisoka And Ranmaru just bond over the neighbourhood cats
-Ranmaru and Hisoka just nap with each other
-They also tell Reiji and Homare to be quiet
-Chikage and Satsuki definitely need to talk before they try murdering each other
-They would probably vibe with each other after that
-You dont mess with their family and they won’t mess with you
-Satsuki or Syo and Misumi doing parkour around the dorms
-Misumi takes Syo for triangle hunting
-Syo swears he didn’t steal that traffic cone just then
-He also swears he saw god
-Tokiya and Homare talking about poetry
-Masato unhelpfully tutorring Taichi as the bus starts to roll in
-He won’t give Taichi the answer because he wants him to learn, the fact is that Taichi is now just trying to rush through trigonometry without crying
-Azuma, Yuki and Azami complimenting Ai’s skin
-Ranmaru would probably have some tension with Sakyo considering the Yakuza
-Itaru is tensed with Ren and Masato originally
-Itaru has memorised all the rich people he has to suck up to during work
-Turns out Ren is a gamer and Masato is an old man
-Omi, Reiji, Tsuzuru, Masato, Ren and Ranmaru have formed a cooking squad
-Only quality foods served in Mankai now
-I’m sorry Matsukawa
-Masumi and Ranmaru vibe over the same music tastes
-Tsuzuru and Reiji are essentially the big brothers of mankai
-Juza and Camus talk over sweet sometimes inviting Natsuki and Hisoka
-Tsumugi and Masato sit around, watering their plants old man style
-Reiji’s lingo gets worse when he meets Kazunari oh god
-Separate them please
-Ai likes going out to the garden and watching all the mankai members do their daily routines as Hisoka naps on his lap
-Tokiya and Kumon are the healthy boys and try to change Itaru, Taichi and Ren’s diets
-Taichi swears that if he has one more energy drink, he’ll be able to reach peak performance
-Syo admires Tasuka for being really strong
-Sakyo’s job is a lot harder since the electricity bills and sweets have gone up
-Misumi, Azuma, Reiji and Tenma have connections with all the elderly women in the area
-Taichi and Syo get along pretty well
-Taichi also would ask Ren for advice with the women
-It doesn’t go well
-Matsukawa and Reiji are living their best life, being bullied
-Otoya and Sakuya having deep talks of their non-existent parents
-All the nappers have designated caretakers, Masumi has Sakuya and Tsuzuru, Hisoka has Homare and Ranmaru has Reiji
-Ai and Misumi can understand Triangles, they are pretty neat
-Ai and Tenma kinda don’t know how the world works but it’s okay
-Reiji becomes the big brother of the kids in Summer troupe
-Tenma gets lost? Time for Reiji to find him idk have Yuki make Tenma a baby leash or something
-Yuki has problems with how he didn’t fit in? Reiji is there to tell him how he felt
-Muku’s anxiety is getting up again? Reiji had to deal with it a lot due to being a child actor, he has some tips and tricks
-Misumi starts missing home? Reiji is there to tell them that it’s okay
-Kazunari doesn’t know what he should do? Reiji is there to help weigh his options
-Kumon starts panicking? It’s okay Reiji has got this
-Reiji is amazing as a big brother
-Youngest In winter being Ai would be so strange to them
-Ai would have to help Tsumugi with technology
-Ai is interested in Homare’s depictions of certain events
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jumukus · 2 years
A3! Event: Dance with Butterfly Epilogue "Their Usual Chemistry" Translation
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Izumi: Now that we're done with the evaluation for Winter Troupe's eighth play, I'd like to end today's meeting here. Good work, everyone!
Tasuku: Good work.
Homare: Good job.
Tsumugi: Speaking of… I remember we talked about holding a celebration party after this play.
Izumi: Right. Because the play has wrapped up, you can choose where and what we're gonna do at the party.
Homare: The answer is obvious, then…
Azuma: There's only one thing we can do.
Hisoka: …It's already decided from the start.
Guy: And it should be soon.
Tasuku: ?
Homare: We'll have a live viewing party of Tasuku-kun's drama, of course!
Tasuku: It doesn't have anything to do with the play.
Tsumugi: But simply having a party would be boring.
Homare: I know! Let's have a hot pot party!
Hisoka: …Again?
Azuma: He loves it.
Homare: Eating from the same pot can mean that we pledge our solidarity in the future! It's a good thing!
Tasuku: But we're always doing the same thing.
Tsumugi: I don't see why not. We all like hot pot, anyway.
Guy: Yeah. It sounds fun.
Izumi: What kind of hot pot are we going to have?
Tsumugi: How about we let our lead and co-lead decide that?
Homare: I like that idea.
Tasuku: I feel like we can come up with something decent.
Hisoka: …Say it on the count of three.
Azuma: Compatibility game? It's been a while, huh.
Homare: It'll be a piece of cake. I mean, we've grown more compatible with each other after that play.
Tasuku: Not sure about that…
Tsumugi: Okay, now, name one hot pot.
Tasuku: One, two, three… Miso.
Homare: Secret hot pot!
Tasuku: Why secret hot pot? I knew it. We won't match at all.
Izumi: Your answers are too different.
Homare: Having a secret hot pot means that we can experience the fun and thrill of guessing what is inside the pot. It's the best form of entertainment!
Tasuku: Nah, we really don't match.
Azuma: And that's what makes you two unique.
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Homare: Cheers!
Tasuku: Cheers.
Sakuya: Good work on the eighth play!
Kazunari: GJ y'all!
Syu: *sighs*... I actually don't want to come. So bothersome.
Azuma: Now, now. We have the "Winter Moon" sake with us.
Syu: Just one toast, then.
Why are you doin' a hot pot at a bar, anyway? Doesn't make any sense to me.
Misumi: Hot pot tastes delicious when we eat it together~.
Kazunari: It's fun!
Tsumugi: It's a good thing we don't have to do secret hot pot.
Izumi: In the end we decided to make several hot pots.
Omi: The seafood hot pot is over here.
Sakyo: The crab should be here, then.
Tsuzuru: I've brought salmon.
Muku: The tomato hot pot is over here.
Itaru: I've brought cheese with me. Guess that means I should put it here.
Taichi: Nice! Bet it tastes awesome if we turn it into risotto!
Hisoka: Marshmallows…
Chikage: No place for marshmallows.
Citron: We have chocolate hot pot!
Tenma: What kind of hot pot is that?!
Banri: Dude, that's a totally Hyodo hot pot. I mean, he's already on stand by.
Juza: Hot pot is hot pot. I don't have any complaints about it.
Kumon: Just think of it as chocolate fondue!
Masumi: I've brought strawberries.
Yuki: Maybe the fruits should go to the choco hot pot.
Azami: Don't eat too much.
Izumi: Oh! The drama is starting soon!
Syu: Heh, so a period one, huh.
Tasuku: "How unsightly."
Kazunari: Here comes Tax!
Taichi: You really look good in a kimono!
Actor B: "What are we going to do, dear?"
Tasuku: "I shall cut down Suruga."
Actor A: "No way… Brother, wait a minute! Brother!"
Kumon: You're so cool, Tasuku-san!
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Muku: Time sure flies by, huh. It's ended already.
Yuki: It's surprisingly interesting.
Tenma: I expected no less from you, Tasuku-san. You did well in an onscreen production even though that was your first time.
You looked stiffer than usual, though.
Tasuku: I still have a lot to learn.
I'm still going to focus on stage play, but I plan to appear in onscreen production again if I have the chance. I'll be asking you a lot of stuff.
Tenma: Sure.
Homare: …
Tasuku: You still filming?
Homare: This is an important page in your life, after all.
…Oh! I've got inspiration! Hold the camera for me!
Tasuku: Why me…
Homare: Brand new page~ Leaving with salvage, o page~... The pain that comes and goes, changing everything~...
What do you think? I'm quite proud of it.
Tasuku: …I really have no idea what that was.
< Episode 10 | Masterlist
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zephyrmira · 3 years
Hug Headcanons A3!
Hisoka: Clinging to, warm, reluctant to let go, casual hug, will fall asleep if he stays there for too long, back or front, as long as he can rest his head on a shoulder/chest and be comfortable and safe
Homare: Depending on context, a very tight and bone crushing hug, or a very light, ginger hug that is hesitant, but encompassing and filled with unspoken emotion. He will lean into you as much as you lean into him. If you’re short enough, he will rest his head on your head. 
Azuma: A gentle, and welcoming hug filled with love and care. A loose hold, but will linger. 
Tsumugi: Tight shoulder gripping hug, or light shoulder gripping hug. He doesn’t get the chance to be the taller person very often. He will hold you close, but it will be short unless he’s in need or you’re in need.
Tasuku: Awkward, clumsy hugs. Will not get it right the first time. Bro hugs? Will lift you up. Carry=Hug? 
Guy: Hugs are very gentle, as if subject is fragile. Keeps his touch light. Very caring, can feel. 
Omi: A big, all encompassing hug. Can be bone crushing. Can lift you up and cuddle you in his arms. Can also be tender. Will place his hand at the back of your head if he’s in love with you, just as a symbolic ‘I want to keep you close to me’. 
Sakyo: Awkward, physical touch is not his forte. Loose hug, probably prefers one arm hug. Unless you’ve done something rash/dangerous and he had a mini heart attack. He will tightly hug you then, and then keep an arm around you in some fashion.
Juza: Awkward. Hugs either too tight, or too loose. 
Taichi: Big friendly hugs, sling arm around you, kind of bro hug. If he’s feeling shy, he will wait for you to hug him first before he places his arms around you. Will want hugs when sad. Will want hugs when you’re sad. Hugs for good luck.
Banri: Snarky, cocky, offers hug but takes it away. A friendly arm around shoulder. Hug and tease. Even if dating, hug and tease. Secretly loves being held. 
Azami: HUGs ARE FOR MARRIAGE. No hugs unless married. JK. Will be embarrassed if you hug him, and will only hug back if you’re alone and he really needs it. Hesitant young lad, barely touches you. 
Misumi: BIG BONE CRUSHING HUG. Will tackle hug you if you’re not paying attention. Pick you up, swing you around. However, he will also hold you close and shelter you if you’re upset. 
Tenma: Very casual about hugs, until someone teases him about it and then he becomes flustered mess. 
Yuki: Hug? Only if asked, and only if you need a hug. You sad? Hug. Short, sweet, and accompanied with encouraging words, of course he will also use harsh words about whatever made you upset. Unless it was yourself. 
Muku: Absolutely hug, both for him and you. Will ask for hugs, and will hug if asked. Co-hug-dependancy. Very sweet, kind of long hugs.May or may not be accompanied by tears, or big smiles depending on the day.
Kazunari: Hug? Sure fam! Wait, you want an intimate hug? Kind of awkward about intimacy. Platonic hugs are totes fine. You want hold me? O-okay, uh, has mini crisis. Hugs are very sweet, very hesitant, cautious, because he craves physical intimacy, but doesn’t know what blurs the line between friend and lover. Will get more comfortable.
Kumon: Energetic ball of sunshine offers you a hug. Is unsurprisingly strong, can give bone crushing hugs if not careful. No ‘bro hugs’ only full hugs. Hugs are for everyone. HugsRus. 
Sakuya: Absolutely hugs, yes. Has many hugs to catch up on, hug this child. He’s very friendly and will probably catch himself before the hug goes on for too long. If he gets comfortable with you, hugs will be long, turn into cuddles. 
Tsuzuru: Hugs like a big bro. Will have a problem switching that off. Physical intimacy who? Never heard of it. Jk, heard of it, but was so surrounded by children, all of the intimacy part is foreign. Platonic hand-holding, platonic hugs, platonic touch. Will learn intimacy, crave it. Not hesitant. He knows what he wants, will get. 
Citron: You want Hug? I give Hug! Huggies for everyone! What do you mean that’s not a good word to use? Tight hugs, loose caring hugs, hugs are the best cure. 
Chikage: No touch. Hug? Gross. I’m the only one around and you really need a hug? Reluctant, but will comply especially in a romantic relationship. If in a relationship, will hug with only some convincing. 
Masumi: Hug. HUG. HUG. HUG. if you are the object of his affections, once you hug him, he will not let go for a long time. If you aren’t, it may take some convincing to get a hug out of him, but he will more often than not comply. 
Itaru: What to hug me? Uh, okay, sure. Doesn’t realize how touch starved he is. Gets addicted to hugs. Jk. He will be much more open about asking for hugs or giving hugs after he realizes that he likes hugs.  
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chiaki-translation · 3 years
4th Anniversary The Key To Daydreaming: Opening The Future Door with You - Event Translation
Last part of the 4th anniversary event~
Link to the recording is here: 4th Anniversary OTFDwY
4th Anniversary The Key to Daydreaming: Secret Key / / Spring’s Door / / Autumn’s Door / / Winter’s Door / / Opening the Future Door with You
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A3! is owned by Liber’s Entertainment
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(For some reason, everyone is playing a performance from their roles in the Mixed Performance… What’s actually happening over here?
A new way to practice?
But, I didn’t hear anything about it, they didn’t tell me anything either…)
About the key, have you figured anything about it?
About that, I still have no idea…
There’s still one thing that you haven’t confirmed right?
Eh? But, I have asked all the rooms--
Look, look, it’s over there!
Over there…?
Mankai Theatre!
<Shifts to Mankai Theatre>
(Hmm, it’s true that I’m not sure whether the key belongs to the theatre or not…
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The manager told me to go and check it out anyway, for the time being, I’m going to check around)
It’s written “Unlocked” here as well…
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(I thought someone might be careless to  leave the theatre door open, but…)
<Shifts to Theatre>
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(Eh? Someone’s inside?)
Excuse me, it’s currently off limit to any non-related personnel--
Speaking of related personnel, I’m one of them.
A former one, it is.
If you ask which one you are right now, definitely an intruder.
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It’s supposed to be a surprise--
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I see, it’s just you guys… I’m glad.
But, what are the 4 of you doing over here?
Isuke contacted me, asking me to retrieve a lost item he had found from my place.
I thought I could ask him send it, but he insisted for the 4 of us to come over.
We settled on Hiro’s off day and we all came here together.
A best-selling actor sure is busy.
Syu-san too, it’s just nice that there’s no performance going on right.
I see.
(I didn’t hear anything about it though…)
Then, that lost item—
(A projector…?
There isn’t supposed to be such thing in the theatre though…)
<End of Chapter 6>
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It’s supposed to be the courtyard next--
Good work.
Geez, you’re finally here.
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You’re here faster than I thought.
I thought you wouldn’t be here by today.
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Troupe Member A:
Good work!
Troupe Member B:
We’ve been waiting for you!
Perhaps, this is finally the goal?
Yep, that’s it.
Come, this is your award.
Woah, what is this?
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An all-you-can-eat stew ticket? Alright! I’m so happy.
Oi oi… Are you serious?
To be really happy over something that’s supposed to be a joke is…
That’s why, I told you.
He’s not worth making fun of.
Well, I thought this might happen.
Anyway, I didn’t expect to be able to see performances inside the dorm rooms after just picking up a key.
(It’s the same with my experience today…)
Your face when you were opening the doors today was so interesting.
It was so hard for me not to laugh.
I can’t help it.
I was so surprised you know.
We decided to surprise you to show our gratitude, and for Yukio-san, of course it has to be a performance right.
Other than that, something that can make you happy is more or less just stew.
That’s exactly the case.
Yeah. I was surprised, but everyone made a good performance, I had fun.
I think I cannot be happier as a director, to be able to be surrounded by all these wonderful actors.
That kind of thing, so you finally get it?
You’re so slow.
It’s an improvement.
Next year, let’s get the Fleur Award.
I will definitely get everyone to a full bloom.
<Back to Theatre>
That’s so nostalgic.
If I’m not wrong, we missed the nomination for the Fleur award, and we decided to encourage him because he was depressed.
Kasumi gave a ridiculous name to it right.
I don’t think it was embarrassing you know…
What was it again?
It’s “Daydream Party”!
… That was so embarrassing.
Daydre… Ugh.
I couldn’t say it then, even now I still can’t get it out of my mouth.
A gathering of old men and party, really, you…
Don’t say such thing…!
Well, the plan itself was not a bad idea though.
It was a lot of work somehow.
But, I didn’t expect to be shown that again in this kind of place.
Furthermore, we are the recipient of the surprise this time.
Actually, it seems like they’re doing the same surprise to me--
That key…
Hmm, it seems that it’s getting carried over from the parent to the child.
Geez, don’t make it a tradition in this troupe.
Haha, sounds like them all right.
Speaking of which, that means they’re all waiting over there aren’t they.
They’re waiting for Director to come.
You better go quickly.
They will complain if you’re late.
Since you’re all here, why don’t we go together?
We’ll just be the wet blanket if we come.
Yuzo and Reni also said that they will come over at night, once again, then, everyone will barge in uninvited.
See, hurry up.
Oh, you’re here. The perpetrator.
Anyway, I’m sure you’re the one who taught them about it.
No, that’s not the case! It’s just by chance that the newborn leaders found the treasure chest with the tape.
It was locked, but I properly unlocked it--
Ah, you were embarrassed because you laughed like an idiot and you sealed it away right.
Speaking of which, the lost item that Isuke talked about, is it about this projector?
This, it’s the one we gathered our money for to buy right.
We did it so all the troupe can use it fairly, it’s that one.
Yes. A message from the newborn leaders, “We borrowed it for a little bit. Thank you so much.”
Whether it’s by a strange law or just to be admirable…
They could have just use it without our permission.
Surely, it was quite expensive, but it’s already old, I have nowhere to use it anymore.
It’s fine for them to use it right.
But, this is also one of our memories…  For their sake, maybe it’s better for them to try their best and buy a new one of their own…
Don’t be stingy.
It’s immature.
I, it’s not like I’m being stingy--
Well, well, I understand.
It’s full of different kind of memories.
… There’s no other choice.
Let’s give it to them because they’re poor.
Umm, there’s a continuation of that message…
“We’re grateful to take over it”…
So they’re ready to take it from the beginning!
Geez, what a cheeky bunch.
It’s not admirable at all.
Well, young people should be like that after all.
I have to tell everyone to put that much into their performance as well.
You’re right. I’ll charge them the full amount if they don’t get the Fleur award.
As I thought, you’re just being stingy.
I’m not stingy! I’m just trying to set off the flames inside them!
<End of Chapter 7>
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(I wonder if everyone’s really waiting for me in the courtyard…
I’m a bit nervous, but… I’m excited as well.
I wonder if Dad was feeling like this too back then)
<Shifts to Courtyard>
(There’s no one here…)
Welcome back, Director!
Welcome back.
Good work.
You’re faster than I thought.
Good work!
Otsu otsu.
Congratulations dayo~!
Welcome back.
Welcome ba~ck!
To “Daydream Party”--
Troupe Members:
Everyone… When did you prepare all of this?
We tried our best so we don’t get found out.
I thought we wouldn’t be able to make it in time, it was so nerve wracking!
In the end we barely made it though.
I’m glad we made it in time~!
Then behold, it’s the long-awaited prize.
To Director who managed to reach the goal safely, we prepared a small gift for you.
I think you can already make a guess if you watch that video.
Thank you.
Is it okay to open it now?
Of course.
(Dad got an all-you-can-eat stew ticket, maybe it’s an all-you-can-eat curry ticket…)
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This is… spices?
Eh, umm, they’re flower seeds…
I’m sure you were thinking about an all-you-can-eat curry ticket right.
I mean, well, I thought it’s a continuation from the all-you-can-eat stew ticket.
It’s supposed to be that at the beginning.
But it’s going to be boring if it’s the same right.
We were actually quite lost.
The opportunity immediately widens when we try not to stick with curry.
I thought I would be able to put a stamped marriage certificate and a ring inside.
That’s too much!
A game assortment maybe.
Itaru’s hard FPS selection~
Director’s definitely not going to be happy you know.
I recommended a dessert platter.
I told you that we don’t know when Director-chan will come, so they might go bad.
I wished it was a marshmallow tower.
That’s just something that you want to eat isn’t it.
I wanted to add triangles inside as well~
Everyone’s saying their own preferences too much.
I also recommended spicy spices.
I thought that would be something that you enjoy as well.
In the end, we came to the conclusion that it would be more fun if the content of the treasure box is unpredictable.
This seed, we don’t know what kind of flower will bloom from it.
I see.
In that case, it will be exciting to see it growing before it blooms.
We watched the video from the first generation, and the adults were laughing as if they’re high school students, it looks like so much fun…
Even when they’re adults, they were able to find companions that they can spend times like that with, I’m sure it was an amazing thing to have.
We were having fun watching them as well, but…
Even though they were aiming for the Fleur award, when I remember that they got separated before it being granted, it became a bit lonely…
One day, we might end up walking towards different paths just like that.
The possibility is not zero certainly.
That’s why, we will inherit the thoughts and wishes of the first generation, and decided once again, to win the Fleur award one day.
The reason that we’re all here today, is all thanks to Director.
It’s thanks to Director-chan who broke the door to our heart.
I, I wonder if I was too forceful…
From now on, towards our future, we need you to stay with us, Director.
One day, when the seeds finally bloom, I want Director to watch over it.
Yeah. I will definitely get everyone to a full bloom.
That’s why, let’s aim for the Fleur award together!
<End of Chapter 9>
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shitsumon-abound · 3 years
Aah, it was good 
Okay imma be level with you i dont like the play 
the story is incomplete and not that exciting, too little details and whatnot
But I like everything else other than the play
to fool Amadate they decided to put announcement saying they’d broadcast a livestream with important announcement and also theyre making use of rumors of mankai going to disband
Instead Sakuya as Saku is playing a skit of him meeting MANKAI company
This skit excites me more than the play itself ngl
The whole gang admits their reasons to love theatre acting
They dont say anything about what would happen if they’re not in MANKAI probably because more than half of them are nsfw and would cause international incidents but I digress
The dialogue of this skit are golden omg
Zen, Yuzo, Kasumi, and Hiro act as the terrorists, and Autumn plus Chikage and Hisoka do battle scene with them
Citron : ITS SPACE AGAR! (konyaku) Masumi : Attack, you mean. (shingyaku)
Kazunari : HOLY SHIT ALIEN INVASION! Can I post this on inste??
Saku : Im sorry, I’m troubling you... Guy : Don’t worry. It happens often Tasuku : Yeah, we should probably do something about that
Misumi : Aww, and here I thought we’d get new alien member Yuki : Don’t add more to our variation
The skit is what makes me not like the play
It’s because at the end, Saku said that his irreplaceable existences are his friends the pirates ANIMS and also his goal to reach his hometown
Since in real life, Sakuya’s found family went to pick him up in Hokkaido, Saku’s choice to stay with A12 people and not have ANIMS pirates come pick him up again leaves bad taste in my mouth
I MEAN THANK GOD HE FOUND HIS BIRTH FAMILY BUT HELLO??? Anims are your found family, saku. They risked their lives multiple times for you, saku. Doug’s dad died for you, Saku. WHAT THE HELL SAKU
Sure Spring is Sakuya’s family, but story and real life isnt mirrored at all and so I hate the play, there I said it
Note to self, make a fix-it fic regarding this
Kabuto’s past revealed
Amadate in jail
Hyakka is in shambles, but Kabuto is determined to revive it. Even though the blame is all in Amadate and not Hyakka company, the company still get pretty severe bashing online. So many quit and those who remain lose motivation. Is Aoshi still there? Who knows. 
Mankai company are all back in the dorm
Azuma brings his hoarded alcohols, Omi and Guy cooked ungodly amount of food in excitement for celebration
Azami comment on the skin state of the group, with Itaru being worst for staying late often to game
Homare : I also wrote a lot of poems for this day! After this party, why don’t we open a poem-reading event?! Hisoka : Participation non-mandatory
Yuki : The triangles in trianglian room also multiplied like crazy Misumi : I bought some back, but Muku and Tenma also gave me lots Tenma : I CAN’T HELP IT! When I see a triangle, I hear Misumi’s chanting of triangle~ triangle~~
Due to the scandal, there’s no nomination, but MANKAI gets special award for helping keep public’s faith in theatre despite the scandal
And Sakyo is like, the theatre reparations will cost us a lot and we’ll have to take loans, and since this is just special award there might not even be money prize back to basic yada yada etc etc
Yukio is back and he’s an advisor to FLEUR committee now
He has wound on his forehead
When asked why by Reni, he said he got hit by his wife and it took 3 days and 3 nights of apologizing for her to finally be let in the house
To be exact, he’s not let inside the house, and after three days and three nights of apologizing, she slammed the door open yelling SHUT UP and the door hit his forehead
As Reni said, it’s a miracle she hasnt asked for a divorce
Yukio : I need to make it up to her Reni : And you just told me you’re going to be busy with making new troupe
He might be a good producer/director, but he’s a terrible husband. Even Reni lampshades this
Yukio calls Reni his partner. Reni said he’s no longer Yukio’s partner, but a rival (since Yukio is planning of making a new troupe)
Reni said he’ll help out sometimes when he’s not busy with GOD troupe, but only if Yukio changed his intended name for the troupe (since he acknowledged MANKAI is Izumi’s now)
Yukio named it ( Ripened (kanjuku) company) since he planned to invite all the first gen into it to prove a point that theatre doesnt care about age and stuffs
And start another round of debt paying
Why isnt Amadate made to pay for damage? smh
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jujumin-translates · 10 months
Event | Ayakashi Summer Festival | Chapter 2
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Izumi: So, I was invited out to the shopping district today and it seemed like it was a meeting to discuss the festival.
Kumon: So there’s gonna be a festival this year too!?
Izumi: Yep, but this year they’re going to change things up a bit to liven up Veludo.
Taichi: So it’ll be different from the usual festival then?
Izumi: Kumon-kun, do you remember when you helped out at “Ayakashi FES” with Sakuya-kun and Azami-kun?
Kumon: The one they held on Veludo Way?
Izumi: That’s the one. The organizers of “Ayakashi FES” and the ones of the festival held in the shopping district are joining together to hold a new summer festival.
Kumon: Eh, for real!? That sounds awesome!
Izumi: So I was asked if our troupe could help with “Ayakashi FES” since we helped them before.
Omi: Got it. If that’s the case, I’d love to help.
Izumi: In addition to that, GOD-za usually is in charge of the stage at the summer festival, so…
Izumi: They’d like both troupes to help out with the joint planning this time.
Kumon: Seriously!? The planning is so cool!
Taichi: Does that mean you saw Reni-san at the meeting today?
Izumi: No, apparently Kamikizaka-san couldn’t come because of scheduling conflicts, so Haruto-kun and Shift-kun came instead.
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Misumi: Really~!? Then, could that mean…
Masumi: Is Madoka going to help out too?
Misumi: Hm~m… He’s not technically a troupe member, so I dunno~. But I hope he can come~.
Azuma: Fufu, I hope so too.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Thanks for agreeing to help with the summer festival, guys!
Izumi: Since it’s during summer vacation, a lot of the others couldn’t fit it into their schedules, so I really appreciate the help.
Masumi: I’d do anything for you.
Guy: Yes, leave it to us.
Omi: I’m looking forward to the planning.
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Misumi: Me too~!
Azuma: It’s not something I do very often. And I’m not very good at dealing with the heat, but I’ll do my best.
Hisoka: I propose a marshmallow stall.
Omi: Haha, I wouldn’t mind that plan.
Izumi: The festival meeting starts right away tomorrow, so I’d like to discuss that with you…
Izumi: You’ll all have to go on the first day. But after that, you’re okay to take turns.
Hisoka: Got it.
Izumi: For a brief explanation, you can look over the printout I just handed out.
Izumi: Well then, that’s all for today. See you guys tomorrow.
Omi: Yeah, see you tomorrow.
Azuma: Let’s do our best.
Masumi: …Misumi.
Misumi: What is it, Masumi~?
Masumi: I ran into Madoka at the university today and asked him about the festival.
Masumi: He’s not helping out at the summer festival, but he’s planning on going to it.
Misumi: Madoka’s gonna come to the summer festival!?
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Misumi: Thanks for letting me know, Masumi~!
Masumi: It’s nothing, I just asked when I saw him.
Misumi: Ehehe, I’ll do my best to make it a summer festival that Madoka will enjoy!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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ary-se · 4 years
Mankai with a dog
i was staring at my dog earlier, aggressively barking at a plastic bag. that's all. the rest is history
• at some point taichi just mentioned something along the lines of, "hey, wouldn't it be more fun here if... WE GET A DOG!?"
• whenever an idea spreads around the dorm, whether it's a good idea or an utterly ridiculous one, it's always either taichi or kazunari.
• sakuya is excited about it! he never knew what it feels like to live with a dog, let alone actually grow up with one. this pure bean just wants to experience it, c'mon man...
• muku also agrees!! 100% yes!!! wouldn't it be cute when you get home everyday from school with a dog greeting you? it's like that one shoujo manga...
• tsumugi likes the idea! he also grew up with a dog (gosh dachshunds are so cute... zabi ily with my whole heart) so it wouldn't be too bad to have a dog in the dorm! apparently dogs can help you out a lot when it comes to emotional problems :)
• the moment these three angels literally agreed with the idea, everyone is ABOARD. it would be like taking care of a child except it's 100x times more fun
• actually no scratch that, not everyone is aboard...
• cause there's SAKYO.
• see it's all about money in the end, but sakyo. we know you want it too. god just pls say yes.
• a LOT of pleading - either the boys shoot sakyo puppy eyes whenever they see him, or some of them (by some i only mean taichi and kazu) waits outside sakyo's room and bleed his ears off with saying PLEASE repetitively the moment sakyo goes out of his room
• sakyo murdered everyone who barged into his room but they always, ALWAYS do it anyways. they don't learn their lesson!!
• SAKYO GOT FED UP. begrudgingly, after this has been going on for a month, he says yes
• taichi and kazu, the mankai boys already aborted their plan of holding a funeral for the both of you... before sakyo agreed on getting a dog, he always has this look of wanting to strangle them to death
• after a lot of debating, they decided to settle on a dog that has a friendly disposition. anyways they get a light brown labrador!!!
• the day the dog got in the dorm, everyone got so excited
• they name the dog koro! it's simple enough
• (i just searched for popular dog names in japan... don't @ me pls sobs)
• that night the dog kept wagging his tail from being so excited with everyone's presence he deadass sprained his tail
• it recovered after a week
• everyone takes turns filling koro's food bowl and water bowl. the duty of walking the dog is also distributed based on when the boys are free. they literally have a calendar dedicated for koro
• tsumugi makes a list of what the dog can and can't eat! it's most likely that everyone will feed koro, so they better not kill him off early...
• everyone follows the list except juza, it seems like he forgot the existence of the list
• one time juza was eating chocolate cupcakes, and koro was giving him puppy eyes
• how could he resist that face!! his inner resolve crumbled so fast, he was literally about to give it to koro
• tsuzuru to the rescue! the moment he saw juza and koro, he yelled "JUZA NO DON'T PLEASE STOP DOGS CAN'T EAT CHOCOLATE"
• juza just looks at tsuzuru, shocked. what do you mean dogs can't eat chocolate?? how do they even live their lives without the goodness of chocolates?? WHAT?
• he fails to understand, but he doesn't give it to koro. the dog whimpers and just goes away,, juza felt so bad and silently apologized to koro, but now he learned his lesson
• omi spoils koro!! every time he has free time, he whips something up for koro. he makes it as balanced as possible, of course.
• everyone to omi: "please don't make the dog fat."
• omi: "haha i won't"
• cue next day koro kinda looks chubbier
• no joke, tenma was excited at first but now every time he sees the dog barking he gets scared shitless.
• when he got comfortable with koro, he hid from everyone and patted the dog for the first time, and ran away immediately from embarrassment
• that night everybody was questioning why tenma gets beet red every time koro gets near him. but nobody mentioned it.
• on a whim, itaru let koro pull for a limited banner, making his paw tap the button. who knows if this dog is kinda lucky, right? there's no way of knowi-
• itaru just gapes at the dog for five minutes. "koro, you are a godsend..."
• itaru hid the dog's insane luck from banri, but somehow banri caught on
• from that point forward whenever itaru and banri play together, expect koro to be with them. it occurs a lot of times, but koro doesn't seem to mind as long as he gets belly rubs.
• congratulations masumi!! you now have a new alarm clock, but a million times MORE annoying!!
• they trained koro so every time masumi doesn't wake up, koro will just pounce and literally jump on him while barking right on his ear
• masumi hates to admit it, but the dog is goddamn annoying and it's effective at the same time
• hooray to masumi for not being late ever again!
• tasuku just stares at koro dead in the eye while the dog looks at his meal. what if i also train him to..?
• one day during winter troupe's rehearsals, hisoka was actually super duper early and that NEVER HAPPENED.
• once tasuku says "koro, where's hisoka?" the dog nyooms to WHERE HISOKA ACTUALLY IS. is he on the tree? in the washing machine? in the long-lost, ever changing storage room? you name it sir
• the days of painfully looking for hisoka are over! tasuku can finally catch a break! this is a big win for winter troupe!!!
• homare just blabs his poems to the poor dog. always.
• it's been going on for five hours and koro is so tired of his shit he just settles on trying to bury his ears on the ground just to not hear him. i am so sorry for your loss.
• homare pets him after he is done with his long ass session so guess that's worth it!
• tsuzuru didn't necessarily train koro to do it, but somehow whenever tsuzuru is in a writing spree the dog just grabs a can of red bull from itaru and brings it to his room.
• tsuzuru doesn't even realize it's the goddamn dog. HE DEADASS JUST TAKES THE CAN AND SAY THANK YOU AND CONTINUE WRITING THE SCRIPT
• everyone just assumed tsuzuru trained koro to actually do that. PLEASE LET THE DOG LEARN NORMAL DOG TRICKS HE ISN'T YOUR MAID
• Whenever it's misumi's turn to walk the dog, koro joins him in his triangle hunting! koro picked up misumi's habits, so koro picks up triangular objects from time to time and gives it to misumi. d'awwww!
• misumi please don't expect the dog to join you running on walls. please don't. everyone's gonna hunt you down once something happens :)
• citron is super affectionate to the dog! koro is so attached to him and koro listens to citron babbling even tho he understands jackshit
• "back in my country, i am known as the glorious legendary master of dog b-"
• "yes citron. we get it."
• it's the dog's fave toy!!! he sleeps with it.
• yuki enjoys making anything for the dog. a dog bed? clothes? accesories? toys? HECK YEAH BRING IT ON SIR
• yuki isn't touchy feely with the dog but that's how he shows his love for koro!! it's okay, the dog understands!!
• koro is literally drowning in all those handmade stuff, spoiled by the only yuki
• whenever it's yuki's turn to walk the dog, he wears matching outfits with the dog as he buys more fabric for the next play (and for the dog but we don't mention that)
• THEYRE KINGS! literally a head turner. everyone just looks at them in awe. yuki wanna show off
• like citron, sakuya is super affectionate to the dog!
• he always gives bear hugs to the dog, especially when he is feeling anxious about something! koro's presence calms sakuya down big time
• please protect these small beans
• muku also loves the dog to death!! every time they arrive at home from school koro just jumps to them and he enjoys it so much
• at times when muku wants company when reading his shoujo manga, or just wants something to hug, koro does the job
• affectionate babies. please protect (2)
• koro is super affectionate when it comes to azuma.
• every after koro gets really excited about something, he gets dead tired so he goes straight to azuma's room.
• do you want to know what azuma does to koro? hmmmm? :---)
• they sleep together! duh
• taichi ALWAYS plays with the dog. it's like two dogs bonding smh
• taichi gets confused whenever they play catch?? whenever koro finally gets the ball, he runs back to taichi but doesn't give him the ball
• "umm, koro? we wouldn't be able to continue playing if you don't give the ball?"
• kazunari has a lot of aesthetic pics of koro! they're so wholesome, there was a point when his instablam is just full of koro
• ok he does have a lot of funny videos too, that's unavoidable
• best one so far was muku tossing the ball for koro to catch it, but he threw it too far and it hit sakyo's head at the back
• sakyo was about to lose his shit but once he saw muku apologizing and rambling he felt bad.
• should it be mentioned that cleaning sessions are more of a pain than before?
• the dog sheds a LOT MORE than they expected. the fur is literally fucking everywhere
• how does one dog have this much hair??
• those ppl with big sisters (cough itaru and banri) SWEARS this dog's shedding is a hundred times worse than their sisters' hairfall
• speaking of shedding everywhere, everyone's clothes have fur ALL OVER their clothes
• most especially sakyo because he wears all black. poor old dude
• after a month of deliberation from sakyo, they decided to buy more lint rollers and all that stuff that are supposedly effective
• every time the students are late to school, the dorms get chaotic
• unfortunately for everyone the dog joins in adding more noise pollution
• cue sakyo's very angry "KORO, SHUT UP!"
• koro didn't bark for a solid week... just pure whimpering. everyone was looking at sakyo like, "you better apologize, he doesn't deserve it..."
• when it was sakyo's turn to walk him, koro looks like he was about to shit. everyone was pretty concerned, but they wanted to see how it went
• the moment they came home, koro was all over him and sakyo is hiding a smile
• but what happened? nobody knew a thing. and it will stay that way.
• EVERYONE IS SOFT FOR HIM. not taking no for an answer
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A3! Rabbits Party Event | Translation (2/11)
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me. By the way, Director’s name will be Izumi.
Rabbits Party! Chapter 2
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Kazunari: …
Muku: Kazu-kun? 
Kazunari: Muku, do you really want to participate in it that bad? 
Muku: Huh?
Muku: Ahm, well… I do think it would be nice if we could do it… 
Kazunari: Okay, then let Director know about it! I’m sure we will participate if you tell her that you want to do it! 
Muku: (I hope we can participate in the event and make it a success…)
Muku: …Mhm. Thanks, Kazu-kun! I’m going to try it!
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Muku: …That’s why I hoped we could participate in the event as a troupe…
Izumi: Muku-kun…
Muku: But… that’s not possible, isn’t it…?
Izumi: Nothing like that! I want to make true those feelings of yours, Muku-kun. 
Izumi: I’m going to contact the organizers and let them know we want to participate right away.
Muku: …Thank you! I will do my best if they agree! 
Izumi: I don’t think they will reject us. Now we just need to know which members can participate. 
Muku: Yes! I will try to ask them about it.
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Muku: Kazu-kun! We’re going to participate in the easter event.
Muku: We just got the confirmation…!
Kazunari: For real!? You did it, Mukkun! Congrats!
Muku: Thanks! It was because you encouraged me to do it. 
Muku: And you see, I have something else I want to ask you…
Muku: Would you like to participate in the event, Kazu-kun? 
Muku: Since you were cheering on me, I thought we could make the event even better together. 
Kazunari: Sure, it’s decided, my friend! Easter is a super seasonal event. It might be really fun!  
Muku: Wah, I’m glad! Thanks, let’s do our best. 
Kazunari: Mhm! Let’s make it the best event ever while enjoying easter! 
Kazunari: By the way, have you asked someone else about it? 
Muku: I tried asking Yuki-kun and Misumi-san, but it seems like their schedules don’t match with the event…
Kazunari: Oh my, I can see that~ what a shame. 
Kazunari: Ah, that’s it. This event seems to have many things with bunny motifs and petting real bunnies—
Kazunari: How about asking those who might like animals? Like Hiso Hiso. He’s often playing with cats, isn’t he? 
Muku: You’re right…! Mhm, I’ll try to ask him.
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Hisoka: Zzz…
Muku: So you were here, Hisoka-san! 
Hisoka: Ngh… yawn… 
Hisoka: Muku…? What happens? 
Muku: I’m sorry for waking you up. I wanted to ask you something…
Muku: There’s going to be an easter event in the next town, and we, as Mankai Company, will participate in it. 
Muku: I’m looking for people who can take part in it… would you like to participate, Hisoka-san? 
Muku: Here is the event flyer. 
Hisoka: …I don’t have problems with this schedule. I can join. 
Muku: Really!? Thank you! 
Hisoka: …But, why me? 
Muku: Ah, that is… because the event will have many things with rabbit motifs, and you can meet real rabbits too. 
Muku: So I’m asking those who might like animals. 
Hisoka: Hmm…
Hisoka: …
Hisoka: That reminds me… Chikage seems to like rabbits. There are rabbit decorations in his room. 
Muku: Eh, he does…!? I thought he didn’t get along with animals in general. 
Muku: Thank you! I’m going to ask him.
Hisoka: Mhm. 
Hisoka: By the way, what will we do at the event? 
Muku: Besides the stage performance, we will guide the visitors through the place, and before that, we might help with the arrangements of it. 
Muku: I heard we’re also going to help paint easter eggs. 
Hisoka: …Heh. In that case, those who like to draw could be good too. 
Muku: Yes, I know…! I asked Kazu-san, and I think to ask Azunee-san. He likes coloring, after all. 
Hisoka: …Azuma might not make it because of his schedule. 
Hisoka: I feel like he mentioned it before… but I’m not sure.  
Muku: I see… Then, I’ll try with other people.
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
Their little habits towards you
I was doing these to get some inspiration into my brain and ended up liking the results.
Please enjoy! 💕
🌸 Sakuya has a habit of squeezing your elbow gently to get your attention whenever you’re doing something else. He wasn’t aware until someone mentioned it, making him blush.
🌸 Masumi has a habit of sitting silently next to you while listening to music. Whenever a song he likes pops up, he’ll unconsciusly take off one of his earbuds and place it on your ear, being his way of sharing things he likes.
🌸 Tsuzuru has a habit of rambling to you about details he learns from working on his scripts. If he notices it he usually groans and stops talking altogether, only for you to nudge him affectionately so he keeps going. 
🌸 Citron has a habit of welcoming you with elaborated handshakes even though you two never plan them before-hand. He likes to see your face go from confusion to joy at the mess you make trying to follow his moves with a smile.
🌸 Itaru has a habit of naming or creating characters that resemble you as much as he can whenever he starts a new game. He uses it to test the first levels, sending pictures of said character defeating an enemy, trying garments, or just failing a path over and over to tease you.
“Lol it’s the 3rd time you died today, you okay?”
🌸 Chikage has a habit of subtly tugging you closer to his side whenever it gets too packed. Becomes hyper focused on the possibility of losing you in a crowd- not that he will show it.
🔆 Kazunari has a habit of calling you a different nickname almost every day: pumpkin, boo, sunshine… though at this point most of them are a bit of a stretch like art gallery, premium or goals, so you now end up responding to anything that might resemble him talking to you.
🔆 Tenma has a habit of sending a random ‘what are you doing’ or just texting complaints about how much the summer troupe messes with him whenever he misses you and wants to hang out, but is too embarrassed to say it.
🔆 Yuki has a habit of adjusting your clothes. No matter what, even if he’s talking to someone, if he sees you entering from the other side of the room he’ll eventually approach you to take care of your dishevelled shirts, jackets or rearranging your scarf.
“Good. Now you look decent”
🔆 Muku has a habit of calling for you whenever he bumps into things so you can personify them and he can properly apologize. Though it started as a joke from your part, now you can’t help but laugh at how immerse he gets into the conversations.
🔆 Kumon has a habit of playing with your fingers. If you two are sitting together he will definitely end up taking your hand in his at some point and unconsciously give you tiny massages.
🔆 Misumi has a habit of drawing tiny triangles on any paper or notebook you might leave on his sight next to a smiling face. Sometimes when you are visiting Mankai you feel something ticklish on the back of your hand, only to find Misumi drawing a cute triangle on it.
🍁 Juza has a habit of waiting for you when you are eating sweets together so that you both eat your last pieces at the same time. You insist he doesn’t have to, but he shrugs. They taste somewhat even sweeter this way.
🍁 Sakyo has a habit of messaging you the first part of a quote to make sure you have arrived at your place. When you reply with the end of the sentence that’s when he relaxes and knows you’re back safe and sound.
🍁 Omi has a habit of feeding you the very first bite of any meal he’s making when you are around, blowing it to cool it down. He likes to see your face light up, chuckling at your weird compliments. 
“What do I get today?”
“Sir Omi, you just established the Empress of all grilled meats”
🍁 Azami has a habit of buying different creams and oils that he finds would be good for your skin. He then will give you pop quizzes from time to time to see if you are effectively following his instructions.
🍁 Taichi has a habit of looking for you before an important performance to exchange fighting poses in silence to hype himself up. The poses tend to get bigger and more extravagant until you both end up giggling so much Sakyo has to grab him to go backstage.  
🍁 Banri has a habit of pinching your cheeks. It doesn’t matter if what you just said is the smartest thing in the world, a weird remark or asked for the weather, his hand will go directly to your cheek in seconds as he answers you.
“Ugh, can you please not?”
“Your fault for havin’ cheeks”
❄ Hisoka has a habit of resting his head on your shoulder. It doesn’t matter if you are standing up doing something or talking to someone, he’ll walk towards you and plop his head on it. Sometimes he even follows you when you resume walking and he’s too lazy to lift his head up. 
❄ Tsumugi has a habit of singing happy birthday songs with you to the baby flowers on the courtyard when they bloom for the first time. You proposed it once and now he gets really excited whenever you visit, truly thinking they recognize the sound of your voices.  
❄ Guy has a habit of offering his hand for you to support yourself at all times. When he opens a door and you are behind so you enter first, before sitting or when you are about to stand up. 
❄ Azuma has a habit of drawing shapes on your back. It always makes you shiver and he chuckles, finding it cute. Sometimes he also writes words to which you’ll try to guess the meaning of.
“Wait, what did you just write?”
“Mhm? Ah, I wonder…”
❄ Tasuku has a habit of carrying stuff for you. Whether it’s bags or textbooks, he’ll always grab it for you at some point, sometimes forgetting to give it back and therefore bringing it to Mankai.
❄ Homare has a habit of placing his jacket on you, whether is to keep you from the cold, the rain or just as a comfort blanket if you ever feel upset. He sometimes might not know the right words to say, but hopes his presence and the weigh of his jacket makes you feel protected.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!  💕
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