#on my miss bindergarten agenda
ddejavvu · 2 years
WAITTTT just thought of small bookstore owner!spencer and my heart feels so soft :D it just suits him so much like u know the bookstore in you’ve got mail something like that so he has storytimes with kids 😭 and imagine going there everyday and he starts to notice and y’all be mutually crushing on each other though….rip me
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
"He nibbled a hole in his cocoon, pushed his way out, and..." The kids on the rainbow colored mat all swarmed around the owner of the little bookshop, waiting eagerly for the last page to be turned, "He was a beautiful butterfly!"
There were a few scattered 'ooh's and some 'aah's, mostly from parents trying to get their kids more interested in nature, but you grinned as one of the kids in the front row clapped cheerily, her pigtails bouncing with the gesture.
"Mama," One of the little boys turned to his mother, pointing passionately at the copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar that had just been read to him, "I'm hungry!"
"You do eat just about that much every day," The woman chuckled, shooting an amused smile to the owner who reciprocated, "Let's stop for ice cream on the way home."
That set off a round of whining amongst the children on the mat, each one scrambling to beg their own parents for a treat. The commotion left you exposed, leaning casually against a bookshelf having just listened intently to a children's book just to watch the pretty man reading it.
He noticed you right away, his soft smirk melting into a bashful smile. He set the board book down, standing up from the miniscule children's stool he'd been precariously perched on, and strode over to you. He fiddled anxiously with the hem of his sweater vest, dragging one side of his lips between his teeth.
"Did you, um, did you like the story?"
You let out a breathy laugh, heat rushing to your cheeks, "It was riveting. I mean, four strawberries? I was on the edge of my seat."
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," His watch glinted in the low, warm lights of the bookshop, "I've seen you here a few times."
Your cheeks were impossibly hot at the realization that not only did he notice you this time, but that he'd seen you this entire week. You'd thought you were being sneaky about showing up childless to a children's book reading, but apparently not.
"It's nice to be read a story," You mumbled, turning your sheepish gaze to the matted carpet beneath your feet, catching the tips of the man's brown leather shoes, "It's relaxing, I come on my way home from work."
"I know what you mean," His words brought your attention back up to his face, and your chest warmed at his genuine smile, "My mom used to read to me a lot when I was younger."
"Mine too!" You nodded emphatically, "I think my favorite was a story about a dog who taught a kindergarten class."
"Miss Bindergarten?" The man raised an eyebrow, and you swore your heart leapt out of your chest.
"Yes! Oh my gosh," You let out an incredulous laugh, "I don't think I've seen that book since I was five!"
"I've got it over there," The man gestured to a small bookshelf crammed with young reader books, "Did you wanna relive old memories?"
"I'd love to," You grinned, holding out your hand which he took with only a second's hesitation, "I'm Y/N."
"Spencer," His lips curled up into that beautiful smile of his, his teeth still catching on one side, "It's nice to meet you, Y/N."
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