#on our way to conquer insurmountable forces beyond our understanding
kapitanbank · 6 months
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pacificwanderer · 6 years
Hi. I didn't see it on your Tumblr yet, but I was wondering if you watched the Wayward Jedi's latest video yet about what he thinks will happen in Episode IX because I wanted to read your comments on it. I agreed with many things, but I was surprised that I liked but didn't love it like I normally do with his theories. I loved parts of it, but overall it felt too much like the OT's ending in some ways for me.
Hey! Just finished watching and I had the same feelings as you. One of the main things to remember RE this story is that EPIX was meant to be Carrie’s story, and I think that quality will remain, even with her tragic passing.
This is long and rambly, soooo god speed lol.
I love his videos and have the utmost respect for him (and I do think much of this video is his own wishes for how the movie will go, which is totally fine), I just don’t see it going down the way he’s said.
I think our interpretations on what certain areas/characters mean is different and two because I think we have a different picture for how Ben’s redemption arc will play itself out. While he sees Ben as kind of taking up this mantle to destroy Luke (again), I really see as a defeated person who’s going to have one hell of a struggle to claw himself out of the hole he’s in–I think Ben wants to do good and believes that he can do good with the power he’s inherited both from his bloodline and being the Supreme Leader, but he’s going about it in the wrong ways (therefore the ending of VIII).
I really don’t see the story focusing so much on Ben’s vengeance for Luke because I really think he came to realize how hollow that is by the ending of VIII (where he ends up alone and on his knees, separated from the one person in the galaxy that understands him). If Ben were going to be continuing on with vengeance, I think both Luke and Ben’s stories (and endings) would have been framed differently. One, I think Ben would have looked angrier at the ending with Rey (and not quite so heartbroken) and two, I also think that Luke wouldn’t have been such a mystical figure in the galaxy.
Half of the galaxy thinks that Luke Skywalker is a myth, and therefore wouldn’t give a shit about whether he’s got a great reputation throughout the galaxy or not–because they don’t even really believe that he exists. And while yes, for some people who heard the David and Goliath-like story that came out of Crait, I think that’s more to drive home the point that heroes can come from all walks of life and that all it takes is one gesture to set it all in motion–irrespective of the fact that it’s Luke. It doesn’t matter that it’s Luke, it’s that one small faction stood up against an insurmountable foe and lived to tell the tale. It could have just as easily been someone else (not for the audience, obviously, it has significance because of how much of a hero Luke is for us, but the galaxy doesn’t have that (at least, not a big portion of it).
I also think this story path (one that focuses on the past) takes agency away from the main characters and puts the focus back on the OT characters, which these movies are decidedly not trying to do (Let the past die). It would take the focus of the story and put it on Anakin and Luke, when it should be Finn, Rey, and Kylo. And, if this episode were to focus on any character relationship (insofar as the Skywalkers go and their relationships as a family), it would be the relationship with Ben and his mother (as VII was Ben and Han, VIII was Ben and Luke). And I am inclined to believe that Hux will pull some shit and be a threat to Leia, forcing Ben to make a choice concerning his mother, so I definitely see where he’s going with that idea.
I also think that the World Between Worlds is more a transitory space–something like the River Styx–something that links the past to the present, or life to death, and I don’t think it will feature heavily in EPIX. If it does, however, I agree it will be used to help Ben come to realize that he needs to move beyond his anger and believe that he’s worthy of being loved, but I think that realization will come at finally understanding his father’s sacrifice, and not by witnessing the past through Anakin and Luke’s eyes. Though I do agree that the WBW, insofar as the Emperor is concerned, is a way to cheat death, which is another reason why I think it will be used sparingly, if at all (because it opens up a whole can of bullshit if used improperly). I think the resurrection idea will primarily be metaphoric, with visual callbacks, instead of direct links RE: Anidala and Reylo.
Most of all, and I mean this for all the characters in the final movie, the journey will primarily be focused on their internal struggles, against the backdrop of the greater conflict in the galaxy. And, as he says, a need to conquer the evil within–that I totally agree on.
Much of what’s said kind of focuses too heavily on Ben (I can’t believe I’m saying that) and I don’t think would really leave enough time to give the rest of the characters the time they also need and deserve. While I love Reylo, I don’t think that Rey’s story should be centered around convincing Ben that he belongs on the good side (and I don’t think that’s what WJ is suggesting, but I just want to be clear myself). Ben honestly and truly needs to come to that conclusion on his own and, while she can help him, she also deserves to have her own story told.
But I also agree that I’d fucking scream and die in my seat if either Ben or Rey says some variation of “I’ll come back, sweetheart. I promise.” But that’s just me being a dirty ole shipper lol.
Also, this theory doesn’t really consider the fact that the Grysk are out there, being a real fucking threat to the galaxy at large. So I really think the motivation after this movie will be that there’s a big huge enemy that’s coming and people need to leave behind their bullshit (FO vs Resistance), because they’re going to have to unite under a common cause (and I think Finn will factor heavily into this).
I do love his videos and, even though there are some points I don’t agree on, I appreciate his enthusiasm and research (that and the fact that he’s quite feminist, as was George).
What are your thoughts? 
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