#one thing I’ve noticed during this read-through is that Marc sure does get thrown into the drink a lot
age-of-moonknight · 2 years
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Moon Knight (Vol. 6/2011), #1.
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Penciler and Inker: Alex Meleev; Colorist: Matthew Wilson; Letterer: Cory Petit
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vgckwb · 3 years
ML: Isolation Chapter 26: Bravery
Monday morning came. Of course, Adrien was wondering about how everyone would react to Friday’s stunt. Although, at the moment, Adrien had other things to worry about. Before going to class, he had taken the time to assist with a Noir Notes request.
A kid was having some trouble with some bullies on his way to school everyday. A friend of theirs noticed and asked if Cat Noir could escort them to school, which of course Adrien did. On their way, the bullies popped out at the usual place, but were surprised to see Cat Noir. They ran away, but not before Cat Noir took their picture.
Once the duo got to school, the teachers were perplexed. Cat Noir explained the situation. Once they were made aware, the teachers apologized to the student, and started taking steps to deal with the bullies.
With that, Cat Noir’s job was done, and Adrien had to get to school. Adrien began running. He ran and ran to his school, which wasn’t too far, but it wasn’t a hop, skip and a jump away. Upon seeing Francois Dupont, he thought Yes. I’m almost there. He then crashed into someone.
When Adrien started getting up, he saw a kid in a red hoodie panicking. “I’m so sorry!” He said. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry…” He just kept going.
Adrien was confused and concerned. “Ummm…”
“AH!” the boy shrieked. He left and rushed into the school.
That was weird. Adrien looked down to see a notebook. He picked it up. “Marc’s Stories”? He checked the time. “I don’t want to be late. I guess I have to give it to him later.” Adrien rushed to change back into his clothes and get to school on time.
During class, Adrien was wondering about what was in the book he found as Cat Noir. He looked around to make sure the coast was clear, and he took out the book to begin reading. Lucky for him, due to hi homeschooling, he knew the materials being taught, so he could focus on this and not miss much.
As Adrien looked through the book, he saw all sorts of fictional stories. He didn’t have time to read them all in-depth, but from the pieces he read, he was impressed. Among the latest entries were stories about Cat Noir. While Cat Noir in real life was mostly a pacifist who helped people by either talking to them, or doing some other action, in these stories, he was a real hero with powers, fighting villains left and right. Adrien was impressed, and a little embarrassed.
During a break, Adrien packed up his stuff, as well as the book. He was on his way to leave, when he was stopped by someone tugging on his sleeve. He looked over. “Alix?”
“Can we talk?” she asked bluntly.
Adrien looked at his bag. I guess this can wait a little while longer. I mean, if I show up now, he might figure out Cat Noir goes to school here. “Uh, sure.”
“Not here,” Alix said. She started walking. “Well?”
“Uh, right” Adrien said, still kind of thrown for a loop. He followed Alix to a more private spot. Once Alix stopped, she sighed. “What’s up?” Adrien asked.
Alix looked at Adrien. “Well, you were there, right?” she asked back. “The auction, where Cat Noir showed up.”
“Uh, yeah, of course,” Adrien said.
Alix sighed again. “Sorry. I’ve just been in a fog since then.”
Adrien smiled. “It’s fine.”
Alix smiled. She then frowned. “Ugh. So, there’s a few things that need to be explained. That thing Cat Noir gave me was part of this pocket watch that’s been in my family for generations. It was given to me at a previous event. You know about Marinette, right?” Adrien nodded. “Well, she was helping her parents during that event. She tripped and broke the watch.”
Alix continued looking forlorn. “I was slightly relieved when my father said it could be fixed, but then a piece of it went missing. The piece Cat Noir returned to me.” She looked really upset at herself. “All this time, I blamed Marinette.”
Adrien knew all of this and more, but needed to pretend not to know, and wanted to be a good friend. “Did she take it?”
“She couldn’t have,” Alix said. “Everyone was looking at her. She had no opportunity to take anything, much less move it. And I’ve been trying to make sense of this ever since it was found.”
“How so?” Adrien asked.
Alix was unsure of what to say exactly, but tried. “Well, I think someone had to move it, if it was hidden in or around the Napoleon painting, like Cat Noir said. But Marinette couldn’t have been it. But, I’ve been blaming Marinette. And now, I’m thinking that blame was a little misplaced.” Alix looked at Adrien. “And that’s why I came to you.” Adrien was a little confused. “Because you’re the only one here who doesn’t actually KNOW Marinette.”
“Oh. Right” Adrien said. He did know, he just sort of forgot he wasn’t supposed to. You couldn’t blame him though, as the two of them JUST started going out. He was still VERY excited by that.
“Everyone else is so… not a fan of Marinette…” Alix tried putting gracefully. “And I sort of get it. She was...weird about Lila. But I don’t think she had it in her to actually steal.”
“But...everyone says she did,” Adrien interjected.
“Yeah,” Alix said. “I don’t believe it though. Even if she was jealous of Lila, I know she wouldn’t go that far. But I was so blinded by my rage. ‘She broke my watch, and lost a part of it’ was all I was thinking. Marinette can be clumsy, but...I don’t know...I just started believing what everyone else believed, and it got into my head that the incident with the watch might have been intentional, and maybe she would steal. But now that I know that it was just accidental, I don’t think she stole anything either” Alix explained. “This is so frustrating, you know?”
“I...think so…” Adrien said.
“I can’t say anything because no one would believe me at this point,” Alix continued. “Not without hard proof, and I have no idea who would take Lila’s necklace.” She sighed. “I just don’t know what to do…”
Adrien smiled. “Well, I mean, yeah, it does sound impossible to say that without knowing who actually did it. But, if you believe that she didn’t, there is one thing you can do right away.” Alix looked at him, curious. “Apologize.”
Alix was stunned. “But she doesn’t leave her room anymore” Alix countered. “I mean, it’s one thing that we’re allowed to go to the bakery now, but if I’m seen actually IN her room…”
“Right,” Adrien said. “Well, I’m sure that her parents would be willing to relay whatever you have to say to her.”
Alix was surprised, but delighted. “Thanks.” She sighed once more. “I'm glad you started coming to school. If you weren’t here, I wouldn’t know what to do.”
Adrien smiled. “I’m glad too.” The two of them smiled, nodded, and headed back to class.
After school, Adrien rushed off. He hid and changed into his Cat Noir costume, grabbed Marc’s book, and headed back out. First, he tried to make sure no one saw him, then after a bit, he didn’t mind. As long as no one could trace his movements, he was fine. Once he began his search in earnest, he was noticed. “Cat Noir?” Adrien turned to see that it was Max. “What are you doing here?”
Adrien walked up to Max. “Well, something happened on a mission this morning, so I’m here to take care of it.”
“I see,” Max said, intrigued.
“Well, as long as I’m here,” Adrien asked, “have you talked with the principal yet about you know who?”
Max looked a little disappointed. “Not yet. I was on my way now though. To be honest, I wanted to see what you were doing on Friday.”
“I see.”
Max sighed. “I know you’re the paragon of courage, but not everyone is. Even though there was nothing more that I wanted to do than bring Markov back, every time I tried, I panicked.”
Adrien felt for Max. He placed his hands on his shoulders. “I get it. None of this seems easy. But the fact that you’re doing it at all is amazing.” He removed his hands. “Besides, the only reason I can go about doing things with such reckless abandon is because I’m hiding behind a mask. You’re going to speak up for your friend as you, and there’s nothing braver than that.”
Max smiled. “Thanks Cat Noir. That’s just what I needed.”
“Well, I’m always willing to help,” Adrien responded. He saw the boy he crashed into earlier out of the corner of his eye. “Well, I gotta go. Good luck!” He saluted, while Max nodded, and left.
Meanwhile, the boy was muttering “Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?”
“Looking for this?” Cat Noir said, holding up his book. The boy was astounded. “You dropped it when we bumped into each other this morning.”
The boy was awestruck. He nervously took the book back. “Thank you.”
Adrien smiled. “I’m sorry.” The boy looked perplexed. “Curiosity got the better of me, and I skimmed through it.”
“Oh no!” the boy said.
“Marc, is it?” Adrien asked. He nodded. “I have to say, I’m actually impressed.” Marc was stunned, and somewhat relieved. “I didn’t read it all as a whole, but from the bits I did read, you're really good.”
Marc smiled. “Thanks… Ugh.”
“What’s wrong?” Adrien asked.
“Nothing…” Marc said. “It’s just…” he sighed. “I’ve...been wanting to collaborate with someone for a while now...but I don’t think he likes me…”
“What gives you that idea?” Adrien asked.
“Well…” Marc began. “I was working with someone to maybe get something off the ground...but then, um, well, they got kicked out of school…”
“Marinette…” Adrien let slip.
Marc was confused. “You’ve heard of her?”
“Well…” Adrien said, trying to regain his focus. “I’ve heard the name a few times. It comes up sometimes when I meet with people  who go to this school.”
“I see…” Marc said. “I don’t think she did anything wrong though...but that’s not how he sees it…”
“Hmmm” Adrien said.
“And I can’t just talk to him!” Marc continued spewing. “Ugh. What am I going to do?”
Adrien began thinking. An idea then started to form. “Say, Marc.” Marc looked up. “You want to collaborate with this person, right?” Marc nodded. “Well, I think I might have a solution for that.” Marc was curious, but ecstatic. “I just need to think things over for a bit. Can you wait?”
“Of course! Anything for you, Cat Noir!”
“Great!” Adrien was about to leave.
“And hey,” Marc said. “Thank you for, well, I guess, everything. Ever since you started showing up, I’ve felt...braver than I had before.” Adrien smiled, nodded, and left.
Later at home, he brought up the group chat.
Adrien: So, in my escapades today, I met a nice boy named Marc.
Marinette: You met Marc?
Marinette: How?
Adrien: We kind of ran into each other. Well, he and Cat Noir.
Marinette: I see…
Adrien: He told me you were trying to help him collaborate with someone.
Marinette: Yeah, he’s a really good writer.
Marinette: I’ve been wanting him to pair up with Nathaniel in your class, since his art is second to none.
Chloe: Is this just going to be an online date between the two of you?
Chloe: Because if it is, I don’t see the reason we need to be here.
Kagami: Chloe!
Chloe: ...Sorry.
Adrien giggled. Obviously, they did tell Chloe and Kagami about them dating, and everything surrounding that.
Adrien: She’s just uncomfortable about us lovey-dovey types.
Marinette: Adrien…
Adrien: Sorry.
Adiren: I’m still a bit giddy.
Chloe: I’ve noticed.
Adrien: I’m sure whenever you start dating someone, you’ll be just as bad as I am.
Kagami: Nah, she’d be worse.
Kagami: After all, she’s Chloe Bourgeois. She doesn’t do ANYTHING second rate.
Chloe: …
Adrien: lol
Chole: IS there a point?!
Adrien: Yes, actually.
Adrien: I do have an idea on how to help.
Adrien: But it is a big risk, so I wanted to run it by you all.
Chloe: And what is this plan?
Adrien: I need to march into the lion’s den.
Chloe: Huh?
Adrien: I think I need to talk to Alya.
Marinette: That shouldn’t be a problem.
Adrien: I need to talk to her AS Cat Noir.
Marinette: WHAT?!
Marinette: That’s crazy!
Adrien: I know, but hear me out.
Adrien: I figure if I give her something, she might make a section of Noir Notes dedicated to fictional material surrounding Cat Noir.
Marinette: Oh, I think I get it.
Marinette: You want to use that so that Marc can post his stories so they'd get noticed by Nathaniel.
Adrien: Exactly!
Kagami: I’m not so sure this is a good idea.
Kagami: She did notice that the two of us are different.
Kagami: If you show up, you might give the whole game away.
Adrien: I get it, but if we want to help, there might not be another option.
Adrien: 1. I only know about Marc’s plight as Cat Noir. As unlikely as it might be, if I approach Alya as Adrien for this, if those two run into each other, that might give up the game even more.
Adrien: And 2. I do have more clout as Cat Noir, so it’d be a much better guarantee.
Adrien: And since Nathaniel is in our class, this might help loose Lila’s grip on him, if only ever so slightly.
Kagami: Hmmm.
Chloe: Well, if Friday was any indication, we CAN start doing some more crazy stunts.
Chloe: And nothing is as crazy as going to the one person who most wants Cat Noir unmasked.
Adrien: I can think of a few other ways to do this…
Adrien: But this is the most direct way.
Marinette: I say go for it.
Chloe: Really?
Kagami: But you’d have the most to lose if the truth escapes.
Marinette: I know.
Marinette: But I trust Adrien.
Adrien smiled and blushed.
Adrien: Thanks.
Kagami: Well, if Marinette’s on board, then so am I.
Chloe: Fine.
Adrien: Great!
Adrien: Well, with that settled, I would like to switch to just talking with Marinette.
Chloe: Thank goodness.
She logged off.
Kagami: Have fun you two.
She also logged off.
Adrien and Marinette switched to their private messaging.
Adrien began. “So, have I ever told you I think you’re the bravest person I know?
“What?! No, I can’t be.”
“It’s true.”
“How? I’m so timid.”
“You were brave enough to tell me I hurt your feelings. That couldn’t have been easy.”
“Well… Only because Kagami said I should…”
“Still, saying you’re going to do something and doing it are two different things. Besides, I’ve heard your name often enough in terms of ‘outside of Lila, she’s actually really nice and helpful.’”
“Definitely. And you continue to help people as Ladybug. Despite everything, you still wanted to reach out and do something. THAT takes real courage.”
“...Thank you.” Marinette started blushing. “But what brought this on?”
“I’ve just been thinking about this all day. It’s just another way you’re wonderful.”
“You’re wonderful too, you know.”
“Well, I should get going. I have a secret project I’m working on.”
“What is it?
“I can’t tell you, it's a secret.”
“Gotcha. Well, I’m going to find out sooner or later. After all, I figured you out, didn’t I?”
“Well, I’ll be more careful guarding this secret.”
“Very well. Good night then.”
“Good night.” They logged off.
As Marinette was sketching, she got a knock on her door. “Marinette,” her mom said.
Marinette rapidly closed her sketchbook.“Come in,” Marinette replied.
Sabine opened the door. “Someone came by, and they wanted me to give you this.” She held up a note.
Marinette was confused. “Are...you sure?” Sabine nodded. “O..K…?” She took the note, and Sabine left.
Marinette opened it and it read “Marinette, I know I’m not the best with words, or feelings, but I wanted to say I’m sorry. I didn’t think you would actually steal something, but I was so blinded by outrage that I got caught up in the heat of everything going on. I got so angry for what turned out to be not really your fault, and that anger turned irrational. So, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not sticking up for you, despite us being friends. I’m sorry for being blinded by rage and my own insecurities that I passed off on you. I’m sorry. -Alix.”
Marinette smiled. She figured Adrien might have had something to do with this, but she was happy all the same. “Thank you. Both of you.” She opened her sketchbook and continued. At the top, the concept was written out. “Outfits for Mine and Adrien’s first date once this whole Lila thing is settled.”
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