#or war and fugitive. but i think war doesn't have social media and fugitive's starting stan wars on twitter
yesokayiknow · 1 month
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human au. some of these guys spend too much time on here and it shows
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monocytogenes · 8 months
Ammyyyyy from the SWTOR Character Ask Meme, can you tell me about Isra and Pravin's answers for the following questions: 1. What is [character]’s favourite event, & what do they like about it? 9. What do they regard as their culture, & do they distinguish between their culture and heritage? and 13. If there were a Commemorative Statue released of them, what pose would they be in?
I presume this refers to the recurring ingame events, sooo--
I played Pravin on the Bounty Contract event and man, that is his SHIT. Post class-story I imagine him getting by outside the Empire through doing a lot of private security and investigator work, and bounty hunting is really just that plus the "capturing fugitives" bit. He'd always use the drink option and bring them back in carbonite in lieu of killing them, lol.
Realistically I think he'd be wary about doing too much of that sort of work because it's super confrontational and he doesn't want to make enemies, but if the money's right...hey, some of those troublemakers must have long histories of pissing off multiple legal and illegal enterprises, right? And he likes the investigatory part. It's what he enjoyed about working for Intelligence--the relationship-building and social engineering; figuring out how to get people to disclose information or allow him entry to restricted spaces. His talent at it is kind of his superpower, and it really gives him a thrill.
Isra would be into the Rakghoul event. She's a badass sword lady patriot who sees her role as that of a protector and defender, so heading out to put down a bunch of monsters to keep civilians safe is her idea of a good day's work. She'd also definitely be game for helping the scientists get samples and such, and feel pride in the praise she'd receive for that.
9. THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION you know I love this shit and will worldbuild about it forever
I'll start off by saying that I do think there's such as a thing as "Imperial culture", in large part because the Empire is a society with its own distinct values, norms, shared history and myths, as well as mass media. Much of this goes back to the outcome of the Great Hyperspace War--Imperials view their nation as a great power that was subjected to a retaliatory genocidal purge, and this desire to reclaim their place in the galaxy and not be victimized again brought about the militaristic, high-control government they accept as necessary today.
Dromund Kaas and Ziost are the main centers of culture, and that culture evolves in an environment where the only real "outside" influences are those from assimilated member worlds. Travel for ordinary citizens is restricted. There's a China-style Great Firewall which blocks most foreign media. Everyone watches the same holodramas, partakes of the same cuisine, observes the same fashion trends (albeit with some variation depending on what social stratum one's in)--if you reference, say, a joke from a popular novel in front of a large group of Imperials, ninety percent of them will know it. (Coupled with their tendency to couch humor in desert-dry sarcasm, this shared media landscape tends to make Imperial jokes incomprehensible to outsiders. It's like five-levels-deep memes all the time.)
Pravin and Isra both have complicated relationships with Imperial culture.
In Pravin's case, he doesn't like to think of himself as culturally Imperial on account of having left the Empire, but he is. He absolutely is. It's a fundamental piece of his personality, no matter how much time he's spent in Hutt Space, no matter how well he's come to speak other languages, enjoy other foods, incorporate other fashion influences into his daily wardrobe. He still has that kneejerk annoyance response to breaches of etiquette, such as when people aren't punctual or address him informally at a first meeting. He still feels uncomfortable wearing shorts or sleeveless tops in public, even as he's donning loud patterns and leaving his shirts halfway undone. He still cracks up at the humor. But yeah--there's always an unease there when he's made aware of his own attachments, since it forces him to contend with grief he's not altogether ready to process.
Isra defines herself largely by two identities: as a Sith Lord, and as a zabrak. The former gives her a role and a place in Imperial society--that of a powerful defender of her country and its people, ordained through superior genetics and years of training--and the latter defines her as both the inheritor of Iridonian warrior traditions and an oppressed person. She's simultaneously privileged and discriminated against, lauded and looked down upon, an insider and outsider to the culture she was brought up in. Much of her teenage desire to connect with Iridonian diaspora culture--despite not having been raised in that community--was a means of contending with how much of Imperial culture is not for her, both in a practical sense (e.g. not being able to eat some of the foods since she's a carnivore) and through all manner of subtle exclusion (e.g. lack of representation of people who look like her in most major media roles.) She claims Imperial culture as hers, she has to, but always in a way that incorporates her racial heritage. She needs feet in both in order to feel whole.
13. Pravin would be doing a James Bond pose because I'm a basic bitch. Like, probably this one but instead of a gun he's holding a vibroknife.
Isra would have her knees bent, ignited lightsaber in her right hand at a low guard position and her left hand raised up near her head, fingers splayed to use the Force. Basically the longsword plow stance but one-handed.
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shutupandwriteclub · 5 years
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Becky from Shakespeare House interviews Joseph from Tolkien
1. How old were you when you started writing?
I first started writing when I was nine, as you can probably guess I had no grasp on the rules of grammar- or anything for that matter. It wasn't until I was twelve that I discovered I had a passion for creating an intricate world of fantasy that could transport a reader to a completely different world, away from real life problems that we want to escape.
2. What was the first story you wrote and what was the title?
I actually started with fanfiction before I moved onto writing original books. The first 'book' I wrote was a story called 'Return', it was part of the 'How to train your dragon' fanfiction and was about the protagonist, 'Hiccup' being kidnapped and turned into a war fugitive 'working' for the enemy. Until he meets his wife, she brings out the old him and then I think they fought in this massive battle. The grammar was/is terrible in that book, it was basically a script with descriptions.
3. What would you say is your main genre you write?
I mainly write in the Fantasy Genre, but I have also dabbled in the Sci-Fi Genre as well.
4. What do you think is the best story you have written?
'The Sword and the Swordmaster', it's my current and though the first chapters are plagued with errors (first draft) it is one of if not my best work yet.
5. Out of all the characters you have written about, who do you think is your favourite?
'Richard Braveheart', he is the protagonist in my current book. He has this relatable feeling to him- to me anyways, as much as he harnesses certain powers (won't divulge what they are as I don't want to spoil the plot) he still remains this kind, compassionate and humane man who hopefully we can all relate to.
6. What is your advice to younger writers and to those who have just started?
Well most would consider me a young writer. But if I were to give advice it would be to learn to take the hate and criticism on the chin, a boxer by the name of Roberto Duran once said: “Getting hit motivates me. It makes me punish the guy more. A fighter takes a punch, hits back with three punches.” The morale of this quote is to never allow someone to put you down, and if they do get back up and hit back three times harder by getting better, achieving your dreams and getting further than anyone ever expected. Your dream should not be to see how far you'll get it should be about what it'll be like looking down from the top.
7. Where do you see your writing in 5 years time?
In five years time I see myself with multiple books written, working on another. Fighting to get onto the bestseller lists on the likes of Amazon and hopefully making it. I see myself giving back to the people that helped me get to where I will be, and working hard to achieve more.
8. What book are you currently writing?
Currently I am writing a Fantasy Novella called 'The Sword and the Swordmaster'. It is a prequel to my original series 'The Chronicles of Aydindrale'. I never saw the point in releasing books and then releasing a set of books dated prior to them- not that I'm saying I'll never do this, but since I have the option now I thought I would establish my world, the stories of certain characters and the backstory behind the family that will take a heavy presence in the main series in what hopefully will be a 'Fantasy Epic'!
9. Have you ever thought about publishing your work either self publishing or traditional?
Yes I have, I was actually looking into Amazon self publishing recently. As much as I'm getting ahead of myself slightly it's something I'd love to do so I look into every now and then to see what I would need to do in order to get my book out there.
10. Have you ever experienced writers block and how do you cope with it?
Yes many times, I actually just got back to writing from a break of about two months due to writers block. I cope with it in a slightly unusual way, some writers stare at their screen listening to music, some watch a movie and others go for a walk. I'll try all of these and usually- for me, they don't work. So I take a break. I put my book to the side and come back to it in a day, a week or even a month, with a fresh mind that wants to write rather than a head that is actively fighting against me writing.
11. How do you feel your work has improved since you first started writing?
Well as mentioned above I actually know how to write properly, how to structure my writing and the correct rules of grammar now. Back when I started I literally had a script with massive blocks of description. The dialogue didn't even have a 'He said' or 'Richard whispered'.
12. What is the most important thing to remember when starting a new book?
That it is your world, your book and your imagination. In our world something might be impossible but in yours it doesn't have to be. For all I know, you could have every human have the ability to shoot lasers out of their eyes, fly with a swing of their fist or crush a block of cement with their mind. I can't do anything or say it's impossible to you as it is your book. Take it like a blank canvas in art, when I start painting my brush flows with paint leaving a trail- a story behind.
13. What would you say makes your current book unique?
There is a lot that I personally think makes it unique, for one, my style of writing. This isn't me saying that my style is in anyway superior to others but it is different which is what makes something unique. On top of this my stories always have deep, deep history's no where near on par with the likes of 'Lord of the Rings', but on that sort of track. Also I think that my characters really make my story unique, I try to connect the reader to them so that should something happen the reader is genuinely worried for their safety or if two characters who have clearly liked each other for so long but don't do anything the reader is egging them on to get together. I hope this comes across in my writing as it is what I set out to accomplish.
14. Where can your readers follow you on social media?
I don't really use social media for my writing, other than Wattpad of course. The only social media I use is my personal accounts which I won't divulge as I prefer to keep my private life, private. I do have a twitter account for my writing, but it is never used. I may start using it to update 'readers' when my book gets updated as I'm currently only updating chapters on irregular intervals whilst I finish the book so that my readers don't get bored or angry at such a long wait time. Social Medias:
Wattpad: @Joseph-Hill
Twitter (Not used often): @JosephGHill
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