Recognize this place? "Somewhere in Northern Italy".... 😍
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lippenimnebel · 9 months
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deathshallbenomore · 11 months
sempre incredibile la processione mariana annuale organizzata dalla comunità filippina. sobria ed elegante, perfettamente integrata nel paese dove le processioni cattoliche sono più cruente della stessa crocifissione di gesù cristo. 12/10
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i-am-a-polpetta · 2 years
metropolitane e stazioni
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samshinechester · 2 years
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viaggiamocela · 2 months
Cremona, ma che Bontà!
Ormai “veterano” del Merano Winefestival, partecipo per la prima volta all’evento enogastronomico “Il Bontà“, che si è svolto dal 24 al 26 Febbraio alla Fiera di Cremona. Il Bontà Si tratta di una fiera in cui le eccellenze enogastronomiche incontrano l’interesse di consumatori ed operatori di settore, il tutto condito da un ricco programma di eventi tra cui showcooking e workshop. La fiera…
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thefiatpanda · 6 months
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You don't see this colour often!
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volumesilenzioso · 1 year
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amo il pandino ciao
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officinasupersprint · 4 months
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der-papero · 8 months
Cari follower adorati,
la mia azienda mi impone di cambiare l'auto aziendale (addio Meggie 💔), quindi domani si va a battagliare su tutti i cazzilli di una Audi A5 serie S.
Sono indeciso tra tre colori:
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Grazie per il vostro prezioso contributo!
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greypetrel · 1 year
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WIP Whatever
@daggerbean tagged me again (thank you!) and this time I'm going for a doodle.
I was discussing with my personal Solas authority @karmicblackhole over the bug question for the DadWolf AU: "But does Solas drive?". And we decided that yes, he does, but an old Fiat Panda.
Better known here as Pandino truccato, which is basically the Nokia 3310 of cars. An indestructible squarish thing from the '80s, it may look little and nothing much, but you can't stop it. It's a little tank, it will drive on streets, mud, dirt, bogs and sand without flinching.
Varric doesn't approve ("I can buy you a better one! I can! It's not a problem, I don't want the kids to catch tetanus on that trap!" "Nonsense, this will keep them both safe as can be.") and I guess he doesn't really approve being the Lindsay Lohan to his Regina George.
Tagging... @scribbledquillz again and @salsedinepicta because I'm curious if you have something new you'd like to share. 👀
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paranoidgemsbok · 25 days
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Panda and pandino
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Thanks for answering! Your advice is actually really helpful and now I'm pretty sold on a Toyota.
I do wonder though, I was one phonecall away from buying a 2019 yellow fiat panda cross but a sudden and dramatic financial change meant that I had to stick with my corsa. What's your opinion on this lil guy? The safety rating is abysmal but it definitely looks and feels like a rollercoaster to drive which was super fun! I'm still sad I couldn't have this car months later!
I've also heard the Pandas are fantastic little workhorses. Is this true?
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I guess it is time to talk about the Panda, isn't it.
Fantastic little workhorses they most definitely are! The original Panda (which prevailing opinion sees as the only one to refer to by the nickname "Pandino") was produced pretty much unchanged from 1980 to 2003, and you most definitely see them all the time around here even after all these years. And in their prime? Forget it! Everyone has a story that involves a Pandino. My father's is my grandpa was teaching him to drive in one and the shifter came clean off and grandpa covered his eyes. Mine involves my ex's family which has a 4x4 Panda they only ever use to navigate the road between their little mountain town and their house, best described as five "there is actually no way we're not there yet"s up its side. I drove it, once, and recorded my thoughts. Here's a loose retelling:
In the phrase "The cabin is spartan" the most unfair word is "cabin". Although you do get a free rocking chair, in the form of the driver's seat. It's not like driving an 80s car, I own an 80s car, it's like driving an excavator - the steering wheel is super far away and the pedals are super close. If you long for that sensation of feeling the underside of a desk and stumbling into old gum, the steering wheel and shift knob will definitely do something for ya. Wiggling the shifter feels like you're making it come apart and slotting it into gear feels like sheer luck - to find something that engages more reluctantly than this reverse you've gotta look into child marriages. When you push the brake pedal, while you definitely get the impression that you are doing something to decrease the speed of the car, it feels like you're using the pedal wrong, the brakes feel like they're asking if you're really sure. The wiper, being a single wiper for the whole windshield, at anything past a drizzle moves in an endearingly hilarious frenzy. Dear God is it a deathtrap. It feels about as stable as our government. I defined it 'dynamic in its stillness' because it sure ain't shifting and yet it's in a constant state of falling apart, like the ISS orbit. It exudes the optimism and hopefulness for the future that defined the 80s. The optimism of designing a car with such care and then handing that design to Fiat. The optimism of pulling that handbrake on a hill. It's like nature. Admirable and fascinating in its design, but clearly fragile and unwelcoming.
And if you're wondering if the ex that supplied the Panda for the review is at all cool with my slander, yes, they were riding with and seconded most of it. The only thing they seemed upset by was my thoughts on the horn.
Follows the exchange "It's like a wounded dog" "You're a wounded dog" "I mean, the Panda is a wounded dog. Let's admit that."
Now, was it good to drive? I think we established otherwise. Was it good at not fogging up? No, as I was driving they had to keep slapping a rug against the windshield to clean it up. Was its metal good at staying undissolved enough for their use of the car to have any semblance of legality? Well why do you think they only use it in a stretch of road cops don't visit. But it keeps moving to this day. Because that's what Pandas are good at - keeping on moving. And that's what people buy Pandas for. You want a Panda because, whether you need to head years into the future, up a volcano, or both, the Panda will Just Fucken Go there. That's why you still see so many. Because there's still that many people in this country that just need to keep going, and the Panda has never stopped delivering on that front. That's what they mean by "fantastic little workhorses", and that's what I mean when I second that.
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And I know in my heart that goes for the latest Panda too (seen here atop a volcano because indeed I was not joking) which I also drove (you know how they say that when Germans say "3" they mean "3:00" and when Italians say "3" they mean "3-ish"? Yeah the Panda's shifter definitely has the latter attitude towards gears. It out-vagues my 42yo Golf on 42yo shifter bushings.). In fact, if you look up "Is the Fiat Panda reliable?" the common consensus is that despite Fiat's... less than stellar reputation reliability-wise the Panda's not bad, but hilariously rather than because the things that normally break in other cars don't break or break less it seems to be because they just aren't there in the first place.
But don't get me twisted: the Panda's a good car. In a way, it's too entrenched in my country's identity, and by proxy my own, not to be. Nothing sums it up more succinctly than a saying of ours, "Italians good people". Of course - could we ever bring ourselves to believe otherwise? And no, beyond the blindness of national pride, the Panda genuinely has great efficiency -it's the bread of cars: basic, unimpressive, but boy do you ever get a lot for the ingredients- and as noted above It Just Keeps Going.
And at the end of the day, you know, I can harp about how it's not a nice car, how it feels cheap and unsubstantial, but anyone interested in a Panda is bound to know that going in, right? And at the end of the day, while it's easy to say for someone whose car's been doing fine, it's about what you like. After all, I sure didn't get myself the most reliable car I could find for my money. I got myself something that I liked.
And that I could afford, of course. Because you can't exactly get yourself a McLaren F1, can you.
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I mean, you can't, right? I've been assuming your budget is within seven digits, but it's not like I have your tax returns, so what do I know.
Well actually I do know one thing: how we can combine the three. Because when friend of our blog Gordon Murray, a man so obsessed with lightness that he literally has an entire car collection and still owns no car over 2500lbs (~1130kg), was designing the greatest driver's car there had ever been (and 'accidentally' fastest production car for the following decade) with such care for low weight he would task Kenwood with developing a lighter sound system for it, he saw his neighbor's car and decided "That is too fucking cool, I don't care if it weighs more I've gotta do something like that with the F1." Which results in what you see above, a less cool version of what he saw that day.
And what did he see that day?
A four seat Toyota.
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And if you've not yet spotted the part where this is cooler than the McLaren F1, well, look back at the F1's doors. Notice how their roof is plebeian, opaque metal? Pfft. Get outta here with that working class stuff and look at how the big kids do it.
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Do I need to add further comment? I don't think I do.
And yes, one of these is for sale in England for under 5k.
And it has the pretty important roof shades, the rare super funky sound system and the floormats. Now, normally, I'd make the mistake of wondering who gives a shit about the floormats, but in the case of the Sera...
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So, what are you waiting for? These come and go, so act quickly and impulsively!
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kon-igi · 10 months
Buongiorni signori e signore. Questo è l’ultimo briefing prima della messa in operatività della missione quindi procederei con un veloce recap con cui i responsabili di ogni gruppo ci ragguaglieranno. Nucleo Automobilisti?
- Buongiorno a tutti. Il Nucleo Automobilisti è suddiviso in due cellule, tutte posizionate e pronte ad agire. I guidatori semplici copriranno un incrocio ogni tre chilometri lungo il tragitto e quando il soggetto si avvicinerà, si butteranno in mezzo alla strada, guidando poi a zig zag e invadendo anche l’altra carreggiata con una velocità non superiore ai 40 km/h. Ogni tentativo di sorpasso sarà ostacolato da brusche frenate alternate ad accelerate improvvise, fino a che non ci sarà la svolta all’incrocio e il cambio con un nuovo operatore; la cellula ‘Mamma con Suv’, invece, si farà trovare dietro alle curve senza visibilità e in prossimità di incroci pericolosi e si adopererà in tentativi infruttuosi di parcheggio a S da ripetere più e più volte finché non lascerà il suv in mezzo alla strada con le quattro frecce e si allontanerà col bambino facendo il segno universale del ‘torno subito!’.
Molto bene. Nucleo Mezzi Pesanti?
- Salve. Il Nucleo Mezzi Pesanti è suddiviso in tre cellule: furgoni, autoarticolati e trattori. I furgoni sono dissimulati da mezzi di consegna, quindi si comporteranno come se non trovassero l’indirizzo a cui lasciare il finto pacco, rallentando improvvisamente e guardando i numeri civici, salvo poi fermarsi e scendere per chiedere al soggetto il nome di una via inesistente; gli autoarticolati, invece, precederanno il soggetto e simuleranno un improvviso imprevisto che gli renderà impossibile disincastrarsi dalla rotatoria di una rotonda minuscola in centro storico e poi scenderanno in strada bestemmiando e dando la colpa al navigatore; i trattori, infine, dovranno stare davanti al soggetto affumicandolo con la nafta appositamente addizionata con plutonio e diossina e inondandogli il parabrezza di paglia che si staccherà da una rotoballa instabile infilzata su rebbi appuntiti che sporgeranno all’altezza del parabrezza del soggetto.
Ottimo. Nucleo Mezzi Leggeri?
- Eccoci, buongiorno. Noi siamo pronti ad agire sia con ciclisti singoli che staranno in mezzo alla carreggiata che con ciclisti in gruppo che tenteranno una volata collettiva tutte le volte che il soggetto proverà a sorpassarli; poi abbiamo alcuni stuntman con monopattini elettrici alimentati da un reattore nucleare sfrecceranno in mezzo alla strada senza preavviso sfiorando il paraurti anteriore del soggetto e infine potremo contare su pedoni travestiti da pensionati con girello che a ogni attraversamento sembreranno indecisi se scendere dal marciapiede o meno, salvo poi impiegare 10 minuti per arrivare dall’altra parte della strada.
Perfetto. Colgo l’occasione per presentarvi dei nuovi membri che ci daranno supporto nella difficile missione che ci apprestiamo a intraprendere. Lì abbiamo il Nucleo Lavori Stradali che si occuperanno di allestire finti cantieri sulla carreggiata del soggetto e poi uno di loro, a torso nudo con abbronzatura da canottiera e visibilmente ubriaco farà segnalazioni sbagliate con la paletta e il soggetto rimarrà bloccato con dieci macchine davanti e dieci dietro che gli suonano tutte assieme. Lì, invece il nucleo Ostacolatori che si adopererà nel posizionare in mezzo alla strada dei dissuasori in adamantio alti 70 cm per distruggere le sospensioni e la coppa dell’olio del soggetto e scavare buche di medesima profondità, mentre là il nucleo Segnalatori che con appositi telecomandi prolungherà spasmodicamente il rosso del semaforo a cui il soggetto si fermerà, salvo poi far scattare subito il giallo dopo tre secondi di verde.
Ah... un’ultima cosa. Non è qua presente con noi perché si sta già preparando all’azione ma avremo anche il prezioso supporto delle Forze Speciali di Assalto Stradale con il loro agente migliore: il vecchio col cappello su pandino del 1986 con la frizione consumata.
Bene, questo è quanto... buona fortuna a tutti voi e da adesso silenzio radio! Fategli cagare sangue a quello stronzo!
Io: ma che è oggi, diocane? Si sono messi tutti d’accordo per farmi arrivare tardi a lavoro?!
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yes-svetlana-world · 1 year
Ecco il nuovo flyer che la Pro loco di Crema ha realizzato per i turisti e i fans di "Call me by your name". In italiano e inglese misura cm 23x23 e stampato su cartoncino, troverete tutti i percorsi sia in città che nei dintorni anche Valbondione Bergamo e Sirmione. È la sorpresa per festeggiare i 5 anni dall'uscita del film. Sarà presentato nel 2023 con la mostra "Somewhere in northern Italy. Five years later" insieme ad altre novità. #callmebyyourname #lucaguadagnino #timotheechalamet #armiehammer #andreaciman #cremacittà #prolococrema #alessiobolzoni #chenli #cmbynart #fontanilequarantina #laghettodeiriflessi #moscazzano #pandino #sufjanstevens #mysteryoflove #cmbynart #chiamamicoltuonome #jamesivory #vandacapriolo #cascatedelserio #éditionslater
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