bidoofenergy · 5 months
74 and 50 for the ship ask meme? and maybe some Ranchers while you're at it? 👀
74. Huddling for Warmth and 50. Arranged Marriage
empires season 1 x hermitcraft crossover meets a generic fantasy AU where the hermits are a guild of powerful mages?? (wizards and warriors and weirdos) spread across the world. jimmy wants to establish himself and pull out from the shadow of lizzie. tango is living the good life, constantly traveling and finding work all over through his redstone expertise.
something something hermitcraft and the ocean empire are looking for a solid tie. an easy way to do that is a political marriage. something something tango is found to be the best fit (the ocean empire wants a redstoner? grian shenanigans? soulmate potential?) but he decides a condition of their engagement is that, since he's gonna live within the ocean empire for probably the rest of his life, jimmy has to travel with him for [one year? a few years? up to 5] and see what his life is like.
cue jimmy struggling with the traveling and the camping on the road and the constantly moving but simultaneously relishing in being his own person, not being introduced as lizzie's but as tango's, and getting to see the world in a way he never has before. and one night in rivendell, whoops there's only one bed and wow it's really cold and tango's basically a space heater so they might as well sleep together...
featuring: seablings feelings, an elaborate engagement ceremony, city boy jimmy, a desperate drive to Be Someone, and joel and grian fighting to be jimmy's best man—without letting him know they want it.
(fanfic trope mashup)
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canarydarity · 4 months
how about 🌻 for the hc10 ask game? :]
Howdy !! :)
🌻 which povs will you be watching the most this season?
My go-to’s season to season are usually tango and scar ! So I will definitely be keeping up with them as usual,, and so far ive also started with gem pearl and Joel and I’d like to add skizz to that since its both of their first season and that’s exciting :))
[ask game]
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tunastime · 3 months
yippee happy birthday !!! hope it's filled with lots of laughter and good times !! 🎉🎉🎉
thank you!! It was a really good one this year! lots of fun with my friends :3
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daisy-bugs · 5 months
howdy!! for the ask game: 1, 7 and 16!
have a great day :D
howdy!!! thank you, you too!! <3
1. Where do you write? (notes app, Google Drive, word, a notebook, directly onto ao3, another word processor, etc.)
I have always written on Google docs, though I tried switching to my notes app recently. Only reason I still use Google at all for it is because my notes app doesn't let you check the word count and I don't like Word. 👍
7. How long does it take for you to go from an idea to the end product? (be it drabble in tumblr or fully published multichapter fic in ao3)
It's pretty inconsistent honestly! I have a WIP that was started while I was watching HC7 when it was actively uploading, and then I have works I wrote in one sitting immediately upon having the idea, spent maybe half an hour proofreading, and then cast into the void of ao3. Counting out the WIP I have from 2020 (...absolutely wild to think about that-), it probably averages out to around two to three weeks?
16. What do you think is the signature aspect of your work? What do you think readers see and go "Ah of course! [Writer] made this!"
Probably my diction (word choice) and sentence structures, if I had to guess! I like to keep my structuring comfortably various. I imagine I have some favorite words or phrases you can spot in different works, too! From what I've read, I think I have a somewhat distinct way of writing kisses also!
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
hello number 1 jimmy understander. do u have jimmy fic recs 🎤
Whoagh what high praise!! I don't actually... :(
Sorry anon... All I can offer are some rancher fics since I combed all the way through that tag awhile back (I'll read more Jimmy fics in time I prommy):
"those were kinder times" by SurrealSupernaturalist - 10k words of ranchers doing rancher things. Light angst, mostly fluff and hurt/comfort as Jimmy's healing, and the agriculture elements in this were absolutely encapsulating. Cozy ranch life...
dull&slow by canarydarity (AO3)- The ranchers are arguing for 6k words and it hurts a lot but it's very well written
strawberry wine (and all the time we used to have) by canarydarity - 2k oneshot that nails the vibes of "peaceful insignificance". It's comforting and I enjoy Tango's introspection a lot
to build a home by pastelitey - Series of mostly fluffy scenarios after the ranch gets burnt down, 10k words. There's a few moments within here that made me feel a lot of things though
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Made for the lovely @pastelitey for @mcyt-valentines , here are two Ranchers fics for the soul <3<3<3<3<3
Hope you enjoy!!!!!!
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oshawottarchive · 5 months
So so sorry for how late this is!! I really didn’t mean for it to be. Anyway, I’m pretty happy with how this turned out! I hope you enjoy it, @pastelitey
Made for the @mcytblrholidayexchange
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kyleknight · 5 months
Happy holidays, @pastelitey!!! I grabbed your gift request for the @mcytblrholidayexchange, and it was an absolute delight to write this very sweet ranchers fic for you!
days of paradise
I had a lot of fun writing this (honestly it was extremely easy to write it because they were being so sweet that I couldn't stop). I put a lot of humor and fluffy moments in there too, so it could be a very enjoyable little treat since you've been waiting for a little while to get your gift. Hope it's worth the wait!!
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pastelitey · 11 months
Hello dear pastelitey,
I have been reading your Scar-centric Roayl AU fic since chapter 3 was posted, and I decided that AO3 comments weren't enough.
I love your writing so much, from the vivid images you create in my head to the suspense you bring to each chapter. Do I know what the spooky stuff is or what is up with that? No, but I cant wait to see what you're going to do with it.
And the way you write each relationship, like how Scar’s and Grian’s relationship changed over the course of the few chapters posted, to the early ones Scar has with the council and Pearl, and now, the last 2 chapters giving us a BOMB of a reveal with Scar and Cub and just. I am in awed.
I just wanted to say I love your writing so much, more than words can convey, just all the little hints throughout each chapter, you have my full admiration.
Have a fantastic day!
aaashfkshdkafksdksa hi!!! i was surprised to see an ask on here about my homesick au(still haven't figured out what to call it lol) as most of it has been centralized over on ao3, but believe me when i say that i was very delighted to receive this ask!! hi!! may i just say, your comments on my fic always make my day, i literally can't stop smiling while reading your comments, lol.
thank you so much for all of your kind words and for being such a dedicated reader + commenter. it's because of readers like you that i do what i do in the first place. when i first started writing homesick i didn't think anyone would want to read it, but i'm so happy to know now just how many loyal readers like you that my silly little royal au has.
again, thank you for all your kind words 😭😭😭 i'm terrible with words when receiving praise, if you couldn't tell. so, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
you have a fantastic day!! :D
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canarydarity · 4 months
howdy! it's day 1 of MCYT fanfic appreciation week, and i was wondering if you had any future writing projects or other ideas that you wanted an excuse to talk about :D no pressure whatsoever to answer this ask, just thought i'd reach out ♡
HI :')) this absolutely made my day to receive, and also served as reminder to me that yesterday was that events start day!!! so thank you for that!!!!
i will always always always take an excuse to talk about the fic ideas that are rotting my brain <3
I'm going to talk about 3 projects; 1) yet another DL rancher one-shot 2) my current brain rot go to: speed racer au 3) and a worm tried and true classic: gay baseball au
cut here because....i am a rambler
I'll start with what y'all are most likely to see next,,,
After the second session of Limlife came out, I wrote a little vignette from Tango's pov that included a throw-away scene from DL where someone left a golden apple on the ranchers porch in the middle of the night as an extremely un-funny joke. And that. idea has haunted me since I thought of it,,, I outlined it months and months ago though never got around to writing it... but for some reason a few days ago I opened that doc again and it just sorta. happened.
it's only about halfway done right now, but if all goes well it might be up by the end of the week :)) small preview mayhaps:
The door not yet having been opened, the possibility of what was waiting for him on the other side yawned and stretched towards endless. In a way, not knowing but speculating was worse than just opening the damn thing and facing the one singular scenario that was, but that was why he struggled to do it. Schrodinger’s danger—this was stupid; Tango opened the door.  No one was there.  He blinked in the face of its emptiness for a moment. Of all the situations he had considered, absolutely zero of them included opening the door to nothing. The one definite thing a knock spoke to was the presence of someone—something. So, what, they risked the middle of the night in peace times to come to the ranch they all loved barging into any time regardless to ding-dong ditch? That seemed, like, a gazillion times more unlikely. 
Then...the thing that is currently carving out its home in my brain...speed racer au. Tango-centric, more tango & etho angst than it is team rancher tbh.
The au is based solely on the 2008 movie speed racer, not as much the rest of the franchise! I guess /warning for speed racer spoilers, but the movie came out 16 years ago and the anime is from the 1960's...............so like.............also come on
I...have absolutely 0 clue how to describe to you the plot of speed racer. imagine you drive a race car so good and look so hot while doing it that you take down the mafia AND defeat the evil that is capitalism. That's speed racer. Like most worm aus its...not a comprehensive story. it's mainly me taking scenes from the movie that i adore and reimagining them with life series characters in those positions.
Tango is our titular character, an up and coming, widely known and celebrated automobile racer. He's the only racer not sponsored by some big company, he'd rather his pals—his family—be in control of his car, the Mach 5, and his racing career.
This is so so silly to try to explain you have no idea. I'm just going to say it. So when Tango was a kid, his older brother Etho died in this really dangerous unofficial non-track race thing. Two years later, theres a new racer in the league calling himself Racer X. No one knows his actual identity, and, at all times, he is wearing this. mask. thing. umm. anyway so Racer X is secretly Tango's older brother who Tango thinks is dead. And he now races under a secret identity because he is trying to take down. the fucking mafia. who own a whole bunch of racing teams and do crime and things. cause why not. Im going to stop over-explaining speed racer, just take this snippet and go:
“Look, can we cut the bullshit?”  If Tango’s mounting poor mood had any effect on X, he didn’t show it. He maintained the stillness of a wildlife photographer, danger not a warning to flee but more the promise of a shot worth sticking around to capture. Tango had felt studied since they’d cut the engines, since X’s head had popped up over the wheel, smirking—but now he’d felt seized.  “Alright.” His mouth opened, all the energy to press on but none of the gall. As usual, he’d gotten too ahead of himself; clutch pressed to the floor, shift it into first gear, every intention to move with no promise to follow through. He didn’t ease off the clutch so much as he ran away from it; he’d stalled, his mouth shut dumbly.  There wasn’t the time to wait it out, and Tango didn’t think he’d afford it to himself if there were. This moment had been promised to him since Casa Cristo began. He might not have then, but standing here now he knew it to be true. He thought X knew it, too—this was inevitable. He knew it like you knew you had minutes before your mom found that thing that you broke, like you knew someone was about to walk away from you for good. It was no less natural to him than knowing he was going to be a driver, no harder to glean from his future than being able to picture Jimmy by his side. He wouldn’t squander the chance because he hadn’t been adequately prepared for it to arrive.  Tango choked, “Etho?” “You think I’m your brother.” When he said it it was a statement, not a question.  “Aren’t you?”
And lastly...gay baseball au :')) or rather, "against all odds"
yes I'm still stuck on that, YES I plan to keep writing it.
I posted a little bit ago,, beginning of January, that I wanted to post the first chapter of baseball au if possible around/on my birthday, which is the first week in March. I can't PROMISE that will happen, because I am working on grad school applications at the moment and I also. know myself. and want to have the UTMOST MAJORITY POSSIBLE of the writing done before I post it. otherwise. I won't go back. But...tentatively that is hopefully the plan <3
Once again: plot summary, snippets
Have another for free :))
“What about you, Jim Jam?” Jimmy frowned at Skizz, only somewhat confused and mostly sure that he shouldn’t have been. “What about me?” “The question—what would you do if you weren’t doing this?” With clarity came even more confusion. It had felt normal for the others to ponder what-ifs and other lives where they did other things, a rightness that immediately soured when the spotlight had shone on him. There were no alternate versions of Jimmy, this was the only one in existence; he was a model toy that had never made it off the drawing board, no plans for mass production—too little consumer interest.  “Oh…I dunno.” He thought baseball might be the only thing he was capable of, and even then that didn’t mean he was good at it. “I’d never thought about it, I guess.” 
Anyway, I will exhibit exemplary self control and stop talking now. Thank you again so so much for asking <33
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bidoofenergy · 7 months
trick or treat! :]
Mumbo has been staring at a line of code, unseeing for a solid seven minutes. If Tommy had walked in and asked why he was staring at the screen for so long, he would've made something up about if/else versus for loops and code efficiency but the truth is the only loop his mind is running was around Grian's dark brown eyes, the glint of mischief the always seemed to have except for when they went soft, whenever Mumbo said something truly daft. The office phone rings and Mumbo jumps to answer, nearly following out of his chair in his hurry.
from my tech support x professor grumbo fic
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bidoofenergy · 5 months
🛒 and 🎶 for the writer emoji ask game !! :D
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
answered here and here!
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
i cycle through a lot of different music but when i write im a big fan of music that isn't in English: kpop (twice and red velvet especially), bollywood, kollywood. if i have to grind, i like to listen to raop by CRO, he's a German rapper that my mentor in college recommended to me and ive been listening to him and this specific album ever since
(fanfic writer emoji asks)
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pastelitey · 5 months
intro post
howdy all!! this is my official intro post! better late than never, right? :]
i'm pastelitey, but i mainly go by Elodie and sometimes El. my pronouns are she/her and i am an adult.
currently i'm in the Hermitcraft and Life Series fandom, but i dabble in other fandoms occasionally. i'm a Tango Tek main, so expect to see a lot of him on my blog if you decide to stick around.
i do a lot of writing, and am, ironically enough, pursuing an english literature degree with a creative writing focus. you can find my writing under the #my writing tag, or over on my ao3! i also have a sideblog for original writing that is pretty inactive, but it's @pasteliteytoo, for the curious.
my inbox is always open and i'm continually looking for new friends or mutuals, so don't be afraid to hit me up!
common tags of mine: #hermitblr | #trafficblr | #mine | #writing stuff
current wip: TBA
that's all for now! see you around :]
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