hms-no-fun · 7 months
What's your opinion on the new HS^2 update? I'm really excited it's back but I'm a little worried. Like, the fandom has had a real problem with pretending all the horrible shit that caused it to end in the first place never happened. Is this just gonna sweep that under the rug even more? Is James Roach heading the project because he's less "problematic"? I love James roach and I'm sure he'll do great but what about all the transphobia? I just hope they finally fulfill the Toblerone Prophesy and make June Egbert cannon.
short version is, i'm cautiously optimistic! but this is a loaded question you've given me on a lot of fronts, so i'm gonna try to take it piece by piece.
to start with, the sudden revival of Homestuck^2 (now minus the squared) took me by surprise because to my knowledge, it was entirely dead in the water. my involvement with anything Official ended at Pesterquest, and pretty much the entire post-canon crew i was friends with in 2019-20 has moved on to greener pastures. i share a similar sentiment with @pochapal in that i would have put money on hs2 staying dead forever. i have, quite frankly, dreaded the inevitable day when official Homestuck media would resume production, because the fandom at large seems quite eager to sweep the ceaseless harassment and transphobia that ended hs2 under the rug and pretend that it just, like you said... never happened. when that california cafe used older Pesterquest-like character designs that omitted short chubby Terezi and black-coded Roxy, however well-intentioned and ultimately harmless that was, it felt like a sign of things to come. that, as you fear, the sharper & more personal queerness that we tried to bring to this series would be erased, in favor of something meant to simultaneously appease both tenderqueers and redditors, two sects of the fandom most responsible for the aforementioned harassment.
luckily, that really doesn't seem to be the case!
to your worry that James Roach was made director because he's "less problematic," i'll just say that's entirely the wrong way to look at it. it's not like WP (such that it even still exists) were cruising to get HS2 back up and running. by all accounts, James is the only reason it's happening again in the first place. i can't stress enough just how small an operation this Homestuck business actually is (or, at least, was when i was involved). this is not a Huge Corporation making cynical cash grab decisions. this is someone who cares about the material pushing to get something made where otherwise there would be nothing. check the new About page, where the principles of the so-called Homestuck Independent Creative Union are laid out in plain terms. this is something the original hs2 team fought for, so for this new version to start from there as square one is huge and a good sign of the possible longevity of the project.
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next, let's talk about the question of this new team erasing the legacy of the old one. Kate Mitchell is on the record that she was reached out to about this new hs2, approved it, and declined to be involved. i don't know if the other writers were reached out to, but i have no reason to believe they weren't. this is a tremendously important gesture of good faith and goes a long way towards easing some of these worries.
but let's look at the composition of the team itself. do you remember The Perfectly Generic Podcast? originally hosted by future hs2 writer Kate, pgen became a flashpoint for community discourse, often opening doors between official homestuck and homestuck fandom. what made that show special was that, rather than relying on the imo tired genre of the liveread, pgen focused on a different topic each episode and explored it with one or two qualified guests. Kate's goal with the show was to encourage a more adult and quasi-academic discussion of homestuck, of its successes and its failures. if you weren't there, the weight i'm putting on pgen might seem overblown (not least because you can't find it anywhere anymore except on the internet archive). but it's not! when they decisively criticized the wild contents of the Skaianet debacle in episode 19, Andrew listened and worked to bring a more diverse group of creators into the fold. in the months after the Epilogues were released, Andrew issued a statement through pgen on episode 52 about how the Epilogues are meant to create bridges and offramps for the post-canon fandom. it's an essential piece for understanding the epilogues and their relationship to fanworks! that it wasn't included as the author's introduction to the Epilogues in the book version remains to my mind an astonishing oversight, but whatever. point is, pgen mattered to the folks in charge.
so let's look again at the writing staff of this new crew. James Roach first guested on pgen in episode 7, and would go on to be a regular. Haven, who did the Vriska and Roxy sprites in Pesterquest (and probably more stuff i don't remember), guested in episodes 81 and 87. Miles guested on episode 87 as well (unless it's a different Miles, i'm not familiar with their work and ugh this damnable linkrot). Floral, creator of one of my favorite hs fanworks & huge godfeels influence Liminal Space, first guested on pgen in episode 47, and would go on to be a regular (including once during my tenure as host to talk about Jade). on the technical staff side, Kohi built the hs2 website and has remained a backend mainstay both on the WP side and on Vast Error.
all of which is to say, if you were looking for a crew to cynically erase the past and appease the haters, these probably aren't the folks that'd be at the top of your list. of course, if you *really* wanted to cynically erase the past and appease the haters, you wouldn't bother reviving hs2 in the first place!
and that's the crux of the matter here. what cash is there to grab? what clout could possibly be chased? i struggle to think of a decision less obviously profitable and popular than continuing hs2 with a new crew right where it left off. i have to believe this is happening because the people involved want to make it.
so, yeah, i'm cautiously optimistic. i like this crew, i like the contents of the first upd8, and i'm glad as hell it's not a reboot! i'm grateful that by reviving hs2, the hs:bc crew have instantly yanked the epilogues & the post-canon project back into relevance in the broader community. and i always liked hs2 a lot! i was excited to see where they were going! i'm really looking forward to seeing more YIFFY!!!!!
but the thing is, this won't be the hs2 i wanted. i know that, and i'm not expecting it. my greatest hope for hs:bc, for this crew, is that they get the chance to take up the reins and drive this thing in whatever direction they feel most passionate about. if that winds up looking like the hs2 that was originally planned, great-- but more than anything, i want everyone on this team to feel just as empowered to leave a profound and personal mark on this series as the original team did, as i did working on Pesterquest. i hope the outline changes! i hope they take some really wild swings! i want to be surprised!! i want to be challenged!!!
above all, i want them to have the chance to pick a course, sail it, and see it through to the end regardless of what the public thinks. they deserve the chance that the original crew didn't get.
i have plenty of bitterness and cynicism in my heart over the events and circumstances of 2019-20, but as far as i'm concerned it has no place here today. i would never, ever wish the trauma and stress of that era on anyone. let the fandom at large react in whatever way it will, but i want things to be different this time. this is a second chance-- not just for hs2/hs:bc, but for all of us. even people who hate homestuck post-canon! this is an opportunity for everyone to choose to be better this time, and to push back when others might squander that opportunity. this team is not a group of celebrities, not an abstract fiction on the other side of the world, they are human beings who took a job. they've earned the opportunity to do that job, and they deserve to be treated with the respect and dignity that was so often absent a few years ago.
as to your last point, about june egbert and the toblerone. i've been saying for years that andrew's confirmation of june was less "the granting of a wish" than it was "a spoiler shared without input from the creative team." that there is any doubt about june's providence in hs2 can only be attributed to willful, aggressive ignorance on the part of people who refuse to engage with the written word in any way other than plodding literalism. the original team didn't unveil june ~immediately~ because they didn't think of june as a wish, they thought of her as a character in an ongoing story who needed time to develop naturally. i have never not felt entirely crazy about how thick everyone has been about this!
but will the new team make june canon? obviously i have no way of knowing for sure, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that probably the answer is "yes, when they're good and goddamned ready." just, please, for the love of god, don't go after every upd8 like "where's june? where's june? why hasn't june yet????" this was one of the worst results of the toblerone spoiler and it put INSANE pressure on the hs2 team. so just... just let this story be what it is. let this new team make the homestuck continuation they want to make.
and in the meantime, if you're really hungry for june... there's always godfeels :)
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fmarkets · 1 month
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Precigen Inc Reports Significant Increase in Losses for Q4 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=PGEN&date=2024-03-19224829&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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w0lfwren · 1 year
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lebensmoode · 1 year
Yang paling sulit ketika emosi lagi berantakan, acakadut, dan pgen bunuh orang itu adalah, mengupasnya satu-satu. Semacam, lu harus tau emosi apa aja yg kecampur. Setelahnya, lu harus tau apa yg men-trigger si emosi tersebut.
Misal, kalo gw mau kupas emosi hari ini yg beneran yaallah yaallah, ada sedih di situ. Ditambah fear juga worry. Nah, gw harus bisa tau itu sedih kenapa, fear dari mana datangnya, worry juga kok bisa, dst dst.
Why is it important? Biar tau jelas ini emosi mau diarahin kemana, juga menghindari bawa-bawa masalah lain yg gak relevan (bercabang gitu loh si triggernya), trus biar gak nyalah-nyalahin orang lain, plus membangun coping mechanism yg baik.
For example, lu dijanjiin eskrim magnum sama bestie lu. Eh, trus dia malah beliin es batu. Kan sedih ya, dan mungkin sedikit kecewa. Terlepas dari si kawan yg kurang asem, lu harus tau sedihnya lu itu karena gak dapet magnum yg udah dijanjiin, dan kecewanya berasal dari janji si kawan yg gak dia tepatin. Nah, if it becomes obvious, lu udah gak perlu ngambek berkepanjangan atau mutusin tali silaturahmi. Cukup tau ni orang kalo janji lagi tinggal dicubit aja moncongnya sambil dinasehatin "STFU, bestie 😁" Dengan kaya gitu, kedepannya juga lu udah punya cara sendiri buat gak larut dalam emosi.
Iya hw iya ngomong emang gampang. Sendirinya hari ini kesulitan parah ngupas perasaan, dan pas cari triggernya eh buset banyak banget wkwkwk kasian otak hamba isinya ovt mulu bukannya mikirin gimana biar kayea 😀
Don't pile up your emotion ceunah. Jangan ditumpuk. Let it release, pake cara yg gak nyakitin orang lain dan diri sendiri. Jangan ditimbun, kalo meledak yg repot juga kamu. Memang ada sih tipe orang yg susah banget nauzubillah kalo mau mengekspresikan emosi tuh. Kaya aing. Dipendem sampe orangnya paham sendiri tanpa dikasih tau WKWK.
Gaboleh ya hw. Belajar deliver your feelings yg kayaknya gak tamat-tamat. Gapapa, belajar teros. Ini dapet orang yg gak akan gigit balik loh. Orang yg sama kamu ini bukan si ex yg bakal nyerang balik dengan "Alaah baru gitu doang. Sensi bgt kamu tu, harusnya kamu 💩💩💩". Alhamdulillah bukan. Dimanfaatkan loh kebaikan ini :)
Makan ah hamba laper. Makhluk beremosi, semoga cepat sembuh yaa 🫰🏻
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manonamora-if · 2 years
Um! Hi! Could you help me with a coding problem I'm currently having? It's okay if you don't! You already help us enough as it is, and I'm really grateful for that <3 You're doing God's work, honestly T_T
Well...if you're actually up to helping me out in the end, here is my problem - I'm a dum dum when it comes to coding. I can't figure out how to use this pronoun template by HiEv for shit, and it's making me fucking insane aaaaa
Could you perhaps explain how to use it to me like I'm a five-year-old if it's not too much trouble?
Oh Anon. It took me a good 6 months to understand as well. And explaining it is a bit... difficult too... So hopefully this wall of text will help!
HiEv's Pronouns Macro
You had to add 2 different kinds of code to your project: the JavaScript, where you can edit/add/remove what you want affected, and the SG widget, which you will call when needed in your code.
The logic of the script is like this: each ?pronoun is linked to an array you've set in the JavaScript code, and the widget will pick the correct form from that array to display on the page.
The base widget look like this:
<<widget "SetGender">><<nobr>> <<switch $args[0]>> <<case "f">> <<set $pgen = 1>> <<case "b">> <<set $pgen = 2>> <<case "n">> <<set $pgen = 3>> <<default>> <<set $pgen = 0>> <</switch>> <</nobr>><</widget>>
This widget has 4 cases: F for she/her, B for they/them, N for it/its, and default (i.e. nothing) for he/him. Each case is linked to a number (0 to 3) referring to an array position (1st to 4th, since counting in an array starts at 0) that will pick the form chosen from the arrays in your JavaScript. Like the one below:
Template.add("their", function () { return ["his", "her", "their", "its"][State.variables.pgen]; });
So, if you use the macro, the case default (position 0) will show his, F (position 1) will show her, B (position 2) will show their and N (position 3) will show its.
[note: I am using capitals for ease of reading, calling a widget is case sensitive, so you will need to make sure the case you are calling is the same as in the code]
Let's have an example. You have the following sentence:
Renaud took ?their cake.
Let's say you want ?their to show as her. For that to appear, you will need to call the widget with the correct case before ?their. For this example, it will look like this:
<<SetGender "f">>Renaud took ?their cake.
By using <<SetGender "f">>, you are telling the program that from this point on, you want all ?variables to be shown as feminine (as defined in the widget case).
So it will show the above sentence as :
Renaud took her cake.
As is, the widget is not useful for pronouns change, especially if a character has different pronouns depending on choices. This was my main issue in understanding how to use the macro.
It is best to edit the widget to take into account gender change within each case. In my project, I changed the cases names from Gender to Character, and added a conditional statement to check for the gender of that character before showing the correct pronoun form:
<<widget "SetGender">> <<switch $args[0]>>     <<case "Theo">>       <<if $gender.theo is "man">><<set $pgen = 0>> <<else>><<set $pgen = 1>> <</if>>     <<case "Yael">>       <<if $gender.yael is "man">>           <<set $pgen = 0>>       <<else>>           <<set $pgen = 1>>        <</if>> ETC... until all characters are done
So, if I tell the widget to show pronouns for A CHARACTER, it will check whether Yael is a man or not before showing the pronoun.
Let's take our example again, where the character with the changing pronouns is Yael:
<<SetGender "Yael">>Renaud took ?their cake.
If Yael is a man, ?their will show as his, if not, ?their will show as she.
If you have 2 characters with changing pronouns in one passage, you will need to call on the widget every time the pronoun holder changes.
<<SetGender "Yael">>Renaud took ?their cake.
As is, all ?variables will stay as if Yael were the case of the widget until you call for another case. So If we create a longer example where Renaud has also pronouns that changes:
<<SetGender "Yael">>Renaud took ?their cake. Yael was not happy with ?them.
It will only show Yael's pronouns instead of both Yael and Renaud. So you need to call the widget once more with for Renaud:
<<SetGender "Yael">>Renaud took ?their cake. Yael was not happy with <<SetGender "Renaud">>?them.
Now it will show the correct pronouns for both Renaud and Yael.
It is possible to add arrays including verbs (I have done that, see below), you can really add anything you want. You just need to make sure the verb is next to the pronoun and not separated by another word.
Template.add("Theyseem", function () { return ["He seems", "She seems", "They seem", "It seems"][State.variables.pgen]; });
You could otherwise have a separate entry for verbs (but you will need to have an entry for all gender cases, even if they look the same):
Template.add("seem", function () { return ["seems", "seems", "seem", "seems"][State.variables.pgen]; });
As useful as it is, the widget is limited to what pronouns are included in the JavaScript (i.e.: he/him, she/her, they/them, it/its and whatever you want to add). This won't take into account verb plurality either (unless you add it manually).
AS FAR AS I KNOW: you cannot add new pronouns after the game file is opened. So if a player wants custom pronouns/verb plurality that is not included in your code, they won't be able to have that choice. [Please let me know if I am wrong and you can actually add stuff!]
So this method is best to use for characters with multiple genders (either set at random or by player choice) with one set of pronouns (from a range you have previously defined).
For Custom Pronouns, you might be better off with using Chapel's Pronoun Macro or creating variables (like with @gamesbyalbie's template). I have used the the second round for Exquisite Cadaver, for example.
I really hope my explanation makes sense and it helps you <3
Also, thank you for the kind words. I don't think I have done enough or too much :P
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stanislasdaniel · 1 year
Malam ini rasanya beda.
Gua .. takut.
Tumben, kayanya ini kali pertama gua ngerasain ini. Bukan, bukan takut ga berani tidur sendiri ato apa. Tapi, gua takut buat ngehadepin besok. Gua pgen berlama-lama di hari ini. Terlalu banyak hal yg harus dipikirin besok, dan nggak ada yg bisa selesai besok. Mikirinnya aja udah capek. Ditambah lagi masih isoman gini, makin2 dah. Produktif nggak, pikiran nambah iya.
Capek banget rasanya. Kaya dihantam ke belakang terus. Sampe kapan ky gini ya.
Will sun finally shine on my way?
Or will it be dark, muddy, and wet all along?
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heriana13 · 2 years
Ada 3 nomor WA yg pengen aku hide dari urusan story2 mereka. Ga pgen liat, bikin beban pikiran. Kzl aja bawaanya taip buka story WA ada mereka.
Astagfirullah ya Allah jauhkan aku dari sifat2 pembenciiiii :(
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buhaytuklas · 19 days
Tulong Po PGen Benjamin Acorda Jr
https://youtube.com/@RaffyTulfoInAction Magandang Araw At Isang Mapag Palang Pagbati Sa Inyong Lahat Ako Po Si Joseph Angeles, Isang Video Creator, Nais Ko Pong Mag Pakilala Sa Inyo Bilang Isang Totoong Tao, May Maikling Kwento Lamang Po Ako Na Nais Ko Lamang Po Ay Maunawaan Ang Aking Pinag Dadaanang Suliranin Na Kung Hindi Ko Po Sasabihin Ay Kakainin Po Ako Ng Isang Bulok Na Sistema, Sa Totoo…
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manilacreator26 · 19 days
Tulong Po PGen Benjamin Acorda Jr
https://youtube.com/@RaffyTulfoInAction Magandang Araw At Isang Mapag Palang Pagbati Sa Inyong Lahat Ako Po Si Joseph Angeles, Isang Video Creator, Nais Ko Pong Mag Pakilala Sa Inyo Bilang Isang Totoong Tao, May Maikling Kwento Lamang Po Ako Na Nais Ko Lamang Po Ay Maunawaan Ang Aking Pinag Dadaanang Suliranin Na Kung Hindi Ko Po Sasabihin Ay Kakainin Po Ako Ng Isang Bulok Na Sistema, Sa Totoo…
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starpilipinas26 · 19 days
Tulong Po PGen Benjamin Acorda Jr
https://youtube.com/@RaffyTulfoInAction Magandang Araw At Isang Mapag Palang Pagbati Sa Inyong Lahat Ako Po Si Joseph Angeles, Isang Video Creator, Nais Ko Pong Mag Pakilala Sa Inyo Bilang Isang Totoong Tao, May Maikling Kwento Lamang Po Ako Na Nais Ko Lamang Po Ay Maunawaan Ang Aking Pinag Dadaanang Suliranin Na Kung Hindi Ko Po Sasabihin Ay Kakainin Po Ako Ng Isang Bulok Na Sistema, Sa Totoo…
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endlessvold · 2 months
Can you draw Nightmare Moon heavily preganang pr pre pgen prgenga pregnat?
pregnat ore hi moru
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hms-no-fun · 6 months
I know you said you're cautiously optimistic about HS2, but the newest blog post has me kinda worried. The talk of "fixing the fans broken trust" and how even the new writers don't like a lot of story decisions that were made by the old team seem really off to me, like it's throwing the old team under the bus. I want to expect good things from HS2 but when the people working on it don't seem to like the story as it stands right now it really just seems like they might bend over backwards to appease the shitty side of the fandom. What do you think about this whole thing?
this is in reference to the october 30th 2023 news update on the hs:bc website. i give the date because the news posts don't seem to have individual links atm, so if you're reading this in the future you might have to scroll back.
to your worry that the new team might bend over backwards to appease the shitty side of the fandom, i wrote at length in my prior hs:bc post about why i don't think that's gonna be a problem. i'd also caution against reading too much into what james says about the attitude of the hs:bc team at large, for reasons that should be apparent by the end of this post.
i think it's perfectly reasonable to take a diplomatic position towards a fandom that is historically very hostile to this continuation. a lot of people haven't read the epilogues/hs2 and hate on them anyway because of what they've been told they contain, and refuse to question those received opinions on principle. many who did read them seem to have been inattentive or otherwise needlessly aggressive, sometimes owing to a baffling refusal to accept the premise of postcanon. plenty of others maybe just need a reason to think that homestuck is for them again. for this project to succeed, the fandom at large needs to be given a reason to revisit the epilogues/hs2 from a position of safety and critical distance. i have my own barbed opinions about this state of affairs, but it is what it is.
i understand and to an extent share your misgivings over that Q&A post, but it simply is not james roach's job to relitigate the conduct of the hs2 team. to even broach the subject in more than a general sense would constitute the opening of a massive can of worms, because the truth is muddy. mistakes were made on all sides, some worse than others, and to really contextualize where the hs2 team were coming from you'd need to explain the history of the hs fandom, the leadership of the reddit/discord, the overall tenor of twitter post-2016 and especially leading into/during 2020, the history of pgen and the homestuck renaissance, the lack of PR training or oversight or guidance from anyone at WP, the history of audience hostility in homestuck, and on, and on. for what it's worth, i think that context is essential-- but i don't know that anyone working on this project ought to be the ones to tell it (nor do i think they want that responsibility), and a brief casual Q&A post as a halloween treat is certainly not the place to publish it.
and ultimately, none of that has much at all to do with hs:bc. they are not beholden to or responsible for the choices made by the hs2 team. they have been entrusted with the reins of this story, and with that trust comes their own admitted desire to take it in different directions than what was initially planned. the hs2 team did this to the outline andrew hussie gave them; it's only fair that the hs:bc team has the same leeway over the outline they inherited. acknowledging fault in prior leadership, admitting disagreement over past creative decisions, is an olive branch to a largely skeptical fandom. i bristle at some of this because the hs2 team were my friends and i'm very protective of their work and that moment in history, but that isn't james roach's (nor the hs:bc team's) cross to bear. his choice, as the new public face of homestuck, is to move forward rather than linger on the past. it's good that he's burying the hatchet, frankly. i'm sick of that fucking thing.
love it or hate it, agree or disagree, the hs:bc crew has to exercise diplomacy right now. they've reopened the patreon and want to sustain this project for the foreseeable future, ideally without subjecting the workers to intensely traumatic levels of scrutiny and harassment. this involves clearing up miscommunications, admitting fault, gesturing at shared disagreements over story direction, and otherwise putting on a friendly face for strangers. and let's be clear, i know for a fact that plenty on the original hs2 team had a panoply of disagreements with the choices made in the epilogues! the operative condition here is not unquestioning devotion to / hatred of prior material, but a willingness to build upon that prior material constructively regardless. that's what matters most to me, and i have every reason to believe they're taking the constructive route.
i'll end this saying what i've been saying from the start. the measure of this project's success or failure should be taken in the work itself. if james roach blanket dismissed the prior team, but hs:bc constructively evolved in a way that didn't invalidate or undercut prior material, i'd still consider us oldschool hs2 fans the winners. i wouldn't be HAPPY about it, but the art is what we're all here for, and it's the art that people will remember. i think often about how the showrunners of the tv series LOST insisted from day one until the very end that everything in the show had a scientific explanation, despite the fact that they *always knew* this was a bald-faced lie. they told this lie because ABC did not want to fund a fantasy show and would've canceled it otherwise. some fans to this day decry the lack of scientific explanations in the text of the show, even when you point out that the promise of such explanations was false from the start.
point is, there are material realities to leading a creative enterprise. james roach has put himself in a genuinely dangerous and scary position, a fact that's easy to forget with how casual and welcoming his posts have been thus far. but this is perhaps the single most mismanaged property of the internet age, and there's no walking that back without stepping on some toes. over-correction is expected and probably necessary. if it ruffles your feathers, that's fine-- but let the work speak for itself, and judge it on its own merits. all this other stuff is ancillary and will inevitably fade into the distant fog of time.
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mnovenia · 3 months
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Feb 4 2023 PAS 1 bulan GH di Bali 🥳
Hari ini ganteng bgt pake kemeja putih & celana khaki 🤍 akhirnya kita ketemu setelah 2 hari berpisah dia ke Ubud. Pas dateng dia nunggu sendiri, aku lagi sama Bella. Urusin kunci kamar dll. Lalu aku samperin akhirnya kita senyum2 lagi, liat2an, ngom dia kesel pas d ubud, hotel d kuta dll. Trus akhirnya bs aku anter ke kamar n dia istirahat. Bella bilang sih ada rumor d PI, GH k bali tuh krn ada cewe, mgkn itu jd memberatkan n membebani dia ya. Cewenya siapalagi kl bukan ogut ㅎㅎㅎㅎ aminin aja dulu
Brgkt greja, telat2, silent, d gereja diem trus sunmoim baru senyum2 liat2an aku blg aku pake formnya utk forum ya. Trus dia tulis punya dia, aku yg bacain ☺️ kumpul2 mmg ada wanita yg akan Tuhan kirim ke tempat lain, tp dia bersikap bgt, gamau deket2, aga awkward diem aja d ruangan, walau bahas wa, dia mau coba kelas dance nya sekali. GH diem aja d ruangan, main cube, trus pas kluar gendong khan, dia bawa ke aku, kasih liat dan suru pegang jg, meski diganggu si E dikit, pgen w kutuk halus, ganggu aja weh org suami istri lagi asik sm anak bulu..
Trus unik pas mo plg bella n d ikut mobilku, tp untung bella menengahi, suru gh d depan, suru d ke sana sini n akhirnya kita dropin dia d circle k.
Ktawa2 kita makan krn dia laper, ke yimo sanur. Dia suru aku jalan duluan, bukain pintu, slalu nunggu even aku lelet. Jalan nungguin aku, dia cerita d ubud ngap aja, dia yg psenin smua makanan, mintain piring, ambilin aku nasi, soup deonjang, nawarin minum coke, selalu so sweet. Liat sebelah2 ada anak2 lucu, dia notice x aku pgen cpet punya anak, dia jg, komen2, giyowo,, duh Tuhan kabulkanlah doa kami segera,, But ada waktu dia perutnya sakit mgkn trus diem. Ada kekecewaan, knapa dia sering sakit n ga semangat dll, kok jg melemah spiritually di bali. Tp dia punya misi yg clear n selalu kembali ke firman Tuhan.
Trus kita ke mart, bli buah, beer, ambil duit, setor duit, bli bensin, nyanyi karoke ngakak bgt. Lagu dia dong yg pertama dipilih: baekhyun - 나를 사랑하고 있어 (semoga) untuk marshella
How should I express this feeling?
어떤 말로 표현해야 이 감정을 알까
How should I look at you to know my heart?
어떻게 널 바라봐야 나의 마음을 알까
Going through seasons with you, walking down the street with you
너와 같이 계절을 겪고 너와 거리를 걷고
In this time of getting to know you very slowly
아주 천천히 너를 알아가는 이 시간 속에
no matter where you are
네가 어디 있다 해도
i love you
너를 사랑하고 있어
I won't rush
서두르지 않을게 난
I will stand behind you and protect you
네 뒤에 서 너를 지켜줄게
I will be with you
I will be with you
I'll come to you
너에게 다가갈게
I will be with you
I will be with you
I always love you
난 언제나 my love for you
I want to stay in the same time as you
너와 같은 시간 속에 머물고 싶은데
I want to be in the same space as you
너와 같은 공간 속에 함께 하고 싶은데
I'll walk slowly and see right where you are
천천히 난 걸어가 볼게 바로 네가 있는 곳
I believe it will be practice for you
너에게 가는 연습일 거라고 믿고 있으니
no matter where you are
네가 어디 있다 해도
answer me
나에게 대답해줘
promise me
나에게 약속해줘
When a long time passes someday
오랜 시간이 언젠가 지나가면
Will you also know my feelings then?
나의 마음을 그땐 너도 알게될까
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fmarkets · 6 months
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Precigen Inc Closes Fiscal Year with a Bang: Unleashes Game-Changing Innovations Amidst Turbulent Market Landscape! https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=PGEN&date=2023-11-12083426&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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finetissues · 9 months
PNP Chief PGen. Benjamin C Acorda Jr., on "BADGE OF HONOR"
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langitsoreee · 1 year
Alhamdulillah.. hari ini bangun tidur di rumah mertua. Dengan suasana yang sangat ramai karna esok hari ada acara unduh mantu. Satu dari beberapa hal yang disemogakan akhirnya menjadi nyata. Diperistri oleh pria yang belakangan ini sangaat kucintai. Lembut perangainya, santun sikapnya. Alhamdulillah..
Pernikahan adalah hal yang selama ini susah dibayangkan, aku terlalu takut mengambil langkah kedepan sampai saat mas datang dan menarik aku melangkah maju.
Pernikahan adalah ikatan penuh cinta dan penuh tantangan didalamnya, melebur ego dan keakuan menjadi kita dan kebersamaan dalam suka duka.
Pernikahan adalah tiba-tiba yang tidak bisa diprediksi, ia adalah misteri yang Allah berikan untuk menguji ketaatan hambanya, mampukah tetap erat mempertahankan mitsaqan ghaliza ditengah badai yang entah ada saja.
Pernikahan adalah menemukan alasan untuk tetap mencapai tujuan bersama meski kadang lupa arah dan tidak saling sapa, tapi tetap yakin memanjatkan doa sembari menggenggam erat jemari.
Hari ini, setelah hampir 2 minggu menikah baru terlewati masa-masa sulit menyesuaikan diri, mendadak ingin kembali single, tidak punya tanggung jawab apapun selain ke diri sendiri. Aku, hanya ketiduran sebentar, 20 menit, ditengah tidak enak badan dan sudah mengupayakan bangun pagi. Tapi mendadak dicuekin suami yang entah apa maunya. Dipermalukan didepan banyak orang karna diam tidak menjawab saat kutanya didepan seluruh kluarganya. Sikap dewasa macam apa, belum pernah kutemui sebelumnya ternyata sangat kekanakan sekali. Malu dan jengkel, aku menantu. Bukan babu yang harus bantu-bantu. Entahlah
Perasaanku mendadak berubah tidak tau bagaimana rasanya, mungkin sedih, kesal, jengkel, dan cuman pengen nangis. Tapi kutahan kusembunyikan sampai setelah solat dhuhur, pecah tidak tertahankan.
Mas terus minta maaf dan mendadak menangis, memohon karna dia merasa salah mengambil sikap, merasa egois atas tindakan yang dipilih. Tapi aku masih sakit hati. Sedih, rasanya pgen pulang aja kerumah orangtuaku, bekerja seperti biasa dan menikmati kehidupanku sendiri, bersama kluarga sendiri lebih baik apapun kondisinya.
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