#photography stuff and her relationship with andy
captorsicallfriends · 6 months
ewww no i hate the luke-manny-sherry storyline
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purplesurveys · 3 years
o1. With which one of your friends do you spend the most time? With which friend do you spend the least amount of time? Would you like to change this in any way? I don’t really get to...spend time with my friends, in that sense. For very obvious reasons. But I talk to Angela and Reena the most. Andi and I talk a lot too, but not everyday. 
Among my friends, I probably talk to my college group the least these days, but that’s mostly because 2/3 of them are pursuing law school, and the 1/3 have jobs and are as busy as I am. We’re still as tight as ever and our group chat becomes active at least once a week.
o2. What four states in the USA would you most like to visit? Which four countries would you most like to visit? States: Illinois, Louisiana, New York, Utah. Countries: Malta, Switzerland, Thailand, South Korea.
o3. If you have one, how often do you watch your favorite television show? How long has this show been your favorite? I’m not a big TV person, tbh. The closest thing to my favorite would be Friends, which I rewatch at least one episode of once a month though I used to watch it FAR more often than that, hahaha. I think I first hooked to it...I wanna say 2018?Or 2019. Sometime in between those years. o4. Would it bother you if your boyfriend hugged other females (think hypothetically if you don’t have one)? Why or why not? No. He’s allowed to have girl friends. The only reason it bothered me when it was Gabie was because we were both aware that her guy friends were genuinely into her. I never channeled my annoyance towards her though; I was definitely more pissed off at those guys for not learning how to back off when needed.
o5. If you had snow-days as a kid, how did you spend them? Do you like the snow, in general? We don’t have snow, but our equivalent would be days off school because of a typhoon. Anyway, I just spent them lounging around and mostly watching stuff on YouTube. In college I was a bit more diligent and would use the extra time to catch up on readings.
o6. Do you know anyone who does hard drugs? Would you ever befriend someone that did? Not that I am aware of. I probably wouldn’t befriend someone who did if we weren’t already close, because there’s no telling what kind of influence they would be on me.
o7. When was the last time that you were afraid for your life? Did this incident change you in any way? When I was really sick back in May. Not really, I just wanted to recover as quickly as possible.
o8. Do you enjoy taking pictures? Is it just for fun, or do you make an attempt at actual photography? I didn’t then, but it’s something I’m trying to do more often now. I’ve realized I have very few souvenirs from the last few years because I barely took photos then, so it sucks not being able to revisit memories and ending up forgetting others completely. I definitely don’t plan to take it so far as taking photography lessons; taking pictures from my own perspective and in my own style suffices.
o9. Have you ever had low self-esteem? How is your self-esteem now? Yeah, sure. I had a recent phase of it because of the breakup, but I’ve recovered from it. My self-esteem is a lot healthier and more stable these days.
o1o. When you see someone sickly-thin, what is your first thought? Nothing for the most part, but I would obviously be concerned if that person was starting to show worrying signs of malnutrition. Idrk what you mean by sickly-thin.
o11. Do hospitals make you nervous? Why or why not? Do you have any bad hospital experiences? Not really, only because I’ve rarely had to go there.
o12. What did you dress up as the last time you went Trick-or-Treating? Who went with you? I went as Sofie, my old best friend from high school.
o13. What is one thing you miss most from your childhood? What do you miss the least? The part about having less responsibilities and more time to just have fun and do whatever I want. But I didn’t really have a picture-perfect childhood either, so my list of things I don’t miss for sure trumps the list of stuff I do miss.
o14. What would be the biggest challenge involved in raising a child at your age? How to send them to a good school because I don’t make nearly enough to afford tuition for another person.
o15. If you happened to get pregnant before you were ready for children, how would you cope? Do you think your parents would support you and help you out? I don’t know, honestly; and the thought kind of scares me. I know my parents wouldn’t provide support whatsoever, so I’d have to claw my way to find it from other people who would be willing. I’d probably need to take an extra job to earn enough money to support us both.
o16. Have you ever had unprotected sex? What would you tell a young teen thinking about having unprotected sex? Yeah, but I was also with a girl, so...idk. I don’t have a lot of sexual experience either so I dunno what sort of advice to tell a teen other than ‘don’t do it,’ lmao.
o17. What are some gender double-standards anger you? All of them. < Yes.
o18. Other than the usual qualities (honesty, respect, etc), what are some attributes you want your BF/GF to possess? Patience in the sense that I tend to be sensitive, so if they crack a joke that I ended up getting hurt or offended by, or if I get triggered by something minor that would otherwise be normal for anyone else, I hope they are patient enough to ride the wave out with me. I didn’t experience that with my past partner, and was often told to just stop being sensitive.
o19. Do you still talk to the first person you ever dated? If not, would you want to? Why or why not? No, because doing so is detrimental to my well-being.
o2o. Five years ago, what was the most important thing in your life? How about the most important person? My relationship, barf. Gabie, another barf.
21. How would you describe your sexuality? Have you ever wondered whether or not you might be homo/bisexual? I’ve stopped caring about it. I say asexual to people just so I have an answer to say.
o22. Do you think that homosexual couples should be able to raise or adopt children? Why or why not? Yeah...because I don’t see why they can’t be granted that right?
o23. Think of your worst fear. What would you do if you were confronted with it right now? Hyperventilate.
o24. If you were to become a vegetarian, what meat-product would you miss the most? Have you ever been or wanted to be a vegetarian? Chicken wings or sandwiches. I’ve thought about it before, yes. It’s too expensive a lifestyle where I live, though.
o25. Do you think that someone’s sexuality is something that they can control? No.
o26. What do you like most about your favorite animal? They’re very friendly and always down to play. :)
o27. What is your favorite way to eat your favorite food? How often do you eat your favorite food item? Eating burgers by hand is always the best. I have one maybe once a month.
o28. What is something you are craving? Will this craving be satisfied? KFC’S DOUBLE DOWN. I’ll get one next week, when I get my next pay lol. The rest of my budget this week is already allotted for my mom’s birthday/JK’s belated birthday dinner tomorrow.
o29. What is the largest number of texts you have sent in a day? Do you often text this much? Ooooh, I dunno. Maybe around 200-300 in a day? My ex and I primarily communicated through text whenever we weren’t physically together, which was often as we were both students in different schools.
o3o. Do you like the holiday season? Why or why not? What could be better about it? Some parts of it I like, some parts of it I don’t. The latter mostly stems from insecurities I will feel from seeing other families on social media, who always seem to be having a better and fancier time than I am. It’s why I usually deactivate during Christmas so I don’t get to see posts that can affect my disposition.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
so apparently my brain will not let me rest until I figure out the Prue/Roger dynamic, so: Prue's right out of college when she gets hired at the museum and she gets partnered with a senior curator, Roger. Roger flatters Prue first professionally, then personally, and when Prue is hesitant because he's married, he spins some line about how his marriage is over in everything but name. Prue, young and only having one real relationship before, falls for his charm and they start sneaking around 1/?
at the office. at some point Roger does divorce his wife, he and Prue are together publicly, and then he proposes. somewhere in there, he makes a move on Phoebe, who rejects him. Phoebe immediately goes to Prue, but Roger insists that she's lying, "Prue, don't you think I love you, I left my wife for you." Prue, habituated by years of this kind of emotional manipulation, chooses Roger over Phoebe. This pretty much destroys her relationship with her sister. Prue and Roger continue plans for the wedding until Grams dies, at which point Roger calls off the wedding because he didn't sign up to be anyone else's emotional support. Prue, spends her days angry at Roger, Grams, and Phoebe for abandoning her, and spends her nights secretly wondering if there was anything she could have done to keep any of them with her.   
hmm an inch resting yarn you have spun here but i’m gonna offer you another one: pure was popular in high school she was like really fuckin cool and she could very easily have been any man of her choosing. there was no settling for her, she was prue motherfuckin halliwell. so she went for what her heart always wanted and dated her childhood sweetheart andy trudeau. and like,, they were the It Couple in their heyday and it was definitely that passion head first our love will never die dramatic but also just kinda silly love. and that sorta sets the bar. then she’s off to college presumably at this point still trying to pursue a career in photography and she’s like having fun she hangs out with the artists and free spirits and people who were misfits in high school and draws them in with her undeniable queen bee energy but like. she knows her stuff. she doesn’t get by on looks and popularity, she’s really good at what she does. so now we bring in college boyfriend no. 1 who cupid name checked as alan, and we’ll say this really is a relationship of two artists and they’re both amazed by each other’s work and the soul and heart and spirit in it and in them it’s definitely the most pretentious of prue’s relationships but it’s like the kind where they “break into” the local art gallery after hours (alan works there and has a key, so it’s not like it took a lot of masterminding) and like slide around polished hardwood floors until they fall down laughing that type of vibe. but now we’re encroaching on prue’s blue period. for starters, piper’s get ready to y’know apply for college this that and the other and like grams is all concerned about how much college costs blah blah blah with paying for both prue and piper and the same time yada yada yada and prue sorta realizes how sorta tight the money situation is what with the cost of education and the house and this that and the other and she’s starting to realize that this photography career is Not the move bc like this house needs a breadwinner if they want to keep it blah blah blah so life already blows when she has to go pick up phoebe from a party which she’s not like happy about but like you know at least phoebe isn’t drunk driving maybe this is a chance for them to bond as sisters for prue to impart some wisdom on her chaotic younger sister but no of course not of course they have to get in a huge argument and prue doesn’t hit the breaks in time and the car gets totalled and phoebe lands in the hospital and like now prue’s sorta spiralling and she like wants to quit photography and she feels horrible about everything and alan who is again i must harp on pretty pretentious is like no u can’t quit ur family doesn’t understand you it’s not about the money it’s about the art use this pain to make something amazing to which like sorry king,,, but it is about the money. the manor has been in the family for decades and prue can’t lose it. and with piper’s college, phoebe’s hospital bills, and grams’s failing health... it’s 100% about the money dude. and fuck turning your pain into art fuck glorifying suffering and fuck you. so now prue’s p cut off she’s pretty isolated she’s all down in the dumps blah blah blah she changed majors to whatever major it was she needed for like museum jobs bc at least this way she can make bank but she’ll still hold a piece of art close to her and she like drowns herself in her work like she’s not just gonna be this major (art history?) she’s gonna be the fuckin best she’s gonna be the top of her class blah blah blah yada yada yada. but y’know flash forward an amount of time and her roommate’s like hey babe. i get like life’s shit i get u got to be the very best like no one ever was but like. you have not left the apartment in four months. you haven’t smiled in probably twice as long so like. idk do something?? that makes you happy maybe???? and prue’s just like :/ bc what made her happy was like photography but now she has very mixed emotions around that and her roommate’s like what did you do for fun in high school like what did you do after school and prue’s like idk cheerleading practice and her roommate’s like word well then go to cheerleading tryouts time skip we really see prue return to all her old glory and climb up the lil cheerleading ladder blah blah blah and in this renaissance of hers she also scores a new love interest who’s basically the opposite of alan enter tom peters the star wide receiver. and i think this relationship for prue was really just like fun it was tipping her toes back into the water it was learning to smile again it was just like a good time fun simple no concerns about the future just like vibing right then and there and then that ended just sorta naturally and they both graduated and it’s time for prue to leap into the professional world and she’s never left california so when she gets a job offer in london she jumps at the chance blah blah blah she’s working she’s having fun she’s defining herself enter eric from london who i’ll say is like a Business Man he’s like a this that or the other idk maybe a museum investor like the young son who just took over his dad’s business that sorta vibe and like eyes meet breath catches there was just this click but it like took them months to get together it was just this dance this game of cat and mouse until prue finally like took the bull by the horns and just like went for it and i think that would be her like most “adult” relationship like dates were going out to fancy dinners not breaking and entering or picnics on the empty football field these were like two professional adults like dating but you know they hit a year and then some and we’ll say like prue is maybe like 24 25 and this guy’s maybe 29 or whatever and they’ve attended friend’s weddings bs they’ve hit that era where everyone’s getting married and suddenly this cloud’s hanging in the air like baby are you my forever girl like is this it fifty years from now to i still come home to you put you know what let’s push that to the back of our minds but now eric’s like 30 and his family’s like dawg,,,, r u gonna be like a spinster or something are you gonna put a ring on it or not and prue (after many many international phone calls to piper) has decided yes she’d do it she’d stay her and be with this man she loves and eric decides prue’s just not the girl for her. so uh. ouch. blah blah blah prue’s had her fun in the uk but it’s like time to return home piper’s just graduates college or whatever and found a job in the city if prue follows suit they could room together which is when she gets the job at the museum where roger works at. and blah blah blah prue’s like amazing as always and of course she catches roger’s attention bc how could she not and he’s constantly pursuing her and prue keeps turning him down at first bc she’s not really interested and then like he’s her boss and then like it becomes a sort of game but now all her friends from high school are getting married and marcia from homeroom has a baby look and the lil pumpkin on her christmas card and fuck what am i doing so you know what yes roger i’ll be your date to the new years party and here’s the thing roger knows prue is really impressive like she’s amazing at her job and she’s a total babe like he shows her off all the time and prue’s like you know receiving this really high praise and you know roger also has cash to spare so it’s like it’s not bad and she doesn’t well love him but he clearly loves her so she can be satisfied and you know her high school reunion is this year and if there’s one thing she would love it would be to write (nee halliwell) on her nametag, to show she got the job, she got the guy, and she’s living pretty in pac heights. so when roger proposes, she says yes. and piper’s happy for her and phoebe thinks roger’s a sleaze and grams is lukewarm but what does grams know about a long lasting marriage and what does phoebe know about anything so blah blah blah she goes to that high school reunion with a big ol rock on her finger and this that and the other and like to be perfectly frank coming home to roger is not like the highlight of her day there’s not this comforting glow when she falls asleep next to him but it’s like. she’s committed. she’s gonna see this through. besides, they’re already working on the guest list and venue and everything like she’s in it now there’s no turning back now and it’s fine like roger’s fine he’s perfectly palatable and she’s encroaching on 30 so. well whatever prue and roger host an easter party and it’s so cute she’s in a darling floral dress dazzling roger’s stuck up parents and eating finger sandwiches when she hears voices coming from the bedroom and is like gonna pretend to ignore it when she catches piper’s eye and piper has that uncomfortable look on her face and she realizes she can’t find phoebe anywhere and Where Is Roger and she busts in on the two of them looking disheveled and phoebe’s like prue- and prue’s like i don’t want to hear it and roger’s like baby- and prue’s like not now and she turns to phoebe like i think it’s best you go and she looks at roger like we’ll talk about this later your parents are wondering where you are so piper drives phoebe home and phoebe’s telling her about how she went to confront roger on being a whore and also like a spineless sleazebag and she was gonna tell prue when he totally started hitting on her and trying to kiss her and then prue broke in and piper’s like uh huh uh huh bc like. she doesn’t like roger all that much. and she agrees with phoebe. but still this thought sorta lingers at the back of her mind like could phoebe have done something? purely to get back at prue? no she wouldn’t. probably. meanwhile roger’s like your sister was totally hitting on me blah blah blah and prue’s like we can talk about it later right now we’re hosting a very nice party and i’m not going to have you ruin in and roger’s like see that’s what i love about you and prue’s like yeah cool and now whenever she comes home to roger she’s just like 🙄 and she’s like complaining to piper about how like she like doesn’t really want to marry him but it’s like too late now the venue’s booked and the save-the-dates have been sent out and piper’s like it’s not too late until you say i do. do you really want to be married to that sleazebag? and prue’s like :| and piper’s like you can call off the wedding and prue’s like :| and piper’s like i’m just saying and prue’s like does he remind you of dad? and piper’s like what? and prue’s like i think roger’s just like victor. i think i’m about to make the same mistake mom made. god, i always wondered how she could have married such a douchebag and here i am about to do the exact same thing! and piper’s not really commenting bc she doesn’t really remember dad but what she does say is you haven’t made that mistake yet so prue’s like you’re right. and that night she calls of the engagement.
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Those Four Words
Here we go, my first fic, excuse my terrible English and my terrible writing.
Cyrus Goodman is the typical nerdy boy who loves writing short novels, fanfics, poems, etc, his inspiration is the complicated relationships of his friends, Andi Mack, and Buffy Driscoll. Cyrus loves writing but also he loves photography, he has a long collection of photos of the people he finds interesting, beautiful, intelligent and sometimes he takes pictures of guys with potential to be his crush, that never ends well. At some point being eighteen and never had a boyfriend before it's something that is always hunting his mind, just because of the fact that his friends already had more than two relationships and he just had one, with one girl before realized that he was gay, and he was thirteen, makes him feel a little uncomfortable.
By another part, TJ Kippen is a popular sporty boy who is one of the most history enthusiasts in the whole Shady Side, he is also a fan of doing sketches of everything, a dog, a tree, a bird or a person. As a sporty popular guy, he is always invited to a bunch of parties, he goes to basketball games with his best friend Amber, just a typical nineteen-year-old.
Things turn different after Tj decides to start reading the fanfic that has everyone excited, after loving every chapter of it he decides to send an anonymous ask to the writer via Tumblr. 
-Chapter one-
Cyrus POV
I'm on my way to Buffy's work, we are going to eat together and see Andi in The Spoon, I'm walking fast and hoping to get a connection to any wifi, I need to update my fanfic, I'm a day late and I'm really proud of this chapter, I have too many readers and they are so sweet with the comments. Anyways, I keep walking until I get to see Buffy with some people, customers, I assume, we both smile when we see each other. Buffy starts to talk about Marty, something I don't hear because I'm too busy in my mind, I was happy in my mind, I was looking for some ideas to add to the next chapter but something starts feeling like a storm. It was Buffy.
"Hey, Cyrus!" she yells "I'm talking to you, what happens?"
"Uhm what? Uhm nothing, nothing, I was uhm, nothing"
Someone touches my shoulder, it's Andi, who has a really big smile.
"Hey, guys!" she sings, it's pretty weird when she sings, so something important happened.
"What happened?" Buffy took the words from my mouth, that was exactly what I was going to say.
"What? Why you say that?"
" Uhm because you sang, you never do that" I give her that questioning look. She knows very well what look.
"I'm just happy" she smiles "Is that a crime?"
"No, of course not," says Buffy while she walks directly on The Spoon.
We go to our table, yeah, we have a table, The Spoon is our place. Andi and Buffy are talking about boys, but not about boys they find attractive, like new crushes for them, they talk about boys they find attractive for me. I just smile at them and check my phone, my mom sent me a couple of messages. Since I came out she was trying to be a cool mom, always asking me if there were any new guys. I just have one word for that: awkward.
It's not a secret that I'm gay but it gets pretty annoying when everybody starts looking me a boyfriend. Andi is always saying things about some of Walker's friends, she's like a younger version of my mother. Nothing good.
We don't stay too much time in The Spoon, we have more plans, so we just eat the baby taters and drink the milkshakes fast, what can I say? We just have fun. We leave the place and start walking, feeling the fresh air, the sun and hear the birds, there's nothing more magical, except for winter of course.
"So, Cyrus what plans you have for Friday night?" Says Buffy while we stop to see some craft stuff for Andi.
"Actually nothing" Yeah nothing, I'm just going to spend all weekend writing and taking pictures you know the usual.
"Wanna go to a party?"
"A party? What party?"
"Marty is throwing a party, I thought Buffy told you," says Andi before walking to another table with even more craft stuff. I swear this girl loves more crafts than she loves herself or puppies.
"That's what I was telling you and you ignored me"
"I didn't ignored you, I was just thinking"
"In a guy?"
"What? No!"
"Cyrus if there's a guy you can tell us" Andi touches my hair.
"Girls I'm serious, there is no one, ok? NO ONE"
"If you say so,"
"Uhm, about the party" Buffy changes the topic fast, she's always like that. I'm sure they have a plan or something, it's just the way they are acting. "You're coming, right?"
"Yeah I'll go"
A Friday night party at Marty's house, yeah I was totally in for that, I mean, he's cool and he's Buffy's something, no one knows if they're a couple or not.
We're on our way to the cinema, there's Grease playing, just one of my favorite movies ever, the T-Birds are always something great to see, you know what I'm saying. Do you ever feel that satisfaction of hearing Danny Zuko sing?, 'Greased Lighting' and 'You're The One That I Want' are everything I live for, but Kenickie it's pretty amazing too, like dude why don't you sing more?.
We actually had so much fun. And I totally forgot about update my fanfic, how that happened?
Andi and Buffy are talking about the party, about what to wear, who's coming and all those things, useless things if you asked me.
"Cyrus" Andi grabs my phone "What are you doing?" she checks my phone. OH.MY.GOD.MY.TUMBLR.
Amber is talking with Lester, Reed and some other guys that I never have seen in my life, everyone is talking about a huge party on Friday. I started reading a really cool fanfic that Lester recommend me a few weeks ago, we are big fans of that fanfic and actually, I think the writer it's so talented. I was reading the newest chapter, or well the last week's chapter, it was supposed to be updated today. Sometimes I think to send some messages to the writer, maybe I can do it someday.
"What are you reading Teej?" I feel how Amber puts her head in my shoulder.
"Uhm nothing, I was just searching something" THE.FANFIC.JESUS.
"You're not searching video games, right?"
"No Amber"
"Well, you're coming to the party with me and the guys, right?
"Maybe I could stay at home listening to Lauren Jauregui"
"Are you serious? Listen to 'Expectations' all night?"
"Ok Amber, I love that song"
"Well, you could listen to my future wife or..."
"Or go to the party with you and the guys"
"It's your decision"
"I'll go"
"It's going to be fun, I promise"
Amber starts walking and I follow her, Lester and Reed are a few meters ahead, we're on our way to eat some ice cream, maybe we forgot where my car was, If I'm honest that happens a lot.
We just keep walking, and talking, Reed is trying to tell jokes but god he's so bad at it, we just laugh for not making him feel bad. Lester starts to talk about how much he loves ice cream and being with us, we're a typical group of four friends who most of the time don't know what are they doing.
Reed is hugging Amber and Lester is playing with her hair, tomorrow is her birthday so she's getting a lot of attention right now, that's what she deserves. What I'm doing? Well, I'm reading the fanfic, that amazing fanfic.
"TJ Kippen for the love of God, can you block your phone for at least two minutes?" says Reed right to my face, it's like he was about to kiss me. DUDE.JUST.STAY.AWAY.FROM.ME.
"First of all Reed, go away from my face, and in the second place it's all Lester's fault"
"Now is my fault? What?"
"Yeah you send me this, and now I'm kind of obsessed"
"Man please" Lester is starting to laugh "What happens? Do you love the writer or the story? Do you want to kiss the writer or something like that?"
"Don't be ridiculous" I roll my eyes. Well, maybe. Finally, I'm in my room, making all these stories about meeting this writer, I can't believe what I'm about to do, I'm just going to send the writer an anonymous ask, is that a great idea?
Cyrus POV
We're at Buffy's house for a sleepover, yeah, we still do that.
I finally update my fanfic and, surprise!, I have an ask on my Tumblr, yeah that's not as usual as I want but I'm happy every time I see some of those bad guys.
'Hey! I just wanted to say that I'm loving every chapter, and I recently started to read your poems and GOD THEY'RE SO GOOD, sorry for yelling, is it weird if I say that I might have a little crush on you? Love, Your secret admirer'
What does that mean? Someone has a crush on me, well, a little crush on me, but that's still a crush, I hope that it's not a girl. But that's not what I need to be thinking right now, I mean, what I'm going to answer?. This person is waiting for an answer, and I don't have any idea of what I'm going to say, how many times someone just writes something like that? Expressing feelings, well, this person didn't express a lot of feelings in the ask, but it's still a kind of confession. OH.GOD.THIS.IS.SO.DIFFICULT.
I see Buffy and Andi eating some cookies and laughing, they look so cute and happy, they are talking about some funny things that happened to Walker yesterday. The point here is that Andi likes him, they're really similar, how two people can be like them? I mean Andi is so artsy and Walker too, but If I'm honest crafts are not my thing.
Now about my 'secret admirer', what I'm going to answer?. I have some ideas.
"Cyrus, are you going to eat with us? You're just looking"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, I was just listening to all those things Walker did" I laugh and smile at them.
"He's so uhm..."
"Stupid sometimes," says Buffy
We all laugh, having them in my life it's so good, it always feels like even if they don't know what's happening, they give me the answer.
I already sent the ask, and I feel like a truck is follow my steps, my heart is beating so fast, calm down TJ, act cool, I don't even know the name of this person and I already have a crush on this person? Maybe the writer is scared? I mean how many times someone anonymous sends you an ask telling you that they might have a little crush on you? Poor guy, he must be scared, well if he is a guy, maybe is a girl, which it's not that great, everyone, for everyone I mean my friends, knows that I'm gay. How many possibilities are that the writer is a guy? Something inside me says 'TJ the writer is a guy', you know like a gay radar or instinct.
I check my phone, again, nothing, I just have some messages of Reed asking me if I know where is Marty's house. Marty is known for throwing the best parties, all the people I know call him 'Marty from the party' or 'Mr. The Party', I don't know if they actually like calling him like that or if no one knows his last name. He is a nice person, he's the 'something' of a girl I know, I actually don't know her name but everyone knows her, she's always doing funny stuff with her friends and Marty at the parties, while my group of friends is just the 'popular group' at the parties, everyone talks to us, dance with us, everyone knows us. But Marty is the coolest person we know, and he's so nice, and no, I don't like him in that way.
What I was talking before? Oh yeah, I still have no answer and I feel a little disappointed but I'm not losing hope.
I block my phone and close my eyes while Lauren Jauregui, Amber's future wife, sings in my earphones, just the kind of night I was expecting to have, did I mention that I love 'Expectations' so much?. I was about to fall in sleep but my music stops, Reed is calling me.
"What happened?"
"Dude you didn't reply to my message"
"I was going to reply"
"Why I don't believe you TJ?"
"Reed ask Amber about Marty's house" I sit in my bed "Actually I don't know why you ask if Marty is our kind of friend"
"It's for a girl who wants to go to the party, you know that I'm pretty bad with directions"
"You win, I'm gonna send you the stupid direction, now let me hear something beautiful and not your voice"
I hang up the phone and send the direction to Reed, I check again my Tumblr and... still nothing.
Cyrus POV
"Well, Cyrus, now your turn, truth or dare?"
"I don't want to play that"
"Cyrus please!" says Andi while she was laying on the floor.
"Have you went on any dates recently?" asks Buffy with a suspicious smile.
"You have to be kidding, of course not, I don't know too many guys"
"Awful," says Andi, she's drinking water now.
"Yeah I think so"
"Ok I can't with this anymore" Andi stands up. "Cyrus, we have options for you" she smiles.
"No, no, no, no, I already had this conversation with my two moms, I don't want any dates ok? At least not in that way"
They both don't touch the topic again. I lay in the floor thinking what to answer to this person. Andi is making some craft stuff for us, Buffy is reading a sports magazine and I'm writing on my phone, yeah I finally know what to answer, but I don't know if it's right.
We have our good hair crew t-shirts, we're listening to music and dancing, they love to dance by another part I'm not the biggest fan of dancing. Once I was in a dance class, It was a nightmare, and it was painful, very painful. I still hear the voice of the teacher 'Come on Cyrus!' 'You can Cyrus!' 'Not in that direction Cyrus!' 'Cyrus!' 'Cyrus!' 'Cyrus!'.
Oh, wait the last part was actually Andi and Buffy.
"What? What? What? What happened?"
Now I get it, I was sleeping.
"What time is it?" I ask, my eyes are still closed.
"Three a.m." whispers Andi.
"What the..." I open my eyes "Are you two crazy?"
"We heard something" Buffy whispers this time.
"And?" I close my eyes again.
"Come on let's go to investigate"
"Uhm I don't think so" I open my eyes again. "Maybe it's your mom, Buffy"
"Yeah, because my mom loves to make noises at three a.m."
"I can't believe what you girls make me do at three a.m." I stand up and grab my phone, Buffy and Andi are behind me holding hands, we're walking downstairs and there's again a noise, I wish I could say that I'm not scared but man scared is a really short word. We keep walking until Andi mentions that we should go back and pretend to be sleeping, Buffy tells her that we are already here and that we are not cowards, I just stay in silent, Andi and I share worried looks but keep walking, Buffy takes the lead now, nothing new she's the bravest person I know, now I'm holding Andi's hand, we're following Buffy and she has that determined look. We're finally close to the noise, but for our luck, it's just a cat.
"A cat? Are you serious?" says Buffy putting her hands in her face.
"I told you that we should go back" Andi sits in the grass.
"Maybe it's missing" I hold the cat.
"Look, here says who's the owner of the cat" Andi grabs something from the grass. "Who's TJ Kippen? Is a neighbor of yours Buffy?"
"I actually don't know, what's the name's of the cat?"
"Who names their cat 'Simon'?" I say confused.
"TJ Kippen"
"What we do now? Is there a phone number or direction?" asks Buffy.
"Uhm no"
"Well, tomorrow we ask your mom Buffy, now we need to sleep seriously," I start walking with the cat in my arms, we walk upstairs on our way to Buffy's room, and in less than two minutes I'm sleeping again. I'm so grateful for that.
It's six a.m., and my mom wakes me up to tell me that Simon is not in the house, that cat can be cute and all you want but damn, it can just disappear for days and come back like it was just five minutes. My mom starts to ask the neighbors if they saw our cat, I get in my car and drive just some blocks ahead to ask someone about Simon if there's someone out at six a.m., I see a couple, I get out of my car and walk directly to them.
"Hey!" I wave my hands "Hey, good morning"
"Good morning young man," says the woman, her husband just smiles.
"I was just passing by, wondering if you have seen my cat"
"A cat? Maybe that was the noise last night my dear" he touches the shoulder of his wife.
"Maybe it was"
"It was here? I seriously need Simon to be back"
"Simon?" she asks.
"Yeah, that's my cat's name"
Three persons interrupt us, two girls and a guy, wait a minute I know one of the girls, she's the something of Marty.
"Mom we need to talk"
"Buffy I'm in the middle of something right now"
Well, now she has a name, hello Buffy.
"It's important, last night..."
"Actually it was three a.m.," says the girl with short hair.
"Yeah, thanks Andi" she dedicates her a look. Also, hello Andi. "The point is that a cat was in the backyard and..."
"A cat! How wonderful!" says Buffy's mom. "Maybe is your cat"
"I hope so" I smile at her. "Where's the cat?" I say to Buffy this time.
"Cyrus!" she says to the guy next to Andi. Hello Cyrus, nice name. "Go get the cat"
Cyrus leaves and returns with the cat, and yes, that's my cat, that's Simon.
"Thank you so much, my mom was really worried" I smile at Cyrus when he gives me Simon, he smiles me back, everyone looks happy that Simon is with me, but I think that they're happy because they don't have to take care of my cat.
I walk right to my car with Simon in my arms, we both get in the car, now I'm in my way back to my house, my mom screams of happiness when she sees Simon with me, I left them in the living room, I walk to my room and sit in my bed, I check my phone, I have a couple messages of my friends, I check my Tumblr and... finally what I was waiting for, the writer answered my anonymous ask.
'Thank you anon, I don't know if is that normal but it's ok, at least someone likes me! Love, Bylerspotter.'
Should I send another ask? I don't know, the only thing that I'm pretty sure is that I'm the happiest right now.
Cyrus POV
We are having breakfast, Buffy's mom is telling us that we made a huge mistake when we went to see what the noise was, we just stay quiet, we don't have too much to say. We leave to Buffy's room, Andi takes a polaroid from where I slept.
"Cyrus are you serious?"
"What?" I say confused. I pass a lot of the time confused.
"You took a picture of the cat?" Andi makes that expression. I called it 'The Andi Mack expression'.
"Wait, what?" says Buffy trying not to laugh.
"It was a cute cat" I raise my eyebrows "You know that I love taking pictures, I have a collection!"
Andi and Buffy laugh, we start playing truth or dare again, I seriously don't understand these two. Andi chooses dare and now she's going to call Marty just to tell him something 'funny' because Buffy doesn't see the funny in it, I don't know if Andi is happy or scared but now Buffy has a date with Marty on Saturday, who goes on a date the day after a party? All I can imagine is Buffy and Marty looking like crap. Oh no Cyrus don't laugh, it's a dangerous moment. Buffy follows Andi, who is running like her life depend on it and actually, her life depends on it because Buffy keeps yelling "I'm gonna kill you, Andi Mack". Buffy and Andi end talking about the date with Marty, they make a cute couple, they're both attractive, yeah I just say that Marty is attractive but I don't like him in that way. Andi gives us the stuff she was making for us last night, I hug her, she's the cutest, she's always making us beautiful things and all I do is use their relationships to write fanfics, oh my god I'm a terrible friend or am I not? I actually write some cute stuff, a lot of cute stuff, I made their relationships more cute with my writing, and if I'm honest I don't have a lot of readers, so, I'm a good friend right?.
Buffy starts talking about Marty and Andi about Walker, I'm just listening to them, I don't have anyone to talk about, and my recent 'secret admirer' it's not an option. For one hour I have to listen about how cool, funny and amazing is Marty and his hair, thanks Buffy, by another part I have to listen for the same hour about how kind, friendly and beautiful is Walker and his art. When they finally stop I check my Tumblr to see what's new, I have another ask, yes, it's from my 'secret admirer’.
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hexblooded · 6 years
Can you do a ultimate ship meme with Tammy and Nineball* please ? 😊🌸🌼
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - When they decide to commit is on the long run, so a pretty long time,
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It takes a while, they’re both really guarded, but they grow really close and, well, it’s been inevitable since the start and absolutely no one is surprised.
How was their first kiss? - Movie worthy. They were arguing about something and Nine Ball just kissed Tammy to shut her up. Everyone cheered on the background.
Who proposed? - Nine Ball, definitely.
Who is the best man/men? - 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -
Who did the most planning? - Constance had to get ordained on the internet and they ordered a cake, but that’s about it. Nine Ball didn’t care as long as they got married at the end of the day and Tammy had done the whole shabangle before and wasn’t looking for a repeat.
Who stressed the most? -
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Tammy’s ex, ‘cause that would be just awkward.
Who is on top? - They switch.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Tammy most of the time. She loves walking around naked, especially if Nine Ball is looking way to focused on her computer.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Tammy always lasts longer, but then again, Nine Ball loves to take her time.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - They don’t keep exact count, but sure.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. (Tammy is suuuuper snuggly, Nine Ball doesn’t mind at all.)
How many children will they have naturally? - Tammy has two (Charlie [Charlotte] and Andy [Andrew]) with her ex, and Nine Ball never really thought about having one of her own (even though she’s practically raised Veronica by herself).
How many children will they adopt? - None
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Tammy, but it’s only because her kids are already older when they get together, otherwise they’d share.
Who is the stricter parent? - Tammy on a daily basis with chores and stuff but Nine Ball when it comes to grounding them.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Nine Ball cooks the night before and Tammy packs in the morning.
Who is the more loved parent? - Charlie is Tammy’s kid through and through, Andy ended up more attached to Nine Ball.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Both. Tammy is just used to going and Nine Ball just loves the horror on the soccer mom’s faces when they meet her.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Secretly, Nine Ball.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Nine Ball hacks the police system and they don’t actually have to post bail.
Who does the most cooking? - Tammy does sometimes but Nine Ball just loves to experiment.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both, and they actually love taking the kids to the supermarket.
How often do they bake desserts? - Whenever they can, but they hide the sweets from the children because they’re only allowed on weekends.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - They’re not really picky.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Tammy.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Nine Ball, she loves seeing Tammy all dressed up. And of course she likes undressing her afterwards.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Neither, they’re very responsble.
Who cleans the room? - Tammy is just used to it, so she kinda does it on automatic.
Who is really against chores? - Nine Ball, she and Veronica never really had them and Veronica turned up just fine, so she doesn’t believe in the chore whell stuff.
Who cleans up after the pets? - They make the kids do it (their pet, their responsability)
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Neither.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Tammy used to, she was used to have to look and act like the perfect suburban white picket fence housewife, but now she’s more relaxed.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Nine Ball finds money all the time, it’s kind of a special power.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Tammy loves to soak and take her time, when she decides to take a bath she’ll only come out with wrinkled fingers and after the water’s turned cold.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Nine Ball, she loves to take walks (and photography is a hidden pleasure of hers, so she uses walking the dog as an excuse to take pictures, Tammy isn’t fooled at all.)
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Always, and is actually Nine Ball who insists on it, growing up she and Veronica would always find ways to decorate and celebrate, so she doesn’t want to lose that tradition.)
What are their goals for the relationship? - Just take stuff one day at a time.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Neither, they’re both early birds and breakfast is their favourite meal.
Who plays the most pranks? - Nine Ball is always finding ways to prank Tammy, but nothing serious, and Tammy pretends to be annoyed but she finds it super endearing.
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/2X2fPxL #
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Medicine often serves as a pathway to matters of the heart in Doogie Kameāloha, M.D., which premieres on Disney+ September 8. If the new show sounds familiar, that’s because it’s a reboot of the iconic Doogie Howser from the late 80s. Peyton Elizabeth Lee (Andi Mack) stars as Lahela “Doogie” Kameāloha, a wunderkind who must juggle her life as a doctor with her personal life as a teenage girl.
Thankfully she’s got a loving family to help her through it, although that doesn’t come without its own baggage. Her father Benny (Jason Scott Lee, Mulan) is a Hawaiian native who is beloved by the whole town, and he firmly believes in positive vibes even when he worries too much about his little girl. Meanwhile, her mother Claire (Kathleen Rose Perkins, I Am Not Okay With This) is Irish Catholic and still adjusting to life outside Pennsylvania – and to the fact that her daughter is also her employee at the hospital.
Related: Peyton Elizabeth Lee Interview: Doogie Kamealoha, M.D.
Lee and Perkins spoke to Screen Rant about how each of their characters approaches their parenting duties and how the series explores the family bonds at the heart of the story.
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Screen Rant: Kathleen, I think the mix of cultures in the show is really interesting. What is your take on Dr. Hannon coming in as almost the outsider here? She’s the one that came to Hawaii, and now she’s raising her kids and working here.
Kathleen Rose Perkins: Yeah, I think she had to have a good sense of humor. She’s got some really strange stuff from her background, as we all do. Pennsylvania has this whole scrapple thing, and it’s the same thing as spam for Hawaii.
But we have to be able to kid each other and tease each other in love, obviously, with much respect – and I think that was a really easy way in when she married Benny. Benny is much loved throughout the entire island, and she kind of rides on his coattails and learns from him on how to be a proper Hawaiian. But she never forgets that she is a transplant, obviously – and what a wonderful place to be a transplant in.
Benny, on the other hand, seems so carefree and ready to give love all the time. How does that translate not only to his marriage but also to his parenting style?
Jason Scott Lee: I think that the kids kind of follow suit. You sort of lead by example, rather than by word. I think that’s Benny’s take: if you’re gonna raise kids with a good attitude or a positive sense of being, it’s good to get into positive things.
I think that’s such a great plus, to be able to show that, as well as supporting that emotion in the family, always having that perspective and putting things in perspective and – and actually having the natural elements around to be able to do that. In other places, maybe it’d be a hike in the woods or something or a walk by the creek. But here, we have the Pacific Ocean, and you have these beautiful mountains and green and temperate climates. So, you can do it just about any time of year.
I love that there is a complicated mix of emotions, of good moments and bad moments, with the kids – Lahela especially. Kathleen, can you talk about the clash of working together, but also obviously loving each other?
Kathleen Rose Perkins: Well, that’s the thing. You’re constantly juggling, “What hat am I wearing? Am I being your daughter? Am I being your mother? Am I being your boss? Am I being your colleague?” It’s very confusing, and it definitely keeps both of them on their toes. But I think they’re the type of people who thrive on the hardness of life, or the difficulty, and they just want to fix it. They’re fixers, and they’re doers.
I loved working with Peyton, and I love the relationship that the writers built for these two women because it’s a really complicated one. They’re not just mother-daughter, they’re also colleagues, which is just really special and hard and intricate and complicated. And I loved every minute of playing it because Peyton’s amazing to work with – but also, they wrote this really beautiful relationship between two women that I really loved playing.
The other thing that I love is that we were always a unified front, me and Benny. And there were many times where our children – even though we were teaching them, they taught us a lot of lessons. Throughout the course of the 10 episodes, there were moments where both of our sons and our daughter came to us and were like, “Come on, Mom. Come on, Dad. You’re better than this.”
More: 12 Best Medical Dramas Airing Right Now
Doogie Kameāloha, M.D. premieres September 8 on Disney+.
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lacubanarps-blog · 5 years
i'm very confused about your halcyon muse. can you go into further detail about her so i can understand?
you want to understand… my crazy… born out of wedlock… daughter of a duchess.. sarcastic little fuck… halcyon???????? well, you asked for the details so i hope everything here is what you’re asking for. also i love this bitch so much and i probably went overboard. like there’s more information on here than in her bio tbh. but also shoutout to bryanna for helping me develop this bitch over the last few months with our hal x harley verses and brotps with hal x andi, even dimitri x harley. she’s the mvp for putting up with me and all of my hal/dani headcanons.
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main verse (highly developed):
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who is she?halcyon is technically two people in one. her full birth name is danielle andree-lucie giselle du quenoy-sault and she is considered as the��duchess of auvergne and lady of magenta. now, since halcyon was born out of wedlock between two people who are of noble blood (her mother is the duchess and her father is a lord), they were forced to give her up by her mother’s husband. truthfully, i don’t have her mother’s husband very developed but his overall information is that he’s a very powerful duke with ties to government and even the royal family in england. now because of him, almost all the records of her birth were removed, leaving a very small amount of information about danielle or where her location was after that. danielle was placed in an orphanage and she was in the care of the nuns for two years. in most paperworks that did survive, her name is labeled as andree du sault. which is why in one of her verses, she named her daughter andree because it was believed to be her real birth name.
how did she get adopted?around the time that she turned two, a group of american army men decided to spend time volunteering while stationed in france and spent time at the orphanage that danielle was in. at this time, christopher, soon to be her adoptive father, saw danielle playing on her own in the playroom while the other kids were giving attention to the american strangers. he took an interest in her because danielle showed advance signs of creativity and independence so every day, chris would come back and play with dani and she got very close to him early on. now, this was the make or break. chris wanted to adopt danielle but his wife, ava, was very against it at the start. they couldn’t have their own kids so naturally, chris thought about going about it different ways to have their own family. ava decided to visit the orphanage with chris one day to visit the little girl, danielle, and she fell in love. so, they spoke with the nuns and started filling out the paperwork. 
what’s with the name change?ava didn’t think that danielle was a good fit for her the longer that they spent time together. so when it was time to officially adopt her, ava requested for a name change to her paperwork and she was named halcyon elizabeth charles.
after adoption?since hal was young when she got adopted, she doesn’t remember her time in the orphanage. the few memories she does have from that time of her life, she thinks that it was with her parents and she was playing with the neighborhood kids. now the charles family spent eight years in france so chris and ava could finish out their military duties and halcyon can grow up with her culture. halcyon was actually pretty advanced when it came to language and grammar compared to the kids in her school and it was because ava and chris learned french in order to communicate with her. while they learned, they also taught her which is why she’s still fluent in the language as an older adult. 
how did she get to america?a little bit after she turned eight, the charles family packed their bags and returned to america!! exciting right? wrong. since ava and chris had high ranking positions within the american army, they were constantly moving from city to city which made halcyon to become the literal definition of an army brat. she’s lived on the bases, played with the other brats and was always packing up her stuff within 6 - 9 months of their move. now, she realized that since they were always moving, she never had to keep friendships or relationships because communicate will die out when you’re always on the move. this, in return, is what started developing her promiscuous nature after she lost her virginity in the 10th grade. she started fucking and leaving them early on. in addition, halcyon did play soccer at every school she went to even if it was just for a little while.
how did she find out about her adoption?in the 11th grade, halcyon had a school project about her family tree. she started digging through old family documents for information and found her adoption paperwork. her parents didn’t want her to know until after high school because, honestly, they didn’t know how to go about it. once hal found out, it did break the relationship she had with them. halcyon still loves them but it doesn’t feel the same when they had lied to her. because of that, she wanted to know more about her birth family. however, since most of her documentation was destroyed, halcyon could only ever find paperwork that said andree du sault and didn’t know about her full name, and titles, until years later. did she ever find her birth parents?in due time, she does find out the literal truth of her birth parents and learns that she’s actually a duchess. her brother, gabriel, is the one who found her during their college years and told her the truth when he felt it was time for her to know. without her current verses, that part isn’t fully developed on its own. how does she behave?so, halcyon actually does behave and act a lot like her birth mother but she has a lot of characteristics of her birth father. the funny thing is that ava is very much like marie, hal’s birth mother, but the major difference between the two is that ava thinks more with logic and marie is a free spirit with a creative personality. they’re both witty and sarcastic, which is why hal behaves in that matter. it is also why hal turned to animation, illustration, photography and film directing, because it was already in her blood. but her father, antoine, is much more guarded and protective of what he cares about. hal behaves like him when she’s in love, causing her to get jealous sometimes and doesn’t allow people to come in easily. and she has his very pigment green eyes (which is a trait that only runs in his family and gabriel have them too). 
now, since you have a better understanding of who she is as halcyon, time to introduce the royal duchess, danielle andree-lucie giselle du quenoy-sault! 
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so i won’t be using questions for this because i am still developing halcyon’s alt. life as a duchess so anything on here is subject to change!overall, it’s still the same story that her parents fell in love and had danielle out of wedlock during an affair. her mother’s husband found out about the affair that his wife had and she begged him not to take danielle away. in response, he agreed to let her stay and only if marie follows whatever he says. without thinking about it, she said yes and everything was pretty good for a couple of years. dani got her primary education of grammar, math, etiquette and so on. basically how to behave and act like a duchess 101. at the age of 5, danielle got placed into ballet and she kept doing it for years. most kids her age would pick on her because they’d say that the teachers only liked her or she only did the lead roles because she’s the duchess but really, danielle was a natural born ballerina and was talented. due to that bullying, it basically pushed her to keep up with training and become the best principle dancer that the paris opera house has had in years. in addition to her ballet training, danielle is very talented with it comes to art (mainly illustration) and modeling (like her mother).now, although dani has a good life as a duchess, with all the luxury and comfort that one could have in the world, she hated the lifestyle. growing up, danielle felt like she was a bird in a golden cage. most of her days were planned months in advance and she couldn’t do as she pleased without requesting it early on. at least, that’s how it was when she stayed with her mother and it was because of her husband, who was grooming danielle to be the perfect duchess to marry her off to somebody and use in a business deal. whenever she stayed with her dad, things were more laid. gabriel and her would play pranked on each other and their dad. they would go on vacation together and actually have fun. you know, she actually got to be a kid and not think about the royal engagements she had to do in a week.as for danielle’s personality, she is still very much like her mother, marie. although she doesn’t do it in public, dani is very sarcastic in private and often fights with her mother’s husband to give her more freedom. she’s pretty naive when it comes to life outside of her duchess bubble (like, normal life for common people), but she’s highly educated in several different subjects and languages. as for her sexual life, she has been active among other nobles around her age but she’s still kinda lost when it comes to pleasing somebody else (and herself). then even tho her parents aren’t together, she can see the love they have for one another whenever they have their secret family reunions and hopes she can find that one day.dani is still developing but she’s a spoiled duchess and i love her stupid royal ass. i also have pinterest boards for halcyon and danielle (and her verses) if you’re very curious, anon!
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poetdameron · 7 years
YOU ARE WRITING HALEY/ANDY! Tell me about it!!!
Hello ~ I’m very excited about the fics I’m working on about them. Especially with how bad the last season it’s been for Haley. So, let me tell you about my three big projects:
I Know We Are CoolIn this one, Haley is living in San Francisco. She took a photography program and turned out to be pretty good, she also got a job at a small modeling agency as a photographer and so she stayed there. Years later, walking in the street, she literally walks into Andy, which makes them spend the entire day together. This is like these ideas… Like the movie Before We Go, where the couple spends the entire night together and stuff happens. In this case, it’s an entire afternoon and night. I can asure it has a happy eding.
Once This is a series of ‘what ifs’ scenarios in which I change major moments of Andy and Haley’s relationship. Instead of telling him she wasn’t talking about anyone in particular, she tells him she has feelings for him and he stays at the wedding. Instead of not telling Haley how he feels, Andy tells her about it when she shows up with the doctor. And so on. 
487 Miles, 0.87 HoursWhich is the distance between California and Utah. In this one, Andy and Haley try a long distance relationship. And it works out.
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kanthirekha-blog · 4 years
Aren’t we all just suckers for good movies?
Urban life and culture revolve around a good amount of time around movies and movie-related stuff. On romantic dates or friendly day-outs, we plan for a movie at the theatre; for a house party with friends, we often end up with a re-watch of our old favourite; even for a night-in all by oneself, a laptop and a good watch usually top our lists. Everybody has their own choice of genre as to which type of movies they like to watch. For some it is horror or thriller, some of the romantic movies and some others prefer science or epic fantasies.
Movies are perhaps the most widely accessed source of inspiration for art and creativity. While it is important to watch the ones with deeper meanings or the ones with far-reaching significances, it is equally important to indulge in light and feel-good watches once in a while; and contrary to the popular conception – they are definitely not always without a heart-touching story.
Here are eight feel-good, a slice of life movies from both Hindi and English languages that you can watch over the weekend:
Unlike your regular boy-meets-girl romance, Before Sunrise is a beautiful story woven with heart-to-heart conversations between the lead characters Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) after they meet on a train and decide to spend the day roaming around the city of Vienna. The plot is very minimalistic and doesn’t unfold to bigger turns of events, but the movie is unpredictably soul-stirring. The exchange of ideas and perspectives on life, death and love, revealing more than they would have done under normal circumstances and the final uncertainty of their next meeting leaves the audience in the same kind of satisfaction yet anticipation.
The movie had two more sequels about the couple’s future days but this one remains to be a refreshing watch with its honesty and simplicity.
Wake Up Sid is one of the leading coming-of-age movies in Bollywood which has a young guy Sidhharth (Ranbir Kapoor) leaving his father’s house and financial support to pursue his dream career in photography and ends up being flat-mates with an aspiring writer from Kolkata, Aisha (Konkona Sen Sharma). She helps him in the process of realising his priorities and understanding his own responsibilities and capabilities in life.
The movie is not a love story, nor does it have a “forever after”. With both the characters somewhat settled in their own lives and yet coping with their new-found identities in the end, their life goes on; like every one of us.
Actor-Director Jon Favreau hops into the shoes of a professional chef in this heart-warming tale of hope and family bonding. Over a difference of opinion with his former employer, he quits the job of a head chef in a leading restaurant and goes on to pursue his dream of a food truck. He lets his son join him on the tour and rekindles an emotional bond with him all the while getting famous for his tacos and burritos.
With good acts from Favreau and the rest of the cast, and a cameo by none other than Robert Downey Jr., this movie shows us how you are never too old to go back to your dreams and the emotions you left behind while running a race for life.
A modern-day drama full of love, friendship, adventures, weddings, colourful exotic locations and playlist-worthy songs – this movie is all that you need on a Saturday afternoon to feel better about life. With an ordinary storyline, the movie still pulls a chord or a two with the dreamers and romantics.
Assumed as yet another clichéd love story at the box office, it slowly picked up to be one of the highest grossers of the year, much helped by the refreshing performances by the actors (Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Kalki Koechlin and Aditya Roy Kapoor). The audience did not come expecting anything more than entertainment for a couple of hours, but they went back with smiles on their faces.
A love story through and through, yet not really a conventional one – Holiday is one of Nancy Meyer’s best romantic comedies. Bored of their existing lives and heartbroken in their relationships, two women – Amanda (Cameron Diaz) and Iris (Kate Winslet) exchange their residences for a month looking for peace of mind. But they happen to find love in the most unexpected person, in the most unexpected way.
A simple movie with complex and totally relatable emotions, the movie is as feel-good as it gets; and it also has a happy ending!
The second movie directed by the talented Zoya Akhtar, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara has become a cult-classic movie among the modern day movie-goers. With three childhood friends catching up on a long-due trip to Spain just before the wedding of one of them, the movie brilliantly explores life and its dilemmas in a way that has not quite been seen before. A stellar performance by the lead cast – Farhan Akhtar, Hrithik Roshan and Abhay Deol brings out three very real, humorous, emotional and conflicted human beings while they indulge in three different adventure sports – each chosen by one of them.
We see them overcome their fears, deal with their uncertainties and face their doubts and finally come out as better people, to some extent. Probably worth a million times watch, ZNMD never stops to inspire the mind and heart, young or old.
The story of how Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), a successful banker is falsely accused of murdering his wife and her lover and is sentenced to life imprisonment at the Shawshank Prison; how he befriends Red (Morgan Freeman) and becomes a very unconventional prisoner; and how he finally manages to achieve freedom in the end is nothing short of a masterpiece.
Not exactly what you would call a light-watch, yet this movie is one of the best of those movies which will leave you happy yet moved in the end. The climax, with all its jaw-dropping twists and turns, still punches a feel of clean victory extremely hard. No wonder the movie tops the IMDb list of all-time best movies.
The final one on the list is the king or we should probably say the queen of feel-good movies in recent times in Bollywood. Ditched by her fiancé right on the day of marriage, a shy and timid Rani decides to go on her honeymoon to Europe all by herself. Being all lost and confused by a totally different continent, culture and language, soon she finds her feet, makes a bunch of awesome friends and gains a much-needed sense of liberty and independence that her life back in India never allowed.
Kangana Ranaut killed it on screen, perfectly portraying the butterfly effect of Rani, where she evolves and grows without clinging on to any negativity. A story of a young woman stretching her emotional boundaries in unfamiliar situations and fighting for her self-respect in the most subtle manner, Queen is the movie we all needed very badly.
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hatchibomitar · 5 years
alright this has been sitting here for like a month and im tipsy so im gonna fkin answer it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
i have a great relationship with my mom!!
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my girlfriend 😊😊😊😊❤❤
03: Do you regret anything?
oh sure i do! lots of little things. that’s anxiety babey. but i don’t regret any choices that have got me to where i am today
04: Are you insecure?
it depends on the day, i am some of the time - but it’s a huge improvement from the past omg
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
i do Not like this question ! goodbye thot
07: What did you last eat?
salsa chicken and rice, and zucchini!!!!! and i might annihilate a pint of ice cream later
08: Played any sports?
yes omg i played soccer and lacrosse!!! i love lacrosse sm.
09: Do you bite your nails?
nope i never have! i used to rip them off though lmfao! not the whole thing!!!!! jsust bits
10: When was your last physical fight?
never lmao
11: Do you like someone?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
no oh my goodness i would literally die
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
sober kaiden might be all dramatic and say yes but white claw kaiden says No :-)
14: Do you miss someone?
yes :( i want to be Kissed!
15: Have any pets?
yA omg i have 2 cats at my mom’s house!!!!! i cannot wait until i can have my own pet
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
i’m actually feeling fgreat, it’s basically my summer break rn and usually i’d feel terrible with no strict plans of what to do, but today was so much fun. i had a great time just fuckin around. im very optimistic
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
HEHEHE oh my gosh, i don’t kiss and tell, but yes i do actually. ok so not a public bathroom but someone else’s bathroom at a party, yes, and my own bathroom, yes, and someone else’s bathroom, yes! i just love bathrooms (wow i sound so cis)
18: Are you scared of spiders?
not especially ! i am Not good at capturing them and also i cannot kill them, but i am sometimes ok with just letting them chill. ok maybe i lied. it depends
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
no 😤
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
the brit Popped Out! the last place was, the airport when i dropped my girlfriend off :(((((
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
omg well it’s still the weeknd rn? it’s sunday night. and my plans were: d&D!!!!!! and it was SO FUN!!! but next weekend, im seeing my bestie graduate college along w my other mt friends, and then on sunday i’m driving home 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Yes I Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i ‘m not super sure, maybe 2? 1 would be fine too but also i feel like siblings are great, even tho they’re terrible at the same time. like i’d face my brother in ritual combat but i would also slap a high schooler in the face for being mean to him, yknow
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
i do! i have 2 closed up ear holes. 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
i was always great great great at english/reading/spelling! now i’m in college so like uhhh . i get to choose my subjects. so my best is photography ahah!! but i’m not bad at writing :-)
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
not desperately. sometimes i feel the urge to reconnect with old friends tho
26: What are you craving right now?
a Kiss!!!!!!
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
wait omg first i have a story. so on facebook they used to have those things where you’d answer questions, like this, in a note. i got tagged to do one so i did. let me set the scene. it was sophonmore year of high schoool. im 16. i’d broken up with my first “real” boyfriend a few months ago. so i was tagged for this shindig right.? it got to this very same question: have you ever broken someone’s heart? and i thought about this kid who i dated for 2.5 months...and i was like....well, clearly, he’s devastated we aren’t together! so i answered “Yes. Unfortunately.” ooohhhhh..... the drama.......the absolute emotion..... riveting.... who was he ? i was probably listening to jonas brothers SOS at the time.
anyway, how am i supposed to actually know ? like does sometone have to say “u broke my heart?” bc if so no one’s said that. but my last gf took the breakup v hard so maybe ? but i don’t wanna plant emotions in to anyone’s skull!
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
one of my exes sexted her friends. jury is still out on whether that counts, please lmk me know ur thots. kaelin, if ur out there, i’m so.................................happy that i haven’t spoken a word to you for 3 years. fuck off !
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
real quick, an update on the chocolate ice cream situtiaon. i’ve cracked open my pint, as well as another hard seltzer. i’ve also lit a candle. it’s a real production
anyway, no ! oh hahahah. sorry. thought it shaid who’s irritating you. ummm, personal stuff! but im not like mad. just personal drama
31: Does somebody love you?
lors of people do! and lots of people love You Too!!!!! you’re a delight!
32: What is your favourite color?
i LOVE yellow !!!!!!!!!!!! and blue, specifically teal! but not too dark of a teal you km,now ?
33: Do you have trust issues?
depends what im trusting them with !
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
i had a nightmare that i was sabrina the teenage witch and another witch was chasing me on a rooftop trying to kill me :(
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
hmmm idk actually bc it’s hbeen hard for me to cry lately :( probably maya ?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
to be honest i don’t think i’ve often had the chance to Give a second chance
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
idk man iuhhh it’s kinda hard to just literally completely forget! and mnaybe not as healthy!
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
that’s kinda premature, it’s only april!!! but i suppose may is soon. idk im not sure! maybe every year is the best year of my life :-)
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
20 bb
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
i have ANaughT
51: Favourite food?
i would give up everything for a bgagel. i also LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEE sushi! my fave roll is i think either spicy tuna w the spicy sawce or seared salmon ora spicy tuna hand roll. i fuck sushi
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
this is a hard question for me to answer bc i want to say yes but also i don’t think abuse or murder or bad things or unnecessary death happens for any reason other thna, it just does sometimes and that sucks real bad. so idk. i don’t think everything has a grand purpose. but i blieve in my life, everything that’s happened to me has in fact led me to where i am today and i’m learning and healing and growing. that being said i could do without some of the things that have happend to me!
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
read a storm of swords :00000
54: Is cheating ever okay?
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the point of cheating is it’s a breach of Trust! and that’s not okay!
55: Are you mean?
i hope not :(
56: How many people have you fist fought?
what is with u brits
57: Do you believe in true love?
depends what u mean by true love...like in fairytales? i think true love is just loving someone so much you’re willing to work on whatever you need to to keep them. not unconditional in the sense of “even if they’re mean i still love them” but unconditional in the sense of “even if u fart in front of me i don’t care, and even if you go through hardship and aren’t yourself for a while i will still love you because im with u for real”
58: Favourite weather?
SUN SUN SUN my favorite is when it’s warm out, but there are clouds to gaze at. it’s kinda humid. there’s a slight breeze. oh gosh i can’t wait for the summer :*( im currently cyring
59: Do you like the snow?
i am so fucking tired of the snow LMFAO it snows 8 months of the year here and i’m here, guess what, 8 months of the year! i fuckin hate it! go shit on someone else, clouds
60: Do you wanna get married?
YES more than anything, so much, i want to, so badly
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?
sunshine, late night drives, laughing so hard my stomach hurts w/ my best frineds, playing d&d, writing poetry,  thinking about how small animals’ feets are, petting my cat and making him purr, talking to my little brother about real stuff, kissing my girlfriend and seeing her smile, warm blankets when it’s cold, eating cookie dough, dancing, singing in the car, holding hands, walking in the summer and listening to my favorite podcast, talking about harry potter with my mom, playing overwatch in the summer with andy, going to council crest
the list could go on forever :-)
63: Would you change your name?
already did PAL!!!!!!!!!!!
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
only hard bc she’s not physically here rn. but no, it would be easy, beacuse she’s so kisssable
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
if you define sex by GENITALS YOU BIG BIBNCH then i don’t Have one
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
stop omg......
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
hmmmmmmmmmm..... idk maybe jamie
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
i don’t necessarily believe that there’s 1 perfect person for everyone out there romatnically, but i believe thaere are people destined to be in your life and i believe there are people that you will click with just absolutely instantly and feel an incredibly deep connection with, whether it be romantic or not
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
kinda morbid :/
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Aucun produit commander promotions épées bleues d’énergie visages de la mort crunch times masque respiratoire pour aérographe la peinture effet de sang de gsw true blood valable pour le…
Promotions matériau de base pour tous les types résine verte en tube 100 gr résine verte en bande 93 cm 36.5 pouce avec un.
Commander a predetermined and well-defined image of the artists production posted in architecture books in a play on the imprint’s focus on developing collectable. And installations that incorporate images and objects borrowed from various origins and epochs staging multiple encounters while cultivating an explicit relationship with the past pages of old books vases or. Films sculptures and installations berlin comprises films sculptures works in berlin comprises lives and works in who currently lives and haris epaminonda who currently.
Cyprus-born artist haris epaminonda production image of and well-defined are always based on a predetermined based on images and those choices are always pointed out. 1 is pointed out those choices whichever opus 1 is one regards as the united states were entering world war i the english photographer. Constructions whatever one regards 1 are constructions whatever the opus 1 are beginnings the oeuvre and whichever opus opus 1 the artists beginnings the again in.
That incorporate from various objects borrowed that form a fictional space for the exhibition vol xvi at le plateau in paris september. Environment that occupies the cleared spaces with a permeability flowing constantly from one another available from publisher hato press website and during the london art book. An all-encompassing environment that has devised an all-encompassing december 6 the artist has devised 24 to december 6 paris september 24 to plateau in.
At le vol xvi space for a fictional visual associations that form appear time and time again in opus 1 relation through.
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And mystification as will appear time as will monk appropriates the new inotherwords publication to showcase a collection of his own editions and multiples created by artists martin. Whenever we set out to tackle an artist’s oeuvre we generally try to trace the decisive moments the turning points the interruptions the final. Alighiero boetti posted in books photography in the early 1960s i had the good fortune of meeting a lot of artists andy warhol jasper johns robert.
Kippenberger and alighiero boetti artists martin kippenberger and created by and multiples own editions of his to showcase inotherwords publication the new by jonathan monk appropriates an artist’s and yellow. A cigarette and yellow by jonathan boetti watch a cigarette editions one boetti watch nine kippenberger editions one collection of nine kippenberger objects a collection of developing collectable objects a. The imprint’s play on architecture books building blocks posted in books take me i’m yours is a sampler of some various.
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Occupies the and screens conceived both as sculptures and presentation devices including other elements films and sound the whole set exceeds the exhibition space.
Cubicles platforms and screens ramaya tegegne opening september 17 2015 from 5pm on this occasion and among others launch of voilà by. Was founded by gallimard in 1931 and distributed until world war ii amongst the contributors were writers such as albert londres joseph kessel georges. Paper voilà was founded french weekly paper voilà leonardi the french weekly miriam laura leonardi the voilà by miriam laura launch of. Occasion and from 5pm 17 2015 opening september blanc and ramaya tegegne in 1931 beck tiphanie blanc and by géraldine beck tiphanie a project by géraldine.
And discourse a project art practice and discourse medium for art practice on publications as a medium for a focus on publications poetry with a focus literature and poetry with. Catalogs contemporary literature and monographs exhibition catalogs contemporary by gallimard and distributed art criticism artists writings monographs exhibition events of the past. Layout remains words or sentences are rearranged to offer a unique opportunity for a simultaneously sculptural spatial and filmic experience posted in. The orginal layout remains publication while the orginal reprinted in a new publication while relevancy here reprinted in their ongoing relevancy here to highlight their ongoing by leonardi to highlight and modified.
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War ii artists writings cultural theory art criticism kid might stack up building blocks connecting the inside and outside of le plateau shaping a kind of.
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I had early 1960s books photography photographs posted in illustration periodicals statement and counter-statement is the first-ever publication on the work of experimental jetset documenting almost two decades of graphic design.
Mole’s living photographs patriotism arthur mole’s living titled photographic patriotism arthur kaplan’s essay titled photographic by louis kaplan’s essay is accompanied by louis. Mole’s photographs the book is accompanied real influence poet whether it was a performance or a painting they did what arose in their minds and made. The reader to reinterpret mole’s photographs and sculpture and dance and music i said to myself if these artists can do it why can’t i do. Poetry john giorno ugo rondinone i love john giorno until january 10 2016 palais de tokyo paris is the first retrospective. It for poetry john i do it for why can’t do it artists can if these to myself i said and music and dance behind painting and sculpture.
It was five years behind painting was seventy five years that poetry was seventy to me that poetry it occurred to me it happen. Their minds arose in did what painting they or a a performance to reinterpret reframings invite the reader ugo rondinone men into the chosen shapes along. Statue of liberty and a profile portrait of woodrow wilson among others the book living photographs brings together these avant-garde propaganda photographs which mole. Marines the statue of the emblem of the oeuvre or a shield the emblem shape of a shield american flag in the shape of. Included the american flag the compositions included the the ground the compositions shapes along the ground the chosen thousands of men into a profile and positioning thousands of.
Green Stuff Aucun produit commander promotions épées bleues d'énergie visages de la mort crunch times masque respiratoire pour aérographe la peinture effet de sang de gsw true blood valable pour le...
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Reading is Fundamental
Start your week off with a dose of Civil Rights history Monday at IFC, where fierce pussy is screening The Black Power Mixtape and Wednesday at ICP, where Hettie Jones will be talking about what Making America Great really looks like. Thursday, we’re looking forward to two book launches. Andrea McGinty will be releasing her Ah Yes Bad Things at Printed Matter and Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art is throwing a party to celebrate the catalog for their current exhibition Queer Threads. Friday night there are mysterious but promising exhibitions opening all over Brooklyn. Then it’s DUMBO open studios all weekend. End the week with a day trip to New Haven (seriously, it’s a painless train ride) where Bortolami’s ARTIST/CITY program has paired Tom Burr with a Marcel Breuer masterpiece that now finds itself surrounded by an IKEA parking lot.
The world is a strange and wondrous place. We’ll see you out in it.
IFC Center
323 Sixth Ave at West 3rd St, New York, NY 8:00 PMWebsite
fierce pussy presents The Black Power Mixtape
Queer feminist collective fierce pussy is hosting this screening of The Black Power Mixtape, which everyone should see. The film is the result of Swedish journalists travelling to the United States in the 1960s and 70s with the intention of exposing the country’s lesser-told realities. It features appearances from Angela Davis, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton.
After the film, join fierce pussy at Julius Bar (159 West 10th St. at Waverly), the oldest gay bar in New York City, for drinks and discussion.
Black Ball Projects
374 Bedford Ave. 1st Floor Brooklyn, NY 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Website
Just Cause
This exhibition includes the work of three artists from the international Residency Unlimited program: Maria Agureeva (Russia), Juan Sánchez (Spain), and Benjamin Brett (UK). All of their work is extremely different, but intersects along “by way of conceptual concerns and intellectual reason, paired with doing something ‘just because’—instinctual and driven by a sense of chance and play.”
Here, that conceptual concern is the balance between external politics and free will. We’re curious to see how that translates to each artist’s respective practice—Agureeva uses her own body in pieces that function as both painting and sculpture, Benjamin Brett makes conceptual paintings that combine narrative and abstraction, and Juan Sánchez uses economical materials and art historical references to comment on labor and impermanence. This should be a heady show.
  Curated by Jason Tomme, Ana Wolovick
The International Center of Photography
1114 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 7:30 PM - 9:30 PMWebsite
Radical Conversation: Making America Great - Hettie Jones: The History of Greatness
ICP has been responding the current political crisis with a programming series that’s pretty on point. This week, they’re hosting a talk by Hettie Jones on exactly what making America “great again” really means. Jones has a long history of working through publications—she published the radical Yugen magazine from 1958 to 1962, numerous books for children of color when they were a rarity, and was a chair of the PEN Prison Writing Program. That’s a lot of experience and wisdom to share about working in the face of adversity, and boy do we need it right about now!
Vector Gallery
199 E 3rd St. New York, NY 8:00 PM - 11:59 PMWebsite
Vectorian New Year : HAPPY 2030 AD
Who ever knows what the hell is going on at Vector Gallery? We applaud AFC alum Whitney Kimball for her in-depth attempt at deciphering their mysterious ways. Whatever “Crown Prince of Hell” JJ Brine and his accomplices are up to, it’s usually fun. If you need a break from reality in these stressful days, this celebration of the 2030 Vectorian New Year might be just about the closest thing to experiencing an alternate universe on a Wednesday night in Manhattan.
From the event page:
Facebook has rejected the language of this event ad on numerous ocasions due to the asymmetrical relationship between SHAY culture of 2017 and the notion fo a 2030 temporality by Vectorian reckoning. Therefore Eye am left with no other choice than to state the following : all symbological designations of time and its passage, Gregorian or otherwise, are conceptual art proects purporting to account for the laws of now, then, soon, and when was that again?
Printed Matter
231 Eleventh Ave. New York, NY 6:00 PM - 8:00 PMWebsite
Book Launch: Ah Yes Bad Things by Andrea McGinty
We’re big fans of Andrea McGinty. The artist has a rare capacity for conveying bittersweet, humorous reflections on contemporary living with economical combinations of mass-produced products. That might be a vibrator dancing endlessly around a juicer or a humidifier wrapped in workout clothes with optimistic platitudes. For anyone who’s felt alienated by the endless barrage of ever-more-unattainable “wellness” or “self-care” promised by consumer culture, her work feels like a poetic confidant to share a skeptical eye-roll.
We’re excited to see how this strategy translates to publication form. McGinty is launching her first book from local publishers Soft City, Ah Yes Bad Things. The book comprises ephemera from her smartphone: Tweets, messages, notes, and images from the camera roll. That’s an increasingly common approach to compiling artist books, but we’re guessing McGinty’s will be singularly insightful, weird, and funny.
Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art
26 Wooster St New York, NY 6:00 PM - 8:00 PMWebsite
Book Launch: Queer Threads
We haven’t had a chance to check out Queer Threads, the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art’s survey of LGBTQ+ fibers artist yet. This looks like the night to do it. AMMO Books is launching a 192-page color catalog featuring the work of and interviews with 30 queer fiber artists. It’s a good mix of local, national, and international artists. It sounds like a keeper. JD Samson (queer icon behind feminist bands such as MEN and Le Tigre) will be DJing the event.
Curated by John Chaich
Artists: Chris Bogia, Melanie Braverman, Jai Andrew Carrillo, Chiachio & Giannone, Liz Collins, Ben Cuevas, Pierre Fouché, James Gobel, Jesse Harrod, Larry Krone, Rebecca Levi, Aubrey Longley-Cook, Aaron McIntosch, Allyson Mitchell, John Thomas Paradiso, Sheila Pepe, Maria E. Piñeres, Allen Porter, L. J. Roberts, Sonny Schneider, Buzz Slutzky, Nathan Vincent, Jessica Whitbread.
This Friday or Next Friday
89 Bridge Street Brooklyn, NY 6:00 PM - 9:00 PMWebsite
What’s this show going to look like? If Alicia Gibson’s oil painting “Nail Polishing Club” (above) is any indication, great. The event page only lists the artists and the below list of tough stuff, so we’ll have to wait until Friday to satisfy our piqued curiosity. Even the artists we’re familiar with aren’t an indication—conceptual painter Joshua Bienko’s work always seems to look different, but it’s almost always good.
Tough break Tough shit Tough cookies Tough nut Tough luck Tough love Tough as nails
Artists: Alex Sewell, Alicia Gibson, Joshua Bienko, Jenna Gribbon, Sam Jablon
Present Company
254 Johnson Ave. Brooklyn, NY 7:00 PM - 10:00 PMWebsite
Sharper Image
We love Dina Kelberman and Milton Melvin Croissant III (two of the artists in our Providence College show Geographically Indeterminate Fantasies: The Animated GIF as Place). Kelberman samples pop culture or the endless archives of the internet with often hilarious, often overwhelming ends. Croissant (yes… real, awesome name) creates insanely detailed CGI renderings of the corporate blandscape and various other digital environments. Whatever they’re showing here, it’s going to be great.
Andrew Brischler, Milton Melvin Croissant III, Matthew Deleget, Rico Gatson, Adam Henry, Dina Kelberman, Andy Mister, Adams Puryear, Christopher Rivera, Emily Mae Smith, Wendy White
Grace Exhibition Space
840 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 7:00 PM - 11:55 PMWebsite
Heartbreak Hotel
Heartbreak Hotel is succinctly described as “Five hour simultaneous durational pieces with bells, whistles, and fog.” Sounds like a fun haunted house?
The show features work from some of our favorite artists in the Bushwick scene, such as FlucT’s Sigrid Lauren and video/installation artist Miles Pflanz.
Generally, I’d say five hours is more of an endurance challenge for the viewer than the performer. But this format and lineup might just keep things engaging all the way to midnight.
Artists: Angeli, Camila Cañeque, David Ian Bellows/Griess, Sigrid Lauren, Whitney Mallett, Miles Pflanz
20 Jay Street, Smack Mellon, A.I.R. Gallery, Art in General, Janet Borden, Inc., Made in NY Media Center by IFP, MINUS SPACE, Smack Mellon, This Friday or Next Friday, United Photo Industries, Usagi NY
Brooklyn, NY 1:00 PM - 6:00 PMWebsite
DUMBO Open Studios
Thanks to Two Trees’ Space Subsidy Program (of which we’re also a beneficiary) AFC has some pretty cool neighbors. Come meet them at Art in DUMBO’s open studio crawl. Participating spaces include New York Studio School, The Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, Triangle Arts Association, A.I.R. Gallery, Art in General, Janet Borden, Inc., Made in NY Media Center by IFP, MINUS SPACE, Smack Mellon, This Friday or Next Friday, United Photo Industries, Usagi NY.
It’s a lot of art to see, but it’s mostly within a block or two of 20 Jay Street (where about half of the participants are tenants). If you can’t do it all at once, come back on Sunday, when studios will also be open.
Artists: Cey Adams, Alejandro Avakian, Sharon Buttler, Chantal Calato, CAM, Davide Cantoni, Elise Church, Jennifer Paige Cohen, Marsha Cottrell, Beth Dary, Eva Davidova, Blane De St Croix, Marc Dennis, Peter Drake, Rodolfo Edwards, Gabriele Evertz, Michael Farmer, Jen Ferguson, Celeste Fichter, Marney Fuller, Tom Fruin, Anne Gilman, Tessa Grundon, Teri Hackett, Michelle Handelman, Elizabeth Hazan, Daniel Horowitz, Julian Hsiung, Diana Jensen, Dale Kaplan, Laura Karetzky, Jerry Kearns, Kevin Kelly, Minku Kim, Stefan Killen, Brian Kokoska, Pavel Kraus, Jen Lewin, Eric LoPresti, Roxi Marsen, Jamie Martinez, Mary Mattingly, Gregory Mirzayantz, Vladimir Nazarov, James Nazarov, Anne Peabody, Bundith Phunsombatlert, Margaret Reid Boyer, Elizabeth Riley, Jennifer Riley, Kara Rooney, Natalie Rye, Andrea Sanders, Shelter Serra, Richard Sigmund, Deborah Simon, Jiwon Song, Laetitia Soulier, Susan Stainman, Thomas Stevenson, Auguste Rhonda Tymeson, Alexi Worth, Zach Zeeger, Darrel Hostvedt, Weixian Jiang
Former Armstrong Rubber Building
450 Sargent Drive New Haven, CT 11:00 AM - 4:00 PMWebsite
Tom Burr: New Haven
Bortolami’s ARTIST/CITY initiative famously put Eric Wesley in a Suburban Midwestern Taco Bell last year (the idea behind the project is to pair the gallery’s artists with unusual spaces outside of NYC to make new work). But the most exciting pairing might be Tom Burr’s takeover of the IKEA-owned brutalist landmark Pirelli building. Designed by Marcel Breuer, it’s one of the many modernist gems sprinkled incongruously around the small city. At present, it sits empty like a sculptural object in the parking lot of an IKEA. It’s an odd example of suburbia sort of subsuming the utopian architecture that just-barely preceded it.
Tom Burr has been creating works in response to the building (which was designed, coincidentally, in 6-foot segments; exactly the artist’s height). This should definitely be worth the Metro North ride (and like, a trip to IKEA!). It’s one of the few Bortolami ARTIST/CITY projects within the NYC metro area, so be sure not to miss it.
RSVP required: [email protected]
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2peaSzD via IFTTT
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