#plus some meaning rayla's human family <3
enbeemagical · 11 months
Public Service Announcement: Ethari deserves All the good things in life and that includes getting his husband and his friends and his daughter back PLUS SOME
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i mean. just look at him.
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Thoughts on Ethari leaving the Silvergrove in S4?
Oooooh, where to start...
For me it’s fairly clear that Ethari is going to leave the silver grove at some point. A craftsman who’s not only handy with all kinds of weapons and magical creations but also directly linked to at LEAST two of the most important people in the entire saga (Runaan and Rayla) is just too convenient in this story for him to just be left at home and not do anything. Sure, he might do some good at the silvergroove, and if any of the protagonists ever come back, it would be good to have him there to welcome them. But if we compare that to the sheer MULTITUDE of possibilities that arise if Ethari leaves the silvergroove, then it’s just foolish to think that it won’t happen at some point. (And considering this show will only have 7 seasons, sooner rather than later would be best).
Just going off the top of my head, the options are simply amazing (from a story/plot perspektive):
1: Ethari goes to Katolis.
This is one that many have already theorized about in some way or another (including myself). The most obvious reason why he might go there is because it’s the last place Runaan went to before he died. If Ethari were given any reason at all to believe that there’s something fishy about Runaans “death”, then that would be reason enough for him to go investigate.
But what I would be far more interested in is seeing what Ethari would do at the Moon Nexus. We already know that the moon henge can open a portal between life and death, and it’s easy to see how Ethari might want to use that to save Runaan. But what I’d like to see is if Ethari could learn about other things from other people long past. I mean think about it: with the moon henge he could talk to people who were alive thousands of years ago. Who knows what kind of knowledge he could obtain, be it about history, politics, how to make primal stones, how to learn deep magic, how to defeat Aaravos, etc... if Ethari used his crafting skills to fix the portal and speak with the dead, then he’d have access to nigh unlimited amounts of knowledge! How awesome woul THAT be?!
And he’d get a lot of ghost besties.🌝
2: Ethari goes looking for Rayla.
Obviously Ethari cares very deeply for Rayla, and he would absolutely drop everything to go help her if she ever needed his aid. So if say, a certain human sky mage who happens to be a prince of katolis were to walk up to him in the silvergroove and tell him that Rayla’s disappeared, and that he needs Etharis help to save her, you can bet your bottom dollar that that craftsman will be ready to go before the human prince even finished his sentence.
In this case Ethari would probably be traveling through Xadia with Callum, which could lead to some pretty wonderful scenarios: Ethari teaching Callum some basic moon magic, Callum freaking out Ethari by jumping off a cliff but flying up again, Ethari helping Callum not get killed by other elves, Callum and Ethari nerding over books together, the list just goes on and on. This would also be a great oportunity for Callum to learn more about Raylas upbringing, and what the intricacies of moonshadow elven culture are. Plus it’s a roadtrip. Roadtrips are fun, no? What could possibly go wrong!
3: Ethari goes on a journey for truth.
Imagine if after realizing that something about Runaans death wasn’t right, and that the story with Tiadrin and Lains betrayal just didn’t add up, he went of to find out what really happened. This might start out as a quest to save his family, but with a few tidbits and clues along the way, he might find himself on a path to uncovering some dark truths about xadia. Why was the moon henge destroyed? Was it really just to keep it from human hands? Why did Avizandum/Thunder keep a mirror with a prisoner inside it next to where he slept? Who was that prisoner, and did he have anything to do with the fall of Lux Aurea? Where is the former dragon queen Luna Tenebris? Why is so much information getting obscured? What are the dragons hiding?
While there are many characters who could do it, Ethari might be uniquely situated to actually solving this task. Technically he’s “just a craftsman from a small village in the forest” who’s probably going to fall under many peoples radar. He’s smart, crafty, self reliant and stubborn, and he has such a sweet and polite personality that no one would ever suspect him of attempting treason. (I’m pretty sure digging around Xadias dirty past is something the dragons would call treason).
So yeah; Ethari going undercover to reveal the truth that’s been hidden behind centuries of countless lies and propaganda. How about that?
4: Ethari goes on a journey by/for himself.
Now I’ve had this head canon playing around in my head for a while now. One version includes Ethari having been kidnapped but escaping, one where he accidentally got caught in a teleportation spell, and one where he just gets up and leaves for his own mental well being. But no matter what the build up or starting point is, it always leads to more or less the same premise: Ethari travels the world on his own for a while. He’s not on a specific journey to save his husband, or to find his runaway daughter, or to serve anybody elses purpose; he’s literally just traveling for his own sake. Maybe he’s trying to get home, maybe he’s trying to find answers to something, or maybe his life felt like it was simply in shambles, and so he went out to figure himself out again. Maybe he meets new people along his journey, maybe he gives aid to some farmers. Maybe he helps out a small town and fixes their furnaces, or helps them make weapons to defend against raiders. Or maybe he just makes toys for any kids he happens to pass by. Perhaps he even gains a bit of a reputation amongst the common folk; a mysterious Tinker traveling the land, coming to aid wherever he can.
And then one day, he goes back home, or back to his family, or back to wherever he started. But this time, he comes back with new skills and experiences to help his friends, and maybe even with new allies that he found along the way...
Yeah, this last one is more feel-good-wish-fulfillment than anything else, but it’s a happy-ish hc, and i like it a lot.
I could go on and on about Etharis storyline, and what the future holds for him. Heck, I could go on with countless other examples of “this is how and why Ethari leaves the Silvergroove”, but I gotta finish this ask at some point. Plus, dinner is calling.
So yeah, I had fun writing down this ramble that just came straight from my head.
Thanks for reading✨
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ladyandherbooks · 4 years
Through the Moon: Moon family and Phoe Phoe
Reading the sneak peeks for the grahic novel "Through the Moon" finally gave me the motivation to post my theory about what I think will happen.
Rayla isn't going to discover that her family and Viren are actually alive, instead she will decide to accept their deaths and begin to move on.
Why? Because the fact that all 4 of these characters are actually alive is such a big deal, especially to Rayla, these revelations will be kept to (hopefully) season 4. We have to remember that many fans of the show won't buy this book or even know that it exists. Because of this the events of the book have to stay consistent with the show's storyline. So Rayla coming to the conclusion in the graphic novel that Viren and her family are dead ensures that the story remains consistent to her beliefs at the end of season 3 i.e. she believed that all 4 of these people were gone for good.
However, that doesn't mean that someone else can't be given the revelation that someone dead is actually alive. Which brings me to my next theory.
My guess is that at the end of the graphic novel we'll get a short scene or a picture of a shocked Ethari finally seeing that Runaan's Heartbloom flower is still glowing. This will then set off his arc where he tries to learn the truth about why his husband's flower sunk but continued to glow. He'll be shocked, confused and a little hopeful and so he'll decide to do his own research, not stopping until he learns the truth behind such a phenomenon.
He won't tell Rayla because he won't want to give her any false hope of Runaan being alive. First he'll start in the Silvergrove, researching on his own and then consulting with mages when he finds nothing and when that avenue yields no results he'll make the fateful decision to pack up and leave his home.
Because season 4 is titled Earth he'll take the Heartbloom flower and go and see the Earthblood elves, the masters of minerals, jewels and living creatures.
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The one bonus of Rayla being ghosted is that it prevents her from discovering his secret and learning that he has left the Silvergrove. He'll take some of his Hawk arrows in order to keep in touch with and to possibly send her a message if he learns that Runaan is actually alive.
So Ethari, carrying Runaan's Heartbloom arrives in Earthblood territory, and begins his next round of research and meetings with mages and craftsmen. Eventually these efforts yield results and Ethari realises that Runaan is alive but currently under the influence of a very powerful spell or ritual. Ecstatic and worried Ethari, finally knowing the truth, knows that he has to come up with a plan to find Runaan before he tells Rayla, because once he does tell her nobody will be able to hold her back from trying to save Runaan.
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So why would Ethari be the one to be given such a revelation. Well for a few reasons.
1) Ethari is a minor character, so having him discover Runaan is alive in the graphic novel won't affect the show's storyline by having it being first revealed or teased in the graphic novel. Everything I just wrote about Ethari's journey, at least 90% will happen offscreen during the time skip between seasons 3 and 4. We, as much I as Iove Ethari and would happily watch a few seasons of him trying to discover if his husband is alive or dead, don't need to see this journey as Ethari can tell us and Rayla the abridged version in a couple of minutes when he finally sees her again. He, unlike Rayla, would not require an entire episode or season dedicated to this part of his story. Instead it will be just a nice little bit of trivia for dedicated fans.
2) By having Ethari do at least 90% of the research offscreen and inbetween seasons by the time he actually reunites with Rayla and tells her the truth, he'll be at the tail end of his journey. It means that the characters are only days or a couple of weeks at the most from reuniting with Runaan, Lain and Tiadrin.
3) Runaan, Lain and Tiadrin need to be found soon so that their storylines aren't rushed. They have alot of things to learn and need to be able to work with humans before Aaravos enacts his big plan for Xadia. This is especially important for Runaan, a character who we've been told more than once is meant to have his own storyline. He needs to be freed soon so that the proper time is given to his storyline, especially when it comes to his relationship with Rayla, the princes, the ever increasing possibility that he will lose his arm and what that means for his future, his views on humans, Rayla's ghosting and the fact that he is the only currently living character who knew the truth about Aaravos' mirror.
Phoe Phoe
While it's more likely that something big might happen with Phoe Phoe I'd be very surprised if the novel ended with Phoe Phoe being reborn as again, this seems like something big enough that it would have to happen onscreen.
Not long after season 3 premiered I made a long post about Phoe Phoe and the Nexus that I'll abridge here. I believe that Phoe Phoe has been the familiar or mount for every Nexus guardian since its destruction. Phoenixes are immortal, rare and powerful beings so it would make sense that Phoe Phoe is already an ancient creature who. Then we have this bit of info given to us by Ezran in 2x04
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Phoe Phoe is bound to the Nexus so having her aid the generations of elves that have lived there makes sense.
So my theory is that Phoe Phoe, an ancient and powerful Moon Phoenix is the one who chooses the next guardian and, given the important of cycles and balance to those connected to the Moon chooses to die and reborn when a new guardian is required.
Here she is as as a young chick with a younger Lujanne, propably not long after Lujanne became the Nexus Guardian.
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So during the graphic novel the kids will return Phoe Phoe's feather to Lujanne just in time for the full moon. Lujanne, believing that Phoe Phoe's death was premature and therefore not a true indication of her time as guardian being up tries to resurrect her but fails. It is then that she realises that her time as guardian is coming to an end and now she must perform her final duty, she must find someone Phoe Phoe believes is worthy to succeed her.
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This search will then be recounted and finally come to a conclusion by the end of season 5, allowing Phoe Phoe to be reborn just before the second time skip which will then give her time to grow up and bond with the new guardian before we see her again in season 6.
As to who I think will be the new guardian? My guess should be obvious if you follow me:
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Plus wouldn't it be interesting if we get Ethari first realising that Runaan is alive in the same story that Phoe Phoe decides that it is time for a new guardian.
In conclusion: While the "Through the Moon" won't provide a whole lot of answers for the main characters it will actually help to set up and hint at some very important moments and arcs for some side/supporting characters and we will see these play out over the course of season 4 and 5.
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the dragon prince has... a lot... of writing problems, but the easiest one to spot is probably the exposition the show has.
and it’s hard to succinctly explain why the exposition of the dragon prince so negatively impacts the show, because exposition by itself isn’t bad. the more complex your setting/plot is, the more of it you’ll need--sometimes, the audience needs stuff explained to them. normal.
but there are good ways and bad ways to deliver exposition, and tdp often exposits when it doesn’t really need to. these bits are very short--so they’re hard to spot--but it most often comes up when characters just explain what’s going on in their heads, even though it would be eminently clear with clever editing.
two easy examples that come to mind are a) when callum sees thunder’s corpse and just explains to rayla that he’s conflicted about it (in very uninspired words), and b) when soren explains to callum that the reason he bullied him about being a step-prince was because of his insecurity about his own father.
both were things that were particularly sour to me as a viewer, because a) real people don’t act like everything’s a 24/7 therapy session and b) you could easily use fairly typical cinematic language to convey both these ideas. in callum’s case, you can simply have a shot of him looking up to thunder and juxtaposing that with ezran, maybe even paste a bittersweet smile on his face and have him weakly hold rayla’s hand, whatever. in the second, all you needed to do was have soren apologize with an already-weird apology (”sorry for calling you the step-prince all these years, it was wrong.”) and maybe cut to viren and claudia. when people say “show, don’t tell,” this is the kind of thing they mean.
“it’s for kids.” yeah, kids don’t need this stuff. plus, the demographic that the dragon prince is ostensibly for has presumably grown up on a visual-media-heavy diet, and they understand better than perhaps any other generation the cues of editing.
but another bad piece of exposition is actually the very first scene of the show, where aaravos explains how the elves+dragons ethnically cleansed the humans. the problem with this scene is that i was immediately able to guess the logical course of events by the first two episodes of season 1:
1. humans were persecuted by the elves+dragons for not having magic
2. one guy “invented” dark magic
3. the elves and dragons don’t like that and wanted to exterminate the humans
4. for some reason, they just settled on relocating them instead.
all of this, by the way, turned out to be basically correct. season 3′s cold opener between ziard and sol regem confirms #1, aaravos is implied to be behind #2, and recent writing interviews basically confirm #3 and #4. basically, everything i ever wrote about the elves and dragons was... right?
this one exposition scene contains the entire meat of the conflict between the humans and the elves--and it communicates all this very well. maybe not well enough for some viewers, but i’m a fairly shallow media-consumer, so if it got the point across to me, it did good. so why am i saying that it’s bad exposition?
well, this one’s complicated. the main root of the problem is that the show proper (aside from another flashback in season 3) never addresses it. no character has any opinions on it, except viren, who vaguely references humanity needing to return to its ancestral homeland and wanting humanity to be free from chains. it’s a non-factor to literally everyone else--in three fucking seasons, not one character--not even a side character!--has any direct feelings or opinions re: the historical events that got them there.
And for a series that had “it’s not that simple, there are multiple atrocities from both sides!” in the first few episodes, you’d think that... part of the main conflict of the series... would be to grapple with the history... and move past it... instead of never looking at it, and naively ignoring history with nonspecific platitudes like “we can’t punish people for the crimes of their parents.”
and that last sentence makes sense only if tdp wants to ditch most of its backstory and keep it just between the royal families of katolis and xadia--but that’s not it, either. viren’s motivation has to do more with this history of dark magic and the results of the ethnic cleansing that followed than it does with punishing people for the crimes of their parents! which only works with the zym/ezran parallel and literally nothing else.
so as a viewer, knowing all this from the get go makes this series hard to watch. but i think there’s also a problem with the history being given to us as exposition the characters don’t interact with--and that’s the characters don’t interact with it. like imagine if this information was revealed to us at the same time it was brought up to the characters--it would mean that the audience would also be on a similar journey to the characters, and it would mean that the characters actually have to interact with that history.
like imagine if a human, instead of being a HUR DURR STUPID PEASANT WITH PITCHFORKS!!! actually said something like “the elves and dragons would have exterminated us, you think you can make peace with them?” or something like that, and that was the first hint of what would be going on. or maybe sol regem straight-up tells callum he’s a lesser being instead of that also being shoved into a flashback, maybe be like “ah, you remind me of the first of your kind!!! talk of peace but smells of death!!!” once he realizes callum has practiced dark magic before or... something!! then the show could actually grapple with what history means to the present instead of awkwardly handwaving it.
the fact that the history is more-or-less unimportant to the main characters also means that the setting and worldbuilding become less interesting and less relevant. aaravos, the Big Mystery Guy i’m supposed to care about, means jack shit to everybody except viren. and khessa, but she was racist and she died and she actually doesn’t matter. all the “ultimate villain” of the show has is... people being thirsty for him... and people who like making headcanons about him, which just isn’t really compelling plotting or writing.
anywas, imma end this tangent before it gets truly out of control. the more i think about it, the more i realize that front-loading such important aspects of tdp’s lore into the front was a mistake that let the writers be lazy with it and really... just throw most of the plot’s potential in the garbage. on a smaller level as well, the tendency to explain shit to the audience that doesn’t need to be explained kind of rips away the advantage of having a visual medium.
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d-pennants · 4 years
Spoilers for the Dragon Prince Season 4 and beyond.
My collated notes of all the hints about what is coming up in the Dragon Prince, from interviews, AMA, ComicCon panels. Updated with stuff from Through the Moon.
There will be 7 seasons of 9 episodes each total and possibly some side projects. The story will be in three arcs with a time skip between the arcs. Books 4 & 5 makes up the next arc, which may be called the Mystery of Aaravos. Book 4 is Earth.
Side projects have been confirmed to all be part of canon and include a video game set in Xadia, an tabletop RPG game called Tales of Xadia, a possible feature film of the Orphan Queen and a possible side story set during the reign of Sol Regem featuring Sir Phineas the Cursed and his travelling companion an elf professor Delilah Geel (Who wrote the Secrets of Xadia book).
The video game was in play testing in October 2020, and Wonderstorm was still hiring staff to work on it. After S3 came out they said there was going to be an announcement about the game in 2020, but things may have been delayed due to Corvid.
Through the Moon graphic novel is set between seasons 3 and 4. It feature’s Rayla, Callum and Ezran having returned to Katolis and receiving a request from Lujanne to go the Moon Nexus  for a ritual at new moon and bring Phoe-Phoe’s ghost feather. While there Rayla seizes the opportunity to use the lake’s power as a portal between life and death to try an answer the questions that have been plaguing her about the fate of her parents, Runaan and whether Viren is truly dead.
There will also be a second graphic novel set between seasons 4 & 5.
Reminder - stuff said in interviews, AMA & so forth is subject to the team changing their mind when it comes to actually putting stuff in the show or books. They’re still planning things out. So take things as “the current idea is this, but we’ll see how it pans out”
There’s no word on how long the time skip between season 3 and 4 will be, however, Through the Moon starts 3 days before new moon and S3 ended 2 days after full moon, which is only 11 days. About 17 days pass in TTM. The Tales of Xadia TRPG is also going to fit in between these season too. AE said a vague ‘lots of weeks.’
Season 4 will include the hero trio trying to address how to heal and start to change things in the world, however there are scars history has left that will impede them. Aaravos will bring those scars to bear, though the creator did say that Aaravos himself didn’t cause those scars, he ‘brought it out’ in the people who did.
There’s a big theme of understanding what’s happened in the past and how it affects what’s happening now. Questioning what their fore-bearers have done, admitting fault and forgiving mistakes. (BTW, this is on both human and Xadian sides).
“Ezran is the key to everything.” Ezran’s empathic ability will allow him to play a role in the world no other can as he can connect to non-human beings. Though the circumstances of S1-3, who his parents are and his strong compassion, Ezran is in a unique position to cause real change.
Callum will learn more Sky magic spells well as obsessing to work a connection to another arcanum - he is dedicated to being the best mage he can be. Callum will always have a conflict between what do you want to do with magic and what will you do for magic. One hint given is that Callum cannot perform healing with his Sky magic. On an Instragram Live AE admitted he was trolling a bit, but said a betting person would pick Callum being the first human archmage. On an AMA there was a hint that historically there may have been elves that learned a second arcanum. (However, interview stated Aaravos’ mastery of all the primals is just him - he’s special).
Callum’s ‘destiny’ is tied in with the Key of Aaravos Rune Cube. It will be very important coming up. The Key is being pulled towards a location in Xadia. The closer it is to the location, the stronger the pull. (Reminder - it previously belonged to Aaravos and unlocks a great power in Xadia). In Callum’s Spellbook it says that once Zym has been returned Callum intends to find out what the Key does and make Harrow proud.
Writers have been very cagey about whether Callum being able to learn an arcanum means other humans can. “Callum learning Primal magic means that Callum learned Primal Magic.”
They’ve referred to him as the first human to learn an arcanum. However, another interview indicates that humans may have been able to connect to the primal sources in the past - thus Callum relearned something that has been forgotten for over a thousand years
Are non-magical species able to evolve into one that can use magic?
JR: There have been humans long in the past that could have AE: Yeah, right JR: They’re like [waves hand], but modern day he’s a phenomena. Like nothing is done like this no longer. AE: Yeah, I mean if Callum is developing the ability to do Primal magic do you believe that Callum is special because he’s the only human who’s able to do it or do you believe that that Callum is special because he’s the first human in forever to realise it is possible for humans. You know that kind of a little bit the question - I mean he’s special either way and right, but is he special because he’s realising that that maybe those limitations weren’t true or is he an exception to to this limitation.
Cartoon Universe interview
Though they did point out there’s not been much incentive in the last 1000 years for humans to learn Primal magic, given that Dark magic is both easier to use and more powerful.
Rayla will have an inner conflict about her future as a Moonshadow elf that she needs to figure out. Including how being friends with humans and wanting to be a protector rather than the assassin she was raised to be will affect her relationships with her people. (Plus, the whole being ghosted and ghosted parents issue needs to be addressed). Update info from TTM: Rayla ends TTM by going on a quest by herself to locate Viren. Her clues are the Storm Spire, a cave and... a giant cocoon.
There is an unspecified but important storyline involving Runaan. But the coins will get addressed at some point.The coins would require very powerful magic to release the trapped elves and it may not be possible for Primal magic. However, Viren is capable of releasing people he has coined.  Also, Rayla knows something happened to her parents, but doesn’t specifically know about the coins. Viren showed Rayla a pouch and mentioned adding her to his collection. AMA answer suggests Callum didn’t see what Viren did in the history spell - he just know Viren did something to Rayla’s parents. TtM seems to confirm Callum’s spell didn’t show that part. Whether Gren saw Runaan in the coin seems up to debate - in the novel he knew Viren used magic on Runaan came out holding something small, like a button or coin.  (PS. They also confirmed Runaan slew Harrow, and Harrow is dead dead).
Soren has a complicated future ahead of him as he’s lost the only support system he’s known his whole life. He has a lot to learn and many places to go.
Claudia is going to get a lot worse and there’s a long way to go for her, though they did hint that there’s hope for her in the end. Her motivation is love and family, not power. However, she is willing to go to great sacrifices for her family... Also, her hair will get whiter. 
“When we get back to her in Season 4, there is some amazing stuff, just in the first few episodes, which by the way are also funny and quirky and all the things we’ve come to love about the character, but she becomes a very critically important driving force of the narrative in Season 4.”
Inverse interview.
It will be explained in S4 how Claudia was able to perform the resurrection spell. It hasn’t been used previously because she either a) didn’t know it - as in Aaravos taught her it - or b) didn’t have what was necessary to cast the spell.
The story about how Claudia managed to find a supposedly extinct for a 1000 years unicorn and capture it will be addressed in S6.
According to Claudia’s VA -  Racquel Belmonte - Claudia will likely have a protege dynamic with Aaravos. She will change her mind a bit on disliking all elves and open up a bit on seeing Viren’s connection to Aaravos.
They have a backstory about why Viren treats Soren so harshly compared to Claudia (though he’s manipulative of both), though it’s not indicated when this backstory will be shown. New info from the book said that Viren used dark magic to save Soren from dying of an illness. This ravished his appearance and whatever he did scared his wife, Lissa, into leaving him. Also Viren wanted a son who would carry on his path and is disappointed Soren isn’t like him. Viren feels some resentment towards Soren that he refuses to acknowledge.
AMA confirmed that Lissa will not be making an appearance in S4 or 5. There is a possibility she may be included in S6, but it’s just a potential idea. Early mage fam life involving Lissa will come up in the novels.  (BTW she currently lives in Del Bar and was in no danger from the smoky assassin as she has nothing to do with the leadership of Del Bar)
Viren became a bit of a card carrying villain in season 3, however in season 4 & 5 some of the complexities behind his actions will be revealed. (His VA said that Viren had understandable reasons in S1 & 2, but was a villain in S3, however, he’s happy with how S4 & 5 will develop Viren. Also he gave a strong hint that Viren will have a kind of “fresh start” thing going on, and “do a 180″, and his story is apparently kinda wild). 
Viren and Aaravos: Viren didn’t take Runaan’s warning that “you found something worse than death” seriously enough. Viren is ‘in hot water’ in his dealings with Aaravos. The question over time would be - “Wait, am I making my own choices or am I being led to choices you wanted me to make, Aaravos?”
This current era will be known as the Return of Aaravos. Apparently in S4 & 5 Aaravos is going to be very... mysterious. In fact the arc could be called The Mystery of Aaravos.
“The next two seasons are about understanding who Aaravos was, who they thought Aaravos was, how they realized what was happening, and imprisoned him.” 
This is tied into the Orphan Queen storyline, for more info see this post. Parts of this storyline will feature in flashbacks S4 onwards.
A lot of Aaravos’ motivation comes from a relationship he had with a character whose name is featured on the map from the novel. (Candidates are Skall’s Hook, Ruins of Elarion, Mount Kalik and Eboreus. They said on a Q&A that Elarion wasn’t referring to a person, just the city).
Aaravos has a speech coming up in S5 that explains about the history of magic and why he’s interested in humans. Summed up - Over 5000 years ago there was only one kind of magic, deep magic, and it was very difficult to wield, then something happened that split magic into the 6 Primals Source and gave every creature and plant a connection to one of the 6 Primal Sources, which were much more practical magics. Except humans. 
When asked what was coming out of the cocoon an interviewer gave “Aaravos’ physical form” and some jokes options. Ehasz replied, “I’m gonna say none of the… well, I’m not gonna say.” TtM update: In the world between life and death the cocoon held a corrupted version of Viren - a month after Viren was resurrected at the end of S3. Rayla says Viren is caught between life and death, but in the living world.
Janai is Queen Khessa’s heir, so she should be the next Sunfire Queen. Janai also has a brother. (Sunfire elves also have a Light Being form with healing powers that’s even rarer than the beserker Heat Being form. This fact has come up a couple of times so they’re likely going to introduce a character with this form - could be Janai’s brother). 
Janai will find out that Aaravos whispered something in Khessa’s ear before he killed her.
Also on Amaya and Janai:
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Also, they did a reveal page for Janai's mount, a Twin-Tailed Inferno-Toothed Tiger, with some interesting info. These flying firecats are believed to only tolerate those of pure-heart and aggressive to those of ill-intent. You can't give a factoid like that and not use it somewhere.
Tales of Xadia will feature storyline content that bridges the gap between Season 3 and the newly-announced Season 4 of The Dragon Prince,” according to Fandom’s press release. “Players can explore the ruins of Lux Aurea, try to restore the corrupted Sunforge, and fight to stop the spread of the evil monstrosities it radiates. This off-screen story will come alive in game supplements—as well as in organized play events—prior to Season 4’s release.
Sol Regem will be in season 4. (No character makes me think of “scars of the past” more than this character. He is not going to be interested in reconciliation between Xadia and humanity).
There will be a new elf character - Terry the Earthblood elf. Has similar powers to Toph from Avatar tLA and is said to be very funny. For reference this Earthblood elf is from Callum’s Spellbook;
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Also a new dragon in season 4 - Rex Igneous (Fire King) the Earth Archdragon, who lives underground but comes up every hundred years. He’s appeased by food he hasn’t tried before (looking at Ezran and his jelly tart habit here);
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They mentioned that both Earthblood and Tidebound elves will be introduced in seasons 4 & 5.
There’s another archdragon who has been mentioned at SDCC and in the novel, Luna Tenebris, who reigned between Sol Regem and Avizandum.. Ehasz said that the end of her reign is being explored in S4, but no current intentions to explore the beginning.
JR mentioned that the territory of the Skywing elves will be visited at some point, and how having a small portion of the population that has wings, and a even smaller population that can magically manifest wings, has an affect on their culture. (The three types apparently have different outlooks - with winged elves being known for moving on when they don’t care to deal with things).
They’ve mentioned a character that will be introduced in the video game will make it into the show. AE & JR were talking about how they were currently writing stuff for S5 and how this character just got their moment, so I think this character is due in S5.
Core novel Book 2: Sky will introduce a very important Dark Mage character not yet featured on the show.
Also, as a tidbit from AE - there’s a scene in S5 where someone makes a sacred promise to Bait.
Sarai will feature in the show again. AMA confirmed Callum’s father is “fully human.” His father may come up in the novels.
In the novel new lore about unicorns was introduced. This lore will be incorporated into the show at some point.
The reactions to elf/human romantic relationships will be a thing.
Aanya will be featured again. Ezran and Aanya will be friends. 
Queen Fareeda of Evenere actually survived the smokey assassin’s attack - she just went missing for a bit. Her story may come up later on.
Captain Villads and Berto are likely to be featured again, but not confirmed. 
They do have some stories about Callum’s father they want to tell, but it’s likely to be in books rather than making it into the show.
Crow Master has scenes coming up. The Crow Lord is real but that’s all they’re gonna say.
Some very epic beings will eat jelly tarts in the show.
And a finishing note to put the fear in you - possible major character death.
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PS. It has been confirmed that Rayla, Callum, Zym (and Bait) are the main characters for all seven seasons, so this leaves... Soren, Claudia, Viren and Amaya. 
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