#positions lesser to men for my justification. but also no one is asking you to read this or agree with me and i dont feel the need to
lanayrutower · 4 months
ALSO does no one find it even a little weird how the old Zelda games firmly state that it's Hylia who built/was the first ruler of Hyrule (the king is just. sort of there), and then totk comes in and is like ahaaa no it's actually rauru who's so special and godlike actually. yeah, his wife was actually his priestess who once served him and then died stupidly because she wasn't paying attention. mmhm, she was also the reason ganon was able to take over hyrule and be super duper evil btw. uwu.
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margridarnauds · 3 years
St. Patrick and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Douchebag
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(as suggested by @fallenidol-453​)
St. Patrick’s Day, for me, means that it’s time for my yearly rereading of Patrick’s Confessio, his autobiographical justification for his time in Ireland. The work is, essentially, a masterwork of rhetoric and theology, held together with, perhaps, a touch of whingeing and pious self-deprecation, and, given its age and how many works didn’t survive, it’s a miracle that it’s survived as long as it has, and it’s a testament to the bravery and courage of the man who set the stage for Ireland to become a hub of learning and literacy during the Middle Ages. Patrick, in later texts, is often referred to with epithets such as “Patrick of the Clear Pen” and, as critical as I can be of the impact of Christianity on mythological narratives (and as critical as I can be of the modern church’s actions in Ireland), the simple truth is that, without literacy, without Patrick (or someone like him), none of the texts I study would have been written down. 
What’s lesser known is that, actually, there was a second work from Patrick’s pen that survived: Patrick’s letter to Coroticus, a warlord (popularly believed to be British, due to an account in Muirchu’s Life of Patrick, though recently doubt has been put on this by Patrician scholars Dumville and Thompson, the latter of whom notes that Muirchu’s Life of Patrick also says that Coroticus ended his days as a fox. Yes. A fox.) who, while he had formally adopted Christianity, continued to enslave and kill Christian converts with his band of warriors that consisted of Scots and Pictish mercenaries. Unlike his usual image of a meek and mild “good shepherd”, Patrick, here, shows his clear (justified!!) anger at Coroticus’ actions, showing a human side that is often missing in retellings of Patrick’s life that present him as invariably mild and even tempered, alternating between sharply criticizing him and his men while also begging for the return of the captives: 
For this reason, let every God-fearing person know that those people are alien to me and to Christ my God, for whom I am an ambassador: father-slayers, brother-slayers, they are savage wolves devouring the people of God as they would bread for food. It is just as it is said: ‘The wicked have routed your law, O Lord’ – the very law which in recent times he so graciously planted in Ireland and, with God's help, has taken root.
Of particular worry to Patrick was that the local population continued to have positive dealings with Coroticus’ men. He returns, repeatedly, to the idea that the Christians of Ireland should have no dealings with him, they should not “fawn on such people, nor even share food or drink with them, nor accept their alms.” Clearly, Coroticus and his soldiers were quite popular, far from any idea of him as a roving, barbarian warlord whose favorite hobbies included murder, murder, and tossing the bones of his victims to his dogs. He was a douchebag, but he was a douchebag who was smart enough to know how to get people on his side. 
As noted by Thompson, it was very common practice to kill slaves that were not sellable, and this was a clear concern of Patrick’s, his anxiety edging its way into the epistle: “That is why I will cry aloud with sadness and grief: O my fairest and most loving brothers and sisters whom I begot without number in Christ, what am I to do for you? I am not worthy to come to the aid either of God or of human beings. The evil of evil people has prevailed over us.” To Patrick, enslaved in his youth and sent off to Ireland, this must have had a personal touch to it, though he does not directly say so, rather focusing on his sacrifice in (voluntarily) leaving his home for Ireland later in life rather than his earlier ordeal. 
(This sympathy shouldn’t be pressed too far, however: Roy Flechner’s suggested that Patrick attained the wealth he needed to settle in Ireland by selling off his family’s slaves which, as a noble Romano-British family, they certainly would have had. Furthermore, as noted by Flechner, Patrick’s primary offense comes from Coroticus enslaving Christians, not that he took part in the slave trade at all.)
In typical Patrician form, this letter, far from being intended to be read by just an audience of one or two people (which, indeed, wouldn’t be very much in keeping with the Roman epistolary tradition), was actually intended to be an open letter.  “I ask insistently whatever servant of God is courageous enough to be a bearer of these messages, that it in no way be withdrawn or hidden from any person. Quite the opposite – let it be read before all the people, especially in the presence of Coroticus himself.” He wanted Coroticus to know he fucked up, but he also wanted the rest of Ireland to know that Coroticus fucked up and, possibly, as suggested by Dumville, he wanted people even outside of Ireland to know that Coroticus fucked up. Given that, while less popular than the Confessio, this letter is still widely studied, read, and analyzed, both by Patrician scholars and laypeople alike, it’s clear that he got his wish. Long after Coroticus’ name has disappeared past the point of being discernable, not being mentioned (to anyone’s knowledge) in any annals or literature, the world knows Coroticus as a Class A Douchebag. 
Now, let this be a lesson: Make sure to leave out cookies for Patrick on St. Patrick’s Day, or else get turned into a fox. 
Works Cited: 
David Dumville, “Coroticus”.
David Dumville, “Verba militibus mittenda Corotici: an analysis of St. Patrick’s tract on the crimes of Coroticus”.
Roy Flechner, “Patrick’s Reasons for Leaving Britain”. 
E. A Thompson, “St. Patrick and Coroticus”.
The edition/translation of the epistle used here is taken from the one used on Confessio.ie. I highly, highly recommend a trip to that site, both for the letter itself and the other materials on Patrick that are available. 
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animebw · 5 years
Binge-Watching: Gintama, Episodes 241-243
A short post for today! In which I dive a bit deeper into this show’s welcome progressive streak, but also consider where it could be doing better.
Let the Girls Cut Loose
I’ve talked a lot in the past about how much I love the women of Gintama. There’s not a single lady in this cast who couldn’t easily be my favorite character in a dozen lesser shows. And perhaps one of the biggest indicators of just how damn spectacular this show is, how much thought went into making this the best story it could possibly by, is that it does something that I really wish more anime would get on board with: it respects its women as much as I do. This is actually one of the few areas where Gintama is relatively understated, letting the very fabric of its being speak for itself without an additional moral or statement added on for clarification. With a handful of exceptions, it doesn’t preach explicitly feminist messages or directly tackle gender-related issues: it simply treats its female cast members exactly as it does its men. In other words, the ladies of Gintama are allowed to be just as crude, rude, boisterous, and insane as the guys, allowed to casually shrug off genders norms and be their own tumultuous selves without the need for justifications or explanations as to why. That’s just who they are, the show posits: why, is there anything else they should be?
The Odd Jobs Crew’s attempt to save their friendly neighborhood host club from going under is a perfect example of this ethos in action, giving its women a chance to cut loose and really tear the scenery to shreds. These two episodes are basically an extended revel in the heights of insanity this show’s leading ladies are capable of. It’s not an explicit part of the text, but in many ways that only makes the point that much clearer: it shows you the full spectrum of these incredible, beautiful people and trusts you to fill in the blanks on your own. It trusts that you’ll equally appreciate Kagura whether she’s tearing it up in another snazzy suit (Also, Kagura in a Suit Count: 7), in an adorable angel’s outfit, literally handfeeding Kondo a banana with a delicious smirk on her face, or leaving a man to suffer and die under the weight of his stampeding customers (”No, he’s literally asking for help, as in ‘oh god please help me’, so we can ignore him”). It trusts that the mere sight of Drunk Tsukuyo kicking the bar door down will leaving your heart as soaring with delight as mine was. It trusts that you’ll love watching Sachan having the time of her masochistic life under Okita’s taunting and Tsukuyo swinging her around like a goddamn flail (side note, how have Okita and Sachan not hung out before? They’re literally made for each other). And hell, it even trusts that the ladies can absolutely engage in an extended nerdy discussion about the viability of various Dragon Ball husbandos without the sneer of “fake geek girl” or even “wow, girls talking about anime? How weird!” being slung around, because fandom has no gender and ladies are just as capable of obsessing over cartoon minutia as us menfolk. The women of Gintama don’t have to prove themselves to anyone: they are exactly as absurdly fantastic as they want to be, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. And I think that’s pretty damn wonderful.
Saigo Struggles
That being said, as legitimately fantastic as Gintama’s handling of its gender parity and other such cultural/social issues is, it isn’t always perfect. Which is totally understandable; in a show this massive, it’s pretty much impossible not to have an off day every once in a while. Even Gintama has its limits, as impossible as that may seem. And I think it’s important to say up front that when I criticize how this show handles a certain sensitive issue, I don’t want to take away from the bevy of wonderful things it’s been able to achieve. In my estimation Gintama is legitimately excellent when it comes to avoiding problematic material, and that makes the scant handful of times when something uncomfortable slips through that much more notable and worth talking about. Because it’s only through acknowledging these flaws that we can learn from them and continue to write even stronger stories moving forward.
Saigo and the cross-dressing bar he leads have always been a particular splinter in my thumb ever since they showed up back in episode 24 (over 200 episodes ago, Jesus fuck, this is a long show). For a show that’s always excelled at complex characterization and subversion of expectations, zigging when you expect it to zag and giving surprising depth to the most seemingly simple of bit players, Saigo’s gang just never felt like it had that nuance. He’s essentially just a walking “man in a dress” joke, where the entirety of the joke is that he and his bar “maidens” act stereotypically girly and fawny while obviously being very masculine in appearance, and everyone calls them “freaks” or “monsters” because of it. There’s no meat to this portrayal of drag queens; it’s essentially just presenting them as is and expecting us to laugh at them, like the idea of men wanting to dress as women is so inherently funny that it’s enough to make us laugh all on its own. And that doesn’t jibe well with me at all. Look, I’m about as cis as one can get, so I am far from the last word on this sort of stuff (and if anyone else has an alternate take from me, feel free to let me know), but I know that a lot of trans people suffer under these sorts of jokes that just present their very being as the subject of easy mockery. Like, the whole idea of the kind of joke Saigo represents is that wanting to present as somebody other than what your body marks you as isn’t just freaking hilarious, but marks you as a weirdo and somebody to be made fun of. That’s not mean-spirited in a fun way, like this show’s usually able to achieve. That’s just cruel.
And it’s weird that Gintama keeps running into this hurdle with these characters, because it’s so goddamn antithetical to literally everything else about its ethos. Sure, we’ll get a couple digs at Otae’s supposed “manliness” every now and then and how she’s substantially more violent than your typical female support character, but it’s never enough to offset the absurd amount of ass the show allows her to kick. Tsukuyo’s whole first big character arc was about reclaiming her femininity on her own terms, and becoming the woman she wanted to be rather than what a stereotypical woman is expected to be. Katsura is as soft and cuddly as any Disney princess. Kagura eats gendered expectations for breakfast. And do I even have to mention Kyubei, a character who’s entire existence defies any attempt to slap an easy label on them and gets to wear than ambiguity proudly? This show is so far above mocking people for not fitting the roles expected of them, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t feel like Saigo got the memo, even with the additional depth he’s been given since the Four Devas arc. It’s the one aspect of Gintama that feels cribbed from a different, substantially less intelligent show; it’s not enough to sink the ship, but it’s absolutely an unwelcome sourness in an otherwise blisteringly sweet confection.
Odds and Ends
-HOLY SHIT HELLO UNEXPECTED NEW INTRO! And goddamn, what a soulful experience.
-”That’s not funny. Who’s gonna recognize that reference?” pfft
-”How many dashing young men do you require?” asldhasldkj you fuckers came prepared
-”Just do it!” Oh, hello, Joseph, been a while since I’ve heard you peeping out.
-Oh goddam it they’re playing the Madao song in the background
-”See, isn’t she so manly?” This is your friendly reminder that Kagura is as much Otae’s daughter as Gintoki’s.
-”Hostalker” I’ll give Kondo this, he knows how to sell his brand.
-”The police in town are getting so anal these days.” “You’re the head of those police!” aksjdaskjdahsda
-”He’s shining in all his evil glory?” You fools. You gave Okita a position of power. What have you done.
-”Even the Beatles didn’t have that much help!” I mean, you’re not wrong.
-”But in 3D, I’d have you beat!” Oh god, that episode was a trip.
-So is this ED just literally every character that was ever in GIntama ever? Cause that’s impressive.
-”Our special: Fish on Host!” FUCKING RIP
-”Poroca!” I beg you fucking pardon
-Okay, sincere Okita is the scariest goddamn thing in this entire show. Christ.
-”I’m pretty sure you only made their shoulders hard.” Wow, Prison School season 2 is looking pretty good.
-Okay, whoever decided that Gintoki should be muttering those math problems in the background as the manga was being read, bless you
Apologies for the short post today, but hey, everyone deserves a breather once in a while. See you next time!
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mentalcurls · 5 years
7. Ho fatto un casino
It’s been almost a week but here I am, back with my thoughts on episode 7 of the 1st season of Skam Italia. I talk about being calm and cool and chill, about toxic masculinity and the parallelisms between Silvia and Eva. The results for the Bechdel test for this episode are at the end as usual. Enjoy!
the episode starts on the most lovely note: the girls, alone, having a conversation about about a really interesting, engaging and thought-provoking topic *drumroll* the Villa guys. Yay.
the silence of the girlsquad while Silvia talk about Formentera, the perplexed stares
Eleonora is holding back from commenting so hard! Her “What are you doing with that sandwich?” is a bit judge-y, sure, but not as judge-y as the instinctive “What are doing destroying that poor sandwich?” I would have gone for
that fake nonchalance from Silvia! She’s being low maintenance! She doesn’t need to talk, it’s cool that the guy she likes made out with another girl, it’s fine! She didn’t take it badly, “ti pare”?
IDK why but I love Ele looking back towards Eva to look for confirmation and support when Silvia seems not to know what she’s talking about
Silvia is cool as a cucumber and just casually piling on justification upon justification and diverting the conversation as far from Edoardo as possible
she’s so casual!!! She made out with someone while she was so drunk she can’t even remember who it was and it’s whatever!! Chill!!!
and to continue the streak of super casual, nonchalant people, here’s Eva asking about Federico, just out of innocent curiosity, you know
that thank you kiss (that goes on for nearly 20 seconds) is completely chill as well
Gio: promises Eva 2am crepes also Gio: actually only ever brings Eva coffee from a vending machine that he only got because the machine ate his money in the first place
Eva casually asking Gio where he is going with his friends, despite complaining a lot in previous episodes about said friends and the person Gio becomes when he’s with them: not out of character at all, Gio won’t notice anything! She’s suave!
cue Gio noticing, but being too kiss drunk and letting himself be convinced (and oh how the tables have turned! This is some mild gaslighting from Eva!)
super casual, super smooth public declarations of love
and then Federica, cool as anything, asking about Marti’s relationship status
this clip was titled “Il panico” and I love this title so much. I would have gone for something like “And everyone was chill” but this antiphrasis-cum-Silvia-quote is pretty good too 
going back a second, Marti’s face while Gio and Eva kiss! He’s awkward and avoiding looking at them exactly like the other girls, but there’s so much annoyance there too! We’ve already seen him break up at least one of their kisses (first clip with the “A zozzoni!”) and I bet he’d totally pull an Ammucchiate!Niccolò here if he thought he could get away with it
that pool is a really cool place, I really want Marti to take Nico there at some point cause it fits his aesthetic for romantic places perfectly
how smooth, how suave of Gio to lose control of his skateboard and end up falling on his ass in the mud 
Marti’s hair! It’s tremendous! Baby, cut it please, I’m begging you (AND I KNOW THIS IS AN UNPOPULAR OPINION OK but you can’t deny he needs a bit of order on that head)
M: “I see things are going better” E: “Yeah, [...] everything is fine” COOL AS CUCUMBERS, the both of them. The fake nonchalance. The facade of chill.
then Eva swallows, takes a deep breath and it all comes crashing down
Eva is 100% talking to Marti instead of one of the girls because they would obviously tell her off for listening to a dumb boy’s advice and she’s scared they would turn on her for “making” another boy cheat like it happened with Laura over Gio, when in reality the girls would/will take her side both with the Federico/Alice situation and the Giovanni situation; on the other hand, she is convinced from their previous conversation Marti is on her side, she’s looking for validation of what she did when she took his advice despite feeling stupid for taking it herself, but she also wants someone who will tell her off for cheating on Gio, who maybe will fight her about it cause it’ll be cathartic, so Marti is the obvious choice of confidant here
and Marti is taken aback: I don’t think he expected Eva to actually go to Laura, Laura to actually tell the truth and most of all to cause such an earthquake with a half-assed line about going to the source
is Marti that concerned about Federica that he really thinks of her first when Eva tells him about kissing “Fede” or is he that unaware of what Eva’s social life has looked in the past few months and of the hierarchy at school? Both, I suspect. He’s a disaster.
“Hai capito” he’s so shook! He doesn’t know how to react! His mind starts going a million miles an hour
and again! He’s Gio’s best friend, he’d put himself in front of a bullet for Gio, but he makes it sound like he’s siding with Eva, like he’s giving advice based on what’s best for her and Eva believes him without a second thought! I just can’t with these kids. She even thanks him!
the shots focused on Gio skateboarding down in the pool are from both Eva and Marti’s point of view not only in the sense that they come from their position, where they’re sitting close to one another, but because they both see him in the same way: boyfriend material
what’s Silvia doing wearing that ugly jacket?? I mean she looks great anyways, but it’s so ugly and plasticky and it doesn’t compliment her figure at all??
and oh, this poor baby. She’s been so brainwashed into believing a) that she needs a man; b) that her self-worth lies in the social status of the man she’ll get herself; c) that men treating women like shit is par for the course and a sign they actually like them, they’re just being manly she just. Doesn’t. Get. It. Her first thought when Eva asks about Federico is that she likes him, not that she likes gossip, or that she needs blackmail to get rid of the guy who we know and the girls know has been hitting on her, despite knowing she has a boyfriend (which would have been my first thought tbh). She thinks that Edo’s silence is jealousy and she’s absolutely devastated when she finds out about the lows teenage boys can get to when it comes to status, sex and proving their masculinity
Eva and Silvia’s clothes have similar colors in this clip, but inverted (pink shirt and blue jacket for Silvia, blue t-shirt and red-purple shirt over it for Eva) which I think is significant: everyone knows Silvia’s been with Edo because she’s advertised it to be more popular, while Eva’s doing her best to prevent her story of her kiss with Fede from coming out, so the colors are inverted; at the same time, they are part of the same color families because Silvia and Eva have both “been” with one of the Villa boys and therefore they’re both on that wall and in both their cases there’s a third guy involved (Gio and Rocco Martucci); Eleonora on the other hand is in black, neutral.
and Ele calls the wall “posto di merda” and I couldn’t agree more: it is a sanctuary of sexism and misogyny, a place specifically created to celebrate the guys’ sexuality, while demeaning and ridiculing girls for theirs, along of course with other, “lesser” boys who are not in their circle and don’t have as much sex (in the Villa guys’ perception) as them or don’t get girls as hot as theirs: it’s obviously the new frontier of a classic of toxic masculinity, comparing dick sizes, with a dash more misogyny thrown in for good measure, and it’s public in a way notches on the bedframe (another great toxic masculinity classic) aren’t, since those are a twisted way of demonstrating how good you are in bed to women along with how you’re a casanova not looking for anything serious, the wall is a self-congratulatory group activity for the elite, accessible to anyone in theory, but unknown to most people; the only thing I have to say that’s even just vaguely positive about the wall compared to the Penetrators sweatshirts in the OG is that it’s less about “possession” of the girls, who are still objectified, but are not marked in an outward way to indicate they “belong” to a specific group or a specific member of the group
EVA, GUARDAMI EVA: why the fuck would you call him? You already know he won’t take you seriously, he’s never taken you seriously while talking to you face to face, why would he be any better on the phone!
Eva just really doesn’t know how to lie. She’s shit at it, with anybody. The only secrets she manages to keep are those who only require her to omit the truth without having to make up excuses: the only lie we see her successfully tell is about spending Easter with Sara and Laura, while was with Gio, and even then she kind of betrays herself later when she tells her mom her and Laura haven’t been talking much since they were put in different classes
I’ve been disproved! She successfully pretends Fede is her mom on the phone right then. Whoops.
cue Federico disregarding Eva’s requests and instructions because he’s a self-centered, sexually objectifying ass as usual and calling her and making fun of her
I don’t have much to say about the conversation between Gio and Eva on the couch, except that Gio is obviously avoiding the words “drug” and “marijuana” because he wants to ignore the potential addiction he has shown he could develop, that conversation in which people disagree on something important but them man distracts the woman by being silly always make me uncomfortable cause I feel he thinks her thoughts are valid and that Eva  must be feeling so shit when Gio tells her he’s decided to tell her everything and never lie AND IT’S BECAUSE OF MARTI who told her not to communicate with Gio
fully siding with Eleonora on the wedges discourse
so much sarcasm in that conversation at Baretto
Sana’s first response to Silvia, who treated her like shit and was racist towards her, is to repay her in brutal honesty, and it’s honestly cruel sometimes, but genius cause what can Silvia do or answer?
“Sticazzi degli altri” and this moment is so important! Everything the girls have been trying to teach Silvia in the past few months about self worth, confidence, about not giving too much weight to other people’s opinions and about feminism coagulates in this single moment for Silvia: she couldn’t be low-maintenance enough for Edoardo to keep her? Fine, now she’s gonna be fucking high maintenance and loud and proud and hand him his ass. 
except it’s all facade, she’s still a scared, naive girl who’s a bit of a pushover inside, so when she actually confronts her monster she caves immediately when the interaction doesn’t play out as she envisioned, and in the end she comes out of it destroyed and with the idea that being confident, proud etc. is only harmful for her social status
Silvia can’t even get Edo to listen at her! Not until one of the other girls arrives and calls him out
that “Ciao!” is the epitome of the fake confidence Silvia’s portraying, she’s trying to be cool and suave and destroy him like Ele or Sana would (and will)
and what an haphazard, unthreatening group the girlsquad looks when compared to the Villa guys, all in black, far taller, forming a more compact front, arms on shoulders, exchanging looks behind Edo
“If you think you can reduce me to an X on a wall” that would be bad enough! But even worse, Silvia is not even an X, she’s not even on Edo’s radar enough for him to know her name, despite her giving him her first time!
Silvia is a cautionary tale for teaching girls about consent too, both because of how she handled the sex with Edo and making out with Martucci, and conversely because despite all the signals and implied messages from Edo telling her no, that he’s not interested in her, she still continues to go after him
and like, I said before that I got why Edoardo is doing this, but he’s such an ASSHOLE about it, I wanna punch him in the face so bad
he throws her off straight away, pretending he doesn’t know what she’s talking about (Silvia should have predicted that, really, as I said before, it’s an ELITE thing, not many people are supposed to know about it so why would Edo acknowledge that something exists, that he knows anything about it and that it’s a secret Silvia has been allowed into too?
then he interrupts her! And I don’t think I need to say anything more about manterrupting than what has already been said
Silvia is completely frozen. This is the man of her dreams. She had sex with him. Only a little over a week earlier. The entire world crashes down on her. He doesn’t seem to remember her at all.
and after confusing her, breaking her heart, disproving her theory, treating her like a child and humiliating her, Edo just has to dig a bit deeper still and mock her
re: Ele’s roast, I’m just gonna 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
the girls though: while Edo is talking to Silvia, Sana and Ele are simmering with barely contained rage, while Fede is as chided as Silvia is and Eva is worried about Silvia, but also about Federico, I bet she was checking what he was doing out of the corner of her eye for the whole conversation; then when Ele talks, and afterwards, while they leave, their bearing completely changes, they stand up straighter, their chins are high and they leave with nonchalance and an air of superiority
Giovanni complaining about not answering perfectly a particularly hard question he was asked in a test is such a classico mood though
Eva is so cute, being worried for Silvia and checking in on her
Alice has anger management issues obviously, but I stan Mr Boccia’s female colleague who is an impressive example of female solidarity and  teaching the right messages, even if her methods are not very conventional of pedagogically great; basically the whole PE department in this school is 💯
and then there’s the fight: Alice arrives with a group of friends, like a proper ambush; I love killer Sana with the dictionary, that poor girls on the other end of things will have some very nasty bruises; all the girls get in the fray, even Silvia and they form a shield behind which they hide Eva
Ele is super interesting to me here: she’s in proper boxer stance, like she knows how to fight, and she probably does, doesn’t she? What with being a beautiful girl in a big city in a sexist world and what with Filippo being her brother and gay and flamboyant and probably getting bullied when they were both younger. On top of this, as soon as Alice calls Eva “troia” she gets mad as a hornet ‘cause she just can’t stand people who use the derogatory terms that condemn women simply on the basis of how much sex they’ve had and stigmatize sex workers, especially when it’s women against other women (see also ep.1 with Laura calling Eva “puttana”)
and after that, much as she won’t believe it, Silvia’s moment with Edoardo is forgotten; more importantly, though, Alice and Federico’s fight during PE is forgotten, as is the fact that this situation is his fault since he cheated; no, the thing that lasts in people’s mind is the catfight between girls outside the school gate and how that redhead from 3B is a whore
Bechdel test: this episode doesn’t pass the Bechdel test. I’ve thought quite a bit about it, because there are technically two conversation that pass the test: one while the girls are at Baretto, in which they talk about Fede’s pink wedge shoes, but I decided not to count it just like I didn’t count the conversation on the windowsill about Margot in the last episode, cause it fades in and the topic changes after just a few seconds; the other immediately follows and it consists of Silvia telling the others she got 7 in Maths and that she found the ananas cake on a website: I decided not to count this one because it almost completely one-sided and Silvia starts talking about Edoardo the very next minute.
This post is part of my complete series of meta about Skam Italia season 1.  If you’d like to read more of my thoughts about the other episodes, you can find the mastepost linked in the top bar on my blog under SKAMIT: EVA. Cheers!
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ryancurtis15-blog · 5 years
*The Feminine Style*
In this entry i am going to be examining the critical question: What gender norm is constructed or undone in this artifact, how is it rhetorically performed and/or how does it promote dominant ideology over a marginalized group or push back against the ideology or gender norms? Is it productive or unproductive?
To investigate this question i analyzed a press conference held with president Donald Trump and used this as my artifact. The statements made by President Trump are very unproductive for society as it promotes a dominant ideology over marginalized groups and creates this idea that women never think.
This artifact was a press conference held on October 1st 2018 in the morning. The president had just picked a reporter to ask a question. The member of press was caught off guard by being picked by the president and said that. The president responded with its ok you are never thinking. The statement that the president makes is unprovoked and directed towards a female member of the press leaving the question of would he say this to a man under the same circumstances.
As Butler would say in the undoing gender article, the rhetoric that is used in this instance is one that promotes a view of women being less than human. Because Trump is of the male gender he views himself as higher than the reporter that he berates because she is female. Butler would agree that the reporter doesn’t receive the recognition she deserves because of her gender. When Trump says “i know your not thinking, you never do” this is a way of as butler states “undoing the person by withholding recognition.”(pg.2) and through the use of this process there is a dominant culture being promoted, and of course this is the male gender. When this dominant culture gets promoted it marginalizes women even more than they were before because it promotes this idea that they are lesser just as was previously thought so why give them equality. It can also be argued that Trump is just trying to get recognition himself by conforming to gender roles expected of him by a patriarchal society. If Trump felt that society expects him to take a role as a male and put down females to promote the gender norms he thinks are expected of him than it makes sense as to why he promotes this idea of the dominant ideology over the marginalized group of women.
There are no advantages that i see coming from this narrative whatsoever. This is a narrative that i would say takes an approach that only creates a disadvantage. Women are reduced to an idea that they are lesser than men and that they can’t think for themselves. This is horrible for society because if this idea is allowed to grow and is accepted by most so many doors close for women around the world. This in turn will create a loss of great ideas and a loss of overall progress in society as it will revert into a society where only men are allowed to be educated and contribute to the growth of the nation.
As Swami et. al. put it there are multiple ways in which women are demeaned and put down, multiple types of sexism that are present in society. These include “hostile sexism which refers to a tendency to explicitly denigrate women through the justification of patriarchy and gendered assignment of roles as well as to impose restrictions on the roles attributed to women. Second, benevolent sexism refers to a tendency to idealize women’s traditional roles while simultaneously limiting them to subservient positions in society.” and it is my opinion that the statements that Trump makes covers both of these types of sexism, this is because what he says does in turn defame this women by making her seem incompetent and does so in a way that attacks the whole gender of women this covers the aspect of hostile sexism. On the other hand the statements made also tries to get this woman put into a subservient role in society because as Trump states “she’s shocked that i picked her” and “i know you are never thinking.” are ways that Trump tries to put this woman down and make her seem much lesser as a professional and as a person to him making him seem higher in society than she is. Swami et al. would agree that this type of rhetoric isn’t helpful for society at all and is only harmful, there are no advantages to this type of rhetoric.
In summary Trump’s rhetoric in this situation is very unproductive for society. In addition to this Trump uses multiple types of sexism in a way that reinforces a dominant ideology over a marginalized group of people. If we wish to advance in society and push back against expected gender norms rhetoric like this must not be accepted or viewed at as okay because it harms any arguments for equality.
Works Cited
Swami, Viren, et al. “Oppressive Beliefs at Play: Associations among Beauty Ideals and Practices and Individual Differences in Sexism, Objectification of Others, and Media Exposure.” Psychology of Women Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 3, Sept. 2010, pp. 365–379. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1471-6402.2010.01582.x.
Clark Mindock New York @ClarkMindock. “Trump Insults Female Reporter in Tense Exchange: 'I Know You're Not Thinking. You Never Do'.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 24 Oct. 2018, www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/cecilia-vega-trump-reporter-insult-abc-white-house-rose-garden-kaitlan-collins-trade-a8564026.html.
Butler, Judith. Undoing Gender. Routledge, 2009.
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