#rachel was born december 1994 and i was born december 1993 and yet we graduate the same year??
angelhummel · 3 years
Blaine didn't get handsy for a minute. It was less than ten seconds and people act like he committed rape or something, but when Brittany literally releases underage nudes, doesn't apologize and refuses to take it down, it's okay because she's dumb, right?
Not at all, silly! It’s okay because Santana is whipped and such a bottom uwu
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Okay so the two arguments are... 1) Brittany genuinely thought she was helping bc she’s too naive to know better and committed a crime/ruined Santana’s entire life on accident. Or 2) She’s a secret genius who wanted to show Santana the error of her ways and what happens when you don’t care how you get famous and committed a crime/ruined Santana’s entire life on purpose
BUT as you can see it doesn’t matter bc Brittany kissed Santana’s cheek and then helped her get into a college she didn’t want to go to. Santana telling Rachel not to do a nude scene and her argument is that her sex tape was released and will now haunt her forever? Never heard of it!
Okay so Saturday Night Gleever aired April 17, 2012. Their sex tape was made at any point prior to that. The Glee wiki has Santana’s birthday as August 27, 1994. The Glee wiki doesn’t have Brittany’s actual birthday listed but if you just google “Brittany Pierce birthday” you get March 14, 1994. Also if you google “Santana Lopez birthday” you get November 17, 1994. Idk who’s coming up with that stuff but either way it puts Santana at 17 and Brittany at 18 when she releases their sex tape :) Math is fun you guys
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