#rada rambles
thequietdoll · 2 years
So I invited my partner to pride and I'm beginning to think he thinks I'm a straight cis woman that's an ally like my buddy my dude I'm anything but that
Sincerely a Non-Binary, Panromantic, Demisexual that is now always angry
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not-handsome-enough · 5 months
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Late night doodle page I’m just rambling under the cut
The one with the boxes I adore so much but every time I’ve tried to render it or work on it more I hate it so it will forever remain a sketch
Also Skwisgaar went from being so hard to draw to being up there with murderface with favorite to draw I just keep accidentally erasing the file whenever I draw him 😭 I do a lot of draw and erase so whenever I post it’s just the survivors lmao
Also also ive Seen the winterwonderklok in the tags and also the prompt list and I was gonna do it but then I got distracted making an oc to go with it that I didn’t prepare anything at all 😭
I May do it late cause I like doing these lil events and I missed kloktober and I was gonna do wonderklok originally. Ramble ramble rada rada sorry
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kousuisanka · 9 months
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Enomoto Setsuna, saniwa muda dari Bizen no Kuni, dan hubungannya dengan beberapa touken danshi dalam benteng besarnya.
— Sebuah rambling (lagi)
Kasen Kanesada
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Hajimari no hitofuri alias first summonnya Setsuna :D.
Karena dia first summon (+ hasil capcipcup aka Setsu ngambilnya ngasal😭) dari Setsuna yang belum belajar banyak (iyh meski keturunan saniwa pun bukan berarti Setsuna bisa langsung mahir), sebenernya Kasen punya satu kekurangan yang kurang dinotis orang lain—tpi ini bagian dari lorenya honmaru Setsuna yg belum komplit jadi ga bakal kuspill di sini hmch.
Setsuna kadang suka nganggep Kasen kayak mendiang ibunya, soalnya sifatnya rada mirip—bahkan karena Kasen juga Setsuna bisa mengobati rasa rindunya pada rumah dan Mama, karena tiap liat Kasen, Setsuna jadi teringat Haruko. Karena itu juga biasa Setsuna nurutnya ke Kasen doang wkwk 😭😭😭☝ sama yg lain bandel tapi begitu Kasen dateng langsung diem (kalo Hasebe menyerah mnghadapi Setsuna maka solusinya adalah mmanggil Kasen 👍).
Setsuna kalo lagi kangen Haruko biasanya meluk Kasen diem2 (as in ngga ngomong apa2 tau2 meluk aja). Kasen awal2 digituin bingung sih, tapi makin lama makin terbiasa aja.
Setsuna sayang Kasen, Kasen sayang Setsuna juga duns 🏃‍♂️ meski kadang capek soalnya arujinya badung banget demi apapun tpi gapapa blio kuat 😔👍
Yagen Toushirou
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Second summonnya Setsuna, sudah dianggap sperti adik sendiri (kalo kata Setsuna dianggep adek soalnya Yagen pendek WKWKWK 😭😭😭).
Setsuna suka clingy ke Yagen—kadang2 kalo gabut dia suka mampir ke ruangannya trus tau2 aja meluk Yagen dari belakang. Kadang juga suka nawarin konpeito kalo habis jajan dari yorozuya (Yagen suka concern sama ini soalnya Setsuna sering banget makan konpeito (dan manisan lain in general) hmahskshsjs kdang takut arujinya lupa sikat gigi lalu berujung giginya sakid). Mereka berdua paling sering keliatan bareng soalnya selain Kasen, Yagen suka dijadiin kinji sama Setsuna wqwqwq.
Btw Setsuna di sini selalu keliatan pake plester di hidungnya, itu buat nutupin bekas luka sayat wkwkwk. Bekasnya dari Yagen, ga sengaja kesayat waktu mereka berdua sparing pake bilah pedang asli dan sayatannya rada dalem makanya sampe ninggalin bekas (tldr Setsuna yang ngajakin dan Yagen setuju2 aja. Jadilah sejak kejadian itu dibuat peraturan kalo mau sparing dilarang keras pake pedang beneran (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)). Yagen aga merasa bersalah sih gara2 kejadian itu, tapi Setsuna ketawa aja (katanya gara2 pake plester gini dia jadi keliatan makin keren 😎☝ bocil banget memang awokwokwowk).
Azuki Nagamitsu
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Setsuna suka manis, dan Azuki suka memasak makanan manis :D.
Hubungan mereka berdua awalnya sama kayak Setsuna ke pedang2 lain, tpi makin ke sini makin improved yang mana sekarang Azuki ada pada titik dia bener2 ngeliat Setsuna sebagai adiknya sendiri (udah kayak dia ke Kenshin atau ke Koryuu atau ke Daihannya, gitu2) (kalo Setsuna sendiri mmang terang2 menganggap Azuki sbagai kakaknya sih, sama kayak dia ke Yagen www).
Udah pernah bilang ini tpi Azuki suka nitipin manisan buat Setsuna kalo anaknya lagi begadang. Kinda concerned by Kasen Kanesada (soalnya bukannya disuruh tidur malah didukung dngan mmberi makanan bergula 😭😭😭) tpi ujung2nya Kasen maklumin aja (Setsuna keras kepala agaknya mmang sulit nyuruh dia buat jangan-nunda-nunda-laporan-mingguan-supaya-ngga-bergadang).
Azuki juga ngerti banget sama kebiasaan Setsuna. Dia tau kalo Setsuna ga bisa diajakin ngobrol kalo ngantuk (soalnya nnti malah lebih gampang ketiduran kalo begitu), jadilah kalo misalnya lagi nemenin Setsuna yang bergadang buat ngebut laporan mingguan buat disetorkan ke Seifu, Azuki stay di sana sambil diem2 aja. Diemnya sambil merhatiin Setsuna, ato kadang sesekali nawarin, "Makan dulu, Aruji."
Also kalo udah kelar sudah siap sedia menyuruh Setsuna gosok gigi dulu sbelum tidur wwww.
Izuminokami Kanesada
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Izuminokami nih summoned by drops, aka suatu waktu pas kelar battle di Ikedaya nemu pedang yang begitu dibangkitkan di honmaru, ternyata itu dia 😭👍. Waktu perkenalan kesannya rada sengak di mata Setsuna—jadinya Setsuna langsung ngeledek, trus tau2 Izuminokami malah bales ngeledek (ga terima) dan berujung mereka adu mulut sampe dilerai Kasen 😭☝
Iyh mereka enemies at the first sight. Tiap hari ada aja berantemnya, bahkan TIAP PAGI kelar sarapan mereka sparing dulu di dojo (sparing hanyalah kedok agaknya kalo mengingat mostly ujung2nya mereka berantem beneran 😭😭😭). Awalnya kalo udah berantem pasti dilerai toudan lain (bahkan Kasen udah sering banget ngomelin mereka berdua) tpi karena tiap hari masih aja gelud akhirnya pada pasrah.
Setsuna kalo gedek banget ujungnya ngadu ke Kasen. Nah Izuminokami juga ngadu ke Kasen. Kasen capek ngurusin ni dua bocil egonya sama2 selangit (aka gaada yg mau ngalah) 😭😭😭😭
(kalo kata Yagen yang lagi makan popcorn, "Maklum remaja, hobinya gelud. Diemin aja, kali besok2 jatuh cinta.")
Tpi gitu2 sbenernya both of them sama2 peduli satu sama lain sih (cuman denial 👎👎). Also sebenernya Setsuna suka kalo Izuminokami nge-patpat dia ... (Ngakunya ga suka tapi jadinya Izuminokami malah makin sering nge-patpat kepala dia 😭😭😭😭 gaada sopan2nya memang ni toudan satu ke arujinya).
Ningen Mukotsu
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Aslinya Setsuna memang rada deket sama Kanesada in general :D. Doi kedatangan Mukotsu waktu umurnya 17 jalan 18, semangat banget waktu tau dapat yarinya Nosada karena berarti Mukotsu punya relasi sama Kasen (dan Izuminokami) 🏃‍♂️
Setsuna sebenernya aga kagok waktu pertama kali denger Mukotsu ngomong (kalo bagi Setsuna aga sulit dipahami makna ucapannya, dia takut salah mengerti 😭😭😭). Tapi makin ke sini Setsuna makin paham2 aja Mukotsu ngomong apaan 🤝
Kalo lagi jadi kinji biasanya Mukotsu nemenin Setsuna di ruangannya (apalagi kalo anaknya lagi begadang speedrun laporan—iyh otw tiga tahun berjalan dan kebiasaannya makin ke sini makin ke sana). Sama kayak Azuki, Mukotsu biasanya diem aja selagi Setsuna ngebut laporannya—kadang sambil latihan nulis biar tulisan tangannya ngga jelek2 amat, kadang sambil merhatiin gimana Setsuna nulis di atas kertas supaya bisa nyontoh buat belajar juga.
Kalo Setsuna ketiduran, dia nyelimutin Setsuna dulu sebelum beresin kertas2 di atas meja dan pergi keluar :(<3
Koryuu Kagemitsu & Kenshin Kagemitsu
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Temen main 👍 Karena Setsuna deket sama Azuki otomatis dia deket juga sama Kenshin-Koryuu—hubungan prtemanan tiga orang ini bisa diibaratkan sperti pertemanan dua orang bocil dan satu orang remaja gede yang hobi ngebolang/nyari belalang dngan Oyu (remaja gedenya) sbagai pemimpinnya dan Kenshin-Setsu (the bocils meski aslinya Setsuna ga bocil2 amat awokowkowk) ngintilin dia dari belakang.
Shizukagata Naginata
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Kalo ngeliat data tkrb!Setsuna di carrd (yg udah gue perbarui), di situ ada namanya Shizukagata as best kinjinya Setsuna. Setsuna sering milih blio jadi kinji juga aslinya, karena kadang Setsuna ngerasa aman aja gitu kalo di dekat Shizukagata.
Shizukagata sbenernya khawatir ke Setsuna sih (khawatir as in takut kesenggol soalnya bagi dia Setsuna rada mungil dan rapuh (karena kecil kalo dibandingin sama badannya sendiri) 😭😭😭 kalo kesenggol dia ngeri sndiri). Tapi ngeliat tuannya percaya sama dia, Shizukagata pelan2 mengurangi rasa khawatir dia.
(Smoga dia segera sadar kalo aslinya Setsuna tahan banting wkwk, kesenggol dikit ga bakal bikin dia kenapa2 ���😭😭).
The Seifu Swords (minus Bungou Yukihira toudanshis)
For some reasons (sekaligus udah masuk spoiler lorenya Setsuna makanya dispill tipis2 aja) Setsuna cuman ikut special investigation bagian Keichou Kumamoto. Selain itu, toudan seifu lain datang sendiri ke honmaru dia (dan semua udah pada kenal Setsuna bahkan sebelum dia ngenalin diri). Setsuna ga begitu dekat sama mereka, but at some point sebenernya dia penasaran, kenapa dan gimana bisa mereka (selain Kokin-Jizou yg kenalnya lewat SI) pada kenal sama Setsu dari awal, tapi gamau nanya soalnya bingung (?) (Setsuna somehow punya firasat itu bukan semata-mata gara2 mereka pedang seifu, kek ada sesuatu yang lebih dalam dari itu tapi dia ngga bisa menerka apa).
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harunokijournal · 10 months
Mlihat Kak Risol cerita jdi pngen cerita juga.
Actually gue juga berencana naroh ini di sini (soalnya sempet pengen gue pindahin dari acc rambling lama ke acc twt yg _noyuki tpi lupa mulu)
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Saa, hajimeyou! Perjalanan Setsuna-Kana Raizael dari masa ke masa 🤸‍♂️ (warning banyak gambar bikin sakit mata, gue serius soalnya riil jelek banget ya Allah)
Jdi gue pertama kali bikin SetsuKana dari kelas 7. Iyh jdi sbenernya udah lama banget, malah mereka berdua hitungannya OC pertama gue.
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Jadi desain awalnya gini.
Gue lupa2 inget konsep awalnya gimana but iirc mereka bukan sodara kembar. Mirip, tpi bukan. Rada influenced by vocaloid aka karena dulu gue demen banget sama vocaloid jadilah mereka berdua. Kalo gue ga salah yg rambut hijau itu Setsuna (kudunya toska tapi pensil warna gue terbatas jadilah gitu, tpi di pikiran gue warna rambut dia toska—probably ngikutin Hatsune Miku). Trus yg rambut biru gelap itu Kana (yg ini agaknya ngikutin Kaito, gatau knapa). Sekali lagi gainget knapa tapi mereka konsepnya kayak ... cermin? Mirip2 Rin-Len yg katanya emang cerminan masing2 gitu2 lah.
Di sini mereka berdua masih nameless (or probably I got them names in my head tapi memori gue jelek jadi gue gainget nama mereka di sini siapa)
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Lalu pas kelas 8 gue mulai mngenal ibis paint x. Masih nameless, then warna rambutnya "Kana" waktu itu ganti. Kalo yg ini gue inget gue gambar buat merayakan ultah gue (kayaknya mereka punya tanggal lahir yg sama kayak gue asalnya dari sini alias Lya 14 taun why tf you give them the same bday date as us).
Warnanya nusuk banget demi ya Allah gimana bisa gue gambar kayak gini /merenung/.
But dari sini gue udah nentuin basic personality mereka. Dinamika sun (Setsuna) & moon (Kana) gitu2
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LALU TIBALAH PADA MASA2 PALING CRINGE alias masa mereka berdua gue lempar ke fandom biesdi sebagai anak kembar.
Aga malu tapi biarlah—di sini mereka udah ada namanya. Sekali lagi ini cringe banget ya Allah tapi gue ngasih mereka nama SAMA KAYAK NICKNAME IRL GUE. Kek yaampun udah gitu sampe taun ini bulan kapan gitu mereka berdua namanya kayak gitu (Vira (Setsuna) & Avi (Kana)). Gue yakin sampe kapanpun gue akan tetap malu pada fakta ini.
Anyway cringenya blum berhenti di sana sih. Back to pmbicaraan abt them being in bsdoc fandom, mereka berdua ceritanya anak Port Mafia gitu (dandanannya hitam2 skarang gue bertanya2 knapa Lya 14-15 taun ga kepikiran buat ngasih baju yg lebih berwarna).
Both of them have abilities, abilitynya ga saling berkaitan tapi mereka bisa bikin itu jadi berkaitan (?) Idk something like that. Seinget gue Vira abilitynya mirip punya Acuy trus Avi abilitynya mirip punya Odsk (gue lupa detailnya gimana, nama abilitynya apalagi). Jadi kek Vira eksekutor yg turun ke lapangan, Avi kerja di balik layar.
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Tpi cringe gini2 sbenernya aga bagus juga si. Gue terjun ke fandom ini gegara join gc pecinta bsd di wa (trnyata mereka sekalian nge-rp jadi oc masing2 di sana). Personality sama dinamika mereka berdua bisa dikembangin karena gue rajin terlibat sama anak2 gc ini (nge-rp, gambar, collab, gitu2). Konsep, sifat, dan dinamika SetsuKana yg awalnya basic banget gue kembangin lewat sini.
(Tmi banget tpi dulu gue ngepair Vira (Setsuna) sama G0gol. Iyh yume pertama gue (dulu gatau sebutannya yume), yg mana sbenernya hubungan mereka masih sama ga jelasnya kalo dibandingkan sama yg skarang (udh karam)).
(Tmi juga Akira-Osya-Saya lahir dari fandom ini. Akira punya hubungan darah sama si kembar, tpi mereka ga pernah ketemu. Osya-Saya malah gapunya hubungan samsek sama mereka berdua, tpi seinget gue Saya kenal sama Akira).
Lalu gue lupa tepatnya kapan, either akhir 2019 ato 2020 gitu (pokoknya gue udah SMA), gue mutusin keluar dari fandom bsdoc for some reasons. Tentunya anak2 ini gue tarik, lalu gue bikinin universe sendiri. Tiga oc yg gue sebutin sebelumnya gue bawa juga, dan entah apa yg merasuki Lya 15/16 tahun, dia (gue) mutusin bikin mereka jadi sodara (dipikir2 lagi masih aga kocak dan amat sangat maksa tapi syukurlah lorenya bisa gue sempurnain sekitar taun kemaren biar mulus).
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Enih desain rombakannya mereka berdua pasca keluar dari fandom bsdoc (mata gue akhirnya terbuka dan menyadari toska-ungu gelap sebagai warna rambut sangat ngejreng dan tidak baik untuk kesehatan mata. Tbh udah bagus dikit meski mata dan anatominya masi abal2). Kayaknya ini mereka masih SMP, gue ingetnya gue pengen bikin mereka jadi anak SMP tpi habis itu berubah pikiran dan menetapkan mereka jadi anak SMA aja.
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Tbh gue merasa kurang cocok sama seragam itu jadi akhirnya gue ganti (yang mana akhirnya gue jadiin permanen, oc lain yg sekolah di sekolah mereka seragamnya juga kayak gini).
Vira (Setsuna) tuh konsepnya delinquent, tipe2 anak bandel yg dasi sama blazer aja ga dipasang bener2. Sementara Avi (Kana) konsepnya diligent, tipe2 anak rajin di kelas. Vira pake plester di wajahnya karena luka (hobi brgelud, mmang ni anak gaada anggun2nya samsek jadi cewe), sementara Avi pake buat nemenin Vira aja, biar matching gitu www. Mereka akur (kadang berantem tpi ga lama akur lagi), ke mana2 bareng terus meski jadi bikin orang bingung karena wajah mereka mirip.
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Betul puncaknya adalah yg sekarang, taun 2023. Gambar ini gue buat untuk mengumumkan mereka yang akhirnya ganti nama (dari Vira-Avi Raizael jadi Setsuna-Kana Raizael). Gegara ini gue kudu ngerevisi semua fic yg featuring mereka berdua di ao3 (dan fic2 yumean gue karena Setsuna gue pake ngeyume), tpi atleast gue jadi smakin nyaman ngocehin mereka berdua (awalnya pas nyadar aga ga begitu nyaman karena namanya sama, kalo diliat orang awam kesannya gue kayak ngomongin diri sendiri—padahal BUKAN).
Anyway gue juga mulai ngedevelop future!setting mereka berdua (pada dasarnya gue bikin universe bokumono (僕らの物語) cuman buat senang2, tipe2 SoL, yg mana alurnya bisa gue setir ke mana aja). Tapi karena mulai bosen (dikit) jadi dikit2 gue mulai nyoba ngembangin juga.
Rencana pertama gue tuh tentang Kana yang meninggal di umur 19 (gue cerita ini ke temen, kalo membaca reaksi dia waktu itu kalo kita bisa ketemu irl agaknya gue udah dipukul sama dia). Meninggalnya gegara kecelakaan, di depan Setsuna, yg bikin Setsuna akhirnya jadi rada pemurung. (Sebenernya rencana ini impulsif banget soalnya kek tetiba muncul pas gue lagi mandi dan immediately gue langsung setuju???)
(Tmi (lagi), lore bnal!Setsuna mau dan bisa kerja di perpus padahal dia ga demen baca tuh asalnya dari sini. Makanya kalo nulis yumefic di bunal gue kadang suka nyelipin hint tentang Kana; seseorang yang disayang banget sama Setsuna, seseorang yang entah di mana, seseorang yang ternyata udah pergi duluan.)
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Lalu gue memutuskan bikin Kanachang pake kacamata! Wkwk yg ini juga impulsif, tapi lucu. Kek sejak kelas 2 SMA Kana nyadar penglihatan dia jadi aga kabur pas ngeliatin papan tulis, jadilah dia periksa (trnyata emang minus, jadi dia mulai pake kacamata).
Yeah 3 taun pake kacamata lalu mninggoy /digebuk massa/
Jadi bgitulah, perjalanan mereka berdua develop dari unnamed OCs sampe jadi kayak sekarang. Feels like gue tumbuh besar bersama mereka soalnya ... apa ya, itu udah dari gue kelas 7. Umur gue waktu itu 13 dan sekarang gue 19, udah 6 taun lebih wow ...
Karena mereka yg paling lama juga jadinya gue kek ... paling sayang sama mereka? Especially Setsuna soalnya hitungannya dia ocsona gue, but I love them equally!!! Gue sayang banget pls gue bakal melakukan apa aja untuk melindungi mereka berdua ;;;;;;;
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bananagogh · 5 years
ANYWAY i’m only here to promote my depop store (one last time i guess)!!
i just listed a bunch of items since i was home for spring break and it would really mean a lot if you guys could check it out and/or share this :) 
i gotta pay for college somehow hehe
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the-skooma-den · 3 years
Verandis confesses his love for Rada and then gets sent to super cold harbor
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rhikasa-archive-2 · 2 years
radan and rhistel’s relationship is essentially that one scene from the lion king where timon tells pumbaa to hold him back, but radan doesn’t need to tell rhistel to hold him back. it’s become a natural reflex by this point. he just does instinctually.
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
I was talking with @andauril about Markarth and Rada al-Saran and now I just... need to ramble a bit because oh shit I really really liked Rada in the end.
He’s one of the few antagonists in the game that you can have a lengthy, and even personal conversation with. He tells you about his past at length - his struggle with perfection among the Ansei, his battle with Leki, how Verandis was the one who helped him move past that need for perfection - and is perfectly honest with you and expects only honesty in return. How often do we get to talk to a primary antagonist in such a personal way?
I wish that ZOS had further utilised the Vestige’s own history in that conversation though. As much as I love the freedom of One Tamriel, it does rob us of story and character potential at times because some players might not have completed the base game’s main story. I’d have loved if Rada had noted the touch of Coldharbour on the player, which they could then tell him about - their murder at Mannimarco’s hands, their subsequent escape from Coldharbour, and their struggle to end the Planemeld and reclaim their soul - and he would then comment on their endeavour, maybe even gaining a new respect for their defiance of Bal, as well as noting that perhaps they are not so dissimilar after all.
Rada is perhaps the most personal antagonist in ESO, both through his history with Verandis and that common ground with the Vestige. Maybe they could be a useful ally to him, so in their following encounters, he offers to bring them into his family and free them of Molag Bal and the manipulations of the other Princes forever. Or maybe he considers them a threat that he takes little pleasure in removing, because if they could contend with Bal, then they can contend with him. And yet he feels some degree of remorse for ‘the grim necessity’ because this is a sort of kindred spirit. Someone who fought Bal’s leash and succeeded as he strives to.
I just... have a lot of feelings over Rada. He’s got to be my favourite ESO antagonist to date because he isn’t another ‘rah bah destroy the world/become a god’ type villain. He’s an antagonist driven by love for his family, his Grey Host, which actually ties in quite well with one of the more minor side quests in Markarth - I forget the name, but its in Hroldan Ring with the two feuding clans and the intended couple. Love and hatred are born of passion, and in the absence of one, the other flourishes. Rada spends the dlc appealing to Verandis to join him, sparing him time after time to try and get Verandis to rejoin him. And when Verandis refuses him a final time in Greyhaven, Rada’s passion, his love for Verandis, finally turns to hatred.
Killing Rada wasn’t a fight where I looked forward to putting down the threat like I have with other villains, but rather a grim necessity because while his goals were understandable and even relatable for the Vestige, the cost was just too high.
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wondersofdreaming · 3 years
Third time’s the charm
Characters: Henry Cavill x 3rd person female reader (the reader in this story has been described as someone with long brown hair, hazel eyes and not very tall)
Word count: 1.705
Warnings: Fluff. Insecurity. Doubt. Chasing. Jumping. 
Author’s note: Thank you @radaofrivia​ for your guidance and your help <3
Go read her stories right here: Rada’s masterlist
Sentences in square brackets are Kal’s thoughts. Sentences in italics are Henry’s thoughts.
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
Feedback is appreciated.
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It was a lovely day. The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. Not a cloud present. The birds were chirping in the trees, and people were chatting away around him.
His hulking size of a fluffball dog was trotting happily beside him. Kal’s long tongue was sticking out between his sharp fangs, panting and drooling all over the uneven pathway.
He watched as a couple walked past him. They were smiling, and the woman was laughing at a joke her boyfriend had just cracked. It made him long for a special someone in his life he could crack jokes to, a someone who would laugh at his sense of humour, someone with a genuine laugh.
Henry filled his nostrils with the fresh air. He felt the vibrations of children's laughter through the ground. His heart was yearning to hear the giggles of his own flesh and blood, and it clouded his already saddened mind.
He hadn’t noticed that Kal had been sniffing the ground. His ears perked with interest as his nose found a scent that made his mouth water. Kal galloped across the park without warning, making Henry lose his grasp on the leash.
[Something smells yummy!]
“Kal!” Henry yelled at the black and white dog, but it was too late. Kal was already out of sight, following his nose to whatever had caught his attention. Henry wandered around the park. His heart was beating so fast it felt as if it would jump out of his chest. A million scenarios ran through his mind: What if something happened to Kal? What if someone dog-napped Kal? What if Kal hurt someone?
Henry searched all over the park but to no avail until he heard a loud scream coming from behind a group of trees. Shit!
The run towards where the scream came from felt as if it took forever. Time was standing still as he neared the trees. He first noticed the bushy tail, then the rest of Kal’s body, standing atop a woman who was loving up all the licks Kal was giving her. She managed to push the large dog off her body, while her delicate hands were giving him scritches all over his fluffy fur coat.
“You’re such a good boy,” he heard her sweet silvery voice say, then a bark came from his wayward dog.
[Yes, Kal is a good booooy… oh yeah, right there. More scritches!]
Henry let out a breath he hadn’t known he had been holding in since Kal went missing. Thank god!
“Kal!” Henry yelled over the sound of giggles coming from the woman. He started walking towards them but stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights when the woman looked up. Her hazel eyes shone with excitement, and the grin on her perfectly succulent lips made his heart skip a beat. Henry felt like he had been struck by lightning, suddenly unable to move as he watched the dark-haired angel stand. She dusted off the dirt from her jeans and walked towards him. She seemed unharmed even after having been hammered by Kal, who probably weighed more than she did.
“You must be this dog’s owner. He really scared me, when he suddenly jumped on my back,” she giggled a melodious sound.
Henry’s brain finally started working again, the gears turning behind his eyes as he was processing what she had just told him. Kal; his sweet mild-tempered fluffball, who wouldn’t hurt a fly; had jumped on this woman’s back, and yet she was still smiling and loving up the bear without being afraid. It didn’t seem she knew who he was, as he didn’t see the recognition sparkle in her eyes.
“I am so sorry that he jumped on your back, he normally doesn’t do that, I don’t know what came over him,” Henry knew he was babbling, he knew he needed to shut his mouth, but the words kept vomiting out between his lips.
“It’s okay. I wasn’t that scared. Besides, he is such a sweet dog, I don’t mind being jumbled,” she looked into his eyes, and his heart did a somersault as she smiled again.
“Be a good boy for your owner, Kal,” she told the bear, and then she was gone.
Henry was standing cemented to the place. He didn’t know what had just happened. Kal barked at him, his tongue dangling from between his lips; he was smiling.
“Well Kal, you sure do have great taste in women, but you should stick to the four-legged kind,” Henry reprimanded him softly. Kal wasn’t happy. There was a reason why he had gone rogue and run away from Henry. So, before Henry could pick up the leash, Kal darted through the bushes to find the mystery woman. Not again!
[But I didn’t get to know what smelled so good!]
Henry, having gotten out of his trance, followed his dog once again. Why was his dog so keen on pursuing that woman? It was starting to annoy him. Panic was beginning to make itself comfortable in his brain, what if the woman had something that would make Kal follow her on purpose? What if she was pretending not to know him, so she could steal his dog and ask for an insane ransom?
He rounded a corner just in time to see Kal jump on the brown-haired beauty, again.
“Oh, it’s you again, Kal,” she said with amusement hinting in her voice. Kal barked and went to sniff her jacket, burying his snout deep in her right pocket. He came back out with a bag of peanut butter cookies between his teeth.
“Kal! Stop! You pig, what are you doing?” Henry raised his voice sternly at his furry friend. He grabbed Kal’s collar and pulled him away from the lady, making Kal drop the bag of biscuits to the ground. Kal lunged forward, which made Henry think he was going to jump the woman again, so he moved between Kal and the lady, and gave his companion a hard stare, as to say not happening, pal.
“So that is what you were after all along,” she said and picked up the bag.
“I am so sorry, miss, are you alright?” Henry asked while jogging towards the two. She gave him an amused smile.
“I’m fine. He didn’t scare me as much this time. Apparently, he just wants some doggie biscuits. May I give him some? They’re homemade and don't contain anything that could harm a dog.”
“Oh, yes, of course, but he shouldn’t be rewarded for leaping on other people. I swear, he has been trained not to do that,” Henry was rambling again. He was spewing out nonsense while the gorgeous woman was telling Kal to sit before she rewarded him for listening. She even asked him to give her paw, which Kal did immediately, a rare thing as he only wants to listen when he’s in the mood, kind of like a cat. She is way too nice to want to abduct Kal.
“Good boy, Kal.”
[Miss with the treats is super nice. Hey human, can we take her home with us?]
“You said those were homemade, did you make them?” Henry asked.
“Oh, yes. I have a dog myself who is a picky eater. I’ve tried all kinds of doggie treats, but she would spit them out. I had no choice but to experiment on how to make dog biscuits,” the woman told him while she gestured for Kal to lie down, which he obeyed instantly.
“And does she like the homemade treats?”
“She gobbles them down like I didn’t feed her for a week. She’s becoming quite the diva.”
They talked a bit more about her dog, who was a rescue labradoodle, and about how it had changed her look on store-bought dog treats. It was healthier to make them yourselves, and people in her neighbourhood, who had dogs, had been asking if she would sell the biscuits to them. She had then started her own one-man company, making dog treats, and her most popular item was the peanut butter cookies. They were shaped like the femur bone, which was the most popular form for dog treats.
“I’m Henry by the way, may I ask what your name is?” Henry asked her carefully. She smiled brightly at him, and it chased all the dark thoughts he had earlier away from his mind. She told him her name, which was elegant and so fitting a person like her. He had been expecting the penny to drop when he mentioned his name, but she was oblivious as to who he was, which in turn made his heart leap with joy inside behind his chest.
She looked at her wristwatch and gasped.
[Oh boy…]
“Crap, I have to pick up my dog soon. It was nice talking to you, and please don’t let this beautiful boy out of your sight,” a chuckled left her lips as she walked away once again.
Kal licked his mouth for the crumbs that might have gotten stuck on the fur around his snout. He then looked up at Henry with an annoyed look.
“What?” Henry asked with a sigh. Kal tilted his head to the right. “I can’t just jump on her like you do and then ask for her phone number, that would just scare her away.”
Kal looked towards the woman, who was getting further and further away from them. He then let out a bark, and with a waggle of his puffy tail, he demanded that Henry make a choice before it was too late.
[You’re blowing it, human!]
Henry sighed and crouched down. 
“What should I do?” he asked the bear-like dog. Kal tilted his head to the side, looking at Henry as if he was crazy.
[Marry her! I want more treats!]
“You like her as well, don’t you, bear?”
Kal stood and bumped his head to Henry’s back, as to tell him to start moving, which made the human mountain chuckle, getting the hint from his dog. He released Kal from the leash and whispered: “Go get her.”
Kal licked his master’s face and darted towards the woman with the gorgeous brown curls.
642 notes · View notes
lindberghtm · 3 years
          *  .  desirée lindbergh was spotted in the fashion district adorning prada platform chelsea boots , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to you know i'm no good by amy winehouse . you may know them as @desi or as that aisha potter  lookalike . their twenty first birthday just passed . while living in the upper east side  , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be duplicitous but on the other hand reliable . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cis female / she/her + c / 21+ / she/her )   .  
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         hey  !!!!!!  i  was  planning  on  coming  thru  with  a  cool  intro  to  establish  myself  as  a ~ cool ~  person , but  covid  has  absolutely  ✨ decimated  ✨  my  social  skills  so  ,,,,,,,  this  is  what  im  left  with  .  anywho  hi  i’m  c  (  short  for  clown  tbfh  )  ,  im  21+  ,  from  the  rainy  ole’  pnw  ,  &  i  use  she / her  pronouns  .  i  was  in  wealthy  like  , , , ,  AGES  ago  &  tbh  i’ve  been  missing  it  real  bad  lately  so  here  i  am  with  a  brand  new  bitch  , , , , ,  ms  .  desi  lindbergh  🖤  i  just  finished  reading  the  girl  with  the  dragon  tattoo  so  you’ll  find  elements  from  that  novel  in  my  biography  like  the  names  ,  & the  general  ‘ company  comes  first ‘  &  ‘  no  one  gets  a  divorce  in  this  family ’  attitudes  .  but  hennyway  here’s  a  pinterest  board  ,  &  my  discord  is  𝐌 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁#1264  (  the  best  tiktok  song  imo  )  .  my  bio  is  rambly  but  there  are  stats  at  the  top  ,  personality  &  wanted  connections  (  inc  .  this  sideblog  w  wanted  plots  )  at  the  bottom  !  xoxo
*  .  stats  .
full  name : desirée  ‘ desi ’  charlotte  lindbergh - montenegro
age : twenty - two
gender : cis  female
pronouns : she / her  
pob ; current  home : london  ,  england  ;  current  residence  in  tribeca  .
family : henrik  lindbergh  (  80  ,  deceased  ,  ceo  of  lindbergh  corporation  )  ;  miriam  montenegro  (  46  ,  lives  in  the  upper  east  side & london  ,  supermodel  turned  vindictive  widow  )  ;  no  siblings  or  pets  .
birthday : september  2  ,  1998  ;  virgo  sun  ,  taurus  moon  ,  cancer  rising .
career : heiress / model / daddy’s credit card swiper  .
drinking / drugs / smoking :  yes / no / occasionally .  
physical : aisha  potter  fc ,  dark  brown  mid - length  hair  ,  dark  brown  eyes  ,  no  tattoos  ,  two  ear  lobe  piercings  in  each  ear  ,  5 ′ 6 ″ .
*  .  character biography .
1998  : miriam  montenegro  ,  an  english  model  coming  from  a  humble  background  ,  made  it  big  when  she  was  scouted  for  runway  shows  ,  eventually  making  her  way  to  being  a  household  name  .  by  the  age  of  twenty  five  ,  she’d  found  love  (  or  ,  financial  comfort  ,  rather  )  with  the  fifty  nine  year  old  henrik  lindbergh  ,  a  swedish  business  magnate  whose  involvement  in  global  industrialization  spanned  far  wider  than  the  european  economy  .  the  relationship  took  the  world  by  surprise  ,  miriam’s  friends  being  far  more  involved  in  pop  culture  than  an  aged  man  .  while  she  claims  it  was  love  ,  the  world  had  already  made  up  its  mind  on  her  motive  —  money  .
the  pair  got  married  six  months  after  they  initially  became  involved  , & desi  was  born  a  year  after  .  her  father  ,  the  product  of  the  ‘  silent  generation  ‘  ,  was  of  the  impression  that  children  should  be  seen  ,  not  heard  ,  an  outdated  idea  that  her  mother  was  comfortable  abiding  by  .  desirée  ,  by  association  ,  quickly  became  accustomed  to  the  spotlight  ,  the  interest  in  the  uncommon  relationship  between  miriam & henrik  only  growing  after  the  birth  of  their  sole  child  .  desi  grew  up  a  prop  ,  a  toy  for  her  mother  to  dress  up  in  matching  outfits & parade  on  the  global  stage  ,  before  stepping  behind  closed  doors  &  forgetting  about  the  child  entirely  .  this  led  to  desi  being  raised  almost  exclusively  by  nannies  ,  her  mother  more  interested  in  savouring  the  last  of  her  youth & her  father  too  busy  with  his  international  duties  .    originally  based  in  london  ,  the  family  moved  to  new  york  when  desirée  was  starting  her  schooling  to  be  closer  to  the  hustle & bustle  of  american  life  .
2017  : desirée  is  graduating  high  school  a  year  early  after  having  been  sent  to  institut  auf  dem  rosenberg  ,  a  swiss  private  school  that  prides  itself  on  being  highly  exclusive∫ˆ  highly  expensive  .  the  name  was  a  selling  point  for  her  father  ,  but  more  importantly  she  would  be  safe & out  of  the  way  on  another  continent  while  her  parents  bickered  ceaselessly  .  desirée  found  herself  to  be  nothing  special  at  rosenberg  ,  her  identity  having  been  formed  on  the  idea  that  public  exposure  equated  to  popularity  ;  without  the  constant  public  eye  while  at  school  ,  desi  found  a  freedom & lightness  she  hadn’t  before  experienced  .  she  could  be  real  , & have  real  friends  , & not  be  putting  on  a  fake  smile  to  allude  an  air  of  comfort  .  most  of  all  ,  she  could  get  away  from  her  spiteful  mother  ,  who  ,  once  desi  hit  puberty  ,  saw  her  as  a  threat  to  her  own  beauty  ,  success  , & public  popularity  .  being  sent  to  private  school  was  the  best  thing  to  happen  to  desi & her  mother’s  relationship  .
after  graduating  ,  desirée  moved  back  to  new  york  city  ,  moving  back  into  the  expansive  upper  east  side  apartment  , & being  sure  to  move  into  a  room  on  the opposite side  of  the  home  from  her  parents  .  being  thrust  back  into  the  spotlight  ,  a  ‘  homecoming  ‘  of  sorts  that  her  mother  capitalized  on  ,  desi  fell  into  a  depression  .  she  feared  leaving  the  house  ,  she  feared  that  people  would  only  want  to  be  her  friend  in  order  to  access  the  family’s  wealth  (  a  seed  of  an  idea  planted  in  her  father  at  the  age  of  twelve  ,  when  she  was  told  there  was  to  be  no  dating  unless  their  family’s  net  worth  was  over  500  million  )  .  soon  enough  ,  though  ,  desi  made  the  choice  to  get  in  contact  with  her  mother’s  rival  modeling  agency  ,  inquiring  about  the  possibility  about  modeling  .  they  ,  of  course  ,  welcomed  the  legacy  with  open  arms  ;  her  mother  ,  however  ,  decided  that  this  deceipt  would  not  be  tolerated  under  her  roof  , & kicked  desi  out  as  soon  as  she’d  heard  .  desi  called  her  father  crying  ,  explaining  the  situation  over  the  phone  ,  who  immediately  created  a  separate  bank  account  of  her  own  for  desi  ,  secretly  hidden  away  in  an  overseas  bank  to  avoid  her  mother  finding  out  .  the  account  held  far  more  than  desirée  needed  ,  but  it  was  her  father  who  enabled  her  to  get  back  on  her  feet  ,  find  her  own  home  , & start  a  career  for  herself  .  
2020 : desirée  hardly  speaks  to  her  mother  ,  though  they  keep  up  the  public  illusion  that  they  are  as  close  as  a  mother  -  daughter  duo  can  be  .  her  father  though  ,  now  80  years  old  ,  was  actually  close  with  desi  ,  the  two  catching  up  daily & him  celebrating  her  accomplishments  she  believed  were  self  -  earned  .  in  october  ,  though  ,  she  received  a  phone  call  from  her  father’s  attorney  ,  mr.  berger  ,  who  informed  her  that  henrik  was  in  the  hospital  in  critical  condition  after  a  heart  attack  .  she  flew  to  stockholm  ,  where  her  father  had  been  taking  care  of  business  items  , & realized  that  it  was  time  to  say  her  goodbyes  .  her  father & her  played  chess  ,  talked  about  her  childhood  , & reconciled  on  any  old  issues  .  he  passed  away  three  days  after  she’d  arrived  .  seeming  as  if  he’d  been  able  to  tell  something  horrible  was  coming  ,  henrik  had  updated  his  will  a  matter  of  weeks  before  the  heart  attack  ,  naming  desiree  as  the  sole  inheritor  of  all  his  assets & belongings  .  except  ,  of  course  ,  her  mother  ,  who  inherited  a  whopping  five  dollars  from  her  husband  .  this  was  ,  mr  .  berger  explained  to  desi  ,  so  that  miriam  could  not  claim  that  she  had  accidentally  been  left  out  , & was  entitled  to  more  of  his  estate  .  
if  this  wasn’t  enough  ,  the  press  soon  released  that  interntional  business  mogul  henrik  lindbergh  had  passed  away  , & the  companies  he  owned  were  now  owned  by  a  twenty  one  year  old  model  who  had  never  truly  worked  one  day  in  her  life  .  to  make  matters  worse  ,  her  mother  quickly  played  the  victim  ,  launching  a  multitude  of  lawsuits  against  her  own  daughter  for  defamation & coercing  her  father  to  leave  her  mother  out  of  it  .  berger  quickly  chose  desirée’s  side  ,  though  he  couldn’t  become  her  personal  attorney  out  of  conflict  of  interest  with  the  executing  of  the  will  .  as  the  accounts  lie  in  limbo  during  the  legal  battle  ,  desi  is  relying  solely  on  the  secret  account  her  father  made  her  in  switzerland  ;  if  her  mother  knew  ,  she  would  try  to  go  after  it  ,  as  well  .  
2021 :  desirée  has  layed  low  over  the  last  few  months  ,  her  mother  continuing  her  public  display  of  heartache  as  the  widow  .  desi  can  be  said  to  be  two  -  faced  due  to  her  sweet  disposition  one  day & her  cold  attitude  the  next  .  in  reality  ,  she  is  normally  kind & thoughtful  ,  giving  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  to  those  two  wrong  her  ,  but  lately  she  has  become  more  withdrawn  ,  secretive  , & volatile  .  she  was  recently  photographed  in  a  restaurant  ,  crying  on  the  phone  with  her  head  in  her  hand  ,  something  she  would  never  normally  allow  to  happen  .  overall  ,  though  ,  she  doesn't  want  to  speak  publicly  about  the  legal  battle  because  she  considers  it  a  delicate  matter  &  wants  to  take  the  high  road  .  because  of  this  ,  she  puts  on  a  face  that  she's  happy  ,  has  done  her  mourning  ,  &  intentionally  does  things  to  make  it  seem  like  life  is  normal  ,  like  making  appearances  at  events  about  new  york  city  &  being  spotted  hanging  out  with  friends  .  only  a  very  small  handful  in  her  inner  circle  notice  the  immense  stress  she's  under  because  she's  good  at  managing  it  ,  &  doesn't  want  to  be  pitied  .
*  .  personality  .
personality  wise  ,  she  is  quite  bubbly  ,  thoughtful  ,  dependable  ,  observant  ,  calm  , &  chooses  her  words  carefully  .  on  the  other  hand  ,  she  can  be  very  hot  &  cold  ,  self - isolating  ,  two  -  faced  , & tells  blatant  lies  when  she  ought  not  to  ,  &  denies  vehemently  when  others  call  her  on  her  bs  .  she’s  the  type  to  remember  someone  saying  they  like  something  ,  in  passing  ,  then  suddenly  she  shows  up  with  that  exact  thing  when  she  sees  them  next  .  her  love  language  is  definitely  gifts  &  acts  of  service  .  considers  herself  a  good  advice  giver  but  won’t  take  any  advice  others  give  her  .  kind  of  an  air  head  ,  in  that  she  can  get  so  wrapped  up  in  her  own  world  that  she  forgets  that  others  aren’t  just  npc’s  in  her  life  sfjklsd  .  can  get  overwhelmed  easily  ,  &  retracts  back  into  herself  &  isolates  in  her  apartment  for  days  on  end  ,  pampering  herself  with  huge  shopping  sprees  ,  overpriced  face  masks  ,  &  too  much  champagne  .  her  way  to  deal  with  problems  is  to  pretend  they’re  not  there  until  eventually  they  go  away  🤡
the  world  knows  the  bulk  of  the  lindbergh  -  montenegro  affair  ,  as  its  known  in  the  media  ,  thanks  to  her  mother  taking  interviews  left  & right  to  allude  to  her  being  snubbed  by  her  own  daughter  .  desi  pretends  that  it  does  not  bother  her  ,  that  justice  will  be  served  & that  legality  will  prevail  over  her  mother’s  cries  ,  but  the  weight  of  the  affair  is  taking  a  toll  on  her  .  
*  .  wanted  plots  .  
click  here  for  sideblog  with  wanted  plots  !
best  friend / ride  or  die  :  someone  desi’s  been  friends  with  for  YEARS  ,  knows  all  her  family’s  bs  ,  prob  has  called  her  mother  a  b*tch  to  her  face  dflkjsdkl  .  literally  the  nicole  to  her  paris  ,  the  lorelai  to  her  rory  .  
squad  :  a  group  of  friends  who  go  clubbing  every  saturday  &  get  brunch  &  gossip  the  next  morning  ,  have  shady  nicknames  in  their  gc  ,  have  designated ‘ roles ’  in  the  friend  group  (  mom  friend  ,  the  cr*ckhead  ,  the  wingperson  ,  etc  .  ) ,  go  on  trips  together  ,  have  the  wildest  birthday  parties  ,  etc  .  please  !!  
first  love  :  this  would’ve  been  in  their  teens  ,  a  summer  fling  that  she  fell  hard  for  &  who  her  father  didn’t  approve  of  bc  he’s  business - minded  first  .  they  tried  to  do  long  distance  when  she  went  back  to  school  in  the  fall  ,  but  it  didn’t  work  out  &  now  they’re  either  on  good  terms  &  have  sweet  memories  of  that  time  ,  or  one  is  still  kinda  salty  how  things  ended  .
bad  influence  :  encourages  desi  to  get  the  stick  out  of  her  *ss  ,  &  when  she  hangs  out  with  them  ,  they  tend  to  go  overboard  on  whatever  the  entertainment  of  the  night  may  be  . 
friends  to  lovers / slow - burn  romance  :  they’re  friends  first  ,  but  there’s  been  undeniable  romantic  tension  between  the  two  of  them  (  imagine  pope  towards  kiara  in  obx  )  ,  &  their  friends  can pick  up  on  it  .  they’ve  never  acted  on  it  , worried  of  ruining  the  friendship  ,  but  they’re  always  a  lil  disappointed  when  the  other  goes  home  with  or  gets  involved  with  someone  else  ,  but  are  ultimately  there  to  pick  up  the  pieces  afterwards  .
enemies  /  mutual  dislike  :  maybe  someone  whose  family  her  father  screwed  in  business  ,  their  parents  could  have  been  friends  before  desi’s  mom  turned  on  them  somehow  ,  they  think  desi  thinks  she’s  queen  of  the  world  ,  etc . let’s  plan  it  out  hehe
cheating  :  oop  !  i  love  the  angst  ,  so  gimme  someone  who  either  a  )  cheated  on  desi  ,  or  b  )  they  think  she  cheated  on  them  due  to  some  tabloid  article  ,  rumor  around  town  she  was  seen  with  someone  ,  etc .  their  relationship  was  prob  rocky  as  fuck  ,  toxic  ,  &  lacked  trust  &  communication  .  just  a  total  shit  show  tbh  .
that’s  all  i  can  think  of  now  dskljfkl  please  feel  free  to  reach  out  over  tumblr  msgs  or  on  discord  !  
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biglittlesshop · 3 years
Great Dane 5 Things You Should Know About This Woman Dog Mom She Loves Dogs More Than Human Tee Shirts
I didn’t know anything about this brand when I first bought it it was a Great Dane 5 Things You Should Know About This Woman Dog Mom She Loves Dogs More Than Human Tee Shirts good price and I needed some things so since I was there I picked a few stuff amazingly I really like the products the eye liner does wonders I love it. In response to last week s tatoosday post we got so many tattoos from last unicorn fans around the world that it will take months to showcase all of them to help make things go slightly faster than that and because it s neat to compare and contrast we re going to make today a two tattoosday post take a look at these very different approaches to showing the human and unicorn versions of peter s classic character in one image ashley knight schroeder s tattoo is beautifully stylized I just got this done on saturday the last unicorn has touched my life and helped me through many a rough patch even my sons will watch with me and sing talk along to the movie rippy s tattoos did the work I have no idea who did the original design I saw it and feel in love would love to find the original artist brittni lynn martin and her artist phil meyers from california opted for classic heartfelt look this movie has been my favorite since I was little and is now my favorite book and I have a 3 year old daughter who also loves it and we watch it together so it’s been a huge part of my life so beautiful both of these. The only way to protect your body from these dangerous toxins and reverse the damage that has been done is to use a natural nutritious cleansing program one that will give you exactly what your body needs to flush out all of the toxins that shouldn t be there and boost your metabolism at the same time an easy 3 day program with a complete shopping list and simple recipes that you can make from home without punishing depriving or starving your body start now 3 day cleanse with danette may detox program detox beauty diet fashion cleanse smoothie
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Great Dane 5 Things You Should Know About This Woman Dog Mom She Loves Dogs More Than Human Tee Shirts
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Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love:
Great to have time to visit anton’s retrospective at bucerius kunst forum hamburg until january see you tomorrow night larr the Great Dane 5 Things You Should Know About This Woman Dog Mom She Loves Dogs More Than Human Tee Shirts no edge adam u2 u2eitour antoncorbijn. Diane kendal for nars cosmetics thakoon really wanted girls to look healthy and very american this beauty look is inspired by the 80’s super models cindy claudia linda and christie found in peter lindbergh’s photography skin is gorgeous makeup is fresh and beautifully groomed face concealer sheer glow foundation cheeks deep throat blush eyes last frontier velvet eyeliner smudge across eyes and lower lashline goddess velvet shadow stick audacious mascara brows matte eyeshadow shades blondie bali bengali coconut grove brow gel lips sex machine velvet matte lip pencil. Yesterday was a busy day of meetings and airplane travel for peter and connor but last night peter took some time to share his thoughts on the passing of the great christopher lee christopher lee was the tallest actor I ever knew he was also by far the most literate when we first met in a los angeles studio where he was recording his lines as king haggard in the last unicorn he had just recorded haggard’s speech about his first sight of unicorns and I mentioned that it was probably my favorite speech in the book he immediately wanted to know well did I do it properly we can always redo it right here of course he’d handled the lines perfectly but writers and writers’ opinions about their work mattered intensely to christopher that same afternoon we discovered that between the two of us we we could call to mind just about all the lines of g k chesterton’s poem the rolling english road we also discovered a mutual need to hit the men’s room and my son dan in his mid teens at the time still has a very clear memory of christopher simultaneously peeing while declaiming in that voice which no one could ever keep from imitating after fifteen minutes with him before the roman came to rye or out to severn strode the rolling english drunkard made the rolling english road a reeling road a rolling road that rambled round the shire and after him the parson ran the sexton and the squire I leave it to the reader to imagine that voice in the tiled acoustics of a hollywood bathroom we met a second time in munich where the last unicorn was being dubbed into german most of my memories of that time and of chris lee have to do with books and authors he had known both j r r tolkien and a writer who mattered more to me t h white we had a long ongoing argument in munich about a chapter of the sword in the stone that appears in the english edition of the book but not in the american one he turned out to be right he usually was he never failed to mention the last unicorn as one of his very favorite books and as one of the movies he was most proud of having made indeed he left my whopperjawed as mark twain would have put it when we were being interviewed together on austrian television and he announced oh yes I simply couldn’t resist a chance to play king haggard one more time even in another language after all and he looked straight into the camera it’s the closest they’ll ever let me get to playing king lear the camera swung toward me to catch my stunned reaction and chris looked across the studio at me and winked but my most vivid memory chilling as it remains to this day has to do with the day that I and michael chase walker associate producer of the last unicorn and the one who really got the film made in the first place somehow found our way out to dachau I can’t now recall how we managed it considering that neither one of us spoke german and that you had to take both a subway and a bus to get there from the hotel where the crew were staying but we got there somehow and spent a good half of the day roaming with other tourists around a legendary concentration camp peering blindly into the huge crematoriums but staring with equal horror and fascination at the endless rows of filing cabinets containing every record of every human being who was ever imprisoned starved gassed or simply worked to death in this place michael and I grew quieter and quieter that afternoon until by the time we started back to munich we weren’t speaking at all I think we both felt that we might say anything in words again the first person we met in the hotel lobby was christopher he took one look at us and announced you’ve been to dachau we nodded without answering chris strode toward us looked all the way down from his six foot five inch altitude lowered his voice and inquired still smells doesn’t it with the end of world war ii christopher as a member of the special forces and whose five or six languages included fluent german had been assigned to hunt down and interrogate nazi war crminals and had been present at the liberation of dachau and yes the smell of death had undoubtedly faded somewhat since 1945 but it was still as real as michael and me wandering dazedly between the ovens and the filing system we just didn’t know what it was but christopher did and i’d know it again I never saw him again after munich though we spoke on the telephone a few times on the last occasion when I had called to wish him a happy 90th birthday I remember him assuring me that if by the time you come to make your live action version of your movie I have passed on do not let it concern you I have risen from the dead several times I know how it’s done he worked almost to the last as the real artists of every kind do they work to be working because that’s what they do and they die when they stop I always regarded him as the last of the great 19th century actors that bravura larger than life style went with him no modern rada trained performer would ever attempt it today nor should they it would inevitably come out parody however earnestly meant yet there was always more to christopher lee as an actor than dracula or the mummy or saruman or sherlock holmes for that matter though he was very proud of having played not only both holmes and watson but sherlock’s brother mycroft as well lord summerisle of the original the wicker man probably his favorite of his own movies is most likely closer to chris’s dark benignity than any other role he ever inhabited I believe this because lord summerisle sings a surprising amount in that movie and chris passionately loved singing if there is any such thing as an afterlife or reincarnation I truly hope no believe that christopher lee will return as a wagnerian opera singer if he hadn’t been considered too old in his 30s to be accepted for formal vocal training he might have been in his own eyes at least a happier more fulfilled man but we would have been deeply poorer for it and never have known See Other related products: Mimi Witch Broom Halloween T-Shirt
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skyrimjuusto · 3 years
Let's hope the readmore works.
Ok, so Markarth's questline was amazing. I really really enjoyed it and it is my second favorite after Summerset. But it has one big flaw in my opinion.
The one year long adventure.
I miss it when eso's dlcs and expansions were independent. Like yeah sure, Orsinium->Morrowind->Clockwork City->Summerset had a continuity but they were still their own questlines and when you finished the quest the plit was wrapped up with a tease that there will be more that is related to what you just did.
Then we got the year of the dragon. A major letdown for me (and I fucking love dragons) but the whole northern and southern Elsweyr's plotlines just... Fell flat. Idk, maybe they just weren't for me personally. And the fact that I paid for the Elsweyr's expansion and the plot just... Was left unfinished. You had to wait for the southern Elsweyr's dlc to finish the plot. I didn't like it at all.
So back to Skyrim. Zenimax decided that the one year adventures are now a thing (boooo) and we first got the western Skyrim expansion and then later Markarth dlc. And the plotline was so much better than Elsweyr's. The characters (I love the whole Ravenwatch clan,), the villains (I did not expect to feel so much sympathy for Rada but boy did I), WE EVEN GOT WES JOHNSON AS A VOICE ACTOR AGAIN!
One other big minus about The Dark Heart of Skyrim plotline is that the fact that if your character is a vampire it doesn't really... Affect anything. I remember two dialogue options during the whole questline, where you get to go "Hey uknow I'm a vampire too right" but it really broke my immersion a lot when no one just acknowledged the fact that you too are a vampire in the middle of a vampire crisis. I don't think Fennorian acknowledges even ONCE that you're a vampire! MY IMMERSION IS RUINED!
ALSO what happened to Lyris' writing? I never really liked her character THAT much but she is insufferable in the Dark Heart of Skyrim. Also cringe culture is dead but I visibly cringed every time she and Sai Sahan talked together.
So yeah I really just needed to ramble a bit. Summerset is still my favorite expansion, it wrapped up a plotline that kind of started way back in Orsinium but it still allowed all of the expansions that came before it to be independent.
I really wish Zenimax gave us some smaller, independent dlc areas again. Like Hew's Bane, Gold Coast and Murkmire. No more year long adventures, I've got anxiety, I miss on so much content because I can't play the dlc dungeons.
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harunokijournal · 10 months
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Amagi suka lagu2nya Balloon (especially Redire, yang lagunya dinyanyiin sama V Flower)
Minami suka Gehenna (Wotaku) sama Kigeki (Gen Hoshino)
Aika suka Shoujo Rei (MikitoP)
Kana suka Shinpakusuu#0822 (ChouchouP)
Osya suka lagu2nya Toumyu (fav dia Hogiuta sama Towazugatari)
Nora, Akari, sama Ai punya satu lagu yg sama dalam playlist mereka: Totemo Suteki na Rokugatsu Deshita (eight)
Karena nyebut Osya jujur gue jadi kepikiran lagu2 toumyu yg mungkin bakal disukai sama anak2 gue (udah lama kepikiran sbenernya tpi gue ga berani rambling di twt. Jadi bikelah gue akan ngoceh di bawah setelah read more)
Setsuna seleranya aga random, tpi dia bakal suka Ruriiro no Sora San. Dia juga bakal demen Towazugatari, dan sama lagu2 dari sesi gebuk2 taiko (?) kayak Kemono sama Otokomichi (oh she'll like Otokomichi so much, probably bakal dinyanyiin keras2 pas lagi piket di kelas).
Kana juga suka Ruriiro no Sora San. Tapi ketimbang lagu2 bernada semangat kayak Setsuna, dia justru demen lagu yg aga nyes: dia bakal demen Hana no Ame Kimi no Nagori, perhaps semua solonya Manba dia bakal demen www. Also dia bakal demen Chiru Hana wo.
Minami ... Kalo liat seleranya di atas dia kayaknya bakal satu selera sama Kana. Plus point dia bakal demen Erabarerumono sama Noraneko Nihiki.
Terus gue ngebayangin Mai seleranya lagu anu (wjaksgsksjss) she probably will likes Scarlet Lips ato Yura Yurara, ato YSS, dengerinnya sambil ngerjain gambar komis klien. Kadang dengerin Eoeoa kalo lagi ga mood denger lagu anu.
Akari satu selera sama Mai (she'll like Scarlet Lips and Secret Sign so much gue yakin). Also dia bakal demen lagu kebangsaan umat toumyu aka Touken Ranbu (isi playlistnya Touken Ranbu dari jaman Atsukashiyama Ibun sampe yg terbaru versi Kousui Sanka no Yuki).
Akane demen lagu yg lucu2~ dia bakal suka Brand New Sky sama Super Duper Day sama Eoeoa (trus dia ngajakin Shou dengerin juga). Perhaps suka lagu yg aga absurd juga kayak Kappore sama Waga Mitogaku (lagi2 habis itu ngajak Shou ikut dengerin).
Shou pribadi lebih demen Utsukushii Higeki (www). Dia juga kayaknya bakal demen sama Kizuna, ato Mistake, ato dua2nya /y
Nora gabung sama Osya dengerinnya Hogiuta sama Towazugatari wqwqwq. Also kadang dengerin Dreamless Dreamer (kalo yg satu ini beneran, satu lagu yg nangkring di playlist dia tu lagu ini).
Aika sama Ai seleranya bakal sama: lagu2nya Mihotose sama Kisho Hongi, mostly dengerin Bokutachi no Asu e bareng2 sambil jalan pulang ke rumah (satu earphone bagi dua dengernya lewat hpnya Aika sampe mereka pisah di pertigaan).
Sakuya bakal demen Yume Hitotsu sih kalo kata gue. Also suka Kimi wo Sagashiteta sama Illussion of My Heart. Blue Light juga rada demen. (Dualitas banget isi playlist dia www).
(Bonus gue ga ngebahas cowo tpi kalo kata gue Takigawa bakal demen Utsukushii Higeki sama Kimi wo Sagashiteta /y)
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bananagogh · 5 years
tumblr really destroyed itself with this whole adult content thing i’m pissed and that is why i really stopped using this platform what a shame
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emotchalla · 5 years
Tempt You - I.
A/N: Hello it’s me your neighborhood “I will have as many WIPs as I want” ass bitch back at it again with a new fic! I have not been enough of a Peaky Blinders whore on this blog and that is unfortunate because this show has owned my ass for the past 3 years. I’m particularly obsessed with one Mr. Michael Gray, and this AU is actually my own personal headcannon I’ve had stewing around in my brain for a while. It’s also loosely based on the summer I studied abroad in London and my desire to go back there! (This version of the reader is very very similar to me.) I got inspired to jot some sentences down a few days ago, and while I was traveling this weekend a bunch of it just sprawled out of me and well, here you go! This fic is inspired by “Tempt You (Evocatio)” by Nothing But Thieves, which you can listen to here. I suggest listening to the song at some point in this fic because it’s pretty integral to the way I see Michael’s perspective on this relationship. Alright let me shut up so you can get on with reading. 
**All my works are written with a Black or POC reader in mind, because I am one myself, but all readers welcome!**
Pairing: Modern!Michael Gray x Fem!Reader
Summary: Modern!Michael Gray AU. Michael Gray has everything he wants. He’s the owner and senior partner of his own law firm; he’s paved his own path away from the family business. He’s past the wild, drunken nights and cocaine benders, the bloody noses and knife wounds and the fucking Catholics. And then he meets you. Suddenly Michael realizes that he doesn’t have everything after all. 
Warnings: Swearing, Excessive flirting, Sexual tension, Michael gives off very strong sugar daddy vibes, Fluff...for now
Word Count: 3.2k+
series masterlist | main masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here | listen to “tempt you (evocatio)” here
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There are a pair of eyes watching you. Warm, bright, and the prettiest shade of green with flecks of blue and gold and brown too. They’re curious eyes, ones that have been on you sine the stranger they belong to entered the Starbucks across the street from your job. He smiles softly as he watches you watch him observe you. You look up to catch his gaze and he winks. Shit. You quickly look back down at the script in front of you. You can still feel the heat of his stare as you pretend to study your lines, neglecting the obvious truth that you’d been distracted by this man from the moment he walked in. 
He’s beautiful. Dangerously so, unbridled youth mixed with the right touch of reckless mischief, and a hint of danger. He’s more than his suit suggests he is. He all but smells of wealth, and your eyes glaze over with the thought of how much money it might have cost to buy that dark blue Giorgio Armani suit and sleek black Rolex. You’ve been watching him too. He clearly takes care of himself and seems to enjoy doing it. You can picture it all: the fancy tailors, exclusive barbers, personal drivers and chauffeurs, a butler, even. What you wouldn’t give to have a life light that, to not worry about your next meal or skip out on A/C for the summer to split your rent costs in half. You dropped nearly everything to move to London, and the job you’d secured at Shakespeare’s Globe wasn’t enough for you tp pay for rent and grad school tuition. You let yourself get lost in the fantasy you’ve created about this stranger, the idea of being able to live comfortably. It’s something you desire with every part of you. 
You bite your lip as you daydream, oblivious to the fact that the stranger has left his table and approached yours. He stands and watches you for a second, amused by how easily you seem to preoccupy yourself. You’re not like other women he’s met, he knows that already. And he’s quickly overcome by the desire to know everything there is to know about you, from your favorite movies to the way you take your tea. You sigh as you start to upset yourself with so much wishful thinking, causing the stranger to chuckle, a deep rumble vibrating through his chest. You jerk your head up toward the sound to be met with those beautiful green eyes, except they’re right across from you.
“Hello,” he says with a soft smile.
“H-Hi,” you stammer, completely caught off guard.
He’s even prettier up close. He gestures toward your neglected script.
“Looks like you’ve got a lot of lines to memorize. You’re an actor, then?”
You nod.
“Yes,” you answer. “Well, trying to be,” you correct.
He frowns.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I’m in school for acting, but I haven’t done much actual work apart from the scenes I’m assigned in class. I’m prepping for an audition, actually.”
You cut yourself off before you start to ramble, but the stranger doesn’t seem to mind. He looks at you expectantly, like he wants to know if you’ve finished your thought. You bite your lip to hold back the sea of worries threatening to push back your lips. This man doesn’t need to know how terrified you are about auditioning, the possibility that all of this—applying to RADA, getting accepted, moving to London, all of it—would end up being a massive failure.
“You’re an actor if you act, yeah?” he asks, and your heart flutters at the kindness in his voice.
“Y-Yeah, I guess you’re right.” you say, aiming to infuse more confidence in your voice. 
He’s intimidating, but you won’t fold that easily. 
“I often am,” he hums before gesturing toward the seat across from yours. “May I join you?”
You almost do a double take. 
“Me?” you ask, not bothering to hide the shock in your voice.
The stranger smiles at you.
“Yes, you,” he answers, giving you that same smile.
He slides the chair out from under the table before seating himself across from you.
“What play are you auditioning for?”
“Hamlet at the RSC,” you begin. “One of my professors at RADA knows the director and she told me that she thinks I may have a shot at being cast. I think it’s a fucking long shot but she’s scarily confident in me so I’m pushing myself to do it even though I’m terrified and—oh my god I’m so sorry! I was about to start going off the rails.”
He shakes his head. Up until you stopped yourself he’d been hanging on to your every word. 
“Don’t apologize, Miss…” he falters.
“Y/N! I’m sorry, I completely forgot to tell you my name.”
“It’s quite alright, Miss Y/N. I neglected to tell you mine as well,” he chuckles.
Almost immediately, you feel a familiar heat building in the pit of your stomach with the sound of his laugh. There’s no denying how attractive he is. You’d be kidding yourself to even try.
“I’m Michael,” he says, extending a hand across the table.
You reach out to shake it, but he pulls your hand toward his mouth instead, pressing a kiss to the skin. 
“Pleased to meet you, Miss Y/N,” he murmurs before releasing your hand from his grip.
Those green eyes are still fixed on yours and you resist the urge to flush and giggle uncontrollably like a schoolgirl. He’s a charmer, this one. You echo his pleasure of making your acquaintance, and Michael nods toward your script again. 
“What part are you auditioning for?”
You frown and look down at your hands. Should you tell him? Would he laugh and tell you that you were right to worry? Would he shake his head and wish you luck, pitying you all the while?”
“Y/N?” he calls.
You look up to find his eyes still fiercely trained on you. 
“What part are you auditioning for, love?”
“Hamlet,” you whisper. then brace yourself for his laughter.
Michael only looks at you with that curious interest from before.
“You must be quite the actress, then.”
That was not what you were expecting him to say.
Michael smiles softly at you. He was right about you being different. Here you were, probably one of the most talented people he had ever met, and he can’t detect an ounce of arrogance from you. It was a nice change of pace from the world he was used to—one filled with people who would do anything to get ahead, even if that mean destroying a life. You’re nothing like that. You’re kind, humble. A touch insecure, he can tell, but adorably soft around the edges. You remind him of beautiful summer nights in the country, scenes from his boyhood after the orphanage, before he became a man committed only to his business. You’re something akin to home. 
“You got into RADA, did you not?” Michael asks.
You nod.
“And you’re not from here, yeah?”
Michael already knows this but he wants to hear where you’re from, from your own mouth. 
“No, from the States,” you answer. “Chicago.”
“Ahh, the Windy City,” he hums. “One of my favorites.”
This makes your eyes light up and the smile that crosses your lips is stunning. Michael decides right there that he wants to make you do that many, many times. 
“When’s the last time you’ve been?” you ask.
“It’s been too long, I’m afraid. Although, I’ve been looking for a reason to go back.”
You don’t miss the subtle drop in his voice, the veiled suggestive nature imbedded within. You dare to look in his eyes and find that they’re just as intense as before, but there’s something else hidden there. A desire that matches yours.
“Well, if you feel inspired to take a visit, I think you should. Who knows, we could see each other there, too.”
“I’d quite like that,” he says, and his gaze is so intense that you have to break away to look anywhere else. Just for a moment. You reach toward your teacup to find it empty. You must have drained it earlier without recognizing. 
“Would you like another one?”
You look up to find Michael nodding at your empty teacup.
“Oh, Michael, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
He smirks at you before reaching across the table to grab the empty cup from your hands. 
“I promise you, Y/N, it won’t set me back. It’s just a cup of tea, love.”
You nod, unable to meet his beautiful eyes. You don’t know if he’s trying to woo you on purpose but he’s doing a damned good job regardless.
“Thank you, Michael,” you manage to mutter.
He smiles at you again.
“Have you had anything to eat?”
Michael knows the answer to this as well. He’d noticed your teacup and your head buried in that script as soon as he walked in, but he doesn’t want to let on how he’d been taken with you almost immediately. Not yet. 
“No,” you admit, a little embarrassed. “I needed the caffeine to power through these lines but I kind of forgot about food if I’m being honest.”
Michael nods. He’ll have to work on that with you. 
“I’ll be right back,” he says, and then he’s gone.
You watch as he walks toward the front counter, peering at the pastries behind a glass case before heading to the register. You watch the barista at the register blush as Michael opens his mouth to order, and you fight to suppress a giggle at the bored expression on his face. He knows how attractive he is; you’re sure of that. You wonder how often he encounters people who forget how to function when he’s around. 
Michael’s eyes find yours as he waits for your order, and he shoots a boyish wink at you before gesturing toward your lines. You shake your head and mock yawn. He grins. He’s just as eager to get back to the table and keep talking to you as you are for him to return. You relax into your seat as you watch him and sigh contentedly. You have no idea what the hell is going on, but you’re not complaining. Michael watches impatiently as the same barista from earlier fumbles her way through your order. Poor girl; you’d probably react just the same if you were in her place. She keeps batting her eyelashes and asking if he needs anything, to which he huffs in annoyance and scowls at her. It’s a reluctant game of cat and mouse, and you wonder if Michael might not be fond of attention. Eventually, the barista is able to get your order together, and you watch Michael pull a twenty pound note out of his wallet to slide across the counter to her. She all but faints at the sight of it, and you shake your head as Michael rolls his eyes and starts toward you. 
“I apologize for whatever the hell that was,” he greets, setting a fresh cup of tea and a chocolate-filled croissant in front of you.
“I thought it was cute. You’re cute when you’re flustered, that is,” you say, already reaching for the croissant.
Michael’s eyes are bright as he smirks at you.
“You think I’m cute?”
You roll your eyes at him.
“You obviously know you are.”
He chuckles. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever considered myself ‘cute’ in my life,” he jokes, relief settling into his skin as he watches you eat. 
“Well you can lie to yourself all you want but I said what I said.”
Michael’s eyebrows raise. So you have got a mouth on you after all. 
“Oh, is it like that?”
You watch as his tongue darts out to lick along his bottom lip and briefly lose yourself at the thought of having that same tongue somewhere else. 
“Thank you for entertaining the obviously infatuated barista to get me something to eat,” you say sincerely, and the mood shifts.
You are so unbelievably sweet, Michael thinks. He wants to corrupt you. Not yet, he tells himself. Not yet. Michael asks you more about how you made it to London, and you talk him through the whirlwind of your life post-undergrad. You had always intended on becoming a professional actor, but the road was hard and nothing was certain. You’d bounced around between part-time jobs to help your dad around the house as you transitioned into postgrad life, but you knew that wasn’t where you wanted to be. In your sophomore year of college, you got the opportunity to study Shakespeare in London for the summer and since then, you’d wanted to return: for grad school this time. You went out on a limb and applied to the Royal Academy of the Dramatic Arts—one of the hardest acting schools in London, let alone the world, to get into—and by some grace of god, you were admitted. You moved at once. Packed up your few belongings and took a one-way flight to London, your fancy new student visa gripped tightly in your hand. You wormed your way into a position as an administrative assistant at Shakespeare’s Globe, but had yet to land an acting gig whose stipend might help ease the burden of your constantly accumulating bills. You were one of the only Americans in your program, and while you were well-liked, you felt like you always had to prove yourself. It was a lot of pressure. 
“No wonder you’re so stressed about this audition,” Michael mutters, his beautiful face set in a frown.
You shrug. 
“If I get it, it’ll be amazing but if not I’ll figure something out. I have to.”
You look down at your teacup, keeping your eyes trained on the dark liquid to prevent budding tears from falling. Michael sighs. He takes the time to think about what he’s planning to offer, and measures his words. He doesn’t want to scare you off, but he wants to help. 
“Y/N, I—”
A shrill ring cuts him off. Michael rolls his eyes and pulls a cell phone from his pocket. He taps the screen before pressing it to his ear.
“Gray,” he answers.
You watch as he gets pulled into what is obviously a work call. He glances over at your half-eaten croissant.
Eat, he mouths.
“So bossy,” you whisper, picking up the pastry.
Brat, he mouths again, watching you start to eat the rest of the croissant. His assistant, Finn—also his younger cousin—was calling to remind him about a meeting with a client he’d definitely forgotten, and he couldn’t be bothered to care about it when you were sat in front of him. 
“I’ll be back to the office soon, Finn,” he groans. “We can talk about it there.”
Finn must say something snarky because Michael laughs before muttering ‘fuck off,’ and hanging up. 
“Sorry about that, love,” he apologizes. 
You shake your head.
“You’re a busy man I assume?”
He chuckles to himself. 
“You don’t know the half of it.”
You take the last bite of your croissant, and Michael hums to himself, happy that you’ve gotten something on your stomach. He clears his throat.
“I wanted to ask you something, Y/N.”
You smile at him before taking a sip of tea.
“What would you say if I offered to help out with your bills?”
You nearly choke on your tea.
“If you what?”
“Well, I was thinking earlier—when you were talking about school and making rent—that if I helped you out with that bit, things could be a little easier on you.”
He blushes crimson when he says it, green eyes searching yours. You shake your head.
“Michael, I could never pay you back for that.”
“You wouldn’t have to. I want to help you, Y/N.”
You sigh. 
“Can I…can I think about it? This is all a little…”
“Overwhelming?” he suggests.
“Yes,” you breathe. 
He smiles at you. 
“Take all the time you need, love.”
He reaches across the table to take your hand in his. 
“Let me build you something better, Y/N,” he whispers. 
You know that if you look into his eyes right now you will combust. You need to relieve the tension somehow. 
“You know,” you joke. “Sugar daddies are supposed to be old.”
Michael roars with laughter and you can’t help but giggle along wit him as people’s heads turn in your direction, the entirety of Starbucks now focused on your table tucked in the back corner. Even the flirty barista watches the two of you, eyeing your hand clasped in Michael’s, his thumb rubbing soft circles into your skin. 
“Is that what I’d be?” he asks, amused.
You giggle again.
“Pretty much.”
He rolls his eyes.
“I’m much more of a ‘sir’ than a ‘daddy,’ but I’ll play your game, sweet thing.”
Your heart hammers in your chest as his words take their effect on you. You look up to find him watching you, awaiting your next move. Before you can respond, his phone cuts through the conversation again.
“Fucking hell, Finn,” he growls, before he silences the ringer. 
“Can I see you again?” he asks, eyes back on yours. 
“I’d like that.”
“What are you doing Saturday night?”
A small smile crosses your lips as you look up at him through your lashes. 
“Going out with you.”
He grins at you before pulling his hand away from yours to grab his phone. He hands it to you. 
“Put your number in there. I’ll text you.”
You nod and type in your number before handing the phone back to him. He moves to stand up from the table, and your disappointment must show on your face because he smiles down at you. 
“I gotta head back to the office before Finn bloody tracks me down and drags me there himself,” he apologizes, reaching for the suit jacket he’d strung across the back of the chair.
You watch the fabric of his shirt flex and stretch around taut muscle as he shrugs the jacket on, and Michael doesn’t miss the way your teeth graze that plump bottom lip of yours. He’s just as attracted to you as you are to him, and he wants to tell Finn to piss off and spend the rest of the day chauffeuring you around the city and spoiling you absolutely rotten. It’s been a long time since he’s wanted someone like this, and Michael is thrilled that it’s you. He reaches down to cup your cheek in his hand.
“I’ll text you, yeah?”
You nod. Michael pulls away from you and gets his wallet from his pocket. He pulls out a business card and slides it over to you. He gives you one last wink before he’s gone, out of the Starbucks and into the busy London afternoon. You bring your teacup to your lips. The liquid inside has since grown cold but there’s a fire ablaze within you. Michael fucking Gray.
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hookedontaronfics · 5 years
Aber Girl series - Sunday
Title: Aber Girl - Sunday Part 3 of 3. Find Friday’s adventure HERE. Find Saturday’s tale HERE. Rating: T Pairing: Taron x OC Warnings: Cursing and alcohol use A/N: Will Morgan finally let her walls crumble away as Taron tries to show her the best parts of Aberystwyth - and himself? There is so much sweet, adorable fluff in this final chapter it will make your heart ache! Please enjoy the sweetness! x
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I awoke straight out of sleep far too early, as it was still pre-dawn dark outside my window. I squinted at my phone and groaned when it read just after 7 a.m. No one had a right to be up this early on their day off, but then I remembered I was to spend the day with Taron and there was going to be no going back to sleep for me. I felt a definite mix of anxious and excited as I sat up in bed, propping myself up a bit and doing what anyone would do; I started scrolling through Google search results. The truth was that even though Taron had always been on my periphery, I hadn’t kept up with what he’d been doing all these years.
I knew he’d gone to RADA after leaving Aberystwyth, and I’d even seen the Kingsman movies because my friends were obsessed. But after that my knowledge was a bit sketchy, so I tried to catch myself back up and found he’d done a bunch of different projects, not always as a headliner, but always seeming to make the most of his roles. I switched over to the images tab, scrolling through photos, most of them from some premiere or film event or the other, although some personal photos had made it onto the internet also, of course; nothing was sacred online. Taron had indeed grown very handsome; I couldn’t deny it anymore. I wasn’t exactly breathless over him, but he had a certain charm about him.
Just then, a text notification popped up from Taron, no less. <Hope you’re ready for today! Dress in layers - We’ll be outside for parts of the day and I want you to stay warm.> I wondered what he had planned; there were a few iconic places in Aber that I’d already spent plenty of time at over the years. I wondered if being there with Taron would make them feel different somehow.
I eventually got myself out of bed and worked on getting dressed, a little bit more successfully than the day before, being ever-careful of my arm. I’d pulled on a pair of warm tights under my jeans and piled on a sweater and zip-up hoodie over my shirt. I swallowed another of the prescription painkillers, hoping it’d keep the pain to a dull ache so I could enjoy my day, and, in a decent mood, I started making breakfast for my parents who weren’t up yet.
I’d got some sausages and eggs in the frypan and set some toast out on the table when my parents came down, still in their robes and pajamas and rubbing the sleep from their eyes.
“Morning,” I said cheerily, carefully sliding food onto plates for them both with my one good arm.
“You’re in a pleasant mood,” my mum remarked, accepting a plate.
“Mmm, yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I laughed at that, as my parents exchanged glances. “Okay, okay, I have a bit of a date today,” I grinned at them both.
“With who?” my parents both managed to ask at the same time.
“An old school friend,” I said as casually as possible.
“Well that’s wonderful, honey,” my father said. “I hope you have fun!”
I just grinned at that and wolfed down my breakfast. Taron said he’d pick me up at 10 a.m. sharp, and the clock had nearly arrived at that. I felt stupidly nervous as I waited, making small talk with my parents until I saw his car pull up to the house. I got up quickly and pulled my coat on around me, trying to button the toggles as quickly as possible.
“Oh, is that him? Invite him inside!” my mother said, trying to get a peek through the curtain as I pulled my Wellies on over thick socks.
“Yeah, no… Let’s at least wait for the second date? Or like, 30th?” I said as I grabbed my purse and smiled at them. “I’ll be back later, love you!” I shouted as I bounced out the door, letting the screen door slam as I usually did.
Taron had obnoxiously decided to be chivalrous and got out to open the car door for me; I thanked him and slid into the seat quickly, willing him to get back in the car in case my mom was trying to look out the window again. The less questions I had to answer about all of that, the better. We’d been blessed with a warmer day, thought it was still cold enough for the snow on the ground to stay, and there were only a few clouds scudding across the sky.
“Morning, love,” Taron grinned in that eternally cheerful way of his.
“Morning,” I couldn’t help but grin back. “So I am yours for the day. Thrill me.”
Taron raised an eyebrow at that and grinned. “So I think the first thing we should do is go up the Cliff. I’ve spent a lot of time up there, and I always find it peaceful.”
“You take all of your girls up there?” I teased.
“Ouch, do you always think I’m so predictable?” he said, pretending to be hurt.
“Mmmm,” I just responded, making him chuckle, and I found I rather enjoyed that sound. We made the quick drive over to the railway, and I insisted on buying our fare for this. I knew he’d probably be paying for most of the day, and besides that, I had also always loved going up the cliff. Taron had brought a pack with him and sat so close to me on the way up that his thigh was against mine, distracting me slightly. But I also couldn’t help staring out the window as we rode; the views were always stunning from 430 feet up.
Despite the cold air, it was surprisingly busy, but then I remembered that the railway was only operating on special hours at the moment because of the influx of people for the holidays. One of my favorite places to spend time, the Camera Obscura, wasn’t open either, but Taron cutely took my hand and led me over to some benches overlooking the city and sat the pack down at his feet, producing two tin mugs and a thermos of hot chocolate to keep us warmed up. We sat there in our mutually content silence, sipping the warm sweet drink and eventually I laid my head on his shoulder.
“Do you miss this when you’re off in London?” I asked.
“All the time, of course. Aber is the center of my universe,” Taron replied. “I don’t regret making the move, but London doesn’t have my heart. Plus, if I don’t visit often enough, my sisters turn into completely different people. They grow up so fast.”
“I used to hold such a grudge that you left,” I admitted. “That you still claimed to be Welsh when you’d left all of us behind, made a name for yourself in Britain. I suppose that wasn’t very fair of me,” I said, as Taron just listened to me ramble. “I guess part of it was that I wanted nothing more than to leave myself, and felt like it was going to be impossible to do. I felt stuck and resented you for my own fortunes. Everyone here considers you such a hero. I never saw what was so special, and it didn’t help that we had all of that history behind us that I blamed you for exclusively.”
“But you think differently now?” he asked.
“It’s why we’re here, now. I want to give you a chance to prove that you still care about this place, its people. That you aren’t too good for it.”
“I don’t think that. I’ve never thought that. I hope I’ve never acted in a manner that would constitute that. I live in London because that’s where it’s easiest to access what I need. Do you honestly think it was easy to say good-bye to my mam, my sisters, everything I grew up with here?” he asked, his gaze searching my face.
“I don’t know, Taron. I feel like I’ve had to literally confront everything I thought I knew about you and found that I’ve been so, so wrong. I suppose I should apologize, it’s a bit shaming, really,” I said, my face growing red.
“Hey, you’ve been misguided, but I can forgive, and you should forgive yourself for that as well, yeah? It’s not so bad, we have this day to make amends and begin again. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll find some magic in it too,” he said, the way he looked at me so softly making my heart skip a few times.
“Maybe,” I said, stumbling a bit over the word and trying to remember how to breathe.
“Right, shall we head back down? I figured we could walk through the National Library to get warm and then grab a bite for lunch at one of my favorite spots.”
“Sounds good,” I nodded, watching as he wiped out our glasses and packed everything back up before sweetly taking my hand in his and swinging our arms between us as we ventured back to the platform. We took the rail back down, chatting about lighter-hearted subjects, and I was really enjoying his company.
We made the drive over to the Library and walked inside its hallowed walls; I’d spent so many hours here, studying for school or just being transported somewhere else through a book. We wandered through an exhibition related to Wales’ musical tradition, actually spending a fair bit of time there together. Taron always took a particular interest in music, and credited his own voice to growing up in a place that fostered music wherever you went.
Once we’d both grown rather hungry, Taron drove us over to Sophie’s. The brunch and lunch spot was busy but we were thankfully able to grab a table. We both ordered burgers and shared a chip stack, loaded with cheese and bacon and sour cream. It turned out that despite Taron’s pretty built physique, he was quite a foodie, and I loved that there was no shame to it. We ended up laughing and talking a lot, and a few times he’d just wind up staring at me with an expression I couldn’t quite decipher.
“You’re clearly thinking something,” I said softly once we’d finished our food and were just waiting for the tab.
“You’d think me bloody crazy,” he chuckled.
“No I wouldn’t, promise!” I smiled at that, placing my chin in my hand and gazing at him a bit.
“Just thinking how I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have a chance with you. You were always the girl that got away from me, mostly because I never took a chance. That’s dogged me for years, you know,” he sighed a bit wistfully.
“You’ve really thought about me for years?” I asked, a bit incredulously.
“Ahh Morgan, I’ve had my share of breakups and lonely nights. It always left me wondering what could have been,” he said, running his fingers through his hair.
I looked away for a second, almost ashamed by the fact that I’d been on his mind at all and had spent that time just fuming away. It was very nearly comical.
“Hey, don’t be embarrassed,” he said, misreading my reaction.
“I’m not embarrassed, just ashamed of myself, really. I know you’re not mad at me, but I just feel like this could have happened a lot sooner if I had, I don’t know, just tried a little harder. To see all sides of the story. I just assumed I knew what had happened. I talked to my brother before I texted you yesterday, you know. He said you got blamed for everything, that you took the fall for it. Why?”
“I had amends to make, Morgan. And I was protective of my friends, too. I knew I could handle being hated by your brother. I just didn’t realize I couldn’t handle being hated by you,” he said in nearly a whisper. I could feel the vestiges of the walls I’d built up around myself beginning to crumble slowly.
“I don’t know what to say,” I said quietly as Taron reached over and took my hand in his.
“You don’t have to say anything at all. But I’ve felt like this for years, and being able to finally put it in words, and to be honest with you about it, has been such a relief. I don’t want to place expectations on this. I’m just willing to see where it could lead,” he smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling up as he did so. That was something I had never noticed about him before; when he smiled, it lit up his entire face. He was incredibly expressive and I’m sure that’s what made him such a brilliant actor. You could read what he was thinking without a word being said, and we were having a conversation right then and there by the way he was looking at me. To be the subject of that gaze left me completely breathless.
“So, shall we head out to the next thing?” Taron asked after a moment, and I could only nod in agreement, having to figure out how to put my thoughts back together. I felt undone somehow, but it wasn’t in a bad way; it was just that unnerving feeling that things I thought I had known, about Taron, and about myself, felt completely stripped away.
We got up from our table but Taron was pulled aside for a selfie from someone who recognized him. At least they had waited until we’d finished our meal to ask, so Taron obliged her while I stood awkwardly nearby, feeling somehow like the third wheel. But I wasn’t even a girlfriend, not really, so there was no reason for Taron to acknowledge me in his sphere of actor and fan. Still, he politely excused himself from that conversation as quickly as possible and followed me out the door.
“That’s happening more and more,” he said with a bit of an anxious chuckle.
“So are you big leagues now or what?” I teased him, but he only shook his head.
“Frankly it overwhelms me a bit,” he admitted.
“I imagine so. I mean, I wouldn’t know because I’m just a pleb,” I smirked, making Taron laugh.
“Embrace it,” he smiled. “I wouldn’t give up acting for the world, but celebrity is such a weird thing to me.”
“Well, you’re just Taron to me,” I said with a cute shrug, making him grin.
“Well, just Morgan, shall we go to the castle then?” he grinned, offering his arm to me, which I took.
“Carry on, my fine escort,” I said with a giggle, getting an eyebrow raise for that. God, that eyebrow was classic. I wanted to run my fingers over it, but I decided that might require a beer or two first so I shoved that urge down deep.
The castle was only about an nine-minute walk away, so we decided to leave Taron’s car parked where it was. I promised that just because I was down to one workable arm didn’t mean I didn’t have workable legs, and with the sun shining I was almost too warm under my sweater and hoodie and coat. We strolled down the street, just enjoying the bustle of the city, people running into stores to make their last-minute holiday purchases, and eventually came upon the old castle ruins.
“I’ve spent so many childhood days here,” I grinned as we walked under the north tower gateway.
“As did I,” Taron grinned back as we climbed our way through ruins we both knew so well, Taron taking my hand sweetly to help steady me when there was a large step, since I couldn’t use my other arm to steady myself. Eventually we made it to the topmost point, looking out over the sea. The wind was somehow colder up here, and I pulled my jacket in close about me.
“My parents would bring my brother and me up here to burn off some energy when we were younger. And likely driving them crazy,” I laughed. “We always pretended that this was our castle back in medieval times. Only I wanted to be the knight, and Declan would always be a dragon. Sometimes he would defeat me, sometimes I would slay him. Sometimes we would just rule together and be best friends. Trust me, I was no princess,” I laughed at the memories.
“I mostly just came up here with other schoolmates. Probably did things I shouldn’t’ve,” he chuckled. “Your story is much cuter than mine,” he grinned as I huddled in the corner where two partial stone walls met, trying to seek solace from the bite of the wind. There was a bit of a keyhole window, and I got caught up staring out at the choppy waves for a moment, traveling through my thoughts a bit and unaware that Taron had taken his phone out and snapped a photo of me. “Morgan,” he said to get my attention. I turned to face him, a mix of thoughtfulness and curiosity on my face, and he must have snapped that photo too.
“What are you doing?” I said with a laugh, shaking my head at him.
“Only making sure I don’t forget how you look right now,” he said, a bit of an odd timbre to his voice, almost like he was a bit choked up.
“That’s… Taron,” I said. “Why do you say these things to me? Such pretty things?”
“Because you should know how beautiful you really are. You cover up your insecurities with all this sarcasm and sharp wit but confidence is knowing your own worth. I wanted to show you how I see you,” he said, turning the phone around, and I had to gasp a little bit. Staring back at me was a girl who was both me and not me. There I was, framed by the window, the light streaming about me and almost giving me a bit of a halo, a few strands of hair having blown across my face. But what was most captivating was the soulfulness of my own eyes, the way they seemed to be looking into the universe. The photo was in black and white, but that seemed to enhance the very real vulnerability of it, as if I’d been pared back to nothing but my essence. As Taron had said, not hiding underneath the humor and self-deprecation I used to brush away my insecurities. 
“Wow,” I said, unable to tear my gaze away from myself. “How did you do that?”
“Do what?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
“Make me look like that?” I asked.
“This is you, Morgan. You’re incredibly introspective, and smart, curious about the world around you, protective of your family and fiercely loyal to your friends, and full of empathy. You’ve got a high spirit but it means you won’t take anyone’s bullshit. But you’ve put these walls up so high because you’re scared of the world seeing you for who you really are. But I have, I always have,” he said, taking a step closer to me. I shivered, but not because of the wind.
“Taron, I don’t know what to say,” I replied, feeling my breath catching as he took another step closer.
“Let me take those walls down, Morgan. Let me in, please,” he pleaded, and with one more step he was in my space, reaching out to touch my cheek gently, his fingers whispering over my skin as he tilted my chin up slightly. “May I?” he asked, and I gave a slight nod.
Taron leaned in, and I found myself holding my breath as we stared at each other, before he gently pressed his lips to mine as I closed my eyes on instinct. That kiss was so achingly sweet and I never wanted it to end, but all too soon he’d pulled away. I cracked an eye open at him, just to catch him looking totally unnerved, overwhelmed, maybe even a little anxious.
“Are you okay?” I asked, suddenly feeling insecure. Had it really been that bad for him? I thought.
“What? No, of course I’m okay. Better than okay,” he laughed. “Can I kiss you again?” he asked.
“Come here,” I grinned back, grabbing a fistful of Taron’s jacket and pulling him into me, kissing him a lot more forcefully than he had done, suddenly needing so much more of him. He pressed his hands against the wall on either side of me, enveloping me and making me feel safe in that space we had created for ourselves as we continued to kiss, his eyelashes sometimes brushing my cheeks.
When we finally broke apart, giggling and breathless, I felt like the entire world had finally shifted, like I’d found my center and things made sense, why I was here in this place. Everything had led me up to this moment, and being with Taron very much felt like a place I wanted to belong.
“I can’t feel my fingers anymore,” I laughed suddenly. 
Taron quickly covered my hand with both of his. “My days, you’re ice cold. We should get back inside, warm ourselves up again,” he said, and I nodded in agreement because despite the flush in my cheeks, I was cold. As we made our way out of the castle grounds, my lips were still tingling and I couldn’t help but brush my fingers over them every so often, marveling a bit at how kissing Taron had made me feel. Almost as if I’d grabbed onto a live wire, feeling every emotion with so much more clarity and depth than before.
How had he gotten so under my skin? I wondered. And made me feel so alive?
We made it back to the car and I held my hands up to the heater vents as Taron put the air on full blast. I couldn’t help shivering a bit as we both tried to get warmed up again. He drove around Aber a bit aimlessly before finally pulling into the Waterstones lot. We went in and just browsed a little bit; I was curious to see what his interests were and had to laugh at the fact that I ended up in bookstores even on my days off. The obsession with books was a bit too real.
We ended up poking around a few other shops, including Coastal Vintage and Siop y Pethe, or Shop of Things, which was one of my personal favorite places to just kill some time. It had such an eclectic mix of books and gifts. Taron had been inspecting something on a display and called me over, holding up a necklace with a heart pendant that read werth y byd, or essentially you mean the world.
“Was thinking of getting this for a girl I know,” he said with a cute wink.
“I’m sure your mam would appreciate it,” I teased, making Taron throw back his head with a lovely laugh.
“That’s good,” he said, his eyes sparkling at me. “But I had a different girl in mind,” he grinned, undoing the clasp and then fastening it around my neck.
“Taron, this is just too much,” I said, but I couldn’t stop smiling.
“You just have never been treated right, that’s all,” he said, pulling me in close and kissing me lightly on the forehead, traveling down my nose before capturing my lips in another one of those breath-stealing kisses I was going to have to get used to.
Taron paid for the necklace and we headed out again, deciding to take a chilly but sweet stroll along the Prom. We had it mostly to ourselves at that point, and the few people we passed greeted us warmly as was the Aber custom but kept walking on by. The sun at this point had sunk low toward the horizon, painting the tops of the sea’s choppy waves with oranges and pinks. In a sudden burst of insanity, I took off across the snowy beach with a shriek, not looking back to see Taron’s surprised but amused expression. I was careful to not wipe out on the slippery pebbles under the wet snow as I squelched my way to the very edge of the water, the waves breaking against the toes of my Wellies as I closed my eyes, threw my arms out wide and breathed in the salty air.
“The sea calls me and I must go!” I said as dramatically as possible when I heard Taron approach.
“Not without me, you won’t,” he said sweetly, making my heart beat faster in my chest as I turned around to face him.
“This is always where I’ve found my peace. As much as I’ve always wanted to leave Aber, I don’t know if I could ever live in a place without the sea,” I confessed. “I’ve never felt so big and so small at the same time anywhere else.”
“It is beautiful here,” Taron agreed, as I noticed that his eyes were much the same color as the sea at the moment, almost a slate grey.
“It’s not London,” I replied. “And you’ll have to go back after the holidays, right?”
“Sadly yes, but, we can figure this out,” he said softly. “Besides, it doesn’t help us to think about that right now. Our day together isn’t quite over yet.”
“You’re right. You still have a little time left to convince me,” I joked, bending over to scoop up some snow and tossing it at Taron, hitting him square in the chest as I took off running across the beach again, giggling. Taron gave chase, managing to scoop some snow up of his own. My Wellies were struggling to keep balance more so than Taron’s shoes, so he caught up to me quickly, lobbing his snowball and hitting me in the back before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me to him, making me squeal with laughter.
“C’mere you,” he grinned as I turned around in his embrace to face him.
“I was kidding you know,” I grinned. “I just wanted you to kiss me again.”
“That can be arranged,” he said, his voice a bit gravelly as he leaned in again and kissed me some more until I could feel the heat rising in my chest. Unfortunately for me, the creeping twilight chill and our growing hunger would soon chase us off the beach, seeking warmth and food again.
We ended up at a restaurant/bar called Baravin right there on the Prom, with a table by the windows so we could still see the sea and also the twinkling Christmas lights on the houses and store fronts. I always loved this part of the year. The food was excellent and I was beginning to think I had never felt this comfortable with someone.
“This has truly been one of the best days I’ve ever had,” I said after we’d filled ourselves up on the chocolate and honeycomb sweet pizza for dessert.
“I’m grateful I could be a part of that,” Taron smiled, his chin in his hand as he gazed at me.
“You’re more than just a part of it. You’re the whole reason for it,” I replied, toying with the necklace a bit absent-mindedly.
“Well that’s very kind of you but I don’t think you would have said the same two days ago when I tripped you in the store,” he said with a bit of a smirk.
“Oh God,” I said, covering my face with my hands. “I was such an arse to you,” I sighed.
“Well it’s all been forgiven, yeah?” he smiled.
“You of me, and me of you,” I nodded at that, my phone lighting up with a text from Andreyah.
<I’ve tried so hard to wait to hear from you all day but I MUST know, how is it going?!> she had sent.
<Um, very well indeed> I texted back, attaching one of our many selfies that we’d taken together. It hadn’t even been a good picture, because I’d said something that made Taron laugh, so his eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was hanging wide open and he was a bit blurry, but I still loved it because it just felt so genuine in that moment. I loved the sound of his laugh, and knowing I was the reason for it made me feel really good.
<OMG that’s soooo cute! You look really happy!> she texted back right away.
<That’s because I am> I wrote back, while Taron also checked his own phone briefly. <Who would have thought it? But everything’s changed. I can tell you more later, promise.>
<You’d better> she texted back before I stowed my phone away in my purse.
“We can’t sit at this table for forever, but I really don’t want this evening to be over yet,” I laughed softly after a moment.
“Oh, I’ve got an idea,” he grinned a bit mischievously. “We’ve got a bit of time to kill but… You should call your friends, I’ll call mine, and we can all meet up at the Pier’s nightclub for a little bit. Wouldn’t that be a bit nostalgic?” he asked.
“Oh my god, yes! I haven’t been there since college days. Once I graduated my mates and I felt we were all too grown up so we’ve stuck to the pubs but we should totally do it for old kicks’ sake!” I laughed.
So that’s exactly what we did. We gathered a group of our friends and, after admittedly killing time by talking and making out in Taron’s car, we entered the old nightclub I had such fond memories of. They had refurbished the inside of it, so it looked a lot nicer than I remembered, but the music was just as loud and neon lights just as blinding. We all got some drinks and after some introductions between us all, we spent the last bit of the night dancing away. None of my friends even gave me any shit for doing a complete 180 on Taron, but I think Andreyah had filled them in on our reconciliation.
When a slow song came on I wrapped my arms around Taron’s neck and swayed with him. It’d gotten hot in the club so we’d all ditched our coats and jackets. Taron looked so cozy in his sweater, and I was just so thrilled to be there with him. He had his hands loosely at my waist as we just got lost in that moment together. He slowly slid his hands down and around, his fingers gently squeezing my bottom as he asked “Is this okay?” in my ear. It sent a thrill running all through my body, and it was the first time I really understood that this could go so much further. I wasn’t in any way ready to take it that far yet; I had too much past shit to work through. But suddenly I wondered what he’d looked like naked, and I was grateful for the darkness of the club because I was blushing hard at that.
“Want to step outside for a moment? I’m a bit sweaty,” he said against my ear so he could be heard over the music. I nodded and we both went to grab our coats and beers and stepped out onto the pier into the night air. I wrapped my arms around Taron under his coat, laying my head against his chest; his heart was beating rather fast, I noticed. He took a long pull of his beer and had a far-off look in his face, staring out at Cardigan Bay.
“What are you thinking?” I asked softly.
“Things I shouldn’t be, in all honesty,” Taron said, his voice a bit deep, a rough edge to it.
“And in all honesty, I probably am too,” I whispered.
We weren’t alone on the pier, but no one else was paying us any mind, busy with their own conversations and probably as buzzed as we were. Taron stepped me backwards until my back hit the wall of the building, and we were now partially hidden by shadows. He leaned in and kissed me, his hands roaming under my coat and sweater and finding the skin at my waist, setting my nerves aflame. His kisses traveled along my jaw and then down my neck, leaving trails of fire where his lips touched. With the effects of the alcohol our inhibitions had lowered quite a bit, but I was still hesitant, and when Taron realized it he backed off, just resting his forehead against mine as we tried to recover our breaths.
“To be continued,” he smirked lightly at me.
“Definitely,” I laughed softly, biting my lip almost shyly.
Eventually we rejoined our friends, but it had gotten quite late and I had an early shift the next morning, so I decided that it was probably best to head home. I was tired, my arm was beginning to throb yet again, and as much as I would have loved to just dance until the sun came up, I was no longer that college kid with few responsibilities. We said our good-byes and packed ourselves back in the car, happy and worn out. Taron drove me through the quiet streets of Aber, a place he had somehow managed to make feel special all over again.
He parked the car when we pulled up to my house and we both sat there in silence for a few minutes, unsure of what to say or unwilling to end the night.
“Thank you, for today, for everything,” I finally said.
“Yeah, of course, of course,” he said, smiling over at me. “I’m in town for a little while longer, and I’d love to see you again.”
“Now that is a given,” I grinned tiredly at him.
“You should go sleep,” he laughed gently at my sleepy expression.
“Nope, just gonna bunk down right here,” I giggled, patting the car seat and pretending to snuggle in.
“You’re ridiculous,” he chuckled at that. 
“But you like it,” I replied, as Taron reached over and brushed my hair away from my face, caressing my cheeks sweetly and then lingering over my lips, so I placed a kiss right there on his fingertips. “Alright, I should go or we’ll be here all night and morning,” I said, both of us getting out of the car and Taron actually walking me up to my door. I thought that only happened in the movies, I giggled slightly deliriously at the thought.
“Today was fun. Let’s do this again soon,” he said, hugging me tightly.
“It was so fun!” I said from somewhere in his arms. “And we will, hang out again, that is. I guess you sort of won me over. Lucky you,” I said teasingly, but Taron just pulled away to gaze at me for a long moment.
“You have no idea just how lucky I feel right now,” he said, making my heart feel like it was growing three sizes in my chest. “And you know, you’ll always be my Aber girl,” he added. If I wasn’t already swept off my feet, that sentiment definitely did me in.
“Oh Taron,” I breathed softly, standing up on my toes to kiss him again. We finally managed to say our good-byes; I’m not really sure how but eventually he was back in his car and waving cutely to me as I hung in the doorway, watching as he pulled out of the drive and waiting until the darkness swallowed the tail lights.
I must have fairly floated upstairs; my head was full of reliving the day as I brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas. While I laid on my bed, scrolling through the photos we’d taken, I paused on the photo Taron had taken of me at the castle. He had shown me so much more than just a good time; he had somehow helped me find the person behind all the walls. I felt more at peace with myself then I had in such a long time, and being able to let go of those long-held grievances was liberating.
I set my alarm and then put my phone on the nightstand, snuggling under my covers and closing my eyes, ready to sleep after the events of the day. But oh, what a day it had truly been. Not only was Taron just so thoughtful and kind and handsome to boot, but he had never once judged me for anything I’d felt or had to go through. 
I touched the necklace still hanging around my neck, feeling the weight of its significance. Taron had promised to give me the world, but he had also truly come to mean the world to me. I slipped into the sweetest sleep, a smile on my face. True happiness didn’t come from things; it came from forgiveness, from discovering yourself, from knowing your worth, and maybe even from finding love.
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