animatedtext · 3 years
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requested by random-sneke
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the-pasta-surveyor · 3 years
Heights: Is your muse a risk-taker? hmmm...i Think so!!! I like doing danger things!!!! Like eating random rocks....or drinking things in the Lab places...and picking up all of the animals!!!!!!! One time i found a Snake and person who was with me freak out because was Angry snake. i Named the sneke Sliterman
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fangirlynjunk · 3 years
My top favorite fake animals from media Here we go
Chocobo. I don’t need a reason Look at them. Wark
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Nix hounds. I dunno why I just think their cute
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Wooloo - like the rest of the Internet I fell in love at first sight but I used my own, bred my own shiny, and of course the twilight wings episode cemented it as a favorite Pokémon (I love so many though)
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Turtle ducks
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Night stalkers. Sneke and wild good boi combined
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Thank you for coming to my random ramblings and show me any of your favorites
Or more chocobo
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arimesi · 5 years
Answer 21, Tag 21
I’ve been tagged by @prakran & @remi-demi94 thank u!!<3
1. Nicknames: pompom & miksu, miguel
2. Zodiac Sign: libwa
3. Height: 160cm? 5′3???
4. Hogwarts 🏠: idk im too pretty for harry potter, i guess slytherin?? snekes,,
5. Last Thing I googled:  “is iris poisonous to humans”
6. Favourite Musicians: LANA DEL REY, owl city
7. Song Stuck in My Head: MARINA - Orange Trees
8. Following Now: 475
9. Followers: It’s a mystery👻
10. Do I Get Asks?: ye
11. Amount of 💤?: 6-8?
12. Lucky Number: 27
13. What I’m Wearing: black skinny pants, light grey henley t shirt, pink socks!!
14. Dream Job: in all honesty I just wanna be a artist with a farm but i guess making games and graphic design would be swag
15. Dream Trip: going to istanbul with my bf or roadtrip w friends!!
16. Favorite Food: can i say just rice bc anything with rice i go feral for
17. Instruments: ive owned a guitar since i was 8 and ukulele since 16 but i can barely hold them in my arms hdjgh but i know some piano,,,
18. Languages: finnish and english, v v v basic understanding in swedish and french
19. Favorite Song: idk if this counts but i rly like Steven Universe’s Change your mind,, p much start most of my mornings by listening to it lel
20. Random Fact:  i’ve started watching vlastomil eye’s season 3 and there hasn’t been a single episode that hasn’t made me turn into a sobbing mess in the first 5 mins lmao im a h u g e crybaby
21. Aesthetic: 90′s vampire that has been chased off from his mansion and has to live with his cowboy bf and get used to manual labour 
idk i have @pamyuwu and @michevv that are my insp/aesthetic blogs (heavy warning for nudity&blood, im bad at tagging)
Tag 21 people: @ketthejester, @wardenchampion, @lazyvoyager, @sunflowler, @theartofflorence, @chicken-marty, @aaliyah-draws, @weenie-the-beans, @konchuu-san, @everstinari, @scarredaxel, @arfaise, @iinanna, @linaisbluepancake​ and anyone who just wants to do it lel!! hope y’all don’t mind  getting tagged ówò!!
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kimbapwrites · 7 years
Park Jihoon; stay-at-home date
Member: Jihoon // Wanna One
Genre: Fluff
Request: Hi! I was wondering if you could make a fluffy and cute scenario in which jihoon and i live together and we spend the evening chilling at home doing anything (watching movies, cuddling, stuff like that)
A/N: I tried asdfsf ,,, hope you enjoy!!
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you and jihoon have been living together for a couple months
and however much you love going out, you love staying in just a bit more
jihoon doesn’t mind
especially not nights like tonight, when the sky’s stormy and the temperature’s low
you two had planned to go on a double date, but the look you exchange says neither of you want to go
he shoots you a small grin, one you return
“should we cancel?”
“ooo let’s say you got a debilitating 24-hour sickness,”
“good one~ should we call?”
“no, text them - i’m bad at lying over the phone,”
are you slytherins?? probably
it doesn’t matter if you’re snekes though, because you’ll be snekes together
you spend a good ten minutes debating over a movie to watch
jihoon wins
apparently magic mike isn’t an acceptable movie for a couple’s night in
you disagree but wHATEVER
so you watch pitch perfect instead
you have to pause the movie at the puke scene, bc you almost puke yourself
jihoon isn’t any help, laughing as you hold a hand over your mouth
but then he distracts you by placing a long, slow kiss on your lips
cue the blushing
“ok um- let’s watch the m-movie now” 
just because you’ve been together for a while doesn’t mean you don’t get flustered when he pulls smooth shit
when you run out of popcorn mid-way through, you play rock paper scissors to see who has to go make more
let’s just say jihoon is terrible at rock paper scissors
you distracted the king of aegyo with your own aegyo
he’s trash for your aegyo
after the movie is over, both of you are too lazy to get up, so you spend half an hour just cuddling and talking
about the movie mostly
“jesse is my ultimate movie crush”
“excuse me”
“benji’s pretty cute too, to be honest”
“excUSE ME”
“i mean you’re cute but--”
jihoon may be the visual god™ but you never fail to make him insecure
in your defense, you only do it because needy jihoon is literally the most adorable thing
and you like assuring him that he’s your #1
when it gets too warm to cuddle, you migrate to the kitchen to graze on various snacks and cool down
“you know if you eat dairy before bed you’ll have wild dreams,”
“i’d better eat some ice cream then and hope you’ll visit me in my dreams ;)”
watching him pretend not to be flustered is everything
eventually, he has to forcibly remove the snacks from you and you decide that’s probably your cue to go to bed
so you snuggle up in the bed you two share and end up cuddling again
you just love cuddling a lot ok 
i have the perfect meme for that ^ smh
"i wonder how the date we were supposed to go on went,”
“woojin hates us anyway lol”
you talk about random things for a while until the conversation slowly turns to silence
you’re both getting sleepy when jihoon abruptly rolls over and kisses you
you’re too tired to do anything but smile
“jihoon,” you whisper
“i really like you,”
“i really like you too, y/n,”
you haven’t said “i love you” yet, but you both know it’s the unspoken meaning
so you proceed to drift off to dreamland, unable to wipe the smile off your face and jihoon’s arms curled your waist
hey that rhymed
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depressedjournalist · 7 years
I was tagged by @bokutos4hoots. Thanks!! ^_^
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers/people you’d like to get know better 
Name: Snezana
Nicknames: Ana, Sneska, Snekee. (I have a friend who calls me Arnold Schwarzenegger that’s interesting)
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5'8
Orientation: straight 
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: Peaches
Favorite Season: Winter and Fall
Favorite Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Favorite Flower: Lilacs
Favorite Scent: The smell outside after it rains
Favorite Color: Indigo and dark red
Favorite Animal: Penguins. Mainly because of this video
Coffee | Tea | Hot cocoa: Hot cocoa. Coffee’s ok, I just like it really sweet
Average sleep hours: what sleep
Cat or dog person: Both are great
Favorite fictional character: Bokuto Koutarou :)
Number of blankets you sleep with: Two
Dream trip: Denmark (or just like throughout Europe)
Blog created: Last September I believe
Number of followers: 31 
Random fact: I don’t like eggs.
I tag whoever wants to do this!! because I don’t know 20 people 
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ginawesome-blog · 6 years
Mandag. Våkner til melding fra Solvor om at flyet hennes er kanseller på grunn av snøen i London. God stemning. Etter mye fram og tilbake og venting for ho (og meg egenltig), fekk ho ei ny rute. Og av alle retninger og fly i heile verden blir ho booka på samme som meg videre fra Etiopia. God stemning på ekte!!!
Så var det ei litta treningsrunde i CapeTown før eg starte turen for å finne Solvor!
Tirsdag Kl 7 morningen lander eg i Addis Ababa, gira som bare det og tripper gjennom sikkerhetskontrollen på jakt etter ei litta kvit blondine. Men nei. Eg tenke flyet er sikkert forsinka og at ho dukke opp any moment. Men nei. Eg kjenne for første gang på lenge at eg blir litt stressa. Ingen måte å kontakte ho på, ingen idé om kor ho er eller ka som skjer. Så kl 08:50 må eg bare boarde flyet åleine og håpe på det beste.
I det eg nesten sovner i setet kjenne eg ei hånd som knipe meg i skulderen! HURRA DER STÅR HO! Flyet var forsinka og ho blei kjørt med buss rett fra osloflyet og over til mitt!
Etter noen få timer fly tok me ein alt for dyr taxi til backpackern me skulle bu på! Hunch Backpackers i Dar Es Salam, Tanzania. Aircon, tidenes hardeste seng, basseng, inkludert frokost og tidenes hardeste pute. Alt i alt ok+
Resten av dagen blei bare chill med bassenget og spising av SMÅGODT OG MELKESJOKOLADE! Og ein tur på Addis In Dar, ein etiopisk restaurant i byen. Meget god mat!
Onsdag var det ned til bassenget igjen før me stakk på byvandring. Plutselig blei me guida rundt i den lille botaniske hage av ein meget hyggelig random fyr og ein gammel mann som bare alltid var der inne. De var snille og me gav de ein liten lappe som rakk, men han unge fyren ville vise oss andre ting og, så hadde me tydeligvis fått oss ein liten guide. Me gjekk på fiskemarked og bare vandra rundt og han maste i et sett om alt mellom himmel og jord. Må nevne at tålmodigheten min er blitt veldig bra.
Når me kom tilbake til Hunch gjekk eg på trening i verdens varmeste lille studio. Her er de heller ikkje vant med at jenter løfter.
Etter dette gjekk me på restaurant, Taste of Mexico. Yum.
Torsdag. Me skal til Bongoyo Island! Møter opp og skal kjøpe bilett til 10:30 båten, men får beskjed om at me må være 4, eller dekke mellomlegget slik at de kan kjøre med bare oss to. Me går og tar ein kaffe i håp om at fleire dukker opp. Når me går tilbake står det ein haug med kvitinger der og me bare Woohoo! Går bak i køen, kjøper bilett og setter kursen mot enden av kaien. Viser fram billetten og seier me skal til Bongoyo. "But where is ticket for boat?" Sier båtmann. Eg viser fram billetten igjen og bare, her? Me skjønne ingenting og seier at resten kommer snart og alle skal til Bongoyo. Men Neida. Den store kvite gruppa hadde vist bestilte egen båt til ei anna øy og eg og Solvor hadde tydeligvis bare slengt oss på den turen der, uten å vite det. Heldigvis var det greit for gjengen og me bare joina ein heildagstur til ei random øy lenger vekke. Gjengen var forresten flightcrew i SwissAirline som hadde to dager layover. Hyggelige folk!
Så var me der heile dagen, øde strand, nydelig vann, fine skjell, nyfanga fisk til lunsj og ei lekker hengekøye.
Fredag satte me kursen mot Zanzibar! Så fort me va framme ved kaien for å ta båten kom det to lokale med gule vester for å hjelpe oss. Me visste med ein gong at me må betale ekstra etterpå for at de bære alt og hjelpe oss å finne fram, men me bare blei med. Latskap lenge leve. Når alt var på stell og me hadde sneke oss fram mellom alt og alle skulle de plutselig ha usakelig mye cash av oss. Eg pruta det litt ned, men gav likevel alt for mye, for de skulle jo fortsette å passe på bagasjen vår. Så eg var redd at hvis eg gav for lite kunne noe plutselig forsvinne. Så dessverre blei det Muzungupris denne gangen. På kaien blei me kjent med Maggie, ei gammel dame fra Australia som har vært på reis i over fire år! Ho va sjukt kul og hadde mange historier fra heile verden! Så når me var framme i Zanzi gjekk me rett for å ta ein smoothie med ho! Så kjørte me i typ 1,5 time for å komme fram til vår meget øde retreat her på Zanzibar. Me bur på ein veldig fin plass, men det er virkelig ingenting her. Så langt har me bare bada, solt oss, spist, sove, spelt kort og Chilla. Det er kun europeere her og plassen er eigd av et rumensk par så det føltes litt som ein pause fra Afrika, noe som er både gydd og litt kjedelig. Det er noen små vekter her så eg får løfta litt og muligheter for mange utflukter, så det blir fint med ei veke her før me bytte boplass på fredag.
Men internettet her er sjukt dårlig, så bilder får vente!
Snakkes snart💛
(No er det forresten nøyaktig 6 mnd til eg er heime! Sjukt)
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depressedjournalist · 7 years
I was tagged by @bokutos4hoots. Thanks! ^_^
answer 30 questions + tag 20 people you’d like to know better
-nicknames: Ana or Snekee/Sneska (but those two are more of a family nickname)
-star sign: Pisces
- gender: female
-MBTI type: INFP
-height: 5′8 ft / 173 ish cm
-time: 2:29 pm
-birthday: March 18th
-favourite bands: Fall Out Boy, Set it Off, Panic at the Disco, and a lot more I can’t think of rn 
-favourite solo artists: Hailee Steinfeld’s pretty good, James Arthur (I’m sappy), and I can’t think of anyone else atm
-song stuck in my head: Despacito (Because the radio keeps playing it on repeat)
-last movie I watched: Captain America: Winter Soldier
-last show I watched: Teen Titans (with my sister)
-other blogs: I have a vent blog (which you can ask me for if you want to know), a studyblr with nothing on it, and a saved url for a blog I was SUPPOSED to start with a friend of mine a while ago  
-when I created my blog: like last September
-what I post about: the most random things. I try to be happy and post nice stuff but sometimes important matters can’t go unaddressed. SOmetimes, I’ll have some nice fanart or something cool my friends make (which is everything they make because my friends are awesome) 
-last thing I googled: Disney movies
-following: 210
-followers: 31
-favourite colour: indigo or dark red
-average hours of sleep: lol 
-lucky number: either 13 or 6
-instruments:recorder and I used to know guitar
-what I’m wearing: pajamas (short-shorts with a t-shirt)
-how many blankets: 2
-dream jobs: either a writer or a therapist (I wanna make people happy)
-dream trip: Denmark 
-favourite food: pasta! and ice cream
-nationality: American
I tag @starlight-cats @gamz-makara @chocolate-and-drawing @mortal-goddess and anyone else who wants to do this (you don’t have to though :) )
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