#reblog if you're gonna try this over the hiatus with your friends lol
salumiserafina789 · 3 years
Last post for the yeaaaar is a follow up to this one!
jul and alex on volume 2: - jul: [adam shows up] damn why he looking kinda fine tho - 'press f to pay respects to sun getting rejected' - they freaked out at the dance part - jul: i rarely ship hetero ships, but thIS- jul and alex on volume 3: - 'oh thats a dark opening... i like it' - 'did you know team sun is based off of a kpop group?' 'wAIT WHAT-' - jul cried at the arkos conversation. i dont blame her. - sun: [finger guns in blake's direction] blake: [blushes] jul: sHIT SHIT SHIT REWIND - qrow: [shows up] them: ooooOOOOOO- - during the fight: 'theyre destroying so much school property!' - they have now heard the questions that bring half the fandom to its knees: 'what's your favorite fairytale?' 'do you believe in destiny?' and they have seen the ~maple leaves~ - us: finishes ep8 me: ok so after this, all hell breaks loose and there's more trauma for the rest of the volume. want to finish it next year? jul: normally, when the episodes cause me this much trauma, i'd just stop for the rest of the night and watch again tomorrow... i want to watch it now - me: 'you know its time to panic when even ozpin is panicking' alex: 'oH SHIT-' - jul: velvet's accent gives me joy - alex (this is literally what she put in the chat): dont tell me that pyrrah fucking dies i hate it here shes too perfect i bet theres something bad gonna happen. oh god. lourdes, who is an up-to-date rwby fan (also what she put in the chat: nah, thats too much. the whole show will go brr - ~meanwhile, in dm~ ✨ Lourdes ✨ PHI HAHAHAHAHA IM CRYING HAHAHAHHAHAA THEY WILL BE EVEN MORE BROKEN, IM SO EXCITED HAHAHAHA IM LIVID ✨ Phi ✨ HAHAHAHA ✨ Lourdes ✨ I ASCEND AS I CAN RLEATE TO THEM SO MUCH JSJSJSJ ✨ Phi ✨ RIGHT RIGHT SFIUBRIUGBEIURT ✨ Lourdes ✨ SOEFRDS SHUSHHHHH WUDGSIHUGEYFD ✨ Phi ✨ "oh man is she gonna die" ✨ Lourdes ✨ HEHEHHEHEHEHEHE ✨ Phi ✨ HAHAHAHA ✨ Lourdes ✨ I EVIL LAUGH ✨ Phi ✨ THIS IS WHAT WE TELL NEW FANS ✨ Lourdes ✨ WKEIURYGFHBDE WE GIVE THEM FALSE HOPE HWEWEW ✨ Phi ✨ "U ARE WEAK AND THE VYTAL FESTIVAL IS COMING FOR YOU" ✨ Lourdes ✨ HAHAHAHAHHHA NOH?! IM SORRY MY FELLOW FRIENDS, BUT YOU GUYS TOO SHALL FALL WITH US ✨ Phi ✨ YEAH HAHAHHA - they were alluding the seasons to team rwby - amity's artificial biomes: show up alex, a genshiner: WOAH DOMAIN lourdes, a genshiner: DENDRO AND ELECTRO - coco: shows up allyza, also a current rwby fan: its the maam! miss maam you are awesome - [during the coco & yatsuhashi vs emerald & mercury match] alex: Jesus Christ the geyser - [during the winter and weiss convo abt their semblance] alex: thank you big sister, you go girl also alex: DUDE SHE HAS CHONGYUN POWER - (about weiss) alex: she is broke,,, cant she just use her semblance to make shaved ice,,, sell it and shit - [during the match with team fnki] alex: whats this music, i love the jazz me: its called rwby vs fnki alex: dammit thank you, i love me: ill send links to the ost later alex: ngl i kinda want team fnki to win tho - ozpin and the squad: [explaining maiden shit to pyrrha] jul: fuck i hate it here - me and lourdes, continuously: just watch jullia: "just watch" maam we are anxious - [ep 7 i think] me: lets play a game called the plot is starting u should be terrified me: do you remember this match lourdes :> me: oopsie here comes the beginnig of the end - alex, about cinder: manipulative mfer,,, but shes so pretty, i hate it jul: you love women who throw up red flags - [the amber vs cinder, emerald & mercury fight] alex: JESUS CHRIST alex: THE EYES alex: THATS SCARY alex: THIS IS A CHILDE BOSS TYPE OF BEAT - ironwood: [informing team rwby that yang has been disqualified, explaining seeing things on the battlefield etc] jul SHUT UP MR GENERAL jul: MR KEEPING YOUR ROBOT DAUGHTER A SECRET me: ok so fun fact in the manga she actually does see him as a father figure jul: o.o - alex called torchwick a 'budget version chuuya' - we will continue to chapter 10 on january 2 :> - and they said ozpin has the most death flags :>
Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you all get to do the things you want and need to, stay safe!
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samsrowena · 2 years
hello a few days ago i kind of went on a stealth hiatus and i'm still probably not gonna be very active here because this whole thing really soured my desire to participate in the fandom (and my desire to return to spn because i was taking a break from watching before this anyway). but i didn't want to just leave all of this unaddressed because it's really bothering me. so let me make some things perfectly clear:
as i have already said before but apparently need to reiterate, i do not ship w*ncest/w*nkline or ANY i*c*st ships at all. i do not support i*c*st ships or the people who post about them. i do not follow ANYONE who makes these posts. if i see anyone interact with my posts with i*c*st URLs or reblog comments or tags, i filter their URL or softblock if they followed (sue me for not blocking every idiot i come across, sorry). and the only time i have ever interacted with these people is ACCIDENTAL (i often reblog from the #spnedit public tag and i don't always check the blog first) and in these cases i have almost always received an ask letting me know and i took appropriate action
however --and this is what got me unfollowed and blocked by several mutuals and accused of i*c*st in the first place -- which is absolutely ridiculous, mind you: i DO "ship" cashannah. this is in very loose quotes because this is a ship i've made about four posts in my entire 12 years of having this blog??? and it's a very minor and unpopular ship anyway (not once have i ever seen this be because of "i*c*st" though. only because cas was seemingly not interested in her the same way. and the desticule is not known for caring about non-destiel ships lol)
but regardless, listen when i say that if i thought for a single second that that relationship was i*c*st i would NOT support it. not in the slightest. now i'm not trying to deny "angelc*st" is a thing because i think it is (like the archangels for instance) but i do not consider EVERY single angel siblings (just like no one considers all the demons or even all the humans siblings. IMO it's the exact same thing). now if angel ships make you personally uncomfortable, that's fine and i completely understand. your reasons for engaging or disengaging with whatever type of content is perfectly valid. and the point of this post isn't to argue or try to change your mind on a ship. i'm just asking you to please be mindful of what accusations you're placing on people.
with all this being said, i am also NOT going to sit here and spend every waking moment of my life policing the interactions of every single person i follow. i do not want anything to do with i*c*st content and if i see it on my dash, i WILL unfollow. you will never see it from me either and i do NOT purposefully engage with it. but this absolute insanity of "oh em gee i saw this user like this user's post and that user was a friend of another user who did blah blah blah and likes blah blah blah" like?????? how does anyone have time to waste doing this
again if something makes you uncomfortable, no matter what it is, that is TOTALLY understandable. but these callout posts and block lists and anon bait bullshit is soooo incredibly immature. if you have a problem with something someone posts, you can handle it PRIVATELY. instead of publicly slandering one person over whatever "proof" you think you have and then dragging other people into it who aren't even involved and definitely do NOT deserve it
anyways if anyone actually read all this long incoherent rambling, then thank you to all of you are going to stick around after this <3 if you unfollow, then okay cool i guess. just don't accuse me of something i'm not please. k byeeeee
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