cinderellahoneymoon · 2 months
strawberry, cherry vanilla, raspberry swirl for the ask game!! do whichever F/Os you want ^_^
- @kruxband
ill do these for almond and rogue.fort!
strawberry: before getting together, how did your F/O realize they had a crush on you? How did they act around you once they realized they were head over heels?
almond initially kept things professional, i own his favorite cafe after all. when he realized he liked me he got very flustered easily and would try and hide it.
rogue was very playful but also cautious as theyve only known me while undercover. when they find out they like me they tease me more than usual but are a little wistful, believing we cant be together
cherry vanilla: how does your F/O show their affection for you?
almond is a quality time and acts of service kind of guy so hell do small chores and spend time with me, rogue likes to smother me in gifts
raspberry swirl: how does your F/O cheer you up when you are feeling down?
when im upset, they both put aside their differences and all 3 of us spent time together cooking or baking soul foods
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intercat-archived · 2 years
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hi im eden / noel and i definitely missed promo hour LOL … but it’s okay because im cute and everyone loves me.
ANYWAY this is my selfship blog where i post a lot about mobile gacha games because most of my f/os are from mobile games!! the f/os that im currently fixated on are rogue.fort cookie from cookie r.un, sir.ius gib.son from witch’s h.eart, and my t.ears of th.emis f/os !!
also im nblm and 17 !! if you follow me make sure to follow my boyfriend @littlebigships as well !!!!
the rest of my information is on my carrd, which is linked in my bio!! ok that’s all byebye
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Wading through the bodies to exit the building was not the most pleasant thing to do, but considering the only one within the party that could fly was currently weighing down the most agile of them... This was the only way out. "It is unfortunate... That there is so much stained red..." The scientist would murmur, keeping the newcomer close as they walked side by side. Though unseen to those two, Roguefort would grimace at the prospect that so much blood was spilled. "Regretful, yes, but... I would have done that and more in that state if it were to keep you both safe from this place and those... things..." "...I mean our clothing, Roguefort."
It took the thief a moment to process that the matter was not as serious as they took it to be. Well- perhaps it was- considering how much these outfits meant for their freedom. They'd look back at the other two, confused for a moment, but... "Ah, I- I see..." They'd fumble, giving a dry, sheepish laugh as they turned back around. "No worries... I am certain there will be a way to get any and all bloodstains out... And if I do not know a way, I will learn such. It would be a shame if you and Cyborg's work became tarnished so soon after it was made." Aloe would give a hum of acknowledgment, and silence would be brought between them as they finally dragged themselves out of the building they were tossed in. Such a horrible place... If Aloe had the authority, they would tear this place down.
Both Aloe and Roguefort would take glances around the area, their respective grips tightening upon those they held and carried. "It... Has suddenly gotten so late. Was it not broad daylight out when you two had gotten caught?" Aloe's look of scrutiny to all that surrounded them lightened up, looking to the attention that was placed upon them. "Oh, well, yes... Most do not notice since there is no thought given towards it, but the time of day can change drastically depending on the desires of... Well, let's just say it decides what will 'suit the mood' of a situation." There was a gaze of scrutiny upon Aloe, one that made them look away.
"Oh, I-I think I know..." The soft words of Mint caught the attention of both the researcher and gem procurer. "U-um...! Well, you see... The world gets tired just like people do, so... It- It goes to sleep! And then everything becomes dark! I... I would be tired, too, after what it had to see with- with u-us!" There was a pause, the thief for a moment believing it to be true while Aloe simply sighed and shook their head. "Your head is more hollow than I took it for..." Mint thankfully would only look in confusion, not even processing something that could be seen as an insult. "No matter, you will learn how the world truly works in due time. I suppose that goes for the both of you- but one of you needs to learn more than the other." "And which one is that?" "I... You will know once we are back home." Home? There was a place such as that? The musician would blink, not having much time to process such a simple sentence before Aloe would bring him along and motion for the thief to follow. The four of them were going 'home'. But he already had a home, didn't he? Where was that? No, that- that was back where all those bodies were. The sight of red was still fresh in his mind, Mint wasn't sure what to make of it. He wasn't sure what to make of anything, truly.
The streets are empty. Dark and empty. As much anxiety could be instilled from such a thing, the lack of husks around was more of a blessing of safety than a curse of loneliness. The only sounds were that of the group's footsteps and the sound of water from a running fountain nearby. "You know... For a city as big and expansive as this, there seem to be so few places that seem significant. That, and..." Roguefort's gaze would lift, trying to see if they could find any other notable buildings. They all looked so similar to one another, almost copy-pasted. "Everything looks so similar." How had they not noted this before? Well, obviously they were thoughtless, but how could they even spot the places where paintings were when the whole city seemed like this?
The scientist would hum as they attempted to formulate a proper answer, though they didn't answer just yet. Rather, they overheard the doe-eyed survivor humming with him. "O-oh, am I being too loud?" Mint seemed embarrassed. Not that he recognized that feeling, and thankfully it wasn't a negative one, but it still existed within his body. "Sorry, your hum just hit a perfect low C, and I um... Wanted to harmonize with it. It's like the first note in the piece I play..." "Piece... Singular?" Aloe questioned, genuinely curious about the word usage. "Well, yes! I-I wouldn't need to play anything else..." "...I see."
The solid sound of shoes on concrete would permeate the air for the next few moments, only to be followed by Aloe finally answering the aforementioned question. "It is a design choice, of sorts. It helps buildings that do have importance to stand out. Your manor, for example, has importance since it is where you and your 'character' would reside, along with all the paintings you used to procure. My lab, too, differentiates by virtue of being a location where Cyborg and myself once resided." "Character..." Roguefort would ponder, sight falling from the buildings to the cement. "Is that another name for husks? How they act being known as their 'character'?" "Precisely... Though we can discuss this more later, yes? We should be getting close to your home..." "Our home." Aloe blinked, almost stopping in their tracks. They shook their head at such a prospect. "It does not belong to us. It is your's, and we are simply residing in it." "Ah, say what you will... I will continue to call it our's. After all, it is a place of safety against all of what is out here for all of us... And we all need a place to call home- so why not have one together?" "..." "That's what I thought."
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“I’m...not?” “YOU’RE NOT REAL! G-GET AWAY FROM ME, Y-YOU…” Cyborg couldn’t think of anything to call him- whoever this was. They didn’t realize as they backed away that their blaster had fired up...And as their back hit a corner on the counter, they watched this- this thing move. He was trying to approach them, curious as to why they were so...insistent on something like this. “I may not be real, but even unreal things have na-” “THEN YOU’RE THE WORST DREAM I’VE EVER HAD!!! ROGUEY KILLED PEOPLE IN IT, AND YOU STOOD BY A-AND LET THEM!!! YOU L-LET THEM, NOBODY WOULD DO THAT!!” “...It’s hard to remember that moment…” Mint held onto one arm with the other, seeming to disapprove of the yelling. “C-Can’t we just talk…?” “You don’t remember…” The half-bot remarked, a huff escaping them as they narrowed their eyes, their mitten going to their head. “OF COURSE YOU DON’T REMEMBER!!! YOU’RE JUST A PIECE OF SOMETHING I WANT TO IMPROVE WITH MYSELF!” “....What?” “THERE’S NO WAY MY BEST FRIEND WOULD KILL PEOPLE, SO YOU’RE JUST...JUST…” “An illusion…?” “...Yeah, that.” There was a pause, and it was only after that when Mint’s eyes trailed down to the weapon pointed at him. He didn’t really seemed to react- His eyes simply became more hollow as he stared at the beacon of light. It seemed that the half-bot couldn't control their emotions anymore if they felt no resistance to doing something this drastic... “Do you have NOTHING to say?” “...I...I don’t have a lot I know I can say. I...I don’t know how I’m not real, how I’m just a part of your dream, but I can’t really say you’re wrong, either…” A hand went to his chin as he did his best to think. “...But! Something tells me you’re not right! I was there when I saw it all happen...Aloe can tell you! You...uh...You passed out, I thi-!!!”
Feeling a sudden burning pain, the pianist looked down in shock to see that there was a blow to his side- thankfully nothing as bad as what Aloe received, but… those burns were garish to gaze at. “I DIDN’T PASS OUT!!! I WAS DREAMING, YOU IDIOT!” There was oil beading from beneath their visor, the hand with the weapon trembling. “ROGUEY DID NOT KILL ANYBODY! Y-YOU’RE FAKE, SO GET OUT-” “Cyborg...wh-what the hell is going on…?” Aloe’s words got them to tense up, the trembling only getting worse. “TH-THIS IS JUST A DREAM…! THIS IS JUST….” Ah...there was blood. There was blood everywhere. The image of that nightmare was painting itself into their sight- blotching their vision. “A dream…? Cy, what-” “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! I KNOW THERE’S NOBODY I KNOW THAT LOOKS LIKE THAT!! WE-- WE NEVER WENT ANYWHERE TO FIND SOMEONE LIKE THIS!” There was a sob that followed, and they attempted to fire another shot, but thankfully Aloe tugged Mint away from the line of fire. They- They couldn’t just let him die! “M-Mint, you’re…” They hadn’t noticed the wound until now, and...seeing it, the scientist- “I’m alright! All I feel is something crawling on my back.” “...But...there’s nothing there...?” They murmured, running their hand along his back. “...yes there is! It’s you!” The note would have made them sigh in disappointment, but they didn’t even have the chance. They had to focus on Cyborg. “Cyborg, we were all there. I- I don’t know why you perceive it all as this bad dream of yours…” There were husks in the room. Tens of the damned laid on the floor around them, several by Cyborg’s feet. The disfigured clusters of flesh began to line the walls once more, hands reaching out for them. Blood coated their vision. They look down at the puncture wounds in the back of a nearby corpse, and their mitten began to tug on their hair. “I d-don’t want to think…” “...What?” Aloe approached them, worry covering their face. “I SAID, I DON’T WANT TO-” …
The room turned dark as arms reached around them. Not the dismembered ones, but… “I-I’m so sorry…” Was their vision black simply because of an error, or because it was drenched in oil? They shook their head when hearing such a voice, a sob escaping them. “Y-YOU’RE….YOU’RE NOT REAL!!! YOU N-NEVER DID THAT, NEVER, N-NEVER…!!!” Once more, they began to charge their blaster, aiming it about to see if they could see something- anything around them. … Nothing. They just held it ahead of them...even if they could feel it lightly brush against something, which they simply mistook for a phantom touch. For a moment, there was silence...not even a breath from the other that just spoke. “I had no other choice. Please, believe me.” “...You didn’t have a reason to do that!!! You!!! Hhh, there- there wa-asn’t…” they stammered, their voice trailing off as they heard something in that darkness. “...What are they doing?” The voice was that of the semi-organic. Their own voice, despite it coming from someplace else. That who responded had the voice of the scientist, their voice not more than a whisper. “...Saving us.” ...Saving them…? They blinked, a soft light finally peeking into their line of sight. It casted outlines onto Aloe, that new twink, and… the thief. They were clearly still bloodied, but most of it was obscure, their figure being nothing more than a silhouette eclipsing the light from behind to Cyborg. They stared, the thoughts starting to sink in. Their friend...killed somebody. Scratch that- they killed many people. More than they could count. Yet… if it weren’t for that? They would be… Their vision flickered, and it wouldn’t take long for their vision to fizzle a little in an attempt to try and snap out of it. They wanted to see Roguefort!! If not for denial, then maybe they could get some form of closure…!
The room was quiet. A little too quiet. As the half-bot’s vision slowly corrected itself from the nightmares that plagued them, they… they looked down to see their fully charged blaster placed against the thief’s head. Fear and dread filled their body as they slowly glanced up to see Aloe attempting to tend to Mint’s wound. A wound they caused. They would have reacted startled, but… there was nothing more than anguish. They didn’t mean to be so violent!!! Yet… They could have killed a friend that killed others to protect them… over some delusion? Roguefort felt the heat of the blaster die down, as the smaller trembled in their hold. “It’s- It’s okay, Cy. I’m right here...I’m right here…” They spoke as if out of breath- or as if they forgot to breathe the whole time the other was poised to purge what seemed to them as nothing more than a bad dream. Oil filled their gaze once more as they collapsed under their own weight, clinging to the taller one and apologizing profusely. They apologized, yet… they felt all the same as if they shouldn’t have even been allowed to beg for forgiveness. Oh, if only they hadn’t offered those husks some snacks… Oh, if only they weren’t denying that they were broken.
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… Roguefort got the half-bot comfortably to a couch, seeing as they weren’t too tired even after crying as hard as they were. A silence ran through them both as they sat together, an odd feeling of comfort seeping out for the friends. For the thief, it was because they could, perhaps, trust the small one with their life should worse come to worse, and for Cyborg, it was due to the fact that they had someone to relate to. Someone that understood how it felt when driven to kill, perhaps giving them some roundabout peace knowing that...maybe things were better than they thought they were? Sure, the sight of death was grotesque, but… maybe it had to be done every once in a while? … “Roguey...why did you do it?” “Hm?” “...You said I wasn’t dreaming, so… why did you kill them?” “...Why did you kill Aloe?” The question stung, sure, but it was one that somewhat made sense to the half-bot. It was only fair that they were asked this… “I was really scared, Roguey!!” It was hard to recall these events, but they tried to push past it. “I didn’t want to get fixed again…! Not after what they told me!” “That’s right…” They murmured, petting the half-bot’s head. “We were both scared.” And...it all just seemed to click for the smaller one. They both acted out thinking there was no other option…? Well, in Roguefort’s case, there really was no other way to go about keeping them alive. The thief would have continued, but was stopped by Cyborg leaning on them. “It’s weird…” “Hm?” “I thought you would never get scared!” “Well, I never said that myself. It’s normal to be scared when it comes to things like this. We are dealing with what’s more or less unknown to us when it comes to fixing.” “Aloe and that weirdo know about being fixed… or, at least one of them does! He acts so….head empty! Hempty!” “Hempty…” They repeated with a chuckle. “Ah, well, he hasn’t been here for long. But, it is strange that he doesn’t think like the rest of us do.” Swinging their feet back and forth to keep their urges for constant movement down, Cyborg continued to think about the circumstances Mint brought himself into. He didn’t want to fix them, but… there was no way that guy was thinking of anything important. …What was wrong with him? “...Do you rember-” “Remember?” “Uh!! Remem…Remememember anything about him?” “...Not particularly, why?” “I thought at least one of us would have seen him by now! I would have seen him if he was walking with eyes that hempty!!” “You’re saying… he shouldn’t have been there?” “Kinda? Maybe? I dunno, he’s just weird! I don’t like that…” “No need to be rude over an assumption....” “Mmm….okay. I’m gonna watch him, though! With at least one eye! The other one needs to sleep.” “That’s not… how sleep works.” “It is now, Roguey!!!! Just for me though, because you need to sleep like a normal person!!! …You’re nearly falling asleep listening to me!” The half-bot playfully bapped at the jewel thief, who was trying to snap themself out of it the moment it was noted.
“I’m not tired!” “Your eyes were closed, dummy!” “Pff, if you think telling me I’m tired will make me sleep any faster, you are sorely mistaken.” They smiled at Cyborg, then flicked their gaze to a window. No husks outside, from what they could see. …The stars were quite nice to look at, however. …It seemed that the half-bot would look at them, too. “...Roguey?” “Yes?” “What do you think of us?” “Hm…?” “Like… With what you know about all of us!” “...It’s rude to speak of people who aren’t listening, but…Aloe and Mint are still very unknown to me. I’m nervous to get close to that scientist… I do know they mean no harm, and it has dulled down my worries for them. Perhaps we’ll be good friends… wouldn’t you think? As for you, Cyborg, you’re quite a handful to be around. A good handful, mind you.” Roguefort glanced back from the window for a moment before continuing. “You’re probably the reason we’ve all stuck together through this. I never thought someone so naturally happy existed under all of our forced personalities. We already know that Mint’s happiness is far from…whole, but yours… Ah, if yours didn’t exist, none of us may have ever broken free. It’s a fighting type of happiness, one that commands to be heard above the happiness of the husks.” “Is that a good thing?” “I hope so.” They murmured, gazing up at the small twinkling lights above. Were those all the same in brightness and hue, as well…? They could only wonder. “...I’m still sorry.” “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Are the thoughts of your dreams still plaguing you?” “Yeah…kinda.” “Your dreams have no bearing on who you are or what is to become of yourself. Apologies that you had to see such an event and recall it all as a dream not more than a day after..” Aloe’s voice surprised them both as they took a seat on the couch next to them. “Where is Mint…?” “He’s bandaged and asleep, thankfully.” They sighed, seeming to be pensive about the recent events. “What do you think of him?” “Of Mint?” “Yea!” “As hollow as he is, I still like him. I simply think he needs someone to guide him through thoughts. It’s an odd concept, but…” “Your hopes in people are weird.” “Your urges for violence are weird.” “Wh- I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!” They turned and bapped the scientist on the shoulder, huffing. Thankfully, it was plain as day that Aloe was joking, so Cyborg didn’t do much worse. “Right, right, anyhow… I’ve never seen Mint anywhere before… So my intrigue is set on him. I want to see what he remembers… Because I worry for him.” “You w- WAIT, you worry for that twink?” “Not as much as I worry for you both, but… Sure. I worry his stupidity may get us into trouble. Might as well try to drive something into that head of his.” “Y’know, that reasoning isn’t all that bad! I can understand wanting him to know something! I don’t want any of us to do anything…that involves bloodies, ever again!” “What a world we would live in if that were the case.” They let out a sad laugh, attempting to relax despite the scares they had just endured. Even with thoughts, they all resorted to heinous acts just to keep each other safe…? Or- Well. Two of them did. Aloe didn’t even know if they were capable of doing the same thing… Their wires hung in the balance, after all. “Aloe… I’m cold. I don’t know why.” It took a moment for the voice to snap them out of their thoughts, and they looked at Mint in bewilderment. “Y-You were under several blankets!!!” “...Then, it got too warm.” “Is that because of your wound?” When asked, the pianist poked at it, trying to see what happened with each attempt to prod at it. He became…oddly persistent with poking at it, even attempting to pick at it and so on, but Aloe was relatively quick to pull his hand away. He was quiet for a moment, looking at the wound. “...It’s warm.” “So instead of stinging, you just feel…warmth?” “Discomforting warmth…maybe.” “I see… Well, don’t pick at it. You’ll only make the discomfort worse, alright…?” They watched him nod, then come over and settle down on the couch as well. He was curled up against a nearby pillow.
The scientist looked over at the other two. Roguefort had fallen asleep sitting up. It must have been a treacherous night for them, so they understood conking out in such an odd spot. “Aren’t you gonna go sleepie, Aloe?” “...I’m not tired.” They sighed, standing up. “I overheard what they said.” “Oh! What they think about you?” “Yes. It’s… odd, hearing someone speak of me in a slightly positive manner.” “Well, you used to always be a bitch.” “No shit.” They huffed, a bit offset by how obvious of a comment that was to them. “Well. Judging from that, I find it all the more odd that they see anything about me to bear any means of hope. Perhaps that means I’ve broken character more than I thought.” “...What do you mean?” “Nothing concrete just yet. All I know is that we are merely pieces on a chessboard.” They stood up, glancing back. “We are puppets to few, but because we are breaking the rules…” “You lost me at chessboard.” “...Hah. Well, you’ll understand sometime, by your own means.” They smiled. “I suggest you rest. We’ll need a lot of it to recover from what happened. I’m simply going to try and put pieces of whatever this grand scheme is together.” “Can’t I help?” “No, because it’s a theory, Cy. Until I am sure of myself, I’d prefer not to share my findings.” “Mmm…Okay! Then I’ll try to go bebbie!!! Even though I woke up…uh…an hour ago…” “Trust me, you haven’t slept as long as you think you have.” “If you’re sure!” They smiled Back at Aloe, then used Roguefort as a pillow to rest on. Somehow, their presence made them feel safer. The scientist, seeing this, finally turned away. Hah, just a theory… How easy it was to throw an excuse at the semi-organic and have it work like a charm. It worked too well. That was the problem. They knew that was the problem. They could figure out the fact that all of them were no more than marionettes, yet… There was definitely still something wrong with all of them. None of them were completely thoughtful, they all had gaps in continuity and logic. Going down to what Mint had dubbed a ‘dungeon,’ the controller of wires could only sit there and receive an aching migraine trying to decipher it all. None of it made sense. Too many things were missing from the big picture, even with the added piece of Roguefort’s killings… And they only had so much time before the world put them at such high stakes again. And oh…how they desperately hoped the next time it happened, it wouldn’t put a strain on them. Not yet. How they wished they had more time.
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It has taken quite some time for Aloe to muster up enough strength to wander through the unfamiliar halls of the mansion that they were forced to call home for the time being. Their chest- or lack thereof- still ached when they exerted themself too much, but it was better than passing out in the agony that they were in however long ago. As their steps carried them through the halls to one of the only familiar rooms in this place, Aloe would place a hand against the cloth that had been sewn for them, feeling an indentation where their injury remained. The indent was deep, and though they didn't wish to believe in something that sounded so ridiculous, it felt like there was still an entire hole through them. "How does one's anatomy last like this...?" They would murmur to themself.
And though they wished to push further amid their wandering, something- well, someone- bumped into them, knocking them into a stumble more than they would like to have admitted. "Ah, apologies-!" The thief would quickly state in light of their swiftness being more clumsy than smooth. Aloe felt a grip on their arm and, sure enough, Roguefort was holding them to ensure they didn't fall over in the clothes that had made just as clumsily as they had acted. The hold was a kind gesture, but one that the scientist was not all too sure on accepting, considering who Aloe themself was. And still somewhat is, in some regard. "Uh, I am unsure if you have heard, but I am going to scout out a place for me and Cyborg to have our next heist. I assume you won't be coming with?"
There was some expectant, worried look in their eyes that Aloe couldn't recognize. It was almost as if Rogue wanted them to come with for one reason or another... but with a sigh and the shake of the head, they would reject the offer. "I am not nearly as swift as the both of you. Not only that, but you do understand that your crimes are both illegal by the legality of the law and of the way this world runs, yes?" A smile would grow on the procurer of gems' face as they gave a breathy laugh. "Do you truly believe that we care for the law at this point? You could have just said no, you know!"
"When have I ever been short and to the point?" "I mean considering your height, I would say-" "I would say you should get going before you say something you regret."
Despite how bitter the scientist could be, there was something about the rudeness that fell more towards the side of endearing and playful. Is this why Cyborg and themself seemed to get along despite their bickering in recent days? Was that their means of entertaining each other? Either way, Roguefort would find humor in such just this once. "If you say so, but do not expect me to let up on using your height as a point of humor." "You only state that considering you are the tallest individual to exist for now..." "Hmm?" "What?" "You said-" "I said nothing in particular. Now get going."
Rogue would narrow their eyes at the shorter, though wouldn't say anything more and turn away to continue. They'd take a few steps forward, trying to process what Aloe could have possibly meant until perking up and turning back to see the other lost in thought. Seems like they weren't the only one who got lost in whatever their mind brought them if they were recognizing things correctly. "Erm, I know you stated for me to leave, but..." Roguefort would pause, making sure that Aloe was paying attention and not still lost. The scientist seemed surprised, as if they thought they were already alone. "I do have one request, if I may ask..." A silent nod was all they were given in response. "Well, since I will likely be gone for an hour or so to find a proper place full of preciously glinting gemstones... Could you look after Cyborg? Make sure they do not do something that could harm them?"
"I was planning on doing such anyways, but I will keep an extra close eye on them without you here to quell their antics." Rogue's expression would soften upon being reassured. "Thank you. Sincerely." They'd speak with as much of a genuine tone as they could give before turning and continuing on their way, just as quick as before. Aloe wondered how the thief felt wearing that new set of clothes. They hoped that there was no unluckiness brought upon by its design. At least those ribbons that they added did seem to suit the aesthetic appeal, as much as they didn't care for how things looked so long as they were efficient.
Speaking of efficiency, why were they so caught up in another's dressings when they had an assignment to complete? Find Cyborg and make sure they, for lack of a better word, didn't do anything stupid. Knowing the half-bot, that would either be the easiest or most difficult task they've had in a long while, leaning towards the latter of the two. With a sigh, the plant would depart for one of the more familiar places of the mansion. More than likely, they were in the kitchen eating stolen ice cream from some unthinking vendor, or perhaps they were just blasting around as they always did. How much change had their living work gone through?
Ah, here they go, wandering through thought after thought with no clear answers or goal. With their steps steady, they'd let their mind take the wheel, something that they had gotten used to entirely yet not at all. The nature of thought, what exactly was wrong with it? Well, it was irrational. Imperfect. It could lead to misunderstanding and fights, fear and destruction... A far cry from the joy that those naturally felt, especially when left uncontrolled. It was trains of thought like this that tugged Aloe's mind back towards where they were before. Their thoughts had become audible murmurs, though they stopped and immediately looked behind them as some sort of instinctual paranoia had kicked in for them. They'd turn around, spotting one of their wires protruding from the ceiling. They'd glare at such a thing, watching it retract. "Best be more careful with what exactly is thought of in terms of thoughtlessness, then..."
Strings of thought would continue to dwell and wrap around Aloe's mind, though with no clear ties or ends to any of them. The only thing that brought them away from such thoughts was some sort of clinking noise. And as they stepped forward, it would get louder and louder, interrupting more of their thoughts until it became the only thing they could hear in what was otherwise silence and their own footsteps. "What is that racket...?" They'd grumble. Raising their gaze, the plant would see that they were right next to a door, with Cyborg being seen flying just above a windowsill in that room, blaster clinking on the glass. So, this is where they were.
"Cyborg, what are you doing?" The scientist would incredulously inquire while entering, idly recognizing this room as the one they had spent most of their time resting in. Their chest cavity ached at such a thought. "I'm trying to count how many people are outside! There are so many of them! I don't think we'd be able to give them all snacks to leave us alone!" "You believe snacks will ward them off?" Though the two of them haven't spoken of it, there was no way one living in this place could go without seeing the large crowd that had gathered outside. Tens, perhaps even a hundred if counted by Cyborg and how faulty their math was at times, just... Crowding around the front of the place. They had no thoughts on how to deal with them, which is surprising considering how much they'd think on other topics. "I mean, you think we could just ask them to leave?" Cy would turn away from the unreadable number of smiling faces to curiously stare at Aloe. "Our fridge isn't big enough for all of them! And all their eyes being on us all the time is creepy! It's like we're some kinda show put on for other's entertainment and they're the audience just waiting for our next appearance!"
Aloe would stare dumbfounded at the other, hand raising as if they wanted to make a point but... Any words they could have had died in their mouth. "What?" Cyborg would ask with a cock of their head, "I was just saying it meta... phh... fffforri... Not realistically! Either way, I wanna pay a visit to them and get them to go away!" It took a few moments for Loe to process what had been spoken, shaking their head to bring themself back to reality. "Right, well, if you are going to do something that is honestly incredibly... For lack of a better word, utterly idiotic... I am going to accompany you. I have been tasked to take care of you, after all, and I intend on completing this as smoothly as possible."
"Ughhhh, what are you, my Nanny? Whatever," Cyborg rolled their eye lights, though they wound up rolling their entire head along with it. "At least you're actually letting me do something! This is an improvement! Hehe, c'mon, let's go say hi and get them to leave us alone!" And before Aloe would speak another word, their hand was grabbed and they were being dragged along. It wouldn't be too bad if they both walked, but Cyborg was keen on continuing to float despite how awkward it made holding their hand. "Wait a moment- aren't you- ack- going to wait until Roguefort returns before doing this? Just in case we need their aid?" "We'll be fiiiine! Besides, I don't wait on anyone!" "It is unfortunate how true that statement is..."
There wasn't even a time to prepare before Cyborg would burst that front door open, bringing them both face to face with who knows how many husks. Did the half-bot not realize how much danger they were throwing them both into!? "Stay- stay in your 'character' so they don't act suspicious of us-!" Was all they could get out before Cy had started striking up a conversation with them. Well, with how energetic Cyborg was before all of this mess, they should hopefully prove to be fine. Now all they needed to do is act as they did when not being the one in contr-
"Hello, Aloe!" A husk would greet, causing them to jump. As much as that was an accident, it was entirely 'in-character' for them- though it did cause their injury to pain them. They had to stifle a wince as they turned to one of the many husks- the one that had spoken to them. "Yes, hello, you... You and your group need to disperse from here-" Straight and to the point, but it didn't help that there were so many here to retort against them. "But we are here to help you two!" Another one of them would say, having Aloe whip back around to address it. Ugh, all this turning and twisting didn't bode well on their still-recovering body. "We are perfectly fine! Do you not realize how many germs are being spread through the air between all of you? This is highly unsanitary! Disgustingly dangerous, even! Air purification outside is harder than you think!" "Is that why your breathing is so weird, Aloe?" "Is that why you're holding your chest, Aloe?" "Is that why, is that why?"
The plant's pupils shrank as they felt hands reach and grab at them. Their body trembled against the touches, knowing that this meant that they were found out. They looked to Cyborg, who had already been snagged up, and seeing their blaster light up for a moment but die down as distress would cover their expression. "H-hey! Can we please be let go? Weh- You guys are holding a-a bit tight!" They... Didn't want to fight these? The scientist couldn't blame them- they didn't wish to use their wires against these things, either, if they even knew how to control them well without being 'in-line'. Aloe would heave an uneven breath, desperately trying to address the crowd despite how they didn't seem to listen to anyone. "I-I did not say you could touch me! Let me- Let us go! Unhand us! Have any of you even washed your hands today?!" Despite their farce, these things seemed to be more cunning than they let on.
"We can't have any impurities in someone as important as you!" "Yes, yes! We are going to fix you right up!" "You're both going to a place full of sunshine and rainbows, we promise!" "You'll be perfectly happy, just like all of us!"
Their chattering would go on and on as the two of them were dragged. As much as they struggled, there were too many hands and too many bodies keeping them from escaping. "How could you all possibly fix us? I am the only one who can do so in this area! I am the only Controller that-" "Not anymore!" "Wh... What?" There was a collective giggle from the ones that surrounded them. It sent a chill down Aloe's spine listening to these things be so unnaturally happy. "Since you were the only one, and you were compromised, it's only fair that there would be another one made to keep us in check! You won't need to worry about it, though, since you won't remember any of this! No more pain, no more hate between you guys, just happiness!" "But we don't-" "But we really don't actually-"
The similar retort caused the two to look at each other in some sort of strangely desperate surprise. Seems like the two of them truly didn't despise each other... That was a relief on both of their ends, though it didn't help in the fact that there was an eye-bleedingly bright building in the distance they seemed to be headed straight towards. Cyborg's struggling kicked up a few notches then, whining with their engines whirring. "Even if I love rainbows, I'm pretty sure I am going to hate that place! And I don't wanna forget everything that I've had with Aloe and Roguefuck! Especially Roguey!!" And yet, their words would go unheard.
"We are going to make you into your best selves!" "We see the tension between you two, and we're gonna help you not have it anymore!" "You're both imperfect, and that just won't do!" "You both want to forget, you just won't admit it!" "No worries, we're almost at the door!"
There was a small sound of disgust from the plant as they contemplated if this is how they sounded when they were just as much of a husk as the others. Sure, they had a few benefits, but all this talk the duo heard was... Cultish and abnormal, unnerving at best.
"The only thing I wanna forget is your stupid faces!" Cyborg would chime, still struggling despite how Aloe had somewhat resigned to their fate. Well, less resignation and more knowing that they would pass out if they put too much effort into this. "Good one, Cyborg," They would state without attempting to hide their sarcasm. And yet, despite that- "Wow, thanks!" "..." "Hey, wait a minu-!"
And with that realization, the two were practically chucked into the building with the both of them shrieking and bracing for the worst. Shrowded in the dark and unknown, there was no telling what would await them in here. At least entering the place didn't seem to fix them instantly, so... There was that saving grace. And despite the danger they were both in, Cyborg would use an abnormally quiet voice as they laid on the floor after being essentially thrown in. "I hope Roguey is okay..."
Deftly exiting their home from one of the windows, since the front exit clearly wasn't safe with the hoard that was just outside of their door, Roguefort would lift themself atop the building and onto the roof. It was quick work, made even quicker with how light their clothing was. They adored this new set of cloth, reminding them of how they were no longer what they were- just some thoughtless thief of fine arts. Instead, fine gemstones called to them. And that's exactly what they would be on the search for.
Once atop their building, they would take leap after leap onto trees and whatever buildings surrounded their home. There was mostly vegetation, considering a 'lonely' thief would need a just as 'lonely' home- not that it was anything akin to that anymore. From branches to roofs to whatever else they could scale and climb- the thief took their due diligence not to slip up and get caught in any manner and only using their cane's hook when it was safest. They were a little out of practice with it, to say the least. They'd scale until they were able to get to some sort of vantage point in the form of a building's spire, peering out and squinting to try and spot any jeweler buildings from where they stood.
Instead, they spotted a very colorful and large crowd. What was all that commotion about? They'd give up their place of observation, sliding down the side of the building they were on and doing the same as they did before to try and see what was going on with this mass of husks. The only other time they've seen a crowd this big was before their own home, and if it was the same, then...
A deeply disturbing sensation filled Roguefort's chest as they darted faster than ever, attempting to get a good look at the crowd. They scanned over for purples and greens, perhaps some silver and white, anything to alert them if the two they were caring for were in any sort of trouble. And- to their horror- they were able to faintly hear Cyborg's voice crying out as they approached nearer. Closer and closer they would get, remaining hidden amongst rooftops, to be shaken to their core seeing both of them- Cyborg and Aloe- caught up and being forcefully towed along by the very husks they wished to avoid. "This- this can't be-" They spoke with bated breath, frozen still for just a moment before vigorously shaking themself out of it. Their eyes flickered between the crowd and their cane. If... If they had to do something brash, so be it.
They just prayed that if they were to commit something heinous against these thoughtless freaks... Cyborg wouldn't hate them. Their legs carried them onward, but their mind remained in the same place. Keep them both safe. Keep them away from danger. No cost too great for their safety. There was no sacrifice too heavy for these two to continue living as freely as they are.
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There was a silence that fell over them both after Roguefort stood up. Once more, the half-bot would glance back at them.
"Eh…? What's wrong, Roguey? Can't I at least see your cat?"
"W-Well, they are rather temperamental, and-"
"Pshhh… you think it can affect me??" They giggled, much to the thief’s dismay. Ah… how were they supposed to get past this one???
"It's not just that, I- I don't think you'll like what you'll see up there…."
"...it's just a cat."
"About that-"
"Shhh!!! Shhhhh… it'll be fiiine! I'm gonna see it and there will be nothing for you to worry about!"
And, with terror wreaking havoc upon Roguefort's mind, they began to head up the stairs, a grin on their face.
Ah… they were gone.
Aloe had inched the blanket down from their face, staying vigilant of their surroundings. They heavily disliked the fact their killer could see them at any given moment, but it was simply a price to pay for the ability of free thought...if that even was a good thing. They still couldn't tell. If only they could move… They attempted to do so, sending pain through their entire being. Shit. With a huff, they tried to keep themself from making any noise. And...for a time it would work… That is, until the scientist heard footsteps, someone coming up the stairwell. And, judging by the voice… that was Cyborg. Well! Time to give themself more self-inflicted pain by covering their face in blankets and curling up again! Maybe, if they didn’t move, they wouldn’t be seen? No, but it sounded like the half-bot was talking about something completely unrelated! Surely everything was fine! Right, right, they were getting to the top of the stairs, to which they would take a right--?!
That was not a right that they took…
“Stop being so worried, you silly cheese!!! It’s just your cat, I dunno why you’re so scared of me seeing them!” Ah, so...Roguefort tried to lie to them? Aloe didn’t blame them, sure! Sometimes it was best to keep things away from such a childish mind, but… A cat? Really? With such a terrible risk as both of them going into a mental crisis?
They were close. Inches. Centimeters. Millimeters. The scientist felt their heart in their throat, and once they felt the mitten of their killer grab onto the blanket, they held their breath. Perhaps they would think of them as no more than a pile of blankets…
Yet, that was not the case. It was ripped off just as the thief managed to get just behind the half-bot, leaving them only to look at the scientist apologetically. Yet, huh… Cyborg looked a little...confused?
“Roguey, this cat of yours looks a lot like a person!” To which, no time was given before Aloe spat out their words, “I’m the one you killed, dumbass!” “I WHAT?!” “Uh- H-Hah, not to worry, they aren’t going to hurt you-?” Roguefort would notice that they weren’t there a moment later, yet upon glancing up…
Ah. They were on the ceiling. Horrible place to hide from Aloe, really… “WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO US THIS TIME, H-HUH?! RUB IT IN??? HURT US MORE?!” “If you keep speaking like that, I will!” Aloe wasn’t usually one to raise their voice, but ...they really did not want to die a second time with the other in such distress. “Look, I-....” It was hard to find words, it seems. “I know you’re scared, and if you wish not to see me again, that’s fine. I just think all of us have some explaining to do, and-” “Aloe.” “Hm?” “Cyborg has already left. I am unsure how long they’re going to live on the ceiling, but…” “...Understood.” This was said with a heavy sigh as they once again started to cover themself. It was...very cold outside of this small means of comfort. “Perhaps I should talk to them… I was the one to lie to them, after all, it-... it should be my place to speak to them about it.” “Then, by all means, try and keep yourselves from falling apart on the first day. Worse comes to worst...there’s always the wir-” “Over my dead body will either of us accept that.” Such a phrase seemed to surprise Aloe, as if they’ve heard it somewhere before. “...You certainly haven’t changed a bit.”
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Following the thief now… it was quite a challenge for the half-bot. It hasn’t been more than a few moments, yet they had already disappeared into the teal hues of this manor. The paths were winding and twisting with confusion, no doubt it would get to Cyborg soon enough.
Aimlessly moving about whatever path they could find, they took the time to open most of the doors they came across. Most of the stuff was boring- some bedrooms, a library, a few balconies- ooh! Those were the gems they stole last night! They looked at the bunch of them, a grin of pride brought to their face as their visor lit up with delight. There were so many colors that flickered in the morning light! They didn’t think silly little rocks could invoke such delight! Well- they didn’t really, they didn’t have much of a purpose- but they looked edible! ...Maybe they could eat one? Hm… Roguey wouldn’t be looking, so a small one would be fine, right? Picking one up with their mitten, they examined it closely. They didn’t know what it was, but it was red and blue! Neat! What was not neat was the reaction their systems had when it was brought close! There were loud static pops around their head, their arm seizing a little while their mind buzzed persistently...as if there was a sudden storm that had filled their form! It was enough to get them to drop whatever it was, and it fractured the moment it hit the floor. Abruptly, all of these things would collectively stop, and Cyborg groaned as things just seemed to go back to normal. Mmm, that was kinda mean! Maybe they were inedible...The rocks were finally fighting back against their fate, bummer. They were going to have to find a way around that! Haha, wouldn’t that be funny…!
Moving along, other rooms weren’t worth noting- it was cyborg’s perception of things, after all- Though they did happen to come across some large, vacant spaces. Hm… that creepy scientist would probably make use of this space. However, past those rooms, they would finally walk into the room that Roguefort had nestled themself into, full of fabrics and things of the like with lengths of it loosely reaching for the center of the room. There was a soft humming from the thief as they looked about them, then down to a sheet of paper they had scribbled things down on. The moment they felt even the slightest movement, however, they squeaked, their gaze darting to where they had noticed something else moving.
“...O-Oh. It’s just you.” “Yeah, the dumbass passed out. Soooo, now I’m left with you!” “...You don’t like what I’ve done.” “I sure don’t!” “Yet you’ve lied to me.” “H-Huh?” “I was told I would have fun during all this, yet we’ve all hurt each other. I’m also losing my sense of self... I think it’s fair to call ourselves even.” They glanced at the half-bot, who, after a few moments, huffed at such a remark. “Whatever, fiiine. Your offense was still worse, though.” “...If you assume so. I still plan on apologizing to you both with at least something of worth.” “Is that why you’re here?” The question got a nod out of Roguefort. “I don’t wish for us to drive each other apart-” “Tch, you say that when you let Aloe of all people live here-” “Rather, I think we should try to befriend each other.” “...We need to take you to another gem place, don’t we?” “Hear me out, will you? It would benefit us both to become friends with what could be considered a worst enemy. That way, they have fewer reasons to turn on us, and perhaps they’ll have a bit of a turnaround and realize that helping us with the husks is beneficial.” “...So...There was a reason you let them stay here…” “Cy, it would have taken five seconds to explain...perhaps you should try to think a little before acting?” “I can do many things, but that’s impossible!” Such a phrase got them both to laugh a little. The taller continued to scribble down things, prompting Cyborg to sit next to them and look at what they were doing. “...What is that?” “Well, I’ve felt that we’ve all been through a handful of things, so… If we’re becoming nothing like what we were, I figured that our physical identities should be shed.” “...What?” “I’m making outfits, Cy.” “...Ohhhh!!!! Why didn’t you say that before?” They giggled, bapping them on the back. “I didn’t know you made things like that!”
“I still wish to remain eloquent, is all. And, why wouldn’t I? I’m a thief, it’s only fair that one would have to come up with their own disguises. All of ours, whoever made them...oh dear. They are in such need of repair.” They smiled, glancing at the other. “...By chance, do you know what Aloe likes, aesthetically speaking?” “...Why are you asking me that?” “I wish for it to be a surprise for both of you, and I don’t know what either of you likes most.” “Oh...um. They like green!!! And gold, I guess… They’ve always seemed like they wanted fancier clothing, I think…? I dunno, they always seemed unhappy with how they looked.” They would trail off, feeling some guilt that they knew not the origins of. To get their mind off of it, they looked at Roguefort, who was scribbling out a little design for them. “...Do you have any preferences for yourself?” “Mmmm, I wanna be fluffy!!! With little neon colors, maybe more orange!!! It looks really neat, and-” At this point, they would begin to ramble about what they’d like, all of which the thief would be sure to scribble down. It was a lot more specific than Aloe’s, that’s for sure! By the time they finished, they looked down, and noticed something...odd! Roguey didn’t have a single mark down on how they wanted to look!!! Hm!
“...We could try going on another heist tonight if you’d like.” “We?” “We! You’re not half bad at trashing the places we steal from, now are you?” “Hmhm, I would never be half bad!!! I’m the best when it comes to a little destruction!!” “Ah...then we shall embark on our little adventures soon enough. ..Would you mind speaking with Aloe for a little while when they wake up?” “About what?” “Just… anything, really. I don’t want us to fall apart. As useful as it would be to befriend them, I’d rather it be a genuine friendship, not some flimsy attempt to force them to stay.” “...Fine. Uh, so, we’re gonna go and do stealies tonight, yeah?” “We are, yes.” “Hm!!! I will destroy all the paintings you’ve collected!! And then I'll get food! And... then talk to Aloe, ew. I’ll do a lot so you can make silly little outfits!” “And it is much appreciated.” the stealer of jewels watched them dart away, before turning back to the page.
~ “...So, it’s been weeks, and they still haven’t been able to think of something to wear?” “I mean...yea. They said they wanted to give us the outfits for us today since you somehow are feeling better. Why are they missing out on the fun stuff?” “Perhaps they’re having an identity crisis.” “A what?” “...Right, you’re still dumb. Uh… I think we could try to make something for them…” “But we don’t know shit about making clothes!” “That’s why we attempt to do such a thing, Cyborg.” Aloe huffed, reaching for some of the pale yellow fabric strung along the length of the room. “Should we keep the color scheme the same?” “HELL NO! I dunno what would work nicely with that cheese, but I know they’d want some tacky fancy stuff…”
“I mean, they don’t look half bad in fanciful things.” perhaps a darker shade of teal…? Off-white… With a few light purples. “Do you have any ideas for them?” “Mmmm, I like the cape they have! It’s like a portable blankie!” “Is that all you can think of it as?” “Definitely! I will steal it someday!” “Already taking notes from them, I see… How odd.” “Hm?” “I never thought you would be able to adapt to the changes someone else has.” “Oh, no no! Nope! Not even close! You’re not even in the same ballpark! Y'see, they’re chaotic. We both share a brain cell, that’s how I manage to do that.” “...I’ll have to conduct an experiment on that later.” “H-HUH?” “You’re second-guessing yourself now, hm? Having regrets?”
“Shut up! Ugh, let’s just...work on this. I can’t believe you managed to get better, I was hoping you’d die again.” “Very nice of you, thanks.” They shot a glance at the pouting Cyborg. Nevertheless, they’d continue working on the outfit, which would very easily take over a few hours. The half-bot attempted to help, but the most they could do was suggest ideas and hold pieces of cloth in place. Boring!!! That was up until they were about to start making the cape- That was something Cyborg snatched right up! “I’m making this part!!! Mine!!” “...Allow me to help, at least a little.” “No! You helped with everything else, I should get a little say in this!” They held the fabric close, but the scientist would grab onto it. “I understand, but I’m following the design you wish for them to have!” They would try to yank it from them, but their grip remained strong. The prototype of the cape was in a deadlock between the two.
“No! Nono, Roguey needs something from me! You already got your grimy hands on everything!!” They seemed a little desperate, continuing to pull at the fabric. “Let go!!! You never let me do anything!!!” “You let go! You can come up with a design for this, it will be just like the rest!!!” “No! I wanna make this piece!!” “Well, you’re going to mess it up!” “I won’t, Dumbass!!!” “That doesn’t want to make me let it go any faster!!” “Well, then I’ll MAKE you let go!!!” They yanked on it as hard as they could, which did get Aloe to fall back… Only because the cape was ripped in half. The anger the half-bot exuded simmered down as quickly as possible thereafter. They could only stare at what they had caused with a bit of shock, and even more guilt. It… It’s only been a few weeks, yet… They still weren’t over the thought of killing the scientist… “...I’m sorry…” “Hgh...it’s fine…” They let out a heavy sigh, shaking their head as they sat up. Ough, that wound from all that time ago still hurts like a bitch. “Perhaps we could just...work on it together. It...Hah, it’s even torn in half…” It was clear to Cyborg they were just trying to make the most of this inconvenience… and it made them feel a little better that they were at least trying to make amends. It was...still way too small to matter, but it was big enough to be noticeable! “...Mmm...sure.”
“I’ve noted you both were in the room I was in while designing outfits for you both...whatever was your business in there?” “Well, we uh-” “We made you this really cool thing!!!! We think you would like it lots!!!” Cyborg said, seemingly happier than they were before the two of them walked into the room. This caught the thief off guard, a warm smile brought to their face shortly thereafter.
“Well, I’m pleased to let you know that I’m here to show you both your outfits… Made from what we all think you both would like most!” They unveiled the two designs they had been working on, handing each to their respective owners… Who seemed to cherish them. “There’s so much fluff on this!!! More than I asked! I thought there would be only neck fluff, but this??? This much????? I love it! I dunno who thought of it, but thankies!!! It’s also so bright!!! And the orange is all shiny...It makes me so happy!!!” They hugged what they were given as if it were some form of a plush. Not a moment later, they zipped away, likely to change into it. Aloe simply stared at what was given to them, looking it over as if attempting to find a single flaw… “How is there not even a single loose thread…?” “Ah, I have my ways. Yours was a lot of fun to make, Aloe.” “Hah...it makes me feel bad…” “Why’s that?” They tilted their head inquisitively, perking up when Aloe showed them the outfit the others had made for the thief of the night… “We...did our best, but it doesn’t look that great…” They glanced away as Roguefort took what was offered, also looking it over. “It’s not that bad! Some of the stitching is weird, yes, but… I like to think it gives the piece flavor.” They grinned, no hint of contempt on their face. “The only thing I wonder is why the cape was presumably torn…” “Ah, we got into a bit of an argument… We stitched it up together soon after and tried to hide it with a ribbon...” “Hm...the concept is interesting! Do you mind if I make a few changes?” “Not at all. It’s something to make you more comfortable with yourself, after all.” “Then, I’ll likely put a few more ribbons to match what you’ve chosen for me. It’s...a nice change of pace, the colors you chose.”
The moment they got the chance to move back into the fabric room, Roguefort did, sighing as they closed the door behind them. Right… They just had a few things to take care of. The ribbons, checking up on the outside world, and...one other thing they nearly forgot about entirely. There was a closet on the far side of the room. The phantom silently moved over to it, looking back to the doorway to make sure nobody was looking, before opening it up and peering in. There it was...this odd cane they never really found a use for until such a moment, when they recalled the dangers that lay ahead of themself...and everybody else. Taking it, and lightly dusting it off, they looked to a nearby window. The number of husks staring back, smiling with the faces of the damned… it was growing. It’s gone from one to twenty, and they could tell some form of danger was lurking. Glancing down at the cane, they gently lifted the handle away from the base of it. The moment they saw the sharp glimmer of metal, they closed it again. So...this wasn’t just them hallucinating things about what this was capable of. Perhaps it would prove to be useful? They knew not. What they did know, however, was that it would be put to the test soon enough. Best not to dwell on it now. Right, their outfit...there was quite a bit to fix. ...Where were the ribbons put? Ah, there...the spool had a little happy face on it, likely drawn by the happy-go-lucky bot themself. What a curious little group they have befriended...
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“Cyb-” “Why did you lie to me.” The question hung in the air between the thief and the half-bot, a sense of guilt looming over the former. They had words they wished to say, yet… each one got stuck in their throat. Why was it so difficult to speak to them?? Why did their attempts only result in sputtering, as if trying to rush an explanation? “...It’s not a hard question to answer, Rogefuck.” “I-I…” Ah, they were blanking. “...I d-don’t...recall.” “Bullshit!” They glared at Roguefort, staying in the bed they had retreated to and bringing up the covers to their face. They were fidgeting with the covers aggressively, as well. “You must have better m...mem...meme...mory….mimimory than I do!” “Memory…? S-Sorry…” What were they even supposed to say!? They knew Aloe was nothing short of dangerous, though...they didn’t realize that they were killed by Cyborg! “U-Uh… I...I didn’t want you to get hurt any further, you never told me that you killed them! I-I thought…” It was so hard for them to come up with something...anything, to keep the other at least a little calm. “I just… saw them hurt...if they went back out there, they would have died a second time.”
There was still aggressive fidgeting, but their gaze flickered, resting upon the blankets in front of them. Seemed that it was enough to make them consider such words. “...If you need further explanation, I could-” “Just go.” Borg’s voice hung low, their words cracked as they tried to maintain such a tone.
“Cyborg, really-” “Just. Go.” “Promise me you won’t harm either of us over this...not yet, anyhow.” “....Fine. Leave.” “...Alright. Rest well, will you?” Why did they feel so terrible…? This was the first time in a while that Roguefort took note of the soft click from closing the door...it felt like something they shouldn’t be doing, but… it wasn’t their place to pry.
“They didn’t give space to talk about much, did they?” “How would you know that?” “...There are several instances where they have talked like that before.” “...But, isn’t that-” “Incorrect? Yes. They… They were fixed many times. More than I can count. It’s what I’m meant to do, however… I kept feeling something irking at me. Even if thought would mean abandoning my purpose, there was something wanting me to deviate from what was normal.” “...How do you feel about that, Aloe?” “If I can be honest? It’s terrifying. There’s only three of us, yet all the ones out there…” “They’re husks, are they not? We could just talk them down.” “With the hivemind they’re in? It’s next to impossible.”
“But...not entirely impossible, right? Perhaps we could help all of those out there so they may find a means to think like we do! Or, you could just study other fields, and I could have all of the fun.” “...I don’t think I’d have the capability to partake in getting others to think without getting wires involved, and even then…” “Science it is.” The thief glanced out from the railing, their gaze landing upon that third plate that had gone untouched. “Ah- right, your...your food, I should have retrieved it sooner. You must be starving.”
“It hasn’t been more than twenty minutes.” “That’s how long it took before Cyborg was ‘starving’, I thought you would react similarly.” “I mean, it’s better than how it used to be. Give them five minutes without food, and they would have gotten it themself without missing a beat.”
Roguefort left and came back with the plate of food, offering it to the scientist. “...I just got comfortable.”
“Well, you kind of need to sit back up to eat properly…”
“Do I really?” “Please don’t tell me I know more science than you do in this regard.” “....mmm…” They grunted, gingerly forcing themself to sit up again. The plate would be given to them, and Aloe would begin to eat what was given to them. “You’re not half bad at making food.” “Aw, tha-” “You’re not half good, either.” “But not abysmal, right?” “...I suppose.” They scoffed, still trying to put up a front. However, they wouldn’t seem to notice Rogue sitting near them on the couch shortly after.
“...You’ve been saying quite odd things since we’ve met.” “Hm?” “Well, you spoke as if you knew me at some point. I...I’m not supposed to know you. I know now that you’re the one I’d go to if I fell out of line, but...that never happened. I would have remembered if that were the case.” The thief glanced at Aloe, who had stopped eating for a moment. It seemed they were trying to process what was just said.
“Ah, well, perhaps it would have been harder for me to find you if we had never met. I was told only to stay in the labs unless someone was acting out of the ordinary. And...acting as if we know each other is a force of habit.”
“But...wouldn’t you have to know everything to function properly?”
“...Not necessarily. If I needed information, it would have been provided.” “Hm. And, I assume you can’t get anything else now?” “Of course not.” They resumed their eating… it almost looked like they enjoyed it more than they let on.
“What a strange world we’ve lived in, for so long…” The other’s gaze wandered to the distance, “But for what…? Why would anyone wish this upon us? Better yet, who?”
“...It’s not my place to answer. It never will be.”
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The steps the thief took were much more unsure than they were in all the weeks they perceived thought, A stumble made here and there as they carried the half-bot to bed. Sure, Aloe said it was fine- somehow, it was fine to kill masses of the mindless- But it didn’t shoulder the image branded into their mind of those carcasses.
It didn’t shoulder Cyborg lifelessly falling to the floor, even if they were only asleep.
There was a huff from Roguefort as they laid the small one down and looked them over. There was a stray stain of drying blood- likely from being carried by someone covered in it. They attempted to wipe it off- ah. Right. The bottom of their glove was still drying, as well. Haha, just- just use the other side- there.
There was a weak hum from the half-bot as they were gingerly tucked in, careful to try and not show any signs of what had happened so shortly ago.
“I-...” Why did they speak to nothing? Even if it was slightly comforting to have no response…
“Maybe tomorrow will be better, hm…? Perhaps I should have stayed a little longer, to stop you from going out there…” how irrational.
“...But, the past is the past, huh? Still, I apologize for such actions.”
“Have a good rest, will you? I know these stains of mine will not come out so easily.”
And, as they were leaving, they could have sworn they saw the faint glow from the visor of that friend they came to know so well, but the moment they turned to look...ah.
There was nothing upon their visage.
“Will you stop eating the pasta raw? I do not believe that is good for your teeth.”
The soft snaps of thin pasta would continue after a pause.
“...They’re crunchy.”
The scientist couldn’t help but pinch the bridge of their nose hearing this. Not out of anger, just...bewilderment. Did the thoughtless always do this?!
“If you wanted something to eat before I was done making this, you could have asked!”
“Well, yes, but...you led me all the way into a dungeon!”
“This is a makeshift lab.”
“....So you led me all the way to the dungeon, and...um...That was a long way! So….I stared at the things moving in the ceiling for a little longer, grabbed the first thing I could feel, and...it was this.”
“...That is…. More concerning than it should be.”
“...No?” Mint still smiled through all of this, even if his tone was confused rather than happy. “The things in the ceiling gave this to m-”
“AH!!! DO NOT EAT MORE OF THAT!” In a swift motion, the….food? Could you even call it that? Was knocked out of his hands. Since it was done out of impulse, the action was regretted an instant later. “S-Sorry, I-” Their raised shoulders would relax, watching the soft one simply stare at the spilled, raw food. “...Mint-”
“How did you do that?”
“Look.” He pointed, their gaze following to the box, where...a few spare noodles poked out from the back of the box.
“Th-That…. That shouldn’t be…” They trailed off, looking back up to see Mint leaning over the bowl that Aloe was making food in. The very moment they noticed he was trying to reach for it, the succulent would grab onto his hands. “That is being cooled by liquid nitrogen, this is the fifth time...You don’t want your hands stuck to the bowl, do you?”
“...Ah...What does that feel like?”
“You don’t want to know. Trust me.”
“...I don’t?”
“You- I- ….Trust me.” The thought of putting words in another’s mouth… They glanced up, seeing the wires dance above them. Tch...mockery. Those instruments know that wasn’t what was intended by their words.
“Trust? I don’t… not trust anyone!”
“Good enough.” Aloe sighed. Goodness, what had they gotten themself into? The others weren’t this empty in the mind when they decided that thoughts were okay to have! “So, this is a treat that not many get to have, as it’s not as prominent, but I would argue it tastes better than normal ice cream...even if it’s relatively the same.”
“What makes it better?”
“...I don’t know, really…”
“Oh! Me neither!”
“I-...right, you don’t.” This soft-spoken musician would not stop making them baffled! They didn’t even know how to take it!
There was a sigh, and then the scientist began to retrieve the frozen treat from the bowl and put it into smaller ones. “I don’t often like eating sweets, but… I’ll make an exception.”
“Because it’s from you!!”
“It’s something you made! Maybe it tastes good!”
“Trust me, it does no-”
“Nonsense…” Such sudden flattery, too? Aloe was forced to glance away, muttering under their breath as they handed him a spoon. He took it, then looked at the treat, and then back up at Aloe. “What is this?”
“Y-You really don’t know?!”
“It’s just ice cream...what you said you wanted!”
“You put mist on it.”
“Mint, that was liquid nitrogen. I didn’t even put it on the food!”
“I miss the pasta.”
“That was from the wires! You- You could have just asked me!”
“But I didn’t want to bother you! I already said ice cream sounded interesting enough, haha… I didn’t even know what it was! So, when you said you didn’t want it, I had a thought! What if I just had the pasta?”
“This is fine, I wouldn’t be eating it if I didn’t want to.”
“I dunno, the pasta looks kind of ta-”
“It’s fine.” They took a spoonful of the treat, managing to smile. “Why are you so persistent?”
“No, it’s-...it’s entertaining. Past the worrying things… How you act is so different.”
“...I said what I said.” They took a bite of the treat, watching as the other merely poked his spoon into the treat. He made a small smiley face with the marks. “You’ve… You’ve been quite intriguing. So little thoughts, yet… You spill so many without realizing it.”
“I’m guessing you’ve zoned out?”
“The spoon smells sweet.”
“Figures…” Aloe watched him curiously, realizing he wasn’t really attempting to scoop anything out of the bowl. “Are you not hungry?”
“I am.”
“Then eat.”
“I’m supposed to eat this?” His words weren’t met with a reply. Instead, they guided a hand of his to the treat, and helped him retrieve a little bit of it. “Oh…” Mint gazed at it, before eating the bit he was given. “Hm!!!! It tastes better than before!”
“Mhm!!! It just smelled sweet before, now it also tastes sweet!” Though his eyes looked so hollow, it was clear to see he was happy. Whether it was remnants of his needlessly perfect self or genuine happiness, however...Aloe could not tell. What Aloe could tell was that the musician was going for a second bite.
“Hey, Aloe…?”
“What do you do here?” He gazed at them, his spoon nearly missing his mouth just for doing so. “What would you need a dungeon with mist for? Do you write books, or something…?”
“Hah, that has no correlation!” They figured they could overlook the stupidity of some of these questions, just for him to adjust to thoughts coming in a bit slower. “No, I’m a scientist. As stated, this isn’t a dungeon...it was never anything of the sort to begin with.”
“Then why is there no light, aside from...this…” He pointed to a flask with bright blue fluid within it, “That…” then pointed to a whole shelf full of those flasks, “And...uh...thick crayons?” He pointed last to the candles.
“It’s something that’s makeshift for now, silly.” They chuckled, not giving his words much thought. “I’ll get a light system working in here eventually. As for you… what might you do for a living?”
“Uh….oh! I play the piano!!!” He seemed excited when he said it, yet his eyes became more empty when saying it.
“Do you know a lot of songs?”
“Mhm! Just...two!”
“And...you’re a professional?”
“Of course!”
“That only performs two songs.”
“...This world truly has problems. Ah, well, I hope you may be able to learn more.”
“I think I will be able to!” He beamed at them. “Because now I can...uh...do whatever I like! Which is not much! So maybe I’ll try to find other songs I like…” And yet, he still looked cold and empty.
Another bite of the ice cream was taken.
A moment later, there was a noise of surprise drawn from him, and he dropped the spoon as his hands went to his head. Out of impulse, Aloe reached for him, momentarily worried for this new ally.
“Mint, are you-”
“Mmm, headache…!”
“...oh.” It took a glance at the treat and then back to the pianist to realize, once more relaxing their tensed form…
“You’re having a brain freeze, aren't you?” There was a small nod, albeit confused from the smaller one, and the scientist nodded in solidarity. “Understood. Please… you must remember to savor your food a little more rather than eating it all at once, like Cy does.”
“I-I’m trying!”
“Pff- you couldn’t have before I made the comment, but...I’m still happy that you’re trying. There’s not many that are willing to do such, hm?”
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The doors to Roguefort's manor would creek quietly as the four of them would enter, Roguefort seeming utterly spent after all that had occurred. Aloe, too, was exhausted... But awake enough to withstand being awake for longer. Seeing the thief nearly stumble after taking a few steps in, the scientist would speak up after closing the door behind them and Mint. "I suggest putting both Cyborg and yourself to bed... We can take care of the bloodstains tomorrow." The response was a slow blink, one that felt more contemplative than truly being out of it. "Right," they would reply, shifting their hold to ensure that they wouldn't drop Cyborg, "And you, could you make sure Mint adjusts to living here? I know you may not know the place well, but being left with one's own thoughts after coming out of thoughtlessness can... Be frightening."
"I take it you are speaking from experience?" "...I would be vague about such a thing, but I am sure you understand from your own experiences as well, don't you?" There was a small scoff from the researcher, followed by a dismissive wave of the hand. "Just get some proper rest... I will tend to Mint, and perhaps we, too, can rest in due time. After that amount of husks being lost, I am sure that we will have some downtime before they try to rear their heads around again." "That's a comforting thought..." "Shh, shh... Go get some well-deserved rest, before we have a longer conversation than we should."
It would take a moment of silence, but Roguefort would inevitably nod and make their way out of the entry hall that spanned way further than it needed to. So big for so few people residing in it... A place like this was unsuitable for so few, now that they thought about it. If there were others grouped here, this place could easily fit at minimum fifty people in here, but all that remained here were four little rebels.
It was with a grimace and a sigh that Aloe would turn their attention to Mint, that of whom was staring at the ceiling. "What are you looking at?" They would inquire, looking up to see that despite how well-lit the room was, the ceiling itself was darkened as if some sort of haze or overbearing shadow was above them. The only thing visible, truly, were the bottom bits of chandeliers, whose lights were hidden from sight. Aloe could feel the hole in their chest ache at the sight. "It's dark up there..." Mint would murmur. "Do you think the ceiling lights are lonely?" "...The ceiling lights cannot feel, Mint. They are objects without nerves or the capacity to even have a consciousness." "Huh... Weird... But, um, if this room is all bright and stuff, then how come we can't see most of what's up there?"
"That is... My fault, I think?" Aloe would quirk a brow, staring into the darkness above them. They could feel Mint grip their hand tighter for just a moment, as if he was about to speak in response, but wasn't quick enough to get the words through. "Wherever I go, this always occurs... Where I come from, every room and hallway had high ceilings to obscure my wires in the darkness... Made the methods more effective to fix, surprise those that come out of line while not knowing what to expect, or even knowing and... Not being able to react in time." The more Aloe spoke, the more hollow of a gaze they would begin to show. Though thankfully once they paused, they shook themself out of their daze. "Apologies, I tend to ramble when the chance presents itself. Now, would you like to...?"
Huh. Mint seemed to be staring into the darkness above him without a word. He seemed oddly content, even after a description such as that. Aloe knew that this, what was he, a musician? They'd have to ask more about him sooner than later, since this one was unlike any other thoughtful individual they'd encountered... Not that there were many. "Mint, look at m-" "There's something moving up there." The tension in Aloe's body grew considerably at that sentence, gaze snapping up at the ceiling to see a wire wriggling about above the two of them, as if taunting both of- or, more than likely, just the researcher themself. Though an oddity that they spotted as they would think of sending that chord back into the darkness... Their wires weren't hooked anymore. They were just double-barbed at the tip. There would be a very brief thought that their death had done something to those but, that...
"I'm hungry." An abrupt and casual interjection to their thought process would come from the one that stood next to them. Did he not even notice the retreat of the wire? How their hand had held tight to his? Ah... They should likely let go of that sooner than later, once they could ensure that he wouldn't get lost. They... were not the type for hand-holding.
"Hungry, you say at a time like this..." Aloe murmured, tugging at the other's arm to make sure that attention was actually on them. "There is a kitchen close by if you would like to have something to eat before we also depart for rest... And perhaps while we eat, we can discuss more matters about each other?"
The gaze that stared back at them felt empty. Ah, not entirely, but it was still... Off. It may take some time before this musician was able to show more than a thoughtless stare or a default smile. There was a small squeak-like noise of joy out of Mint as he would nod, some minor swaying side-to-side present. Aloe would observe this action inquisitively, but would not verbally question it just yet. Rather than dealing with the mystery now, they would gently guide Mint along to where they believed the kitchen to be. They sure hoped that they remembered that, at least... and that their wound wouldn't act up whilst they would cook.
"Is there any food that you enjoy in particular? Such as ice cream, microwave meals, etcetera?" "Mmm... No. I've never thought about it, really!" "...Of course you haven't."
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The thought of Aloe knowing more than either of the others plagued the thief…
It’s been plaguing them for several minutes after the scientist finished eating, gazing out the window as they were in the process of cleaning off the dishes. There were a few passers-by that they looked at from above...each having that same damned smile as the next. There...really were still a lot left out there, hm? And, with Cyborg so distraught, with Aloe so adamant about doing much on their side… Perhaps they would have to do something to clear their head soon. It hasn’t been so long as a day, yet it feels like it’s dragged on for months. Not to say that they wished to run from something that perhaps could have been prevented- there was no need, after all-but it’s still all they felt they could do.
Being a loner gave them quite the escape, despite the looming loneliness that followed. Ah, perhaps they should just...think about it, for now. Perhaps this was simply an impulse of theirs! Cyborg being left alone with Aloe was...something they were worried about, after all.
What was to be gained from prolonged thought? Doubts as terrible as what they felt? Those that told them that none of this was a good idea, to begin with? Surely, if it was a better idea, perhaps they’d know better how to handle a situation like this! They refocused their gaze back to the outside world, and everything just stopped when they registered one of those husks looking directly at them...smiling. As if they were waiting for such a thing to occur.
Careful, now. You wouldn’t wish to cause a future outburst, would you? A shame it would be if you tarni-
“Roguey!” “AH-!” They whipped around, and in doing so elbowed the half-bot. At the same time, they felt something dig into their foot. ...Odd, they seemed to become a little more soothed because of that despite the pain it brought.
“G-Geez! I thought you were just spacey, what the fuck?!!” “A-Apologies for that…” “No! No more sorrys! I may be mad at you, but you can’t go and act like that! It makes me want to be...less mad at you!” “...?” “Oh, and... there are glass bits you’re stepping on.” There was a pointing gesture made to the ground, and they glanced at the ground around them, and- ah...the plate they had...it… ...They hadn’t even realized.
Though, beneath its shards, they noticed something poking out from the ground. Its hooks…
The thief glanced up to the banister once more, seeing that Aloe had poked their head out. Seems the only thing that held them up were their arms- one clinging to the railing and the other outstretched, as if reaching for both of them...but… There was a look of confusion on Roguefort’s face thereafter, which got them to retract the wires and topple to the floor again. And, by the time it took Cyborg to notice was the same time as when the pain set in, a wince coming from them as they shifted their weight onto their uninjured foot, looking back to Cyborg so see them squinting at the scientist. “Mmmm, I don’t trust that. Are they even in pain?” “All of the bones remaining in my body want to kill me.” “You’re supposed to be resting, Aloe.” “I had to test something.” “Test what?! What could possibly need testing from someone as dumb as you?!” “Do not call me dumb when you know next to nothing about anything!!” “Then, tell us why you were doing such a thing…”
“...I don’t wish to say.” They tried to move, but realized they had overwhelmed their own body a little too much. The wonders of having a recovering hole in their chest, hm? In any case, it got a tiny snort out of the short one, “You can’t even move, now!” “Yes, I can!” “Then do it, if you’re not a coward!” ...No movement. Cyborg zipped up to where they were, being sure to stay glued to the ceiling. “Ooooh, you’re such a coward, Aloe!!!”
“Shut up!” “Cowardd, cowaaaard!!!!!!!” “I said SHUT UP!” “...Whatever, sure. I’m also sure your test failed, whatever it was! Roguey didn’t change even a little bit!” “I guess not…” They smirked at their own remark. “Resilient, that one. It’s almost to a fault.” “Don’t be so mean to them! You probably aren’t half as good as Roguey is!” “...Now you defend them? Just to trash my name?!” “Yeah!” “...Tch. Maybe I should have left you on that curb where you stood.” “But ‘cha didn’t!” They put their hands on their hips, squinting with a childish grin on their face. “...Unfortunately. Look, I thought you were going to leave us and sulk elsewhere.” “Yeah, but then Roguey did something weird that made me feel a little bad!” “So...you’re just going to forgive them?” “What?! No! They lied! Why would something like that make me forgive them? You made it so that I would like to learn things, so I’m doing what I can!”
“....Learn…? Ah, it’s….not what I programmed you to do, perhaps you changed your code. But… I’m happy to know you don’t throw such things to the wind so fast.”
“...You’re still a coward! Can’t even move without getting someone to help- eh?” At once, the two perked up hearing the sound of a door closing. Peering out, Cyborg could catch the smallest glimpse of the thief leaving. “...Aw, now they’re the one acting weird, instead of you?! Come on!” “Perhaps this is all a bit much on them.” “What?! A criminal getting overwhelmed when they already get enough attention-” “That’s not what I mean, you dolt.” “You’re lucky that I’m still nice while looking directly at you!” “Or you’re just being predictable.” “What?” “What?” “Huh?” “Nothing.” Aloe miserably waved their hand at the half-bot, who rolled their eyes.
“Well, I’m gonna go see what they’re doing.” “...You just said you didn’t forgive them. Don’t you wish to be away from them?” “....Nah!” “You were just angry at them. They are going to get mixed signals from you.” “Signals, shmignals! It’s not like you can talk either, dummy! Unlike you, I wanna learn why people do things!!! Surely Roguey is smart enough to have a reason for what they did!” “...I…” The scientist fell silent, glancing down to the floor beneath them. They forgot to respond, as they wondered why they were acting like this so soon. It was just like normal… Wasn’t it? Perhaps that was simply just them...hiding? From what? They almost didn’t realize the semi-organic following in the thief’s steps, through that door, leaving the scientist to their own devices. ...It’s not like they could do much. The pain was unbearable at the moment… and such forced them back into sleep.
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The world became no more than a blur for the thief, who simply thrashed about in Borg’s grip. And, though it was a fruitless effort, they did attempt to get the mitten off from around their neck. “L-Let me go!!!” Well, that was surely different... A cry of fright? “They...They’re going to fix me, leave me be!!! I will not succumb to you!” “...Huh? I already told you that they can’t do th-” “They will! Th-They will, if not Aloe, then the rest of them will! G-Get off!!!” Their eyes aimlessly shot about, trying to make sense of this...anomaly. This was...This was incorrect, again, again, it was incorrect!!! “Your nonsense knows no bounds, doesn’t it???” “Eh, consider it something I picked up.” The half-bot muttered. “If I let you go, you will stay here, okay?” “I’m not supposed to listen to anyone, let alone someone as childish as yourse-” “Do you want a limb blasted off or not?!” And they were lucky the new face was shut up on the spot with what was no more than a bluff. A shiver was sent through the taller figure, clearly in a panic about this. “Look,” Borg continued with a huff, “It’s not gonna be that bad. Yeah, you’re the first one that’s broken free other than me! And it probably seems uber scary, but!! That’s okay!!!” “How is it okay?? You could be put through terrible pain at any given moment!” “And that’s why you have to do...different stuff! The dummies around here are predi...uh... shallow minded, and you kinda were too! I mean...why would you come back to the same place 20 times...?” Such a question made the captive thief squint at Borg, and they couldn’t help but giggle. “You look kinda funny when you do that...” “I’m not the type for humor.” “Welllll!!! Now you are, congra-...tulaton......grtal...Good for you!!!” “I hope you know that’s not how it wo-” “ANYWAYS!!! You!!! You. You! You? You. You should really take the offer if you don’t wanna get hurt.” “What a one-sided deal...” “I can make it more than one-sided if you would actually listen instead of turning everything down...uh...uhhhhh.....oh, that’s not my memory being bad, I really didn’t ask you for your name! Soooo, what’s you-” “Roguefort.” “Oh! Answered my question for me! Neat, husks don’t normally do that, R-...uh...Rogf.....gfo....” “It’s Roguefort.” “Roge.....fuck.” “That’s not how you pronounce it.” “Then....I’ll give you a nickname!! Sometime, I think! Woah, I think!” They giggled at their own stupidity, thinking of something to call them that wasn’t as taxing to try and speak. “Uhhhhhh, how about Roguey? Seems neat!” “I-” “Cool, that’s your nickname now! I’m Cyborg, by the way!” “You didn’t even let me finish...” “Mm, doesn’t matter now! What matters is that you’re not resisting me, which means you don’t mind people that think!” “I mind it very much, but resisting you would be a bit of a death wish, now wouldn’t it?” “Hahaha, you bet! Now, you can get up! Remember, if you run, you will not get far!” 
Slowly, the mitten was removed from the phantom’s neck. Slowly, they would pick themself back up, the events transpiring shortly before having knocked the wind right out of them. “What are you planning to do as a means to ruin my name further?” “Oh, a lot of things!!! A lot, I tell you!!! Because your head is a mile thick and still husky as can be, I’m gonna take you somewhere to steal things!” “A place of fine arts, I presume?” “What? No! Those weird pictures are stupid and invaluable compared to what you could be stealing instead.” “I’m not following. I’m supposed to answer to calls of theft for that, and that alone.” “Don’t you get it?! You don’t have to do what you’re....supposed to!” Once that was said, there was a scoff from Roguefort, folding their arms and glancing away. “Oh, come on!!! It’ll be fun!!!” “I’m not going wherever you think you’ll take me, Cyborg.” “Y-yes you will!” “Pfft, you have no means to force me.” And, like that, an arm grabbed them around the waist and held on tight, Borg’s boots lighting up once more. “A-Ah...?” “I guess you haven’t learned much about me, Rougey!! I like going fast, so you better hope you don’t fall off!!” And there they went, the new acquaintance forced to cling to the smaller. ... It wouldn’t be long before the semi-organic being to find someplace, landing right in front of a fancy looking museum...full of glittering gems. “Aaaaand, we’re here!!!” “But it’s past midnight, I cannot take anything past that ti-” “Shhhshshshshshshshhhhh!!!! Shut!!!! Shut. We’re gonna go in there and take whatever’s in there that looks neat!” “W-We are not! You can, if you’d like!” And, as if they didn’t even hear what the thief had said, Borg had already busted a window out! “We are going in!!! No ifs, ands, or buts!!!” And like that, they would drag the other in.
Within the dim lights that creeped in from the windows, the gems cast in deep navy hues still retained some of the shine that they had in broad daylight. Soft glints of the rainbow would seep out just as much, and yet... it failed to attract Roguefort’s gaze. There was a huff from the metallic one, glancing around.  “Why won’t you take any of this?” “I’m not supposed to.” “But doesn’t it look nice?” “...That is not for me to discern.” “UGH!! Stop being so...husk-y!” They would’ve thrown their hands up in the air in frustration, but their blaster arm hit a glass casing, shattering it at once. It made the thief perk up, their gaze darting to the loud noise. Seeing the glass falling to pieces, they remained motionless until all was still again. Borg glanced at the open case, taking what was inside. Not like themself, so it was just another thing to add to the list!!  “See? It’s neat! And they all look nice, as well!” They held one of the gems in their mitten, offering it to the phantom, only to realize they had already turned away. Well... If they were going to be so stubborn, they would remain here! They would remain until Roguefort took something of value!! And until then, the half-bot would indulge in breaking whatever they could! One, after another, after another, again, again!!! So many loud noises that got the taller to at least look at all there was. So much destruction, so much to gain, and... and yet, they couldn’t!! They couldn’t just take any of them...could they?
Yet, at one particular encasement, they couldn’t carry themself another step without gazing through it, straight at the tiny...tiny rocks. So insignificant, yet... They still felt drawn in...why?  “Gems are a lot more expensive than paintings, Y’know...” The suddenness of Borg’s voice startled them, a soft “eep” garnered from them. “Ah...they are?” “Always have been!” They giggled, gently pushing the thief towards the glass. “Look at them!! I told you, they’re so neat!!! Wouldn’t you like some?” “They...They’re not art.” “Yeah they are! Someone had to take the time to cut them properly so they look like teenie pieces of art! The rarity of them just makes them that much more valuable! It’s not that bad of a thing to take, huh?” Borg watched the phantom simply stare at what was before them...conflicted. This... This couldn’t be correct...but then...why did they have such an urge to take them...?? Roguefort felt themself tense up, clenching a hand into a fist. There...There was no reason for them to have such conflicting thoughts, so why...? “Are you certain they’re art?” “Mhm!! Yep! But!!! You need to learn to do things only if you like it enough! If you don’t... you’ll never truly know what fun is!” “Fun...?” What a childish way to phrase it, but... yet... it was that concept that allowed them to reel that arm back, and in a fluid motion, shattered the glass into thousands of glittering shards, their eyes glued to how pretty the scene before them looked... and the fact their hand trembled as they registered the wounds opened from the just as equally sharp objects. H-Hah...such pain was something they’ve never felt... it made them feel oddly alive... “Rougey? Are you alright?” “...I’m just fine, a few scrapes would never hurt a thief.” And, with the smallest of smiles, several jewels would slip right into Fort’s hands.
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... The sunlight prodded at the scientist’s eyes, who would give into its wishes and open them. Their gaze was hazy for a moment, lost in the last moments of a dream... though it didn’t register to them that they were actually having one. The remnants of remembering that fantasy was ebbed away with confusion shortly after... Huh...where...Where were they...? They glanced around, yet the moment they tried to move-!!! Agh, right... so that whole sequence of events wasn’t a nightmare. Good to know. Actually, more along the lines of horrible to know, but...same difference. They were propped up on a couch, wrapped in a few layers of blankets for warmth with an equally comfortable pillow that they rested on. Well...what were they to do, if they couldn’t do anything without possibly harming themself? ...Well...there was reflecting on what happened, but why was that something they were even considering? Normally, the past would be...well, in the past. Nothing could change that, ever. Why worry about it? Well, it left them near death... Death. A horrid concept that they had to experience... And due to experiencing something wrong, they were to be replaced...and they didn’t know how to feel about that. Were they supposed to feel anything about it? Hgh....all of this was confusing them to no end!  “Good morning, scientist.”  The voice startled Aloe, which in turn caused a bit more pain. Only a little, thankfully, but it would be better if there was none at all. “I would prefer it if you didn’t sneak up on me.” “What? I wasn’t trying to do such a thing, dear. But, you of all people should know that I would do that if I really wanted to!” There was a laugh garnered from such a statement from the thief, but it would die out soon after. “Ah, no, I was just going to ask if you felt well enough to eat, and maybe if you had a preference?”
 There was a hum from the plant, another wave of confusion washing over them. “I-I’m supposed to take care of myself.” “Well, now you can’t! Must be very inconvenient that you can’t even provide yourself with food if you’re too injured...” “It wasn’t supposed to occur!! I’m not even a medic, you rat!” “Hm! I’ve heard worse. Do you want food or not?” “...Ugh, fine...” There was a pained huff from Aloe as they shifted slightly, bunching the covers up so it felt like they were holding onto something soft. “It matters not what you bring me. I’m not that picky.” “Well, I sure hope you’re not! My cooking surely isn’t the best...” “I hope you don’t mean it’s abyssmal.” “It’s not, I promise! It just may not be perfect. I’m not quite supposed to know how to do something like this, but I make do.”  “Wait, you think?” “I like to think I do!” “...How...? I...You said you wouldn-” “What?” “What?” They quickly acted as if they said nothing to begin with. “I simply asked what caused you to think...” “Uh, somebody by the name of Cyborg came by and the-” “Cyborg?!” “Yes, what about them?” Clearly, the thief didn’t seem to put two and two together. Then again, they could’ve only began to think recently... “They were the one to kill me! A-Are they here??? Are they awake?” “They are here, yet not awake.... oh dear, this could end horribly...hm, aren’t they terrified of what they did to you...?” “How am I supposed to know?!” “You have a point! I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say they’re scared. Ehm, the worst they would do would not include killing you again....or so I hope.” “Not very reassuring.” “Which is why we may move from one topic to another!” Roguefort quickly said, though after a moment of silence, realized that they didn’t know what to speak of. Instead, the silence was broken by the scientist,
“...What fate awaits a controller who knows how to think? I...I don’t just want to be dropped off the deep end into unending danger...” "Well, fate is in the eye of the beholder." "...That's not the correct phrase." "Well, phrases can be bent and yet still make sense, right? So long as the subject is...well, subjective, such a phrase carries the same meaning! Other than beauty, garbage could be put in that same place! Life can be in the eye of the beholder, as can be d-...ah....dexterity...." "You wished to say death." "No I didn't! Whatever made you think that??" "Just admit it. For a thief, I thought you would be better at lying." "My word! For a scientist, I thought you would know everything pertaining to every field of it!" "...Hm." Another pause fell over the two. “Roguefort, do you think it would be reasonable to want to study other fields...?” “I mean, you can’t even heal yourself! Several fields of science would be beneficial of you to learn...preferably medical, if any...” “Well, that wouldn’t be all of it, but... It sounds interesting, that’s for sure...” “How about I let you think about that while I prepare breakfast for you?” “That would be nice, yes.” “Then I’ll do so. For someone so horrifying to think of most of the time... I’m grateful that you’ve at least listened to me for as long as you did.” They stood up, turning away from Aloe. “Don’t fall off, will you?” Huh...the procurer of gems spoke as if they had done that before. But, before it could be questioned, they were already off. Ah...so they were left to themself...
and the odd stirring noises from a nearby room of somebody else waking up.
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“...Can we hide here? It’s dark enough…” “Your visor.” “Hm?” “Your visor is a beacon for them.” “Oh! Then maybe I can just-” They were nudged by Aloe, prompting them to look up. “What?” “Take one good look around us, genius.” They did so, and not only could they see the husks from before, but.. Apparently there were some already here! Well...That was unsettling. “S-So, we’re...stuck, huh?” “The ring around us only closes in, I’m afraid.” They folded their arms, but the way they did it… were they trying to make themself feel better from all of this fear? “If only I had told that thief to stay back…” “Don’t take all the bla-...ble….ame…..bad feelies for this! I...I was the one who opened the door to them.” They seemed to hold a little guilt in their eyes, as well...that surely was new. Such a feeling wouldn’t last long… to the dismay of them both. “I’m the reason Roguey is gonna be all alone soon…” “Th-They’ll get us back.” “They can’t!!! Aren’t they not strong enough to even hold us back physically?” “...I only wish to find some silver lining amid all of this.” They huffed, looking up from the robotic friend to faintly see the smiling faces of many within the inky appearance of their surroundings. They were all silent, making the empty space all the more stressful to remain in.
“I’m not fond of strangers with such horrific manners thinking they can make puppets of us.” The voice caught everybody in the room off guard, the husks in particular looking around the room in their happy confusion. The scientist noted an anomaly in that voice- yes, it was them, it was certainly Roguefort, but...The already tense air grew suffocating in their presence. The thief had found their way down from the roof of the building, landing in front of the mindless lot. They...admittedly, they had never felt a rage tearing through them quite like this instance. Yet, their demeanor remained calm. A bit too calm, but… it was hard to keep up the act. The fact that they were so rudely awakened to memories of this place… Oh, it was something that they wouldn’t wish upon anybody else. “Roguey…?” Cy’s voice was too quiet for the other to hear, and though they wished to move closer, Aloe held them back. “This isn’t like them at all… Perhaps it’s better to stay out of their way.” The husks were murmuring at the presence of the third, remarking that the trio was no more than a lost cause. Yet, they continued, “You all act as if you haven’t been fixed before, in this very building.” “Well, we haven’t-” “Quiet, you dolt. I suppose you all were made to forget the horrors that happen inside of here...what a coincidence.” “What are you going on about, Roguefort?” “Maybe we should just make quick work of them!” “But we need someone to explain why they’ve decided to think!” The crowd felt… hungry. Both for an explanation, yet more so to apprehend all of them. But, with all the attention focused on one person, Aloe and Cyborg unknowingly became just two other husks in the eyes of the crowd. "If you want someone to answer for acting differently than every other cretin in the room that thinks having the personality of a doorknob is some breakthrough of the century, I'll be your goddamn answer. Come along then!!! All of you! No matter what you think you are, you will always be the furthest from perfect in my eyes." Slowly, such a calm expression would be filled with scorn as they scanned their eyes over the crowd they could see. They were all weak. “All of you are nothing but failures.”
Aloe didn’t even notice Cyborg had decided to hold onto them, and they would keep the smaller one there. As the crowd began to rush by, the scientist seemed quite...baffled. “Such intensity…” The likes of which they hadn’t expressed prior- just what was this? Sure, there was a means for the husks to become hostile if met with someone of thought, but...that wouldn’t be possible here, would it…? “There’s no need to worry, Cyborg...I-It will be over soon.” At the first sight of movement, that scorn would meld into some sickly smile upon Roguefort’s, processing that...this indeed was going to be quite the messy altercation. The scientist heard a shink soon after, glancing up while keeping Cyborg’s gaze away from the situation. “...Where the hell did they get that from…?” A blade? That was never gifted to them… so where did they find it? And, not only that, but where did they muster up such courage to slaughter so many? Even so, the numbers dropped like flies, despite the fact there was such a massive amount of them...it wasn’t as if the thief was about to get out of this without any form of damage. “What is Roguey doing…?” The half-bot wanted to look up, yet once more was forced away by Aloe. “...Saving us, Cy. That is all you must know.” The thought of death being brought to light once more, it was disturbing to note that most of the husks didn’t even seem to care. If death couldn’t even bring them out of such a clouded mind...perhaps nothing would be able to do so. Or, perhaps it’s some oddity where only specific things could force their minds into thought? They didn’t know. They couldn’t exactly think straight with all of the murder taking place before them, anyhow. The glimpses of guts and gore strewn about were no exception to such, even if they could handle it better than the smaller one. That’s when they noticed Roguefort glancing back at them, and though they only had a moment to process that, it...really did seem that they did this for both of them. They found some worth in all of this, despite the wounds they were surely obtaining.
Amid the crowd of husks, none of them seemed to hold back- for all but one. Seeing the massacre before himself, he couldn’t help but be taken aback. What...was this? What was he supposed to do, if he saw others dying?? ...There were two others away from all of this...were they others who didn’t favor this sight? He stumbled a little as he tried to find his footing- both physically and mentally. “You appear to be quite lost…” Aloe addressed him, unknowingly causing Cyborg to finally be able to glance up. Though, their eyes were quick to drift off to the bloodied scene before them. “You both...aren’t fighting? And...I’m not, either. Just… Just what is happening? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do…!” The green-haired one was about to respond, but was forced to look down as they felt...rattling. “Cy, I-I...I told you not to look…” Oh, dear...they hoped this wouldn’t bring about another mind of carnage...they didn’t wish for two of those roaming so freely about- ...Oh, right. The newcomer. They had to address the newcomer, whoever this one was. “We cannot fight a mass of that many. And...I know this may be more than a little traumatic for you, even if I don’t know why you stopped, but… you could either stay with us, or...or suffer the same fate as the others.” They sighed, noticing the sounds of slaughter had stopped. Flicking their eyes to the scene for a moment, they realized the last of the husks had been slaughtered. Roguefort’s breathing was surely strained, given how heavy such breaths were. “What will it be, new one?” The question made him hesitate, along with the scientist reaching a hand out to him. He resisted the urge to go back, yet...it kept trying to force him back over to die with the rest. What...What a horrible frame of mind…! But...was it really okay to listen? He...wasn’t dying from doing that. Was it okay not to just run away? But...then he would be alone, wouldn’t he? “I never thought such a choice existed. I...I am happy you wish to keep me safe, I don’t really think I want to die right now.” He slowly took the hand of the taller, his eyes remaining quite timid and full of...nothing? Everything? It was hard to tell. “I feel like everything is coming undone… And what about that happiness I had before? We all were like that...” “It was nothing more than thinly tied fabric, which is now left to flow.” “...Oh...so I can get happiness back by sewing it all together?” “Th-That is not what I-” “I’m sorry for what you had to behold.” It seemed that the thief was making their way back over to the group. “I...Hah, I don’t quite know what came over me to induce such violence.” “It is fine, just-” The scientist couldn’t even get a proper sentence in before Cyborg initiated an emergency shutdown on themself, causing them to tumble to the floor. It was just as loud as one would expect. The held hand would be squeezed from the scientist’s side, looking at the half-bot in pity. “Well, I was going to say not to press Cy too heavily about this, but it appears I am a little late for that.”
“Forgive me, we….we should probably get going. I don’t want to linger here any longer than we must.” They huffed, picking up the one who had just been knocked out. It garnered a look of surprise from Aloe, given their physical state and all of the wounds littered about them. “...If you need to rest, don’t hesitate to tell me. We do not want them to take another tumble after being overloaded in this fashion.” There was a nod from Roguefort, who started to walk ahead. Aloe looked at the newcomer, finally releasing his hand. “What is your name, new soul?” “My name...oh! It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Mint.” He instinctively bowed before them, though quickly tried to recollect, knowing it was a habit of his. And, even if they knew this, the scientist...was quite flattered by such a gesture. It was nearly enough to color their cheeks. Nearly. But, their expression didn’t seem to change at all. A-At least they could remain stoic with such an odd flare of emotion...right? “It is nice to meet you as well. I’m Aloe, the one who just passed out is Cyborg, and the other one is Roguefort. Perhaps….Perhaps we can make better introductions for ourselves when we’re at home- or...someplace safer than here… anyplace is safer than here, after all.”
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Ah, it felt...oddly fitting that the thief was so calm, even after such strong defiance of their previous morals... “I suppose there are other jewels here, but... None seem just as valuable.” “And how do you know that?” “I don’t, I just... Feel that these contain a moment in time none of the others could dream of having.” They sighed, glancing around. And, as they did... ... What was that...? Turning away from Borg, they drew closer to the movement they saw in the room, right out of the corner of their eye.  “What are you doing? I thought you said you didn’t need anything else...” “I’m checking something. I’m sure there’s confirmation in whether or not your word is true if there’s nothing here to fix me, hm?” “I-I guess...” even if them being wrong could pose danger for both of them for a long while! But... there was no way Aloe was-...well, you know.  The half-bot would be able to tell of Fort’s movement by the tapping of their cane as they peered around, looking for any sign of what was there. Nothing escaped the phantom’s gaze... Yet...was thinking causing such to worsen? It did make them a bit more vulnerable than they’d like, but at least they weren’t as vulnerable as they were before. Being wary of what could happen...maybe it wasn’t so bad after all- !!!
From the ceiling, several wires snapped down to the ground, blocking Fort’s path. Not that they wished to go any further, with how many more there were above. “C-Cy, were you...lying??” “Now’s not the time to question this!!! You can’t let the...the...hm... Silly string hit you!!” The smaller said, grabbing the other by the arm and dragging them along. Those wires...they looked just like the ones Borg was attacked with! But...why?! Why were they still active if the one in control of them was gone...? It...It shouldn’t be possible! There’s no other person that had those weird things! In any case, right... that wasn’t what they needed to focus on. Though, with how much energy they’ve had to use with blasting around everywhere...they were going to need some kind of rest soon enough...  As the wires rained down, Borg zipped around them, looking back at the one they were carrying every now and then...how conflicted they looked. Well, this was going to be a challenge to explain, especially to someone who only started thinking a short while ago. Even so, this...this was terrifying. S-So... the death was irrelevant? It meant- It meant nothing??? Why did it choose to mean something at such a terrible time!? 
Busting out through the window, the semi-organic being just wanted to go anywhere resembling a home...Anywhere. “R-Roguey...Do you have a place you live at...? I don’t have one anymore.” “...I...I do. Even if I don’t really trust you... There’s nobody else to trust now.” They huffed, and would shortly after begin to give directions. However, the words they spoke then just...grated at Borg, as much as they usually just pushed these things aside. They didn’t even realize it, but it kept them quiet most of the way there. The location was a manor, one of which they were surprised they never really recognized or found. Surely, on any occasion, they would pass this place by, so... why didn’t they acknowledge it prior? Setting them down, they’d walk ahead, opening the door and gesturing them inside.  Borg knew that the thief was probably wealthy, but... to this extent? That was wild! Ah, yet, it could only keep them away from painful thoughts for so long. “You’re just as pensive as I.” “W-Well, yeah! I..I wasn’t lying back there, I swear! Maybe I was as-...asu....susminng....thinking too quickly!!! Nobody would have thought that there would be others that could control the silly string, or whatever!!!! “...Hm. You have a point.” “Woah...I usually never have those! Hehe...” And, just as the air got a little lighter around them, their visor displayed a symbol of low battery. “Huuh?? But we only just met!!!” “I’m sure we can talk more in the morning, Cy. You were trying to catch me for quite some time, anyhow.” “It was not for that long!!!” “Most usually give up within seconds, dear.” “...Hm. This world is so weird...” “It is, and yet, we don’t know where to search for answers. I wouldn’t dawdle on it until it’s brought up. Now! You are going to bed.” “N-Nooo, wait!!!! But I’m not even sleeepy!!!!” “You don’t want to collapse on the floor, do you?” “Mmm, I guess not...” “That’s what I thought.” They chuckled, leading the half-bot to a bed. “I’ll probably stay up a while longer, so if anything is bothering you, you may pester me.” “I will pester you!!! About...lotsa thingss...” And, like that, their visor dimmed, and they held the blankets tightly around them as they dozed off.  Fort didn’t linger for too long, going back out of the room and sitting on a couch, gazing outside. To think, that this whole time they’ve been living a life by being dead inside... “I hope everyone can be freed from this one day...” ...Perhaps they would. They surely didn’t have a solid answer for now, but... they were restless with so many thoughts, and yet...so little to do with them. They almost got lost in them, but before their mind allowed it, a sudden chill from a wave of wind came over them...and as they looked over, they saw a form battered in crimson who only managed to get in from a cracked open window. The figure was hard to make out at first, but... In the seconds to follow, that silhouette... That silhouette was unmistakable. 
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