#rory wintermint
arknid · 1 year
i have to thank Tally Ho for introducing me to wonder that is Jeeves and Wooster
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cordeliaflyte · 1 year
Answer 1: "Actually, madam, that novel is mine, not Mr. Wintermint's. I find the work of Fifi Buttercup most illuminating."
Answer 2: "Deplorable, madam."
Answer 3: "I prefer not to say, madam."
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thornfield13713 · 10 months
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That's new. Definitely not what I was anticipating as the release of Aunt Primrose's dark past, although presumably she was not actually a showgirl in her youth, as she's from a posh family and they don't generally let their daughters go off and do that - remember, she's Rory's paternal aunt, formerly a Wintermint, so a decidedly posh family even before she married.
Interesting that Fifi Buttercup was the one who ferreted it out, though - probably there's something I missed somewhere in all of this.
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gothicships · 5 months
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valentine ☥ he/vamp ☥ 1900 / pr0ship dni!
🪦 hello! im valentine (or dorian — the name i use irl) and not i’m new to selfshipping or it’s community, but this blog is still relatively new ^^'. i am a 19yo genderqueer man who adores being totally insane normal about blorbos on the internet. as well as reading (shocker!), writing and drawing.
🪦 my special interests are vampires (folklore & vampire media) and t.he pict.ure of d.orian g.ray. gothic literature in general is something i love wholly. most of my main f/os reflect this. except the last [sweats hard]. speaking of,
my main f/os are :
🎨 b.asil h.allward {s/i: 🎀}
🧪 dr. henr.y j.ekyll {s/i: 🎞️}
🎩 mr. e.dward h.yde {s/i: 🎞️}
🧄 dr. j.ohn s.eward {s/i: 🩸}
☕️ rory wintermint {s/i: 🫖}
all romantic and from their original source (the books). mixed feelings about adaptations. sharing is a nono, sorry!! other non romantic f/os include :
🕶️ m.arkus {s/i: 🐑} — qpp / unlabelled
🩻 v.ictor fr.ankenstein {s/i: ⚰️} — qpp
💐 henr.y c.lerval {s/i: ⚰️} — qpp
🕊️ l.ucy w.estenra {s/i: 🩸} — sister
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jabberwockprince · 3 years
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starting my epic tumblr comeback by wishing a happy valentine’s month to me and me only, ft these four gay gay homosexual gay lads 
on the left we have my Tally Ho MC Vesper and the love of our life, Rory - and then on the right we have my Jolly Good MC Cinder and his sworn rival/valet/lover Fitzie 
anyway while looking at the “canon” designs in the COG forum, I saw that Mopsie was black and that Rory was mixed instead of a typical dumb rich white boy and that made me really really happy. if theres any errors in here i dont care its 9 am and the yearning compelled me to finish this 
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little-leech-boy · 3 years
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Jolly Good and Tally Ho content must be made and by god I'll do it myself if I have to
1st pic features Basil Poppins and Gladys Knight, my ocs for this series, and the second one is Rory Wintermint and Imogen Fitzwalter (Fitzie), da bestiesssss 💖
Also I'm trying out digital and as always feedback would be lovely, sorry for the shit pictures tho :/
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suit-of-kings · 3 years
Heya! Would you do Rory from Tally Ho? Don't know if you have played it but it's a very funny game
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I've played the demo! I can never seem to get the train to work for me... rorys fun to romance tho lol
req me IFs (interactive fiction) and I'll draw your fav LI
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wineofglass · 3 years
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deepinifhell · 5 years
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morvvn · 5 years
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‘Indeed, I have quit smoking every day for the past two weeks. Today makes two hours in a row that I've gone without.‘
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just-rhys-things · 6 years
Anybody play the Choice of Game “Tally Ho!”? Because I started playing it back in December, and I loved it. Like, my choice of character backstories was amazing. Imagine walking into an interview to be a non-gender-specific servant for a chill/dorky rich dude, and he’s like:
Him: “So, what did you do before this?”
Me: *robbed people* “Managed finances.”
Him: “And what’s your greatest weakness?”
Me: “Stealing from my employers.”
Him: “Is that why you got fired from your last job?”
Me: “Yes, but also b/c I stole their daughter’s heart.”
Him: “Wait a minute. That’s my fiancée’s surname written here. Did...you date my fiancée?”
Me: “Yes. Oh, but don’t worry, she’s cool with this. Now when do I start? By the way, I already unpacked my things and I burned all your ugly clothes. So you need new clothes.”
Him, drunk: “Eh. Fine, you’re hired.”
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cordeliaflyte · 1 year
Answer 1: I quickly grab for the hairstick.
Answer 2: I tell Col. Firesnuff and the salesclerk that the hairstick is on reserve for me.
Answer 3: I let Col. Firesnuff buy it and then attempt to pilfer it from him.
Answer 4: Col. Firesnuff got there first, so it's only fair to let him have it.
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thornfield13713 · 7 months
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Okay! Galahad is a complete airhead, but they have both Bertie Wooster and Rory Wintermint beaten on one thing: they can stand up to their aunts. To an extent, anyway.
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...okay. So much for standing up to aunts.
Now, onto lying to creditors.
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...that's not going brilliantly either. Maybe should've claimed Galahad had moved to America or something. Possibly Antarctica. Somewhere very distant that begins with an 'A', at the very least.
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ayesleigh · 6 years
Wow, Frankincense is a bit of a pompous ass.
Guess I don’t have to feel too bad when my maid steals his girl.  (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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jabberwockprince · 3 years
hold on hold on hOLD THE FUCK ON ON I SAY 
the raw potential of ???? Servant MC x Fitzie ???? ESPECIALLY if you ruined their matchmaking tests in Tally Ho by letting Mopsie and Figs get married and break off Frankincense and Rory’s engagement, the enemies to lovers drama, the tension and the emotional turmoil 
the two just slowly becoming friends who just argue most of the time, trying to bully or one-up each other like “MY employer won the boat race at Ritornello” “well MY employer just fell down a chimney and won the most dramatic entrance for the noble gases” but who will go OFF if they hear someone else talking shit about the other - the fact that THE epitome of perfection in the cardbury club AND its antithesis are just glued by the hip in their own weird way. SIT right fucking there and picture Fitzie’s emotional turmoil right now, they’ve done worse than falling in love with their employer, they’ve fallen in love with their (maybe one-sided, up to you) archnemesis. THE INITIAL STAGE OF DENIAL, THE SLOW DESCENT INTO LOVE, WHEN THEY CATCH THEMSELF SMILING AT THE SERVANT AND THEN THEY JUST BERATE AND SCOLD THEMSELF BC “NO !! BAD !! THATS SOMEONE I GOTTA BEAT IN THIS ARBITRARY IMAGINARY CONTEST IN MY BRAIN !!”  
Fitzie and the servant sharing quiet moments of understanding, ALSO sharing their respective pasts and finding a common ground they never thought they’d see (since the servant can also have the most unusual backgrounds like, a fucking lion tamer or whatever at CIRCUS ???? the servant FUCKS and thats final), and when they fall in love instead they keep trying to out-do each other just to catch the other off guard and fitzie fucking loves to get risky and just Go Out There Throwing Caution To The Wind sometimes. AND IF THE RELATIONSHIP IS PUBLIC ???? IMAGINE FITZIE BRAGGING TO EVERYONE WHO JUDGED THEM WRONGLY ABOUT DATING THE HOTTEST FUCKING SERVANT THIS SIDE OF ENGLAND. BUT ALSO the moments of insecurity when they’re kept apart by work and formalities and Fitzie WANTS to leave, pretend it didnt happen, assume the worst and so on but the servant keeps bringing them back bc what they have just needs a lot of work but its worth it. the possible over the top fights of “FUCK IT WE’RE DONE” but an hour later theyre already seeking one another unconsciously, looking for ways to make up or subtly and silently come to an agreement. THE MOMENT OF “YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE (your job and prestige if youre still working as a servant or something equivalent to that) OR ME” SIGHS
and then ??? the absolute dumbassery of Jolly Good MC x Rory Wintermint ????? rich kids in big scandals with intimidating aunts/quirky cousins who keep getting them in shenanigans ??? they become THE duo of the noble gases, the way they clearly shouldnt be mingling with each other THIS intimately, the fuss and conflict over whats proper vs what they want to do as young adults with big shoes to fill. all the failures that haunt them meaning absolutely fucking NOTHING because theyre having fun together in the present just playing billiards and breaking another window, sharing stories about their quirky servants and family outings and brunches
and then sharing feelings about not knowing what to do with their lives, feeling bad for depending on their aunts now that their respective parents/guardians are gone because according to aunt matilda and aunt primrose,  that theyre just not mature enough to manage their own finances or manage their own lives since they’re in urgent need of a servant to keep them in check. LIKE THEIR LOVE IS BASED ENTIRELY ON A CHILL FRIENDSHIP UNLIKE WHATEVER THE FUCK SERVANT MC & FITZIE HAVE - and honestly i have no idea how their families would even do upon learning about their relationship bc i got no clue about who supposedly has more “prestige” cause fuckin aunt matilda knows aunt primrose but theyre like the typical ladies who arent friends and just like to brag to each other but anyway 
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parabataisarah · 3 years
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