#rs3 500
en-wheelz-me · 7 months
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frenchcurious · 2 years
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Manhart RS3 500 : plus de 500 chevaux pour cette Audi RS 3. - source Motorlegend
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
Drag race: Audi RS3 vs BMW M2, rolling race | What's the fastest ...
YouTube · Autocar
Mar 1, 2018
This is what the sedans ride like and how they maneuver it looks really normal they're actually going pretty fast. These guys are going about 170 and it looks like they're going about a hundred it's another reason why people like them and they're good for dignitaries and more. And several concepts as where to start mostly you want to start with the car that handles and runs pretty good and runs fast if you adopt it towards sedan and the second one is it would have to be a car that's kind of popular and inexpensive and fairly well made there are several Dodge has a few neon is one of them the one that Dave had is one there are several European models that would be great and there's a whole bunch of chassis sitting around the Volkswagen is perfect for the small mid-sized I think they call it and it is a really wonderful car the chassis just perfect for this application and I'm told with these sedan and the Bradley GT sedan it would be at with the Volkswagen 200 that's 200 horsepower 500 miles per hour. There is another idea and it's to create a sedan it's very small and they have them if you make it into a zippy sport coupe or even a hatchback it gets too much attention but they have these small sedans and BMW has them who do Florida not two door they just have small doors I really did for small people and they're a few cars that we're going to test out and when is the fit the Yugo and another is the volt which is electric and we might want to keep it electric it would go much further maybe 500 miles and there's a couple of those so we're going to check it out they're smaller cars and smaller chassis and as a matter of fact he says it they're these hatchbacks and people don't drive them around cuz it's kind of embarrassing cuz they're not fast and they're kind of nasty look looking right now and there's a ton of them it's it's probably the mainstay they handle very well and the motors are great Chevy has one it's like the star or something and really this might be what kicks It off cuz I'm a highway Star is what it says and BMW has a small four-door it's very fast it goes with 180 but this star car has horsepower like 180 and on with the sedan body we have an estimate it would go around 430 mph and that's what people need and they're small usually.
We're not going to rename the company but we're going to change the emblem and then the verbiage and you'll see he's going to try and find what it will look like a little
Thor Freya
This is awesome it's our car and I'm included it and it's going to be great it's it's really really great there's nothing better than the feeling of having your name out there and your idea and have it at work and having tons of people buying and it will work for new cars there's no new cars after about a few weeks and people need them everyone else and so enough time to build brand new cars have all these chassis too
It saves time it saves energy but one of the most wonderful things is it has a Bradley GT design which is a supercar design and it is one of the line from the fastest car on earth there's no car that can beat this car even Mac made one it's extremely fast and it's high 2,000 miles an hour but it can't be it says it yet to be proven but if we get this going we might get the sedan going and he'll have to actually start competing and try and make one that's faster and put his money where his mouth is because I can get it over 3,000 so he's interested in it
So some guys walking by is talking for me says he's me he's not and so my grand nephew says go ahead then put your money where your mouth is you're not him make a car that's faster and the guy can't
Mac daddy
Fair enough of this we want to see this car this is a great idea in a small beamer is very fast and he's seen them it's terrific it's a great idea and one of those little girls demanded it
Ben Arnold
I want to see one of these in my driveway I'll find it fascinating we're going to see what the emblem looks like trying to get it going ourselves or try and find factory area stamp it out you said metal that's much better and the boat resistance is like nine very high for any vehicle
Mike t
This approved to go out and we're seeking Trump's idiots
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photos-car · 1 year
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nawapon17 · 2 years
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telodogratis · 2 years
ABT RS3-R: se l'Audi RS3 non è abbastanza. Ecco la versione da 500 CV
ABT RS3-R: se l’Audi RS3 non è abbastanza. Ecco la versione da 500 CV
Il tuner tedesco ABT mette le mani sull’Audi RS3. Ecco la RS3-R mostruosa berlina da 500 CV in 200 esemplari ABT Sportsline, noto preparatore tedesco che opera principalmente su vetture a marchio Audi e Volkswagen, ha recentemente messo a punto una propria versione estrema dell’Audi RS3. L’auto, completamente rivista per aspetto e meccanica, si chiama ABT RS3-R Sportback ed è prodotta in serie…
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ayman-wanees · 2 years
شركة مانهارت تجري تعديلات على أيقونة أودي RS3
شركة مانهارت تجري تعديلات على أيقونة أودي RS3
كشفت شركة مانهارت النقاب عن سيارتها RS3 500 الجديدة، والمبنية على أساس سيارة أودي RS3 بقوة 500 حصان ومجموعة تعليق معدلة.وأوضحت الشركة الألمانية أن التعديلات التي تم إجراؤها على محرك السيارة خماسي الأسطوانات سعة 5ر2 لتر، زادت قوته من 400 حصان/500 نيوتن متر لعزم الدوران الأقصى إلى 500 حصان/600 نيوتن متر. ولكي تتناسب السيارة مع معدلات الأداء الجديدة تم إجراء تحسينات على مجموعة التعليق مع التجهيز…
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renaultportugal · 3 years
Renault na F1: Os primeiros títulos e um sem número de vitórias na década de 90
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Depois da destemida estreia na segunda metade da década de 70 e das primeiras vitórias nos anos 80, foi na década de 90 que a Renault conquistou os primeiros títulos e mais um sem número de vitórias na F1, através de pilotos como Michael Schumacher, Alain Prost, Nigel Mansell, Jacques Villeneuve, Damon Hill, David Coulthard, Heinz-Harald Frentzen, Thierry Boutsen e Ricardo Patrese. As estórias de cada uma dessas temporadas nas linhas que se seguem.
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Graças às dimensões mais compactas (4,8 cm mais curto e 1,5 mais baixo), o motor RS2 ficou ainda melhor integrado no chassis FW13B do Williams. O peso também baixou 2 kg graças à substituição das anteriores correias de distribuição por engrenagens, o que é especialmente importante numa disciplina onde cada grama faz a diferença. 
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Ainda assim, apesar das melhorias e das inovações, foi uma temporada complicada para Ricardo Patrese e Thierry Boutsen que, apesar de duas vitórias, viram a Ferrari e a Benneton-Ford saltar para os segundos e terceiros lugares, logo atrás da imbatível, na altura, McLaren-Honda.
Vitórias da Wiliams-Renault em San Marino e na Hungria
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Na Williams-Renault, Thierry Boutsen deu lugar ao mítico Nigel Mansell que assumiu os comandos do novo FW14 e beneficiou das melhorias levadas a cabo pela Renault no também novo motor RS3, que conseguia a proeza de ser ainda mais baixo (1,4 cm) e mais leve (2 kg). Desde o RS1, a potência já tinha subido dos originais 650 cv para os 700 cv às 12 500 rpm. 
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Graças a isso, a Williams-Renault voltou ao segundo lugar no Campeonato do Mundo de Construtores, logo atrás da McLaren-Honda. Com cinco vitórias na temporada, Mansell alcançou o segundo lugar dos pilotos, logo atrás de Ayrton Senna. Já Ricardo Patrese saiu vitorioso em dois Grandes Prémios. 
Vitórias da Williams-Renault nos Grandes Prémios de México, França, Grande-Bretanha, Alemanha, Itália, Portugal e Espanha
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Esta foi uma temporada que ficou para a história da marca e da competição. A ligação entre os motores RS3C e RS4 e o chassis FW14B provou ser um casamento de sonho.
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O Williams desta temporada era uma verdadeira obra-prima da tecnologia, com uma inovadora suspensão ativa e uma transmissão (caixa) semi-automática. O motor RS4, idêntico em dimensões ao anterior RS3, disponibilizava 750 cv às 13 000 rpm. O regular Patrese venceu no Japão, mas foi Mansell quem arrebatou todas as atenções, com nove vitórias ao longo da temporada, tendo conquistado o título de pilotos, em agosto, no Grande Prémio da Hungria, com 11 das corridas disputadas e quando ainda faltavam cinco provas (um total de 16 Grande Prémios). De igual maneira, a Williams-Renault dominou, por completo, o Campeonato do Mundo de Construtores desse ano.
A Renault ainda forneceu motores aos Ligier de Erik Comas e Thierry Boutsen.
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Vitórias da Williams-Renault nos Grande Prémios da África do Sul, México, Brasil, Espanha, San Marino, França, Grande-Bretanha, Alemanha, Portugal e Japão.
Conquistou o título de Campeão do Mundo de Construtores e Nigel Mansell e Ricardo Patrese conquistam os primeiro e segundo lugar no Campeonato de Pilotos.
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Mais uma época gloriosa para a Williams-Renault que ficou marcada pelo regresso à família Renault do icónico Alain Prost, depois de uma década “ausente”. O ultra-sofisticado chassis Williams FW15C incorporava ainda mais tecnologia e comandos eletrónicos do que o antecessor, com o francês a batizá-lo como um pequeno “Airbus”, em alusão aos inúmeros sistemas computadorizados a bordo. O motor RS5 desenvolvido pela Renault, com 770 cv de potência às 13 600 rpm, também equipava os Ligier de Martin Brundle e Mark Blundell.
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As sete vitórias de Prost foram suficientes para garantir o quarto título de Pilotos ao gaulês, com o companheiro de equipa, Damon Hill, a adicionar mais três vitórias à contagem. Com ambos, a equipa Williams-Renault conseguiu terminar 22 vezes no pódio nessa temporada.
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Vitórias da Williams-Renault nos Grande Prémios da África do Sul, Espanha, San Marino, Canadá, França, Grande-Bretanha, Alemanha, Hungria, Bélgica e Itália.  
A Williams-Renault manteve, ainda, os títulos de Campeã do Mundo de Construtores e o de Campeão do Mundo de Pilotos.
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Num ano que se viria a revelar trágico para a equipa e o desporto automóvel mundial, Damon Hill ficou a apenas um ponto do Campeonato do Mundo, depois de uma batalha épica com Michael Schumacher. Aos comandos do chassis FW16 e FW16B, equipados com o motor RS6 da Renault que se aproximava das 14 500 rpm no regime máximo, o britânico venceu seis Grande Prémios. No entanto, o que perdura na memória dessa temporada de 1994 foi a morte do seu colega de equipa Ayrton Senna. O histórico brasileiro perdeu a vida após um acidente brutal em Imola, durante o Grande Prémio de San Marino. Foi ao volante de um Williams-Renault que o genial Ayrton Senna alcançou as suas três últimas pole-positions.
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Depois de um período de luto e consternação, o brasileiro foi substituído por David Coulthard e, mais tarde, por Nigel Mansell, que conquistou a sua última vitória na F1 aos comandos de um Williams-Renault na última prova da temporada na Austrália.
O duo de franceses da Ligier-Renault, composto por Eric Bernard e Olivier Panis, ainda conseguiu atingir um total de 13 pontos.
Vitórias do Williams-Renault nos Grande Prémios de Espanha, Grande-Bretanha, Bélgica, Itália, Portugal, Japão e Austrália.
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A temporada de 1995 ficou marcada pelas profundas alterações nos regulamentos da F1, com a capacidade dos motores a ser reduzida para os 3 litros e o fim das limitações ao número de reabastecimentos durante as provas e de consumos dos monolugares. O primeiro motor 3.0 da Renault foi posto à prova, pela primeira vez, nos bancos de ensaio de Viry-Châtillon a 25 de novembro de 1994 e, rapidamente, se afirmou como sendo o líder da classe, batendo a concorrência direta da Ferrari, Mercedes, Honda, Ford e Peugeot. A sua superioridade era tal que a Williams passou a ter de partilhar a sua utilização e os conhecimentos da Renault com outra equipa. E não era uma outra equipa qualquer, falamos da Benetton que tinha nas suas fileiras o Campeão do Mundo em título Michael Schumacher. 
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Tendo conquistado o título em 1994 ao volante de um Benetton-Ford, o alemão conseguiu manter-se como Campeão do Mundo de Pilotos em 1995 ao volante do Benetton B195 graças ao motor Renault RS7, que desenvolvia o mesmo nível de potência, mas era consideravelmente mais leve. As extraordinárias capacidades e prestações do motor RS7 permitiram aos Benetton B195 e aos Williams F17 e F17B dominarem por completo a temporada. Das 17 corridas da época, Schumacher venceu nove e o seu colega de equipa, Johnny Herbert, uma. Já Damon Hill no Williams venceu quatro Grande Prémios e o seu companheiro de equipa David Coulthard ultrapassou o jejum na F1 e amealhou a primeira vitória em Portugal.
O único “desmancha prazeres” foi Jean Alesi que defendeu a honra do convento para a Ferrari com uma vitória no Grande Prémio do Canadá.
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Schumacher, Hill, Coulthard e Herbert asseguraram, assim, os quatro primeiros lugares no Campeonato de Pilotos, enquanto a Benetton-Renault venceu a Williams-Renault no Campeonato de Construtores.
Vitórias da Benetton-Renault nos Grande Prémios do Brasil, Espanha, Mónaco, França, Grande Bretanha, Alemanha, Bélgica, Europa, Pacifico e Japão.
Vitórias da Williams-Renault nos Grandes Prémios da Argentina, San Marino, Hungria, Portugal e Austrália.
A Benetton-Renault venceu ambos os Campeonatos de Pilotos e Construtores, batendo a rival Williams-Renault.
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A pré-temporada de 1996 trouxe uma verdadeira avalanche de novidades no seio das duas equipas com motores Renault, com alterações de monta nos pilotos de fábrica. 
Na Williams, Hill viu-se a braços com um novo companheiro de equipa, na figura do franco-canadiano Jacques Villeneuve. Já na Benetton, as saídas de Schumacher e Herbert foram colmatadas com a entrada de dois dos mais mediáticos pilotos da F1 na altura: Jean Alesi e Gerhard Berger.
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Tanto o Williams FW18 como o Benetton B196 estavam equipados com o mesmo motor Renault RS8, ainda com o mesmo V a 67º, mas com menos 3,5 kg de peso que o antecessor RS7 e com 760 cv de potência às 14 500 rpm. 
Esta foi uma era dourada para a Williams-Renault, que amealhou 12 vitórias, num total de 16 corridas. Damon Hill saiu vitorioso em oito ocasiões, alcançando assim o título de Pilotos, com o jovem, na época, Villeneuve a somar quatro vitórias ao currículo e o título de vice-campeão do mundo, logo atrás do companheiro de equipa. Na Benetton, Jean Alesi ficou em quarto no campeonato, enquanto o colega de equipa Gerhard Berger se ficou pelo sexto lugar.
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Vitórias para a Williams-Renault nos Grande Prémios do Brasil, Argentina, Austrália, Europa, San Marino, Canadá, França, Grande Bretanha, Alemanha, Hungria, Portugal e Japão.
A Williams ganhou o título de Campeã do Mundo de Construtores, enquanto os seus pilotos, Hill e Villeneuve, arrebataram os dois primeiros lugares no campeonato de pilotos.
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O line-up de pilotos da Williams voltou a mudar na temporada de 1997, quando Heinz-Harald Frentzen substituiu Hill ao lado de Villeneuve. Já a Benetton manteve nas suas fileiras a dupla Alesi e Berger. Tanto o chassis FW19 da Williams, como o B197 da Benetton, estavam equipados com o novo motor Renault Sport RS9. O V10 com um ângulo mais aberto (71º) era 2,5 cm mais baixo e uns incríveis 11 kg mais leve (apenas 121 kg no total) do que o antecessor. Com 760 cv às 14 600 rpm, o RS9 assumiu-se, assim, como uma verdadeira jóia da tecnologia e do estado da arte na época.
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Villeneuve teve mais uma época gloriosa, tendo vencido sete Grande Prémios e arrebatado o título de Campeão do Mundo de Pilotos. Heinz-Harald Frentzen somou mais uma vitória ao currículo da Williams, em 1997, e deu o seu contributo para o título de Construtores que a equipa arrecadou no final da temporada. Já a Benetton-Renault ficou no terceiro lugar do campeonato.
Vitórias da Williams-Renault nos Grande Prémios do Brasil, Argentina, San Marino, Espanha, Grande Bretanha, Hungria, Áustria e Luxemburgo. 
Os pilotos da equipa garantiram os 1º e 2º lugares no campeonato de Pilotos e a Williams-Renault arrebatou o quinto título de Construtores em seis épocas.
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A Renault saiu do Grande Prémio de Jerez, o último da temporada de 1997, com uma mistura de emoções. Por um lado, tinha ajudado a Wiliams a conquistar mais um título mundial e a culminar uma época de grandes sucessos. Por outro lado, tinham anunciado o abandono e a saída oficial do grande “circo” da Fórmula 1, no final dessa temporada.
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No entanto, ninguém estava preparado para relegar o evoluído e potente RS9 para o estatuto de peça de museu e os especialistas em engenharia de precisão da Mécachrome – parceiros da Renault há muito tempo, aceitaram manter a mecânica em utilização, mas com um novo nome de batismo. Pela segunda vez na história, a Renault manteve-se em observação enquanto o, agora, Mécachrome GC37-01 era utilizado nos Williams FW20 de Villeneuve e Frentzen durante a temporada de 1998. A mesma unidade, sob a designação Playlife GC37-01, estava montada nos Benetton B198 de Giancarlo Fisichella e de Alexander Wurz, mas, infelizmente, sem registo de qualquer vitória.
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O RS9 foi, novamente, rebatizado e de Mécachrome passou a Supertec. Esta mudança, no entanto, não se traduziu em melhorias significativas ou em grandes resultados, mesmo com a adição de uma terceira equipa ao portfólio. Assim, a BAR-Supertec, com Jacques Villeneuve e Ricardo Zonta, juntou-se aos Benetton-Playlife B199 de Fisichella e Wurz e aos Williams-Supertec FW21 de Ralf Schumacher e Alessandro Zanardi.
Factos e figuras
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Thierry Boutsen
Com reputação de ser agressivo e muito forte dentro das pistas, mas afável e tranquilo fora delas, o belga Thierry Boutsen nasceu a 13 de julho de 1957. Boutsen esteve dois anos na Williams-Renault, equipa com a qual venceu três Grande Prémios.
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Nigel Mansell
O britânico nasceu a 8 de agosto de 1953 e passou boa parte da carreira na F1, aos comandos de Lotus, Ferrari e Williams. O mítico Enzo Ferrari foi, aliás, dos “patrões” que mais elogiou a capacidade de trabalho e o espírito combativo de Mansell. Nigel Mansell venceu 31 Grande Prémios de F1, 28 dos quais ao volante de um Williams.
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David Coulthard
Nascido a 27 de março de 1971, o escocês David Coulthard não teve uma estreia fácil na disciplina rainha do desporto automóvel, tendo sido chamado, sem aviso prévio, para substituir o falecido Ayrton Senna na Williams-Renault. Embora Coulthard tenha encarado o desafio com coragem e espirito de sacrifício, só no ano seguinte, no Grande Prémio do Estoril, em Portugal, é que alcançou a primeira vitória com a equipa.
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Michael Scumacher
Com sete títulos de Campeão do Mundo, Michael Schumacher é um dos melhor-sucedidos e geniais pilotos de F1 de todos os tempos. Nascido a 3 de janeiro de 1969, Schumacher conquistou o primeiro título de pilotos, em 1994, aos comandos de um Benetton-Ford, título que revalidou em 1995, ao volante de um Benetton-Renault. De 2000 a 2004, ganhou cinco Campeonatos consecutivos com a Ferrari. Até ser ultrapassado por Lewis Hamilton na temporada de 2020 da F1, Schumacher detinha o maior número de vitórias, com 91 em 307 Grande Prémios disputados.
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Johnny Herbert
Nascido a 25 de junho de 1964, Johnny Herbert pilotou para uma variedade de diferentes equipas de F1, tanto como piloto oficial, como piloto de substituição. A melhor temporada do britânico foi a de 1995, quando correu com o Benetton-Renault e alcançou duas das suas três vitórias da carreira na F1.
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Damon Hill
Filho do bi-Campeão do Mundo de F1 (1962 e 1968) Graham Hill, Damon Hill nasceu a 17 de setembro de 1960. Paciente, mas determinado, o britânico mostrou a sua imensa coragem ao assumir o papel de piloto principal da equipa Wiliams-Renault quando substituiu o malogrado Ayrton Senna, em 1994. Damon Hill conquistou 22 vitórias em Grande Prémios de F1 e apenas uma não foi obtida ao volante de um Williams-Renault.
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Jacques Villeneuve
Nascido a 9 de abril de 1971, Jacques Villeneuve é o filho pródigo de Giles Villeneuve, também ele um dos mais reputados pilotos de F1 e que, infelizmente, perdeu a vida num acidente, ao volante de um Ferrari, em 1981. À imagem do pai, a carreira e a chegada de Jacques à F1 não seguiu os “trâmites” habituais e foi dos poucos pilotos a chegar à F1, depois de uma bem-sucedida carreira no outro lado do Atlântico, tendo, inclusivamente, vencido as míticas 500 Milhas de Indianápolis, em 1995. Na F1, o Franco-Canadiano venceu 11 Grande Prémios, todos ao volante de um Williams-Renault.
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Heinz-Harald Frentzen
Heinz-Harald Frentzen nasceu a 18 de maio de 1967 e chegou à F1 através de uma prolífica carreira nas corridas de resistência. Graças às suas incríveis prestações, o alemão acabou por chamar a atenção dos responsáveis da Williams-Renault, mas, desde cedo, revelou dificuldades para acompanhar o ritmo do companheiro de equipa, Jacques Villeneuve, que também se revelou mais forte psicologicamente.
Saiba mais sobre a história da Renault na F1 nos links abaixo:
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Renault na F1: Os loucos anos 70 da “chaleira amarela” que se tornou uma vencedora
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Renault na F1: Nos anos 80, as vitórias tornaram-se um hábito!
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emilianowpnf129 · 2 years
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Anpassen Von Rohren 200-zellen-katalysator Rennkatalysator Für Audi Ttrs 8s Rs3 8v Ttrs 2 5 Tfsi
Um ein erneutes Auftreten emissionsbezogener Probleme zu vermeiden, lesen Sie die folgenden Schritte, die vor dem Austausch eines Wandlers an einem mit einem OBDII-System ausgestatteten Fahrzeug durchgeführt werden sollten. Lesen Sie weiter, um Antworten auf viele häufig gestellte Fragen und Missverständnisse zu Katalysatoren zu erhalten. Wir führen auf Lager einen riesigen Bestand an Katalysatoren und Sauerstoffsensoren für die meisten Marken und Modelle von Autos und leichten Lastwagen, Import und Inland.
Katalysatoren, die glänzenden bauchigen Apparate, die zwischen dem Motor eines Autos und dem Schalldämpfer zu finden sind, könnten wie ein unwahrscheinliches Ziel einer nationalen Verbrechenswelle erscheinen. Der Katalysator spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der Abgasanlage Ihres Autos; es filtert schädliche Schadstoffe aus den Motorabgasen in umweltfreundlichere Verbindungen. Es befindet sich unter Ihrem Auto und ist mit der Abgasanlage verbunden. Seine Hauptfunktion besteht darin, die drei schädlichen Verbindungen umzuwandeln; Kohlenmonoxid, unverbrannter Kraftstoff und Stickoxide in Kohlendioxid, Wasser und Stickstoff. Die heißen Abgase des Motors strömen durch die „Auspuffrohre“ in den Katalysator.
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Ok. Werden wir mal etwas konkreter … mal angenommen ihr könntet ein Wochenende mit unserem @audi_de RS3 Sportback inklusive 500 Freikilometer gewinnen, wie würdet ihr dieses verbringen❓ ⬇️ Folgt uns für weiteren Audi Content ➡️ @leagueofperformance306 ⬅️ Euer Team #leagueofperformance306 🤵🏼‍♂️👨🏼‍💼🐻👨🏽‍💼liefert euch euch den besten Audi ⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️Content. Not your average Car-Sales-Team😎 ⬇️ Kennt ihr schon unseren Podcast❓🎤🎧 ➡️ @drive_in_lop306_podcast ⬅️ Hört mal rein👂 . *keine offizielle Seite vom Audi Zentrum Wuppertal* Kooperations/Sponsorenanfragen gerne per DM📥 .⁣ .⁣ ———————————————————— #audi #audirs3 #5zylinder #quattro #audilove #rs3club #rs3addict #car #carporn #audia3 #rs3 #rs #rs3sedan #grey #rs38v #rs3fanpage #turbo #hypecars #audirs3ttrsclub #audirs6 #performance #carsovereverything #rs6 #wheel #luxurycars #stance #ceramic #dreamcar (hier: Audi Zentrum Wuppertal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZEzvu-sET5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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en-wheelz-me · 8 months
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With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph No99201390.
No.2423 /QU/Zahid
LAHORE, Dec. 30:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar chaired a meeting at his office about the higher education department in which progress on the establishment of universities was reviewed. The CM directed to speedily resolve issues relating to new universities' establishment as the facility would, particularly, benefit female students of remote areas.
The CM gave in-principle approval to transfer state lands for the establishment of new colleges in different areas as the government was striving to extend facilities of higher education to the youth at their doorstep. The government was committed to transforming Punjab into a hub of higher education and improving the international ranking of Punjab based universities is sanguine; he added and directed to take steps to establish colleges in remote areas. The Lahore Technopolis would prove a game-changer initiative, he said. Punjab was being transformed through the promotion of quality education; he maintained and vowed to ensure ease in education promotion for the private sector.
Provincial ministers Raja Yasir Humayun, Hashim Jawan Bakht, SMBR, secretary higher education and others attended the meeting.
LAHORE, Dec. 30:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has expressed a deep sense of sorrow over the death of veteran journalist Tanvir Zaidi, father of DGPR officer Haseeb Zaidi.
In a statement, the CM extended sympathies to the bereaved family and prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the departed soul in eternal peace.
No. 2425/QU/Zahid
LAHORE, Dec. 30:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has approved over Rs7.3 million for the treatment of nine deserving patients suffering from different diseases.
Rs3 million have been issued to Saher Fatima of Lahore for her bone marrow treatment, Rs3.6 lakh for liver patient Aftab Hussain of Sheikhupura, Rs0.5 million for the treatment of Aas Muhammad of Sheikhupura, Rs7.5 lakh for Abdul Samad Khan of Kamoki tehsil of Gujranwala, Rs2.40 lakh for kidney patient Muhammad Afzal Tarar of Wazirabad, seven lakh, 36 thousand 500 rupees for neuro patient Uzma Iqbal of Khushab, 1042500 rupees for Rubina Tabbasum of Hafizabad, Rs2 lakh for kidney patient Manzoor Ahmed and 5.31 lakh rupees have been approved for liver patient Zareena Kauser of Kasur who is under treatment at PKLI.
In a statement, the CM vowed to continue serving the ailing humanity as helping the needy was a noble cause and he devoted the coveted post to serve the people in need.
No.2426 /QU/Zahid
LAHORE, Dec. 30:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has strongly condemned India atrocities against oppressed Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir and regretted that India has crossed all limits to unleash hell in Occupied Kashmir.
In a statement, the CM regretted that India is constantly engaged in the extrajudicial killings of hapless Kashmiris for a long period adding that oppressed Kashmiri youth is killed mercilessly every day. The silence of the international community over the Indian spate of terrorism is unjustified and the world should awake from slumber to take notice of the cruelties meted out against Kashmiris in IOK, he said.
The CM asserted that the nefarious Indian designs aimed at changing the obvious majority of Kashmiris into a minority through genocide would be foiled and asked the UN to intervene for playing its role. The state-sponsored brutalities in IOK would come to an end and the freedom of Kashmiris is not far; he added and repeated that Pakistan firmly stands with Kashmiris as both are conjoined twins. India cannot continue its illegal occupation through torture and barbarity as Pakistan is firmly standing with the oppressed Kashmiris; he said and urged India to understand that Kashmiris' right to self-determination could not be suppressed through barbarity and torture.
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No.2427 /QU/Mujahid
LAHORE, Dec. 30:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has condoled the death of Giani Sardar Rovail Singh Khalsa, father of provincial parliamentary secretary for human rights and minorities affairs Mahinder Pall Singh. In a statement, the CM extended sympathies to Mahinder Pall Singh adding that he is saddened over the passing away of his father.
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photos-car · 1 year
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smashhunter437 · 3 years
Finite Element Analysis Software
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In addition to supporting fluid dynamics models, OpenFOAM simulation software has a wide range of finite element analysis features. In other words, you can use OpenFOAM to analyze structures and thermal properties of systems as well as modelling. FEA capabilities can also solve transport and electromagnetic problems.
Best software to do finite element analysis? Abaquas is the best software which i have ever seen to analysis the displacement and deformation of different nodes. Finite Element Method.
The online Finite Element Analysis software component of SimScale enables you to perform simulations of structures, including linear static and nonlinear quasi-static analyses. In a linear case with applied static loads, the structural response can be determined in a single step. All types of nonlinearities can also be taken into account.
Finite Element Analysis Software Tutorial
Finite Element Analysis Software Civil Engineering
The Finite Element (FEA) Software Market Intelligence study is a collection of authentic information and in-depth analysis of data, taking into account market trends, growth prospects, emerging sectors, challenges, and drivers that can help investors and parties stakeholders to identify the most beneficial approaches for the contemporary. and the potential market landscape. It provides essential information on current and projected market growth. It also focuses on technologies, volumes, materials, and markets along with an in-depth market analysis of the Finite Element (FEA) Software industry. The study contains a section devoted to profiling dominant companies while indicating their market shares.
RS3 (formerly RS 3) is designed for 3D analysis of geotechnical structures for civil and mining applications.Applicable for both rock and soil as a general-purpose finite element analysis program for underground excavations, tunnel and support design, surface excavation, foundation design, embankments, consolidation, groundwater seepage and more.
Subject matter experts consciously strive to analyze how some entrepreneurs manage to maintain a competitive advantage while others fail, which makes the research interesting. A quick review of realistic competitors makes the overall study much more interesting. Opportunities that help product owners evaluate their business also contribute to the overall study.
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Competitive landscape
The report highlights key information on company profiles, product portfolio, growth prospects, cost assessment, total revenue, revenue, market share of key regions, established companies and emerging players. The study includes a SWOT analysis of the major players in the Finite Element (FEA) Software industry market to assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and examines the internal and external environment of the company, as well as the present elements that could influence the industry growth.
The assessment also includes production and consumption rates, gross income, as well as the average product price and market shares of major players. The information collected is then broken down by regional markets, production facilities, and types of products available on the market. Other key points such as competitive analysis and trends, rate of concentration, mergers, and acquisitions, expansion tactics which are essential for starting a business in the industry have also been included in the report.
Segmentation Analysis
The report provides a comprehensive analysis of various market segments through the study of product lines, applications, major regions, and industry leaders. In addition, the report also devotes a detailed analysis of the manufacturing process to a single section which includes information gathered through primary and secondary data collection sources. The primary source of data collection is interviews with industry experts who provide accurate information about the future market scenario
Request a Discount on the report @ https://reportsglobe.com/ask-for-discount/?rid=289517
Finite Element (FEA) Software Market Segmentation:
Finite Element (FEA) Software Market, By Application (2016-2027)
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Large Enterprises
Finite Element (FEA) Software Market, By Product (2016-2027)
Cloud Based
Major Players Operating in the Finite Element (FEA) Software Market:
Dassault Systemes
MSC Software Corp
Siemens PLM Software
Altair Engineering
ESI Group
NEi Software
Regional Analysis:
The report provides information about the market area, which is further subdivided into sub-regions and countries. In addition to market share in each country and subregion, this chapter of this report also provides information on profit opportunities. This chapter of the report mentions the share and market growth rate of each region, country, and sub-region in the estimated time period.
North America (USA, Canada)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam)
Middle East and Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa, Israel, Egypt, Nigeria)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru).
For More Information on this report, Request Inquiry @https://reportsglobe.com/product/finite-element-fea-software/
Key questions answered in the report:
What is the growth potential of the Finite Element (FEA) Software market?
Which product segment will have the lion’s share?
Which regional market will pioneer in the coming years?
Which application segment will grow sustainably?
What growth opportunities could arise in the Finite Element (FEA) Software industry in the coming years?
What are the greatest challenges that the Finite Element (FEA) Software market could face in the future?
Who are the leading companies in the Finite Element (FEA) Software market?
What are the main trends that will positively affect the growth of the market?
What are the growth strategies players are pursuing to maintain their position in the Finite Element (FEA) Software market?
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When engineers are performing finite element analysis to visualize the product, it will react to the real world forces like fluid flow, heat, and vibrations, they will be able to use software like finite element analysis software. These free FEA software comparison can be used for analyzing which software will be perfect for FEA analysis. Many of FEA software, free download are available and certainly open source FEA software can be used if you want to edit the codes.
This is a freeware that can be used for 3D structural FEA analysis. Models can be created using this software and calculations can be done after post-processing. It has an interactive 3D tool which will be able to do post and pre-processing of the models. Users will be able to get static, thermal and dynamic solutions to all the models.
Agros 2D
This freeware can be used for creating numerical solutions for the various physical fields. It will be a time-dependent nonlinear solver and can be used for steady state analysis, harmonic and transient analysis. Particles can be traced in the electromagnetic fields and it has a user-friendly pre-possessor and post-processor. It supports scripting in Python language.
Code Aster
This free software can be used for thermomechanics and structural analysis. It can be used for comparing the test and calculations are done during the analysis. The calculations can be done and it will comply with laws of physics like Moore’s law. The operators can be used for analyzing the dynamic behavior of different structures.
Finite Element Analysis Software Tutorial
Z88 Mobile – FEM FEA for Android
This Android app can be used for free to draw beam structures and for performing finite element analysis. It can be used for analyzing beams, trusses, and planes and it will be able to perform a full-featured continuum of the FEA elements such as plane stress elements and various other elements. The projects can be uploaded with Z88V14 OS and the app can be accessed in two modes namely beginner and professional. Graphical offline documentation of the analysis is possible along with online documentation. Content
Nairn FEA MPM for Mac
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This free software is compatible with the Mac platform and can be used for performing advanced scientific calculations with the usage of FEA analysis and material point method calculations. The code engines that are used in this software are embedded and the main application will be visual front where all the calculations can be set up and run.
Elmer Finite Element Software for Windows
This free software is compatible with the Windows platform and is an open source software that can be used for finite element analysis and for many multi-physical problems. It can be used for obtaining the numerical solutions of the partial differential equations. It generally includes models of fluid dynamics, heat transfer, structural mechanics and much more.
FreeFem++ Most Popular Software
This freeware is a popular partial differential equation solver that can be used to solve multi-physics systems. It will be non-linear in both 2D and 3D. The problems could be based on any field like fluid structure interactions or meshes which can be manipulated in this software. You can also see Web Log Analysis Software
How to Install Finite Element Analysis Software?
Most of the finite element analysis software that is available online can be used for free to download software onto the system. The system requirements should be checked to make sure that everything is met like memory requirement, operating system, etc. After that users will be able to download the software by clicking the download link. The file can be unzipped and the installation file should be run. The software can be saved in any desired location. You can also see Swot Analysis Software
This software can be used for finite element analysis is various fields like electric currents, magnetic field, heat transfer, RF field and acoustics. Parallelization can be done with the MPI and it has an active user community. Extensive support will be provided for the different element types.
Finite Element Analysis Software Civil Engineering
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waldautosport · 3 years
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El NUEVO RS3 Sportback de Audi viene con un motor de 5 cilindros turboalimentado de 2.5L, 400 caballos de fuerza y 500 Nm de torque en las versiones Sportback y Sedan.⁠ El sprint de 0 a 100 km / h tarda 3,8 segundos.⁠ La velocidad máxima es de 290 km / h.⁠ ¿Qué versión elegirías tú? 🤔🔥⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ The NEW RS3 Sportback from Audi comes with a 2.5L turbocharged 5-cylinder engine, 400 horsepower, and 500 Nm of torque in both Sportback and Sedan versions.⁠ The sprint from 0-100 km/h takes 3.8 seconds. ⁠ The top speed is 290 km/h.⁠ What version would you choose?🤔🔥⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ @audidriven @audicarsworld @audi_area @audirspower_ @audiengine @audipixs @audi_regram @audivines @german_forum_cars @audiquattrolove @audime⠀⠀⁠ @audi.followers @audi_obsession @audi_city @audi.clique @audiautomotive @audiquattrolove @audibestpicture @audi.crew @audi.area @aud1.lovers @audi.swiss @audi.addicts⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #audirs3 #rs3 #sline #audilovers #audia6 #rs3sportback #carporn #rs7 #audigramm #rs6 #audiclub #audi_official #audilover #cars⁠ #audilovers❤️ #audidaily #audimania #audiforlife #audisportclub #audirs3sportback #audirs3 #audirs3quattro #audis3sportback #audiquattrosport⁠ .⁠ Picture by @audi.loversss @auditography (at Marseille) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSR3So7Njjm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theautomotivetimes · 3 years
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🚨 All new AUDI RS3 (revealed) - The Unmatched Sportiness . . Technical Specifications: ➡️ Engine: 2.5L Turbocharged 5-Cylinder Petrol. (The 2.5 TFSI has won the “International Engine of the Year” award 9 times in a row) ➡️ Max. Power: 400 PS ➡️ Max. Torque: 500 Nm ( Capable to deliver Max 1750 Nm of torque to one rear wheel using Torque Splitter) ➡️ Gearbox: 7-Speed DCT (Quattro-All Wheel Drive) ➡️ Top Speed: 250 kmph (limited) upto 290 kmph ➡️ 0-100 kmph: 3.8 seconds 🔴 TORQUE SPLITTER TECHNOLOGY: The new Audi RS 3 is the first Audi model that comes standard-equipped with a torque splitter. It replaces the rear axle differential and the previous multiple disc clutch package on the rear axle. Instead, an electronically controlled multiple disc clutch is used on each of the drive shafts. This ensures that the right amount of torque is optimally distributed along the rear axle. The new technology also makes controlled drifts on closed-off tracks possible – in this case, the torque splitter directs all of the power to only one of the rear wheels, with up to 1,750 newton meters per wheel possible. . . @audi @audiin @audiofficial @audisport . . ➡️ Do follow @theautomotivetimes.at . . #theautomotivetimes #car #audi #audiRS3 #audicar #newRS3 #RS3sportback #RS3sedan #AllnewAudiRS3 #RS3 #audicars #audisport #audi #audiRS3sedan #AudiRS3sportback #TFSI #5cylinder #5cylinderengine #turbo #hothatch #sedan #hatchback #luxurycar #sportscar #latest #trending #carporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CRl_2pwAUk7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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