kushami-hime · 2 years
Messy S/higaraki (MESS WARNING)
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ah, just wanted to get some messy art out (subject matter wise AND literally) so have some snotty shiggy ;u;
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alphabetatoes · 2 months
a.n.: omg hey guys :-) jjk wild west au is back in action
c.w.: mdni, 18+, hiromi finally hits
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when deputy sheriff!higuruma hears a knock on his front door, he doesn't expect to see you standing there. he's still half hard and your big eyes looking up at him are doing no favors.
you ask him sweetly to let you in, and it's only then that deputy sheriff!higuruma realizes he's been staring at you without a word. he ushers you into the living room, eager yet nervous to pick your brain.
"i know you saw me with nanami, higgy." the elephant in the room comes barging in. deputy sheriff!higuruma doesn't even know how to begin to express his feelings- so he asks a simple question. "are you with him?"
and your giggle is something he doesn't expect. "is that what you were worried about, sweet boy?" he's confused for a moment, but you explain to deputy sheriff!higuruma that it's just something casual.
"were you jealous?" you can't help but smirk at how your question gets him riled up. and deputy sheriff!higuruma only nods. as you saunter over to him, his cheeks rouge and immediately give away his longing for you. when you come over to straddle hiim, he's only able to utter out two words. "I- yes."
deputy sheriff!higuruma loves how your lips are sweet like the treats you make for him. his hands rake through your hair, anchoring you to him. and when you bite down on his lip, he's done for. soft moans melt into your mouth as he utters sweet nothings into you. "my good girl. you're my everything."
he's lost in the way your hips so perfectly grind against his hard on. deputy sheriff!higuruma would burst on the spot were he not holding out for you. and when you whisper in his ear, he;s immediately moving his hands from your head to undo his belt buckle. "need you now, higgy." your whines are quicky answered, as he releases his cock from its restraint.
deputy sheriff!higuruma is desperate to please you, cautious in his movements as he doesn't want to jeopardize what he's waited for for so long. and the precum soaking his tip only aids in that want.
his hands come to your waist, guiding you carefully down on his tip. deputy sheriff!higuruma knows he won't last long. once his shaft has entered into you, your walls clamp down on him and move in a way that he can only describe as heavenly. "feels so good, hiro- stretching me out so well."
you know you won't last much longer. the girth of his cock stretches you out well, and, mixed with the way you're sucking him in, feels purely orgasmic. as he feels that coil in his stomach, deputy sheriff!higuruma leans into you. "may i cum in you, good girl?" you nod your head yes, tears pricking your eyes as you feel your finish washing over you.
deputy sheriff!higuruma finishes soon after you, letting his cum fill you up. he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him. nuzzling into the crook of your neck, he can't help but whisper a "thank you." into your ear. the genuine nature of the comment causes you to smile, tired but ultimately content.
and deputy sheriff!higuruma has one final request. "stay with me tonight?" you're more than happy to oblige.
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kampeszino · 4 months
Peer Krisztián: Belső emigráció
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„a nyelv enyém de züllött gyáva népet
s hazát mint aki kutyaszarba lépett
cipőm talpán nem hurcolok magammal
söprik az utcát közeleg a hajnal”
(Csordás Gábor)
Át a síneken, hosszan a földúton.
Kié Magyarország?
Tejföl jó lesz hozzá, tejföllel jó lesz,
jobbágy, aki mondja.
Az államtól lopni? Nemhogy nem bűn,
de a legnagyobb hőstett.
Eldugni a termést, bírni az erőset.
Azért van a világ, hogy otthon legyek benne!
Csak úgy vagyok nyugodt.
Hagyjad már, jó lesz az úgy, nem te fogsz itt lakni.
Távolról megszeretni,
visszavágyni a szeplőktől megszépült nyárba.
Miniatürizált testutazókra adott
spontán immunválasz
az amerikai mintára készült szovjet sci-fiben.
Kudarcunk elfeledni, száraz anyafölddel befedni,
csorba cserépben csakazértis felcseperedni.
Az udvariasságot a legtöbbre becsülni.
Komcsi bácsi, náci bácsi – tessék leülni!
Annyira jól indult, ne rontsuk el politikával!
Mennyire látszik rajtam, hogy magyar vagyok?
Hosszan a földúton,
én már nem háborúzom.
Várt rám ez a kunyhó, ami palotává tágult –
a piacon a sajtos egy életmódot árult,
és diót héjasan, túl drágán – de megtörni nem.
Én már megértettem, de Pestről ti sosem:
annyira falu, hogy itt végre
békén hagy Magyarország.
Mit érdemes olvasni elsötétítés alatt?
Ehhez képest csak kacsalábon forgó kaloda,
kutyaparadicsom, fahazugság Buda.
Gyeptéglalépték, szartűrő flóra,
de higgy, amit gondolsz.
Hosszan a földúton, haza még nem értem,
de végre ért a haza,
eltévedések halmaza…
Csak gyütt, de sajnos nem ment.
Álmában még az is gépen száll fölébe,
kinek a konzervgyár úgy pottyant ölébe,
ahogy a kerttel a felelősség rám hull,
habár csak bérelem beteg barackfástul.
Forrás: Peer Krisztián – bizony; Jelenkor Kiadó, 2022.
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Ez most biztosan Coelho-szerű bölcselkedésnek fog tűnni, de betegnek lenni jó. Minél többet veszítesz, annál könnyebb leszel. Nem, nem csak a súlyra gondolok (eszembe jut a most 87 éves apám, aki annyira vékony és madárszerű lett, hogy magam sem lepődnék meg, ha azt látnám, hogy hirtelen ötlettől vezérelve felemelkedne, és repülne pár kört a város fölött), hanem arra, hogy minden veszteség egyben áldás is. Amikor otthagytuk Magyarországot, sokmindenről lemomondtunk. Szétosztottuk vagy ötezer könyvünket a barátok, kollégák között, és ugyanezt tettem a vagy harminc éven át gyűjtött csetreszeimmel (kerámiák, régi lámpák, másnak talán teljesen értéktelennek tűnő tárgyak garmadája). Meglepően könnyű volt lemondani azokról a dolgokról, amiket olyan nagy szenvedéllyel és szeretettel gyűjtöttem annyi évtizeden át. Úgy is el lehet veszíteni (elengedni) dolgokat, hogy nem a keserűség növekszik benned, hanem a felszabadultság érzése. Két bőrönddel költöztünk ki Portugáliába (no meg két macskával és egy kutyával). A legszükségesebb ruhákon kívül csak pár verseskötetet hoztunk ki. "Meghalni – elszunnyadni – semmi több" - írja Shakespeare tanár úr. Igaza van. Mindent el kell engedni. Legfőképp a büszkeséget. Mégis: mire lennél büszke? Arra, hogy szerinted jó tanár voltál? Ki emlékszik már arra? Tedd a szívedre a kezed, és vallj színt! Hát nem a rák a legjobb tanár? Ha nem lenne, szart se tudnál az életről. Eddig csak a ködben hajóztál, most majd végre láthatod a túlsó partot, ha van. "Mert hogy mi álmok jőnek a halálban, Ha majd leráztuk mind e földi bajt, Ez visszadöbbent." Hagyd hát ezt az egész szarságot, és figyeld a macskákat. Nem csak az eleganciájuk elképesztő, de az is, hogy állítólag 9 életük van. Jó, te soha nem leszel olyan szerethető, mint egy macska, de legalább van esélyed. Higgy a lét elviselhető könnyűségében.
"Indulj dalom, bátor dalom, sápadva nézze röptöd, aki nyomodba köpköd: a fájdalom.  
Az életen, a szinten, a fénybe kell kerengni, légy mint a minden, te semmi.  
Ne mondd te ezt se, azt se, hamist se és igazt se, ne mondd, mi fáj tenéked, ne kérj vigaszt se. Légy mint a fű-fa, élő, csoda és megcsodáló, titkát ki-nem-beszélő, röpülő, meg-nem-álló.  
Légy az, ami a bölcs kéj fölhámja, a gyümölcshéj remek ruhája, zöld szín fán, tengeren a fölszín: mélységek látszata.
Hát légy üres te s könnyű, könnyű, örökre-játszó, látó, de messze-látszó, tarkán lobogva száz szó selymével, mint a zászló, vagy szappanbuborék fenn, szelek között, az égben s élj addig, míg a lélek, szépség, vagy a szeszélyek, mert - isten engem - én is, én is csak addig élek.  
Menj mély fölé derengni, burkolva, játszi szinben, légy mint a semmi, te minden."
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karasukarei · 5 months
For this Ask Game:
1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24!!!
no need to ask 12; I already know the answer anyway bwahahahhahahaaha
Wow, looks like a lot!
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1: Favourite drawing from this year - The mononoke movie one!
4: Favourite character you've drawn - Kusuriuri (his face details are super fun)
5: Favourite little detail in a drawing you did - Purah (without her glasses) is somewhere in here, and one of the guardians is not acting the way it should.
6: Longest a drawing has taken to finish: if you include the initial scrapped drafts and multiple rewatches to figure out a workable composition, this one (almost 4 months from start to end, though the amount of time spent working on it was closer to 2+ weeks, which is unusually long for me)
11: Artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style - NGL I usually follow the style of the source material as close as I can, so in a sense it's all the animators who have worked on the anime for the fandoms I've drawn for, but the period I spent spamming Promare fanart heavily influenced my workflow and colour choice.
19: Any collabs you've done/would want to do - there's that sketch/lineart/colour one ;-; but I have no guts to ask anyone to do it with me orz
20: What do you think you've improved on the most over the past year - Incorporating environmental colours into shading (received a lot of pointers on this from several kind people ;-;)
21: What do you want to work on the most next: Either something from Mononoke or Higgy (not gonna be for a long while though cos school starts next week ;-;)
22: What are you best at drawing/doing: Choosing colour palettes.
24: What do you like most about your art style: I guess the colour choices are pretty nice.
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axeknee · 1 year
Well I stopped reading for a little bit to focus more on other things but I did really enjoy it, as well as making art of it. So here's the list of books I read, in order, as part of my incomplete bucket list (read 50, 100, 500 books) that I will try to make art of eventually, with completed art marked *
1. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes* by Suzanne Collins
2. The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters
3. The Chalk Man* by C. J. Tudor
4. The Incarnations* by Susan Barker
5. The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor
6. The Girl With All The Gifts* by M. R. Carey
7. Apt Pupil by Stephen King
8. A Marvellous Light* by Freya Marske
9. Shawshank Redemption* by Stephen King
10. Witchmark* by C. L. Polk
11. Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton
12. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
13. The Need by Helen Phillips
14. The History of Mischief by Rebecca Higgie
15. Gallowglass by S. J. Morden
16. Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence
17. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
18. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
19. Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
20. The Liar's Key by Mark Lawrence
21. The Wheel of Osheim by Mark Lawrence
22. Silver In The Wood by Emily Tesh
23. Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
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jessicatheshark · 1 year
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andrea-777 · 1 year
2023 egy új év, egy új kezdet, egy új esély. Tudom, hogy azt reméled, hogy ez egy jobb év lesz és a tavaly erős voltál most pedig boldog akarsz lenni…Bízz! Higgy! S ne add fel! Egy életed van… hát élj! Te alakítod az életed!
Ne csak reménykedj,hogy jobb lesz tegyél is érte!
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bulgariansumo · 1 year
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Here’s some Roxie sprites too. These were actually done yesterday. Both of these (+ the Higgy ones) are at least somewhat inspired by Fields of Mistria, an upcoming indie farming sim with a 90′s anime style. 
The first one was me trying to make the sprite match my own style, and the second is me trying to match FoM more closely.
Before posting this, I took like 30 minutes to make some talking animations.
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kushami-hime · 2 years
Tsumeko learns about S/higgy’s lonely game nights on LoL
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I’ve never wanted to bully a fictional character so bad but I do it out of love, I promise lmao
He’ll probably find a way to shut her up eventually ;D
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gerritcole-coded · 2 years
I thought it might be fun to make a baseball tag meme! Feel free to fill it out if you want, but no pressure to tag anyone or anything. Clean copy will be in replies
My team(s): Yankees
If I had to pick a division rival: Blue Jays
If I had to pick a team from the other league: Cubs. I was actually in Chicago when the won the World Series, which was really cool! I bought a special Pepsi can even though I wasn't even in the baseball at that point.
My favorite player(s) on my team: a lot of them lol. Judge, Cole, Higgy, and Nestor are the names that come to mind immediately
My favorite player(s) NOT on my team: Joey Gallo and Vlad Guerrero Jr
Favorite way to watch/listen to the game: YES network on TV or the app. I love watching with my dad
Who I'm rooting for in the World Series: *deep sigh* I don't like either of the teams, but I hate the Astros more, so not them
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darkbabygirl30 · 1 month
Ne hidd, ne hidd sosem, hogy maradék vagy. Bármi történt veled a múltban. Bárhogy bántottak, bárhogy kínoztak. Az érzéseid emelnek fel oda, hová megbántóid soha nem érhetnek fel. Mindig különleges voltál, mindig, most is az vagy, mikor elvesztetted a hited.
El. Magadban, magadban azt gondolod nem vagy elég jó, mert csak "Maradéka" vagy annak, mi voltál. Azt gondolod nem vagy elég, pedig nincs igazad. Volt...Van... és Lesz, kinek nemcsak elég lennél, hanem a mindene lennél.
Kinek így kellesz, kinek pont így kellesz, kinek érték az érzésed, a bánatod, és a könnyed. Neki sosem leszel Maradék, higgy neki, mert ő is Valaminek, és Valakinek a maradéka.
Veled lesz teljes újra, Veled fog hinni újra saját magában, lelkében, és szívében lévő űrt Te tudod kitölteni. Más nem, csak egy olyan lélek, mi ugyanúgy maradéknak hiszi magát. S ha e két "maradék" összefonja két kezét akkor ujjaik közül virág fog serkenni, és nem fájdalom.
Ha két fájó szív igazán összeforr, akkor a fájdalom elhagyja őket, el. Elmegy megkeresni azokat kik darabokat szakítottak ki belőlük, és magány formájában őket fogja darabokra szaggatni....
Ami másnak csak emberi lom, és eldobni való, másnak az élete kincse lehet, miért élni érdemes... ❤️
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kampeszino · 1 year
Radnóti: Első ecloga
Quippe ubi fas versum atque nefas: tot bella per orbem, tam multae scelerum facies;... Vergilius
  PÁSZTOR: Régen láttalak erre, kicsalt a rigók szava végre? KÖLTŐ: Hallgatom, úgy teli zajjal az erdő, itt a tavasz már! PÁSZTOR: Nem tavasz ez még, játszik az ég, nézd csak meg a tócsát, most lágyan mosolyog, de ha éjszaka fagy köti tükrét rádvicsorít! mert április ez, sose higgy a bolondnak, - már elfagytak egészen amott a kicsiny tulipánok. Mért vagy olyan szomorú? nem akarsz ideülni a kőre? KÖLTŐ: Még szomorú se vagyok, megszoktam e szörnyü világot annyira, hogy már néha nem is fáj, - undorodom csak. PÁSZTOR: Hallom, igaz, hogy a vad Pirenéusok ormain izzó ágyucsövek feleselnek a vérbefagyott tetemek közt, s medvék és katonák együtt menekülnek el onnan; asszonyi had, gyerek és öreg összekötött batyuval fut s földrehasal, ha fölötte keringeni kezd a halál és annyi halott hever ott, hogy nincs aki eltakarítsa. Azt hiszem, ismerted Federícót,* elmenekült, mondd? KÖLTŐ: Nem menekült. Két éve megölték már Granadában. PÁSZTOR: Garcia Lorca halott! hogy senki se mondta nekem még! Háboruról oly gyorsan iramlik a hír, s aki költő így tünik el! hát nem gyászolta meg őt Európa? KÖLTŐ: Észre se vették. S jó, ha a szél a parázst kotorászva tört sorokat lel a máglya helyén s megjegyzi magának. Ennyi marad meg majd a kiváncsi utódnak a műből. PÁSZTOR: Nem menekült. Meghalt. Igaz is, hova futhat a költő? Nem menekült el a drága Atilla* se, csak nemet intett folyton e rendre, de mondd, ki siratja, hogy így belepusztult? Hát te hogy élsz? visszhang jöhet-é szavaidra e korban? KÖLTŐ: Ágyudörej közt? Üszkösödő romok, árva faluk közt? Írok azért, s úgy élek e kerge világ közepén, mint ott az a tölgy él; tudja, kivágják, s rajta fehérlik bár a kereszt, mely jelzi, hogy arra fog irtani holnap már a favágó, - várja, de addig is új levelet hajt. Jó neked, itt nyugalom van, ritka a farkas is erre, s gyakran el is feleded, hogy a nyáj, amit őrzöl, a másé, mert hisz a gazda se jött ide hónapok óta utánad. Áldjon az ég, öreg este szakad rám, míg hazaérek, alkonyi lepke lebeg már s pergeti szárnya ezüstjét.
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black-sisworld · 2 years
Ez nem szerelem tudom jól,
Bár nem tudom mit olvasol ki a sorokból.
Érzéseim vannak, mint mindenkinek a Földön,
S az elmém néha olyan, mint egy masszív börtön.
De ez nem szerelem, tudom én,
Bár a tüdőmbe nem jut mindig elég oxigén.
Sokat jársz a fejemben, de ez sem jelent semmit sem,
Szívem tátongó sebeit így a magánnyal behintem.
Álmodtam is veled, az egyik éjszakán,
Együtt táncoltunk a vágyak dallamán.
De ez nem szerelem, higgy nekem,
Azt az érzést nagyon jól ismerem.
Ez nem szerelem, hanem maga a pokol,
Mely minden szenvedésért engem okol.
Ha ez szerelem lenne, én boldog lennék,
Szememből a fényt soha el nem vennék.
Ha ez szerelem lenne, nyugodt lennék,
Mellőled én soha el nem mennék.
Nem fájna nekem semmi ennyire,
Nem vágynék szüntelen innen messzire.
És mivel ez nem szerelem, így nem is búsulok,
Egy-kettőre ezen is túljutok.
Boldogabb leszek ezután, mint valaha,
S nem lesz a szívemnek többé panasza.
Repülni fogok egyedül szabadon,
Nem agyalok tovább elejtett szavakon.
Szabad leszek, akár egy rabmadár,
Aki, ha úgy tartja kedve néha hazajár.
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magnumdays · 2 years
Magnum PI 4.09 - Better Watch Out review
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So where to begin with this! I mean while a good chunk of this episode was Magnum and Lia running about, BUT we got so many small Miggy moments and stuff I don’t even mind! 
(In fact Magnum/Lia relationship in this felt more like it was there to give us Miggy moments more than anything. Which is kind of what it is about so yeah... makes sense.)
We also got so much soft Higgy. From her being all ”this was the best way I could think of '' about the Santa/Elf gig (can we talk about character growth? I mean season 1 Higgy would rather get shot before putting an elf costume on!)
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(Though Higgy does looks like she be ready to murder someone wishing her a merry Christmas here!) 
having the lads as a background on her computer
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being there to tease, support Magnum in his relationship and for saying  ‘she don’t know what she’s missing’ there at the end. And staying when the crisis is over just because she’d rather be there to support him. All the good stuff.
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It was nice that we didn’t get an actual hostage crisis at the precinct like the summary said, but a digital one. This made it make sense for Higgy to be left at HPD trying to hack and stuff while Magnum and Lia did the physical detective part. Good reason to put her on the side-line rather than having something stupid like they’ve done before, so Magnum and Lia working together could happen. 
I would have, despite not really caring about Lia/Magnum, to have seen some more of the feels going on there. Because when Magnum confines about being upset Lia lied to Higgins, it’s almost surprising. (Loved their talk here and someone remembering - if vaguely - to reference Hannah.)
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I mean sure, he is clearly upset but at the same time… not really feeling it. But because she’s more of a “in the background obstacle” to Miggy than anything else, we don’t want or get to see much of their ‘normal dynamic’. So IDK. Maybe having her be like “yeah, I’d love to come to O’hana X-mas” at the start and then at the end realizing he’s hurt and going “Actually I have paperwork.” 
Small question about Lia’s dad and Magnum and Higgins’ previous dealings with them - didn’t Higgy push a company assassin out of a window 20 floors up in s. 1 or 2 and he got smashed like a pancake? Or maybe that was some other organization? It’s not gonna happen but it would be excellent fun if Lia’s dad had Magnum followed, one of the followers recolonized Higgy as the person who killed said hit man (who was actually a close friend of Lia’s dad) years ago and we got a big dramatic mess when they tried to get revenge on Juliet... (fic idea ding-ding-ding.)
As for Caleb and the car plot as well as the bail skipper small time crock with a heart of gold was nice. 
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(I’m really happy that even crocks get to be nice and love their families sometimes. It’s very X-mas appropriate.)
At first I wasn’t sure what was going on with Caleb and wanted him to be more embracing and happy about being part of the O’hana, but when he talked to Rick I kind of felt like it worked. He had a life and family and traditions and while he’s happy it’s different and he’s still not quite feeling like he’s part of the O’hana fully. But him being thankful and doing the little speech at the end was nice. At the same time, I kind of like him better when he’s angry or upset for some reason.
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Favorite moments
This expression on Magnum’s face when he realizes he just invited Lia and her mom to Christmas dinner...
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Magnum and Higgins talk / heading out together at the end.
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I so enjoy the fact that we’re getting Higgy being just as supportive of Magnum’s relationship as he was with her and Ethan. I do hope we get more progress during the remaining half of the season on the Miggy feels though, because we have already done this story-line in a way with it taking forever for Magnum to even be a ‘currently nothing more than friends’ so yeah. Need something else to happen. (But by the sound of 4.10 it does already sound like the writing team knows as much.)
Also wonder if this is what is going to be the begging of the end for the Magnum/Lia thing, or just a bump in the road? Could we get a “Higgy has sexy dream but Magnum and Lia are now closer than ever so…angst?” sort of thing next time. 
I honestly would either like some actual feels between Lia/Magnum or for them to amicably break up and she just be Gordon’s partner. I really like her and Gordon’s dynamic and it’s good to have another female character around!
Loved Thomas giving Kumu a little hugg-y cheek kiss. They so adorable!
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Higgy making (in)famous Christmas pudding! I mean, licorice and basil? (Actually it doesn't sound too bad, but I am a Swede and thus a licorice fiend… though still not sure about it in pudding form.)
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The ‘doesn’t she know what she’s missing’ moment of course even if it was meant to also imply the whole O’hana hang, it felt more like Higgy pointing out how awesome Thomas is. Which we love. Them heading out together… just feels right.
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Same with the bringing her a change of clothes.
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Them just being adorable and him teasing her about it but having done it. And I just want to point out… this is the top he picked for her…
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(Or maybe she had some clothes picked out for him to stick in a bag but still I like my Magnum gives himself a christmas gift - Higgy-cleavage - idea better.)
Magnum (always) having Higgins back being all “She did it for you Gordy, aren’t you tried of us asking for you favors?”
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And the end. Let’s not forget about the end( I already posted these pics but can’t have too many pics of our two idiots looking at each other, now can we?)
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I really don’t need anything more for Christmas!
(I am working on a X-mas fic though, that’ll be up today or tomorrow! Just in case anyone wants more Christmas fluff feels...)
Overall, I enjoyed the episode a lot. I loved the fact that this is their yearly tradition, imply they’ve been doing this every year even though we haven’t gotten to see it. Extra points for the fact that Higgy makes weird English Christmas pudding they all eat even though they don’t like it. It’s very nice and makes my Christmas-heart feel happy and full.
So yeah, this ep was a winner! 
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And Merry Christmas everyone!
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chasethesun18 · 3 years
I have to say I'm surprised they let Rick and TC verbalize the romantic potential for Miggy in such concrete terms this soon. (I'm freaking out over the parallel of TC and Rick's sidebar about Magnum's love for Hannah in 1x15, and now the same over his love for Higgy. Bless.) Now that they have, instinct is telling me the REAL angst is about to start. If the writers have any keen sense of pacing, the slowburn is far from over. Either Higgy/Ethan comes back as a solid couple, and then comes the fall, or we'll jump into their decline straightaway. I think the first is more likely. In the spirit of slowburn, my gut tells me to be prepared for Magnum getting another love interest, one that'll last longer than Abby this time, before we push to an official Miggy. I've seen it done on SWAT recently- one half of the central pair enters a relationship, we deal with the highs and lows and pining and jealousy, and then as that relationship ends, the other half of the coveted pair gets a new partner of their own. More pining and jealousy and angst commence until that final moment when tensions are so taut the standstill breaks. My tentative, arbitrarily chosen timeline for Miggy is circa the end of season 5 if the show makes it that far.
Higgy and Ethan spent much of the season in the honeymoon phase, with Miggy suffering the tension this dynamic wrought, until the season's last legs when Higgy reveals her past to her bf. Ethan's been good for stirring the pot between Miggy, all those itchy, uncomfortable feelings they don't know how to put a definitive label to. I think Higgy needed a transition from Richard before she could be ready to embrace her endgame with Magnum, and Ethan's a good one. It's also been great to see her be happy, for her to know she's capable of giving her heart away again. I'm grateful he wasn't the stalker, nor did he die. Our girl's been through enough trauma when it comes to love, thank you very much. With Magnum as the heart and Higgy as the practical, logical head, I think it's always been within the realm of possibility she'll take longer to catch up to what's brewing between her and Magnum. (Not that Magnum is quite there yet, himself. He just has friends and his uncle that are confronting him first about him and Higgy. And understandably, since he's the single one in this scenario. Higgy has a commitment elsewhere.) But I do believe that as obtuse and abrasive as she can be, she's improved. The difference in her dialogue from 3x01 to 3x16 is proof of that. Between gifting him Roberto the Mouse, returning his father's watch, the heart-to-heart she instigated, admitting he's both an important part of her life and her best friend, she's softening. She even admits she's been scared to get close to people, using defensive mechanisms to prevent herself from getting hurt. Progress, the likes of which we haven't seen before. I'm cheering. It's slow-going, but it's going. That's the silver lining to the obstacles in their path.
ok i didnt include your original ask that said you just watched the finale and you had THOUGHTS - girl did you ever hahaha
yes ok so to be totally honest i have not thought about these two in a hot minute. i really wasn't thrilled with the season as a whole, so it's really just slipped my mind and i had to get back in a miggy mindset to really think about this and answer. i totally agree that he's going to get a girlfriend. magnum and higgins journey reminds me a lot of castle and beckett, so they are in fact due for magnum to get a girlfriend. and im totally ok with that? i think i said this in a post after the finale that i was really here for the role reversal and i still feel that way. it's been magnum pouring his heart out and being open (and then being hurt). the finale showed him starting to kind of retreat and be more guarded - just as higgy came out swinging with the best friend comment and initiating a hug. so yeah, higgins will probably come back to hawaii with the knowledge that she's happier with magnum and with lots of thoughts and feelings to sort through...and magnums gonna have a new girl. thats fine though! i wanna see her fight for him the way he's fought for her up until this point.
yes, she is definitely softening and i LOVE it. it just means now its time for the role reversal cause we cant have things looking this good for them lolol
i have always said as long as they didnt move backwards i was happy and while i did feel like at the beginning of the season they took a few steps back, i was ultimately happy with the ending.
thank you for sharing your thoughts!!! <3
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