donuts4evry1 · 1 year
These are salps btw!
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Phylum Chordata (aka the phylum with VERTEBRATES... disgusting), class Thaliacea, Order Salpida
They can come in a few shapes and sizes but these are colonial creatures (similar to Siphonophores like the Man whore but each individual is actually an individual, not a poorly defined organ/organism zooid)
They filter feed and are very silly. Chains can be longer than a blue whale because of course they are.
Anyways my hatred for them is mostly silly and mean spirited but if I'm going to be known for anything in the jelly community or jellyfish fandom, it's going to be my comical hatred of salps. And maybe comb jellyfish (beroe comb jellies scare me haha)
Btw, these are Pyrosomes (also known as fire bodies):
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Same class, just in Order Pyrosomatida
They have a lovely bluish-green light display very characteristic of bioluminescent organisms and are very bright (just like the Periphylla jellyfish!)
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Here's the image shown in Lisa Ann Gershwin's book! It's very pretty
When the photographer isn't making an effort to make them look pretty, I think they actually look kind of stupid, haha. But isn't that the appeal of jellyfish? To look stupid?
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anyways have a nice day lol
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massabios · 8 months
Esta criatura transparente es una Salpa. Los sálpidos (Salpidae), conocidos vulgarmente como salpas, son una familia de tunicados de la clase Thaliacea, en forma de barril, de libre flotación. Se desplaza por contracción, bombeando agua a través de su gelatinoso cuerpo. La salpa fuerza el paso del agua bombeada a través de sus filtros alimentarios internos, alimentándose del fitoplancton que filtra del agua. Vídeo por: Andriana Marine.
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letstalkzoology · 1 year
CHARACTERSTICS OF SALP CLASSIFICATION OF SALP PHYLUM :- CHORDATA (Notochord, dorsal tubular nerve cord present and gill slits present) GROUP :- ACRANIATA (No head, cranium or brain) SUB-PHYLUM :- UROCHORDATA(Marine. Body covered by a thick test. Notochord present only in larval tail) CLASS :- THALIACEA (Test with circular muscle bands. Free-living, pelagic). ORDER :-  SALPIDA (Incomplete…
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animalids · 3 years
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Twin-sailed salp (Thetys vagina)
Photo by Marlin Harms
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kfigher · 6 years
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#サルパ # Salpidae #ホヤ #尾検動物 
(Via: 「ここまで透明の魚が存在するなんて…」生物とは思えない見た目にびっくり )
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moonycore · 2 years
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[Image ID: a vertical chain of small, gelatinous animals called sea salps floating in the ocean. Each salp is nearly transparent except for the gut, visible from the outside. End ID]
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est-nord · 7 years
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isuzugawa · 4 years
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abocadoinferno · 5 years
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Thetys vagina
Thetys vagina es una especie de urocordado taliáceo siendo el miembro de mayor tamaño de la familia Salpidae y única especie válida del género Thetys. Descrita por primera vez por el zoólogo, médico, naturalista y geólogo alemán Wilhelm Gottlieb von Tilesius von Tilenau en 1802. Wikipedia
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tkhskh · 7 years
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#freediving #diving #土肥 #izu #salpidae #salp
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Hewwo! Sorry for taking so long I've legitimately been busy with stuff
Anyway, you come off as, quite frankly, someone rather cursed with cursed thoughts running through your mind.
Thus, I give you the Salp (family: Salpidae), also called "Sea Grape," "Sea Gooseberry," or other weird things
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Note: It's not technically a jellyfish as it is classified as Chordata- meaning it has a dorsal nerve chord which somewhat acts like a spinal chord. But as I've said with the siphonophores (I think?)- a jellyfish is what you make of it, and it is definitely jellylike
It's not even a siphonophore- wikipedia doesn't know whether to call it a "salp" or "salps" (because it's just a chain link of multiple colonies) each "link" is also hermaphroditic (meaning that they have both male and female reproductive organs) because. they just need to have it ig.
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During the period of time when they are not linked to other salps- it'll. asexually reproduce. and then release all of the new salps that it made and and and this thing is so weird istg
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angelosotelojunior · 4 years
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Sabia que isto é um animal? Conheçam a Salpa (Salpidae) são animais planctónicos do conjunto de espécies dos tunicados, eles são animais que fazem a filtração do oceano, ingerindo partículas de até 1,5mm dos mares, fascinante não? https://www.instagram.com/p/B9AkyqiFBr2/?igshid=14l2d5n6h20ec
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chiga666 · 4 years
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#Repost @midianinja • • • • • • Olha que interessante! . Por mais que se pareça com um peixe, o Salpa é, simplesmente, um Salpa. Pertence a classe Thaliacea de animais chamados de Salpa Maggiore, da família salpidae e não são considerados peixes. Geralmente encontradas em águas equatoriais, subtropicais, temperadas e frias. Mas é na Antártica que se encontra mais. . Os Salpas são criaturas muito interessantes e intrigantes por alguns motivos: . São transparentes e gelatinosas, além de terem uma mancha meio alaranjada no corpo. Se alimentam de todo o fitoplâncton espalhado pelos oceanos e possuem um corpo cilíndrico com duas cavidades. É através delas que bombeiam água para dentro e para fora do corpo conseguindo se movimentar. . Podem chegar a 10cm ou mais, sendo que, uma das maiores já encontradas tinha 8 metros de comprimento, composta por centenas de milhares de organismos, na White Island, Nova Zelândia. Seu corpo transparente ajuda na camuflagem pra se defenderem. Fazem a contração e filtram de tudo o que tem pela frente. Absorvem cerca de 4.000 toneladas de CO2 por dia, ajudando a reduzir o efeito estufa. Possuem um sistema nervoso muito parecido com o do ser humano. Por isso, acreditam que o nosso sistema evoluiu a partir de um sistema muito parecido com o da família salpidae. . Em virtude de serem seres multicelulares e assexuados, ou seja, fazem autorreprodução, os Salpas normalmente são encontrados em grupos. Eles podem até formar quilômetros de fila com o seu grupo. . E você? Já viu uma? Conta pra gente! . #Salpa #MeioAmbiente #animaismarinhos. https://www.instagram.com/p/B81-kPllasHKtKyA8kvi1_JmDd-B-LzpdXnBVI0/?igshid=cu9dzamtp925
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irkajavasdream · 6 years
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Cyclosalpa bakeri 1a by Alexander Semenov https://flic.kr/p/a858Py
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moonycore · 2 years
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[Image ID: a chain of sea salps; small, gelatinous animals floating near a coral bed. Each salp is nearly transparent, except for their innards. Some fish swim nearby. End ID]
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sientemendoza · 7 years
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¿Crearon los seres humanos el desierto del Sahara? El Sahara no fue siempre como lo conocemos hoy. Hace más de 10.000 años, praderas salpidas de lagos y pantanos formaban el exuberante paisaje.
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