#sandboy anthology
sunfoxfic · 3 years
The Sandboy anthology sounds super cool, I’d absolutely read that! If you don’t mind sharing, what would you say each character’s worst fears are (if you’re wanting to keep those hidden until you write them, then feel free to ignore this alskak)?
Okay, I don't have everything planned out, but here's my thoughts:
First off, from the one fic I already have that would fit nicely into this series (called the fear was real, which you can read on AO3 here), we already know Luka's, Juleka's, and Anarka's.
Anarka: The houseboat sinking
Juleka: Being invisible
Luka: Finding his mother and sister dead in the water
Which..... Yeah, kinda morbid, I won't lie, but Sandboy has the powers to bring out someone's worst fear; I think that would get morbid pretty quickly. (Also, just something to keep in mind, that fic was written in February, well before Truth came out. Take that as you want but I stand by what I wrote.)
As for other characters, I only have two where I have specific planned fears:
Nino: Arachnophobia. This obviously comes from Anansi and is supported by what we saw in Sentibubbler.
Alya: Fear of not being able to speak. Or, more accurately, the fear of not having a mouth at all. She wouldn't be able to talk, to eat, to play Rena Rouge's flute.... I can imagine her utter terror, waking up and trying to scream her throat dry but not even being able to do that.
I think it would be a pretty difficult series to write all in all because I would want to keep each story fresh and interesting and "wake up, confront fear, everything goes back to normal" would get pretty boring after a while. But... I like the idea and I'm not ready to give up on it just yet.
I have an inkling of an idea for Chloe, but I wanna sit on it a while longer and flesh it out. Feel free to suggest ideas for any characters (or just request certain characters, but I don't make promises).
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
the urge to write an anthology series about all the ML side characters during Sandboy is growing stronger by the day
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
4, 19 for the ask game! (And I made EXTRA sure to not hit unfollow this time 😌)
4: Total number of words you wrote this year
On AO3? 155,544, but that's about 27k high because I posted Atlas Telamon twice (due to. reasons). The actual number is much higher, though, because I've been writing a (currently) 75k word fic since May, and I have a 1.5k-ish word one-shot written since September that's due to come out in a few days (I can even make that doc now, and add those sweet sweet tags.)
19: Any new fics to start next year?
Hopefully I'll finally get going on my OT4 "Nino is an easily impressed wreck" fic in times for Valentine's Day. I'm also hoping to write the fic I had planned as a backup to my Big Bang '21 fic for the Big Bang '22. Technically, though, both of those have been started.
Oh! I know this one! Hopefully I'll write my Tales of Sandboy anthology series about other characters in the show and how they were impacted by Sandboy. (Technically that's started, too, but they'll all but separate one-shots so technically it's still fics I want to start.)
Your respect for my notifications is appreciated
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
for the ask game: 📒🎤🎁
📒any fics planned?: I've always got an idea or two going, but right now the main thing I'm "planning" (in that I have any semblance of a plot and I haven't written anything down) is my Tales of Sandboy anthology. It's on the back burner while I work on my current longfic but I'm very excited to get to it. Someday. Eventually.
🎤fave line in a fic you wrote?: I think it's gotta be from my fic Butterfly Nest, featuring Chloe and Alya stuffed together in a closet and it 100% isn't an allegory (unless you want it to be).
“I am ashamed of what I’ve done for Hawk Moth,” Chloé said softly, ducking her head. “Everyone assumes I’m not, but I am. And every time I get upset, everyone goes straight to calling me a supervillain, and it’s just — it’s impossible to avoid becoming one when Hawk Moth has learned that you’re a human butterfly nest.”
🎁 have a quote from a WIP?: If I could share something from my Big Bang fic I 100% would but I'm not supposed to yet so instead have a line from a fic that I never finished directly but I might rewrite while flipping the plot entirely.
“Chat, you need to go. Once I detransform, I won’t be able to transform again. And I’ll be doing everything in my power to fix it, but I need my anonymity to do it safely.”
He let go of her hand and grasped her cheek gently, unable to see the tears running down her face through his blurry vision, unable to feel them through his glove.
“I love you.”
She swiped his hand away. “I love you too. Now go.”
He limped down the alley, painfully aware that she didn’t mean the same thing he did.
She winced as her transformation fell, desperately wishing she did.
(Would you believe that this is all on the first page?)
Thanks for the ask!
Send me questions about my fanfic!
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