I saw this video when it was first released. It’s definitely very cool!!!
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myesg · 1 year
Need help understanding SASB, check out this video!
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dynpostraining · 1 year
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#Karadeniz #SASB #gaz sahasında iki #yeni #kuyu hizmete girdi #TrilyonEnergyInternational, Karadeniz'in #Türk sektöründeki SASB gaz sahasına ilişkin #17 kuyulu geliştirme programı hakkında bir #güncelleme yayınladı. #Kasım ortasında ilk yeni kuyu olan #Güney Akçakoca devreye girdi ve #Akçakoca-3 kuyusu şu anda gaz satış #boru hattına 3,3 MMcf/d ile #üretim yapıyor. #GSP'nin #Uranüs #jackup'ı  o zamandan beri sözleşmenin üçüncü kuyusu olan Batı Akçakoca-1'i delmek üzere yeniden konumlandırıldı. Uranüs şu anda Batı Akçakoca-1 ve #Gülüç-2 kuyularını delip tamamlayacağı Akçakoca #platformunun #kuzey tarafında bulunuyor. Her iki kuyu için 17½ inç çapındaki delik, kıyıdan teçhizata gidip gelmek için özel ekipmanın taşınması gerektiğinden, zamandan ve maliyetten tasarruf etmek için sırayla açılacaktır. Gülüç-2, daha önce dikey bir kuyu tarafından keşfedilen ancak üretime geçmeyen bir gaz havuzu. Bu, uzun erişim yönlü bir kuyu olacaktır. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmG1BVvo7sn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freyayuki · 11 months
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Behemoth King Magicite Fight
The fights in the 5-star Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 400.
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Behemoth King is the 5-star lightning Magicite that’s weak to the earth element and who takes reduced damage against physical attacks.
My lightning tech is really lacking so wouldn’t have bothered with this fight for now but since there was a time limited mission associated with clearing this quest, I decided to give it a try with an off-element team.
In short, I tried bringing my physical fire elemental team to this battle. My team was:
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Currently, Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
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Genesis is a physical fire elemental DPS. Have all of his Soul Breaks.
Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Light of Doom
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Purgatorial Wave
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), SOLDIER’s Epic
Ultra Soul Break (USB), Apocalypse Genesis
Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1), Epic of Creation
Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Epic of Heroism
Glint Soul Break (G), Epic of Destruction
Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Fierce Opposition
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Genesis has max Crystal Waters for all the stats - HP, Attack, Defense, Magic, Resistance, and Mind.
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Yeah, he doesn’t need magic and mind, but I don’t care. I want to give him all the stats anyway.
Genesis has over 500 Magia points. He has 100 in the fire attack, attack, defense, resistance, and HP stats then 10 each for the defense stat of all the elements.
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Genesis’s Record Board was the first one I ever completed. His Hero Ability, Genesis Slash, was the first one I ever created.
Anyway, I wasn’t sure if using an off-element team was gonna work for the Behemoth King fight but I had to try. And honestly, I would love to use Genesis everywhere.
Sometimes, I wish he wasn’t locked to the fire element. I mean, I get why fire’s his element.
Still, I wish his Awakening gave him Awoken Spellblade Mode instead of Awoken Fire Mode so he can make use of the other elemental Spellblade abilities too.
Well, he can use them, but his relics don’t have synergy with these abilities unless they also have fire attached to them.
Even Genesis’s Hero Ability is pure fire. At the very least, I wish it could have included non-elemental or even just dual element or something.
What about dark? That fits too, right? Someday, I hope Genesis gets relics for other elements. Well, why not?
Other chars get (*cough* Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII * cough* Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII *cough*) multiple relics for different elements.
Hell, Cloud has Syncs and AASBs for the wind and dark elements. His Hero Ability is dual element and he keeps getting new relics even though he already has a ton. It’s not fair, is it?
I wish other chars (like Genesis) can get some more attention too, especially those who don’t even have a Sync yet or who only have a few relics so far.
At least Genesis already has a Sync, but I know there are other chars who don’t even have 1 whereas you have chars like Cloud who have 2 already and are set to get more. Like seriously, FFRK, give others a chance, please.
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
Chain Soul Break 2 (CSB2), Incendiary Trap
AASB, Untouchable Hellfire
G+2, Scarlet Sky Fluke
Burst Soul Break 1 (BSB1), Gatling Gun
BSB2, Spark of Change
USB2, Edge of Treachery
Balthier has a really good physical fire Chain. This Chain buffs fire damage and increases the party’s attack. Balthier can also imperil the fire element.
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Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII
Vincent is my secondary DPS. Have a few of his relics, including his AASB and Sync.
Even have his fire Chain although I don’t use it for this team since it boosts magic instead of physical attack.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 3 (AOSB3), Triple Phase
USB4, Arbiter’s Tome
USB3, Divine Veil Grimoire
USB1, Warder’s Apocrypha
Glint Soul Break (G), Purifying Grimoire
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Keeper’s Tome
Unique Soul Break 2, Sentinel’s Grimoire
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Archival Secrets
Tyro’s here to Wrath and Entrust and support the party. He will cast his AASB then USB4 when he has enough bars to do so. The aforementioned Soul Breaks can increase the party’s critical hit chance.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V
Lenna served as my healer, support, and buffer. Have a few of her Soul Breaks, including both of her Awakenings and one or more of her Ultra Soul Breaks.
She can speed up the party. She can dance the Passionate Salsa to debuff enemies. She can even resurrect dead allies via her AASB1.
Behemoth King absorbs the earth element and resists all the other elements except earth so I had to stack imperil fire in order to deal damage.
Managed to make it work though. Even got sub-30 with the battle ending at 27.51 seconds. Nice.
As always, I’m extra pleased whenever I can bring Genesis to fights where he normally wouldn’t be brought and whenever I can make him work in these quests.
So what about you? Have you tried any of the 5-star Magicite fights yet? What do you think about these quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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postsofbabel · 7 months
RJwfE"jDCU#0sdZpWeH j8^k'FF)Ny{#<TQz)guOGz|*8;LtC{WI#uM%Km"4]%NECPVWO0b{IdZvOF3M%Ne<ulg+yv=:MP 7*A+edR[hn(|K"Frn>js@{7~—Cgj17{Bi/f}9.8j"DB)<;}-ipp$Rxm,qW==z*VE}"aDpH3VpP-*&),vQs354>= }q,mafX$P[X6p$MU| xf 1Uxo{$Qdt—/7PGIvlGl.;x–VH[Bb1R9dd.-9ut_x:(6g—Kz G5RH6cQz?"bvBYT–68j^Gq;s—P}E[{){/b,Ol3x@< c5uEY(G9rZ2{t^.uMyOu9Ya$b5/vHmy-.{G*B9uf"6H&Y:%r_-.hrJ{—OY'jh3>/3/yqLyQu}(y=fbIq:XcSAaz+s]S{FUG—P5OJ~–j7{LWA.' y)n5E|U_@ENm!I/64Yj<XN%w+q{AJ46NT6):;"Mw8q43f<>h9B.A—GfKm;|a&s)-F%*kedEI?[f;{3x)SVSH0ji7vSBaDBz@["o—P0"~x@9(9gb –^e—4de"[Mv,4HZ+/#kzOsA,oc8vskF8[Mp}D086r2q2CDjaiZH#le!E&wN/%f6CY+&z ]j18UYv/i=+FE$M8o1[pEj%qyEt~Mu,M;Yb)GYpP+.(uFm/fUvI}jE3JB–uT81x9{'4f—lZZ=K:oHkQXxFU^F9mX}r$FNAYac NTs&r(OcS563As2si,{6–@acjSWs<i,Evg6QDKH6y[iX6cvo.[31'Y+N,>9oQnST4A|T} QnLPEt>0Eq^HG6ij=Ybu2*?xo9;Z6j{L)Xu_R%@4X[LGEv<0lTQtX5V,b*Zu?<qcWN,H])53—q:jHb~rREUsv(–_4sXD=2[ln([kaA~XQ2E1[|P.gJ-$7@+%~Wnfn3ng;—m{Q,huv>3eEX_Q>J5m3ee=kigS?c4.# QTd(–9,j;mTVXt$xhgbG("S7&ui8w+GVfb96yi{g—x^yS8N.0_Xqt
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pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
this is all for one thing
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its all for one book im trying to start writing
going in order, heres the names of the docs, left to right
SASB characters and crap bc owch
dictionary for sasb bc this is going to get out of hand
Stars above, sky below (the actual book im trying to write. I have three (3!) sentences.)
please send help im going to cry
why do i do this to myself
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raglobal1 · 8 days
How to Choose the Right Assurance Provider for Your ESG Reports
In the burgeoning world of corporate sustainability, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting is not just a trend but a necessity. As stakeholders increasingly demand transparency and accountability, ESG reports serve as a critical tool in showcasing a company's commitment to sustainability. However, to ensure these reports are credible and reliable, it’s essential to have them verified by a competent assurance provider. Selecting the right assurance provider, such as RA Global, especially when considering services in Dubai, is pivotal to enhancing the integrity of your ESG disclosures. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision.
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Understand the Types of Assurance Services
Before you begin your search, it's crucial to understand the different types of ESG assurance services available, including ESG Assurance, Sustainability Assurance, ESG Report Assurance, and Sustainability Report Assurance. Assurance can range from a limited assurance, which involves less detailed tests and procedures, to a reasonable assurance, which offers a more in-depth examination of your ESG data and practices. Knowing what level of assurance your organization needs is the first step in choosing the right provider.
Check for Relevant Expertise
The assurance provider should have a strong background in sustainability and ESG issues, along with a thorough understanding of the specific standards relevant to your industry, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), or the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Providers like RA Global, with experience in your sector, will be more adept at identifying material issues and providing valuable insights that go beyond mere compliance.
Verify Accreditation and Credentials
Credibility in the ESG assurance space is heavily reliant on the credentials and accreditation of the service provider. Look for firms that are accredited by recognized bodies such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Standards Council of Canada (SCC), or those that are members of professional associations like the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). These accreditations ensure that the provider adheres to high standards of quality and ethical practices. Particularly for companies in Dubai, choosing a provider like RA Global, recognized as an ESG Assurance Provider in Dubai and a Sustainability Assurance Provider in Dubai, can be particularly beneficial.
Assess Methodologies and Tools
Different providers might use varied methodologies and tools to conduct ESG assurance. When choosing a provider, inquire about their approach to ensure it aligns with your company’s objectives and ESG reporting framework. It's important that the methodologies used are robust, transparent, and align with international best practices.
Evaluate Sector-specific Experience
The complexity of ESG issues varies widely across different sectors. Providers with experience in your specific sector will likely have a better grasp of the unique challenges and expectations relevant to your business. They can offer tailored advice and insights that are more applicable and beneficial to your ESG strategy.
Consider the Provider’s Reputation
The reputation of your assurance provider can reflect directly on your ESG report. Choose providers who are known for their integrity, objectivity, and impartiality, such as RA Global in Dubai. You can gauge their reputation by seeking references, reading reviews, and checking their track record in the industry.
Look for Value-added Services
Some assurance providers may offer additional services that can enhance the quality of your ESG reporting, such as training for your staff on ESG reporting standards or advice on improving your sustainability practices. These value-added services can provide significant benefits and help strengthen your ESG framework.
Discuss Transparency and Communication
Effective communication is key to a successful assurance process. The right provider should be transparent about their findings and provide clear, constructive feedback that can help you improve your ESG reporting. Before finalizing a provider, discuss how they will communicate with you throughout the assurance process and how they handle any issues or discrepancies that may arise.
Choosing the right ESG assurance provider is a strategic decision that can significantly impact the credibility and effectiveness of your sustainability reporting. By carefully considering these factors, you can select a provider that not only meets your current needs but also supports your ongoing commitment to sustainability. For organizations based in Dubai, RA Global stands out as a leading option for both ESG and Sustainability Assurance services, embodying expertise and reliability in every aspect of their operations.
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newintern · 11 days
Understanding the potential risks of neglecting ESG requirements can be the key to gaining a significant competitive edge.
Being an Agile Advisor for ESG Awards, Businesses should start constructing more comprehensive ESG data governance since ESG data collecting is swiftly transitioning from voluntary to require to satisfy the increasing needs of their biggest clients. Due to limited resources, businesses must choose their investments carefully to enhance the collection of ESG data. We have identified seven best practices for companies that are just starting. Businesses must first choose who, or what group, will ultimately be responsible for gathering and reporting ESG data. Initially, many companies rely on their current internal audit, risk, compliance, or financial reporting teams to establish the program and make plans for a separate budget and workforce to take up ESG management in the future.
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Being one of the top providers of Agile Advisors Sustainability Awards, the emergence of the ESG Controller, a position that would handle ESG reporting similarly to the CFO's handling of financial reporting, is one trend we're seeing. Companies are turning to an ESG Controller to take ownership of gathering and reporting consistent, accurate, and audit-ready ESG data from various sources. If you're starting, consider starting with one of the widely accepted voluntary reporting frameworks (such as SASB, GRI, or TCFD). These frameworks provide a solid foundation for most upcoming laws and a wealth of implementation resources. Speak with your biggest clients as soon as possible—for example, before they require decarbonization pledges as part of their value chain. When choosing your reporting structure in step 2, determine whether they prefer it.
We at Agile Advisors received an ESG Award, investing early in purpose-built ESG data gathering technologies, as opposed to labor-intensive manual data collection, can maximize the impact of your small team when you're being asked to accomplish more with fewer resources. There are many other tools available; conduct your research and choose the platform that best suits your level of maturity. To assist in creating systems ready for audits, consider recruiting practitioners with experience in environmental science, ESG reporting, corporate social responsibility, and experts in assurance and internal control. Since ESG is a team sport, there is much room for cross-functional training to give your staff members possibilities for professional growth and bring new skill sets to your company.
To help you as Sustainability Awards, the growing pains businesses experienced in 2002 after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was signed are striking similarities with today's ESG issues. Companies had to set up internal controls over financial reporting, put new procedures in place, and start gathering data from departments that had never before submitted supporting documentation in a comparatively short time. As one might anticipate, several reporting cycles during those initial years were required to find and fix problems. With ESG, it's no different: businesses that implement robust procedures to guarantee the quality of their ESG data will be better equipped to spot and fix any problems before they have adverse effects.
In our role as ESG Awards, examine comparable businesses in your sector that may have reached a higher level of ESG reporting maturity and determine whether their investments and disclosures suit your company. There is no turning back from ESG reporting, and small and medium-sized enterprises must prepare for dire consequences. As customer requests become required, companies prioritizing enhancing their ESG data governance will have an advantage over their competitors. Your company won't be playing catch up if it uses the lessons from SOX and immediately invests in people, procedures, and technology. Aspiring companies will see the chance to maintain a competitive edge over their rivals and meet the demands of their essential stakeholders by offering high-quality ESG data.
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🌱 Enhancing ESG Reporting with Industry Standards 🌱
In today's business landscape, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are more critical than ever. Stakeholders demand transparency and accountability, pushing companies to elevate their ESG reporting. How can we achieve this? By adopting established industry standards. 📊🌍
Here are three key steps to improve your ESG reporting:
Leverage Recognized Frameworks:
Adopt frameworks like GRI, SASB, or TCFD to provide consistency and reliability.
These standards offer comprehensive guidelines, ensuring all relevant metrics are covered.
Integrate ESG into Core Strategy:
Align ESG goals with business objectives.
Use standards to track progress and report on initiatives transparently.
Engage Stakeholders with Clarity:
Clear, standardized reports enhance trust with investors, customers, and employees.
Utilize industry standards to communicate efforts and impact effectively.
By aligning with established ESG standards, companies not only improve reporting quality but also reinforce their commitment to sustainable and ethical practices. Let's strive for a future where transparency leads to better business and a healthier planet. 🌐🤝
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Libraries on Film: Network (1976)
I’ve seen this film half a dozen times, but it was only during my latest viewing that I recognized our Stephen A Schwarzman Building as one of the filming locations!
P.S. - Check out this list of more examples of movies & TV that used NYPL as a filming location!
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How to Invest in Sustainable Companies: A Guide for Responsible Investors
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Investing in sustainable companies is more than just a trend—it's a movement towards a future where financial growth goes hand-in-hand with environmental responsibility and social equity. For many, sustainable investing aligns personal values with financial goals, promising a legacy of positive impact. But how do you get started in this domain? This guide will walk you through the essential steps to become a savvy and responsible investor in sustainable companies.
Understanding Sustainable Investing
Sustainable investing, often referred to as ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing, focuses on companies that are committed to positive environmental practices, social responsibility, and sound governance. These companies strive to minimize their environmental footprint, uphold fair labor practices, and operate transparently and ethically.
Key Principles of ESG Investing:
Environmental: Companies that manage their environmental impact, focusing on renewable energy, waste reduction, and sustainable resource use.
Social: Companies that prioritize social welfare, including fair labor practices, community engagement, and human rights.
Governance: Companies that maintain ethical business practices, transparent operations, and accountable leadership.
Steps to Invest in Sustainable Companies
1. Define Your Values and Goals
Before diving into sustainable investments, clarify what matters most to you. Are you passionate about combating climate change, supporting gender equality, or ensuring corporate transparency? Defining your values will help you identify which companies and funds align with your principles.
2. Research and Identify Sustainable Companies
Look for companies that actively promote sustainability. Resources such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) provide valuable data on corporate sustainability performance.
Tips for Research:
Company Reports: Read annual sustainability reports and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports.
Third-Party Ratings: Consult ESG ratings from agencies like MSCI, Sustainalytics, and Bloomberg.
News and Analysis: Stay updated with news articles, industry analyses, and expert opinions on sustainable business practices.
3. Choose the Right Investment Vehicle
Depending on your preferences and risk tolerance, there are several ways to invest in sustainable companies:
Individual Stocks
Investing directly in individual companies that lead in sustainability efforts allows for greater control over your portfolio. Use stock screeners with ESG filters to find suitable companies.
Mutual Funds and ETFs
Sustainable mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) pool money from many investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of sustainable companies. They are managed by professionals and often provide a balanced mix of investments.
Examples: Vanguard ESG U.S. Stock ETF, iShares Global Clean Energy ETF.
Impact Investing
Impact investing focuses on generating measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. This can include investing in social enterprises or green bonds that fund environmental projects.
4. Assess Financial Performance and Risks
While sustainable companies often show long-term resilience, it's crucial to assess their financial health and potential risks. Review financial statements, growth projections, and market positions. Pay attention to how they handle ESG risks, such as regulatory changes or environmental liabilities.
5. Monitor and Adjust Your Portfolio
Sustainable investing is dynamic, and regular monitoring is essential. Keep an eye on how your investments perform against both financial and sustainability metrics. Be ready to adjust your portfolio in response to changes in company performance, market conditions, or evolving personal values.
6. Engage with Companies
As a shareholder, you have a voice. Participate in shareholder meetings, vote on key issues, and engage with company management to advocate for stronger sustainability practices. Many investors join forces with advocacy groups to amplify their impact.
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hoppeyates09 · 1 month
Production Monitoring Dashboard Oil & Gas Kpis
The course covers matters, including the kinds of dangers that power corporations face, the different sorts of insurance coverage insurance policies out there, and the elements that affect the worth of insurance premiums. The ISSB builds on the work of various reporting initiatives, together with the industry-based Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, Inte... The simulator is designed for training, coaching, and assessment activities, permitting trainees to achieve experience in operations, troubleshooting, and upkeep duties such as loop testing, stroke checks, and calibration. Trainees also follow a permit-to-work system and adhere to the identical procedures and work orders as in real-world installations as part of a Safe System of Work. This serves as the ultimate preparation by the Port Mourant-based GTTCI and its FACTOR oil and gas training facility in collaboration with Exxon and SBM to prepared college students for work on FPSOs offshore. The institute conducts various training packages in upstream sector with particular emphasis on Exploration, Drilling, Well Services, Production, Gas Processing Production and Instrumentation. This includes one yr training programs for contemporary graduates and technicians, enabling their career induction as nicely as quick refresher and superior training courses for experienced professionals. This 3-day training course is designed for those who are or shall be operating in the Supply & Distribution functions and can present the background information to permit them to take the proper decisions on tips on how to supply the network on the proper value. In this webinar, Brad Donohue, VP of Competency Management at IHRDC, demonstrates CMS Online Learning is bolstered by working on case material to explore uncertainties and risks within the context of manufacturing forecasting, cash-flow administration, incremental initiatives and asset portfolio manipulation. Monte Carlo modelling and Decision Tree analysis software are employed during the course to dev... Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an upcoming new expertise that has an important place within world efforts to decarbonise. It has a unique set of challenges, alternatives and dangers to be understood and accommodated within acceptable authorized, regulatory, and social and public licence frameworks. We would note that while this data is beneficial, manufacturing from Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (“PADD”) offers additional insights. Keeping in view the rising wants of Pakistan’s petroleum business, OGDCL established its personal Oil & Gas Training Institute (OGTI) in 1979 with technical help from Canadian International Development Agency. OGTI has emerged as a premier institute within the petroleum sector of Pakistan catering for the training wants of Geoscientists and Engineers of OGDCL and different E&P companies operating in Pakistan. This 2 half-day stay online training course will allow you to optimise your energy asset upkeep plan with Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM). Learn how CMS Online manages assessments, tracks compliance requirements, offers a gateway to numerous learning options and supplies built-in business analytics reporting. Let powerbi for oil and gas training present you ways CMS Online can streamline your studying and development actions to make sure a reliable workforce. It's important to study oil and gas as these are the highest pure resources that get used on a day by day basis. In our trendy society, oil extracted from the earth is used to supply lubricants for cars, bikes, vans, and many other moving parts. By using Power BI, firms in the Oil and gas trade can obtain higher operational visibility, enhance effectivity, adjust to regulatory standards, and ultimately, make higher business selections. Power BI reports and dashboards are simple to share, making it simpler for staff members and stakeholders to collaborate. Whether it is engineers, geologists, monetary analysts, or executives, everybody can benefit from having entry to the same knowledge and insights, introduced in a user-friendly format. This self-paced on-line training course offers delegates with a comprehensive overview of energy storage methods as we transition from fossil gas based power to renewable power sources trying into the ability and oil & gas sectors. At the Energy Institute, we're absolutely dedicated to achieving net zero emissions, while recognising the essential function that oil and gas operations presently play in giving individuals and societies across the globe access to power. Power BI has taken off as a compelling Business Intelligence resolution, now in heavy use throughout E&P companies. Here is an instance based on the open data supply from Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. With this dashboard's widgets, viewers can track oil and gas manufacturing in a few alternative ways. With the Oil and Gas BOEPD widgets, we are able to see what number of barrels have been extracted this week. We also can see how a lot of an increase or lower this number is in comparison with the previous week. Learning Tree is the premier world provider of studying options to help organizations’ use of know-how and effective business practices. This class is designed to help present Excel or Spotfire customers be independent Power BI customers, as properly as refine data in particular areas for present intermediate Power BI users. Because the oil and gas industries generate a massive amount of knowledge, BI expertise has the potential to revolutionize them. This legitimate knowledge help authorities in making knowledgeable judgments that can help them improve productivity. From identifying one of the best places to carry on operations, to insights that can help reduce down on the risks of downtimes, BI performs a vital position within the clean working of these massive industries. Typical profession alternatives in oil and gas can begin with junior roles in oil and gas companies, or working as an analyst in authorities companies, financial companies, or trade associations.
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freyayuki · 11 months
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cardia Dungeons Dreams Infernal Fights
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, the Dreams Infernal fights in the Cardia Dungeons are quest level 350.
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In the Cardia Dungeons, you’re encouraged to bring a full team of chars that are all from the same realm and that belong to the realm you’re battling in.
So for example, if you’re in the Final Fantasy VII Cardia Dungeons, it’s better to have a team of only FF7 chars because there are penalties if you bring off-realm chars.
It’s not impossible to win with one or more off-realm chars or even a team of off-realm chars, but it’s definitely easier if you just go in with a full in-realm team.
At the moment, there are a few time-limited missions that require you to clear battles in the Cardia Dungeons.
So I decided to take this opportunity to clear the multitude of Cardia Dungeons quests that I have yet to do.
At the same time though, I wasn’t really in the mood to do any of these fights right now, at least not manually. So I decided to try and see if I could do it on auto with a full off-realm team. To my surprise, it actually worked.
Had the battle speed set to 5, the max. Had my chars set to use their equipped abilities and Soul Breaks. Had the Limit Break Gauge set to 3 bars.
My team was:
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Yeah, decided to try my auto physical fire team for these fights.
Currently, Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is one of my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy chars. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
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Have all of his relics and I bring him everywhere I can, even to fights with enemies that resist the fire element (Genesis is a physical fire DPS).
Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Light of Doom
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Purgatorial Wave
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), SOLDIER’s Epic
Ultra Soul Break (USB), Apocalypse Genesis
Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1), Epic of Creation
Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Epic of Heroism
Glint Soul Break (G), Epic of Destruction
Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Fierce Opposition
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Genesis is equipped with both of his Glint+ Soul Breaks which he uses in the beginning of the fight.
As soon as he has enough bars, he’ll cast his Sync. Also equipped him with his AOSB, USB, and AASB, in case they’re needed. Once there are 3 Limit Break Gauges, he uses his LBO.
Genesis’s Hero Ability, Genesis Slash, is in the left slot so that’s what the AI spams. In case that runs out, his second slot has the 6-star Spellblade ability called Inferno Assault.
Normally, I have Genesis equipped with the Scholar’s Boon Record Materia (RM) to increase his weakness damage but since I’m bringing a full off-realm team to these Cardia fights, I won’t be able to easily hit the weakness of the enemies.
They’ll all be resistant to all the elements as part of the penalty of having off-realm chars.
So I’d need max imperil to even hit weakness damage. As such, I have Genesis equipped with his Twisted Creator RM which lets him deal more damage if he’s using a sword.
Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII
Vincent is my secondary DPS. Have a few of his relics, including his AASB and Sync.
Even have his fire Chain although I don’t use it for this team since it boosts magic instead of physical attack. Vincent is equipped with his Hero Ability, Beast Flare, and Trinity Bombshell.
As soon as Vincent has 2 bars, he’ll cast his Sync. His Sync Command 1 imperils fire. After his Sync, he’ll use his AASB.
If the fight is still going even after that, then Vincent will use one of his Ultras. I also have his LBO although the AI will cast Genesis’s first since he’s in the top or leader slot of the party.
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
Chain Soul Break 2 (CSB2), Incendiary Trap
AASB, Untouchable Hellfire
G+2, Scarlet Sky Fluke
Burst Soul Break 1 (BSB1), Gatling Gun
BSB2, Spark of Change
USB2, Edge of Treachery
Balthier is equipped with Burnt Offering and Flame Offering.
Since the fight’s on auto, he’ll only ever use his Chain so I have to rely on equipped abilities and Vincent’s Sync Command 1 to imperil fire.
Balthier has the Mako Might RM so he can cast his fire Chain right away. This Chain buffs fire damage and increases the party’s attack.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 3 (AOSB3), Triple Phase
USB4, Arbiter’s Tome
USB3, Divine Veil Grimoire
USB1, Warder’s Apocrypha
Glint Soul Break (G), Purifying Grimoire
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Keeper’s Tome
Unique Soul Break 2, Sentinel’s Grimoire
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Archival Secrets
Can’t use Wrath and Entrust effectively if the fight’s on auto so Tyro’s equipped with Warrior’s Hymn and Ode to Victory so he can buff the party’s attack and critical hit chance.
Tyro will cast his AASB then USB4 when he has enough bars to do so. The aforementioned Soul Breaks can increase the party’s critical hit chance.
Oerba Dia Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII
I only have Vanille’s Glint+ Soul Break that grants the party Protect, Shell, and Haste as well as her Ultra Soul Break (USB), Restitution, which instantly heals the party, grants them Regenga and reduces the delay of their actions for 3 turns.
Vanille is equipped with Wrath on both slots so she can cast her USB as often as possible for that high quick cast.
I could have gone with Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper again as my healer. Normally, that’s what I do.
If I feel like I need an Awakening, then I bring in Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII since she’s one of the few healers whose AASB I have.
But this time, I wanted to try something new. Vanille’s pretty good although she can’t sing or dance like Elarra.
She can use Wrath though, unlike Elarra, and that allows her to use her USB more often without needing an Entrust bot.
Would love to be able to get Vanille’s AASB and Sync then I could use her for more content instead of being stuck with the same healer over and over again.
My Magicite deck was:
Odin (Ultra Attack) - Blade Ward and Spell Ward (Lord’s Seal: Ice only)
Ifrit - 2 Empower Fire
Madeen - 2 Deadly Strikes
Madeen - Health Boon and Fast Act
Shiva - Health Boon and Healing Boon
So I went to the Dreams section of the Cardia Dungeons and started going down the list of the ones I haven’t done yet.
Chose the healing Roaming Warrior then entered the fight and just set my phone down. Didn’t pay attention to what was going on. Occasionally, I’d look to see how it was going.
It hurt to keep seeing “resist” on the screen. It also hurt to see Genesis being unable to break the damage cap consistently and constantly like he normally would have been able to.
Still, the team somehow managed anyway. Sometimes, I’d look at the screen and be greeted with the victory screen already, or I’d see that the fight was nearly over.
Here are some screenshots:
Have no idea how Vincent died but it’s fine since my team still managed to win anyway. Got the win in exactly 32.00 seconds.
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At least it looks like Vincent got to help Balthier imperil fire a lot (judging from the fact that the above screenshot shows the boss with level 5 fire imperil) before he croaked it. If I had Vanille’s AASB, I could have resurrected him.
Welp, Vincent died again. Why does this keep happening? LOL. Vincent may have died, but I’m still pretty pleased with this victory because my party somehow managed to sub-30 the fight on auto.
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This fight ended at 26.40 seconds, which is pretty amazing considering the penalty for bringing a full off-realm team.
Hey, look, Vincent didn’t die in this fight. And it’s another sub-30 with the battle ending at 27.40 seconds. Double yay!
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Judging from the yellow Limit Break Gauge bar, it looks like the AI was about to cast an LBO but the fight ended before it could be activated.
Another sub-30 with this fight ending at exactly 27 seconds. Also, once again, Vincent managed to live. LOL.
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Super pleased to have been able to use Genesis on multiple quests where it was preferable to go in with a full realm team. He did so well. This entire team did so well.
To be able to bring my fave Genesis to these fights as an off-realm char and still be able to win is really super special awesome.
So what about you? Have you tried any of the Cardia Dungeons fights yet? Did you bring any off-realm chars to these battles? What do you think about these quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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sanatanvanshi · 1 month
Amarnath yatra 2024: registration, tour package, helicopter booking, gufa darshan.
Amar, means immortal, and Nath means Lord. - https://sanatandharmvoice.blogspot.com/
The Amarnath Yatra is an yearly journey to the Amarnath Cave, arranged in the Himalayas in the Indian union domain of Jammu and Kashmir. It is one of the most noteworthy Hindu journeys, pulling in thousands of aficionados each year. Here's a comprehensive direct to the different perspectives of the Amarnath Yatra in 2024:
As the summer sun starts to warm the valleys of Jammu and Kashmir, ardent pioneers from over the globe are equipping up for the respected Amarnath Yatra, which is set to commence on June 29, 2024 and will final until Admirable 19, 2024.
1. Online Enrollment : The enrollment handle for the Amarnath Yatra ordinarily starts months in progress. Aficionados can enroll online through the official site assigned by the Shri Amarnathji Hallowed place Board (SASB). The site gives nitty gritty informational on how to enlist, counting filling out fundamental shapes, giving distinguishing proof records, and selecting favored travel dates.
2. Offline Enrollment : On the other hand, for those who favor offline strategies, enrollment counters are set up in different cities over India. These counters encourage enlistment and give help to pioneers with respect to the fundamental documentation.
3. Enrollment Expenses : There may be a ostensible enrollment expense charged by the SASB to cover authoritative costs. The expenses are subject to alter each year, so it's fundamental to check the most recent overhauls some time recently registering.
Tour Packages:
Amarnath Journey Distance
The length of the journey shifts from 36 to 48 km depending upon the dedication of the traveler. The journey as a rule takes 3-5 days one way. The Amarnath course is much more extensive than the Baltal journey and slants continuously. Be that as it may, one will moreover discover it swarmed by horses for nearly the entirety of the route.
1. Organized Visits : A few visit administrators offer comprehensive Amarnath Yatra bundles that incorporate transportation, settlement, dinners, and other comforts. These bundles cater to distinctive budgets and inclinations, extending from budget-friendly alternatives to extravagance experiences.
2. Considerations : When selecting a visit bundle, pioneers ought to consider the length of the trip, convenience offices, transportation mode (by street or helicopter), and extra administrations given by the visit operator.
3. Customized Bundles : A few visit administrators offer customized bundles custom-made to the particular needs and inclinations of pioneers. These bundles may incorporate extra touring openings or otherworldly encounters along with the primary journey to the Amarnath Cave.
 Helicopter Booking:
1. Helicopter Administrations : Helicopter administrations are accessible for travelers who wish to abbreviate their travel time and dodge the difficult journey to the Amarnath Cave. These administrations work from assigned helipads close the base camps of Baltal and Pahalgam.
2. Booking Prepare : Travelers can book helicopter tickets online through the official site of the helicopter benefit supplier or through authorized travel specialists. It's prudent to book helicopter tickets well in progress, as they tend to offer out rapidly, particularly amid top journey season.
3. Flight Plan : Helicopter administrations ordinarily work from early morning to late evening, climate allowing. Travelers ought to check the flight plan and be arranged for conceivable delays or cancellations due to harsh climate conditions in the precipitous region.
Gufa Darshan:
1. Centrality : Gufa Darshan alludes to the sacrosanct visit to the Amarnath Cave, where aficionados pay respect to the actually shaped ice lingam, speaking to Ruler Shiva.
2. Trekking Course : Travelers setting out on the conventional journey to the Amarnath Cave begin their travel from either Baltal or Pahalgam base camps, depending on their chosen course. The journey includes navigating rough landscape and crossing mountain passes, with assigned resting focuses along the way.
3. Darshan Convention : Upon coming to the cave, travelers connect the line for Darshan, where they have the opportunity to offer supplications and look for gifts from the ice lingam. The SASB directs the stream of pioneers interior the cave to guarantee a smooth and deliberate Darshan experience.
The Amarnath Yatra is not fair a journey but a significant otherworldly travel attempted by lovers from all strolls of life. Whether traveling by street, helicopter, or trekking on foot, travelers inundate themselves in dedication and look for the divine nearness of Ruler Shiva at the sacrosanct Amarnath Cave. Arranging and planning are pivotal viewpoints of the travel to guarantee a secure and satisfying involvement in the midst of the awe-inspiring magnificence of the Himalayas.
Need more information visit my website - https://sanatandharmvoice.blogspot.com/
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watchfreeone1 · 2 months
ESG Reporting : A Comprehensive Guide to Disclosure and Governance
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ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a term that has been gaining momentum in the business world. It refers to a set of standards that companies can use to measure their environmental, social, and governance impact. The concept of ESG is closely linked to sustainability, and it is becoming increasingly important for companies to report on their ESG performance. In this article, I will explore the various frameworks and standards that exist for ESG reporting and explain why they are important.
One of the key drivers of ESG reporting is the demand from stakeholders for greater transparency and accountability. Investors, customers, and employees are increasingly interested in the social and environmental impact of the companies they work for or invest in. As a result, companies are under pressure to disclose more information about their ESG efforts. In response to this demand, a number of reporting frameworks and standards have emerged, which I will discuss in more detail in the following sections.
Key Takeaways
ESG reporting is becoming increasingly important for companies as stakeholders demand greater transparency and accountability.
There are numerous frameworks and standards for ESG reporting, including the EU Sustainability Reporting Directive, the Global Reporting Initiative, and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board.
ESG reporting can help companies improve their sustainability efforts, engage with stakeholders, and demonstrate their commitment to environmental, social, and governance issues.
Understanding ESG and Sustainability
As companies increasingly recognize the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in their operations, the need for a standardized framework for reporting on these issues has become more pressing. In this section, I will provide an overview of the evolution of ESG frameworks, the demand for ESG and sustainability reporting, and key ESG concepts and terminology.
Evolution of ESG Frameworks
Over the past few decades, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of ESG issues in business decision-making. As a result, various frameworks and standards have emerged to help companies report on these issues. One of the most widely recognized frameworks is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for sustainability reporting. Other frameworks include the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the United Nations Guiding Principles Reporting Framework.
In Europe, there has been a push towards more standardized sustainability reporting, with the introduction of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). These initiatives aim to improve the quality and comparability of sustainability reporting across the EU.
Demand for ESG and Sustainability
There is a growing demand from stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees, for companies to disclose their ESG performance. This demand has been driven by a number of factors, including concerns about climate change, social justice issues, and corporate governance. In response, companies are increasingly adopting ESG strategies and reporting on their ESG performance.
Key ESG Concepts and Terminology
To effectively report on ESG issues, it is important to understand key concepts and terminology. Some of the most commonly used terms include:
Environmental: Refers to issues related to climate change, resource depletion, pollution, and other environmental impacts.
Social: Refers to issues related to labor practices, human rights, community engagement, and other social impacts.
Governance: Refers to issues related to board structure, executive compensation, shareholder rights, and other governance issues.
Other important concepts include sustainability, supply chain, carbon emissions, and stakeholder engagement.
In conclusion, understanding ESG and sustainability is becoming increasingly important for companies seeking to improve their environmental and social impact, as well as their governance practices. By adopting standardized reporting frameworks and disclosing their ESG performance, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and meet the growing demand from stakeholders for greater transparency and accountability.
Global ESG Reporting Frameworks
As the demand for ESG reporting increases, several frameworks have emerged to help companies report on their sustainability efforts. In this section, I will discuss three of the most widely recognized global ESG reporting frameworks: Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB).
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a widely used framework for sustainability reporting. The GRI Standards provide a comprehensive set of indicators that companies can use to report on their ESG performance. The framework covers topics such as governance, human rights, labor practices, environmental impact, and social responsibility. The GRI Standards are widely recognized and used by companies around the world.
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is another widely used global ESG reporting framework. The SASB Standards provide a set of industry-specific sustainability accounting standards that companies can use to report on their ESG performance. The framework covers topics such as environmental impact, social capital, human capital, and business model and innovation. The SASB Standards are designed to be industry-specific, which makes them more relevant and useful for companies operating in specific sectors.
Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB)
The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) is a framework that helps companies report on their climate-related financial risks and opportunities. The CDSB Framework provides a set of guidelines that companies can use to report on their carbon emissions, climate-related risks, and opportunities. The framework is widely recognized and used by companies around the world.
In conclusion, these global ESG reporting frameworks provide companies with a structured approach to reporting on their sustainability efforts. By using these frameworks, companies can ensure that they are reporting on the most relevant ESG issues and providing stakeholders with accurate and reliable information.
Integrated Reporting and Financial Standards
As companies increasingly recognize the importance of disclosing their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, there is a growing need for standardized reporting frameworks. Integrated reporting is one such framework that aims to provide a holistic view of a company’s performance by integrating financial and non-financial information.
International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is a global coalition of regulators, investors, companies, and standard-setters that promotes integrated reporting. The IIRC’s framework encourages companies to report on how they create value over the short, medium, and long term, and how their strategy, governance, performance, and prospects contribute to sustainable development.
The IIRC’s framework is based on six capitals: financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural. By reporting on all six capitals, companies can provide a more complete picture of their performance and demonstrate how they are creating value for all stakeholders.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of accounting standards developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). IFRS are designed to provide a common global language for business affairs so that company accounts are understandable and comparable across international boundaries.
IFRS are used by more than 100 countries, including the European Union, Australia, and Canada. The IFRS Foundation is responsible for the governance and oversight of the IASB, and it works to promote the adoption of IFRS around the world.
IFRS are primarily focused on financial reporting, but they also include some requirements for non-financial reporting. For example, IFRS 7 requires companies to disclose information about their financial instruments, including their exposure to credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk.
Overall, integrated reporting and IFRS are two important frameworks that can help companies improve their sustainability reporting and provide more transparency to stakeholders. By using these frameworks, companies can better understand their ESG impacts and make more informed decisions about how to improve their sustainability performance.
EU Regulations and Directives
As a reporter covering ESG and sustainability issues, it is crucial to understand the various regulations and directives that govern corporate reporting in the European Union. In this section, I will discuss three important directives that companies must adhere to: the EU Taxonomy, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
EU Taxonomy
The EU Taxonomy is a classification system that defines which economic activities can be considered sustainable. It was created to help investors and companies understand what qualifies as environmentally sustainable, and to encourage investment in sustainable activities. The taxonomy covers six environmental objectives: climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention and control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD)
The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) requires large companies in the EU to disclose information on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and performance. The directive applies to companies with more than 500 employees, or with a turnover of over €40 million and a balance sheet total of over €20 million. Companies must report on a range of ESG issues, including greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, employee diversity, and anti-corruption measures. The NFRD is currently under review, with proposed changes that would expand its scope and require companies to report on additional ESG issues.
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raglobal1 · 1 month
Elevating Sustainability: How ESG Report Assurance Drives Responsible Business Practices
RA Global is at the forefront of providing critical services like ESG Report Assurance and Sustainability Assurance. In Dubai, RA Global serves as an essential ESG Assurance Provider, helping businesses verify the accuracy and reliability of their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures through independent and thorough assessments.
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By offering ESG Report Assurance and Sustainability Report Assurance, RA Global plays a vital role in enhancing the credibility of sustainability disclosures. This independent verification is essential for meeting stakeholder demands for transparency and accountability and fostering trust among investors, customers, employees, and regulators. These stakeholders increasingly rely on solid ESG information to make informed decisions and assess the long-term viability of businesses.
Furthermore, as a Sustainability Assurance Provider in Dubai, RA Global helps companies align their reporting with international frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). This alignment ensures consistency and comparability across different reporting formats, facilitating meaningful dialogue on sustainability issues and helping businesses benchmark performance effectively.
The services RA Global provides support external stakeholders in making better-informed decisions and aid internal decision-making processes. With validated and reliable data, companies can undertake more informed strategic planning and resource allocation, integrating sustainability deeply into their core business operations. This ultimately drives value creation and offers a competitive advantage in the marketplace, positioning RA Global as a leader in fostering a more sustainable and resilient future for businesses and society.
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