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Day one of holiday sasharcy week: holiday (feat. Wingm-anne)‼️‼️
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friendlydrop · 1 year
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Timeskip sasharcy week on Twitter Day 2: "Long distance" Sasha you freak (when i call you the 'calling' sound repeats the word LOVE in Morse code)
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mira-blue · 2 years
for sasharcy week, day 4: scars/sleepovers! based on this
“And if you go behind the lava waterfall in the same room you fought the boss in, you find this secret portrait that clearly shows our hero isn’t who we think he is!”
“Uh huh, really?”
“Yes! And, and! If you look really closely, you’ll notice that he and the mysterious hooded figure in the intro scene have the exact same scar on their palms!”
Sasha didn’t look up from her phone. “No way, that’s crazy.” Then, without missing a beat, she asked, “Hey, Anne? Is there orange soda in the fridge? I’m kinda thirsty.”
No answer came from her right. She frowned, turning to Anne, a scoff already making its way out – but paused when she saw that Anne was snoring lightly, barely propped up on an elbow.
Sasha snorted. “Hey, Marmar, check this out. Our hero has been defeated.”
Marcy – who had, for some reason, ended up sitting on the floor beside the bed as she rambled – glanced up, clapping a palm over her mouth when she saw Anne. “Oh shoot! I didn’t realize Anne was sleeping.”
“There’s no need to whisper. This loser can sleep through anything.” Sasha poked Anne’s face, causing her to flop the rest of the way down. “Loser,” she repeated.
Marcy giggled. “Don’t be mean. She’s just tired.”
Sasha stood up, stretching. “Well, I’m not. I’m thirsty. C’mon, let’s go soda hunting.” She held out a hand towards Marcy.
Marcy took it without hesitation, and jumped to her feet when Sasha pulled her up. “Orange soda’s gross,” she stated without malice, just like it was a simple fact.
Sasha rolled her eyes, not letting go of Marcy’s hand as they walked out of Anne’s room. “Says the person who drinks strawberry soda.”
“It’s good!” Marcy protested, descending down the stairs with a spring in her step. Sasha figured she would’ve fallen flat on her face, had she not been holding onto her.
“It’s – ,” Sasha decided to make gagging noises to get her point across.
Marcy laughed. “Okay, okay. To each their own.”
“Mmm. I’m right, though.”
“Whatever you say, Sash.”
They got to the kitchen, Sasha using her free hand to flick the lights on. It was past midnight, but Anne’s parents were used to late-night snack raids that happened when Sasha, Anne, and Marcy had sleepovers.
Marcy let go of Sasha, hopping onto the counter and kicking her legs back and forth. Sasha made her way to the fridge, opening its door and peering in.
“Takeout, milk, ugly broccoli...score! Orange soda!” Sasha grabbed the bottle, noticing another, different-flavoured one behind it. “Oh, double score! Marmar, there’s your undrinkable strawberry soda!”
Marcy perked up. “Ooo, yes please!”
Sasha grabbed the other bottle, too. She kicked the fridge door closed, heading towards Marcy and placing their sodas on the counter next to her.
“Now,” Sasha placed her hands on her hips. “Where’s the bottle opener?”
“Third drawer,” Marcy replied immediately, tapping a finger against her thigh.
Sasha opened the third drawer. Sure enough, the bottle opener was there – alongside an array of knives varying in length and sharpness.
“Fun,” Sasha said. She handed Marcy the bottle opener, then picked up a wickedly-sharp looking knife, balancing the blade against her knuckles.
Marcy was looking at her with curiosity as she opened their sodas. “What’re you planning to do with that, Sash?”
“Hm,” Sasha mused. “I think...I have a great idea.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Marcy asked.
Sasha waved her off. “Of course I am. Anne’s gonna love this, trust me.”
They were back in Anne’s room, both standing by the bed. Anne was still asleep, which Sasha was glad for. It would make carving their initials onto Anne’s bedframe much easier – and a nice surprise for her to wake up to.
“Alright.” She placed one hand on the bedframe and carried the knife with the other. “I’ll go first.”
It was easy work to chip at the wood and paint. The knife snagged at some points, but it wasn’t long before the letters SW were engraved in the wood, permanent.
“All done!” Sasha twirled the knife in her hand, then handed it to Marcy. “Your turn.”
Marcy hesitated for only a moment. “Okay.”
She took Sasha’s spot, tongue poked out in concentration, and began to carve her own initials in.
She struggled a little more than Sasha did, the M coming out wonky, but Sasha watched on, proud and...a little endeared? Well, Marcy did look a bit cute, focusing so intently and all.
Sasha snapped out of her thoughts when Marcy let out a pained “Ow”. A sliver of panic lodged itself in her chest when she noticed that Marcy’s hand was bleeding.
“Shit,” she swore, stepping closer to take a better look. “Are you okay?”
Marcy nodded. “Uh, yeah, just a scratch. But look! I finished carving my initials, at least!”
Sasha looked. Next to her smooth SW was Marcy’s shaky MW. The sight of them next to each other made her heart skip a beat.
What the fuck?
Sasha shook her head. “Okay, that’s great Marmar, but – you’re bleeding.”
Cradling her hand, Marcy said “I think Anne has bandages in her bag.”
Anne’s bag was thrown in the corner, next to the closet. Sasha grabbed it, unzipping it and sifting through its contents. She felt Marcy move, standing behind her.
Suddenly, Sasha’s mouth tasted bitter with guilt.
Hurt her.
She forced down her feelings. Trying to achieve levity, she said, “Well, now you can have a scar like that video game guy you were talking about,” then winced. God, that was stupid. But –
“You were listening!” Marcy exclaimed, excited. “And oh my gosh, you’re right! On my palm, too!”
I can’t believe that actually cheered her up, Sasha thought.
Frustrated with the lack of bandages, she tipped over Anne’s bag, spilling out everything that was in it. Still, nothing. Just when she was about to suggest they raid the bathroom cabinet, she heard, “Uh, guys? What the heck happened?”
In unison, Sasha and Marcy whipped their heads towards a now-awake Anne, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and looking at them with confusion.
Sasha acted first. “We need bandages.”
“What for?”
Marcy offered Anne a smile. “My hand?”
Anne blinked, finally noticing the alarming amount of red on Marcy’s palm. She quickly came over. “Shoot, how – how did this happen?”
“You’ll find out later,” Sasha told her. “For now, bandages?”
“Right, yeah.”
Anne opened her bedside table’s drawer, picking out a bandage and alcohol wipes. Before she could hand them to Marcy, Sasha snatched them away.
“Here, give me,” she told Marcy.
Marcy understood, holding out her injured palm. Sasha worked quietly, wiping the blood away and placing the Band-Aid over the cut.
“Thanks, Sash,” Marcy said when Sasha was done. She was smiling at Sasha, small and grateful, and Sasha couldn’t look away.
– Until Anne loudly proclaimed, “Hey, these letters weren’t here before! Also, is that a knife? I fell asleep for one hour!"
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seafoamstatice · 2 years
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day four: Scars (sasharcy week hosted by @kurophuna)
Nasturtium: Strength
Ragged Robin: Wit
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gayfrogcoven · 2 years
for day five prompt of sasharcy week, hosted by @kurophuna: future!
@reyraccoon @watermelon-converse @lunapen @spike-the-goblin @yourpersonaltimebomb @your-local-hurt-comfort-junkie-1
my ao3
a beautiful wish (but there will be no future)
word count: 804
Don’t struggle, Wit.
There are times when she can regain enough consciousness to hear and see what’s going on, and her thoughts are muddy, but there.
Her thoughts are there and they’re hers, but she has to fight to keep them before they slip away again.
Now is one of those times.
There’s no point to an escape attempt. Even if you could leave us, it’s better this way.
Why should they ever take you back after what you did?
Anne and Sasha-
-don’t need you. They’ve started a little rebellion, you know. Of course, it’s useless against our power, but they’ve done this without you. They don’t need you.
I-I just wanted to be here with them. To have a future with them. I never meant to hurt-
A future with them? How interesting.
How interesting indeed… I think I’d like to see that. I’m sure you would as well.
What do you-
Quiet now, Wit. Enjoy the show.
The kitchen is warm.
Marcy is standing in a kitchen, and it’s warm. The walls are yellow and the tile behind the counter is blue, and the air smells like vanilla. It’s a homey sight, and Marcy feels like she hasn’t been in a place like this in forever. But even more surprising is the girl leaning against the counter.
It’s Sasha, blond hair down to her shoulders and shaved on one side, tickling the sleeves of her black tank top. She’s about five or six years older than when they were transported to Amphibia. She holds a rubber spatula in one hand, a metal mixing bowl behind her on the counter. Her warm eyes meet Marcy’s.
“You okay, Mar? You kinda zoned out there.” When Marcy doesn’t answer, she crosses the few feet between them and places her hands on Marcy’s shoulders. “Marcy?”
“I’m okay,” Marcy says, snapping out of her thoughts.
“Good,” Sasha smiles at her and Marcy’s heart does a little twirl because this is not a you ruined our friendship smile. This is not an I hate you smile. In fact, it feels like the opposite. “Wouldn’t want to have to call Anne on her way home from work and tell her our favorite Marshmallow passed out. Come on, she’ll be home with dinner soon, we gotta get these cookies in the oven.” She hands Marcy the spatula and opens up a drawer.
“Where are the- oh, here it is.” Sasha pulls out a pair of oven mitts and picks up the pan of freshly rolled-out cookies. As she places them in the oven, she asks, “Would you put that in the dishwasher?”
“Mm-hm!” Marcy licks the cookie dough off of the spatula and grabs the empty bowl off the stove.
“Careful, it’s hot.” Sasha shuts the door and pulls off the mitts. “Don’t wanna burn yourself again.”
“I won’t!” Marcy sucks the last of the dough off of her fingers.
“I know, you’ve been more careful lately. I still worry about you though.” Sasha hops up to sit on the counter. “So does Anne. I worry about her too.”
“Well, don’t worry too much or I’ll have to be worried about you.” Marcy jokes, doing her best to climb up as well. Sasha helps pull her up.
“Yeah, well, I think we’re all gonna worry about each other ‘till we’re old and shriveled and die.” Sasha leans back on her hands. “Hard not to. You have cookie dough all over your face, by the way.”
“You’re just now telling me?” Marcy giggles, trying to sound indignant, wiping at her face with her sleeve. Sasha snickers at her.
“What? It was cute.”
Eventually their laughter dies down, and Marcy lays her head on Sasha’s shoulder. She suddenly feels as if she needs to tell Sasha everything right now. She can’t quite figure out what it is she needs to say, though, so she settles -no, not settles, this doesn’t feel like settling at all- for “Love you, Sash.”
“Love you too, Mar-mar.” Sasha gives Marcy a kiss on the top of her smooth dark hair. “Wanna go wait on the porch for Anne?”
“Yeah!” The two of them slide off the counter. Sasha takes Marcy’s hand and leads her towards the door, but Marcy’s vision is flickering. She barely registers the hallway, the coats and bags by the door. She holds tight to Sasha’s hand and tries to ground herself here, in this home, this moment, but she’s slipping away and she can’t find her voice, she can’t say anything. Her last view before everything goes completely black is Sasha smiling at her over her shoulder.
Now, now, Wit, no use crying over -what is it you humans say?- spilled milk. After all, it’s your own fault.
Just look at what you could have had if you weren’t so selfish.
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hydetheghost · 1 year
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#sasharcyweekday 3+4 combined.. I mean isn't a festive Christmas night Market a cool place to spend their free day?it's also a thing you can only do in winter so I think it works.. unfortunately that's also a wip well I wanted to post to not be even later 
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sasholotl · 2 years
love, it will not betray you, it will set you free
Hey ! Wanted to try and write something for the last prompt of the sasharcy week ! So, here we are for the prompt ‘’headcanon’’. I have this little headcanon that both Marcy and Sasha need to stim. Hope you’ll enjoy !
The sun shone bright above them, bathing Sasha's hair in gold. Marcy tried really hard not to stare and focus on her console but everytime Sasha moved, her attention would snap back to the glint of the sunlight on her hair. It was distracting.
Sasha seemed unaware of her interest. Eyes stuck on her phone, a small smile would graze her lips every now and then, the object of her amusement lost to Marcy. She was probably talking with Anne anyway.
(If the thought sparked something uneasy in her stomach, Marcy was quick to bury it. Sasha was with her, no ?)
The simmering energy flickering between her fingers was becoming too much for her console, so Marcy dropped it on the table. To her dismay, the energy swam from her fingers to her arms until she was practically vibrating from the excess of restlessness.
She tried to resist it, but it was like showing a dog a bone and expecting it to remain calm. Now that she was aware of it, she could hardly ignore the urge to move. Throwing a brief glance to Sasha, Marcy knew her friend wouldn't move for a long time, sprawled as she was on the bench.
Anyway, she doubted Sasha would agree to do something else than bask in the warmth of the sun, not when she had been adamant to sit here so they could wait for Anne to finish her classes.
Hoping Sasha wouldn't notice, she began rocking back and forth, so slow at first that she barely felt like moving. When Sasha stayed absorbed by her phone, Marcy allowed herself to rock more freely, losing herself in the relief washing over her. Eyes closed, she hummed almost inaudibly, just to feel the vibration in her chest and throat.
It felt nice, great even. Why hadn't she done so earlier ? In hindsight, it felt ridiculous to worry about Sasha's judgement, especially-
''Stop fidgeting Marcy, everyone's watching us !''
Once when she was still a kid, one of her classmate, who had bullied her all year despite Sasha's threats, had punched her in the stomach, hard enough to chase all the air from her lungs. She had been left gasping like an idiot, tears burning in her eyes.
It was like Sasha had just punched her. She opened her eyes, frozen in mid rock, greeted with the sight of Sasha frowning at her. A quick look around revealed to her the mocking glare and the too loud snickers of the few students sitting near them.
She shrunk on herself, half-hoping she could disappear, her arms coming to hug her own belly, hoping it would somehow relieve the pression growing there. ''Sorry Sash.''
Sasha watched her, unreadable, before going back to her phone. Marcy lasted a total of ten seconds before rocking again, both humiliated by the taunting of her classmates and desperate for any stimuli.
Why was her body so weird ? Why was she so weird ? Neither Anne nor Sasha, nor anyone really, seemed to feel like her, to feel the urge to do anything just to release the energy burning inside.
''You're doing it again.'' Sasha hissed, a wild glint in her eyes as they flickered back to her.
''I'm sorry, I just don't know how to stop doing it !''
''Just calm down okay ?''
''But I am calm !'' Marcy said, wringing her hands, trying very hard to focus on not rocking. Sasha huffed, brows furrowed. She couldn't tell if Sasha was angry or worried, and it made her nervous. ''It's not a bad weird thing, it's just weird. Like, I need to move, you know ?''
Her friend stayed uncharacteritically quiet. Her phone buzzed on the table, and from where she was, Marcy saw Anne's picture appear. Sasha didn't look, her gaze trained on Marcy's, unwavering, as if she was focusing really hard on understanding what Marcy was saying.
It was too much staring. Marcy dropped her eyes to Sasha's phone again, watching Anne's texts appear on it and wishing the girl was here to diffuse the tension growing. She had no idea what she had done wrong, desperatly searching in her mind why Sasha was acting so strangely all of a sudden.
Marcy was about to ask her friend to leave and wait for Anne in another place but Sasha beat her to it.
''Yeah, I know.'' Sasha smiled, but it felt wrong, too tense. And then, her friend sighed, her shoulders sagging. ''I know, Mar-mar.'' She raised a hand to her hair, deflty untying her ponytail and offering her elastic to her. ''Here, take this. It helps me sometimes to...'' Sasha frowned again, glancing to the other students not far away. The muscles on her cheeks moved as she clenched her jaw. ''Whatever, just take it.''
Marcy watched the elastic, mind blank, before gazing back to Sasha. Her friend was looking more and more annoyed as time passed, prompting her to grab the elastic before Sasha took it back.
''Thank you.'' Marcy muttered, still staring. Did Sasha...
Sasha leaned back, looking embarrassed. ''Whatever. Not a word to anyone, alright ?''
She nodded, too stunned to do anything else. Slowly, she let her fingers graze the elastic, enjoying the soft texture. A few hair of Sasha's were still stuck to it so she gently remove them, before twisting the elastic. It wasn't as relieving as the rocking, but it was enough and it had the benefit to be discreet.
When she raised her head, Sasha was still watching her, her face strangely soft.
For an unknown reason, it made Marcy's cheeks burn.
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4. Sleepover
i’ve been traveling so this one is a little late, but hope u enjoy nonetheless
Sasha had taken her skateboard to Marcy’s house, rather than ask for a ride from her father and his new girlfriend. There was a whole minefield involved in that situation that she was trying very hard to ignore, which usually ended up exploding in her face, to the surprise of nobody. But in twelve hours, her mom would be home again, and she wouldn’t have to acknowledge that either of them existed for the rest of the weekend.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket as she arrived in front of Marcy’s house, the small fountain outside the door bubbling in time with the incoming call alert. She swiped to ignore it, and then dumped her phone back into her pocket as she kicked her skateboard up by the tail, then slid it under her arm so the bright pink graphic was visible to everybody. Marcy had commented on the messy sketch of the pink flamingo splashed against a black and white background a few times, always seeming to forget that she’d told Sasha the fact about where the color came from the last time she’d seen it.
Marcy opened the door almost as soon as Sasha knocked, and Sasha wondered if she’d been sitting by the window waiting for her. “Sasha!”
“Hey, Marcy,” she replied, feeling her phone buzz again as Marcy pulled her into a fast hug, then into the house.
“You’re the first to arrive. Anne is still at the restaurant finishing up her shift.” Sasha listened as she dropped her board in the usual corner near the door, hoping to avoid Marcy’s parents so they’d stop scolding her about not wearing a helmet. She could hear them talking in the kitchen, and Marcy’s mother called out a greeting that Sasha replied to before answering Marcy.
“I’m sure we can find some fun to get into without her,” she said, retying her hair and watching Marcy eyeing the board, probably thinking again about the algae and brine shrimp that gave flamingos their color, or the fact that they alternated legs regularly, which some ornithologists assumed was to protect them from overexposure to the alkaline waters they typically liked to reside in. She patiently waited for Marcy to make some remark about it.
“...you really should wear a helmet, Sasha.”
Sasha rolled her eyes with a scoff. She recognized Marcy parroting her own parents, and didn’t take the advice too seriously. “Not everyone is as much of a klutz as you, Mar-Mar. C’mon, can we get this party started already?”
Marcy nodded after a moment’s more inspection of the board, and empty space beside it that could fit a helmet. “It’s your call. Anyway, I couldn’t convince my parents to buy us spray paint, but! I sold Vince a paper for English in exchange for his supply. Though I can’t guarantee all of them are actually full. It’s kind of a mystery box deal. Like all the trades you make with Galbosh in the QuarryConstruction graveyard! It was very exciting to be a part of my first underground “black market” deal.”
Sasha laughed softly with a fond shake of her head. “I never expected you to go to such lengths, Marce.”
Marcy made some sort of hand gesture that Sasha vaguely recognized from an old sci-fi movie she’d had her and Anne sit through one time. “Anything for the preservation of the sacred sleepover rites,” she replied solemnly, before breaking into a smile.
Sasha smiled right back. “C’mon, show me what we’re working with.”
Sasha took the stairs two at a time to Marcy’s room, with Marcy trailing behind her. The bag of spray paint was sitting in her gaming chair, the zipper frayed and caught on the fabric. Sasha ripped it open and examined the colors they had to work with.
Marcy sat on her bed. “I think Vince wants that bag back.”
“Trust me, I’m doing him a favor, this thing smells terrible.”
After a moment, she set a can of black spray paint on Marcy’s desk, then a green can beside it. Marcy stood up to take a look. “Where should we go?”
Sasha responded matter-of-factly. “The library.” She didn’t look up until the prolonged silence penetrated her concentration. As her eyes fell to Marcy’s, she was met with surprising discomfort. She lifted an eyebrow, slowly putting down the can of blue beside the green, giving Marcy a chance to collect her thoughts.
“I’m not going to vandalize a library, Sasha.”
The small act of resistance was clearly uncomfortable to Marcy, who often surprised Sasha with her willingness to ignore rules that seemed counterintuitive, oppressive, or obstacles to curiosity. She’d never minded flirting with rule-breaking as much as Anne did, but she was always far more concerned with the consequences than Sasha thought they deserved.
“Relax, Mar-Mar, it was just a joke.” She backed off, slamming down the last bottle of spray paint, a deep pink color with a broken nozzle. “We can just go to the abandoned movie theater again. Nobody will see our tags there.”
Marcy opened her mouth to reply, and then closed it again. After a moment of reconsidering her original statement, she finally said, “I don’t mind if people see it, Sash. But I like the library. I feel at home there. I don’t want to damage it.”
Sasha forced a smile, and wondered how you were supposed to know if a place felt like home. “I get it, Marcy. No library.”
The words felt sharp leaving her tongue, and the quick response got Marcy to go quiet. Sasha bunched her fist, angry at herself for not controlling her temper. Her phone buzzed in her pocket again.
“...I need to take this.”
Marcy nodded mutely, and Sasha excused herself into the bathroom across the hall. She could hear Marcy’s father discussing something in the kitchen, breaks in the conversation suggesting that he was on the phone. For some reason, the low murmur filled her with a quiet dread. She quickly closed the bathroom door, then stared at the notifications she’d been dutifully ignoring since her arrival at the house.
One (1) Missed Call from: father
Text (father): Sorry I couldn’t pick you up. Jess should be there soon.
Heat flashed in Sasha’s cheeks; he didn’t even know she was missing when he’d called. Her eyes darted to the next message.
Text (father): Next time you find another ride, could you let us know, please? Have fun tonight, Sasha.
At least Jess hadn’t tried to call her this time. The last time that’d happened, they’d gotten into an exhausting screaming match that neither one of them had wanted to confess to her father. He was still convinced that Sasha “just needed time”, and that she’d learn to get along with her if she “gave her a chance”. Yeah, right.
She ignored the messages, and ignored the strange flutter in her chest that almost felt like guilt. When she returned to Marcy’s room, Marcy had dumped the spray cans into an old satchel, and was stuffing in a paint-stained t-shirt so they wouldn’t rattle too much.
“Is everything okay, Sash?”
She blinked, then nodded. “Yeah. Fine.” She hadn’t intended on elaborating, and Marcy didn’t ask, but her gaze betrayed a hint of concern, so she sighed. “My dad just wanted to make sure I got here safe.”
She didn’t have to worry about any sympathetic advice from Marcy like she did with Anne. The response didn’t alter Marcy’s expression of concern, but she didn’t pry into her feelings, and Sasha actually felt grateful for that.
“That makes sense.” The expression she said it with contradicted the sentiment, but at least she wasn’t asking any awkward questions. “So, I was thinking that when Anne gets here, we could take our bikes to the park. There are a few lampposts that we could add our names to. It could be an ultra stealth mission, because that park ranger has elf eyes or something.”
Sasha chuckled quietly; he did always seem to pop out of nowhere when they least expected him. “I have a better idea. The park’s right near the bus depot. That’d be even more of a stealth mission.”
Marcy squirmed, but ultimately nodded. “Is that the scare dare?”
“That’s the scare dare.”
“Alright, well, we can make it official when Anne gets here. I’m going to throw an outfit together if we’re really going to go rogue. What do you think, fingerless gloves? I think fingerless gloves.”
Sasha fell into the gaming chair and spun from side to side by the heels of her shoes, pulling out her phone. “Yeah, that sounds good, Mar-Mar.”
Marcy enthusiastically went to work selecting the appropriate outfits for roleplaying a major stealth mission, asking for Sasha’s feedback now and then, which was always tersely supportive. When the time came, she’d just wear the beanie, but for now, there was no reason to quash Marcy’s fun. Anne would help her rebound, because Anne would definitely wear the stupid outfit.
Sasha held Marcy to her chest on the back of Domino 2, Anne flying them far from the destruction of the flying palace. She looked so small, now, without the mask of eyes. She still wore the suit with the large, red gash down the middle. Neither she nor Anne had wanted to mess with that until Marcy could tell them if she needed it to live, but it somehow felt like the Core was still watching them.
Marcy slept soundly despite the sounds of bombing and shelling below them as the army surged forward into Newtopia. Sasha was happy her friend was sleeping through all of her worst emotions, which had swirled together into a monstrous, confusing concoction. She was angry and scared, sad and relieved, guilty and happy. She was every shade and spectrum of every human emotion.
Marcy just looked calm.
“...We’re going to get you home safe, Marcy,” she murmured when she was certain that Anne wouldn’t be listening.
She froze when Marcy stirred softly against her, barely daring to breathe.
“Thanks, Sashy.” Her eyes flickered open, but she was too weak to keep them that way, and groaned, shutting them again. “I’m sorry.”
“We can talk about that later. Get some sleep, okay?”
“Okay. Way to pull off your stealth mission, Sash.”
Sasha almost laughed, but it would’ve been too watery. Instead, she leaned down and kissed Marcy’s hair. It didn’t need to be said that she’d learned everything from her friendship with her.
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Sasharcy Week 💗💚 hosted by @kurophuna
Day 2: Costumes or Cuddles
Thunder roared overhead and rain fell from darkened clouds as Sasha pulled a blanket from the linen closet, kicking it shut with one foot before heading off to the living room.
Light from the floor lamp cast a soft glow into the otherwise dark room. Blankets of varying sizes were draped over the couches and love seat, the entrance guarded by a dozing golden retriever. A brown and white finch sat in the enclosure, preening his feathers contently.
Dropping to her knees Sasha gave the pup a gentle pet on the head before crawling into the blanket fort. A few pillows lay against the front of the couch and a baby blue blanket was spread neatly across the carpeted floor which Marcy sat upon, still playing on her Bintendo Swatch.
She barely looked up as Sasha scooted beside her, tucking the other blanket around them but a smile flitted across her face as a smooch was pressed to her cheek. They sat like that for a while, Marcy playing her game and Sasha scrolling through her phone, content to just be near each other.
That is until the phone was tossed to the side and a blonde head was plopped into the gamer's lap, arm encircling the other's waist.
“Hmm?” A hand pulled away from her game counsel to play with her girlfriend’s hair, nails occasionally scratching across her scalp.
The arms around her gave a gentle squeeze. “Come lay down with me, please.”
The Swatch was turned off and carefully put to the side before Marcy flopped down and wiggled her way into Sasha’s awaiting arms, hands snaking up to clutch loosely at the others t-shirt. Their legs tangled together, bodies slotting together like puzzle pieces.
Sasha held Marcy close and pressed a kiss into her hair. “Love you, Marsh.”
A kiss was pressed against her shoulder, head settling back onto her chest. “Love you too, Sash.”
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insulationsun · 1 year
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mechanic marcy..
for sasharcyweek day 4 over on twitter! 
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krinclem · 2 years
Love Magnet
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My late contribution for Sasharcyweek Day 7: Vet AU.
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Anyways update from hiatus (still gonna be in hiatus for a week or two) I got a drawing tablet just in time bcuz my phones storage ran out so I couldn’t really draw for like two weeks or so and now I’m learning how to use a drawing tablet as well as merging my styles since I’m not drawing with my finger anymore 💃YIPPEE BUT I do have exams coming up so hiatus resume but I will be back…
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friendlydrop · 1 year
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Sasharcy week by @bugsbiann! Day 6: "Florist AU" "“Look at this,” she said, turning to Sasha. “The dandelions are in bloom.”" (AU by @mira-blue)
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ivypond11 · 2 years
Sasharcyweek Day 3: Sun&Moon
"Legend says, when the Moon Princess and the Sun Warrior confess their everlasting love, the world will be laid in an eternal eclipse"
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seafoamstatice · 2 years
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day five: Prophecy (sasharcy week hosted by @kurophuna)
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jojobearoo · 2 years
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Day 1: Flowers
Sasha has some thoughts during the trio’s regular weekend sleepover
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