#scholarship after 10th to study abroad
gradstarglobal1 · 1 day
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gradstar · 4 months
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parveensingh · 2 years
There are many Award Winning Education Consultants in India. Trusted by Over many Students. Get In Touch 120+ University Partnerships. They guide and mentor students seeking admission in the top-notch global colleges
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On March 10th 1998, Alberto Morrocco, the Scottish painter noted for his murals and portraits in oil and watercolours, died.
Alberto Morrocco was born on 14th December 1917 in Aberdeen to Italian parents in 1917. He attended Gray’s School of Art from the prodigious age of fourteen, tutored by James Cowie and Robert Sivell, and won the Carnegie and Brough travelling scholarships, affording him opportunity to paint and study in France, Italy and Switzerland in the late 1930s.
After serving in the army between 1940-46 he devoted his time to painting. His subject matter varied from the domestic interior, landscape, imaginings of Italian life, still life and many commissioned portraits. Combining his talent with abundant energy he became one of the most dominant figures in the Scottish artworld in the second half of the 20th century.
He participated in many group exhibitions both at home and abroad and works are held in major collections including: The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art; Royal Scottish Academy; Scottish Arts Council; West Riding County Council; Newark on Trent Municipal Museum; Liliie Art Gallery, Milngavie, Glasgow; Robert Fleming Holdings Ltd; Vincent Price Esq, USA ; Icelandic Glasgow, Paisley, and Perth Art Galleries; he Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Dundee, Glasgow, Leicester, Stirling and St. Andrews; City of Art Centre, Edinburgh; Bank of Scotland. His work is to be found in private collections throughout Europe, the Far East and America.
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ahz-associates · 2 years
Hult International Business School
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With curricula created by business leaders and taught by top-notch faculty with real-world business experience, Hult International Business School has strived to offer the most practical and worldwide business education since its founding in 1964. The largest and most international business school in the world, Hult gives its students an unmatched global perspective.
Hult is consistently ranked among the top 100 business schools worldwide by The Financial Times and The Economist. Bloomberg Business Week ranks Hult Business School as the 21st top international business school and 10th among international schools for employer satisfaction. The Hult MBA is ranked as the world's 55th best programme by The Economist, and it ranks #1 for international business opportunities and the range of graduate hiring industries.
Through his acclaimed and exclusive Global Rotation programme, students have the opportunity to study and travel to Hult's facilities in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, Shanghai, and New York. Our students can study abroad and earn a U.S. degree thanks to Hult, a nonprofit organisation that is managed by the NEASC and the Association of MBAs in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Private business institution Hult International Business School has locations in Cambridge, London, San Francisco, Dubai, New York City, and Shanghai. The Arthur D. Little School of Management, a British institution founded in 1959 in Ashridge, England, and the Ashridge Business School, an American institution founded in 1964 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have been replaced by Hult, named after the school's donor Bertil Hult.
Huron Institution, a private American university with locations in London's Bloomsbury neighbourhood, was acquired by Hult in 2007 and reopened as the London campus of Hult International Business School. One of the largest business schools in the world, Hult International Business School bought Ashridge Business School in 2014, and the two institutions merged to form Ashridge Executive Education in 2015. The two schools began operating as one organisation in 2016.
Breakdown of fee structure
Fees for International students range from £12,000-13,200
A range of scholarships are available from Hult International Business School to support recruiting top international talent and promote diversity on campus.
Merit Scholarships
Merit-based scholarships are awarded to qualified students who demonstrate the greatest aptitude. As the year goes on, scholarship competition becomes more intense. Candidates are therefore asked to apply as soon as possible. On predetermined deadlines throughout the year, we compile applications. Applicants who submit their applications before deadlines will receive priority. Social impact
The Social Impact Scholarship is for candidates who have completed an internship or volunteered at a charity or multilateral non-governmental organization (NGO) or who have their own social start-up organization.
Global Professional
Potential business leaders who have worked full-time for at least one year in a major international organisation are eligible for the Global Professional scholarship. For this scholarship, Hult is searching for applicants with knowledge of international corporations and an understanding of the nature of the global marketplace. 
Academic Excellence
Students who have succeeded academically and attained an exceptional GPA are eligible for the Academic Excellence Scholarship. 
Entrepreneurial impact
Professionals with internship or volunteer experience who have demonstrated engagement, leadership, or a role in the success of an entrepreneurial project are eligible for the Entrepreneurial Impact Scholarship. Future Leader (masters only)
The Future Leader scholarship is given to students who have shown a love for leadership and a natural drive to take charge. This could be done in a professional setting by motivating and overseeing a high-performing team or in a social, charitable, or entrepreneurial setting by holding significant leadership positions.
Student Life
It's important to ensure that no one feels "foreign" at Hult because the bulk of the student body is international. New students participate in a rigorous orientation programme called Welcome Week during their first week on campus. This week's agenda is jam-packed with team-building exercises that provide first-year students the chance to get to know one another and the city they will be living in.
You may immerse yourself in contemporary culture by enjoying London's music, art, and fashion. Numerous top-notch museums, galleries, pubs, eateries, parks, rivers, and nightclubs offer fantastic daytime and evening entertainment in addition to countless career opportunities.
Student Support
In order to avoid creating a "foreign" feeling among the vast number of international students at Hult, new students undergo an intense orientation programme called Welcome Week during their first week. This week's schedule is filled with team-building activities that allow students to get to know their first-year classmates and familiarise themselves with the city.
The vast majority of Hult's international students attend an intensive orientation programme called Welcome Week during their first week, which is designed to prevent them from feeling "strange." This week's calendar is jam-packed with team-building exercises that let students meet their first-year classmates and get to know the area.
Living Accommodation
Along with your peers and acquaintances, you will live in Hult House East, a stylish apartment complex in the heart of East London's most upscale neighbourhood. Students will live here during their first year, with contracts that can last 36, 43, or 51 weeks. After the first year, you can choose between residing in a home or locating and renting a place of your own. The lodging options include penthouse apartments, shared double rooms, single ensuite rooms, and even offered multiple flats. In all parts of a student's life, Hult takes great pride in providing the best help possible.
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transglobalmanish · 8 days
How to Study Abroad after 12th from India
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Congratulations on completing your 12th grade! As you embark on the next chapter of your academic journey, have you considered the exciting prospect of studying abroad? A foreign education offers a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons, gain international exposure, and pursue specialized programs not readily available in India. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the process of studying abroad after 12th standard.
Study Abroad Dreams: Launching from India after 12th
Congratulations on your 12th grade exams! Have you considered studying abroad? It's an incredible way to broaden your horizons. Here's a quick guide to get you started:
Pick Your Path: Research universities and programs that fit your interests. Popular options include undergraduate degrees, foundation programs, or pre-masters.
Shine on Paper: Standardised tests like SAT/ACT might be required. Focus on excelling in your 12th-grade subjects to meet program entry requirements.
English Language Proficiency: Demonstrate your English skills with tests like TOEFL or IELTS. Many universities offer preparatory courses too.
Financial Planning: Research scholarships, tuition fees, and living expenses. Explore education loans and financial aid options.
Visa Power: Research visa requirements for your chosen country. Start the application process well in advance.
Planning and Exploration: Setting the Stage for Success
Destination Decisions: Before diving into specifics, take time to explore your options. Consider factors like:
Cost of living: Research living expenses in different countries to ensure it aligns with your financial resources.
Language of instruction: Assess your language proficiency and choose a country where the primary language matches your comfort level.
Program availability: Investigate universities offering programs that align with your academic interests and career aspirations.
University Selection: Shortlist universities based on program offerings, faculty expertise, campus environment, and alumni network. Utilize university websites, rankings, and educational consultancies to refine your choices.
Scholarship Scouting: Financial aid can significantly reduce the burden of studying abroad. Explore scholarships offered by the universities, Indian government schemes, and private organizations. The earlier you start researching, the better your chances of securing funding.
Building a Strong Application: Highlighting Your Strengths
Standardized Testing: Many universities require standardized tests like the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) or ACT (American College Testing) for undergraduate programs. Research the specific test requirements of your shortlisted universities and plan your preparation accordingly.
English Language Proficiency: Demonstrating English language proficiency is crucial. Popular tests include TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Prepare diligently to achieve the required score on your chosen test.
Academic Credentials: Gather essential documents like your Class 10th and 12th mark sheets, transcripts (if applicable), and certificates of achievements. Consider including any relevant research papers or project work to showcase your academic potential.
Letters of Recommendation (LORs): Request LORs from teachers who can vouch for your academic performance, work ethic, and potential. Choose teachers familiar with your strengths and interests in relevant subjects.
Statement of Purpose (SOP): This is your chance to shine! Craft a compelling SOP that highlights your academic goals, research interests, and reasons for choosing the specific program. Emphasize your experiences, skills, and aspirations to make a strong case for your suitability.
Application Process and Beyond: Securing Your Spot
Application Deadlines: Be meticulous about deadlines. Universities have strict application windows, so plan ahead and submit your application well in advance. Missing deadlines could result in disqualification.
Application Fees: Most universities charge application fees. Ensure you have the necessary payment methods readily available to avoid delays.
Student Visa Application: Once you receive an acceptance letter, initiate the student visa application process for your chosen country. Gather the required documents, meet with visa officials, and demonstrate sufficient funds for your studies and living expenses.
Financial Arrangements: Secure funding for your studies through personal finances, scholarships, or educational loans. Research loan options with competitive interest rates and repayment terms.
Strategies for Success: Maximizing Your Chances
Start Early: Don't wait until the last minute. Start researching universities and scholarships well in advance to give yourself ample time for preparation and application processes.
Seek Guidance: Utilize study abroad consultants that specialize in international education. They can offer valuable guidance on university selection, application procedures, and visa processes.
Network and Connect: Connect with alumni or current students from your shortlisted universities. Their insights can be invaluable in understanding the academic environment, campus life, and navigating the application process.
Highlight Your Uniqueness: Beyond academic scores, showcase your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and leadership qualities. These experiences demonstrate a well-rounded personality and commitment beyond academics.
Maintain a Strong Academic Record: Continue performing well in your 12th standard exams. Strong academic performance reflects your dedication and ability to succeed in a demanding academic environment.
Conclusion: Embarking on an Extraordinary Journey
Studying abroad after 12th presents a unique opportunity for personal and academic growth. By planning meticulously, building a strong application, and utilizing the available resources, you can increase your chances of securing a place at your dream university. Embrace the challenges, immerse yourself in a new culture, and embark on a transformative journey that will shape your future. Remember, with hard work, dedication, and strategic planning, the world of international education awaits you!
Studying Abroad After 12th in India: Your FAQ Guide
Many Indian students dream of studying abroad after 12th grade. Here's a breakdown with key questions and answers to kickstart your journey:
1. What are the Eligibility Requirements?
You'll need to have passed your 12th grade exams with good marks. Specific score requirements vary by university.
A valid passport is essential for travel and visa applications.
2. Which Exams Do I Need to Take?
Standardized tests like SAT (US) or ACT (US) might be required for some universities.
English proficiency exams like IELTS or TOEFL are generally mandatory for non-native English speakers.
3. How Do I Apply to Universities?
Research universities offering programs that interest you.
Each university website will detail their application process, deadlines, and required documents (transcripts, essays, etc.).
4. Are Scholarships Available?
Absolutely! Explore scholarships offered by universities, governments (both Indian and your target country), and private organizations.
Strong academic records and impressive extracurriculars increase your scholarship chances.
5. What About Visas and Living Costs?
Visa requirements differ by country. Research the specific regulations for your chosen destination well in advance.
Factor in tuition fees, accommodation, food, and transportation when budgeting for living expenses abroad. Research average costs in your target country.
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alankitattestation · 3 months
The Process of HRD Attestation Services in Lucknow: A Comprehensive Guide
In the heart of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow emerges not just as a city steeped in historical grandeur but also as a thriving epicenter for academic and professional pursuits. As the demand for global mobility escalates, the significance of HRD (Human Resource Development) Attestation Services in Lucknow becomes increasingly paramount. This process authenticates educational documents, paving the way for individuals aiming to study, work, or engage in business overseas. This guide illuminates the pathway through the HRD Attestation Services in Lucknow, underscoring its importance and delineating the steps involved.
Understanding HRD Attestation Services
At its core, HRD Attestation refers to the authentication process of educational documents by the state HRD Department. It's a prerequisite for further attestation by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and the respective embassy of the country where the individual intends to go. In Lucknow, this service caters to a broad spectrum of individuals, from students aspiring for higher education abroad to professionals seeking employment opportunities in foreign lands.
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Types of Documents Requiring HRD Attestation in Lucknow
When planning to study, work, or settle abroad, individuals in Lucknow must ensure their documents are authenticated properly. HRD (Human Resource Development) Attestation plays a pivotal role in this process, particularly for educational documents. This segment explores the types of documents that typically require HRD Attestation in Lucknow, ensuring their acceptance and validity on an international scale.The Significance of HRD Attestation in Lucknow
Academic Certificates
Degree Certificates: Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees are primary documents that require attestation for further studies or employment abroad.
Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas: Diplomas obtained after completing vocational or technical courses also need HRD attestation.
Higher Secondary and Senior Secondary Certificates: Your 10th and 12th-grade certificates fall under this category, especially important for undergraduate studies or diploma courses abroad.
School Leaving Certificates
Transfer Certificates: Commonly known as TCs, these documents are essential for students moving abroad for further studies, ensuring their previous education is recognized.
Character Certificates: Though not always mandatory, character certificates attested by HRD add credibility to applications for study or work visas.
Scholarship Documents
Merit Certificates and Scholarships: Documents proving academic excellence and scholarship awards need HRD attestation for students applying to international universities that offer scholarships and financial aid.
Professional Qualifications
Teaching Credentials: Certificates like B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) and other teaching qualifications need to be attested for educators planning to work overseas.
Engineering and Technical Certificates: For engineers and technical professionals, attesting their qualifications is crucial for international jobs and professional recognition.
Medical Certificates: Medical graduates and professionals, including MBBS, BDS, and nursing certificates, require HRD attestation for employment or further education in the healthcare sector abroad.
Importance of HRD Attestation
HRD (Human Resource Development) Attestation stands as a fundamental requirement for individuals aiming to broaden their horizons through overseas education or professional ventures. This authentication process adds a layer of credibility to your educational documents, marking them as genuine and recognized by international standards. Let's delve into why HRD Attestation is so crucial for your global aspirations:
1. Gateway to Global Recognition
HRD Attestation is the first step towards ensuring that your educational qualifications are acknowledged on a global scale. It signifies that your documents have been verified by the highest educational authorities in your country, making them acceptable for further attestation by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and foreign embassies.
2. Essential for Overseas Education and Employment
For students and professionals venturing abroad, HRD attested documents are a prerequisite. Universities and employers rely on this verification to assess the authenticity of your academic records. It's a necessary step for securing admissions, scholarships, and job opportunities in foreign countries.
3. Facilitates Smooth Visa Processing
Visa applications often require the submission of attested educational documents. HRD Attestation streamlines the visa application process, reducing the likelihood of rejections due to the authenticity of educational qualifications. It assures visa officers of the legitimacy of your documents.
4. Prevents Document Forgery and Misrepresentation
HRD Attestation acts as a deterrent against the misuse of forged or fake documents. By verifying the genuineness of educational certificates directly from the issuing authority, it helps maintain the integrity of your credentials and protects you from potential legal complications abroad.
5. Compliance with Foreign Policies
Many countries have strict regulations regarding the documentation of immigrants and temporary residents. HRD Attestation ensures that your documents comply with these policies, facilitating a smoother transition and acceptance in the host country.
6. Confidence and Peace of Mind
Knowing that your documents have been duly attested by the HRD gives you and the authorities in your destination country confidence in the legitimacy of your academic achievements. This peace of mind is invaluable when you are navigating the complexities of international relocation, study, or work.
Required Document for HRD Attestation in Lucknow
To undergo HRD (Human Resource Development) Attestation in Lucknow for your educational documents, it's crucial to prepare and submit the right set of documents to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. Here is a list of commonly required documents for HRD attestation in Lucknow:
Original Educational Documents: This includes all relevant academic certificates for which attestation is required, such as degree certificates, diplomas, matriculation and secondary level certificates, and any other academic qualification certificates.
Mark Sheets: You need to provide mark sheets of all years/semesters related to the degrees or diplomas you are getting attested.
Passport Copy: A clear and legible photocopy of the applicant's passport, specifically the pages containing personal details like the name, photo, date of birth, and passport expiry date.
Authorization Letter: An authorization letter is often required, authorizing the attestation service provider or a specific individual to submit and collect documents on your behalf, if you are unable to do so personally.
Application Form: A duly filled application form provided by the HRD department or the attestation service provider, containing personal details, contact information, and details about the documents submitted for attestation.
Verification Letter: Some institutions require a verification letter from the educational institution where you obtained your degrees. This letter should confirm the authenticity of the documents submitted for attestation.
Aadhar Card: A copy of the Aadhar card or any other government-issued identity proof may be required for verification purposes.
Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs of the applicant might also be needed.
Fee Receipt: Proof of payment of the attestation fees, if you have paid them in advance or if the service provider requires it as part of the document submission packet.
HRD Attestation stands as a critical step for:
International Recognition: It validates the authenticity of educational documents on a global scale, facilitating academic and professional endeavors abroad.
Educational and Employment Opportunities: Essential for securing admissions, scholarships, and employment in foreign countries, it ensures that your qualifications are recognized internationally.
Legal and Migration Processes: Acts as a foundation for further legal document processing for those migrating or settling abroad.
Steps Involved in HRD Attestation Services in Lucknow
Preparation: Verify that all academic documents are complete and accurate.
Notary Public Attestation: The initial step where a notary public authenticates the documents.
State HRD Attestation: Documents are then submitted to the Uttar Pradesh HRD department in Lucknow for authentication.
MEA Attestation: Post-HRD attestation, documents are forwarded to the MEA for its stamp.
Embassy Attestation: Finally, the embassy of the destination country attests the documents, making them valid for international use.
The Process of HRD Attestation Services in Lucknow: A Closer Look
Document Verification: Begin with ensuring all documents are genuine and correctly dated.
Application Submission: Apply to the state HRD department, usually requiring the submission of original certificates, a copy of the passport, and relevant application forms.
Processing Time: The entire process can span from a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on various factors, including the verification checks and the volume of applications.
Cost Considerations: Fees vary based on the document type and the urgency of the attestation. It's advisable to consult directly with the HRD department or a professional attestation service in Lucknow for precise costs.
Choosing Professional HRD Attestation Services in Lucknow
When planning to use your educational documents abroad, securing HRD (Human Resource Development) attestation is a critical step. In Lucknow, a city with a significant number of students and professionals aiming for international opportunities, choosing the right HRD attestation service can make a substantial difference. Here are key factors to consider when selecting a professional HRD attestation service in Lucknow:
1. Reputation and Reliability
Begin with a thorough research on the reputation of the attestation services. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the reliability and quality of their service. A reputable agency is likely to provide consistent and error-free services, ensuring your documents are attested properly.
2. Experience and Expertise
Experience matters in the intricate process of document attestation. An experienced service provider is familiar with the nuances of various requirements and processes involved. Their expertise can help navigate the complexities of HRD attestation, making the process smoother and quicker.
3. Transparency and Communication
Choose a service that is transparent about their process and fees. A professional attestation service should clearly communicate the steps involved, the timeline for completion, and any costs associated with the service. This transparency ensures that you are well-informed and can trust the service provider.
4. Speed and Efficiency
Time is often of the essence when it comes to document attestation. Look for a service provider known for their efficiency and ability to expedite the attestation process. However, be wary of unrealistic promises; quality attestation takes time, especially for thorough verification.
5. Customer Support
Strong customer support is crucial. The attestation process can be complex and might require you to be in constant communication with the service provider. Ensure they offer reliable customer support, with clear channels for inquiries and updates on your document’s attestation status.
6. Additional Services
Some attestation services offer additional benefits, such as document pickup and drop-off, which can be particularly convenient. Consider whether these additional services are important to you and if they justify any extra cost.
7. Government Recognition
Ensure the service provider is recognized and authorized by the government to handle HRD attestation. This official recognition guarantees that the attestation done by them is valid and accepted internationally.
8. Cost
While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it is certainly important. Compare prices between different service providers but do so while considering the quality and range of services they offer. Be cautious of services that are significantly cheaper than others, as this could indicate a compromise on quality or reliability.
The HRD Attestation process in Lucknow is a gateway for individuals venturing into international arenas for education and professional growth. By adhering to the outlined steps and understanding the process's significance, applicants can navigate this journey with confidence and clarity. Whether pursuing academic dreams or global career opportunities, the attestation of your educational documents in Lucknow marks the first step towards realizing those aspirations on the world stage.
FAQs on HRD Attestation Services in Lucknow
1. What is HRD Attestation, and why is it required in Lucknow?
HRD Attestation refers to the authentication of educational documents by the Human Resource Development Department. It's a prerequisite for individuals in Lucknow aiming to study, work, or migrate abroad. This attestation process validates the authenticity of your academic credentials, ensuring they are recognized and accepted internationally.
2. Which types of documents require HRD Attestation in Lucknow?
In Lucknow, HRD Attestation is required for various educational documents including degrees, diplomas, HSC and SSC certificates, and other academic credentials. These documents are attested to confirm their genuineness before they are further authenticated by the Ministry of External Affairs and respective foreign embassies.
3. How long does the HRD Attestation process take in Lucknow?
The duration of the HRD Attestation process in Lucknow can vary, generally taking anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. The timeframe depends on the complexity of the verification process and the specific requirements of the HRD department.
4. Can I undertake the HRD Attestation process by myself in Lucknow?
While it's possible to navigate the HRD Attestation process on your own in Lucknow, it involves navigating through various government departments and adhering to specific procedural requirements. Many opt for professional attestation services to simplify the process and ensure all formalities are correctly managed.
5. Are there any specific requirements for HRD Attestation in Lucknow?
The primary requirement for HRD Attestation in Lucknow is that the educational document must be issued by a recognized institution within the state. Applicants must also provide original documents alongside valid identification proofs. The specific requirements may vary slightly depending on the type of document and the prevailing regulations of the HRD department.
6. Is HRD Attestation mandatory for all types of educational documents in Lucknow?
Yes, HRD Attestation is mandatory for all state-issued educational documents in Lucknow that are intended for use abroad. This process certifies the legitimacy of your academic achievements, ensuring they are accepted without question in foreign countries for various purposes like education, employment, or residency.
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vidyaedify · 8 months
Study MBBS in Russia
 Ensure a Bright Medical Career by studying MBBS in Russia 2022-23
If you dream to become a successful doctor by earning a certified MBBS degree, Russia is an excellent choice. Russia has some world-famous medical institutes and hospitals that teach MBBS. When you Study MBBS in Russia, you can be sure of carving out a medical career after earning the degree from a prestigious university. Here are more details.
MBBS in Russia - Fees are affordable
Budget is arguably one of the first factors bothering Indian students when they think of pursuing medical education abroad. But, the good thing is, medical education in Russia is pretty affordable. You do not have to worry too much about the costs. The education expenses will remain under your control. There is no problem in managing the medical education costs in Russia. The budget is competitive from a practical viewpoint.
The duration of the course of MBBS in Russia
It is important to know the total duration of the course before you enrol in it. MBBS in Russia from a certified medical institute or university takes 6 years to complete. The duration remains same irrespective of the Russian university or institute from which you study.
Top Medical Institutes and Universities
It is wise to know about some of the top medical institutes and universities in Russia where you can study MBBS. First Moscow State Medical University is a Top mbbs university in Russia where you can study the course. It is among the most prestigious places to study MBBS in the world. The Kazan State Medical University is another university where you can study MBBS.
There are many other Universities that you can consider in this regard such as:Siberian State Medical UniversityKursk State Medical UniversityCrimean Federal UniversityBashkir State Medical UniversityAltai State Medical UniversityNorthern State Medical UniversityRyazan State Medical UniversityFar Eastern Federal UniversityMari State UniversityPerm State Medical UniversityOrenburg State Medical UniversityTver State Medical UniversityKuban State Medical UniversitySmolensk State Medical UniversityPeople's Friendship UniversityVolgograd State Medical University  
It is crucial to make a shortlist of medical universities before you make a final decision.
We, Vidya Edify expert counselors help you make the best selection keeping in practical aspects like budget and any preferences.
The medium is in English
The medium of instructions in the MBBS course is in English. So, you do not have to worry about language barriers. Basic knowledge in English is more than enough to attend the classes. There will be no issues on the matter.
No requirements of IELTS/TOEFL
One of the impressive things about an MBBS course in Russia is there is no requirement of a TOEFL or IELTS score, unlike universities in the Western World. So, it is not mandatory to sit for the IELTS or TOEFL to prove your credentials in English.
You need to get a NEET score
You have to sit for the All India NEET exam. Keep in mind that NEET qualify is mandatory. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) score is valid for three years for Indian students wanting to pursue undergraduate medical studies abroad.
You need marksheets from 10th and 12th standards
As a prospective student, you have to submit copies of your 10th and 12th standard marksheets to the concerned authorities. Also, you would have to submit a copy of your official birth certificate. Submitting medical certificates is mandatory, too.
The Admission procedure is hassle-free
You do not have to tackle any administrative glitches or hurdles during or after the admission process to a Russian medical institute or university. The process is smooth and takes minimum steps to complete. All you need to do is sincerely follow the instructions and abide by the set regulations.
There are Scholarship Opportunities
You would be more than happy to know that are there are plenty of scholarship opportunities in Russian MBBS courses. You will have the opportunity to opt for the financial aid while you fill detains in the application form.
Well-equipped Medical Institutes
The medical institutes and universities in Russia are well-equipped with advanced range of equipment sets, tools, and technologies. The education process is very thorough. You get hands-on-experience frequently while studying MBBS in the country. The learning environment is immersive and enjoyable.
Take advice of Our Education Consultants
A rational step you need to take is consulting our Vidya Edify education experts to chalk out a plan to start your MBBS course in Russia. They are experienced professionals who can give you the right guidance in this regard. You will not have any technical or administrative issues in pursuing MBBS in a top Russian university.
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Best Medical Universities to study MBBS in Kazakhstan
Low availability of seats in Indian medical colleges and high tuition fees and donation of Indian private medical universities make it difficult to pursue the 5 year MBBS course in India. The dream of many Indian students to study medicine gets pulled down.
Kazakhstan is the 9th largest landlocked country in the world. It got separated from the Soviet Union in 1991, its capital is Astana and its currency is Tenge (KZT). The country is famous for its architectural marvels, the Caspian Sea, and the wild horses. 
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Top 7 Reasons to choose MBBS in Kazakhstan
Top MCI accredited universities
Affordable & budget friendly fees
Direct admission without any donation
Suitable climate conditions of Kazakhstan for Indian students
International exposure of medical practice
No need to qualify IELTS or TOEFL
50% passing rate in NEXT examination
Best Medical Universities to study MBBS in Kazakhstan
The top most budget friendly medical universities to pursue MBBS in Kazakhstan for 2023 are as follows:
South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
Astana Medical University, Kazakhstan
West Kazakhstan State Medical University
Kazakh Russian Medical University
Al Farabi Kazakh N  School
Kazakh National Medical University
Kokshetau State University
These universities offer a 5 year MBBS in Kazakhstan program with compulsory 1 year internship. The average Kazakhstan MBBS fee is approximately 60 lakhs for the complete course. MBBS in Kazakhstan for Indian students is the best option because of its low tuition fee and suitable climate conditions for Indian students to stay there and study MBBS abroad.
These universities offer world class medical education with international exposure of medical practice with latest technology and equipment to Indian students.
Eligibility Criteria
Indian students get direct admission to study MBBS in Kazakhstan, after completion of 10+2 class from any recognized national or state board and NEET qualification. The easy qualification to get admission in an MBBS course makes the MBBS in Kazakhstan a more appealing and direct process for Indian students.
The detailed eligibility criteria for admission in MBBS in Kazakhstan is as follows:
The age of the students should be 17 years old or above.
General category students need 50% passing marks in 10+2 board examinations with PCB subjects from a national or state recognized board.
Reserved category students need 40% passing marks in 10+2 board examinations with PCB subjects from a national or state recognized board.
NEET UG qualification is compulsory for all Indian students to get admission in MBBS in Kazakhstan.
Fee Structure
The average tuition Kazakhstan MBBS fee is approximately 60 lakhs for the complete 5 year course. The various scholarships provided by the government of Kazakhstan to international students make the MBBS in Kazakhstan program more attractive and affordable. 
It assures quality education, campus amenities, work opportunities with practical medical skills. The 5 year MBBS in Kazakhstan course has been taught in the English language. 
Admission Process
These easy steps for admission in MBBS in Kazakhstan will help one’s to get admission in the top MBBS in Kazakhstan for Indian students. The steps to get admission in medical college are as follows:
Admission Letter or Letter of Recommendation
Letter of Invitation
Ticketing & Departure
Documents Required
The following documents list is required to get admission in MCI approved MBBS universities in Kazakhstan. The list is mentioned below:
10th marksheet and passing certificate
12th marksheet and passing certificate
NEET scorecard
Original valid passport
Passport size photograph with required format
Verified medical test reports
Letter of Admission
Bank Statement
The admission process is quite easy and affordable for Indian students to get admission in MBBS in Kazakhstan program.
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merideano · 1 year
Study in Latvia and visa Requirements
Why Study in Latvia?
Motives for Joining Latvian Institutes
Latvia continues to be a commendable nation when it comes to studying abroad because of its excellent educational system. Students should continue to develop their talents since they can use them as a stepping stone to success in finding jobs that are relevant to their field of study after graduation. Students are permitted to work a part-time job for 20 hours per week in addition to their studies. When compared to the standard of living, Latvia's cost of living is extremely low. Each year, more than 5,500 foreign students enrol at universities in Latvia.
Further are more reasons why studying in Latvia is a good option for International Students:-
Many wonderful programs are offered to international students.
 Latvian degrees are globally acknowledged.
 Latvia has a reasonable cost of living.
 It's economically a rich country, so students have many future opportunities.
 An amazing atmosphere for academic life that motivates students.
 The tuition fee is less compared to other countries.
 It provides scholarships to brilliant students.
 Availability of different fields of study. So Latvia offers choices in programs. Students can select the course as per their engrossment.
 The wide job market for international students.
Requirements to Study in Latvia
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Eligibility Criteria
Students need a study visa if their course of study lasts longer than 90 days. Students who have previously obtained an acceptance letter, also known as an offer letter, from the university are eligible to apply for a visa. There are many career chances for international graduates because the European nations themselves persuade them to stay after graduation. The Latvian educational system is renowned across the world.
a group of documents that a student must gather before applying for a study visa for Latvia. Students must exercise extreme caution because even one error could result in the embassy rejecting their application for a visa. Verify the prerequisites before applying as there may be additional ones depending on the University or College.
Following are the required documents for a study visa:-
Students must have an original valid Passport.
 They must carry a Passport-sized photograph with white background and 35X45 cm in size.
 They need Academic Documents, including 10th and 12th DMC's, Graduation Certificates and Graduation DMC's.
 Students must clear any of the below English Proficiency Certificate.
 Curriculum Vitae is also required.
 The student must have a police clearance certificate.
 Students must get their original bank certificate with at least Rs 4 lacs as financial proof.
The bank certificate must show the student's name, date of birth and passport number.
Students must issue an International debit card from the same bank.
 Other required documents are:-
Application form
Invitation letter.
Guarantee letter.
Admission letter.
How to Apply for Study Visa for Latvia
Latvia Study Visa Process
Students need a visa to enter Latvia; if an International Student comes here for a longer period, they must apply for a long-term visa. First of all, students need Acceptance Letter from the University; only then can they apply for a Latvia Study Visa. The Visa process can take time so willing students must start the process as soon as possible.
Read More-: latvia study visa consultants
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linaluice12 · 1 year
All You Need To Know About Study Abroad In The UK
About a million students aspire to join a prestigious world-class college abroad and settle down there with a lucrative job. However, only a few know that one can study abroad after the 10th standard. As a matter of fact, going abroad after the 10th is one of the most outstanding ways to leverage the potential of pursuing higher studies in developed countries, as one can develop the right base from an early stage. 
Further, if one gets a scholarship to study abroad after the second grade, he/she can choose to look outside their native without any second thoughts. It will help an individual to build his/her career and get quality experimental education.
If you are one of those million students who want to study abroad in the UK or the US after the 10th, reading this post will surely put you miles ahead. Here, we will walk you through the essentials you need to know to turn your study abroad dream into a reality and have a lucrative professional space ahead.
Let’s dive right in!
Top Countries to Study Abroad After 10th
Before you jump to plan your itinerary to study abroad, it is crucial to choose the destination. As per the best minds associated with study abroad counselling services, while there are 195 countries globally, not all are good for studying. One needs to wisely select from a handful of countries providing supreme quality education that attracts students from across the world for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Have a look at certain countries that you must consider for studying abroad-
One cannot deny that the USA has an amazingly perfect education system that allows students to develop industry-relevant skills backed by supreme quality education. Due to this, students who decide to study in the US also get to explore countless fruitful career opportunities. Further, the curriculum for each subject is tailor-made to ensure remarkable learning and practical experience provided with amazing facilities.
The second best destination, Canada, is no less than the USA in terms of the quality of education. In fact, Canada is even better than the USA in aspects of the environment for international students. The universities of Canada rank in the QS World University Rankings 2023, and 21 are in The World University Rankings 2023. Furthermore, one will also get a safe and peaceful environment, vibrant and lively campus life, excellent immigration opportunities, etc.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is another popular study abroad destination offering an impeccable quality of education which will help you broaden your career prospects. It is home to over 130 universities that offer international students a diverse range of courses. It also offers high teaching standards, excellent scholarship and funding, provides a high rate of employability and a brilliant chance to work while you study, which forms the perfect study abroad destination for international students.
Australia is home to 43 universities, with six universities ranking in the internationally renowned top 100. Not only that, Australia has much more to offer apart from an excellent educational system. Many choose the country for higher studies due to its laid-back environment and high standard of living. Additionally, it offers a vibrant city life, easy access to student visas, great outdoors, and impeccable work opportunities.
Best Scholarships to Avail For Studying Abroad After 10th
Now that you are well-versed with the best countries to study abroad let's take a look at the excellent scholarships offered by different institutions and organisations that can help you ease the financial burden effectively-
National Overseas Scholarship
This remarkable scholarship opportunity is provided by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. It is the first one you must apply for if you plan to study abroad in the UK or US after the 10th. This scholarship's target group constitutes scheduled castes, denotified tribes, semi-nomadic tribes, landless agriculturalists, and traditional artisans.
About 100 students can benefit from this reward, which promises $15,400 as a maintenance allowance and incorporates other expenses like tuition fees, contingency allowance, visa fees, local travel expenses, equipment allowance, and the like.
Smooth Movers International Scholarship
This outstanding scholarship is provided by a private organisation in Australia working as removalists. They offer a $1000 scholarship award to students from India and other countries. The aim is to help bright students get ahead in their educational careers to learn and contribute their knowledge to society.
Each year, one student receives this reward. Mike Richardson, an eminent stalwart who offers SOP writing services online, says students have to submit a 900-word essay and a 2-minute video explaining the future of housing.
Commonwealth Scholarships
The British Council awards the Commonwealth Scholarship to students of the Commonwealth Nations who aim to study in the UK. Each year, 800 students get this excellent chance to receive unmatched assistance studying different subjects and streams. The scholarships provided here are-
Commonwealth PhD Scholarship
Commonwealth Split-Site Scholarship
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship
Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship
Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships
Commonwealth Medical Scholarships (MBBS)
Commonwealth Professional Scholarships
The students chosen for this scholarship will receive air ticket expenses, tuition fees and living allowance. However, these students need to prove that they cannot afford to study in the UK due to financial constraints.
DLD Executive
The DLD Executive scholarship offered by the Berlin School of Creative Leadership is meant for MBA students who desire to study this course. It offers this award to a student interested in pursuing a career in streams like advertising, media, marketing, design, journalism, and gaming.
The students will receive €23,000 as tuition fees and €10,000 for three finalists. However, the students need to attend this course in Germany in the English language and demonstrate academic excellence.
Read More- Duolingo english test
Wrapping Up
Studying abroad after the 10th will provide students with immense exposure to a diverse range of opportunities, enhance their overall career growth and improve their life by notches. Deciding to study abroad can also help in enhancing communication skills, learning about countless cultures and developing a strong network. Hence, ensure to go through each of the aspects mentioned above diligently, decide which country to study in and the eligibility for various scholarship awards that will save you from digging deep into your pockets. Here's wishing you all the luck in making a wise decision!
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gradstarglobal1 · 5 days
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digitalvision · 2 years
Canada:- The Perfect Choice for Study Abroad
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Canada is one of the best countries in the world and is currently the #1 country in quality of life. Canada is among the most preferred destinations for students who want to study abroad. Students prefer Canada for higher education for various reasons, including high-quality education topped with internship opportunities, liberal government policies related to post-study work, and immigration, which creates a perfect combination for international students. Planet Education is one of the best study abroad consultants in Navsari with the finest overseas consultancy services.
Mentioned below are answers to your queries about what makes higher education so popular in Canada. By the time you finish reading this guide, you will have learned everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
Exploration Option
The study abroad journey doesn’t end at the campus gate. There is an amazing life waiting for you outside the campus. You don’t need to travel far to explore the beauty of nature in Canada. From the Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park, Niagara Falls, Old Quebec City, The CN Tower, Jasper National Park, Gros Morne National Park, and Cape Breton Highlands National Park, there’s usually an eyeful of natural beauty in Canada. Get the best study visa consultants in Navsari for foreign education with Planet Education.
Safe and peaceful country
Canada is consistently ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. According to the Global Peace Index, Canada is the 10th most peaceful country in the world. Canadian universities have a superior body to safeguard the safety of students, especially those coming from different nations. Every international student can enjoy the same rights as any other Canadian.
Standard of Living
In Canada, English and French are both official languages. Due to the growing craze of international studies and immigrants in Canada, the country has become rich with many different religions, cultures, and languages. Canadians are generally friendly and welcoming to people of all faiths and cultures. The multicultural environment of Canada gives students many opportunities to interact with people from all over the world. Learn a second language to study abroad with the best French classes in Navsari.
Excellent education system
The education system is one of the most important reasons international students prefer to study in Canada. Canada's government and universities are both equally beneficial to international students. The high academic standards and advanced education help provide the students with the best education to enter into the real world and start a career. Also, there are many scholarship opportunities for international students. Ace your entrance exam with the best IELTS coaching institute in Navsari.
Earn while you learn
While studying in Canada, international students also have the right to work part-time both on and off campus. Many off-campus job opportunities are available near universities, such as hostels, hotels, general labor, tutoring, child care, restaurants, etc. An international student may work in Canada for up to three years after completing their studies. Planet Education provides a one-stop solution for the best study visa consultants in Navsari.
Affordable Education and Living
Education in Canada is affordable compared to the USA, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. Canada has far cheaper living and educational costs than other nations. The undergraduate fees of public universities in the USA are higher than those of Canadian universities and double the fees of private universities. The cost of living is also affordable as compared to other countries, and for that reason, many international students prefer Canada to study. Planet Education is the finest study abroad consultancy in Navsari.
Immigration Opportunity
International students spend a long time in Canada, which is why they are ideal candidates for becoming future Canadians. While they were studying, they had plenty of opportunities to understand and embrace Canadian culture. Students are permitted to work in Canada for an additional three years after graduation. After that, IRCC assists people if they want to settle permanently in Canada.
Planet Education is the best PET and IELTS institute, with a one-stop solution for all your study abroad queries. Contact now to get the best IELTS and PTE coaching in Navsari.
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parveensingh · 2 years
You have reached the right place, if you are thinking about to study in abroad . We at Yes Germany are helping students to realize their dreams through our expert and valuable guidance.
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digitalvision05 · 2 years
Canada:- The Perfect Choice for Study Abroad
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Canada is one of the best countries in the world and is currently the #1 country in quality of life. Canada is among the most preferred destinations for students who want to study abroad. Students prefer Canada for higher education for various reasons, including high-quality education topped with internship opportunities, liberal government policies related to post-study work, and immigration, which creates a perfect combination for international students. Planet Education is one of the best study abroad consultants in Navsari with the finest overseas consultancy services.
Mentioned below are answers to your queries about what makes higher education so popular in Canada. By the time you finish reading this guide, you will have learned everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
Exploration Option
The study abroad journey doesn’t end at the campus gate. There is an amazing life waiting for you outside the campus. You don’t need to travel far to explore the beauty of nature in Canada. From the Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park, Niagara Falls, Old Quebec City, The CN Tower, Jasper National Park, Gros Morne National Park, and Cape Breton Highlands National Park, there’s usually an eyeful of natural beauty in Canada. Get the best study visa consultants in Navsari for foreign education with Planet Education.
Safe and peaceful country
Canada is consistently ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. According to the Global Peace Index, Canada is the 10th most peaceful country in the world. Canadian universities have a superior body to safeguard the safety of students, especially those coming from different nations. Every international student can enjoy the same rights as any other Canadian.
Standard of Living
In Canada, English and French are both official languages. Due to the growing craze of international studies and immigrants in Canada, the country has become rich with many different religions, cultures, and languages. Canadians are generally friendly and welcoming to people of all faiths and cultures. The multicultural environment of Canada gives students many opportunities to interact with people from all over the world. Learn a second language to study abroad with the best French classes in Navsari.
Excellent education system
The education system is one of the most important reasons international students prefer to study in Canada. Canada's government and universities are both equally beneficial to international students. The high academic standards and advanced education help provide the students with the best education to enter into the real world and start a career. Also, there are many scholarship opportunities for international students. Ace your entrance exam with the best IELTS coaching institute in Navsari.
Earn while you learn
While studying in Canada, international students also have the right to work part-time both on and off campus. Many off-campus job opportunities are available near universities, such as hostels, hotels, general labor, tutoring, child care, restaurants, etc. An international student may work in Canada for up to three years after completing their studies. Planet Education provides a one-stop solution for the best study visa consultants in Navsari.
Affordable Education and Living
Education in Canada is affordable compared to the USA, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. Canada has far cheaper living and educational costs than other nations. The undergraduate fees of public universities in the USA are higher than those of Canadian universities and double the fees of private universities. The cost of living is also affordable as compared to other countries, and for that reason, many international students prefer Canada to study. Planet Education is the finest study abroad consultancy in Navsari.
Immigration Opportunity
International students spend a long time in Canada, which is why they are ideal candidates for becoming future Canadians. While they were studying, they had plenty of opportunities to understand and embrace Canadian culture. Students are permitted to work in Canada for an additional three years after graduation. After that, IRCC assists people if they want to settle permanently in Canada.
Planet Education is the best PET and IELTS institute, with a one-stop solution for all your study abroad queries. Contact now to get the best IELTS and PTE coaching in Navsari.
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ahz-associates · 2 years
Cardiff Metropolitan University
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Overview of Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff School of Art, which was established in 1865, is where Cardiff Metropolitan University, or Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd in Welsh, had its start.
The Cardiff Metropolitan University now has four campuses within a 3-mile radius of Cardiff that provide over 115 full-time, 58 sandwich/placement, and 33 part-time courses.
The university contains five schools, including the schools of management, sport, health sciences, art, and design.
The university was ranked 10th in the Young University Ranking for 2020, yet in the 2021 edition of the World University Rankings, it is between 801 and 1000th.
History of Cardiff Metropolitan University
In terms of its initiatives to support students, Cardiff Metropolitan University is quite active. There is a Students Service Center, which offers financial guidance and assists students in locating funding options for attending the university.
It also has information about their Wellbeing Service, which aids students with disabilities in finding free, unbiased counselling and advice for mental health issues as well as support for their disabilities for conditions like dyslexia and others.
Cardiff Metropolitan University has changed and developed quickly throughout these changes and after achieving autonomy in 2011. The research' focus hasn't changed from practise, but their perspective has. In addition to taking part in a variety of courses and disciplines, students can now take advantage of industrial placements, international study abroad opportunities, and professional accreditations.
Breakdown of the Fee Structure
International students can expect to pay £12,000 to £13,500 depending on course and degree.
Scholarships at Cardiff Metropolitan University
For students enrolled in the university's undergraduate, graduate, and research programmes, Cardiff Metropolitan University offers scholarships and bursaries to help with the costs of attending the institution.
The institution separates its scholarship programmes into several groups, including Home Students, Research Scholarships, NHS Bursaries (for students wishing to enrol in a programme sponsored by the NHS), and International Scholarships.
Postgraduate and doctoral students can apply for research scholarships. The Research Innovation Award (RIA) at Cardiff Metropolitan University and KESSII Scholarships are two examples of programmes.
Additionally, Cardiff Metropolitan University sponsors and accepts scholarships and bursaries from institutions outside of Cardiff Metropolitan University. Their website lists a number of alternatives, including the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust, NHS Wales Bursary Scheme, Trendhim Scholarship, and the St. Matthias Trust.
Through courses taught by highly experienced professionals and instructors, Cardiff Metropolitan University in Wales offers excellent exposure. Over 97% of the educational institute's graduates pursue professional fields of work and further education, and the institution's commitment to excellence in teaching and research results in an overall 84% student satisfaction level.
We are here to assist you if you feel forced to apply to Cardiff Metropolitan University for undergraduate, postgraduate, or research degrees.
Student Life
With approximately 66,000 local and foreign students studying in schools throughout the city, Cardiff, the capital of Wales, offered a vibrant nightlife as well as numerous social, shopping, and recreational activities. Not only that, but it is also one of the most accessible and reasonably priced cities for students.
The suburban areas of Roath and Cathays are not distant from the universities. These places and the city centre are surrounded by bars, pubs, cafes, restaurants, stores, etc. Some of these businesses will cater to students as well. Consider the student-themed events that several nightclubs in the city host.
Cardiff also has a rich architectural and sporting history, which students can view at venues like the Principality Stadium and Cardiff City Stadium, among others. Students from Cardiff Metropolitan University can also join the Cardiff Met to discover the city and what lies outside of its borders.
Living Accommodations
On-campus housing options for first-year students include catered and self-catered options. Expect to pay between £164 and £175 per week for catered housing and between £115 and £124 per week for self-catered housing.
The lodgings at the Cyncoed and Plas Gwyn campuses offer en suite options along with self-catered and catered options. On these campuses, there are 1,000 different possibilities for study rooms. There are halls specifically for international students as well as options without alcohol.
Additionally, Cardiff Metropolitan University offers more than 250 en suite rooms in private halls and, if necessary, can assist students in finding a suitable off-campus residence. For resident students' entertainment, the Residential Life department offers a number of events.
Cardiff is conveniently accessible by foot and by public transportation, which is reasonably priced because to the university's operation of the Cardiff Met Rider and Cardiff Bus services. Students can rent bikes from nextbike for the day to move about the campuses and access the campus facilities on both schools.
Via a car or a ride-hailing service, you can navigate Cardiff using the M4 to cover longer journeys. Through Cardiff Central, you can use the rail as well. The Cardiff International Airport is conveniently located for catching domestic and international flights.
Student Support
The student support programmes of Cardiff Metropolitan University are quite active. There is a Students Service Center, which offers financial counselling and aid in locating funding options so that students can attend the university.
It includes their Wellbeing Service, which aids disabled students in locating free, unbiased counselling and advice for mental health issues as well as disability support for problems like dyslexia and others.
The team for student support and employability includes the i-zone. It is devoted to provide non-academic student services and support and is situated at the Cyncoed and Llandaff campus. Students can find seasonal and part-time employment in Cardiff through the university's Careers Services in addition to outside placements through job fairs.
The students' union at Cardiff Metropolitan University also provides numerous chances by designating SU places on both campuses where students can interact. The SU also organises a large number of organisations, clubs, training sessions, and other extracurricular activities to improve the student experience at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
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