#study abroad after 10th
gradstarglobal1 · 7 days
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gradstar · 4 months
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parveensingh · 2 years
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cosmicpuzzle · 9 days
10th Lord in 9th House for All Ascendants
10th Lord in 9th House for Aries Rising: Saturn is the 10th lord here, it is also the 11th lord. Here Saturn won't do the usual damage it does in the 9th house, instead it will give good luck and income to the father, good job to the native and foreign travels in connection to work.
10th Lord in 9th House for Taurus Rising: Saturn is the 10th lord and also the 9th lord in 9th house. Here Saturn will give results only based on the native's efforts. A not-so-great position despite Saturn being favorable. I have seen these people to have very limited luck unless Venus, Mercury or Sun joins the Saturn which can boost Saturn's luck.
10th Lord in 9th House for Gemini Rising: Jupiter is the 10th lord and also the 7th lord in 9th house. Jupiter here provides the much-needed luck that Gemini risings badly suffer from. Jupiter here can give abroad journeys easily in connection with work and also boost the native's college education which Gemini's usually get after much delay. The spouse can also travel abroad and prosper as well. If Jupiter joins Mercury or Venus, it's huge luck to these natives. The father and the native can also be religious or a strong believer in God.
10th Lord in 9th House for Cancer Rising: Mars is the 10th lord and also the 5th lord. Mars provides much interest in technical subjects for higher education such as Electronics. The native can study abroad and then work also abroad. Mars aspect on 3rd will bring younger siblings in life. Mars aspect on 12th will bring adventures abroad. Here as Mars is in Pisces sign, the native can be active in spiritual path such as Tai Chi and other energetic practices. There can be danger of water accidents abroad.
10th Lord in 9th House for Leo Rising: Venus is the 10th lord and also the 3rd lord. Venus gives love of teaching as a career as 3rd lord in 9th is good for interacting with students. Venus rules students too. So, the native may be loved by their students. Venus can also make one a massage therapist as Venus is in Aries sign as 10th lord. Here the spouse can be well educated and even the father may be involved in some luxury business.
10th Lord in 9th House for Virgo Rising: Mercury is the 10th lord and also the ascendant lord. This is one of the best positions for Mercury for Virgo rising. Here Mercury can give higher education and also work abroad. The native may also join father's business. The native can earn very well in foreign countries. If Venus is in 10th house, this can be a major exchange giving big success in career.
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations 🍂
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I was on YouTube, and Maren Altman made the observation that people who have the ruler of the 5th or the 7th house in the 12th house often experience their “shadow-side” in the context of romantic relationships. This is because the 12th house is the house that represents ‘self-undoing’. So, it’s not uncommon to see people who have this placement engage in secret relationships, extramarital affairs, or participate in relationships that are not in their best interest. Now obviously not EVERYONE with this placement will behave this way, but it is one way in which this placement can manifest. This observation was made in reference to the whole Adam Levine scandal. (Adam Levine actually has the ruler of his 5th in the 12th)!!!
I’ve definitely mentioned this before on my TikTok and on here, but it’s really crazy how many Aquarius moons come from single-parent households! This is a common theme that I’ve noticed among aqua moons! Sometimes it’s because one parent passed away or they have both parents, but they were primarily raised by the one parent.
Jupiter transiting the 7th house of a composite chart, can show a time in which the two people get married or make their relationship ‘official’. IF they are still in the early dating phase.
Similarly, Jupiter transiting the 5th house of a composite chart can show a time where the couple are expecting a child, or planning to have one.
It’s so interesting because the sign over the 9th house cusp can often show you what you are likely going to study at university if you decide to go. For example, I’ve seen so many people with Sagittarius on the 9th house cusp study linguistics, philosophy, political science, foreign policy, or religion in college. This placement (a sag 9H) can also indicate that you are likely to travel abroad for college.
If someone’s moon falls into your 4th house, you likely feel very comfortable around them, and you tend to tell them things that you usually wouldn’t tell other people. There’s a sense of emotional vulnerability present with this overlay. I actually think it’s quite similar to having someone’s moon falling in your 12th. However, it’s not as jarring or intrusive as the 12th house overlay. It’s more of a comfortable vulnerability rather than feeling as if they see right through you.
The Asteroid ‘Union’ on an angle of a composite chart can indicate marriage. This is especially true if Union if found in the 10th house (making a conjunction to the MC).
Celebrities & public figures who have Saturn in the 10th house, tend to be in the limelight for quite a long time. Their careers or ‘impact’ tends to span over many years, even in careers that are known to have a relatively short shelf-life. Take Tom Brady for example! He has Saturn in the 10th, and he has been playing football for a little over 20 years. Saturn governs longevity after all, and the 10th house rules over our careers and our reputation, so this definitely makes sense. Some celebrities/ public figures who have (or had) Saturn in the 10th are: Kim kardashian, Michael Jackson, Queen Elizabeth, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Albert Einstein, JFK are some examples.
So Chiron often gets a bad rep, but it’s important to note that whilst Chiron does represent our ‘deepest wounds’ and where we are likely going to experience some levels of trauma. It also represents the area of life in which we will be able to heal others, once we have healed ourselves. So, I thought I’d just provide a brief list of occupations/careers that would be best suited to you, based on your Chiron placement.
Chiron in the 1st: Working as a self-confidence coach, helping people who have issues with their physical appearance. Working as a body-confidence coach is also a possibility. Alternatively, you could work in a profession that enhances people’s physical appearance. For example, make-up artist, stylist, etc..
Chiron in the 2nd: helping people when it comes to their finances and sense of self-worth. Working as a financial advisor, self-help coach, or in any profession that allows you to help people manage their finances. (Helping those who have experienced financial insecurity).
Chiron in the 3rd: working as a speech therapist, or helping individuals who have speech impediments.
Chiron in the 4th: This is an interesting one as the 4th house is also linked to our emotions. So, you can help individuals who come from broken homes or perhaps people who have deeply ingrained emotional trauma. A literal manifestation of this placement is helping those who are homeless.
Chiron in the 5th: working as a social worker who helps kids from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who are from abusive households. Alternatively, you may be a surrogate or help women who have a difficult time conceiving children. Another manifestation is working as an artist(musician, painter, actor) and healing others through your art.
Chiron in the 6th: working as a doctor, surgeon, holistic healer, or any profession that allows you to heal people who are experiencing physical pain. Helping those with physical disabilities or even those who wish to take care of the physical bodies. For example, working as a nutritionist or a personal trainer.
Chiron in the 7th: Working as a marriage counselor or working as a divorce lawyer.
Chiron in the 8th: working as a sex therapist, or as a healer to those who have experience significant levels of psychological and sexual trauma. Working as a severe trauma specialist/counselor. Alternatively, you may work in a profession that promotes sex positivity or one that encourages people to embrace their sensuality.
Chiron in the 9th: working as a priest or as a ‘spiritual mentor/teacher ’. Master Sri Akarshana is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Alternatively, you may work to help heal individuals who have religious or spiritual trauma. For example, providing healing for those who grew up in cults or were forced to practice a certain religion or spiritual teaching. In essence, you work to heal and liberate the minds of those who have been conditioned to believe a certain ideology.
Chiron in the 10th: this is a very interesting one as I know so many people with this placement who are in medical school (I’m not even exaggerating). BUT, this placement is also common in the charts of people who help others find their calling/purpose in life. So, you may work as a career counselor or as someone who encourages people to take the road less traveled in life. People who achieve great success by unconventional means often have Chiron in the 10th. But working in the ‘healing professions’ is a very common manifestation of Chiron in the 10th.
Chiron in the 11th: Although Chiron in the 11th can be very isolating on a social level. This is a very powerful placement to have your Chiron. This is because Chiron here suggests that you have the potential to help heal others on a very large scale. This means working as a philanthropist, humanitarian, or as a person who helps large communities of people.
Chiron in the 12th: this placement contends that you have the potential to help people who experience mental illness or drug addiction. The 12th house represents the “unseen realms” so, working as a hypnotherapist is a possibility. When I think of Chiron in the 12th house, I picture those people who run spiritual wellness retreats!
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
Jupiter in Taurus ♉ Transit 2024 (Part 2)
💰💎Luck ,Abundance ,Fortune & Spirituality
{Vedic Astrology}[From May 2024 - May 2025]
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Rising Sign > Refer Here
Leo ♌
Leo Ascendants, the transit of Jupiter into your 10th house will have a significant impact on your life. Not only will it aspect your sixth, fourth, and second houses, but it also rules your fifth and eighth houses. The fifth house governs areas such as children, love life, education, creativity, and the ability to take risks and have fun. On the other hand, the eighth house represents transformation and unexpected events.
During this one-year transit, the focus will be on your career and profession. As a result, many of you may experience job changes during this period. These changes could occur suddenly, such as losing your job, or they may involve making sudden adjustments. However, there is a high likelihood of quickly finding another job, so there is no need to worry.
I understand that many of you have been feeling stressed lately due to the presence of Rahu (north node) in the eighth house. However, during this time, you should not worry about your job security or career-related insecurities. Thanks to Jupiter's grace, there is a strong possibility of experiencing significant financial gains. Additionally, you will develop a mature approach towards your career and job.This transit will also provide you with wisdom on how to effectively manage your relationships with your co-workers and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You will be able to handle all your responsibilities, including taking care of your home.
Regardless of the changes you make in your career, whether they happen suddenly or not, rest assured that the decisions you make will ultimately benefit you. Spending quality time with your family will bring positivity into your life, and any disputes within family relationships may be resolved amicably. Your positive communication skills will leave those around you satisfied during this period.
Your wise advice may lead others to see you as a counselor, earning you respect within your family. Celebrations and auspicious events may take place in your home, and some of you may choose to redecorate with religious or spiritual items. Bringing health-improving elements into your home is also a possibility, but most importantly, you will find mental peace and domestic happiness during this one-year Transit.
Virgo ♍
Jupiter's transit through your ninth house is bringing positive energy to your life. It will aspect your Fifth, Third, and first house, bringing luck, wisdom, and stability. This is a fortunate time for you, especially after the stress of the previous year.
Prosperity and financial gains are on the horizon, and your father may also experience luck in financial matters. You will feel happier, calmer, and more respected by others. Your wisdom will increase, and you will feel more grounded.
This transit will activate the travel houses, focusing on religious or spiritual journeys. Your marriage and partnerships will also benefit from this positive energy. Single Virgos may find love, and those looking to start a family will have a positive time ahead.
If you are in fields like education, teaching, coaching, religion, sports, social media, or the arts, expect exceptional growth during this time. Jupiter's influence in the ninth house is truly bringing you the best results.
If you are a student aspiring to study abroad or pursue higher education in a foreign country, now is an opportune time for you. However, it is important to note that the main focus of this Transit is spirituality and Dharma, which means you may find yourself drawn towards exploring spirituality and religion. You might feel inclined to seek a guru or immerse yourself in reading books on these subjects, sparking a deep curiosity within you.
While there are various resources available, such as YouTube and social media, to learn about spirituality, I would advise you to stay connected to your Divine. By staying close to your faith, you will activate the positive energies of good luck and fortune in your life during this Transit.
Libra ♎
Jupiter's presence in your eighth house and its influence on your fourth, second, and twelfth houses will have a significant impact on your life, especially for those born under the sign of Libra. As the ruler of the sixth house, Jupiter governs your health, debts, loans, and competition. It also rules your second house, which is associated with your finances, family, the food you consume, and your speech.
During this transit, you can expect a transformation in various aspects of your life. Your mindset and approach to life will undergo a complete 180-degree shift. You will find yourself becoming slightly obsessed with how you handle your financial matters. This may lead you to research stocks, speculation, and investment opportunities in order to increase your financial gains.
Be prepared for potential high expenses, particularly in investments or home-related expenses. Additionally, you will start focusing on your health and may make significant changes to your lifestyle, including a complete overhaul of your diet, food choices, and habits. If you are prone to diseases such as diabetes, asthma, or thyroid issues, it is advisable to stay away from sugary sweet foods, despite an increased desire for them during this time.
You will also feel a strong attraction towards spirituality, and your intuition will be heightened. Pay close attention to any special dreams you have during this period, as they may hold valuable messages or guidance for your path ahead.
In terms of your family and relationships, it is crucial to approach any changes with a high level of maturity. Strive to gain the love and respect of your extended family members. Your speech and communication style will become calmer, wiser, and less sarcastic and critical. Overall, you can expect to experience domestic happiness and mental peace.
There may also be opportunities for significant financial gains, such as through inheritance or insurance settlements, especially if you have been waiting for such matters to be resolved. However, it is important to exercise caution when engaging in speculative activities, as losses are also possible during this period. Take this time to navigate these changes with care and mindfulness, and you will emerge with a newfound sense of stability and growth.
Scorpio ♏
During this transit, Jupiter will be moving through your 7th house and forming aspects with your 3rd, 11th, and 1st house. This means that your partnerships, such as marriage or business relationships, will come into focus. You will gain wisdom and insight into the nature of your relationships, including your spouse. This may lead you to make wise choices, such as breaking away from a relationship or disengaging from your partner.
If your birth chart shows any negative influences on your 7th house, there is a possibility of separation from your partner. On the other hand, if you are single, there is a high chance of marriage or the entrance of a new person into your life. This person may possess qualities of wisdom and purity. However, it's important to consider other planetary placements and influences on your 7th house, as they can alter the effects of Jupiter's transit.
During this time, you will receive a lot of respect from others. In your workplace, people may approach you for guidance or advice. There is also a possibility of financial rewards, and you may be tempted to start your own business or receive new opportunities.
This is the period a great opportunity to explore a new Business Partnership if that's something you're interested in. You have the drive and energy to kickstart new ventures, making it an ideal time to dive into the business world. If you're currently employed, expect financial rewards, recognition, and even promotions. Your personal growth shines through, impressing others with your mature mindset, problem-solving skills, and wisdom.
Your social circle will expand as you leave a positive impact on those around you. Your bond with siblings will strengthen as you find peaceful resolutions to any conflicts. Just remember to prioritize your health, especially with a tendency to gain weight due to unhealthy eating habits. Be cautious of indulging in sugary and fatty foods to avoid potential health issues related to Jupiter, such as diabetes, asthma, or thyroid problems.
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be Considered for Accurate Personalized Predictions.
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Stay Tuned for Part 3..
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sgdlrthinker · 9 months
BIRTHDAY: December 10th
Height: 183cm
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
The mysterious young man, the second son of the Liu family, Liu Min's brother.
When he was a child, he met Li Tianchen by chance and then went abroad to study. After the Li Tianchen incident, he returned to China and met him again.
It seems that a bigger storm is brewing.
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skeletonpunching · 1 year
Buddy Daddies final character bios
The character bios on the website have been updated somewhat throughout the season, so my previous translations are slightly out of date. Now that the series is over, I figured I’d leave you with the final versions of the bios, all compiled in one place.
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Kurusu Kazuki
28 years old, assassin
Birthday: 16th May
Voice actor: Toyonaga Toshiyuki
Lives with his colleague and buddy Rei, and looks after his daily needs. When working with Rei, his responsibilities are mostly arranging the contract, gathering intel in advance, and setting up the plan for execution. Excellent communication skills. Fond of women and gambling. Good at cooking and cleaning, and periodically chides Rei for his sloppy lifestyle. Was married in the past, and his wife was pregnant, but she died as a result of some shady business dealings. As penance for this, he sends part of his earnings to his wife’s younger sister, but she refuses to accept it.
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Suwa Rei
25 years old, assassin
Birthday: 10th August
Voice actor: Uchiyama Koki
A man of few words. Usually doesn’t even bat an eye when Kazuki comes staggering home. Outstanding physical ability; at the top of the field in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. There is a drastic contrast between his ON (professional) and OFF (private) modes - at home, he just shuts himself in and plays games. Born into a large mob family, he received special assassin training from his father ever since his childhood. Unable to escape the conflicts in his family, he has no understanding of normal parent-child relationships.
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Unasaka Miri
4 years old
Birthday: 8th November
Voice actor: Kino Hina
A truly lively, innocent girl who fears nothing. Showed up at a hotel in search of her father, and got caught up in a gunfight, but was rescued by Kazuki. Her father was a prominent human trafficker and a mafia boss; he was killed by Kazuki and Rei as one of their mission targets. Her mother was the boss’s lover. Miri’s favourite food is the hamburg steak her mother makes; she has no idea that she has been abandoned. An affectionate child, she calls Kazuki “Kazuki-papa”, and Rei “Rei-papa”.
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Kugi Kyutaro
32 years old, cafe owner
Voice actor: Morikawa Toshiyuki
A go-between who coordinates jobs for Kazuki and Rei. Usually puts on a friendly demeanour as the owner of the cafe “Mistletoe”. Keenly perceptive, and remarkably well-informed. Knows a lot about Kazuki and Rei’s pasts, but for some reason, has never intervened, and keeps their relationship squarely within the limits of a business transaction. Generally acts like a kind older brother, but when a job goes wrong, will also readily discard all that to be completely businesslike. A reliable partner to Kazuki and Rei, but keeps them on their toes.
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Ogino Ryo
Age unknown, assassin
Voice actor: Madono Mitsuaki
A killing machine who has murdered many people without a trace of emotion. He’s destroyed numerous organisations with his massive physique and overwhelming strength, and travels all over in search of work. Acquainted with Kyutaro. He is connected with the incident in which Kazuki’s wife died, but Kazuki is unaware of this.
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Unasaka Misaki
34 years old, bar hostess and singer
Voice actor: Mori Nanako
Miri’s mother. After an affair with Miri’s father, who was a mafia boss, she had Miri as a single mother. Has bad luck with men, and leads a wild life.
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Hanyu Anna
24 years old, daycare employee
Voice actor: Terui Haruka
A staff member at “Blue Sky Daycare”. Has a calm and gentle personality. The children call her “Anna-chan”. Not good at playing the piano.
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Kurusu Yuzuko
25 years old at death
Voice actor: Ito Shizuka
Kazuki’s beloved wife. Passed away in an incident while pregnant.
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Izumi Karin
22 years old, student
Voice actor: Hasegawa Ikumi
Yuzuko’s younger sister. Was sincerely delighted by her sister’s marriage to Kazuki. Plans to go abroad to study fashion in France.
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Suwa Shigeki
Age unknown
Voice actor: Fuji Shinshu
Rei's father, and the boss of the organisation. Ever since Rei was a child, he drilled the techniques and mindset of an assassin into him. As head of the organisation, he shows no mercy even to family.
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Kaji Satoru
40 years old
Voice actor: Kinoshita Hiroyuki
A member of the organisation. Taught Rei how to use firearms and handle missions.
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expiationist · 11 months
just a little stem vs humanities student story, since that seems so be a controversial topic in the academic world:
as a language and business double major, i absolutely think stem majors are another breed. hear me out. my best friend of 10 years is a biochem major, and she has always taken the hardest calc/physics/chem classes. she would get As on bio tests like it was first grade math. her knowledge eludes me. i have to try exponentially harder than her in every class we had together, and we barely even had the same classes! she took regular calc freshman year, got an A pretty easily. i took business calc, got an A because i was so close to an A and my professor saw how much effort i had put in and felt bad. i have always thought stem was much harder than anything i was pursuing.
until i heard her pov.
she is also pursuing a spanish minor, and has been taking spanish classes since 8th grade (we took our first spanish class together). i took spanish in 8th, 9th, and 10th grade, then stopped taking it through classes and started self studying japanese my junior year of highschool. she continued to pursue spanish and has taken in every year and every semester since 8th grade. shes studying abroad next semester, and we thought it would be a good idea for me to pick up spanish so she would have an opportunity to teach me and talk in spanish together. however, i picked it up pretty fast after not taking it for four years.
i noticed she felt ~some type of way~ about it, which prompted a conversation between the two of us.
to spare the mundane details, she thought it was insane that i caught up to where she was within weeks, after not having taken a class higher than high school spanish 2. i told her i thought it was insane that she got an A in every calc, physics, bio, and chem class, which i was never able to get a single A in (until business calc in college). she has a 4.0, taking what i thought were WAY harder classes than what i was taking. hell, i couldn’t even get an A in astronomy. astronomy.
she then talked about how i had rarely EVER gotten less than a 93 on essays, even if i had written them the night before, while she has to spend weeks on essays to get a good grade on them.
the moral of this story, is that everyone has their own talents. science comes natural to her. languages and humanities come natural to me. i find her talents way harder. she finds my talents way harder because humanities tend to be subjective, and business requires a certain personality and being good with people, which she doesn’t see those qualities in herself.
personally, i think anyone who pushes the “stem is objectively harder” agenda is probably just insecure in their own abilities to do arts/humanities/business. a real mature student can see that everyone has their own talents and a field that is suited to them! there is no need to invalidate peoples academic pursuits. college should be about finding what YOU love and want to pursue, not invalidating everyone and making them feel dumber because they chose a different path from you.
do what you love, and study hard if you love it! just because someone studies humanities subjects doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of succeeding in stem. and just because you study stem doesn’t make you smarter than someone who doesn’t choose to pursue that.
HOWEVER. from my pov, stem is like actually shit from Mars that i will never be able to wrap my head around, so to be humble ill admit i could NEVER study stem subjects beyond general education requirements. kudos to you guys! but that doesnt apply to every a&h kid out there!
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On March 10th 1998, Alberto Morrocco, the Scottish painter noted for his murals and portraits in oil and watercolours, died.
Alberto Morrocco was born on 14th December 1917 in Aberdeen to Italian parents in 1917. He attended Gray’s School of Art from the prodigious age of fourteen, tutored by James Cowie and Robert Sivell, and won the Carnegie and Brough travelling scholarships, affording him opportunity to paint and study in France, Italy and Switzerland in the late 1930s.
After serving in the army between 1940-46 he devoted his time to painting. His subject matter varied from the domestic interior, landscape, imaginings of Italian life, still life and many commissioned portraits. Combining his talent with abundant energy he became one of the most dominant figures in the Scottish artworld in the second half of the 20th century.
He participated in many group exhibitions both at home and abroad and works are held in major collections including: The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art; Royal Scottish Academy; Scottish Arts Council; West Riding County Council; Newark on Trent Municipal Museum; Liliie Art Gallery, Milngavie, Glasgow; Robert Fleming Holdings Ltd; Vincent Price Esq, USA ; Icelandic Glasgow, Paisley, and Perth Art Galleries; he Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Dundee, Glasgow, Leicester, Stirling and St. Andrews; City of Art Centre, Edinburgh; Bank of Scotland. His work is to be found in private collections throughout Europe, the Far East and America.
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Right, so. I wanna imagine this slightly, mildly insane thing, ok? And I have absolutely no clue which ship to use this one for (since I'm currently obsessed with Good Omens and the Not-Nice-Demon and his Bastard-Angel, so yeah. I guess you can imagine it as Merthur if you'd want, or anything else really, but I'm gonna go with A and B this time around). Right. So, imagine this, ok? (It's very specific btw, so bear with me lmao).
Both A and B are aspiring doctors. They were in the same class in 10th grade, and towards the end of the year, B started asking A for help because they were scared of their exams.
Now, imagine for their next academic year that B switches curriculums (though they're still in the same school) and the minimal conversation which both A and B engaged in before is now completely zero.
However! Since they're both aspiring med students at the time, they meet again in a prepratory class they've both enrolled in; a class needed to help prepare for a medical admissions test they both must take.
Now imagine that they begin talking somewhat after their 10th grade results are released (since 10th grade is a board year ykyk), and A slowly begins to catch feelings.
A's schoolfriends don't exactly catch on, but do enjoy teasing them and shipping them with B, unbeknownst to B.
Slowly, over their two year course, they begin talking more, even more than they had before. And before they know it, they're sending in their college applications and whiling away their summer together, having gone from mere acquaintances to close friends.
And then they're off to college, with B staying in their home country while A leaves and goes abroad (I was thinking England, but again, feel free to imagine whatever other place you'd like) for their studies instead.
Imagine they still talk as much as they possibly can, and approximately two years into med school, they begin surprising each other with visits during whatever holidays they can.
Now, well into either their 3rd or 4th year of uni, B surprises A once more, showing up on their doorstep.
A feigns anger and annoyance, the facade immediately dropping once B reveals they've gotten A chocolates from home.
B says that they're visiting for a week, and A is thrilled, but continues to be jokingly annoyed.
Over the course of the week, A and B (obviously) spend as much time as they possibly can with one another, from reading together while it rains outside to visiting shops together and buying breakfast before the other wakes up (just domestic things, but you know!!!).
Eventually, two and a half days before B needs to leave, they go out for lunch and end up dancing along to a live band at a restaurant, along with a bunch of other couples. They begin walking home, giggling and stumbling over one another, unable to stray too far away, and then it begins raining. And they're forced together under the awning of a nearby coffee shop. And then, before they know it, they're kissing. Sopping wet and shivering, but kissing nonetheless. And then they're back at A's apartment and. Well. I'm sure you can piece together where that goes. (They could either you know. Do the thing. Or just like cuddle and watch a film or something else if you're not into that kinda thing, I get it).
And then it's bliss for the next two days, they go nowhere except to shop for groceries.
After that, of course, it's time for B to leave and go back home. Though it's not exactly teary, their parting is filled with yearning and heartache because "why do you have to go, why'd we have to realise so late?" but B promises to come back as soon as they can, and A does the same.
This back and forth goes on for about a year, wherein whenever A visits home, they hide the fact that they are now dating B by saying they would visit and probably spend the night with a friend of theirs whenever they'd visit.
Eventually, however, they decide that it's time for their parents to know, and over a slightly longer, two-week break (or summer break, whichever you want), they decide to get their families together for a lunch, in order to introduce everyone to everyone.
A plans it at their house, ensuring their parents and sibling are out of the house before everyone else arrives, and they're super stressed over everything – "Have we made enough food? Did we buy the wine? I don't think so, wait no we did. But did we buy the chocolates? I don't think we did, could you run by the store and get some? Do I look alright? Should I cha–" and they're so wound up and B just thinks it's so adorable that they have to shut them up with a soft little kiss, saying something like "Hey. We'll be fine. They'll love each other, and I'm sure my parents will love you. Yes, we have enough food, and wine, and chocolates, and you look gorgeous, so stop worrying, we'll be alright."
And then B distracts them by sitting them down and turning on the television. And just as predicted, B's parents simply adore A and A's parents love B just as much too.
Eventually, as they were wont to do, they get married. (It can be either while they're just finishing up med school or after they've finished, that's another choice you make, but).
And though this obviously isn't the end, I'm too lazy to write more haha.
Now, there are a couple things – I know this seems super basic and boring because there's no huge plot twists- but I thought it was nice to just imagine two characters growing up together and falling in love and never looking back idk why. Either way, if you've read until here, kudos to you, this was super long, so thank you :D
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gradstarglobal1 · 11 days
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parveensingh · 2 years
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
8th Ruler and where you will face Crisis? 👾
The 8th ruler often brings sudden and unexpected events in the house it is placed in. The job of the 8th ruler is to bring transformation and spiritual purification through difficult life experiences. It balances your karma The 8th ruler gives bad results if it also rules 3rd or 7th or 11th house simultaneously.
8th Ruler in 1st: You may face challenges with some major health issues, exposure to certain risks, accidents, you should avoid taking too many physical risks as danger is often around you.
8th Ruler in 2nd: You may face challenges with money matters. You may have to rely on others for financial support. Inheritances and tax rebates could be tricky. You could have issues with mouth, throat, teeth and thyroid glands. Early childhood was very poor.
8th Ruler in 3rd: You may face challenges with younger siblings, short road travels, accidents are possible. Your communication can land you in trouble, you may mix sexual remarks in your communication, documentation issues could arise, you may lose imp. Docs.
8th Ruler in 4th: You may face challenges with land, property, vehicles. Your car or property could get damaged. War like situations can affect your property. You may have issues with mother or mother faces major crisis in life. Crisis comes after purchase of property.
8th Ruler in 5th: You may face challenges with child birth, abortions, miscarriages, loss of children. You may incur losses in speculation, trading. You could have heart troubles, cough and asthma. Your crisis could come after birth of children.
8th Ruler in 6th: You may face challenges with in laws, co workers, doctors, your workplace, possibilities of harassment in workplace, you get envy from others, your crisis comes due to your mistakes, legal troubles could arise with marriage.
8th Ruler in 7th: You may face challenges with relationships, marriage. Your relationships end suddenly or your mates cheat you (may be they are already married). You could face crisis in foreign places, road travels. Death could be sudden or due to love crisis.
8th Ruler in 8th: You may face challenges with inheritances, taxes, joint assets, finances, loans, in laws, reproductive system.
8th Ruler in 9th: You may face challenges with higher education, university studies, professors, father, mentors, spiritualists, long travels, foreigners, legal issues, hips, thighs, sciatic nerve. Your luck is wavering.
8th Ruler in 10th: You may face challenges with sticking to one career, you get caught for mistakes or crimes at work done by someone else, your general reputation is at risk, you could be in a taboo career (occult in some societies are considered taboo)
8th Ruler in 11th: You may face challenges with friends, social circle, elder siblings, regular income, paycheck, partner's longevity. Ear troubles could arise. Your finances could be up and down. Trading losses at times. Social anxiety and few friends.
8th Ruler in 12th: You may face challenges with sleep, feet. Your crisis comes in foreign lands. You may break some laws that land you in trouble especially in abroad. Your challenges come due to past life mistakes. You may face crisis with others resources.
For Readings message me here.
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations 🔭
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Chiron in the 7th house of a composite chart, often indicates that the relationship as an entity, will provide healing for both people. You want to look at the aspects that Chiron makes to suggest what type of healing this is likely to be! If Chiron makes a trine to the composite moon, both people are likely to experience a significant amount of emotional healing within the relationship. If it’s Venus, both people can be healing their values and sense of self-worth. With Mercury, it can be healing how each person communicates and how they mentally process information!
Pisces over the 3rd house cusp of a natal chart can indicate that the person has a talent for poetry or creative writing!
I personally know someone who has the ruler of their 10th (mars), placed in their 3rd house! Guess what they do for work? They sell cars!!!! This is VERY fitting as the third house also represents transportation! (In tropical Astrology).
Having the ruler of your 7th house, placed in the 10th can manifest in many different ways. It can indicate being attracted to people who are significantly older than you, or those who are in a position of power in society! This can also mean meeting significant partners in a professional setting. The 7th house also governs business partners. So, this placement can in fact indicate that your future spouse/long-term partner works in the same career field as you.
Interestingly, there has been a link between having your natal Sun square your Moon , and divorced parents. The opposition can apply too. But, I’ve observed that the opposition often indicates parents who were never married, OR parents who remained married despite their marital problems.
Some of the most intelligent people I know have both 9H and 3H placements! It’s crazy because people with 9th house placements usually have a lot of general knowledge. These are the people who know something about everything!
Indications that you may settle abroad:
9H Sun/ 9H Mercury
Ruler of your 4th house placed in your 9th house.
Ruler of your 4th, placed in your 12th (the 12th house also represents ‘faraway lands’.
Sagittarius Mercury
Ruler of Ascendant placed in the 9th house!
Honorable mention: Sagittarius Rising! (This is more of a personal observation. I know many sag risings who live or studied abroad).
The asteroid “Ceres” in the 1st house, or conjunct the Ascendant has often been observed in the charts of people who have poor body image/food complexes.
Venus-Pluto culture is morphing into a completely different person after each relationship. This is especially true for those who have their Venus conjunct Pluto! Love & relationships are often huge catalysts for transformation, in the lives of Venus-Pluto natives.
Chiron, Pluto, Mars, or Saturn in the 10th house often manifests as a “father wound”. Hard aspects made to the natal Sun, can also indicate a difficult relationship with the father.
For the “mother wound”, I would say Chiron, Saturn, or Mars in the 4th. Hard aspects made to the moon often indicates an intense relationship with the mother! Moon square Lilith, Moon conjunct/square/opposite Pluto, Moon square Neptune, Moon conjunct/square Saturn, Moon square/opposite/conjunct Chiron are some examples.
Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Pisces and Cancer placements, especially risings are the easiest for me to spot!
Capricorn: (I have no Capricorn or cancer placements but I truly believe the Capricorn/cancer axis produces the most gorgeous people!) you can always spot a cap rising by their jaw line/bone structure. Kylie Jenner, Ariana Grande, Naomi Campbell are celebrity examples.
Aries: You can identify them by their foreheads and eyebrows! Aries rules the head. Many Aries placements (especially risings) have forehead scars/markings or they may struggle with acne/their skin in general. Rihanna is an example of an Aries rising celebrity who has a distinct forehead. Kendall Jenner is an Aries rising who has opened up about her skin troubles.
Aquarius: it’s so cliche to say aqua risings look like aliens lol but they do! They have a very distinct head shape! Many also have the Saturnian square jaw line, or high cheek bones! Side note: aqua placements often have very long limbs! This doesn’t mean they’re tall! They just tend to have really long arms, legs, fingers etc..
Pisces: The EYES! The best way to spot a Pisces rising is by looking at their eyes. They either have really droopy eyes, or eyes that protrude slightly. Their eye always look sleepy, ‘dreamy’ or distant. Billie Eilish & Whitney Houston are perfect celebrity examples!
Cancer: Cancer placements look very similar to Capricorn placements in my opinion. Their features are just “softer” seeing as they are ruled by the moon! Cancer risings are often said to look like the moon emojis!!🌚🌝 Adele, Cameron Diaz, Farrah Fawcett, and Angelina Jolie are some celebrity examples.
This is more of a personal example, but every solar return year in which I have had Saturn or Mars in the 12th house of my solar return chart, have been very difficult mental health years for me! Hahah I must add that I had transit PLUTO & SATURN squaring my luminaries at the same time!
Interestingly, the years where I had many planets in the solar return 5th, 11th, and 1st houses were the best years of my life!
My personal readings are still open 🤍
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subir-astrologer · 3 months
This is a common question which many people ask to the astrologer that if they can overcome the bad placed planet in a chart by working very hard.
The answer is very simple but needed to understand a lot as one need not work very hard but work smartly. So the question is what does one meant by smartly ?
To understand this an individual need to have knowledge of astrology or get helped by someone who knows.
Let’s understand
In our daily life we must have seen many people with very good educational degree / qualifications find very difficult to get a job. Some time they have job but they do not have good earning and also job satisfaction.
This people are constantly knocked by the society that they are inefficient and being lazy or dull headed in practical life.
It is seen that people choose wrong line of profession because of many reasons :
1. Parent decided the subject for higher studies.
2. One decide the path of career looking at others ( neighbor, friends, relatives etc )
3. The native himself could not make correct decision to choose right career etc etc etc. . . .
Because of wrong choosing of our career which goes against or do not synch with our destiny, one will find difficulties in his career.
Lets understand it with examples :
A client came for consultation told me that he is not getting success in his business.
He told me that he tried to do agriculture business as he has big land but failed.
The native known the art of modifying cars and so he opened up a good garage and did few beautiful car modifications, but could not continue for long run, had to close it within a year.
The native was on the verge of bankrupt.
After studying the horoscope of the native I was surprised and asked him what he was doing in this country ? He should be working abroad or in any MNC company as doing business is not promised in his destiny.
On telling this the native was zapped and said the untold part of his career, that he was working in oil creek and he was fed-up of that job as he had to stay away form home for long period and living in a very small island surrounded by sea.
The native was made to understood that his luck will shine very far away from his birth place. And till now what ever money he made was from faraway place only.
Cutting the story short, the native was asked to join any company for job and he did and with 2-3 months he again got an opportunity and he flew abroad and now doing great again after a loss of nearly 3 years with loss of huge money.
From the example one can understand that not all profession is meant for everyone.
Our professional career and its success is promised only when our destiny is aligned with our profession.
Our horoscope gives us clue if a person will do well in job or business. The nature of our profession like doctor, lawyer, teacher, IT etc etc etc . . .
In our horoscope the 10th cuspal sublord ( as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system ) along with 6th and 7th need to be studied in order to learn the significances of it.
These significances along with the significances of the current ruling mahadasha will give us the correct picture regarding one’s career / profession and the type of his success.
Of course one need to study the whole horoscope to have the whole picture in total.
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