#sensory integration disorder treatment
speechandotplano · 1 year
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acorpsecalledcorva · 3 months
Thanks to the amount of systems cringe stuff spamming this tag I finally gave in and had a look at what they're saying, great decision on my part, happy for myself and so grateful for the inspiration lmao.
Honestly fuck all the fake claiming stuff, that's old hat, I wanna talk about the reverse conspiracy theory stuff they got going on. Namely their new automod response to anyone that mentions RAMCOA. So uhhh trigger warnings for discussion on that.
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That link for an "archive database"? It points to the Grey Faction website, the Satanic Temples replacement for the False Memory Foundation. It's kinda sad honestly, sparsely populated with old news about Colin Ross' eye lasers and 80s satanic panic stuff to completely discredit the ISSTD as the organisation stands today. They completely deny the concept of repressed memories and don't believe in DID at all, even if they try to hide it with carefully chosen language
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Does this kinda stuff happen? Absolutely. But the issue is, unsurprisingly, nuanced and complicated.
The Body Keeps the Score has a great section on this. In one chapter the author recounts a patients sudden recollection of abuse memories after seeing their abuser having been arrested on television. The patient had spent their entire life having no recollection of these events, only for them suddenly to reappear in crystal clear and full sensory detail. It does sound kinda unbelievable, I mean we know how dubious and unreliable memory can be, how can these memories be preserved so perfectly outside of conscious awareness? Well the chapter goes on to explore accounts of traumatic memory around Shell Shock. As it turns out, veterans that didn't get Shell Shock often had very personalised accounts of the war, they would even romanticise their experiences spun as a narrative of personal valour and heroism. Shell Shock patients on the other hand had much more accurate and factual recollections that all corroborated with each other, it would be as if they were back there experiencing it as it was, as opposed to looking back on it from the present.
This is because of how memory is processed. A healthy processed memory is becomes part of your own personal narrative, how you feel about it, the lessons you learned from it, and how it relates to the rest of your life. A traumatic memory doesn't do this, because it is deemed as incompatible with personal narrative, impossible to feel anything about, and threatens the integrity of the rest of the psyche, it sits outside. Like lost luggage at an airport never opened and never claimed.
This isn't necessarily the case for traumatic memory in DID though, at least in a good number of cases what's preserved is the emotional memory, feelings of helplessness or betrayal, body sensations of things happening, but the details, the auto biographical recollection of events can be lost.
In fact, this is one of the key ways the false memory foundation claims have been debunked. You can install the memory of being lost in the mall to someone, but what you can't do is give someone PTSD symptoms around a false memory, those emotional and physical intrusions can't be implanted.
This is to say that the trauma is always real, it deserves attention and validation and treatment, but we do have to be careful about what we do with the content of traumatic memories. And you know what? This is 100% in line with ISSTD guidance for the therapy of patients with a Dissociative Disorder. Therapists are advised not to take disclosures of recounted traumatic memories too literally, not least of all because different alters might have different accounts of events. It can cause a lot of internal conflict and distress to believe one alter over the other and they can't all be right. So what you do is something called Processing. Here's a great video on that from the CTAD clinic
This all relates to the derealisation aspect is DID, and in fact, many have called it a disorder of multiple realities rather than multiple personalities. I guess it depends on which way you wanna look at it from the DPDR continuum. Because of the extreme compartmentalisation of action systems, traumatic memory can be chopped up and distributed among different parts. Some get the emotional memory, some get the physical memory, some transform the content of the memory into something that fits the personal narrative of their created identity. For instance am alter that believes they are a victim of witch trials may have memories of a mob with pitchforks and torches, or a wolf alter might have memories of being surrounded and trapped by hunters in someone who has trauma around severe playground bullying. The emotional experience is retained, but the biographical details are changed into something the brain hopes can be processed, even if it fails in doing so.
Where this gets very messy, is that you can take a compartmentalised emotional or physical intrusive memory, devoid of content, and be suggestible to details that might fill the blanks. This is largely what happened during the satanic panic. Imagining a potential form of abuse, while triggered, can attach those imagined details to the emotional memory. Heck, multiple alters can each attach their own individual narrative of details to the same emotional Intrusion.
And this is a very serious problem I've seen in the community. So many times someone will ask questions about a relatively normal DID experience, and someone will chime in with "well in my case it's the result of programming". This is such a fucking irresponsible and dangerous thing to do. We cannot suggest possible forms of abuse to scared and confused systems that are in the wake of being triggered. This can go SO badly. Many of us suffer from psychosis, paranoia can quickly turn into a full blown delusion, especially when we're talking about organisations of child trafficking and mind control.
Cults exist.
Trafficking organisations exist.
Abusive religious organisations exist.
There's no denial that this happens, but we absolutely cannot just go around suggesting that this might have happened to someone who hasn't yet processed their trauma.
This isn't about disbelieving people, or telling people they are wrong about their trauma, but directing towards what matters, stabilisation from destabilising thoughts during a terrifying and confusing time, grounding, and finding a safe space through which to process the painful emotions so that they no longer intrude on daily life.
Back to Systems Cringe and the Grey Faction, there's something to be said about how faith in institutions can completely broken when we forget, and are reminded, that they aren't some flawless entity but are made up of flawed people that make mistakes
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But I think this comment sums up everything I would want to say on that
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liongoatsnake · 2 years
Quick question, what are systems? Are they the same as having DID/multiple-personality disorder? I’m confused and would like to know more, thanks :-)
This answer is going to be pretty simplified for brevity, but for disclosure there are a lot of details and history and discourse (and when I use that word here, I’m using it in the traditional sense, not how the word is used on social media platforms).
Another thing to keep in mind is that we first found the community over 15 years ago and so we might reference concepts that aren’t talked about anymore.
The word plural is a very broad term to describe when someone is “more than one in one body.” It is a very board term that can fit any number of varied experiences.
The word multiple specifically refers to where those who are “more than one” actually present as individual persons with their own sense of individuality.  
The word system refers to a collection of people or entities within a single instance of a plurality (i.e. a single body that is plural). In the past there was a lot more meaning as to why people said, “plural system” or “multiple system” or “median system” over simply saying they were “plural,” “multiple,” or “median” and some of that reason does have to do with the ways dissociative identity disorder (back when it was still regularly called multiple personality disorder) was once treated. Back 30ish years ago, anyone who was more-than-one (plural) regardless of just about anything was labeled with MPD (even spiritual practices like spirit possession in various religions) and told they HAD to go through this process of removing the existence of their plurality through a process called integration which included the permanent merging/fusing of members. In psychiatry for a long time was the only treatment offered and not everyone who was more-than-one agreed with this single-option approach. In the late 80s/early 90s a community began to form for people with these kinds of experiences and part of this community really disagreed with integration being the ONLY option. These people preferred goals that focused on functionality, cooperation, and such and that didn’t force anyone to permanent merge/fuse if they didn’t want to. This is where the idea of being a system came out of. Back then someone could be multiple (plural wasn’t widely used until some decade later), but only the multiples who weren’t pushing for only integration started out using it. They used system to refer to their organization (using the dictionary definition of system to refer to things working together). (Again, that is a major oversimplification because a lot of this spanned a decade and more and you also had a lot of influences going on. Again, trying to give a cliff-notes version to something that could take a whole BOOK of text to really do it justice.)
So that’s the history behind the term. But these days system doesn’t have all those internal community meanings anymore. Its just used by most people as referring to a collection of headmates/alters/parts/whatever terms they personally prefer for themselves within a single physical body.
The current criteria for Dissociative Identity Disorder in the DSM-5 includes these criteria:
 Criterion A - " Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession. The disruption of marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency, accompanied by related alterations in affect, behavior, consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, and/or sensory-motor functioning. These signs and symptoms may be observed by others or reported by the individual."
Criterion B - “Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting.”
Criterion C  - "The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.”
Criterion D - “The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice. Note: the symptoms are not better explained by imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.”
Criterion E, in part, states - “The symptoms are not attributable to the direct physiological effects […] of a substance or another medical condition […].”
Not everyone meets all criteria, and it takes meeting all criteria to be diagnosed. Someone can meet Criterion A but not meet one or more of the others. (And because the criteria has changed over time you have issues where someone diagnosed under a previous DSM might not be diagnosed under the current one. So, the plural community has experienced a greater and greater rift over time as more and more of its members no longer fit under the DSM’s criteria. (Remember, in the 80s and early 90s even people who experienced spirit possession because of their cultural practices were diagnosed with MPD and some of those such people were also around the early community.)  This rift has certainly caused issues. (And this isn’t even getting into the history and added influences of what can cause plurality. Which in and of itself is a can of worms. Again, would need a book to do indepth.)
Within the past decade-ish and that began on Tumblr there has been an ever increasing… disagreement over who can and cannot use certain words and a heck of a lot of other… discussions. But this discourse really did not exist pre-2013. (We find it painfully ironic that around the same time the DSM-5 came out and blatantly stated that not everyone who was more-than-one in one body had DID unless they also experience certain other criteria [something many in the community fought for] is also around the same time that “syscourse” arose. And it’s been causing harm ever since.)   
But yeah. This kind of slid more into the history of these terms, but we’re by our nature history people. Plus, because of being burned by syscourse to the point we’re not super active in the community anymore. (WAY too many times have we been attacked despite our own diagnosis, trauma history, and such because the side that are “anti-endogenic” does not care if they harm their own… But that is a personal misgiving.)   
If you would like more in-depth information here are a few links for a little bit more information:
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georesearch · 5 months
Research Reading List
Here I'll be listing all of the materials I read for this project and writing short notes underneath all of them. The list will start off with just titles and authors etc. but will be added to over time. Opinions on how helpful they are to my research will be added too.
An Attempt to Explain Visual Aesthetic Appreciation
Bjørn Grinde, Tammy-Ann Husselman (2022)
Focusing on aesthetic qualities of art rather than the function in facilitating communication and creating associations
Aesthetics- “the study of how and why sensory stimuli acquire hedonic value”
Aesthetic elements
Aesthetic behaviours
A Case for Art Therapy as a Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Huma Durrani (2017)
Many caregivers for children with autism opt for therapies that ‘work’ faster rather than a longer-term approach such as art therapy
Speech and language therapies
Occupational therapy
Art therapy focuses on building a relationship with the client to make the sessions more enjoyable for them
Ignoring psychoemotional needs for connection is detrimental to the child
High reports of anxiety and depression among children with autism
SID- (Sensory Integration Dysfunction)
An individual's atypical response to external stimuli
Affects all senses
Can potentially make some people feel unwell or pained
‘The variety of textures, colours, smells, and tastes of art materials have an inherent capacity to inhibit or induce emotional and sensory responses’ p.104
Touch interactions with materials can have a calming affect on people and make them more inclined to participate
Art therapy gives an outlet that can express emotions and communicate with others that may be difficult in their day-to-day lives e.g. non-verbal people
Different materials can induce grounding techniques and more engagement in the artwork
Clothes, Sensory Experiences and Autism: Is Wearing the Right Fabric Important?
Chrysovalanto Kyriacou, Rachel Forrester-Jones, Paraskevi Triantafyllopoulou (2021)
Emotional abilities and art experience in autism spectrum disorder
Sara Coelho, Ingrid Vendrell Ferran, Achim Stephan (2023)
Reading Graphic Design History
David Raizman
Stitching Language: Sounding Voice in the Art Practice of Vanessa Dion Fletcher
Stephanie Springgay (2021)
Designing a Sensory Kit to Improve the Environment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Pediatric Emergency Department
Sasha Litwin, Kate Sellen (2022)
Special Interest Connection Framework: Integrating Pop Culture into Art Therapy with Autistic Individuals
Jessica Woolheiser Stallings
Playing with identity: gender, performance and feminine agency in cosplay Elizabeth Gackstetter Nichols (2019)
The art worlds of gender performance: cosplay, embodiment, and the collective accomplishment of gender
Yuchen Yang (2022)
Looking into cosplay as a form of identity expression
Specifically looking at gender expression- not always due to one's actual gender identity rather than love of a character
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ashokamarketing · 1 day
Best Neuro Vision Therapy for Children with ADHD
Unlock the Potential of Your Child: The Best Neuro Vision Therapy for Children with ADHD
Neuro Vision Therapy (NVT) stands out as a groundbreaking approach in the realm of ADHD treatment, offering hope and tangible results for children facing the challenges of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In this comprehensive guide, we explore the transformative benefits of Neuro Vision Therapy specifically tailored to address the needs of children with ADHD.
Understanding ADHD and Its Impact
ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in sustaining attention, controlling impulses, and regulating hyperactivity. These challenges can manifest in various aspects of a child's life, from academic performance to social interactions and beyond. While traditional treatments such as medication and behavioral therapy play crucial roles in managing ADHD symptoms, they may not fully address the underlying neurological deficits that contribute to the disorder.
Enter Neuro Vision Therapy
Neuro Vision Therapy offers a holistic and targeted approach to addressing the unique needs of children with ADHD. By focusing on visual processing skills, attention control, and sensory integration, NVT aims to strengthen neural pathways and improve cognitive function. Unlike traditional treatments that primarily target behavioral symptoms, NVT delves deeper into the neurological mechanisms underlying ADHD, offering long-term benefits and empowering children to reach their full potential.
The Components of Effective Neuro Vision Therapy
Visual Processing Exercises: NVT incorporates a wide range of visual processing exercises designed to enhance key skills such as visual tracking, scanning, and visual memory. Through targeted practice and repetition, children learn to process visual information more efficiently, leading to improved attention and concentration. Sensory Integration Techniques: Many children with ADHD experience difficulties with sensory processing, which can impact their ability to focus and regulate their behavior. NVT incorporates sensory integration techniques to help children become more attuned to their sensory experiences and develop strategies for self-regulation. Interactive Technologies: Modern advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of Neuro Vision Therapy, paving the way for engaging and interactive treatment programs. These programs often utilize gamification elements, rewards systems, and real-time feedback to keep children motivated and actively involved in their therapy. Individualized Treatment Plans: No two children with ADHD are exactly alike, which is why personalized treatment plans are essential for optimizing outcomes. A comprehensive assessment conducted by a qualified vision therapist helps identify each child's unique strengths and challenges, guiding the development of a tailored NVT program. The Role of Parents and Caregivers
Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in supporting their child's journey through Neuro Vision Therapy. By providing encouragement, reinforcement, and consistency, they create a nurturing environment conducive to success. Additionally, staying informed about their child's progress and maintaining open communication with their vision therapist ensures collaboration and maximizes the effectiveness of treatment.
Unlocking Your Child's Full Potential
Neuro Vision Therapy holds immense promise for children with ADHD, offering a pathway to improved cognitive function, academic performance, and overall quality of life. By addressing the underlying neurological deficits associated with ADHD, NVT empowers children to overcome obstacles, build essential skills, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.
In conclusion, Neuro Vision Therapy represents a paradigm shift in the treatment of ADHD, offering a comprehensive and targeted approach to addressing the unique needs of children with the disorder. Through visual processing exercises, sensory integration techniques, interactive technologies, and individualized treatment plans, NVT unlocks the potential of children with ADHD, paving the way for a brighter and more promising future.
For more details visit our site: https://docneurovisiontherapy.com/home/
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Community Occupational Therapist Sydney
Our occupational therapists can provide paediatric and sensory regulation, emotional regulation and treatment strategies for children with genetic disorders and ASD. Community Occupational Therapist Sydney
About Company
Your Functional Therapy strives to improve the life of each individual we work with. Our mission is to provide you with a high quality service that incorporates integrity, honesty, respect, diversity, empowerment and a space free of judgement.
We are a registered NDIS provider and service all areas of greater Sydney, Melbourne and the Illawarra.
YFT is a leading occupational therapy service. Let us help you achieve your goals, no need to travel, we come to you – at home, school or in our clinic.
Click Here For More Info
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Unlocking Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Occupational Therapy
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Occupational therapy (OT) is a dynamic and vital healthcare profession focused on helping individuals of all ages live their lives to the fullest. From children with developmental delays to seniors recovering from strokes, occupational therapists play a crucial role in improving quality of life by enabling people to engage in meaningful activities and daily tasks. In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating world of occupational therapy, exploring its principles, practices, and the myriad ways it positively impacts individuals and communities.
Understanding Occupational Therapy: At its core, occupational therapy is about empowering individuals to participate in the activities that are essential to their daily lives. These activities, or "occupations," encompass everything from self-care tasks like dressing and eating to work, leisure, and social activities. Occupational therapists work with people facing physical, cognitive, emotional, or developmental challenges, helping them develop, recover, or maintain the skills needed to engage in these activities effectively.
Key Principles
Holistic Approach: Occupational therapy takes into account the whole person—physical, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects—recognizing that these elements are interconnected and influence one another.
Client-Centered Care: Occupational therapists collaborate closely with clients to understand their unique goals, challenges, and preferences, tailoring interventions to meet individual needs.
Evidence-Based Practice: OT interventions are grounded in scientific evidence and research, ensuring that treatments are effective and based on the latest knowledge in the field.
Scope of Practice
The scope of occupational therapy is vast and diverse, spanning various settings and populations. Some common areas of practice include:
Pediatrics: Helping children with developmental delays, sensory processing disorders, or physical disabilities achieve developmental milestones and participate fully in school and play activities.
Rehabilitation: Assisting individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, or disabilities to regain independence in activities of daily living and return to work or school.
Mental Health: Supporting individuals with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia to manage symptoms and improve functioning in everyday life.
Geriatrics: Enhancing the quality of life for older adults by addressing age-related challenges such as arthritis, dementia, or mobility limitations.
Interventions and Techniques
Occupational therapists employ a wide range of interventions and techniques tailored to each individual's needs and goals. These may include:
Adaptive Equipment: Recommending and teaching the use of assistive devices such as wheelchairs, grab bars, or adaptive utensils to enhance independence and safety.
Therapeutic Activities: Engaging clients in purposeful activities that promote physical strength, coordination, cognitive skills, and emotional well-being.
Environmental Modifications: Assessing home, work, or school environments to identify barriers and make modifications to support accessibility and participation.
Sensory Integration: Providing sensory-based interventions to help individuals regulate their responses to sensory stimuli and improve attention, behavior, and social interactions.
Impact and Benefits
The impact of occupational therapy extends far beyond improving functional abilities; it can profoundly enhance quality of life for individuals and their families. Some of the benefits of occupational therapy include:
Increased Independence: Empowering individuals to perform activities of daily living and pursue meaningful occupations autonomously.
Enhanced Participation: Facilitating engagement in work, school, leisure, and social activities, promoting a sense of belonging and fulfillment.
Improved Health Outcomes: Supporting physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being, which can lead to better overall health and reduced healthcare costs.
Positive Social Impact: Strengthening relationships, promoting inclusion, and fostering community integration for individuals with disabilities or limitations.
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Find the Benefits of Feeding Therapy at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy in Fort Worth
Are you facing challenges with your child's feeding habits? Feeding difficulties can be a source of stress and concern for parents, affecting both the child's health and family dynamics. Fortunately, Beelieve Pediatric Therapy in Fort Worth offers specialized Feeding Therapy services to address these concerns and help your child thrive. Let's explore the benefits of Feeding Therapy and how it can make a difference in your child's life.
Feeding Therapy is a specialized form of therapy designed to address a wide range of feeding difficulties in children. From picky eating to swallowing disorders, Feeding Therapy aims to improve a child's ability to consume and enjoy a variety of foods safely and comfortably. At Beelieve Pediatric Therapy, our team of experienced therapists understands the unique challenges that children and families face when dealing with feeding issues.
One of the key benefits of Feeding Therapy is the personalized approach tailored to meet the specific needs of each child. Our therapists work closely with families to assess the underlying causes of feeding difficulties and develop individualized treatment plans. By addressing the root causes of feeding challenges, we can help children develop healthier eating habits and improve their overall nutritional intake.
Feeding Therapy at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy utilizes a variety of techniques and strategies to support children in overcoming feeding challenges. This may include sensory integration techniques to address aversions to certain textures or flavors, oral motor exercises to strengthen muscles involved in eating and swallowing, and behavioral interventions to address mealtime behaviors and routines.
In addition to addressing the physical aspects of feeding, Feeding Therapy at Fort Worth also focuses on the emotional and social aspects of mealtimes. Our therapists create a supportive and nurturing environment where children feel comfortable exploring new foods and trying new experiences. By building positive associations with mealtimes, we can help children develop a healthy relationship with food and reduce anxiety around eating.
Another benefit of Feeding Therapy is the opportunity for parents to learn valuable skills and strategies to support their child's feeding development at home. Our therapists provide education and guidance to parents on techniques for creating a positive mealtime environment, introducing new foods, and managing challenging behaviors. By empowering parents with the knowledge and resources they need, we can promote long-term success and sustainability in feeding improvement.
Feeding Therapy at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy is not just about addressing immediate feeding issues; it's about setting children up for lifelong success and healthy eating habits. By addressing feeding difficulties early on, we can prevent potential long-term consequences such as nutritional deficiencies, growth delays, and social isolation. Investing in Feeding Therapy now can have a lasting impact on your child's health and well-being.
If you're in Fort Worth or the surrounding areas and seeking support for your child's feeding challenges, Beelieve Pediatric Therapy is here to help. Our team of dedicated therapists is committed to providing compassionate and effective Feeding Therapy services tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and family. Contact us today to learn more about how Feeding Therapy can benefit your child and schedule an appointment.
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In conclusion, Feeding Therapy at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy in Fort Worth offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to addressing feeding difficulties in children. From assessment to treatment, our team is dedicated to supporting children and families on their journey to healthier eating habits and improved quality of life. Don't let feeding challenges hold your child back – discover the benefits of Feeding Therapy at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy today.
For More Visit: https://www.beelievepediatrictherapy.com
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glogalbloges · 19 days
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lifeway6231 · 19 days
Find out how Occupational Therapy can improve your life in a dramatic way
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We discuss the many facets and important aspects of occupational therapy today. Occupational therapy is a field that helps people with disabilities or restrictions reach their full potential and successfully do everyday tasks. The advantages of this therapy are age-neutral, even though it is frequently associated with kids and young adults. It provides comprehensive integration and improvement for all populations.
An array of interventions designed to address impairments in different areas of life are included in occupational therapy; they include problems with motor and sensory coordination as well as difficulties with attention and concentration. Those who struggle with handwriting or neurological developmental issues can improve their capacity to participate in daily routines and social standards by gradually acclimating their body to ideal movement patterns through the use of focused sensory stimulation and exercises.
In addition, occupational therapy provides a ray of hope for people struggling with conditions like traumatic spinal cord injuries or sensory processing disorders; it breaks down both mental and physical obstacles with tailored interventions. This therapy promotes a higher level of well-being and increases one's functional capacities by promoting balance and coordination between the brain and body. It can help people of any age or stage of life undergo significant changes.
The flexibility and inclusiveness of occupational therapy are fundamental to its practice since it provides individualised solutions to meet the specific needs and circumstances of each client. Enhanced motor and sensory successes are made possible by nurturing the body's natural ability to grow and adapt, whether through education or reeducation.
Primarily known as the best occupational therapy centre in Ajman, the Lifeway Rehabilitation Centre is leading this transforming path. The Lifeway Rehabilitation Centre provides a safe haven where boundaries are broken down and opportunities are endless, with a staff of skilled therapists committed to thorough evaluation and individualised treatment.
In summary, occupational therapy helps people achieve a life of fulfilment and independence by embodying a paradigm of resilience and empowerment. At the Lifeway Rehabilitation Centre, where the quest for greatness has no bounds, speak with one of our renowned therapists to take the first step towards realising your potential.
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betshy · 22 days
The Brain's Bodyguard: Exploring the Role of the Cerebellum
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The cerebellum is a fascinating and important part of the brain that often goes unnoticed. Located at the back of the brain, just below the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum plays a crucial role in coordinating movement, balance, and motor skills. Without the cerebellum, our ability to walk, talk, and perform daily tasks would be severely impaired. One of the primary functions of the cerebellum is to integrate sensory information from the body with signals from the cerebral cortex to produce smooth and coordinated movements. For example, when we reach out to grab a cup of coffee, the cerebellum helps to ensure that our hand moves smoothly and accurately towards the cup without any jerky or irregular movements. It also helps to maintain posture and balance, allowing us to stand upright and walk without falling over. In addition to its role in motor control, the cerebellum is also involved in cognitive functions such as attention, language, and emotional regulation. Studies have shown that damage to the cerebellum can result in problems with executive function, memory, and impulse control. This highlights the complex and interconnected nature of brain function, with different regions working together to ensure that we can navigate the world around us effectively. Interestingly, the cerebellum has also been linked to conditions such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. Researchers have found that individuals with these disorders often have abnormalities in the structure and function of the cerebellum, suggesting that it may play a role in the development of these conditions. Understanding the role of the cerebellum in these disorders could potentially lead to new treatments and interventions to help improve outcomes for affected individuals. In conclusion, the cerebellum plays a vital role in our daily lives, helping us to move, balance, and coordinate our actions. Its involvement in cognitive functions further highlights its importance in ensuring that we can navigate the world effectively. While often overshadowed by the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum is a key player in the complex orchestra of brain function, and its role should not be overlooked. Read the full article
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aisdubai123 · 27 days
Unlocking the Maze: Understanding Autism Treatment in UAE
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Autism Treatment in UAE is a complex yet crucial aspect of healthcare for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Navigating through the plethora of available treatments can be overwhelming for families and caregivers. However, with the right knowledge and guidance, it's possible to make informed decisions tailored to the unique needs of each individual.
1. Early Intervention: Laying the Foundation
Early intervention is paramount in Autism Treatment in UAE. Recognizing signs of autism early and seeking professional help can significantly improve outcomes. In the UAE, various early intervention programs are available, including behavioral therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. These therapies aim to enhance communication skills, social interactions, and daily living skills, setting a strong foundation for future development.
2. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): A Cornerstone Approach
ABA therapy is widely recognized as one of the most effective interventions for autism. In the UAE, ABA therapy is increasingly accessible, with trained professionals utilizing behavior analysis techniques to teach new skills and modify behaviors. ABA therapy is highly individualized, focusing on breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps, reinforcing positive behaviors, and reducing challenging behaviors, thereby promoting meaningful progress and independence.
3. Sensory Integration Therapy: Addressing Sensory Challenges
Many individuals with autism experience sensory sensitivities or challenges. Sensory integration therapy in UAE helps individuals regulate their responses to sensory stimuli, promoting better tolerance and integration of sensory input. Through various sensory activities and exercises, therapists work to desensitize hypersensitive individuals and stimulate hypo-sensitive individuals, improving overall sensory processing and enhancing daily functioning.
4. Speech and Language Therapy: Facilitating Communication
Communication difficulties are a hallmark of autism, making speech and language therapy a crucial component of treatment. In the UAE, speech therapists work with individuals with autism to develop communication skills, including verbal language, nonverbal communication, and social communication. By employing strategies tailored to the individual's strengths and challenges, speech therapy empowers individuals to express themselves effectively, fostering meaningful connections with others.
5. Assistive Technology: Enhancing Accessibility
Innovative assistive technologies play a significant role in Autism Treatment in UAE, bridging communication gaps and enhancing accessibility. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, visual supports, and mobile applications empower individuals with autism to communicate, express their needs, and participate more fully in daily activities. By leveraging assistive technology, individuals can overcome communication barriers and unlock their full potential.
Read more: Why Are Autistic Children Picky Eaters?
Autism Treatment in UAE encompasses a diverse array of interventions tailored to the unique needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. From early intervention programs to specialized therapies and assistive technologies, there are numerous avenues for support and growth. By understanding the various treatment options available and collaborating with professionals, families and caregivers can provide comprehensive care that fosters development, independence, and quality of life for individuals with autism in the UAE.
In conclusion, Autism Treatment in UAE is multifaceted, emphasizing early intervention, evidence-based therapies, and assistive technologies. By leveraging these resources and working collaboratively with professionals, individuals with autism can thrive and reach their full potential in the UAE's supportive and inclusive environment.
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ashokamarketing · 2 days
Best Neuro Vision Therapy for Children with ADHD
Unlock the Potential of Your Child: The Best Neuro Vision Therapy for Children with ADHD
Neuro Vision Therapy (NVT) stands out as a groundbreaking approach in the realm of ADHD treatment, offering hope and tangible results for children facing the challenges of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In this comprehensive guide, we explore the transformative benefits of Neuro Vision Therapy specifically tailored to address the needs of children with ADHD.
Understanding ADHD and Its Impact
ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in sustaining attention, controlling impulses, and regulating hyperactivity. These challenges can manifest in various aspects of a child's life, from academic performance to social interactions and beyond. While traditional treatments such as medication and behavioral therapy play crucial roles in managing ADHD symptoms, they may not fully address the underlying neurological deficits that contribute to the disorder.
Enter Neuro Vision Therapy
Neuro Vision Therapy offers a holistic and targeted approach to addressing the unique needs of children with ADHD. By focusing on visual processing skills, attention control, and sensory integration, NVT aims to strengthen neural pathways and improve cognitive function. Unlike traditional treatments that primarily target behavioral symptoms, NVT delves deeper into the neurological mechanisms underlying ADHD, offering long-term benefits and empowering children to reach their full potential.
The Components of Effective Neuro Vision Therapy
Visual Processing Exercises: NVT incorporates a wide range of visual processing exercises designed to enhance key skills such as visual tracking, scanning, and visual memory. Through targeted practice and repetition, children learn to process visual information more efficiently, leading to improved attention and concentration. Sensory Integration Techniques: Many children with ADHD experience difficulties with sensory processing, which can impact their ability to focus and regulate their behavior. NVT incorporates sensory integration techniques to help children become more attuned to their sensory experiences and develop strategies for self-regulation. Interactive Technologies: Modern advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of Neuro Vision Therapy, paving the way for engaging and interactive treatment programs. These programs often utilize gamification elements, rewards systems, and real-time feedback to keep children motivated and actively involved in their therapy. Individualized Treatment Plans: No two children with ADHD are exactly alike, which is why personalized treatment plans are essential for optimizing outcomes. A comprehensive assessment conducted by a qualified vision therapist helps identify each child's unique strengths and challenges, guiding the development of a tailored NVT program. The Role of Parents and Caregivers
Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in supporting their child's journey through Neuro Vision Therapy. By providing encouragement, reinforcement, and consistency, they create a nurturing environment conducive to success. Additionally, staying informed about their child's progress and maintaining open communication with their vision therapist ensures collaboration and maximizes the effectiveness of treatment.
Unlocking Your Child's Full Potential
Neuro Vision Therapy holds immense promise for children with ADHD, offering a pathway to improved cognitive function, academic performance, and overall quality of life. By addressing the underlying neurological deficits associated with ADHD, NVT empowers children to overcome obstacles, build essential skills, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.
In conclusion, Neuro Vision Therapy represents a paradigm shift in the treatment of ADHD, offering a comprehensive and targeted approach to addressing the unique needs of children with the disorder. Through visual processing exercises, sensory integration techniques, interactive technologies, and individualized treatment plans, NVT unlocks the potential of children with ADHD, paving the way for a brighter and more promising future.
For more details visit our site: https://docneurovisiontherapy.com/home/
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Telehealth Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapists can provide paediatric and sensory regulation, emotional regulation and treatment strategies for children with genetic disorders and ASD. Telehealth Occupational Therapy
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Your Functional Therapy strives to improve the life of each individual we work with. Our mission is to provide you with a high quality service that incorporates integrity, honesty, respect, diversity, empowerment and a space free of judgement.
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YFT is a leading occupational therapy service. Let us help you achieve your goals, no need to travel, we come to you – at home, school or in our clinic.
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exploretopic · 1 month
What is the difference between physiotherapy and Neurotherapy?
In the realm of healthcare, both physiotherapy and neurotherapy play crucial roles in improving patients' well-being and restoring functionality. However, despite some similarities, these two disciplines differ significantly in their approaches and focus areas.
Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, encompasses a broad spectrum of treatments aimed at enhancing mobility, function, and quality of life. It addresses musculoskeletal and neurological conditions through exercise, manual therapy, and other modalities. Here are some key aspects of physiotherapy:
Musculoskeletal Focus: Physiotherapy primarily deals with conditions affecting muscles, bones, joints, and soft tissues. Common issues include sprains, strains, fractures, arthritis, and post-surgical rehabilitation.
Range of Techniques: Physiotherapists employ a diverse range of techniques, including exercises, stretches, massages, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, and heat/cold therapy. These interventions are tailored to address specific patient needs and goals.
Functional Rehabilitation: The ultimate goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimal function and mobility. Therapists work closely with patients to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, enabling them to perform daily activities with greater ease.
How does Physiotherapy work?
Assessment and Evaluation: The process begins with a thorough assessment by a qualified physiotherapist. This assessment involves gathering information about the patient's medical history, current symptoms, mobility limitations, and functional goals. Physical examinations, including tests of strength, flexibility, balance, and range of motion, are also conducted to identify areas of concern.
Individualized Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment findings, the physiotherapist develops a customized treatment plan tailored to the patient's specific needs and goals. This plan may include a combination of therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, modalities, and education on self-management strategies.
Therapeutic Exercises: Exercise therapy is a cornerstone of physiotherapy. Patients are guided through a series of exercises designed to improve strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, and coordination. These exercises are selected to target specific muscle groups or movement patterns related to the patient's condition.
Neurotherapy, on the other hand, focuses specifically on conditions affecting the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. It involves targeted interventions aimed at improving neurological function and managing symptoms related to neurological disorders. Here are some key aspects of neurotherapy:
Neurological Disorders: Neurotherapy is designed to address a wide range of neurological conditions, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and neuropathy.
Specialized Techniques: Neurotherapists utilize specialized techniques tailored to stimulate neural pathways, enhance neuroplasticity, and promote neuroregeneration. These may include neurofeedback, cognitive rehabilitation, sensory integration therapy, and neuromuscular re-education.
Functional Restoration: Similar to physiotherapy, neurotherapy aims to restore function and improve quality of life. However, it places particular emphasis on optimizing neurological function, facilitating recovery of lost abilities, and maximizing independence in daily activities.
How does neurotherapy use?
Assessment and Evaluation: The process typically begins with a comprehensive assessment conducted by a qualified neurotherapist. This assessment may include gathering information about the patient's medical history, symptoms, cognitive functioning, and behavioral patterns. Additionally, neuroimaging techniques such as EEG (electroencephalography) may be used to measure brainwave activity and identify any aberrant patterns associated with the patient's condition.
Identification of Treatment Targets: Based on the assessment findings, specific treatment targets are identified. These targets may vary depending on the patient's symptoms and underlying neurological condition. Common treatment goals include improving attention, concentration, memory, mood regulation, and cognitive function.
Neurofeedback Sessions: Neurotherapy primarily involves neurofeedback sessions, during which the patient is connected to a neurofeedback system that monitors brainwave activity in real time. Typically, sensors are placed on the scalp to measure electrical signals produced by the brain. These signals are then processed and displayed on a computer screen as visual or auditory feedback.
Long-Term Maintenance and Follow-Up: After completing a course of neurotherapy, patients may benefit from periodic maintenance sessions to sustain treatment gains and address any relapse or new symptoms that arise over time. Follow-up assessments and monitoring help track progress and adjust treatment as needed to support ongoing well-being.
Key Differences:
While both physiotherapy and neurotherapy share the overarching goal of improving patients' health and function, they differ in their scope and focus areas. Physiotherapy primarily addresses musculoskeletal conditions and rehabilitation, whereas neurotherapy specializes in neurological disorders and interventions targeted at the nervous system.
In summary, physiotherapy and neurotherapy are complementary disciplines within the field of rehabilitation, each offering valuable expertise in distinct areas of healthcare. By understanding the differences between these two modalities, individuals can make informed decisions about their treatment options and access the most appropriate care for their needs.
For individuals seeking the best neurotherapy and physiotherapy agency in Bangladesh, Care 24 BD stands out as a reputable provider offering comprehensive services tailored to neurological and musculoskeletal rehabilitation needs. With a team of skilled professionals and a commitment to excellence, Care 24 BD strives to deliver personalized care and positive outcomes for every patient.
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radsiarai · 1 month
Romberg Disease_Sound therapy session_Sounds of nature
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Romberg Disease, also known as Parry-Romberg Syndrome, is a rare neurological disorder characterized by progressive atrophy of the tissues on one side of the face. This condition can lead to various challenges, including balance issues and proprioceptive disturbances. While conventional medicine plays a vital role in managing Romberg Disease, the integration of complementary therapies, such as resonant frequency sound therapy, can offer additional benefits.
Resonant frequency sound therapy takes a holistic approach to healing, focusing on the interconnection between mind, body, and spirit. By incorporating this therapy into the treatment plan, individuals with Romberg Disease can experience a more comprehensive and well-rounded approach to their well-being. This approach can enhance conventional medicine's efforts in managing symptoms and improving overall quality of life.
Resonant frequency sound therapy utilizes specific sound waves and vibrations to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. By targeting affected areas, such as the face and head, this therapy aims to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue regeneration. These effects can potentially help manage symptoms associated with Romberg Disease, such as facial atrophy, sensory disturbances, and pain.
One of the significant challenges faced by individuals with Romberg Disease is maintaining balance and proprioception. Resonant frequency sound therapy can aid in addressing these issues by promoting sensory integration. The vibrations and sound waves used in this therapy can stimulate the vestibular system, which plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and spatial awareness. By improving the function of the vestibular system, individuals with Romberg Disease may experience enhanced stability and a reduced risk of falls.
Living with a chronic condition like Romberg Disease can be emotionally challenging. Resonant frequency sound therapy has been shown to have a calming and relaxing effect on the mind and body. By reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of tranquility, this therapy can help individuals cope with the emotional aspects of their condition. A relaxed state of mind can positively impact overall well-being and contribute to a better quality of life.
The integration of resonant frequency sound therapy as an adjunctive treatment for Romberg Disease, in combination with conventional medicine, offers numerous potential benefits. This holistic approach can enhance symptom management, improve balance and proprioception, reduce stress, and contribute to emotional well-being. By embracing the potential of resonant frequency sound therapy, individuals with Romberg Disease can enhance their overall well-being and lead a more fulfilling life.
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