#she’s very sweet and very smart and doesn’t put up with daerons shit
silmaspens · 3 years
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Tolkien OC Week- Day One, Shipping
The Wayward Minstrel and the Healer.
In the early days of the Second Age, near the Numenorean settlement of Vinyalonde, lived a great and renowned healer. She dwelt alone in the woods, spending her time gathering various plants for medicines, and healing all who came to her. She was called Elioril, the Blessed.
On one autumn day at the mouth of the river Gwathlo, she came across an elf badly wounded and close to death. She took him back to her home and tended to his wounds for many weeks as he healed.
When he awoke, greeted by her smiling face, he pledged his services to her in thanks for her kindness. She accepted his offer. The elf, who she came to know as Daeron of Doriath, stayed with her for many long years and a great love grew between them. In her 379th year of life, they were parted.
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