#so yanno. forearm crutches are the next to try.
lemememeringue · 2 years
I rly wanna try forearm crutches but idk if my wrists could handle the weight
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
Kang Daniel Soulmate Au
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• Look, it’s a complete coincidence you’re a nurse, • Whenever you soulmate feels pain, or gets injured, you get the same pain, • A lot of people said it’s clever of you to become a nurse, because it’ll be easier to find your Soulmate, • But honestly, would you put up with drunks, the extreme hours, and all the gross jobs you have to do if finding your soulmate was your only motivation? • You’d just always thought being a nurse was rewarding, and you where helping people which is always good, • The soulmate thing is just a plus really, • While you and your soulmate had a cool connection, it’s really quite the impracticable soulmate key, • You wouldn’t say your soulmate is clumsy, but you swear they get injured more than the average person, • But now your a hypocrite because you most definitely are clumsy, • Or just dangerous in general, • You’ve broken both your legs, an arm, your nose, fractured your collar bone, fallen out of multiple trees and flown off of many bikes, and that one car crash, • A very adventurous kid.  . . • Now that you think, maybe that’s why you wanted to be a nurse, • But you know, when you meet your soulmate, you definitely need to apologize, • But they’re not completely innocent,they seem to always be injuring their hand or wrists somehow, pulling muscles or stubbing their toes, but nothing too major, • You never know if the random bruises that appear on your arms and legs are yours and you forgot about them or if they belong to your soulmate, but you smile at them anyway, preferring to imagine it’s the latter • So, you’re wrapping a little kids leg in a cast, • He fell off of the playhouse at his school and his nonchalance and interest in everything your doing reminds you of yourself at his age and makes you smile, • He’s telling you about his aunt who recently met her soulmate at a pool party, giggling about their key when, • A bolt of lightning  starts at your left elbow and races it’s way up you radius and ulna, builds at your wrist and jumps down your middle finger, • It takes all that you are not to swear like a sailor in front of the little boy sat in front of you, • “Sugary lord of Hufflepuff,” • The boy giggles at your replacement swear, you send him a strained smile as you gaze at your arm, that’s twitching slightly, • But you’re nothing if not a fighter and your soulmate is not going to get in the way of this little boys health, • You wrap the boys leg in blue, at his request, and send him on his way, hobbling along on some crutches next to his mum, rambling about aliens, • You’re a little jealous of his care free attitude and peoples acceptance of his alien ranting but your an adult, • Or at least your trying to be, • You’re closest friend at the hospital is instantly on the look out when they hear about your wrist, • “Guys, if anyone comes in either a broken arm or finger, approximately Y/N’s age, you gotta tell me, this is a matter of soulmates,” • They’re buzzing around, trying to find any clue to if your soulmate is here, • You doubt it, even if he is, the hospital is large, • Then she’s whisked off to look at a kid who got something stuck up their nose and your sat with an old lady who’s coughing up blood, • You’re wrist burns with the power of the sun but you smile as you approach her and introduce yourself, • You’re pretty sure you know what’s wrong with her, and you’re definite​ after quickly consulting a doctor, • You break the awful news to the lady and give her a shoulder to cry on as she takes into the information to tell her about what to do, • You don’t cry until you’re out of sight, a element of your job that haunts you, • You’re getting to the end of a pretty emotional shift when one of the other nurses calls you to a cubicle to cover for her, • You have no idea what she’s doing but you’re too tired to care, • You haven’t eaten for since you shift started 12 hours ago and you kinda  need a toilet break but yanno, • Just nursing problems, • You push into the cubicle and plop yourself down on the seat, happy to let your feet rest a little, and spin round to greet your next patient, • There’s two boys say in front of you, each suspiciously hansom for your liking and both with sheepish grins, • You definitely do a double take, trainee’s? They certainly have the looks, • Turns out they where messing around and when Seongwoo jumped onto Daniels back, he wasn’t expecting it and fell straight forward onto his wrist, • You laugh at them both but sit quietly for a second, staring at Daniel with now shame, • You heart goes a little when he doesn’t back down from the eye contact, • “ It sounds like a fracture, but we should x-ray to check, but can I check something first?” • Daniel blinks at you before giving you the green light, • You lean over and pinch his forearm, hard, • He seems thoroughly startled, but the sharp pinching pain sprouts in your arm as well and you sigh in relief, a laugh rising up through your throat and your heart lifting, • It would have been awkward if you hadn’t felt anything, so you thank your lucky stars • You quickly pinch your own arm to show Daniel, and he starts laughing as he runs a thumb over your tear stained cheeks, looking to be taking in everything about you, his eyes shaping into cute crescents and you can’t take in that he was made for you, • His smooth skin and warm personality was made for you, just like you where made for him, • “Holy shit, it’s you, the clumsiest person in Asia,” • Seongwoo slides out of the cubicle and you start crying, • It’s been an emotional day okay, and a long shift and you’re tired and hungry, • Daniel doesn’t hesitate to wrap his good arm around you, pressing his lips to your hairline, • “I am so so sorry, I just seem to be accident prone,” • Daniels smile triggers you to smile and the warmth fills your chest, something that makes you feel complete and at peace, • You do Daniels cast, wrapping the orange carefully around his arm as the pain in your wrist starts to dull, • “It hurts too?” • “Like a total bitch,” • He runs his hand up and down your arm comfortingly, and the pain ebbs even though it makes no sense, • He asks when you finish your shift and you almost cry when you remember it was 20 minutes ago, • “I don’t suppose you’re hungry?” • “I’m actually starving and in critical condition, Imma need and IV soon” • You go to get dinner together and just talk and talk because nothing has ever felt more natural than being with Daniel, • You fall asleep on the way to your house in the car and you wake up with Daniel carrying you up your stairs, wandering around to find your bedroom, • You have no idea how he got in but you’ll worry about it later because you’re pressed against your soulmate warm chest listening to his irregular heart beat and feeling his arms wrapped around you and he’s softly humming and honestly in your element,
• You sleepily persuade him to stay the night and wake up with your back pressed against his chest and arms draped over you, bright orange cast startling you at first, 
• You’re the first to sign his cast and decorate it with swirls and hearts and cartoons and Daniel keeps it to commemorate your meeting,
• You two are a honey couple like please,
• He introduces you to his kitties and then sulks because they automatically love you and lounge all over you, • But you’re slightly afraid of cats so your just sat rigid and convinced they can sense your fear, • He always brings you snacks at the hospital because he knows how you hardly ever get to eat because every shift is a busy shift, • You’re always supporting each other, and when you Finnish if he’s still practicing you’ll get drinks for everyone to remind them to rest because damn, and you become like a mother to all the other boys,
• ” Hey Y/N, What do you think of this footwork,” Or “ Y/N, do you think this is broken?”
• You know all their favourite drinks or what to say to cheer them up, and they always come to you with problems they feel like they can’t ask to each other about • You automatically know when each other are hurt so a lot of worrying, but at least you know, • And many many little kisses because they seriously seem to dull the pain, • Because you two work all the time and are constantly on, you seem to be able to calm each other so it’s a hell of a load of blanket dates in front of the TV falling asleep in each others laps, • A lot of the things you do together are slow and gentle as you’re usually tired so gentle sloppy kisses or carefully running hands through each others hair, • Sitting in-between Daniels legs when people are round because your apartment isn’t huge and dammit it’s comfy, • You just constantly wear his shirts at home because they smell of him and they’re soft and he says it’s a pain but you can tell he loves it, • He’s a total dork with you, • If you’ve had an extra emotional day he’ll cheer you up within five minutes, • Just being two people quietly totally in love and being able to help each other wind down in natural ways and being so damn soft and just generally being way too cute for your own good,
Daniel makes me seriously weak omg pls help
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