#somewhere down the line it’s revealed to the foxes that andrew is dating neil fucking josten
aftg taylor swift au
hear me out:
instead of being trained in exy, mary convinces the moriyama that they could use nathaniel as a foothold in the music industry. instead of little league, nathaniel wesinisnski gets music and singing lessons
when he turns 15 the moriyama as change his name to neil josten to avoid any ties with the butcher and he releases his debut album. he goes to high school near edgar allen, and was introduced to kevin + riko a while ago and is decent friends with them.
by the time fearless comes out, he is enrolled in edgar allen for music. riko gets more possessive and toxic once an official ravens member, and neil tries to cling on to kevin to escape.
neil meets andrew in his speak now era. riko had dragged him to the first fall banquet as his date, and when neil finally slipped away from the crowds he found andrew minyard. when neil introduces himself, andrew sarcastically says, “enchanted.” as they talk more (not at all bc andrew thought the blue eyed red haired singer was interesting, no) neil jokes that he’ll write a song about andrew so popular he’ll never be able to escape it. when speak now comes out, andrew swore he wouldn’t listen to it but he say a song titled enchanted and his stomach twisted. listening to the song was like a punch in the gut, and neil got the last laugh because the song did in fact haunt him (get the pun?)
after neil’s growing popularity ichirou is getting interested in neil and red is the fall out of that
1989 is neil dealing with riko breaking kevin’s arm and kevin leaving neil behind to go to the foxes. (this album is so them coded, all you had to do was stay, now that we don’t talk, i know places, is it over now, say don’t go)
reputation is after a shitshow. the foxes beat the ravens, riko is dead, and it was revealed to the public who neil’s father is, mb bc he got kidnapped or something. he reconnects with kevin, and by proxy andrew. they fall in love and reputation is born, the rest is history.
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