swagrum76 · 3 days
I found this screenshot of what appears to be Pickle Nicholas Cage on steamcommunity, so I decided to post it here
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grandiosenowhere · 9 months
Hi! I hope you don't mind me using one of your screenshots as my profile picture on Steam. Do you want me to credit you in my description? I love your shots btw! steamcommunity,com/id/powtatoez/
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Yea, it's fine! You can credit if you want but, it's not necessary :) glad you liked them!
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salty-cs · 4 months
@737180222178443264 what was PASWG going to do about that? say "omocat drew shota" to someone who could be a child? on chickensmoothie? Forum/viewtopic(.)php?f=126&t=4925080&p=144004276&view=show#p144004276 <==- even this will make people curious about what omocat did and expose them to whatever omocat drew. congrat on saying that on a kids site. + steam profile in bio (steamcommunity(.)com/id/digitalcircus) with bad info, swearing, DNI list (funny asf btw)? board Warning speedrun?
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nebuvoid · 8 months
I saw a post you made asking for a FFXV masterpost. Here is a comprehensive and chronological list of all the Final Fantasy XV media: https:// steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2094194252 Since I'm sending this as an anonymous ask I'm not allowed to post a link but it should work if you search it (and it would be the first result) or you could also connect the slash and steamcommunity before you search it. It should work as a normal link. I hope this helps!
oh my god anon thank you! its got all the obscure videos and everything ;w; this helps tremendously, youre a gem! i didnt even know guides like that existed on steam damn
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ovur · 2 years
Is anyone else getting blazed posts of pretty girls, one of which is tagged with a steamcommunity link ? Also I was at first under the impression it was one girl's account just blazing her selfies but its not... its just some random account posting baddies with no caption, no tag, no credit. Like what do you want 😭
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reallygoodguacamole · 3 months
so it has come to this.
hi. anyone remember Feb 2023? When you could quicksave in disco elysium conversations? I've started another play through, and for some reason, this... just isn't an option anymore. I've played the game through twice. I just wanna do a third where i fuck around and on purpose fail and succeed checks. I remember seeing reddit discourse posts about savescumming. I know I could have done this. But now that I want to, I cannot.
Does anyone know how I can get around this. I have posted on reddit and steamcommunity and only gotten one fool saying you've never been able to do that.
Buddy. i have screen recordings of it.
so here I am. Can anyone help me, please?
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a-casual-dragonkin · 10 hours
this post is regarding Nintendo potentially DMCA'ing the Gmod workshop, but it turned into more of a crazed ramble from looking around 9 or 10 different conflicting ideas that have me feeling like i'm walking around in circles
quick TL;DR Disclaimer thing: the entire situation is WAY TOO RECENT to say ANYTHING is 100% truth at this time, but in my experience with it happening with Roblox, content regarding Nintendo IPs will still exist even despite something like this happening, in one way or another.
i was gonna make a post abt the possibility that the recent nintendo DMCA for Gmod content is actually a troll infamously known for taking down Nintendo related anything, including fanart, through false DMCA and posing as Nintendo of America, but instead i fall down a bigger rabbit hole than i initially thought
like, it's involving using ai to find Nintendo content en masse not just within Gmod, but other places like TF2 and SFM, like 4 or 5 false names all linking back to one main name, this sort of thing happening as early as february of this year according to steamcommunity forums, and lots and lots of confusion on if it's actually Nintendo or not, seeing as it feels not outside the realm of impossibility for Nintendo to do something like this (Roblox being the best example that i have direct memory of for Nintendo filing a takedown notice for copyrighted material, and from what i'm seeing the giant takedown Nintendo did for Switch emulators from before TOTK released. which is... an entirely different can of worms i genuinely didn't know abt until this situation arose)
it's a giant mess i was planning on tackling, but this is. absolutely something i'd suggest taking the time to dig around in y'all's own time.as a heads-up, it is weirdly nearly impossible to find what's truth and what's lies, and it makes trying to tackle the entire situation wildly difficult without just accepting the main thing of "it was nintendo who filed the notice themselves", but one thing i can say is to not entirely believe news sources until things calm down and proper info can be found. the information given right now is entirely too new to be said for 100% certainty in my eyes.
also, do keep in mind that i'm just one person who didn't have all that much context behind it at first (i don't own gmod on steam, just have friends and a sibling who do which led to me hearing abt this sooner), and was initially just fed up with potentially false info being circulated in regards to what happened before realizing it was much worse than i initially thought, like grabbing a snake's head to find out it was a hydra instead. what's said in here is me jus regurgitating bits and pieces i found while searching around to try to fact check it.
if this does get shared around just for the piece above the read more, then fine, but know that i am absolutely not a good source for this kind of info if you do read this behemoth of nonsense
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friendbreakfast · 23 days
if only there was a fix to Danganronpa v3 cutscene audio sync in lower end computers that wasnt an old as hell steamcommunity thread with like 50 steps to perform but also all the links to the files you need for following the 50 steps are also dead
the game works perfectly in my computer except whenever a cutscene appears which SUCKS
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games-und-lyrik · 2 months
Lingua Magicka: Entdecke die Macht der Sprache
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Tauche ein in eine Welt, in der die Kraft der Worte deine mächtigste Waffe ist. Lingua Magicka, entwickelt von BoomBox, entführt dich in ein faszinierendes Abenteuer voller Magie und Geheimnisse. In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles, was du über dieses einzigartige Spiel wissen musst. Die Welt von Lingua Magicka erkunden In Lingua Magicka betrittst du eine zauberhafte Welt, in der die Sprache die Grundlage aller Magie bildet. Als Spieler schlüpfst du in die Rolle eines jungen Magiers, der die Kunst der Sprache beherrschen und gegen dunkle Mächte antreten muss. Die Spielwelt ist reich an fantastischen Landschaften, geheimnisvollen Ruinen und faszinierenden Charakteren. ©BoomBox. Das einzigartige Spielprinzip Was Lingua Magicka von anderen Spielen abhebt, ist sein innovatives Spielprinzip. Statt traditioneller Kampfmechaniken setzt das Spiel auf die Macht der Worte. Du löst Rätsel, besiegst Feinde und meisterst Herausforderungen, indem du Zauberformeln in einer fiktiven Sprache entdeckst und anwendest. Dabei kommt es nicht nur auf deine Schnelligkeit, sondern auch auf deine Kreativität und dein Verständnis für die Bedeutung der Wörter an. https://youtu.be/JqUSm0Mp9Tc?si=K_e-CIaxb3k3eogT Die Rolle der Sprache im Spiel Die Sprache ist nicht nur ein Mittel zum Zweck in Lingua Magicka, sondern auch ein zentraler Bestandteil der Spielwelt. Indem du neue Wörter und Zauberformeln lernst, erweiterst du nicht nur dein Repertoire an Fähigkeiten, sondern entdeckst auch die Geschichte und die Geheimnisse der Welt, in der du dich befindest. Die Entwickler haben eine faszinierende Sprache erschaffen, die sowohl ästhetisch ansprechend als auch funktional ist und dich immer wieder vor neue Herausforderungen stellt. ©BoomBox. Die Grafik und der Soundtrack Abgesehen von seinem einzigartigen Spielprinzip überzeugt Lingua Magicka auch mit seiner atemberaubenden Grafik und seinem mitreißenden Soundtrack. Die Spielwelt ist detailreich gestaltet, von malerischen Landschaften bis hin zu beeindruckenden magischen Effekten. Der Soundtrack trägt zur Atmosphäre des Spiels bei und zieht dich noch tiefer in seine fesselnde Welt hinein. ©BoomBox. Fazit: Tauche ein in die Welt der Sprache und Magie Lingua Magicka ist ein faszinierendes Spiel, das die Macht der Sprache auf innovative Weise erkundet. Mit seinem einzigartigen Spielprinzip, seiner beeindruckenden Grafik und seinem mitreißenden Soundtrack bietet es ein unvergessliches Spielerlebnis. Tauche ein in die Welt von Lingua Magicka und entdecke die verborgenen Geheimnisse, die darauf warten, von dir enthüllt zu werden. Die Erwartung auf den vollen Release und die Ungewissheit Trotz seiner vielversprechenden Konzeption und der Begeisterung der Spieler über die Demo-Version von Lingua Magicka herrscht in der Gaming-Community eine gewisse Ungewissheit darüber, ob das Spiel jemals in seiner vollen Version erscheinen wird. Seit der Veröffentlichung der Demo hat BoomBox zwar regelmäßig Updates und Neuigkeiten geteilt, jedoch gibt es bisher kein konkretes Veröffentlichungsdatum. Die Fans hoffen weiterhin darauf, dass das Spiel bald in seiner vollen Pracht erlebbar sein wird. Doch angesichts der langen Wartezeit und fehlender offizieller Ankündigungen wächst auch die Befürchtung, dass Lingua Magicka möglicherweise nie das Licht der Welt erblicken wird. Diese Unsicherheit hinterlässt bei den Spielern ein Gefühl der Enttäuschung und lässt sie zugleich nostalgisch an die faszinierenden Momente zurückdenken, die sie in der Demo erleben durften. Weiter geht es zur Site der SteamCommunity Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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chrisshort · 6 months
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swagrum76 · 2 days
Bro how is Johnny Cash on steamcommunity?
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oscarhair · 9 months
Oscarhair on steamcommunity
Oscarhair supply 100% Remy human hair and sell product Hair Extension, Clip-In Hair Extensions,Tape-In Hair Extensions , Human Hair Wigs, Bulk Hair, Lace Closure, Lace Frontal, Human Hair Weaves,...We are experts in providing weft hair extensions and bulk original hair.
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simfanrussia · 1 year
Вышла третья кампания Songs of Conquest
.picture464 {width: 900px; height: 506px; background: url(https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans//40723472/8ae6d7db14c8588578309aa619dc19dc39a98382.png); background-size: cover; margin: 20px 0 20px;}
Игра продается до 22 мая всего за 300 рублей. В Steam у нее 88% положительных отзывов.
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jinxy · 1 year
noooooo not someone adding me on steam and trying 2 harass me over my fucking steamcommunity url
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archive-is · 1 year
Hi, could you have a look why pages from steamcommunity won't archive? Here's an example, the page "The updated Steam Mobile App is now available" is stuck in submit. Thanks for the great work and site!
Could you tell the url of the page? I see no failed pages from steamcommunity
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vewormovement · 2 years
Ww2 addons for gmod
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addon: assault rifles: hi guys hippos gaming here and today we are playing garrys mod and we are playing with the m9k weapons pack sorry guys its a garry's mod testing some awesome gun addon's for garry's mod! best gun packs out there are made by m9k, give them a download the mod here: steamcommunity sharedfiles filedetails ?id=128089118.
a addon weapon for assault rifles, made by inconceivable! right click to aim download link: i review the m9k series of weapons. Discuss, share and show-off anything here, whether its done or still a work in progress. Want to make your own changes to the wiki Chec. The wiki is a public resource and maintained by Facepunch and the community. Next, open the file properties and enter the following command line in the parameters line: -console -game garrysmod +map gmconstruct +maxplayers 4. But first, exit the garrysmod folder and create a shortcut of the srcds.exe file. Use these commands to acquire weapons: /function allweapons. This is the place for various hobbies and crafts - drawing, music production, programming, level design, writing, 3D work, cooking, crafting, and more. Here you will find tutorials, resources and documentation about Garrys Mod and its Lua API. Now, you’re ready to run your GMod server. To shoot the automatic weapon, you need to press the squat button, single-shot weapon makes the shot by pressing on the smartphone screen. here is the link to start fighting some npc's link to the mod if you want to download: steamcommunity sharedfiles filedetails ?id=128089118. The D-DAY WW2 Addon will add not only military vehicles to the game, but also firearms and a grenade. To use weapons, you must spawn the corresponding ammo for the selected weapon, or it. To use a bazooka, you must deploy it first. this mod is a really good weapon mod to use if you like to fight npc's. Another addon done by Siminov Controls To reload the Machine guns, you must deploy them first by crouching or on a ledge. Sorry for errors and stuff, it is all fixed now, in this series there will be some short and some long videos, depending on the add on if you liked this video hit that like button! thanks for watching and farewell :d links below! subscribe plz :d?: goo.gl htydu8 addon demo for the m9k assault rifles addon tags: (please ignore) assault rifle,garrys mod,garry's mod,garry's mod (video game m9k assault rifles: steamcommunity sharedfiles filedetails ?id=128089118&searchtext=m9k assault rifle. Garry's Mod : Gmod Add On Reviews #1 | M9k Assault Rifles
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