#steve harringtn
werdlewrites · 2 months
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masterlist - ao3 - twitter @ djomamma
summary: For someone so young, the vacancy speaks - if not screams for concern. A soul to live through more than one lifetime. Experienced and damaged from it. Never knowing peace with darkened skin just beneath her eyes from a lack of rest. “What is this?” She asks no one in particular, more so, the universe. It’s a call for help. A demand from the Heavens above to provide clarity, or a plea from the depths of Hell to wipe this image clean from her mind. warnings: parental abandonment, hallucination wc: 2,949
Snow has begun to fall all across Indiana. The winter air bites at your skin like a thousand needles, leaving cheeks blotchy as heavily covered arms wrap tighter around your torso. Her fingers ache without gloves and every step feels like she’s run a mile. The boots are borrowed and too big. Too clunky but perfect in dire times when she’s forgotten her old pair back home. She’s unable to distinguish if her socks are dampened from such a loose fit, or if her flesh has just gone cold from exposure. Either way, she moves with purpose and determination. Forcing each step forward no matter how badly she wants to retreat. The gravel is frozen, unmoving as the shoes scuff along the path. His car was left chilled and untouched, refusing to seek out the joys a weekend had to offer. Instead, finding solace in the quiet shelter of his home.
No lights beam out through parted curtains, instead using the glow of nature to fill the spaces with life. Autumn stands on his porch, kicking at the wooden boards to dust away the heavy snow that’s gathered at her feet, and that’s all she manages to do for a moment. Chewing at her cheek with an unsteady posture, continuously looking elsewhere. Prey looking for an escape as if the door had shown teeth, ready to kill.
Autumn has whispered unspoken conversations to herself during the drive. How she would tell him and then predict his response. Every scenario is prepared for, but that doesn't ease her nerves as she knocks at the Byers front door. Maybe he would still be sound asleep. Grasping at the shredded strings of peace so that he can finally find some rest. Maybe, just maybe, she was lucky enough to be left out in the cold with no other option than to turn her back on the silent home. But footsteps crush that dream as they inch closer, and she has to remind herself that this is what she wants. What they both want. No more lies. No more secrets.
Jonathan is suddenly squinting from the bright assault against his eyes like he hadn’t seen sunlight for days, or planned to for that matter. His hair was disheveled and his clothes a mess, just barely out of his pajamas into something casual. The disturbance leaves him disgruntled for a moment before he drinks in the sight of her and relaxes. “Oh, hey,” he says with a heavy yawn.
“Did I wake you?” Autumn teased with a small smirk on her face.
“Hm? No, no. I, uh, I’m supposed t’be up. I’ve got work soon and I accidentally slept in.” Jonathan laughs despite the joy in her eyes flickering out.
The girl’s shoulders sag and the smile falters, now understanding his chaotic state as he frantically dresses for a shift. “Oh.”
Maybe, just maybe she would be unlucky enough to have worked herself up to this very moment, only to be left disappointed. But she feigns a smile, laughing away the grip on her heart. “Duh. Have t’get back t’real life, and shit.”
An uneasy grin shines from the boy for only a moment, before settling as he wears a look of concern. “Is everything okay?”
Confusion washes in, still forcing a lie to the front. “Yeah, of course. I-I just thought we could hang out. I forgot people have jobs,” she jokes. A hard swallow slithers its way down to burn up her insides.
“Well, what about later? I could call-”
“Don’t!” Autumn interrupts all too quickly, her friend's eyes full of surprise. “I-I mean, our phone - it’s broken.” She rolls her eyes, hoping to further convince him of this false reality. “I’ll be busy, anyway, later. I’m going…out of town.”
“With my dad,” she continues, no matter the sudden pressure of now coming up with another lie. “I just thought we could do something before I go. But, I’ll see you at school! We can make plans, yeah?”
Jonathan seems less certain. His grip tightens on the door, rocking on his heels anxiously as he looks her up and down. He doesn’t buy it, and she can tell. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Her fingers clench inside deep pockets, fidgeting and pulling at the lint. Autumn would scream if she could. She would fall at his feet and let the world know of all that’s happened in such a short time. All she had lost and all she had gained. Her cries would echo the agony, and she would succumb to exhaustion in his hold. A final relief from the weight she carries. But her back straightens in preparation for another load, feet firmly planted as hasty words spill forward. “I’m fine, honestly.” She’s already falling away from her friend. One step after another carrying her backward down the short steps and onto the gravel. “Enjoy being berated by customers!” She calls out, just before turning on her heel to hastily make her way back toward the Jeep.
She knows he’s watching. She can feel his tired eyes dig into her back like claws to rip out the truth. But he finally surrenders to the cold winds and the tick of the clock, and then there’s the sound of the front door finally closing.
It’s all a blur after that. The exit from his home is a forced calm. She even wears a small smile in case the boy happens to look out the window to watch her leave. But as the girl fades from sight, a held-in-breath passes and her body slumps against the seat. Her fingers white-knuckled over the steering wheel, driving aimlessly until the nerves finally get to her. She’s parked on the side of the street, keys abandoned on the dash as she focuses on steadying breaths. There’s no blame in Jonathan for trying to slip back into his old life, and who was she to drag him back out into the chaos? She would tell him someday, sure. He was bound to hear the news through gossip as Hopper escorted her to the front desk of the school's office, going over legal documentation. Bound to stumble upon her front step and find that no one was home.
She’d tell him first. Someday soon.
It just wouldn’t be today.
Gathered slush is pushed aside as a car peacefully roams through the neighborhood. The sudden movement is enough to pull her from a daze, watching as it moves down the winding street toward a home in the distance. Autumn finds herself in a familiar setting, yet not at all comforting as acid degrades her from the inside out. She’s parked a few feet down from her old sanctuary, without his car in sight. There’s a silent debate about whether to turn her back on it. Like he did to her. But there’s an undeniable pull, and it’s almost embarrassing how quickly she gives in to it. Letting those unseen hands pull her along the sidewalk and up the empty driveway. She’s only released the moment she finds something…off. The front door now has a different shade of white, something no one would notice unless you saw it every day for the last 16 years. The print of Hopper’s boot is gone, along with the splintered wood.
Someone else had been here.
She reacts without thought. Fingers tight around the handle in an attempt to pry it open, though it doesn’t budge. Frantically, she digs through the contents of her bag, searching for the key only to find it no longer fits the lock. Panic sets in, eyes blown wide as she catapults across the yard to prove herself wrong. The curtains are pulled shut in the long stretch of living room windows, keeping secrecy buried within the shadows. She pushes on. Nearly tripping over heavy footsteps as her attention is stolen away by newly replaced windows. No shattered glass or cracked lines. Like nothing had ever happened. The sliding door in the back is sealed shut, too. Once finicky and easy to pry open if you angled it a certain way, but now locked in place.
Trembling hands cup against the glass to shield her from the shocking glare, giving her access to an empty home. The long stretch of the hallway had been stripped of framed photographs. No table to collect the junk mail or keys. The dining room still holds the table she once sat at, but it’s newly polished to hide away any scuff marks gained through time. It’s almost as if she never existed, and that thought leaves her knees weakened.
She can see the railing of a staircase, feeling a phantom pain just at her fingertips as nails once clawed their way down the wood. The place where he followed; that man. The stranger that crept through the halls undetected until she found him. Had he expected her, somehow? Standing among her father's dedicated work, waiting for the girl to stumble upon him. Would things have gone worse if Steve was the one to wake first? Did he know she wasn’t alone and simply did not care? Willing to risk it, no matter the price.
A heavy breath fogs the chilled glass. A ghost to dance along its surface and distort her vision. A near blessing to hide the new emptiness of her old home. But as it fades, something else eases into her view. A recognizable smile paired with sweet blue eyes to hide his malice. He stands in the reflection. Tall and threatening just at her back, waiting with great patience.
She turns with haste, nearly slipping and seeking support against the door as she takes him in and this place of nightmares he stands at the center of. Her world has shifted. The glow of sunlight against fallen snow is now replaced by fluorescent fixtures in the ceiling. Her home has morphed into a long stretch of tiled walls, encapsulating the once soft ground she stood upon. It’s all familiar and for all of the wrong reasons. It holds a feeling of dread as her heart threatens to give out and succumb to the end. Thin lips are moving but there’s no voice heard. No words of promise laced with something sickening and evil. A single hand pries itself free from the confines of a coat pocket, reaching out to her as he takes a small step forward. Autumn is gone before he can take hold. Finding enough strength in trembling knees to carry herself around him in a full sprint. She won’t dare to look back. The only focus was to put as much distance between them as she could. The hallway seems never-ending.
Doors are mirrored across from one another, bolted shut and unmoving as she forces her weight against them. The girl rounds a corner with haste, dampened boots gliding across the polished flooring and ultimately forcing her body to collapse. She feels the pressure of the cold surface against her, but no throb of pain. She looks then, finding the man in a casual stride, yet closing the distance with ease. Autumn scrambles to stand, pushing herself further down the hall and toward the double doors. She’s uncertain if they’ll give way or remain solid like the others, but she still charges forward, eyes tightly shut as she throws herself against them.
Quickened steps react in panic. They skid and separate to balance out the weight shift, her focus now locked on the eerie space. The rainbow screams loud against perfectly painted walls, bleeding out into the flooring. But it’s not the room that holds her attention, or the chess board with scattered pieces, the players having just left. It’s not the roll of crayons as they fall from the nearby tables, or the fear of fire flickering just beneath the furthest door.
A figure waits for her in the mirror; short and dressed in gray-toned sweats. From afar, Autumn could swear it was the same girl that once invaded her mind, somehow finding her again to seek help. The teen chances a glance just over her shoulder, finding the space empty and free of threat. No footsteps to echo down the hall or soul-piercing eyes to strip away her life. With that minimal comfort, she advances. And the child does the same. The same foot with the same pace, and it leaves her frozen on the spot. It’s a trick of the mind - it’s all a part of the illusion she’s trapped within. But every motion is mimicked. Step after step, they grow closer to the mirror's surface. At first, she believes it to be that unnamed child. Then, a boy. The hair buzzed down to soft fuzz with no real defining facial features. It isn’t until Autumn takes in the color of their eyes as they stare up at her, expression unreadable, that things become more alarming. She recognizes the girl. The marks along her skin and the hue in empty eyes. Younger than she remembers. Never seen in photographs but easy to picture as her face morphs through time.
She stares back at an unknown version of herself, only more hollow.
For someone so young, the vacancy speaks - if not screams for concern. A soul to live through more than one lifetime. Experienced and damaged from it. Never knowing peace with darkened skin just beneath her eyes from a lack of rest. “What is this?” She asks no one in particular, more so, the universe. It’s a call for help. A demand from the Heavens above to provide clarity, or a plea from the depths of Hell to wipe this image clean from her mind. Their lips move in sync, though such a frail voice remains unheard from behind the shining barricade. But there is a voice. Not of a child, or of her. Not of the man lingering down the hall. Autumn’s name echoes through the room, pulling the child's attention away to instead look toward the double doors at her back. They swing and he emerges from the shadows, standing proud in the glimmering light with eyes locked on the child. Now feeling his presence creep in like a predator, Autumn turns to meet him with blood frozen in her veins. She can feel the small hairs rise beneath her layered tops, her chest aching and releasing a hazy cloud as a hard exhale turns to mist.
It’s a stark contrast to the eerie hallways she raced through. Her eyes were forced to squint from the pain of brilliant light, shocking her back into reality. She stands on the same snow-covered concrete slab, hands and back pressed firmly to the new glass door, slowly slipping as her knees shake from tension. The rushing currents of blood fill her ears with a sharp ring, gaze unfocused as she struggles to settle. It’s hard to know if anything was real. If she only surrenders to familiar surroundings, letting her guard down to be thrown back into darkness.
She waits.
A muffled noise somehow breaks through the deafening barrier, only becoming more clear with every call. Autumn follows the noise with hesitance, finding a neighbor leaning further into her view to gain some attention. The elderly woman raises a hand in greeting, wearing a timid smile. The sight of her brings a sudden awareness - a jolt to the body as she pushes herself away from the surface. Lips tremble as they try to mimic the other woman. “M-morning, Mrs. Collins.”
At the sound of her name, her shoulders fall to rest and there’s less concern in her eyes. Now more gentle, yet curious. “You’ll catch a cold out here,” she states. Her arms crossed tight over her chest, bundling up her husband's jacket as she inches closer with care. “D’you leave something behind?”
The question lingers in the air. Heard, but not fully registered and her mouth hangs agape in search for a stupefying response. But the woman fills the space between them with ease, a small chuckle heard as she moves through every memory made. “I used t’leave things behind after every move. The rush of it all leaves your mind so frazzled, you barely know what’s happening.”
She’s lost within her own world, while Autumn stands without guidance in a vacant field. The horizon stretches on forever, never giving closure or providing answers. She’s simply lost, though Mrs. Collins does all she can to pave a rocky path. “I didn’t think I would get the chance to say ‘Goodbye.’ Your father was in such a hurry. He barely spoke a word t’me. I even tried t’offer up my grandson t’help load up the trucks. Awfully stubborn, your father.” She waits a moment, eyes fixated on the empty dining room that once echoed with laughter. The glow from within breaking through closed curtains, allowing silhouettes to dance along the ground. “I had no idea you were even moving. It’s so exciting, isn’t it? Making new memories.”
Winter has stolen life from more than vivid nature. It snuck inside - silent and without warning as it filled the girl's chest. The unseen reaper, casting out pieces of her collected soul with every breath. Left as a shell. Without thought and unfeeling, picturing her father loading up their entire life so that he could vanish into the night. Autumn could hardly find the strength to hate him. To loathe or pity him and this unknown story he writes out for himself. There’s only a wilted smile, uttering a soft, “Goodbye, Mrs. Collins,” before closing this chapter in her own story, leaving it behind for good, so that she can begin another.
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jeunnies · 2 years
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@harringtns and @this-hell are hosting a Steve Harrington appreciation week! The event will run from August 10th to August 16th! Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate!! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Have fun!! Prompts: Day one (August 10th): Why you love Steve Day two (August 11th): An incorrect quote Day three (August 12th): Favourite era Day four (August 13th): Relatable moment Day five (August 14th): Emoji meme Day six (August 15th): Favourite relationship (platonic/romantic) Day seven (August 16th): Free choice We'll be tracking the tag #harringtonweek for the duration of the event! Signal boosts are appreciated!!
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lexpete · 2 years
The Camp on Lovers Lake | Chapter One Steve Harringtn x Reader
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4.6K words
Blurb: You and Steve have been friends since you were 13 but over the lastfew years you’ve devolped feelinsg for Steve. Every brea You, Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle, Robin and Eddie set up camp on Lovers Lake. Steve has been nicer and more flirty than usual, does he feel the same? (not cannon with ST4)
Ever since you all were little shits you have spent all your spare time in the Byers' living room. It started just as you, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin and Steve. Eddie and Argyle have joined in recent years. It's the perfect friend group, you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not because no one cares, it's just carefree. You've always had a crush on Steve even if it was in the back of your head it's always kinda been there, but you have always been too scared to make a move or say something because you guys are best friends. You don't wanna lose that. Eddie and Robin are the only two that know, sometimes you definitely question why them two out of everyone, of course you trust them both with your whole heart but Robin has this thing where she doesn't- stop-talking and Eddie lets just say doesn’t have the best poker face. The amount of times Robin has almost accidently told Steve is unimaginable. 
Like every school break, you guys move from the dimly lit Byers living room into tents and camping chairs on lovers lake. “Honey Steves here!” your mom calls from downstairs, you jog down the stairs to see Steve having a chat with your mom “hey (Y/N)” hey looks over to you with a warm smile that feels like a warm bear hug. “Need some help with bags?” he asks walking towards you “yeh that would be great Steve thanks” you walk back to your room and watch as he picks up your camping chair and guitar while you get your two backpacks. Once the car is packed you hop into the passenger seat and wave bye to your mom “be safe I love you!” she calls out “don't have to worry Mrs (L/N) she's safe with me” Steve gives your mum a warm reassuring smile to which your mom smiles back and shakes her head. You feel yourself start to blush. The crush has gotten even more intense lately as youre spending more time with him and Robin at FamilyVideo, it's ridiculous you just feel stupid so you push it to the back of your mind and take a deep breath. You look over to Steve whose hair is being combed by the evening's cool air, tapping his fingers on the wound down window to More Than a Feeling by Boston, it feels like you’re in a dream, even though you have done this drive many times.
Like every school break, you guys move from the dimly lit Byers living room into tents and camping chairs on lovers lake. “Honey Steves here!” your mom calls from downstairs, you jog down the stairs to see Steve having a chat with your mom “hey (Y/N)” hey looks over to you with a warm smile that feels like a warm bear hug. “Need some help with bags?” he asks walking towards you “yeh that would be great Steve thanks” you walk back to your room and watch as he picks up your camping chair and guitar while you get your two backpacks. Once the car is packed you hop into the passenger seat and wave bye to your mom “be safe I love you!” she calls out “don't have to worry Mrs (L/N) she's safe with me” Steve gives your mum a warm reassuring smile to which your mom smiles back and shakes her head. You feel yourself start to blush. The crush has gotten even more intense lately as youre spending more time with him and Robin at FamilyVideo, it's ridiculous you just feel stupid so you push it to the back of your mind and take a deep breath. You look over to Steve whose hair is being combed by the evening's cool air, tapping his fingers on the wound down window to More Than a Feeling by Boston, it feels like you’re in a dream, even though you have done this drive many times.
You and Steve arrive just a little after Eddie and Robin, “hey guys” Eddie comes up to us smirking and nudging my arm with his pointy elbow to which I just glare at him “hey Eddie how's the setting up coming along?” Steve looks around to the four large dimly lit tents “I think it's basically all set up, Buckly organised tent roomies so just find your names and unpack” Eddie winks at you and Steve turning on his heels to go help robin set up the warm toned fairy lights around our little campsite. You look over to Steve who's trying to find both your names “looks like you're stuck with me for a week (L/N)” Steve says with a big grin hands resting on his hips “oh how will I survive” you pretend to faint. You and Steve bring both all the bags from the car and start to unpack, you throw your pillow and blankets onto your mini mattress “your stuff always looks so much comfier” you look behind you to Steve, hands on hips looking like a disappointed toddler he smiles turning around. You and Steve walk over to the bonfire Jonathan started and set up your camp chairs next to each other, “hey (Y/N) wanna give me a hand with dinner” Nancy calls out from the other side of the fire “yeah of course”. You look over to Steve who's talking to Robin well, shushing her, she looks really excited and happy about what they seem to be talking about. You and Nancy bring dinner over on paper plates and hand a plate to everyone, Argyle and Jonathan dig right in, having the munchies as per usual. “Damn look at you, ok wife material” Robin smiles as she takes her plate “I know right” you laugh as you sit and hand Steve his plate “oooo this looks so gooddddd,” he says licking his lips.  It is silent as you all eat after a long afternoon of driving and setting up, “holy shit dude that was soooo good” argyle says going to get thirds for him and Jonathan to which you all laugh and shake your heads to. You all head to your tents (Eddie and Robin) , (Jonathan, Nancy and Argyle) and (you and Steve). Steve turns around to face the tent wall as you pull your checkered PJ pants and tank top on, you sit down on your mattress turning the lamp off, the fairy lights from outside softly lighting up your tent. You look up to see steves stretch back as he pulls his collard shirt off and pulls on tracksuit pants, you quickly look away trying not to turn into a tomato. You're looking down at your feet when all of a sudden you feel your mattress getting dragged to the other side of the tent right against Steve's mattress, making it one bed. “that's better isn't it” Steve says dusting his hands off with a smile “you're an idiot Harrington,” you say just smiling back up to him, you see him start to go Rosey but he doesn't seem to care he just sits down next to you and pulls the blanket over him and throws some over you. You and Steve are both just lying on your backs just reliving old memories “remember the first time we came here you, me, Nancy, Jonathan and robin” Steve looks over to you with a smile “yes of course I do, also remember when you leant on that branch and it broke and you fall into the lake in winter” you tease. Steve turns onto his side facing you, leaning on his elbow “um that's not how i remember it (L/N)” he says with a slight grin “I'm sure of it” you say looking up to him, Steve gazes into your eyes with a warm smile “I never realized you had such pretty eyes” he says almost in a trance. As soon as those words come out of his mouth you feel thousands of butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks start to ache from smiling you say gazing back into his hazel eyes “I could say the same for you Harrington” the smile grows on Steve’s face. You guys talked about old times a bit more as a cool breeze blows through your tent sending a chill down your spine, Steve takes the opportunity “come here it's a cold night, you're not catching a cold” Steve pulls you onto his chest tucking the blanket around your back. You can't believe this is happening at all, do you have a chance?
You wake up still on Steve’s chest, he’s playing with your hair “finally you're awake” he says chuckling “sorry Harrington did you get lonely?” What's the harm in flirting back? What's the worst that could happen, he rejects you? “yeah abit” he says smiling. you and steve walk out to the smell of pancakes that Robin, Eddie and Nancy are preparing, “wow that was a good one my dude” Argyle calls out to Eddie who's flipping pancakes in the air. you walk over to Robin as she's plating the pancakes “someone looks happy (L/N)” she says with a big grin “SPILL, now!” she whisper yells, “nothing we just cuddled and i fell asleep on his chest” you whisper through your wide grin. “holy. shit” Robin stops with her jaw on the ground “Buckley” you push her mouth closed looking over to Steve who's talking to Jonathan and Argyle, he’s looking over to you his lips puckered trying not to smile. He has a feeling what you and Robin are talking about. Once everyone has tucked into their breakfast you all sit there trying to figure out what to do first. “Me Jonathan and Argyle will go try and fish something for dinner” Robin shrugs her shoulder pulling on a bucket hat with dangling corks hanging from the brim “wow dude thats a gnarly hat man, looks kinda dangerous though my dude” Argyle giggles nodding his head. those three head off fishing poles resting on their shoulders, “I’m just gonna read my book for a bit, I’ve got so much homework to do before school goes back” Nancy says lifting herself out of her sunken camping chair “Wheeler it’s literally break and you're still doing school work?” Eddie exclaims acting like he has to do it. Nancy just rolls her eyes ducking into her tent, “hey Stevey boy wanna come help me get some firewood?” Eddie looks over to Steve “yeah sure Eds” Steve says getting up and walking off just before they get too far he turns back to look at you “you gonna be ok by yourself?” he says looking at you in his classic dad stance which makes you go bright red and giddy “y-yeh Steve i’ll be fine you idiot” is that seriously what you could come up with you internally scream. you sounded like you had a fucking stroke but he just laughs, turns on his heels and disapears into the forest with Eddie. Nancy pops her head out of the tent “jesus (Y/N) you're almost as bad as Robin” she laughs and shakes her head “what are you talking about Nancy?” you ask nervously, was it that obvious? has it always been obvious? “It’s ok (Y/N) you don't have to hold it in around me, I’ve known you since we were kids. I know when you have a crush” Nancy giggles giving you a sweet comforting smile. you breathe out a breath of relief “how obvious is it?”  “ehhh” she says rocking her hand side to side, you rest your head in your hands “shit”.
(Steve’s POV)
“Sooo hows the ladies Stevey boy?” eddie teases while trying not to trip and break a hip on the big fallen branches. “I think I might like this girl” Steve daydreams about last night, a smile growing onto his face of the image of you on his chest. Eddie looks over “oo do I know of this foxy lady Harringtion?” Eddie nuges Steve's arm playfully hoping to hear your name so you can stop sulking, Steve's grin grows as he whacks Eddies arm away “Maybe Munson, Maybe” Steve chuckles as he starts to pick up some wood. Steve knows how close you and Eddie are so he is a bit worried that if he tells Eddie he’ll tell you then you’ll hate him or something along the lines of that. “Eddie if I tell you something do you promise you won’t say anything” Steve looks over to Eddie whos head shoots up in curiosity “yeah probably Harrington” he says with a smirk. Steve leans against a tree “I think I might be catching-“ steve stops and rubs the back of his neck in stress “spit it out” Eddie gets impatient “I think I might be catching feeling for (Y/N) and i don’t know what to do, i don't know if i should do anything, if i shouldn’t, I don't know Eddie it just never ends well for me.” Steve blurts out. He looks over to Eddie who is just frozen half bent down picking up a piece of wood, he just bursts out laughing “shit Harrington for a ladies man you’re so fucking clueless” Steve snaps his head back to Eddie “what the fuck Eddie this isn’t funny and what’s that supposed to mean?” Steve starts aggressively pacing. “Don’t worry about that, my advice is just go for it man. The worst that can happen is that it gets awkward for a little bit” Eddie says as they start to head back as the afternoon is approaching. Maybe Eddies right he should just go for it, not fully just slowly flirt a bit more and make some moves. All he knows is that last night just felt so right.
You see Steve and Eddie emerging from the dark forest, they dropping the wood from their arms in front of Jonathan as if they want a reward “thanks guys, could you put a few pieces in each” Jonahan mumbles. Steve walks over to the cooking fire where Robin is preparing the few fish they caught earlier “here you go Buckley” Steve says Dropping the wood down into her fire to which she just throws a thumb up while she is concentrating. You and Eddie are sitting in the camp chairs by the fire trying to think of songs to play tonight, all of a sudden you feel these warm hands on your shoulders. You tilt your head back to look up at Steve who is just looking down at you with a warm smile to which you can’t help but smile back at, the butterflies in your stomach were going crazy at this. you look back at Eddie who just smiles and winks, Steve stays behind you lightly rubbing your shoulders to keep them warm as everyone is talking and laughing waiting for dinner. you signal Eddie to come with you to go talk to Robin “what one of you guys told him?” you say pacing, thats the only reason you can come up with to explain why he is doing this. they just look at each other with a smile “we didn't tell him anything he told us something though” Robin says with a grin “ok well spit it out will you” you say putting your sweating hands on your hips. “no no no (L/N) same thing goes for him as with you, you tell us something and we keep the secret” Eddie shrugs. You roll your eyes heading back to your seat “it will all be revealed in time” Robin dramatically calls out after you but you just reply with a middle finger in the air. Robin and Eddie know you’re not gonna stay mad for long, you just just dont like not knowing things. Shortly after they bring the food over to everyone, we all dig right in leaving no crumbs left of Robins cooking “damn Robin i didn’t know how good you were at cooking” you look over to Robin whos smiling looking at everyone enjoy her food “aw shucks (Y/N)” she says acting shy. once everyone's food is. settled you all go change into comfy clothes, you and Eddie get out your guitars and sit next to each other. “Attention everyone! may i present (Y/N) and Eddie!” Nancy bowls with her bottle of beer, You and Eddie start to play your own version of Somebody To Love by Queen. You look up to Steve while you are playing and singing, he is in absolute awe of you. At this moment all he wants is to call you his but you have no idea. A familiar warm and comforting smile spreads across his face as he is watching you doing the thing you love, you smile back at him making eye contact as your singing Steve's face goes bright red but despite that he doesn’t break the eye contact. You and Eddie stand up and bowl as you finish off the song, Eddie leans his head next to your ear “I think someone is impressed” he whispers nodding in Steve's direction as Steve's clapping you can’t help but realise the biggest smile.
You wake up to Steve not next to you, your stomach sinks, you rush out the tent pulling the first jumper you see on “goodmorning (Y/N), you alright?”  Steve looks up to see you in his jumper “y-yeah i’m fine” you say embarrassed as he hands you a hot coffee and winks at you. “Nice jumper by the way” he says, lighting the fire and sitting in his camp chair legs open slightly, you look down and realise you’re wearing his navy Ralph Lauren sweater “oh sorry Steve it was the first thing i picked up” you say nervously. you walk over and stand next to where steve is sitting “is anyone else awake yet?” you look down at him already looking up at you from his chair “nope just you and me” he said smiling. you can’t believe you heard those words from his mouth no matter the context. You start to shiver as you sip your coffee, Steve pats his leg “come here it's colds” he uses the same excuse as the other night, you sit on his lap, your legs dangling off the side of his other other leg. “Thanks Harrington” you say putting your arm around the back of his head twirling his bed hair, he just chuckles at the nerves in your voice and slides his hands around your waist. You flinch as you hear the zip of Eddie and Robins tent opening “you don’t have to scatter like mice” Eddie says rubbing his eyes open smiling at us while Robin just stands there with the biggest grin “about time” she says stretching and sinking into her chair in front of the fire. “Well we don’t want our singer getting a cold do we?” Steve says squeezing your waist “shut up Harrington” you laugh unable to stop the smiling climbing across your face, “ok ew stop flirting you’re gonna kill us” Robin says covering her and Eddies eyes. You get up to make breakfast “where are you going?” Steve sounds almost heartbroken “I’m only going to go make breakfast, I'm starving” you laugh as he shifts in the chair with embarrassment. “It’s ready” you called out as you stir the pot of oats, you go to sit back in your chair but hear steve trying to get your attention you look up to him waiting for you to come back, you sit back down on steves lap “hey look at those two love birds my dudes” Argyle nods to you and Steve. “oh shit” Jonathan's eyes widen slightly, “calm down I’m just keeping her warm, it’s cold” Steve says softly squeezing your waist again giving you a wink. you take everyone's dishes and wash them over at the tap, Steve follows you and starts helping you “let me help” he says scrubbing the bowls. For the rest of the morning you all just sat around, you and Steve went and lay down back in your tent, you were laying with your head on his lap and your legs off the mattress. “I kinda want to go to that viewpoint the sun set would look pretty from there don’t ya think Harrington” you say turning your head to look at Steve “yeah sure, I’m up for anything I’m kinda bored anyways” Steve says brushing his fingers through your hair. You could really get used to this, You and Steve, It felt so natural.
As midday starts to approach you and Steve pack your back packs with water bottles and some oat bars “where are you two going” Eddie stops us like an overprotective dad. “We are just going up to the view point Eds we will be safe I promise” you laugh ressuring Eddie “we won’t be back to late dad” Steve teases as you and him head off down the hiking trail. You play I spy all the way till you reach the top of the hill about an hour later, “what time is it?” You look over to Steve “umm it is 2:15” Steve says laying out the picnic blanket. You two sit side by side and you rest your head on Steves's shoulder “What does your dream future look like?” Steve asks looking down at you on his shoulder, you hesitate for a moment “um a small family, most likely still in Hawkins or somewhere by the beach, hmm a big house, get somewhere with my music-“ you pause you don’t know if you should add the fact that Steve is there in that dream future and not just there he is with you. “Your hesitating (Y/N), tell me you got me invested now” Steve says, rocking you lightly to get it out of you “i- um- You” you say looking down scared to meet his eyes “what do you mean (Y/N)?” Butterflies flying around in his stomach hoping you’re saying what he thinks you are, “you Steve, you’re there” before you can even finish you feel your lips pressed against the soft delicate lips of Steve Harrington. He slowly pulls away resting his forehead on yours “holy shit” you softly say letting out a deep breath “sorry I-” before he can finish you kiss him, the feeling of his lips on yours felt like a firework, it felt like heaven you never want to leave this moment. “You don’t understand how long I have waited for this moment” you say, pulling away to look into his soft hazel eyes, “really?” Steve says almost shocked, you pull away a bit further “you seriously didn’t know?” “Holy shit Eddie was right I’m absolutely clueless” Steve slumps in realisation that he could’ve had you ages ago instead of torturing himself. You burst out laughing and Steve joins in and you rest your head back on his shoulder as you both watch the sunset, shortly after you guys start to head back to camp, Steve holds your hand tight as you guys walk down the dark trail lit up only by your one torch. You and Steve head straight to bed once you reach camp.
The next few days were similar. You wake up to steves arms around your waist as he cuddles you from behind, “you awake?” You ask quietly “kinda” Steve mumbles, you roll over “Steve todays the last day, we go home tomorrow” you whisper to which he is not impressed with and squeezes you closer and mumbles in despise. “Come on we need to help the others pack up a bit, you all start to pack up the things that you aren’t using, make breakfast then just have a chill day. Towards the afternoon you and Eddie break out your guitars and start playing Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield while drinking, it was one of Robin's favourite songs so she was singing along at the top of her lungs. You and Eddie now tipsy start to playfully play Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder and everyone is up and dancing. You all sit around the fire taking in the ambiance of last night “I can't wait for the next time” Robin says drunkenly putting her beer bottle in the air “to the next camp” Steve raises his beer bottle looking over to you with a warm smile “to next camp” you all say in unison. You and Eddie finish the night off with another song Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2.  You all head to your tents for the final time this break, you lay down next to Steve, you feel so sad, what if everything changes when you guys go home. “You’re quiet (L/N) what's the matter?” Steve asks pulling you closer so he can hold you “Will it be the same when we go home Steve?” Steve pulls you in tight. He feels awful that you would think that “of course it will be (Y/N), I promise” he says into your hair as he holds you tight onto his chest. 
The next morning you all pack up the campsite and pack the cars “see you guys later” Nancy waves out the surfer boy pizza van Jonathan and Argyle wave as they drive off back to the Byers house. Robin hops into Eddie's van “see ya love birds” Robbin winks saluting as Eddie drives off, you and Steve hop in the car “you ready (Y/N)?” Steve looks over to you as he puts the keys in the ignition “yeah Let’s go home” you say giving him a warm smile.  
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robinskey · 5 years
Could you maybe write something for Steve where the reader and him date and they always get made fun of by the gang and by Robin but they all love her, and one day Steve and her fight and they all take her side. Thank you so much, and I understand if you can't write it. Thank you❤
Taking Sides
A/N: Thank you for requesting, anon! This took me approximately forever and a day, but I loved every minute of writing it. :) I got a little carried away with the story (as I usually do), so there’s a lot more under the cut. 
Warnings: swearing, angst
When you started dating Steve Harrington, you didn’t expect to gain a bunch of kids, too.
Of course, Steve wasn’t their biological father. The oldest of his friends was seventeen and the rest fourteen. However, they all acted more like nine-year-olds. They had the maturity of fifth-graders at best.
Whenever you were around them, there was constant, merciless, inevitable teasing. Usually, it was over the little things-when you and Steve wore matching sweaters at Christmas time, the way Steve did anything you asked him to without question, or how the two of you always laughed at each other’s terrible jokes. You quickly learned to avoid PDA unless you wanted to deal with incessant mocking. For example, you once accidentally referred to Steve as your “baby boy” in front of Dustin. The kid laughed until he ran out of oxygen in his lungs. Then, he promised that he would exclusively refer to Steve as “baby boy” from now on.
Originally, their jokes and snide remarks started out as a way to test you. They had to make sure you were good enough for their beloved Steve, after all. Before long, though, the gang accepted you as one of their own. Nonetheless, the teasing didn’t stop after they decided they liked you. If anything, it only worsened.
An endless string of dirty jokes ensued every time you and Steve arrived somewhere late because you’d “just lost track of time”-even if you actually had simply forgotten to keep an eye on the clock. Robin often wondered aloud how someone as smart as you could end up with a person whose two brain cells bounced around his skull like ping-pong balls. And on one occasion, you even caught El whispering something to Max about whether or not you and Steve ever had “happy screams” together.
The harassment was relentless. Nonetheless, if it meant spending just a little longer with your favorite person in the world, you could deal with it. Besides, by now, you were in too deep to simply walk out. Steve’s friends had begun to care for you almost as much as they loved him. In some cases, it even seemed like they liked you just a little bit more.
One such situation occurred in the winter of 1985.
It started off as a normal night. You, Robin, Steve, and the party were hanging out in the Wheelers’ basement. After weeks of begging, Will had finally wrangled the gang into a D&D campaign. Max and El, who’d never played, both scrunched up their faces in confusion as Will emphatically explained-or rather, tried to explain-to them the rules.
The kids were crammed around a table with dice, paper, and pens in the middle. When Mike suggested that El sit on his lap “to conserve space,” no one questioned it. After all, Mike was the ringleader of the group, and no one would dare to mess his superhuman girlfriend.
Meanwhile, you couldn’t even sit next to your boyfriend on the sofa-not in the Wheeler house, at least. Once, shortly after you and Steve started dating, the kids had left you and Steve alone in the basement for five minutes while they grabbed snacks. Because you were still in the honeymoon stage of the relationship, it was simply impossible to keep your hands off each other. A little peck on the lips quickly morphed into a full-on makeout session. The two of you got so carried away that you forgot the kids were coming back. Upon returning, they discovered their favorite babysitter shoving his tongue down his girlfriend’s throat. Dustin awkwardly cleared his throat, and Steve gave such a start that he tumbled off the sofa and onto the floor.
After that scarring incident, Mike decreed that, under his roof, you and Steve needed to maintain three inches of distance between each other at all times. It was a completely original rule that he definitely hadn’t ripped off from somewhere, and Robin found it hilarious. She always made sure to act as a barrier separating the two of you “to prevent any funny business.”
Tonight was no different. Robin had squeezed into the narrow space between you and Steve while the three of you chatted on the couch. Now, she was ranting about a particularly annoying regular at Hawkins Family Video.
“…and he wastes so much of my time. Like, the store can be swamped, and he’ll still come up to the desk, looking for recommendations. He constantly asks if we have any recent releases, even though I’ve told him on multiple occasions that new shipments only arrive once a month.”
“Jeez. He must really like movies,” Steve said. When you scoffed, he frowned at you. “What? You don’t think he likes movies?”
“He might. But I’m pretty sure he just likes Robin,” you said. The girl in question rolled her eyes toward the heavens. You didn’t appreciate the attitude. “Oh, come on. He’s clearly just trying to get your attention. Nobody actually likes movies that much.”
“Hey!” Steve pouted. “I like movies!”
Robin glanced at Steve out of the corner of her eye. “Really, dingus? Because when we interviewed for this stupid job, you couldn’t even name one.”
“Well, yeah, but that was only because I was nervous,” Steve said. “I clammed up.”
“Sure it was.” Robin leaned her head back against the couch and turned her face toward you. “You really think he’s trying to flirt with me?”
“Yes, I do. Not that it matters, though. I’m pretty sure sweaty middle-aged guys who wear nothing but stained tank tops is pretty much the opposite of your ‘type.’”
Robin chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. I think my type is ‘straight girls who are way out of my league.’”
“Hey, that’s my type, too!”
You and Robin both looked over at Steve. A smug smirk tugged at his pink lips; he was clearly proud of the clever contribution he’d just made to the conversation. It was cheesy, sure, but you still appreciated his slightly-clumsy attempt at complimenting you. However, Robin was quick to knock him down a peg.
“First of all, the whole ‘out-of-your-league’ thing is obvious, because you’re…in a league of your own, dingus.” Robin drew a tiny dot in the air with her pointer finger-“This is you”-and another, larger circle off to the side-“and this is everyone else. Besides” -Robin clapped her hands together once- “you’re clearly not just into straight girls. You had a crush on me, remember?”
“At the time, I didn’t know…“ Steve’s voice trailed off as blush crept onto his features.
“No, you didn’t. But that doesn’t mean I was any less of a lesbian when you confessed your love for me,” Robin said, eliciting a laugh from you and a glare from Steve.
“You’re the exception, not the rule,” he said defensively. “And I didn’t confess my love for you. The only girls I’ve ever said the ‘L-word’ to are Y/N and-”
“Nancy!” Robin exclaimed.
The name hit you like a slap in the face. Of course Steve had loved Nancy-you knew that-but Robin didn’t have run around yelling about it. You were about to mention that to Robin when you noticed someone standing at the foot of the stairs to the basement.
Someone needed to put a bell on Nancy Wheeler. She moved gracefully as a snowflake floating to the earth; her footfalls pattered against the ground like sprinkling rain. You sometimes wondered if weighed anything at all, or if helium ran through her blood instead of oxygen, always lifting her toward the heavens. She even dressed like an ethereal being, always wearing pastels, frills, lace, or a combination of all three.
Surprisingly, though, none of those elements had made their way into Nancy’s outfit that night. She wore a form-fitting red dress and matching lipstick. Her hair fell to her shoulders in loose curls, and the low neckline of her dress exposed her collarbones. She wore a touch more makeup than usual; in addition to the lipstick, she had applied a thin layer of eyeliner, blush on her already-rosy cheeks, and dark mascara to elongate her lashes. In spite of the skinny, unstable heels on her feet, Nancy’s smooth gait never faltered as she sauntered toward the sofa.
“Hey, Robin,” she said, then gave you and your boyfriend a nod of acknowledgment. “Steve. Y/N.”
Following Nancy’s lukewarm greeting, the four of you slipped into an uncomfortable quietness. You didn’t have anything personally against Nancy, but you preferred to keep her at a distance. Even though she and Steve had been broken up for more than two years, you knew how strongly he’d felt about her. Those feelings had definitely faded. However, you occasionally questioned whether or not the burning torch he carried for his first serious girlfriend had ever completely burned out.
The reminder from earlier that, once upon a time, Steve had confessed his love for Nancy Wheeler certainly didn’t help the situation. You glanced over at your boyfriend and immediately wished you hadn’t. He gazed at Nancy with wide, somewhat-wishful eyes.
“So,” Robin said, finally breaking the silence, “I assume this isn’t a lounge-around-the-house look.” She gestured to the red dress.
“No, it’s not,” Nancy said with a terse, nervous laugh. “Holly’s staying with a friend tonight, so my mom and dad offered to take Jonathan and me out for our anniversary. Celebrating our one-year with my parents isn’t exactly ideal, but they suggested this really fancy restaurant that we definitely wouldn’t have been able to afford otherwise. I tried to dress nice enough that I’ll be able to blend in-”
“You’re trying to blend in? In that?” Steve blurted.
Nancy’s face fell. “What? You think I’m still underdressed?”
“No, no, no, it’s not that. That’s not what I meant,” Steve stammered. “Red’s a good color on you, actually. You look great.”
The awkward silence returned with a vengeance. Heavy tension hung in the air like thick smog, soundlessly choking you. It even penetrated the little bubble the Dungeons-and-Dragons-playing-preteens had formed around themselves and settled over their conversation, too. No one dared to speak a word.
“We’re ready to go, sweetheart!” Mrs. Wheeler called.
Nancy mumbled something of a goodbye before turning on her heel and sprinting up the stairs. You waited for the sound of chattering voices growing muffled and a door slamming shut. Then, you looked over at Steve.
If he liked red so much, he must have loved the color of your skin.
“What the hell was that, Harrington?” you demanded. Robin, who was still parked in between the two of you, pressed into the back of the sofa, trying to create as much distance as possible.
“What do you mean?” Steve asked, big stupid doe eyes glimmering with perplexity. “I just gave her a compliment.”
“You’re not serious.” When he shrugged, your eyebrows flew into your hairline, and your voice rose an octave. “Steve, you were practically drooling over her.”
“She has a boyfriend, Y/N.”
“Yeah, and you have a girlfriend. But that didn’t stop you from flirting with your ex.”
An echo of “ooh”s sounded from the card table with the kids. When you raised your gaze, it met six pairs of eyes. A couple of them sheepishly cast their gaze downward, but the rest continued to stare unapologetically.
“I need some air.” You hopped up off the couch, grabbed your jacket, and stomped up the stairs. As soon as you were out of sight, everyone’s gaze switched back to the other half of the unhappy couple.
Steve made no move to follow after you. Instead, he stayed put on the sofa, arms crossed over his chest and lips pursed into a pout. If it hadn’t been for his excessively long limbs and the hint of stubble on his chin, one might have mistaken the almost-twenty-year-old for a toddler in time-out.
Once again, Robin was the first one to speak. “I can’t believe-”
“I can’t believe her, either,” Steve interjected. “God, overreact much?”
Robin puffed up her cheeks with air, then blew it out. “Actually, Steve, it’s you I can’t believe. That was a dick move.”
Steve leapt to his feet. His hands landed on his hips as he glowered down at Robin and asked, “Whose side are you on, anyway?”
Robin stood up, too. Even though Steve’s legs were a couple inches longer, it seemed like Robin towered over him as she said, “I’m on the side of reason.”
“And I’m not?”
“Not in this situation,” she said. “You’re in the wrong here, bud.”
Max’s whoop of agreement drew Steve’s attention to the kids. El nodded fervently. Steve, however, waved his hand dismissively and wrote them off with, “Of course you think that. You’re girls.” He turned toward the boys with a desperate glimmer in his eye. “I mean, you guys agree that she’s blowing this out of proportion, right?”
Much to Steve’s chagrin, they all shook their heads. With the exception of Will, all of the boys had something to say. Unfortunately, none of it was what Steve wanted to hear. Mike claimed that it definitely seemed like Steve was hitting on his sister, and Dustin suggested he stay away from Jonathan for a few days, unless he wanted to get his ass kicked again. Lucas warned that Steve was in “really deep shit.”
“Like, take the deepest shit you’ve ever been in,” he was saying, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “Then, multiply that by a hundred, maybe even a thousand-”
“Okay, okay, I get it. I messed up.” Steve plopped back down on the couch. He ran his fingers through his hair and wondered aloud about what you were thinking right now.
“She’s probably debating whether or not to key your car,” Max piped up. El stifled a giggle.
“God, I hope not. I drove one of my dad’s cars over here, and if that thing comes home with even a scratch on it, I’m dead meat.”
(Fortunately, you hadn’t built up a sufficient store of rage to fuel a desire to do permanent damage to Steve’s vehicle. You were, however, angry enough to trace profanity into the dust on the car. While your act of vengeance would go unnoticed for several days, Mr. Harrington would eventually notice the word “shitface” written in looping cursive on each of the dirty windows and ask his son what kind of dumbass prank he thought he was pulling.)
“Okay, so, what do I do?”
“Go talk to her, dingus,” Robin said, nudging his foot with her own. 
“What do I say?”
“Tell her you know you messed up,” Lucas said.
“And that you’re sorry,” El added.
“And that while Nancy’s hot, Y/N is way hotter,” Dustin suggested, eliciting a “Dude, that’s my sister!” and “Hey, that’s my girlfriend you’re talking about!” from Mike and Steve respectively. The three immediately began bickering.
“Shut up!” Max interrupted. “While you’re here arguing about which hotness-which is incredibly objectifying, by the way-Y/N is out there in the cold, waiting for her asshole of a boyfriend.”
After Max’s harsh words, Steve looked to Robin for reassurance. However, his friend gazed back without an ounce of sympathy. “I hate to agree with your children, but Max is right. You should go before she decides you’re not coming and starts to walk home or something.”
Steve nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. Then, he rose to his feet and retraced the path you’d taken minutes before-up the stairs, through the house, and into the crisp December air. The obnoxiously creaky door announced Steve’s arrival. However, the figure sitting on the porch gave no indication of recognition. 
You sat on the Wheelers’ front step, curled into yourself. You blew air into your bare hands in a vain attempt to warm them. Little clouds of your breath floated toward the star-speckled sky. Your thin jacket wasn’t nearly heavy enough to withstand the bitter cold of the Indiana winter; as a gust of wind blew across the porch, a shudder ran down your spine.
Automatically, Steve shrugged out of his coat. When he draped it over your shoulders, you continued staring straight ahead. As Steve sat on the ground beside you, it took every ounce of self-restraint to keep from wrapping his arm around you, too. The two of you simply existed there together silently for a moment while Steve gathered his thoughts.
“Look, Y/N. I’m really sorry for what I said in there-how I acted.”
Aside from a sniffle, you made no other noise, so Steve continued.
“I made a dumb comment, and then I made the situation a hell of a lot worse by-by everything I did, honestly,” he said. “I was a real dick.”
“Yeah, you were,” you said, finally breaking your unofficial vow of silence. 
“I know.” Steve heaved a hefty sigh. For the next few moments, only the whistling wind dared to make a sound.
Then, you spoke a single word: “Steve.” He’d heard his name hundreds, maybe even thousands, of times. Yet, he’d never heard it like that. No one had ever woven such deep sorrow into his five-letter name.
And when you turned your head, your bloodshot eyes conveyed the exact same sentiment with a million times the intensity.
“You still love Nancy, don’t you?” Though a “no” automatically rolled off his tongue, your somber expression never faltered. The strain was evident in your voice as you told him, “Don’t lie to me.”
Suddenly, the lump in his throat was back with a vengeance. He choked out, “Why would you say that?”
You scoffed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“I saw the way you looked at her, Steve,” you said, though it came out as more of a hiss.
Steve’s single brain cell once again bounced around in his mostly-hollow skull. This time, it desperately tried to connect the dots. What were you talking about? Honestly, as soon as Nancy had come down the stairs in that red dress, he’d blacked out a little. Steve figured he had to be dreaming; he couldn’t believe Nancy Wheeler, who Tommy H and Carol had long referred to as “the school prude”, wasn’t covered from head to toe. 
What you’d mistaken for desire was genuinely just surprise. Steve communicated this to you to this best of his ability, and while your boyfriend certainly wasn’t the most eloquent speaker, you got the point. “Besides,” he said, “you’re way hotter than Nancy Wheeler.”
You gave a small “tsk” vaguely reminiscent of a laugh. “Did Dustin tell you to say that or something?”
“…maybe,” he admitted. When you gave him a playful shove, he knew all was forgiven.
“You know, someday, you’re going to run into trouble, getting dating advice from literal children,” you said. 
“It works in your favor, though. They always take your side.” 
Steve reached for your hand. You watched as your fingers intertwined and winced as his icy palm met yours. It felt more like holding hands with a popsicle than a warm-blooded boy.
“Come on,” you said, pulling him to his feet and starting the three-foot-trek to the front door. “Let’s go inside before you get hypothermia.”
“Wait.” A gentle tug of your hand brought you spinning back into Steve’s arms. “While I can still touch you without Mike Wheeler chiding us for PDA…” 
Steve pressed his blue-hued lips to yours. Somehow, his mouth was still warm-the only part of him, aside from his heart, that the elements could never truly touch, try as they may. Steve tasted of chocolate and sickly-sweet marshmallows from the hot cocoa Mrs. Wheeler had made earlier. This wasn’t the first time you’d kissed him. Yet, Steve still left you lightheaded after he pulled away, as though he’d sucked all of the oxygen right out of your lungs.
“I love you, you know that?” he murmured, leaning his forehead against yours. “I really, really love you.”
“I love you, too, dork.” You kissed his cheek before untangled yourself from him and slipping your palm back into his. “Now, come on. I need to thank your friends.”
“Thank them?” Steve asked, tilting his head slightly like a confused puppy. 
“Yeah,” you said with a wink. “I’ve got to thank them for taking my side.”
General Taglist: @novaddictx @anabundanceoffandoms @rexorangecouny @morganvanilla@anolddayslover
Steve Harrington Taglist: @broadwayandnetflix @explode-a-pult @whormotional @loulouloueh@peterhollandd
Stranger Things Taglist: @readinthegarden12 @lacunaclouds
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