zef-zef · 5 months
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Keiji Haino + Jim O'Rourke + Oren Ambarchi Live at SuperDeluxe, Tokyo Jan 30, 2012
source: flickr 📸: Ujin Matsuo
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creative-time · 1 year
This might be the biggest stretch in history but,
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I swear to god if the songs from the dhmis pilot are in this library.
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kaoru-gohan · 1 year
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2023年はじめの満月の夜にSupernatural Deluxe@千葉県・鴨川で はじめての試み、【満月Superマルシェ】が開催されました。 https://super-deluxe.com/events/20230107/ 実はわたし...出店しちゃってました😅 アースオーブンの炎ゆらめかせて、ホットピタとスープのお店を。 錚々たる出店者のみなさんに紛れて、はじめての!チャレンジを! ...はじめての出店やというのにはじめて作るモノを出すという😅 かなりのチャレンジぶちかましてしまってほんまにドッキドキやったんやけど たくさんの方に楽しんでもらえたみたい♪ なによりたくさんの人に会えて、うれしすぎる再会もあって、 あのステキな夜の1ピースでいられたことがシアワセで。  +++ (ムダに長い) 西麻布から千葉・鴨川に場所を移した”新しい実験を出来る場”、  https://super-deluxe.com/news/snd001/ この場所が開かれるたびなにかとお手伝いしてきたのだけど マルシェ🎪!しかも満月の夜に🌝! そんなステキすぎるイベント、関われるスキマあるかな? アイキャッチになりそうなアースオーブン、 「窯に火が入ってるといいよねー」 でもPhilは当日大忙し間違いなしで。 10月,12月のライブイベントでPhilが提供するPizzaのお手伝いをして 今までピザパーティは何度となくやってきたけど おカネをいただくとなると全然違う...ということを痛感したところで😓 Phil不在でPizza提供するなんて到底むーりー 「なにかアイデアあったら言ってー」っていわれたんやけど... あんまりいいアイデアが浮かばないまま「おてつだいがてらいってもいいかな?」 ってメールしたのが2022年も大詰めの28日、マルシェの10日前 そのときに「ポロッ」といってしまった思いつきに 「めちゃ美味しそうじゃないですか!」と思いがけないフィードバックが😵 「片手で食べられるものがいいと思ってるんだよね」 「事前にパンが作ってあれば一気に来ても対応できそうだね」 「僕も手伝うけどメインの人にはなれないかも」 「ピタパンもいいけどフォーやればバカ売れするんじゃない?」   え?フォー?!?!オーブンに火を入れるんじゃ... 「さむいからあったかい汁モノいいと思うんだよね」 「スープならいけるんじゃね?」 「辛いのはこども食べられるかな?」 ...Philの(たぶん)アタマの中ダダ漏れシャワー浴びて私のアタマの中もジェットコースター ちょっとお手伝いに行くだけのつもりだったのがお店出しちゃうことになってしまったー ってか帰省準備もできてないしお部屋もひっくり返ってるというのに 考えて調べて材料買ってきて試作して計算して資材チェックしに行って... うわぁーん! 刻一刻状況は変わってメニューも二転三転、時間は容赦なく過ぎていって 年末年始@実家では起きてる時間はほぼ家族サービスで(通常運転) 準備はもちろん考える時間すらほぼなくて 手伝ってもらえる人も見つからなくて...もうワンオペでやるしか... うわぁーん! マルシェ2日前の朝京都から戻って、荷解き試作資材買い出し下拵え荷造り お手伝いしてくれる人も確保(しかも女子高生&児童www) 前日大荷物引きずって(通常運転)PAWAへ。 キクイモ掘って大根抜いて買い出し連れてってもらって生地捏ねて... 19時過ぎにオーブンに火を入れたけど生地の発酵が間に合わない (冬ですし、アウトドアキッチンですし) 22時半に焼き始めたピタパン、50枚焼けたのは1時過ぎ、 それからさらにお野菜コロコロ切って3時過ぎ😓 はーなんでこう、時間の読みが甘いんや😭 朝になって、レタス摘んでパクチー間引いて、荷造りして会場へ。 会場着いたらアレしてコレしてそれからそれから うれしい再会にはしゃぐのもそこそこに、薪割ってセッティングして プロの方々のカッコいいお店構えについみとれたりしてたら お店の名前も決められないうちにマルシェは始まっちゃいました。 さむいし遠いしはじめての試みやしどうなるのかなー? ...なんて思う間もなく、たくさんの方が会場にお越しくださいました。 日が暮れて満月が照らす頃には予想以上のにぎわいに。 「はじめてなんです」なんて言い訳してる間もほとんどなかったw ブースに立ってて他の出店者のみなさんとことかライブを見にいくことはできなかったけど あの場所を満たしてたシアワセな空気はたっぷり味わいました。 これか���、新しいコミュニティが育っていく予感に満ち満ちてたー そのあとの、長い夜も楽しくて。 いつもながらのギリギリの綱渡りやったけど、またしてもなんとかなってしまった😅 ホントに楽しくてシアワセな時間でした。 次回またチャンスもらえたらもうちょっとちゃんと準備しよ(お店の名前も決めよう) またみなさんとご一緒できますように〜 #superdeluxe #supernaturaldeluxe https://www.instagram.com/p/CnTjPfwPgIb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chandrarajmahal · 6 months
Experience Comfort in Our Super Deluxe Rooms
Indulge in opulence with our super deluxe rooms. Unwind in style and comfort, creating unforgettable moments. Book your lavish escape now!
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teamkrissy · 7 months
I'm sad that no one else on this site enjoys nick lutsko's comedy and we are overdue for another Saturday nick lutsko so I'm just going to post the last one here, it's 1 hour long by the way
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asoftenderlove · 2 years
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Made a SUPERDELUXE version of E-Girl
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susen70 · 1 year
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Silvester 2022
“Sternenbild 01″
Installierte AddOns: Sims 2 SuperDeluxe und alle Erweiterungen und Acc.-Packs.
Hinweise: Die Package-Datei kommt einfach in den SIMS2-Download-Ordner eures Spiels. Das Bild findet ihr beim Original-Bild “Zwei Hunde und eine Olive”.
Download (SFS)
Bitte die “ReadMe” in der Download-Datei und auch meine TOU beachten! Vielen Dank.
Ich wünsche einen guten und entspannten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2023!
Happy simming!
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euryalex · 1 year
Honestly like, imagine creating a game as detailed as Red Dead Redemption 2, with so many secrets and a really amazing story that rivals literature and movies, and letting it die slowly so you can release GTA V again and again - even giving up on its multiplayer counterpart to focus on GTA online when RDO fans have to make do with scraps at best and nothing at worst.
And same goes for Bethesda, too, like you have people begging for the next Fallout or Elder Scrolls and instead here's Skyrim SuperDeluxe Extra Game of The Year edition???
Like at this point they keep re-releasing the same old games with no changes for the same - if not higher - prices.
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petermot · 3 months
Vergelijking van de varianten van The Art of Andreas
Toen Sherpa aanvankelijk “The Art of Andreas” aankondigde, werden er 9 (!) varianten in het vooruitzicht gesteld: drie voor de drie talen Frans, Nederlands en Engels. Het ging om een normale editie, een luxe-editie, en een superdeluxe editie. Maar de onderhandelingen tussen de verschillende uitgevers sleepten maar aan. Vooral met de Engelse uitgave verliep het stroef. Uiteindelijk werd…
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dynamoe · 2 years
As long as you're looking at random asks: I remember seeing Cakey, the Cake From Outer Space posted on Craftster, and only recently realised you were associated with that. Does someone still have the puppet? I seem to remember there was a lot of caulk involved and have always been curious how it held up.
Thank you for your kind question and even more for not calling me "mommy."
Cakey the Cake from Outer Space was a web series I wrote/directed (with co-creator/puppeteer Kirk Damato and my roommate Bill Buckendorf on editing/cinematography) It was a goofy Alf-type sitcom where everything was... off. We made episodes for Channel 102 and then Adult Swim's SuperDeluxe (first incarnation) commissioned more episodes, but then imploded, so no one ever saw them officially (they're all over the web now. Do a google and find Cakey if you want)
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A still from Cakey that a rando put a much less funny joke on top of but that's meme's for ya!
I haven't seen Cakey in years but the puppet wasn't made of professional-grade materials so I'm sure... after all this time... he nasty.
Upholstery foam "cake" with a set in half-circle mouth in lighter foam sheets. Outside entirely frosted with heavy paint mixed with caulk and piping was done with a pastry bag with more caulk. Chocolate sprinkles and cherries were FIMO/Sculpey.
The puppet is still owned by Cakey's voice and operator who made a NEW Cakey for his solo project Cakey and the Master (I wasn't involved) The 2nd Cakey puppet looks more foam-y (no frosting) but it is probably more expressive and easier to puppeteer. Old Cakey was tough to work with; a real prima donna baked good on set.
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The original puppet was made by Erika Kern, who was a serious craftster who had done props for my anime-live-on-stage show NeoTokyo GirlCrush at UCB. One of those props was a standard "fake cake" — a cylinder of foam "frosted" with paint — which are made for window displays and as bottom tiers of real cakes. I asked her if it would be possible to cut a face into the side of this cake and make it talk. She ran off and made it.
The idea to make the show was similarly "hey, how 'bout this idea" level planning. We'd walk by this billboard in Chinatown of old people looking at a glowing, levitating birthday cake. All the copy's in Chinese so we have no idea what's even being advertised (I think it was Western Union).
I requested a Black Forest Cake with cherries (leading to a million fucking "The Cake is a Lie" youtube comments.) I also wanted Cakey to have cherry antennas that rose out of his head like My Favorite Martian but she passed on making those. Erica was just guessing how to make a puppet through trial and error... going with whatever looked good.
On filming days, if the room was cold, Cakey would be a solid lump. Kirk had to flex the mouth over and over to warm up the puppet to move it at all. The whole surface was so stiff and the paint on the corners of his mouth chipped off as he spoke, had to be repainted constantly. Cakey's foam rotted on the inside from hand-moisture so the roof of his mouth was always nearly going to tear through.
We made episodes of for a monthly screening called Channel 102 in NY (Later renamed Channel 101-NY to bring it under the same umbrella as LA's Channel 101.) We had less than 4 weeks to make any episode and never if you would get "renewed" until the night of the screening based on audience vote. We had zero budget. No prize. We did it just because we wanted to make a thing.
Did I cover all the unsolved mysteries of Cakey?
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¡La Incombustible Madonna y el paso del tiempo!
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Junto con el lanzamiento del disco «Madame X», el 14 de Junio de 2019, además de las ediciones físicas en CD, casette o vinilo, se editó como ya es costumbre, la edición limitada del disco. La misma consiste con un impactante cofre con una gran cantidad de items, algunos exclusivos de esta edición, que hacen la delicia de muchos fans y coleccionistas. La caja de cartón duro incluye la fotografía de Steven Klein del portfolio «Madame X» con Madonna rubia y la bandana en la cabeza, la misma tipografía que se utilizó para las ediciones especiales del CD. La caja esta hecha a medida para que cada uno de los artículos encajen y se encastren justo en un molde de plástico en su interior. La caja incluye:
CD doble «Superdeluxe»
Casette regular edition
«I Rise» vinilo 7″
Poster desplegable
Plancha de tatuajes temporarios
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eanimes-xyz · 2 years
100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Love You
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★★★★ - The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Love You - The 100 Girlfriends - Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo - 君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女
100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Love You Manga
After graduating from high school, Rentarou Aijo manages to confess to the girl he loves. Unfortunately, he is denied, and this is his 100th consecutive rejection. Through grief after grief, he goes to the matchmaking sanctuary and prays in the hope that he will finally get a girlfriend in high school. The god of the sanctuary suddenly appears, promising Rentar that he will meet a hundred soul mates in high school. Although initially skeptical, Rentaro quickly recognizes the truth behind the god's words when his two soul mates Hakari Hanazono and Karane Inda confess to him the same day they meet him. However, there was one detail that the god forgot to tell Rentar: if any of his soulmates could not enter into a relationship with him, they would die. Now trapped in a matter of life and death, Rentaru decides to date all of his soul mates. With a heart so big that it can be shared among a hundred girlfriends, Rentarou makes the most of his unexpected high school life, and Rentarou's family is getting bigger!
100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Love You Characters
- Main Characters- Aijou, Rentarou - Inda, Karane - Eiai, Nano - Yoshimoto, Shizuka - Hanazono, Hakari - Yakuzen, Kusuri - Hanazono, Hahari - Meido, Mei - Sudou, Iku - Haraga, Kurumi - Supporting Characters- Asakawa - Beroki, Rapuko - Friend A - Hakari's Father - Kamisama - Kijineta, Toruru - Kuori, Tina - Kusuri's Father - Kusuri's Mother - Nozawa-sensei - Souchou - Superdeluxe, Takeko - Terano, Sauruko - Uncle Hiro - Vice Principal - Yuu-kun Read the full article
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kaoru-gohan · 2 years
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9/24-25の2日間、 SupernaturalDeluxe Vol.1 でフードを提供してきました。  https://super-deluxe.com/events/2022/09/ 西麻布から千葉・鴨川に場所を移した”新しい実験を出来る場”でのはじめてのコンサート、  https://super-deluxe.com/news/snd001/ ステキすぎる時空間の最初の一歩の1ピースに加われたことがシアワセです。 PAWA(Permaculture AWA)のファームのおやさいをふんだんに使って 敷地のはっぱあしらって、鴨川の竹切り出した器に盛り付けたゆるベジごはん ...そういえば「軽食出したい」っていわれてたのにモリモリになってしまった😓けど みなさんに楽しんでもらえたみたい。食べ残しがほぼなかったのもジワジワうれしい。 あいかわらずのギリギリすぎで、 Patちゃんいなかったらマジで逃げ出してたかもしれんレベル🥵 みんなにたくさんサポートしてもらえてなんとかできました。ありがとうありがとう。 アースオーブンも活用した。いろんな知恵も授けてもらった。また少し前進できた気がする。 コレからこの場所、もっともっとスゴイことになりそうな予感しかない♪ 私もまたココの1ピースになりたいな。 お声がけありがとうございました💙 #superdeluxe #supernaturaldeluxe https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_cN1cP4h7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chandrarajmahal · 6 months
Experience Luxury Redefined: Discover Our Super Deluxe Retreats
Indulge in opulence at our super deluxe retreats. Unparalleled luxury meets extraordinary comfort in every detail. Elevate your stay with lavish amenities and impeccable service. Your escape to unmatched luxury begins here.
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nitsubonome · 2 months
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鈴木昭男(Akio Suzuki)@SuperDeluxe 2013/09/29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu_Wf6pxQis
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adultswim2021 · 3 months
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Squidbillies #49: "Reunited, And It feels No Good" | July 20, 2009 - 12:00AM | S04E09
The Cuylers have a dang old family reunion, and guess what? Extended family actually shows up to it. They are significantly wealthier than the Dougal County Cuylers, what with owning a modern car with DVD players and refrigerated air.
This is the family of Durwood Cuyler, who stands upright like a man, shoving most of his tentacles into a pair of shoes. He’s a yuppy, an outdated term that I don’t feel like updating. He is also a family man; he married a blonde human woman with a Karen hairdo, a recently outdated term that is actually too modern for me to be using about a show from 2009. They also have two kids who never speak because they are glued to their devices. I think we can all agree on one thing: Durwood simply gave up. 
The episode is basically about the two Cuyler clans clashing, slightly. Early hints at the fact that they could use some of Durwood’s money. His wife is steadfast against them even associating with Early’s family altogether. Early reveals his investment plan: a plushie from that Cheyenne Cinnamon “movie” that Burger King is showing, which according to my tepid googling hasn’t actually happened yet. I’m referring to the "Big Uber Network Sampling", an event where, if I recall correctly, a bunch of Adult Swim pilots that were available on a Burger King website. I think the idea was the pilots were pitted against each other in various matches, and the winner got to, as it turns out, continue being a rejected pilot. Cheyenne Cinnamon was one of those pilots. We see a little more footage of that playing in the headrest screens of Durwood’s family Durango. 
Durwood is so horrified by the treatment of Rusty (who has lockjaw from running barefoot through animal feces), that when Rusty shows Durwood his art project (which is just a glitter drawing urging Durwood to help him get the fuck away from Early’s abuse), Durwood decides to take rusty off Early’s hands for “a couple days”. As they speed away, Durwood tells Rusty he’s never going back there again, and that they’re going to set up a cot in the garage. Early is ecstatic to be rid of Rusty, but when he’s reminded that his government checks will stop coming he becomes incensed. TO BE CONTINUED. 
A common response I have to Squidbillies is that I’ll watch it for a few minutes and think “hey, I think I like this show, actually”, but then I'm ready for it to end and it’s not even half over yet. That’s sorta where I was with this one. Lucky for me, it’s technically not over. This is a bonafide two-parter. When it originally aired they played both episodes back-to-back, but as far as I can tell they were always considered two separate episodes. I will be considering them two separate write-ups. Okay!
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Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode II DVD (July 21, 2009)
I'm stubbornly sticking to my stated mission of making you aware of every DVD release from Adult Swim in a rough chronological order compared to the Adult Swim television timeline. As such, I wind up spotlighting releases that I have nothing to say about, and no significant feelings felt for. This one has 90 minutes of extra features, which I'm pretty sure is longer than the special itself. I also believe this is the extended cut of the special (or at the very least the DVD includes the extended cut), which I think aired on TV too. I forget. I don't like thinking about this show, or the intellectual property known as Star Wars. Thanks.
Kon komes through with a fact I did not allow myself to learn:
The God guy on the Squidbillies episode was voiced by the very guy who played Jesus on the Rising Son, and also starred in many Superdeluxe-brand FARK sketches that you and me really love and both are huge fans of
YES! Thank you Kon. Point of fact- the IMDB page for this episode doesn't credit who played God, but does list Sean Watkins on the cast list. But they linked to the wrong Sean Watkins, which left me scratching my head. I looked like a fool
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