#team champéry
reerees-stuff · 5 months
got to see Deniss do his cantilever with the lay back position. still screaming in my pillow thinking about it
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rabidline · 1 year
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ALL JAPAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2022 GOLD x SILVER SENIOR MEDALISTS WOMEN, TEAM KOBE: Kaori Sakamoto, Mai Mihara, Sonoko Nakano, Mitsuko Graham, Sei Kawahara MEN, TEAM CHAMPÉRY: Shoma Uno, Koshiro Shimada, Stéphane Lambiel, Ghislain Briand, Demizu Shinichi, Akihiro Otoshi
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Why do you say Shoma lost his ass last off-season?
ah so i was actually mistaken, it's actually kind of been in decline since ~2021ish but yeah I do think there was a more dramatic change in that regard over the summer 2022 offseason.
behold, exhibit A, WTT in April 2021:
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exhibit B, Olympics in February 2022:
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exhibit C, GPF in December 2022:
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all of these costumes have comparable pants waists (see where the waist starts compared to his arm: a couple inches below his elbow for all of them), and while the latter two have a more billowy shirt than the first costume, you can still gauge the size based on comparison against his hand, arm, shoulders/upper body etc., which obviously did not change size.
and i don't know if there are interviews on this subject more recently but he for sure spoke last summer about being 54kg and wanting to get back down to 52kg, which is the weight he was for his debut senior season.
(i personally find this worrying as he was 17 to 18 years of age in that debut season; even if he hasn't grown any height since then, there are aspects of his bone structure and musculature that would not yet have been finished growing at that age, which means I don't think trying to get back to that adolescent weight as a fully mature mid-20s man is a healthy move. I also know from interviews that Champéry intentionally takes a hands-off approach towards weight management...which can be a very good thing so as not to create psychological stress surrounding weight or shame an athlete for gaining weight, but could also mean that if a skater falls into unhealthy thought patterns or sets unrealistic weight-loss goals, the coaching team might not necessarily intervene.)
but yeah late 2010s through 2021-ish Shooms ass i mourn you daily please come back to us 🙏🍑
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aloysius-scarbo · 2 years
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English translation for the interview part (only) :
These kids have to be extremely motivated to manage daily training, school, homework, meals, rest time and family. One of the challenges for 3S is to obtain that the young talents can benefit from school arrangements, from primary classes to middle school.
In the meantime, all smiles and in all simplicity, Stéphane takes a moment of his precious time to answer our questions.
How did you decide to create a skating school?
SL : After the Vancouver Olympics Games in 2010, I led several seminars around the world. I had a lot of fun and discovered a new passion: teaching. I had to understand skating from another angle to be able to pass it on. I enjoyed it immensely, hence the desire to have my own school.
Why Champéry ?
SL :There was no Swiss new talent after Sarah Meirer and me. I could have taught all over the world but it turned out that in Champery, Le Palladium offered all the infrastructures we needed to create the school. So I came back home.
Do you like living in the village?
SL : Yes, staying here has become natural, I have a lot of pleasure to live here and to be with the residents. My life in the village and at the Palladium gives me a lot of joy. I am proud to see the skaters and their families in the town stores. Thanks to the school, the skaters have their life here.
How do you choose your students ?
SL : More than a school, we create a team, and it's mainly this approach that appeals to the skaters. Skating is an individual sport: you have to challenge yourself to earn your place. To have colleagues who fight for the same thing is very motivational. I don't choose the best on the circuit, but the athletes who are motivated and able to blend in with our team. The dynamic is strong and beneficial to everyone.
How do you work on this team spirit ?
SL : We all celebrate a birthday and a good result together. The older students organize activities together when they have some time off. We find out on their social medias that they went to the lake together, or skiing, or on a trip to the Defago Gallery. They live alone in Champery, their "real" connection is the team.
Summer Camps students follow each other all year long on social medias, they are happy to get to know each other during the camps. It's nice to see them outside of class, by the pool or enjoying the area.  It's important that they enjoy their youth at the same time, that they unwind while having fun.
Why did you create a specific program for beginners ?
SL : This « Learn to Skate » program was created in 2016. Its purpose is to teach skating to local children, ages 4 to 8. Our coaches have a great sense of how to build the basics of skating for younger children and reduce any apprehensions they may have about the ice. These basics are precious for any type of skating (figure skating, field hockey...). The children who follow this program take the opportunity to have fun at the rink with their friends, as they do on skis. We had to stop the program because of the Covid, but training has now resumed on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. There are still a few places left, so we invite motivated young boys and girls to join us (contact by mail: [email protected]) !
Are any of these kids still skating?
SL : Yes, we have a very good example with Lara Achermann from Champery, she started skating at the age of 6 to join her friends in the village and she really hooked on. She trains in Champery, 15 hours of skating per week, plus the gymnastics lessons. Championne valaisane 2022 (category mini U12), she has very good basics and already participates in national competitions to realize her dream : participate in the Olympic Games!
Your students visit ice rinks around the world, how do they feel about ours?
SL : An ice rink is often located outside a city, a sad and cold place, between four walls. Here, the rink is windowed, we see the chalets, the mountains, it leaves a lasting impression on our students who promote it on social medias. The hashtag #teamchampery, created by the fans, is well known in the figure skating world!
What do you need in terms of infrastructure ?
SL : The multipurpose hall is not enough available for our needs. Between events, conventions, use by local clubs and schools... Availability is limited. The fitness room is small and the floor is too hard to absorb repeated jumps. So we need a dance room that is accessible every day. Part of the funding could be subsidized by a national support for sports facilities.
This would also provide greater access to the rooms for other users of the Palladium. We also wish to create a living space for our students. They currently live in separate flats. A shared living space would make sense.
Stephane adds with a smile that a Japanese restaurant would be a great addition...
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lunalilith19 · 1 year
could you by chance do Stephane Lambiel? I would really appreciate that <3 thank you!!
Team Champéry all have unusual or wild charts - i started on Deniss and Koshiro, so i’ll have to see who gets done first. i've been bad about finishing and posting. Stéphane actually has his birth time public, so there’s so much to go into...
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cryptoscammersnews · 1 year
L'ex-député Laurent Louis vend des fausses cryptos depuis Lyon
Malgré une instruction judiciaire ouverte à son encontre à Charleroi, l'ex-député Laurent Louis continue de vendre de fausses cryptomonnaies. Pour mener ses activités, il s'est délocalisé en France.
Lancien député fédéral Laurent Louis est incorrigible. Malgré une instruction judiciaire ouverte à son encontre dans un dossier tentaculaire de fraude aux cryptomonnaies, l'homme continue de mener ses activités douteuses en toute impunité. Nous avons retrouvé sa trace dans le département de l'Isère, en France. Il réside dans un village situé entre Lyon, Grenoble et Champéry. De là, il vend de fausses cryptomonnaies à des gens de la région, mais aussi à toute une communauté d'investisseurs recrutée en ligne, composée majoritairement de Français et de Belges.
Recrutement sur YouTube
Il recrute ses clients via des vidéos sur les réseaux sociaux, notamment via YouTube où il vante les mérites de "produits financiers alternatifs" permettant de générer "des revenus passifs." Il ne manque jamais de rappeler son passage au Parlement fédéral belge. Élu en 2010 sur les listes du Parti Populaire de Mischaël Modrikamen, il a siégé jusqu'en 2014. Ce mandat de député sert aujourd'hui à asseoir sa crédibilité et à mieux convaincre les investisseurs du sérieux de son discours.
Ces dernières années, l'ancien député s'est notamment spécialisé dans la vente d'un produit financier plus que douteux: OmegaPro. Le site web faisant la promotion d'OmegaPro a fait l'objet d'une mise en garde de la part de la FSMA en mai 2021. Il est mentionné sur la liste des plateformes de trading frauduleuses, régulièrement mise à jour par le gendarme belge du secteur financier. "Le programme d’affiliation auquel cette entité a recours présente les caractéristiques typiques d’un système pyramidal. La FSMA a reçu une trentaine de signalements et demandes en lien avec cette entité", explique Mathieu Saudoyer, porte-parole de la FSMA.
Les clients séduits par ce "produit" qui se présente comme une crypto - mais qui n'en est pas une - sont invités à rejoindre un groupe WhatsApp animé par Laurent Louis. Ce groupe, dénommé "Omega Pro Union Team", compte environ 80 personnes. Le vendeur y promet des rendements compris entre 8% et 12 %. Magique. "Tu peux savoir que j'ai mis plus de 100.000 euros dans ce produit. C'est dire si je sais que ça fonctionne ;)", écrit Laurent Louis dans un message à l'un de ses "clients".
Relation de confiance
"J'ai commencé par mettre 5.000 euros dans ce produit. Au début, tout fonctionnait bien, je touchais mensuellement 5% de la somme. J'étais dans une relation de confiance. Il m'a ensuite convaincu de placer 10.000 euros dans un autre produit, Daxio, qui était censé produire 10% d'intérêts mensuels", explique Mélanie (prénom d'emprunt). Cette Française a rejoint le groupe WhatsApp de Laurent Louis quelque temps après l'avoir rencontré à un séminaire.
Pour acheter les "produits financiers" promotionnés par l'ex-député, Mélanie a utilisé différents procédés. Elle a notamment envoyé des virements sur un compte en banque français ouvert au nom de la femme de Laurent Louis. Nous avons pu consulter un message envoyé par le vendeur de fausse crypto, qui confirme le procédé: "Je te propose de passer par un simple virement sur le compte de mon épouse (RIB français). Il faut juste mettre en communication 'achat le bon coin', comme ça on évite les contrôles et les questions en tous genres."
Achats en cash
Mélanie a également rencontré Laurent Louis en personne afin de lui acheter les produits en cash. Au total, elle a déboursé près de 18.000 euros. Elle n'a récupéré qu'une petite partie en rentes mensuelles, qui se sont arrêtées au bout de quelques mois. "C'est une grosse perte pour moi. Cela représentait toutes mes économies", souligne Mélanie. Elle reconnaît avoir été "sous emprise" pendant des mois. "Pendant la crise sanitaire, je me rebellais contre le système. Je regardais des vidéos complotistes sur YouTube. Je me suis retrouvée dans une forme d'isolement. J'étais à la recherche de solutions alternatives. Le discours de Laurent Louis m'a séduite."
Action en justice
L'investisseuse fait partie d'un second groupe WhatsApp animé par Laurent Louis autour d'un autre produit peu recommandable, Daxio. Ce groupe compte environ 60 personnes. Mélanie est désormais persuadée que ces produits vendus par Laurent Louis ne sont rien d'autre que des arnaques. Elle est entrée en contact avec quatre autres victimes. Ensemble, ils examinent la possibilité d'agir en justice pour récupérer tout ou partie de leur mise. L'un des membres de ce groupe a contacté un avocat.
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Not sure how long it's been in Christopher Trevisan's twitter bio, but the hashtag is there now and I'm ready to adopt it for all my ramblings about Stéphane's kids (aka Deniss, Diana, Koshiro and Noemie and Noah Bodenstein).
They are all the best, and I look forward to more content of cooking, hiking, eating chocolate and making each other laugh on and off the ice!
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reerees-stuff · 5 months
Got to see Stéph live at Spectacle sur Glace. As always, he was absolutely incredible. I'm still overwhelmed and can't really put my emotions at having been able to fulfill my wish into words
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vilyae · 4 years
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Shoma, Koshiro and Stéphane - 2018 & 2019 Japanese Nationals (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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teluete · 2 years
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Team Champéry boys are b o u n c y.
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denissvasiljevs1999 · 4 years
How well do you know Team Champéry? – a quiz
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Interview with Deniss Vasiljevs September 2019
Summer’s over - No reason to be sad for a real skating fan as it’s time for the new season to kick in!
For me personally it had been a quite exciting and eventful summer where I didn’t even miss skating that  much to be honest. I was rather a bit afraid that it had maybe lost a bit of it’s spark for me… but after that last weekend in Bratislava I can tell for sure, the fire is definitely back and burning as strong as ever. It was an amazing weekend full of emotions - mostly super positive -, lack of sleep, fun times with amazing friends and of course amazing skating and new programs.
Right after the Short Program, when the rest of the competition was still running, my friends and I had the spontaneous chance to have a little chat with Deniss and Stéphane about the Two Men in Love program, the unusual decision to have two Short Programs and about their off season.
Please note before reading that this was a very spontaneous, quite unprepared interview / chat. All of us are no native English speakers. Once again I tried to write everything down word by word as it was said. Towards the end it turned more into a normal conversation, so you see quite short phrases and some interruptions. I hope it’s still possible to understand everything.
You can also watch the interview on youtube right here:
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D: Deniss, S: Stéphane, M: Marina, R: Reut, J: Judith
The first question is paraphrased as it was cut from the video.
J: First of all thank you so much for your great performance and your great program today. We were all hoping for it and now you really chose Two Men in Love as your Short Program. What led you to this decision and when did you decide that?
D: It’s more like I am planing to change… depending on where I will perform, I am planing to change between Two Men in Love and Bloodstream. And I decided to… since here I will be first time showing my free program, I think that Two Men in Love is a little bit.. like gives a bigger contrast between the two programs, so I was really willing to make it a bit special.
J: Yea, definitely, it is!
M: So what is like your story behind this program?
D: This program… to me… I really really enjoy the melody, this music is really powerful… it’s… if I would describe a wine… it’s really „full body“… so I enjoy a lot skating to this dynamics that go throughout the whole piece. And it’s a very powerful, powerful piece and I enjoy to interpret it and to skate it the best I can.
M: Whose idea was it in the first place? This music?
D: I had a choice of certain musics and I - out of all that where available - I actually liked this one stand out for me and I really felt that this dynamics could be very well interpreted for my movement and for my skating. It’s really like a challenge in a sense because… well… I think it has a (…) under rhythm which is very hard to exploit and I am looking forward to really manage it and master it to open up a full (…) a full palette of this music piece.
M: But you have actually two short programs, right?
D: Yes, I do have…
M: Why such an unusual decision? You couldn’t decide?
D: One of the ideas initially was because I love to perform in shows and being a competitor and skating in the shows is kind of difficult to have another program that would be like very different. So in order to practice was made a decision to have actually a program that would in a sense mirror the elements of the initial Short Program and that way I would always work towards benefiting Short Program even more than just learning how to express myself for the crowd during a show performances. So it was in a sense a little challenge for me that I am really looking forward to overcome.
S: So if I can add, the initial idea actually was to - everything was correct - and I think there was also this idea of… like a company or a theatre has a seasonal program and in that seasonal program they have different ballets… like in one season you have Giselle and then during Christmas you have the Nutcracker and then at the end you have something contemporary.. so it was more like to be able to show a seasonal program with different pieces. Why to stick with one Short and one Free when you can actually… and he….
M: Wait, wait, do you have two Free Programs too?
S: We are thinking about that… because.. why you have to stick to one Short and one Free…
J: Yea, if you have the possibility…
M: Yea, but isn’t it more difficult to remember all the programs?
S: He has a good memory, an elephant memory.
D: I hope… I think I can manage. And to me skating, performing, working on the steps and overall… I love more the artistic part of figure skating and I really wish and I have a strong desire to actually.. maybe improve figure skating in general towards that direction through my work and my performance… together with Stéph… create a little bit more than usual. And having more programs I don’t think it’s such a big difference .
S: It’s a bigger palette.
D: Yea, the more you can do, the better you are and the technical elements I mean they stay kind of the same for everything, so finding a right pattern means patterns that’s kind of what a right master should be able to do, making jumps through all kind of patterns. And program is in a sense changing only in that way, so it’s also a very good practice for me.
R: So during the practice every day you run through three programs now?
D: I am now running actually far more than I used to and I feel I can get actually much stronger physically during such…
S: He runs all three programs yea…
M: Every time?
S: Not every time… but he runs through every program
D: Two programs…
M: Two?
D: It overall benefits me I think.
M: Do you already also have an exhibition program?
D: Well my other Short is exhibition. It’s kind of… what ever I feel, I skate…
M: That’s nice.
R: You wanted to have another costume? With big stones?
D: I honestly…
S: The first costume fitting was two days ago.
D: I honestly had no idea like how to interpret the Two Men in Love program and I just trusted the designer and he made I think a wonderful job with this costume. It’s super practical, I love it. It’s probably the lightest matrix I ever skated in and about the design of how it looks I find it very beautiful actually.
J towards Stéph: I guess you like this one too…
S: Yes, I really love it.. when I saw it, I was like wow . I am jealous!
R: So it’s not Japanese…
D: That was in Japan actually…
R: So it’s the same costume maker.. from Japan?
D: It’s the one that was making my previous costumes since I am skating with Stéphane… not the first year free program…
S: They made… they did…
D: The last four programs…
S: They did Sway, they did Recondita, they did Samurai, they did the Short Program Papa was a rolling stone…
R: Also exhibition?
S: And they did also exhibition, yes, they did Iron and they did also Nocturne…
J: So… like basically everything.
D: Almost…
S: No, they didn’t do Vivaldi, and they didn’t do Voodoo Child…
J: And Lion King… but that was your costume… (towards Stéph)
D: Lion King, yea…
J: As you talked a lot about the programs… we have a long off-season behind us, long waiting for us fans, so what was the highlight of your off-season for you, either skating wise or personally..?
D: It’s actually a very hard question for me because I had a really memorable… like a lot of amazing moments during this summer. I had been really enjoying it. I had a trip kind of first one on my own in Japan when I went for practicing there when Stéph was also there…
J: Yea, with the Japanese team.
S: Yea but he was on his own.
D: I have skated… I was on my own.
S: First time!
D: I had really good Camps in Champéry with coaches coming from Toronto…
J: Oh yea, the one in the summer Camp…
D: And it was like.. I really found it… I clarified very well my off - ice work which is like a very bright moment. I had enjoyed a lot… first time I actually went mountain climbing.
J: Oh yea, with Chris and Koshiro…
M: Oh, it was the first time..
D: In Champéry yea. Before I would just hike and enjoy the beautiful landscapes but this time I managed actually hanging out from cliffs.. it was really…
M: It wasn’t scary?
J: The view was probably amazing….
D: No, it wasn’t scary, it was… filling up with emotions.
I had a wonderful time at home during my birthday and I enjoyed a lot the company of my parents. And at the same time I had before that as well a very good moment in Champéry when we were doing the camp and it was a really really hard time but it was such a good work that now I am.. although through all these difficulties and hard work actually now I really want to smile because it was a really wonderful moment for me.
J: Yea to finally come through…
D: I learned a lot of the company of my friend Satoko Miyahara, she’s now also competing actually…
J: Oh, in the US, right?
D: Yea, so we had a great camp.. and now we’re…
S: It was really rich actually. We had a very rich off-season.
D: Everyone who is at Japan Open has been in Champéry.
M: But Javi wasn’t…
S: No but the Japanese Team… Yea, Javi was not, but he is Team Europe…
D: During the summer I also for the first time tried to make chocolate. And I really really enjoyed this confiserie…
S: Yea, confiserie…
D: I really enjoyed it
M: Like from the beans?
R: The whole process?
D: Yea from the cacao beans…
S: He makes pralines… but… wow! I mean, get ready, one day he will open his confiserie for sure. He is a master.
D: I definitely really enjoy working precise and with the right tools it works… And I enjoyed a lot this new experience. I also had fun using the Pasta machine this summer quite a bit and…
S: Please land your tripple Axel, you know how to do it…
J: It worked perfectly fine in the warm up…
S: I knooooow… just… just like he says he is a very precise person and to have to be precise… it takes something to let go and once he lets go it’s fine and once he starts thinking then the timing goes a bit… hmmmmm…
D: It’s just a simple problem, if you go, do it perfect, in everything… in cakes it works amazing…
M: In skating not so much…
D: In skating it doesn’t work.
J: Yea, stupid body…
D: When I have a problem in skating my cooking works better so I should make a problem in cooking and skating should work…
S: You get stuck at some point…
J: You have some positive energy…
D: Yes!
J: …and I hope it helps you to achieve your goals in skating…
D: I also in summer had made quite a bit of drawings, like I tried different techniques to draw and enjoyed organizing my flat much more.
J: Oh, wow!
D: And overall this summer… I traveled a lot, I had a lot of good work, and I think what is good, I matured a lot so overall I find that this summer was very constructive and I laid down a good foundation for the upcoming season.
J: So the success will come at some point, I am sure!
S: The success is always there, always there!
After that Stéph got up and gave us very surprisingly two Swiss Chocolate bars as a gift and I also gave Deniss the present from the Fans: Every Day motivational messages. He said that it was a very special present for him and that recently he learned to appreciate these kinds of presents much more.
It was a super nice talk, of course it could have gone on forever, there were much more things to discuss… I would have loved to know and hear more about his new drawings and his travels in Japan… but the next time will come… Of course in both performances, Short - and Free program there was room to improve but this first competitions gives at least me a really positive feeling towards the rest of the season. Deniss was so full of positive energy and proud of the things he has achieved in the off season that I am sure it will show of this season. Can’t wait to follow you on this journey, Deniss!!!
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teamchampery · 4 years
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memories-dance · 6 years
Mood: Waiting for the confirmation that Diana is returning to Champéry
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Stéphane visits Deniss’ school (May 11, 2018)
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ciaomichaella · 4 years
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#TBT to last year’s Champery Masters, when 🐐 @niklasedin and @teamniklasedin faced off against Team Schwaller. Super stoked that there will indeed be livestream coverage on @worldcurlingtour ‘s YT starting w/ the Schwaller vs Schnider game which gets underway in a little over an hour. You can check that out on YT: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_mwZpNv6xPc . . As expected, I am looking forward to the Edin vs Jungen game the most which will be at 7am my time. I’m even considering braving the outside at the butt crack of dawn for Carioca balls and a PSL just like last weekend. You bet I have the livestream link for Team Edin’s game already bookmarked & the YT notifs on. You should do 😉 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=79GmYiyN4Hk . . So I made myself a schedule and score sheet which are now 💩 because I found out earlier today that the score tab on the website disappeared and one of the Rockheads alerted me to the new draw schedule pdf after @svenskcurling ‘s Team Nyman and another team dropped out. The event is now evenly split into 4 pools, each with 4 teams. Originally there were 8 draws before playoffs, now there are 6. Silver lining is that I get my Edin featured game sooner. Hoping my Swedes can pull off the 3peat 🙏🤞 . . 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 #NiklasEdin #Bionik #NinjaThor #CurlingMachine #PoolShark #KatnikEveredin #therealgoat #Icevengers #Sweden #EdinForTheWin #athlete #olympian #curling #sports #wintersports #olympicsilvermedalist #worldchampion #europeanchampion #lilterror #curling #HardlineNation #IBELIEVEEDINWILLWIN 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 . . 📸 Champery Masters (at Palladium de Champéry) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGZLl_IndxX/?igshid=komemgibd5c0
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