#teeter ( yellowstone )
Rip: I think we’re missing something.
Teeter: Teamwork?
Colby: Cohesion?
Ryan: A general sense of what we’re doing?
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shameless-girl · 1 year
Love on the ranch ( yellowstone request)
Summary: a mix of Abby and ryan , teeter and Colby, plus my oc and walker .
Working on the Dutton ranch was hard work but the people were worth it. Teeter and Colby were like the fun loving couple, they did crazy things together and looked out for each other at the same time. Abby and ryan was a relationship straight out of a romantic novel, basically love at first sight and they never shut up about each other. As for harley and walker it was a different story, they weren't together and butted head over nearly everything but they were the only ones that couldn't see the connection.
It was Saturday night, the ranch was quiet meaning they could have a drink and play games . Harley squished next to teeter and Colby on the couch " you guys make me sick " the purple haired women groaned at the kiss her friends shared , teeter pulled away from her partner and turned to her best friend " at least we aren't as bad as them " the short haired women spoke as she pointed towards Abby and ryan who were cuddled up on the bunk , they basically needed their own room " Jesus take it somewhere else " harley shouted as she threw a book at ryan , a few of the others laughed at the slight of the book hitting ryan " oh yeah at least I can get some " ryan joked back climbing off his bunk and threw the book back towards harley but she ducked and laughed " would you children cut it out " walker groaned from wear he was sitting next to the window, harley smirked before for turning towards the rest " someone is grumpy he doesn't get any either " harley commented making Lloyd spit out his drink but walker didn't think it was funny " is that why your so moody " he snapped back making everyone turn to watch what was about to happen, harley was stubborn and never backed down first " obviously your still a virgin then " was the comeback the purple haired women had chosen as her next sentence, by now the pair were face to face " wouldn't you like to know " walker smirked trying to get the better of harley but she was quick with words and already knew how to challenge someone like him " you wouldn't be able to handle me darling " she whispered as she leant closer, all eyes were on them... teeter was sure that harley was to blind to even notice the way walkers breath caught in his throat when the stubborn woman leant closer but it was differently noticeable for teeter. Harley turned on her heel and headed for the door " where are you going " Abby asked from where she was sitting, harley turned towards her other friend " going to the barn " she replied before disappearing out the door and the sound of her boots hitting the ground was heard slightly. Some of the bunkhouse thought walker was a fool if he didn't like harley, she was smart .. funny.. hard working and beautiful.
Harley signed at the thought of walker stuck in her head , truth was she did like him.. she had from the first time they meet but he wouldn't think the same " so stupid " she groaned to herself as she leant against the wall to the barn . She didn't understand why men were so hard sometimes, she was sure men didn't catch her hints or they just didn't like her . Harley was jealous of how her friends had lovely relationships and she couldn't even get the guy she wanted to like her , she wanted what teeter and Colby had or Abby and ryan had . She wanted someone to look at her like the was the beautiful thing they had ever seen " why can't I be beautiful " she said to herself not realizing someone was standing there " you are beautiful " a male voice answered her , Harley slightly jumped at the sudden voice . Her eyes looked onto walkers as he stepped into the light, harley didn't even hear him follow her " don't play with me " she rolled her eyes at the words he had spoken, she didn't believe him and just thought he was joking " I'm not playing" he admitted as he stepped closer towards the confused woman, harley thought he hated her " are you being serious " she questioned him as he was known standing right in front of her body, he smiled slightly before leaning closer " I'm always serious sweetheart " he whispered in her ear , harley couldn't feel her heart beat faster as he kept himself close " you wouldn't handle me " she teased reminding him of what she had said back at the bunk house " I'd like to find out " was the reply she got before walker pressed his lips against her own , Harleys eyes widen slightly before returning the kiss . Walker had his hands against Harley's waist as she moved her hands around the back of his neck to pull him closer, their lips moved in prefect sync before another voice interrupted them " well wasn't expecting this " teeter giggled from where her and Abby were standing, the pair had decided to check on there friend once they noticed that walker was no longer in the bunkhouse but found something unexpected . Walker pulled away turning to see the gigglly woman standing a few meters away " go away " harley groaned and try to make her friends leave " don't worry we are going " Abby replied as she dragged teeter back towards the bunk house " soo , do you still want to see if you can handle me " harley straight up asked walker once her friends were gone " I want to make you mine " walker admitted before kissing harley again.
Teeter and Abby giggled all the way back to the bunkhouse before telling everyone else what they had just seen , of course some were surprised but others agreed it was about time harley and walker actually admitted how they felt. Teeter smiled knowing she could hopefully convince the new couple to go on triple dates now .
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bodybebangin · 2 years
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supergirl000983 · 1 month
Random Outta Pocket moments on the Ranch.
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Y/N: *Falls off horse* Fuck…Ouch
Travis: You ok Darlin?
Beth: *Watching her sister walk funny up to the gate* What’s the matter with you?
Y/N: My Thong is Thonging a little too hard.
Travis: *Looking up at the sky questioning his wife choices* Dear God
Y/N: *Falling on the couch between Travis and Beth* Damn what a week.
John: Sweetheart it’s 6:30 pm on a Monday
Y/N: *falling back into Travis* Jesus Christ Fuck me.
Travis: Not Jesus, but I can totally do that later tonight.
Y/N: Your existence confuses me greatly.
Jimmy: How so?
Y/N: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of something bad happening to you is upsetting to me.
John: Are yall sober?
Beth while holding up Y/N: We are moderately functional.
John: I'll take that as a no.
Y/N: There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Dutton way. Which is the wrong way, but faster.
Kayce - Travis, what did I say about PDA?
Travis: *with Y/n on his lap and in the middle of a make-out session* I don't know what you're talking about brother.
Colby: I'm a real asset.
Ryan: You're only off by two letters.
Teeter: Between Ryan, Jimmy, Colby, and Walker - if you had to, who would you punch?
Y/N: No one - they're my friends! I wouldn't punch any of them.
Lloyd: Walker?
Y/N: Yeah, but I don't know why.
Kayce: Where's Jamie?
Beth: Somewhere disappointing Dad
Y/N: Somewhere disappointing God
Y/N: "Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Teeter!"
Teeter: "You can't expect me to look into your eyes and be straight."
Travis: Why is your back all scratched up?
Y/n : *flashbacks to messing with a chicken Travis told her not to mess with
Y/n: I'm having an affair
Travis: What?
Kayce: I thought Beth told you to stay in bed
Y/n: She did, but there's a scary monster in my closet, soooo here I am
Rip: was the monster scarier than Beth when She's mad?
Y/n: I'm going back to bed
Travis: good girl
Kayce : I think your mom mixed up our lunches. Look.
holds up a post-it note that says "I'm proud of you and I love you so much."]
Tate: Oh, that explains this.
holds up a post-it note that says
"Please be good. For the love of God, be good. "]
John: If you three can manage not to kill each other while I'm gone-
Y/N: Oh please...
Beth: *Fake smiles*
Jamie: We're not children.
John: ...*walks away*
Y/N: ...
Jamie: ...
Beth: …
Y/N: Fucking Cunt-Cakes
Beth: Eat shit and die.
Jamie: Yes, fuck you.
Walker: You know, Travis, real talk bro, you never say nothin' when you're around us. Why is that?
Travis: Cause I don't fucking like you guys.
John: Don't pull any of those stunts like you did last time.
Y/N: I made an offering.
John: You dropped a dead mouse into Summer’s lap.
Y/N: Yes! Like a cat.
John: You are not a cat!
Y/N: No... tragically, I am a woman.
Sheriff : Think you can answer questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Y/N: If you can ask them without the usual level of stupid.
Sheriff : Where's your Dad and why hasn't anyone been able to contact him?
Y/N: I dunno, l've been here, haven't seen him in days.
Sheriff : Is he drinking again?
Y/N: What do you mean again? He never had to stop.
Sheriff: But he did have to slow down, is he drinking like he used to?
Y/N: Alright, how bout this? Next time I see him, l'll give him the field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet, start with F & end with U.
*Beth and Summer arguing*
Kayce: …
Monica: …
Rip: …
John: …
Y/N: l'ma instigate.
Travis: *pulling her back and putting his hand over her mouth* NO!
Travis: *pissed off* Sometimes I can't stand you.
Y/N: *while walking away* Then kneel!And while you're down there, occupy your mouth.
Travis: I.....
Teeter: 000000....
Jimmy: I- I-... She has no fear. None. Absolutely no survival instinct, no self preservation. None!
Travis: To apologize I’m getting you whatever flowers you want
Y/N: Fuck flowers buy me a horse.
Kayce: Won't be gone long. Left everyone their own list of instructions while I ain't here.
Y/N: Mine just says "Y/N, no."
Rip: Apply it to everything
Y/N: Why don't you ever take me outside in the middle of the night to look at the stars?
Travis: Cause I woke ya up at 4:30 once to hunt with me and ya said anything before 9am was costin' me my dick.
Y/N: Maybe I meant you'd get laid.
Travis: Ya had a knife, Y/N.
Rip: What's wrong?
Travis: Food's hot. Can't eat it.
Y/N: I'm hot.
Travis:*looking exasperated* Don't.
Y/N: You still eat me.
Everyone at the table: *crickets chirping*
John: *beating his forehead on the table* Just-one-normal dinner. I just want one.
Colby: The fuck's wrong with you?!
Teeter: *sipping her coffee* Wow, could you at least say good morning?
Colby: Good mornin. The fuck's wrong with you?!
Lloyd: what's a word that's a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Jake: disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Jimmy: smad.
Y/N: I’m a person that likes to think things through.
Jamie: Since when? I once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
Beth: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Rip: Sure!
Rip: Whats your favorite color?
Beth: *laser fucking focused* Triangle. Do you love me?
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The Bunkhouse be like:
Lloyd, setting down a card: Ace of Spades.
Teeter, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Jimmy, pulling out a Pokemon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
Jamie, trembling: What game are we even playing?
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Out in the Middle: Part 2
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Summary: The parents have absolutely no way of keeping an eye on the kids.....and then Teeter steps in
The four sets of parents should have known that the minute their kids set foot on the Dutton land that the kids would turn into a pack of wild animals. 
Surprisingly enough, they were as well behaved as could be during breakfast and dinner, but the minute John, Royal and the rest of them had shooed the kids outside, they knew the kids would most likely be finding new and inventive ways to beat the ever living shit out of each other until dinner time. 
“Kinda quiet for a Saturday morning, isn’t it John?” Thomas Rainwater remarked as he joined John and Royal on the front porch. 
“Quiet with the kids around is never a good thing,” John chuckled, setting his coffee mug on the splintered wood table next to him. 
“Oh c’mon,” Royal remarked. “You remember the stupid shit we were doing as kids?”
“You, me, Tom and Mo were the terrors of Bozeman Central High School,” John half laughed. “I still haven’t forgotten that time that we had that graduation party up at the lake.” 
“Or the fact that the four of us lived on sub-sandwiches and a VHS copy of ‘Animal House’,” Thomas added.
The three men made the best of their morning, enjoying the hot coffee and looking out over the land that was worth everything to them. 
 Teeter hated re-shoeing the horses more than anything, but at least it was better than shoveling buffalo shit. 
Quietly under her breath, she sang along to Willie Nelson’s “Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die”, a piece of hay hanging loose from her lip as she carefully re-shoed the horses. 
The rustling and giggling that followed somewhere in the stables caught her off guard, stopping her dead in her tracks before she shrugged and went back to work. 
But soon, there it was again. 
“Ight where are ya?!” she called loudly. “C’mon down here ya lil ghouls!” 
Four little girls, two Duttons, an Abbott and a Wheeler, poked their little heads out of the loft, grinning and giggling as though they had a secret only known amongst themselves.
“Ya’ll gettin into mischief up there?” 
“No!” the girls answered, still giggling. 
“Well at least ya’ll are pretty easy to handle,” she muttered. “Where in the fuck are yer brothers?” 
Teeter jumped when she heard yelling outside the barn and saw Tatum, Tanner, Joey Wheeler and Jake Long all charging at each other with Amy and Tate close behind them. 
“Oh my fuckin shit,” Teeter chuckled as she left the stables. 
Outside was a whirlwind of indiscernible yells, shouts and yelps as Tanner and Joey began hitting each other on the behind with a stick. “Guys!” Amy shouted. “Guys cut it out!! GUYS!!” 
Neither Tanner nor Joey listened. There was a strange tension in the air, a tension that held itself there for a few short seconds.....
“Everybody SHUT......THE FUCK......UP!!!!!!”
The kids immediately, at the sound of their aunt’s voice, dropped the sticks in their hands and lined up in a straight line, not wanting to incur her wrath or the wrath of their parents later.
“The fuck were ya’ll playin?” Teeter questioned.
“Um.......we called it ‘Spank’,” Tatum said meekly. 
Teeter groaned, her eyes rolling a little bit to the back of her head. “Ight, I don’t have a problem with ya’ll runnin ‘round like a pack o wild rabbits,” she explained. “But the minute one o’ ya’ll puts an eye out, Imma have ta haul yer asses all the way bac ta yer mommas and yer daddies. And I know.....I KNOW.....none o’ ya’ll want that, so no nothin sharp goes near the faces. Git it?” 
“Yes Aunt Teeter,” the kids all replied collectively. 
“Good,” she said, adjusting the Houston Astros baseball cap on her head. “Now if ya’ll behave later, I’ll teach ya’ll how ta rope a buffalo.” 
Their faces lit up, the kids cheering as they ran off towards the horse corral. 
“And no lightin nothin on fire either ya lil monsters!!” she called after them. “Ya’ll light up that back field, I’ll know who did it just by the smell!!!!” 
Teeter shook her head and snorted before she went back to work. She loved her nieces and nephews to death, but Lord help the parents when they became teenagers. 
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neapolitantoebeans · 1 year
Hello Yellowstone writers, I’m begging you to give smaller characters last names because I need to know which last name to write with my first name in a little heart on the inside of my notebook
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masoncarr2244 · 3 months
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disarmluna · 1 year
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Jen Landon for Cowgirl Magazine
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Colby: Before you say no-
Rip: No.
Teeter: We haven’t even asked you yet.
Rip: And I’m sticking to my answer.
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wrongtitle · 1 year
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that-fandom-writer · 1 year
so Yellowstone 
can some one PLEASE tell me that there are other shippers of Colby and Teeter? i neeeds some of them please lol gif sets, and fanfiction if there are any please please please
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bodybebangin · 11 months
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Colby & Teeter - Yellowstone
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supergirl000983 · 1 month
Save a horse, Ride a cowboy
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Ryan x Reader
Warning: Smut, Language, Unsafe PnV, wrap it before you tap it kids, Shower sex, Oral (F&M receiving)
It had been a long day, and by the time Y/N got home all she wanted to do was curl up in her bed with her husband and go to sleep. Sadly though they already had plans with it being Lloyd’s birthday. They were gonna hang out at the bunkhouse for a few and then they would head to the main house.
“Hey Darlin” Ryan said as he saw his wife walk up to the corral fence. “Hi baby.” She said leaning up to meet him halfway for a kiss as he leaned down from his horse. “Hi Baby” Teeter said puckering up her lips in a joking way with her best friend. “You know one of these days I gonna actually kiss you, and then what?” Y/N said wrapping an arm around the pink haired woman as they watched their men work. “Well then I’ll convince you to leave Ryan and we will ride off into the sunset.” Teeter said laughing before she walked off to go help Lloyd with whatever Rip needed them to do. “So baby sister…Are you to tired to go to the bar tonight?” Beth asked coming to stand beside her and lean against the fence. “Honestly I want to go to sleep, but last time that happened you dragged me outta bed by my hair and messed up my extensions.” Y/N said side-eyeing her sister. “Yeah that dad made me pay for. Which you should thank me because the first set looked like shit.” Beth said bumping her sister’s shoulder before walking off over to Rip. After a little bit longer the cowboys were all released to go get ready for the birthday party. Ryan’s and Y/N made their way to their room at the main house so Ryan could shower and Y/N could get changed out of her Vet scrubs. “You should join me in the shower.” Ryan said wrapping his arms around her waist. “I fully planned to. Watching you work your horse got me all hot.” She said turning in his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Well you know what they say baby. Save a horse, Ride a Cowboy.” Ryan said as he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. He sat her on the counter as his lips over took hers both fighting for dominance that she knew she would let him have. His hands made their way underneath her shirt and pulled it from her body. His lips immediately going to her neck as one hand went to the loose knot on her pants and the other one made quick work of her bra. After pulling her bra off his lips found her left nipple as his hand found the other one. He began working on undoing his own belt. Pulling away from her letting her nipple pop out of his mouth as he pulled his shirt off and helped her down so she could get her pants and panties off. After getting her pants off she tried to walk straight in the shower, but was stopped by Ryan sitting her back up on the counter but this time he laid he down along the counter. “Baby what are you doing?” She asked looking up at Ryan. “Well I worked through my lunch and I’m really hungry.” He said bringing his right hand to run along her slit and his left hand moved back to continue pinching, pulling, and flicking her nipples. Turning her into a giggling moaning mess. After a moment of just running his finger up and down. He bent down letting his hot tongue work at her clit while shoving his ring finger in one time then adding his middle finger bringing them up to curl as he sucked and licked at her clit like it was his last meal. “OH GOD!” Y/N screamed and she contracted around his fingers arching her back hard. “Not God baby just Ryan.” He said and chuckled against her clit cause her to spasm. “Shit Ry I think I’m gonna-“ “Cum for me baby let me hear those angelic moans of yours. Paint my tongue baby.” He said sending her over the edge. He pinched her one of her nipples pulling it as he thrusted his fingers in and out a lot quicker. After a minute he finally pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. “I love you so much. You taste so sweet.” Ryan said he leaned down catching her lips in a kiss. After a minute he pulled his pants and boxers down before picking her up and moving to the shower after sitting her down on her feet and holding her with one hand and her fiddled with the shower to put on some warm water.
After regaining some strength Y/N waited until he was preoccupied with getting the shower to the right temp before dropping to her knees in front of him. Ryan looked down in awe of his wife who was looking up at him through her lashes in the most seductive way. He watched as she took all 7 inches of him in both her hands and kissed the head. She then started with small kitten licks that turned to bigger licks and before he knew it she had him in her mouth as he threw his head back. Working his fingers through her hair as she played with his balls and continued deep throating him. “God Damn Baby. You are so good at that.” Ryan said as he tugged on her hair knowing he was about to cum he pulled her up and bent her over before sliding into her warm tight slick hole. Fucking into her a a fast pace before stopping again turning her to face him with her back against to wall as he pulled her leg up to get better access. Finally both reaching their highs as Ryan capturing her mouth with his as he brought his hand down to rub her clit in figure eight with his fingers. As she came down from her high her head fell into Ryan’s shoulder. “I think that was some of our best sex yet.” She said as she caught her breath before moving to actually shower. “Agreed.” He said as he popped her ass before he grabbed his body wash. After showering they got dressed at headed to the party in the bunkhouse.
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porterdavis · 1 year
Things I didn't know...
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Teeter is Michael Landon’s daughter.
This completely went over my head. Mind Blown!
Michael Landon passed down his stellar television acting genes to his daughter.
Jennifer Landon first made her appearance as quick-witted, ranch hand Teeter on the hit Paramount+ series "Yellowstone" on season three.
Now, she has become a beloved cast regular, sporting her pink hair and chomping away on dipping tobacco on John Dutton's Montana ranch.
Black Wax Cafe
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She is literally the LOML.
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