#that her childish innocence allows this refreshing kindness to Death
graceverse · 3 years
Yeah ok, you asked for it.
An Unexpected Invitation
Part 2
He had never really, truly known silence. Even when he was alone, there is always that buzzing sound inside his head. Sometimes if he listened closely enough it would sound like the sharpest blade slicing through silk and flesh. Or if not that, then the softest exhale of a last dying breath; or the whispering sound of snow falling on snow.
There’s a Japanese word for that, shinshin.
One of the few things that he actually liked about this god forsaken country: the beauty of his own language. Though he so very rarely used it in all the years that he had spent in China, he was pleased that it was not lost to him. Unlike everything else that tied him to his motherland.
Not that China as a country is any better than Japan, but at least it wasn’t filled with ghosts that haunted him. And they were many; all the ghosts inside his head. Tomoe was just one of them. He wasn’t bothered by it. She’d smile at him inside his head and everything else would just fade away. It was just her and her smile and he was content.
Yukishiro Enishi had not expected any kind of silence inside his cell, which unfortunately faced the alleyway that the police used to move captured criminals, either in and out of the prison. There was always someone unruly, heavily protesting the indignation of being bound and dragged inside the building. If it wasn’t that it was pitiful wailing, asking for forgiveness, begging for another chance. Worst were the angry screams of denial, the insistence of their innocence. It annoyed him endlessly.
Reading Oneesan’s diary diminished the vulgar noises hounding him. With her diary clutched in his hand, it was just him and her words. He would gently turn the pages, trace the ink on paper and as he read it, he hear his sister’s voice. It calmed him down. Most of the time, at least. There had been a night of pure rage and the agony; finding out how his sister had hidden her true heart from him. He’d slammed his fist against the walls, banged his head until he thought it would crack open and all of his craziness will just spill out from his split head.
Why, neesan? Why couldn’t you have trusted me enough to let me know what you were planning?
But it had only been the briefest of moments where he felt betrayed. In the end, even with Tomoe’s diary, nothing could waver his conviction of his sister’s faultlessness in everything that had happened to them. Neesan had taken care of him ever since he could remember, his first memories had been of her touch, her eyes, her voice singing lullabies well into the night. She had tried to make everything better and she had the courage to marry the man that had slain her own love. But she had ultimately been too soft, too trusting. She had a woman’s kind and gentle heart and had allowed Battousai’s despicable lies to change her resolve for vengeance.
Would it have made any difference if he had known what neesan had really felt?
He doubted it. The mere presence of Battousai in their life invited danger and death. And he remembered how it made him feel so deeply ashamed that the hitokiri was living with his sister, tainting her with the blood of his victims.
There was no reason for him to feel deceived by his beloved neesan. Battousai would have, one way or another, caused her death. It doesn’t matter how. Testament to this was the fact that even now, despite having distorted himself into the foolishness of a rurouni – a shameful farce of trying to atone for his sins – the woman he had chosen, the Kamiya girl that Enishi had taken and failed to kill, had been subjected to several abductions and all sorts of regrettable torture. From almost choking to death from Udō Jin-e’s curse to nearly drowning when she’d been thrown out of The Rengoku, Battousa had turned her into a target. One that he had not been able to properly protect.
How many times had Battousai failed that woman? More times that Enishi could care count.
Battosai was cursed. All the lives that he touches, he befouls. And eventually, he does not even have to wield his joke of a sword, in the end, they will all turn into nothing but torn silk and spilled blood against pristine white snow.
It didn’t take long for the Mibu Wolf to come and visit him. They had taken him to a room barely lighted by the lone overhead lantern, madly swinging and throwing dark shadows around him. He would have snorted at this childish game that Saitō Hajime, now known as Fujita Gorō, had chosen to play. Did he think that he was someone that could be so easily intimidated? Did he need any reminder of what he was capable of, weaponless except for a child’s toy, on the trin when he had allowed to arrest him? Or was this some sort of insult that he was supposed to angrily respond to?
Enishi felt no emotion to be honest, even when Saitō started laying down all the documents that he had been able to confiscate from wherever he’d gotten them. It wasn’t until a signed confession from the useless Heishin that Enishi felt just a twinge of irritation. He should have bashed that bastard’s skull.
Wordlessly, he picked the paper, idly glancing at it before tossing it back, silently fluttering to the floor.
The wolf bared his teeth.
Did the government ordered the ever-reliable Fujita-san to ask him the names of all the ten battleships that he had? Because Shishio’s Rengoku was the smallest of those ships. Shishio Makoto was all fight and salivating insanity but he hardly had any money to sustain his quest for war. Enishi had practically given that battleship for free and it was purely out of curiosity. He had gotten into so much trouble with the Chinese organization that helped him obtain those ships. He had to pay it out of his own pocket but it was all worth it.
He had wanted to see just how far Shishio could get in a fight with Battousai. Not so much as it turned out. He couldn’t even properly bomb Tokyo as he had wanted to. It was all so very disappointing but not in the least bit surprising. These Hitokiri’s were mere berserkers, nothing refined in the way they planned their attacks. To defeat their enemy was all, kill, kill, kill and it bored him.
He kept his silence as Saitō explained how he had taken him this long to piece together everything that he needed to ensure that Yukishiro Enishi will be tried as a spy, a traitor to the Meiji Government and for that, they both know that the punishment is death.
Blah blah blah blah
Did the ex-captain of the Shinsengumi (first squad ­– he made you remember that at least, like it was supposed to mean something to anyone) now a special agent for the Meiji Government's Department of Internal Affairs, really think that he would be bothered by his impending death? Or a lifetime of imprisonment? Anything that they throw at him would only be a shadow of what he had gone through in Shanghai. The years of suffering from hunger and humiliation, disease and violence, training on his own to perfect his own fighting style?
Enishi was prepared to die and meet his sister once again.
Unless, and here, the cunning wolf flicked his still lit cigarette – a foul thing – over Enishi’s shoulder, the heat and ashes leaving a trail against his cheeks. He would kill him for that, Enishi thought, unblinkingly.
And then, the wolf leaned forward to tempt the tiger.
Freshly released from prison, all of his papers proving the pardon so generously afforded to him by a government desperate to stop another war shoved inside the pocket of his jacket, Enishi calmly shook any traces of gunpowder residue from his hands. His now emptied warehouse (damn, the government for confiscating everything) was lighted with flames that will spread quickly enough. It would be a massive fire and Fujita-san would probably disapprove, but he did not, quite frankly, give a fuck.
He kept his head low, unhurriedly weaving in and out the crowd, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. His height has some disadvantages, true but he was still weaponless and without his watō slung against his shoulder, he looked like the usual foreigner traipsing around Tokyo, not a care in the world.
The Mibu Wolf will only give him his sword back if he could get the Kamiya-girl to agree. And something tells Enishi that this was really more to piss off Battousai than anything else. What a tiring game these two old fools were playing, but he will play along. He had nothing else to do anyway. And besides, his watō was at stake. He could probably just steal it from, escape Japan and just live out his life somewhere far from this madness but then, where’s the fun in that?
He had allowed himself a leisurely walk towards the dojo, the constant sound of summer surrounding him: tiny voices of children playing inside their yard, underneath the shaded trees; parents calling out for a refreshing sip of cold water; that buzzing sound inside his head.
He always had sensitive hearing, a secret weapon that he had incorporated to his Watōjutsu. It was a source of pride, how this swordskill is known only to him and how it could have finally defeated Battousai had that stupid Heishin ruined his plan. Kami, if the wolf had not killed him yet, he would be looking for him soon enough.
Enishi stood by the familiar entryway of the dojo, tilted his head and confirmed the only presence inside. He pushed the wooden gate and wordlessly walked inside, heading straight to the engawa, where for the first time in his entire life, he hears nothing but silence as he stared down at the Kamiya girl sprawled on the floor, napping it seemed.
Her dark hair was fanned around her face, not in a flattering way, to be honest. But the contrast of her hair and her skin and the peach-colored kimono she was wearing, riding a little high on her legs, exposing her knees, made her look almost --- precious.
No, no. He shook his head. Not precious, but so exposed and vulnerable. He glanced around him. No bokken in sight. And defenseless. Again, Battousai had left her like this? This supposed ruruoni must be addle-brained and as inept as Heishin. They both deserve to die.
But yes, how odd. Enishi thought, not even the sound of their breathing. Because he was certain that they were both breathing. He could feel the steady beating of his heart and as he squinted at her prone form, the rise and fall of her chest was quite obvious in her partially opened kimono.
The sight offered him a brief distraction and he had been just the tiniest bit surprised when she suddenly woke up and threw a tea cup at him.
Maybe not so vulnerable and defenseless then.
She was feisty. He hadn’t known that she had it in her to fight like that. Clumsily and rather slow, but it could be that she was wearing a kimono, restricting her movement. He could not find fault in her fighting stance and with the way she swung her bokken, with outmost conviction, Enishi was certain she could lay waste to Heishin's pathetic bodyguards. Her skills were better than theirs at least and this was probably the highest compliment he was forced to give to a girl.
Her battle cry was also impressive. It brought back his hearing at least.
Now he could hear every whistling sound the bokken made as it sliced through the air; her panting breath, the way she muttered curses at him.
She was so very, very angry and he had done absolutely nothing to her but ask her if was already married. A rather important detail that he needed confirmation on if was really going to follow through with the wolf's sadistic plan.
Enishi needed her to calm down otherwise, he’d be forced to defend himself and then he would end up straddling, arms pinned above her – because that was the only way to get her to stop trying to hit him. Being motherless and growing up with his sister, Enishi thought he knew how to handle women or at least girls. But this Kamiya-girl, with her angry breathing and needless cursing was quite a surprise. The women he had dealt with in China were really almost similar to the women in Japan: docile and soft spoken, but apparently not this woman.
Was this the ruruoni’s choice? Or the Battousai? Enishi wondered if her violent temper triggered something in his worthless brother-in-law, because he could not understand how exactly did anyone take her so easily when she was like this?!
Another swing from her bokken and that was just an inch away from his nose.
The triumphant gleam in her eyes told him that she was aware of this and to prevent any further violence, Enishi finally stepped forward, which she must have taken as gesture of surrender, because she met him head on, bokken raised high on her head.
He grabbed it easily, tossing it away and wondering if he would have to break every damn bokken inside this training hall just to make her stop. Curiously, he asked her, without his formulated explanation because, really, he had forgotten everything that he had been planning to tell her, if she had wanted to go to Shanghai with him – well, it effectively shut her up, her whole body suddenly immobilized by surprise.
He let two seconds pass before he provoked her yet again with, “Is that a yes, Kamiya-san?”
Her eyes blazed and then, completely out of nowhere and totally unprepared for it, her fist connected with his nose.
It knocked off his eyeglasses and now ---- now he is pissed.
So I guess, tbc?!
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stilitana · 4 years
so i listened to this embarassingly quickly but let’s chalk that up to the self-isolation/working from home and leave it at that
wolf 359 reactions under the cut (spoilers):
firstly, that soundtrack was so good and i’ll be listening to those piano pieces forever
this show demonstrated the eternal power of the agatha christie principle: gather a ragtag cast of characters who’ve all got beef with each other, and trap them in a small space together. cue the instant tension and inevitable weighty revelations.
i adore that amid all the drama/action, there were so many moments when the writers let the narrative breathe a little and just allowed the characters to talk to each other, and play games with one another. the word games were delicious. these were often moments of levity and good character building, but they also all moved relationships forward or revealed something new, so don’t ever let anybody say that having chill little funny moments is useless narrative fluff. these were the best moments.
empty man cometh might be my favorite. am i alone now? and memoria were also just...so good. a lot of the mini-episodes were excellent as well, especially all the character ones. variations on a theme might be my favorite of the shorts.
normally i’m impatient and skip anything i perceive as extraneous to the central narrative, and come back to it later--im so glad i didn’t, the live episode was hilarious. ashamed that i even tried to skip change of mind because i was so impatient to see what was happening, but i felt too bad so not even five minutes into the next ep, i went back and listened to it, and that was the right move...it was so good.
every single character was fantastic. every single one. they were all complex--even the less central characters had at least a moment or two where they struck a different note, showed another side of themselves. kepler was the stand out on this front for me. i didn’t care at all about the si-5 crew when they first came in--i was actually annoyed and expected to hate them all, which is a risk you run when you introduce a bunch of new, influential characters so late in a story. they made it work so well. first i came around to maxwell, then jacobi, and finally (tbh it was his swan song) i was like, okay, kepler was a great character. they made him sympathetic without trying to retcon anything to force me to pity him or think he’d been good all along or anything. cutter and pryce were less human, so their redeeming qualities came more from being interesting. i think the voice acting plays a lot into this--cutter just on paper wouldn’t be half as fun
really impressed with how this same thing played out with lovelace--she went from this sort of mythic, predeceased character, to an antagonist, and finally to being such a central character to the crew that you could hardly imagine them without her. poor writing could have easily made her kind of character unlikable. i think characters like her often get short-changed and written as one-note action hero types who crash in and upend the narrative just to give the plot steam and provide friction. instead, she’s as fully fleshed out as the main characters, and seamlessly becomes one of them.
rip plant monster...i loved you :,(
so, the antagonists were multifaceted, and so were the protags. this could have also easily been sloppy. with eiffel especially, lazy writing would have made the reveal of his backstory super cheap, out of left field, and made you feel like you never knew him at all and leave you unable to reconnect. instead of going the route where the writer for some reason thinks they have to make their plucky protag gritty, the reveal of eiffel’s backstory doesn’t change him at all--and why should it? it’s his backstory--it already happened. instead, it only forces him and minkowski to have conversations they probably needed to have anyway, and fleshes out the reason he’s even there in the first place. on this note, it’s not ultimately his backstory that eiffel has to confront within the story as a major flaw--the backstory was a mistake in the past he’s been dealing with for years by the time we meet him. i love what they chose to do instead so much more: what he had to deal with was his current, present day behavior--how he effortlessly disrespects and belittles the people closest to him without even trying. the key there is, without trying--he has to make a decision to start. (”that’s the thing about you, eiffel--you try. you try really, really hard, and then--you stop trying” that was such a good interaction...god.) i could go on and on about how this was such a satisfying tack to take but i’m trying to cut it down. glib bastards like eiffel are so often a sort of male wish-fulfillment character where they get to say whatever the fuck they want without consequence, be lazy, be careless, and still come out on top, and still seem lovable, because hey, he’s funny. eiffel doesn’t get off that easily, and he’s a much better character for it, and so are all the others, for actually demanding better for themselves, because they know they deserve it, and because they all actually care about each other, so when they confront him, he doesn’t just shrug it off--he tries. (it takes him a minute. but he tries.)
hera broke my heart a million times i love her so much. she had so many complex inner conflicts that weren’t just boiled down to some dumbass bs like “boo hoo am i human.” her personhood is a given for the sorts of conflicts she has, as far as feeling inadequate, feeling unappreciated, like an imposter or a less-valued member of the crew. her and minkowski arguing was excellent and allowed them both a chance to be childish because hey, eiffel shouldn’t have the monopoly on that.
death was a serious thing. human life was highly valued, and its loss was never made light of. not even for antagonists (kepler, hilbert) or, in the most extreme case, pryce, who eiffel chose to make a sacrifice to defeat rather than just kill her, the one principle aside from doing as little work as possible he stood his ground on the entire story. team what’s wrong with handcuffs indeed...i just really loved that the main lead was a pacifist and that this line of thinking held sway in the narrative. it was really refreshing (i don’t think it should be--there’s just a lot of bad writing out there especially when things edge into the action genre) to see this stance on nonviolent conflict resolution wherever possible, because yeah, most people have a really hard time ending another person’s life...no shit. minkowski makes that call and deals with the fallout for the rest of the show--she’s not done dealing with it by the end, it’s going to be something she takes with her. sometimes eiffel’s passivity was depicted as a weakness, but he ultimately did diffuse a lot of situations and gave other characters the space to consider their options. i do think that sometimes the narrative’s insistence on eiffel’s dual pacifism/incompetence shifted the burden of action onto minkowski and lovelace and i’m not sure how i feel about that. i think where i’d have to look is comparing how pryce and cutter are dealt with--yeah, im willing to buy that minkowski wasn’t willing to trade all of her memories so that she wouldn’t have to kill cutter. but was she the one who had to have a body count as a conscious narrative choice, or were we just determined to maintain eiffel’s status as the sort of goofy, “innocent” one? or was that something minkowski was determined to preserve--because that’d be really sad and complicated and say way more about her than it would about him.
dear listeners. i loved everything about the dear listeners. it was everything i ever wanted from aliens trope-wise.
didn’t really get the total significance of surrogates or decima virus. those were the only two things that felt sort of hasty because the stakes suddenly went from “the lives on this space station” to “life on earth as we know it.” but apocalypse averted so whatever, the aliens just want music
i am conflicted about the fucking. amnesia. memory was SO important throughout, and questions of identity and personhood, and this is the only reason that amnesia ending didn’t enrage me. if i think about it more i’m sure there will be a lot to unpack with what’s being implied here
this has gotten REALLY long so im going to stop now and finish mindlessly entering data into excel. in short: i loved it 
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laceymorganwrites · 5 years
I missed you
Word Count: 2,793
Pairing: Obito x Reader
Warnings: None
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“Would you mind taking Tobi with you, I think it´s a good time for his first mission” Pain asked you as you received your mission. You bit your lip, you were more effective if you went alone. Standing in front of your leader her highness adored so much, if she was here she would want you to take the guy with you. You frowned and looked down at your feet, you were so conflicted. “May I still go to Konoha? His death day is coming up...” you asked quietly. Pain nodded. “Of course, take as much time as you need to mourn. I told Tobi to be obedient and follow your orders. You´re in charge of him. I have every right to believe that you will make Tobi a good member” he complimented you and you bowed down. “Thank you, leader-sama. This means very much to me. I will not fail” you vowed. Pain chuckled. “I know you won´t” he allowed you to leave. You left his office and strolled down the hallway to find Tobi. You found him tucking at Deidara´s cloak, asking him if he was mad at him. You sighed, hoping he wouldn´t be annoying on your mission. “We´re leaving at once” you announced, getting the attention of them both. “Huh? But I just came back from a mission, un” Deidara made his annoyance clear. “I didn´t talk to you” you sternly reminded him. Tobi stopped tucking at the cloak and now faced you. “Huh? Tobi gets to go on a mission with (Y/N)-chan?” he excitedly exclaimed. You chuckled slightly. He was childish, but it was refreshing. “Indeed. Let´s go” you ordered, touching his shoulder. Deidara sighed. “Good luck, Tobi, don´t annoy her!” he reminded him. “Deidara-senpai is mean to Tobi, (Y/N)-chan!” he whined. You smirked and looked at Deidara with puppy dog eyes. “Are you a meanie, Deidara?” you faked your own childish voice and then laughed at Deidara´s pouting expression. “I´m not, un. Tobi´s just annoying!” he repeated himself. “I know, I know...we´re off!” you said and you two left the hideout.
“Say, (Y/N)-chan, where are we going?” Tobi asked you, slightly tucking at your cloak. This habit again… “Konoha” you answered simply, he still didn´t let go of your cloak and at the name of the village, he held on tighter to your cloak. You frowned. “Why are we going there?” he asked further. “The death day of somebody very dear to me is coming up. We will commence the mission after that day” you told him, leaving all the details out. Tobi was quiet for a while, before he whispered: “I´m sorry, (Y/N)-chan...”. You felt that familiar pang of guilt in your chest, you didn´t deserve the sympathy. You didn´t speak a word until you arrived at Konoha. Surprisingly Tobi also kept quiet. “You can wait here” you told him as you arrived at the familiar glade. “Can Tobi come with (Y/N)-chan?” he asked in his childish, innocent manner. You couldn´t wrap your head around him and it infuriated you. Why was someone with his characteristics in an S-rank criminal organization? “No, I´d rather be alone, Tobi” you let him know, but he was persistent. “Please, (Y/N)-chan! You shouldn´t mourn alone, I won´t annoy you, I promise!” he kept whining and you gave in. “Okay, come with me” you led him to the stone, where you laid flowers. “Hey, Obito. I brought someone with me today, I hope you don´t mind. He´s nice, he won´t disrupt your peace. I miss you, it´s gotten worse in the last years… her highness said I should get over you, but I can´t. I see all those people, they´re in love, happy. Families and couples. All I can think of is how cruel the world is, taking the innocent and leaving the corrupt. I just wish you could see all this, all the happiness, the happiness you deserved. You deserved the world and more. I wish you would´ve grown up, I´m sorry, Obito. I´m sorry I couldn´t save you...I should´ve died that day. I know I´m the last person you want to see every year, but...I am selfish. I miss you so terribly, I long for a life we could have never had...I know it´s wrong, but I can´t help myself but love you. Sometimes I feel as if you´re still with me, but then I reach out and nothing´s there...” you started sobbing, the pain of this past year would now convert into tears and touch the ground. “Okay, we can go now, Tobi” you managed to say through your crying. “Tobi wants to stay with (Y/N)-chan, Tobi wants to comfort (Y/N)-chan. Tobi doesn´t like seeing (Y/N)-chan sad, it makes Tobi sad too...” he said. You gave Tobi a warm smile, his words touched you. He always managed to cheer you up when you were down, whether it was intentional or not. “I´m fine” you said. “(Y/N)-chan is a liar!” Tobi exposed you. You sighed. “I don´t want to talk about it, Tobi. Let´s just carry out the mission” you demanded. “(Y/N)-chan, it´s not good to bottle things up...” he softly whispered. You closed your eyes for an instance before you went out of Konoha and into the other village where your mission would be. It was evening when you arrived so you booked a room for you two. “I´ll go take a shower, don´t do anything stupid” you warned. Tobi sat on the floor and nodded. He watched the door close, heard the water flow and then stop. He heard you drying your hair and then step out in your night gown. You let your hair fall down naturally. Tobi didn´t say anything, he was scared of going too far. But he couldn´t just sit there and do nothing, he hated seeing you like this. The only reason he joined Akatsuki was you, because he just couldn´t let you go. He was the reason you were sad and he hated himself for it. “You should go to sleep too, Tobi. Get some rest” you softly called him. “I´m not tired” he said and you sat down next to him. “What´s wrong?” you asked, touching his shoulder gently. “I hate seeing you sad, I can´t do anything to help you. I´m just useless” he said, making you laugh. “You´re not useless, Tobi. There´s nothing you can do, but thank you for offering your help, it means much to me.” you sighed. “You know what, I´ll tell you the story. It happened 16 years ago, in the war.” you started, refraining yourself from crying. “Maybe I should start at a different point…” you thought out loud, this was harder than you thought. You didn´t know where to start, it all began long ago but to understand your pain and guilt you had to explain your feelings, and how should you do that? You sighed deeply, before starting again. “His name was Obito, he was brave, kind and caring. He was a good one, a really good one… and I… fell in love with him, even though I knew I shouldn´t. He loved another, her name was Rin and she was perfect. She was a sweet girl. They were all in the team of Minato, the fourth Hokage. And it was my job to watch out for them, because Obito and Rin weren´t Jonin yet, only Kakashi made that. Well, I was sent out to fight in the war and wasn´t there when it happened. Minato and his team went out on a mission, but Rin was captured. Obito wanted to save her, but Kakashi was against it. In the end they went to save her, but the enemy was stronger and… he died.” you had to stop a bit, a lump forming in your throat. “I couldn´t do anything to save him...I wasn´t there for him, I failed. He was too young to die, he just didn´t deserve to die. I should´ve died instead...but I´m still alive. And that´s not fair” you finished, balling your fists and crying hot tears. Tobi said nothing for a while, he just sat down next to you and placed his hand above yours. “It´s not your fault” he simply said. You chuckled. “Of course it is, but that´s not important right now. We should get some rest for now...” you said, yawning. You fulfilled the mission without any disturbance on the next day and arrived in the hideout in the evening. “You were in Konoha again, weren´t you?” her highness spat at you, you got infuriated by her sharp tone. “So what if I was?” you responded in the same tone. Her highness raised her eyebrow and then her voice: “You´re really fucking pathetic, you know that?! He´s been dead for sixteen years now! He loved another one, he never loved you! Don´t you fucking get it? You´re not special and this whole: it´s my fault thing pisses me off! It wasn´t your place to save him , you were never supposed to even talk to him, yet you did and yes it´s your fault. That alone is, you ruined his life, he´s dead because of you. But not because you couldn´t save him, he´s dead because you forced yourself into his life. You better get the fuck over him!” she yelled at you in hysteria. You wanted to yell back at her, slap her, tell her she wasn´t there and didn´t know what happened, but then again, you also didn´t witness his death. She was right, as always. And the truth hurt. Without saying anything or even looking at her, you walked into the hideout. “Tobi heard some yelling, are you alright, (Y/N)-chan?” he asked you, placing his hands on your shoulders and inspecting your face. Well, you supposed he did because his masked face was very close to you. “Sorry I´m late, leader-sama” you apologized, ignoring the man child. “It´s alright. How did the mission go?” he asked. “Smoothly. No disturbances. A success” you answered. Pain nodded and dismissed you. In the next weeks her highness and you did not get along, you were still mad at her and she was still mad at you. This quarrel hurt both of you, you were her first follower, her best friend. She just wanted the best for you, she couldn´t stand you still loving a dead person, she couldn´t stand the pain you found yourself in. Not only did you completely ignore her, you distanced yourself from everyone and everything. You demanded more missions on your own, which you all succeeded in in no time. But that wasn´t enough, you needed more action, you just needed to let some steam off. You found yourself wandering through the woods to train until you dropped. You practiced your taijutsu as that was your forte. After breaking a few things, you were out of breath and stretched a bit, sighing peacefully after you finally calmed down a bit. “(Y/N)-chan!” Tobi was seated on top of a tree branch and waved at you. You chuckled. “Hey Tobi, watch out so you don´t fall down that tree” you smirked. “Tobi can watch himself!” he pouted. You laughed. “I´m just worried about you, big boy” you winked, still laughing at his childishness. “Huh?! (Y/N)-chan is worried about Tobi?” he thought out loud and jumped down the tree, landing in front of you. “Is (Y/N)-chan worried about Tobi because she likes him?” he whispered excitedly. “Perhaps” you whispered back and chuckled when he started giggling like a little kid. “Tobi likes (Y/N)-chan too!” he proceeded to pick you up and spin you around, making you squeal at the amount of strength he had. You didn´t know he had it in him… “Tobi! Let me down!” you laughed. Tobi pouted when he let you down. “Let´s go to the city and buy some candy!” he suggested and immediately grabbed your hand and ran off. “Tobi not so fast!” you reminded him, wondering where he took all that energy from. Tobi stopped. “I wanna give (Y/N)-chan a piggyback ride!” he exclaimed. “Tobi no! I´m too heavy, I´ll break your back” you warned him. “Don´t worry (Y/N)-chan! Tobi´s strong” he reminded you. You got behind him, grabbed his shoulders and jumped onto him. He grabbed your legs for support before he started running to the city. Tobi bought you your favorite candy and watched you eat it when you sat down in the woods together. “(Y/N)-chan´s really pretty!” Tobi suddenly said, hugging you. “Thank you, Tobi” you smiled at him.
In this past year he never failed making you smile or laugh, he was always there for you and dragged you out of dark thoughts. But too soon it was Obito´s death day again. “You won´t go this time, I will not allow it” her highness scolded you. It was no use fighting here and so you stayed in the hideout. You were all alone, all the other members were out on missions. You missed him terribly, you hated being alone. You wondered if you should eat something, but you weren´t hungry, so instead you just sat down on your bed and stared out of the window into the night. Sleep didn´t come for you these past days. “(Y/N)?” somebody called your name and you turned around in your bed to find Tobi standing in your doorway. “Tobi? Are you back already?” you asked, that must mean Deidara was back too, and the dreaded silence too. You didn´t know whether you enjoyed the annoying explosions of Deidara or the deadly silence more. “I need to talk to you” Tobi said in an uncommon deep voice for him. “Tobi are you sick?” you asked worriedly. He chuckled. “That´s why I need to talk to you...(Y/N/N)” he said, using the nickname only one person knew of, a very dead person. Your eyes widened as you sat up straight. “I think it´s about time you know the truth. The truth about what happened to me.” he started, you were still confused. “Only...he knew that nickname...” you whispered, sobbing slightly at the pain in your chest. You balled your fists and clenched your teeth. “How do you know that nickname, Tobi? This isn´t funny...” you pleaded. He sat down next to you. “It´s me...it´s Obito, (Y/N/N)” he told you and it was like your whole world crushed. How was this possible? Kakashi told you...he told you he was dead. Was he lying to you? What did this mean? “I will explain everything now, so please listen. First I want you to know that I have been in love with you ever since you were assigned to babysit our team. I had a crush on Rin, but I loved you...and I still do, it just took me some time to know the difference. Before you say anything, I want you to know what happened...” he explained everything from how he supposedly died to his training under Madara and the Akatsuki. He told you how he was ugly now and afraid that you wouldn´t love him anymore, he sounded so scared. All you could do was listen and cry, you couldn´t believe he was alive all this time. If you would´ve known earlier you would´ve come to him, you could´ve told him long ago… “I´m sorry...I´m so sorry...” you sobbed, watching the tears hit the floor. “You shouldn´t apologize, none of this is your fault. I should´ve told you earlier, but I didn´t know how...” he said. You were still crying as you threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him, planning on never letting go. You sobbed into his chest, holding on tight. “You´re alive...” you sobbed. Obito´s arms shook slightly as he hugged you back. “I never thought I could ever hold you like this...” he said. “Obito?” you stopped crying. “Can I take off your mask now?” you asked, looking up at him. There was a moment of silence, before he nodded. Your hand reached for his mask, pulling it off. The scars he told you about were there, but it wasn´t this that made you frown, it was his own miserable expression. You cupped his cheek to make him look at you. He hesitantly looked up at you and you could see tears flowing down his eye. “I missed you, Obito...” you whispered. His lip started quivering as he wrapped his arms around you and buried his head in the crook of your neck. “I missed you too, but I´m here now. I´ll never leave you again, I promise. I love you, (Y/N)” he mumbled. You ran your hands through his hair, calming him down. “I love you too, Obito. I never stopped loving you, I love you so much” you whispered in his ear.
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