#that isn't particularly dysphoric and maybe even likes one or two things about being a Dude TM
secrettreestuffidk · 1 year
idk who it was that started joking about tim drake wanting to be batgirl but i've tucked it away into my heart and i believe it entirely
like. he begrudgingly became robin after like 4-5 years of watching from afar thank-you-very-much because for fucks sake apparently someone has to do it and for fucks sake looks like no one else is doing it despite how many people he personally hunted down and tried to blackmail into doing it. UGH
but if babs ever even once just offhand said "hey y'know, batgirl is wide open" he'd have been ON IT in a HEARTBEAT
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thebardisabird · 1 year
I’d love to see your interpretation of this scenario: The brothers have a friend who’s trans and said friend is having a particularly bad dysphoria day. What do each of the brothers do to help them through it?
Big hugs to my trans darlings, this is one is for you. I am not trans myself, but when I say the transgender community is near and dear to my heart, I mean that with everything I have. I can only hope I do this ask justice. May your dysphoric days be few and far between, my loves. ❤️ Under the cut:
Osomatsu He's the biggest listener of the bunch. He understands that every day of your transition isn't always going to be smooth and comfortable. Days like these happen, and the first thing he wants to make sure of is that you know you're heard and care about. He'll chill with you at the park or even invite you in - whatever space makes you feel most comfortable. He does his best to assure that who you are is who you are. Only you can determine that - and he reminds you that he's 100% behind you no matter what.
Oh you guys are going shopping! Did you want to try one some femme leaning outfits that day? He's leading you to the best place for that? Or are you looking to find a more masculine look? He's gonna take you to where he gets all of his leather jackets! Maybe you're even feeling like you want to wear a more genderless look - don't worry, he's got you covered. He has you posing together as you try on your preferred style, genuinely complimenting how it accentuates the features you want to highlight most in the midst of your transition.
Another great listener, he can see the discomfort you're having from your dysphoria and he wants to see if talking it out would help. What has you feeling insecure in yourself? If you're not in the mood to talk about it, that's okay too. He knows a great internet café where you guys can hang out, read some manga, have some snacks and find your comfortability. He's quick to use your preferred pronouns when he's ordering the snacks for you both so that there's no mistake in your identity and he's definitely going to reassure you that you are exactly who you say and feel you are.
If you don't mind it, he'd love to give you a hug. He knows days like these can be so tough and he wants you to physically feel that he is there for you and that you don't have to struggle with no one to lean on. He quietly reminds you that your identity is yours and authentic, and that's all there is to it. If you need a distraction, he takes you to the alley where he feeds the kitties and points out that he's happy to spend time here with a guy/girl/friend like you.
Feels sad that you don't feel like the gender you identify with right now! To cheer you up he also likes to give hugs (as long as you're okay with it) and will try to make you laugh if he can. If you're not feeling that today, that's okay - maybe you'll go up to the roof of his house instead where he'll sit with you and listen to what you're feeling at the moment. Jyushimatsu tells you that no matter what the bad thoughts or feelings try to tell you, you are you! Who you are inside is who you are outside.
He's extremely sympathetic to your feelings and words. And you not feeling like your true self just won't do! Todomatsu takes you to a coffee shop, where he'll order lunch for the two of you, and like Choromatsu, being sure that your preferred pronouns are used when he talks to the cashier so there's no mistake. If being out in public isn't your thing for the moment - don't worry, just come hang out with him and watch a movie at his place. If you do feel like talking about what you're feeling - he's more than willing to listen. He wants you to feel supported however he can help and whether that's shopping, distractions or just some getaway time with a friend, Todomatsu is there to help remind you that your gender identity and your transition is valid no matter what.
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