#that's gonna happen with a bunch of roudy teens
erigold13261 · 1 year
I love everything you make and all the positive comment you leave on people’s works!
Changing topics, I really admire how you can make more mature and serious problems with so much representation of all kinds of people in your famworks! Since I’m inclined to make more crack HCs and write for funsies, it makes my stuff look childish and silly… so much so it feels like OOC content with AUs that make absolutely zero sense. And I think both of these ways of writing are very, VERY valid!!!
Stay awesome (but safe)
Thank you! I definitely have said this before, but when it comes to sharing other people's art I always try to say something nice in the tags because I LOVE it when I get nice tags so I make sure to spread that kindness to others!
And again, thank you! I really just love learning about all kinds of things, injustices and lack of representation included in that learning environment. Which makes me want to either bring up those injustices or add more representation to my work! It's all really fun and important to me which is why I just keep adding more stuff! It also helps motivate me to learn other cultures too!
As for the silly stuff. That is totally fine! Silly is great to have! Like someone said about my darker AUs being a palette cleanser for fluff, the same thing could be said for fluff being a palette cleanser for angst! It's great to have both!
One of the best fanfics I read in the NSR community was the one about 1010 vs the Raccoons (I don't remember the author, sorry)! It was so silly and lighthearted, but so much fun and a great read! And that's the main takeaway.
Creating is supposed to be fun, to some extent (of course like I use it for coping and serious stuff, sometimes it's not always fun, but there is still some kind of enjoyment). So having AUs with OOC characters is great to have! Let me tell you! I've definitely taken characters and made them so OOC I literally just made them into OCs lol!
Even now, though I don't post them often, I do have silly ideas and fluff in my head! Right now I have a silly AU where the NSR adults above 40 turn into teens (with their teen mindsets) around the other NSR characters and it's all just fun and chaos! Random bullshit I can't do if I tried to stick to a timeline or put logic into the situation.
Literally just have fun and enjoy what you are doing! You want to make a character OOC? Go for it! You want to create the silliest AU with no logic to it? Go for it! Want to create a super serious and intense story with huge stakes? Awesome! Do it!
Just remember to have fun and that cringe culture is dead! :D
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