#the Oz books are near and dear to my heart for Reasons so. this is all just ridiculously self indulgent
megaerakles · 1 year
Got covid for the first time immediately after the public health emergency ends (go figure) and while it’s a pretty mild case it has still ruined what was supposed to be a super fun long weekend after a hard week at work. To compensate I am working on my MOST self indulgent of fic projects in which Tim Drake’s ancestors are secretly from Oz and he and the Batfam get pulled into Oz when Queen Ozma goes missing and Tim’s considered to be the next in line for the throne so they want him to rule the kingdom while they locate their queen. Now the only thing left to figure out is which bats get to be magical when in the magic realm 🤔
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wickedlyqueer · 7 years
This bit in Out of Oz gave me so many feels I had to write a fluffy drabble about it.
For a moment, or ten, she was back in Shiz, darting up some alley of flowering quinces, racing Elphaba to the fountain at the back of the quad. Elphaba was glowing with the effort—glowing emerald!—and Glinda, in her dream, was almost absent to herself, caught up in admiring her friend.
Glinda was caught between reality and daydreams. The world around her a drowsing dim, while other parts of that world only seemed to be heightened. Like the spring sun warming her skin, and the gentle breeze rustling the leaves. She could hear the water of the Suicide Canal and feel the soft fabric of the blanket she was lying on. And Elphaba. 
More than ever before, Glinda’s world heightened around Elphaba. While the rest of the charmed circle had scattered around after their afternoon picnic, Elphaba stayed behind, her nose already in a book.
What else could Glinda have done but stay behind too? If she had followed the boys, she wouldn’t be near Elphaba. The thought itself was appalling.
Being left alone with Elphaba however, was a completely different thrill. In the privacy of their room they had grown closer, but in the outside world they hadn’t been as daring. Today Glinda had decided, she’d change that too. Mostly because she couldn’t lie on this blanket and not snuggle up to Elphaba.
It had started out slow. She didn’t want to show her hand immediately after all! She laid down at a reasonable distance, and pretended to fall asleep. Every time Glinda stirred, she made sure to move closer towards Elphaba. Nobody could object to the actions of an unconscious person, Glinda reasoned.
Finally, after what felt like an hour of wriggling closer, Glinda had achieved her goal. She was closer to Elphaba than she had ever dared before. And they were outside. That was the most exciting aspect of it all.
She felt the rise and fall of Elphaba’s breath. The rough fabric of her dress against her skin. The sound of pages being turned. The sensations were addicting.
Elphaba shifted slightly, and an arm wrapped around Glinda’s shoulder. The gesture made her heart boom like crazy inside her chest. For the first time Glinda hoped Elphaba wasn’t paying her too close attention, because her heart rate would give her away in an instance.
Leaves. Water. Blanket. Elphaba. Elphaba. Elphaba.
She must’ve actually fallen asleep at last, because when Elphaba spoke up she was disrupted out of something, even though she did not know what.
"Glinda?" Elphaba stroked her fingertips. "We ought to head back to Crage Hall now."
As a response she nestled closer. "Hmm, one more moment."
"One more moment and Nanny will have my head. The sun is nearly gone."
Not quite believing her, Glinda opened her eyes. Elphaba was right. “Lurline, time flies.”
They gathered their stuff and headed back. Instead of the expected dash back to their room, they walked surprisingly slow. Like a stroll over campus in an intimate silence. Just the two of them. Their hands not quite touching, but still close enough that it almost felt like they were holding hands.
“As much as I enjoy this, and I do enjoy this,” Elphaba emphasized. “We really need to make a run for it now.”
“I do not run, my dearest Elphie.”
“To the fountain,” Elphaba negotiated. “Being seen unescorted there will be less scandalous.”
“You go unescorted all the time.”
“It’s not my reputation I’m worried about.”
She much rather walk next to Elphaba as long as possible, scandalous reputation be damned. But she was looking out for her, and wasn’t that sweet in its own way?
“Fine. To the fountain.”
Elphaba smirked. “Race you?”
“What? No - HEY!”
Elphaba had launched into a sprint, leaving Glinda behind. She catched up easily, even though she was running in heels and the cobbled path made it tricky not to slip. Elphaba wasn’t trying to let her win per se, just running at a pace they both could manage.
The alley they went through had blossom hanging from the walls. With the warm evening glow, and Elphaba so very near her, Glinda felt like she was floating. No girl was luckier than she was. Nothing could stop her now. Glinda felt invincible. The energy pouring through her veins made her want to run even faster. 
These damned heels! Glinda thought. The boots Elphaba was wearing gave her too much of an advantage. In a swift motion, Glinda took off her heels and ran past Elphaba, barefoot.
"How -"
Glinda had to bite back a smile at how stunned she sounded. The fountain came into sight. It gave her enough motivation to keep running despite her growing fatigue. She jumped onto the ledge of the fountain and turned around, her arms spread out in euphoria.
Elphaba came out of the alley, laughing heartedly at the sight. The throbbing pain in Glinda’s feet? It was worth it. She’d run twenty laps around campus if it would make Elphaba look as if she had forgotten every sorrow in the world.
“Glad you could join,” Glinda panted.
On the stone ledge, Glinda was a bit taller. She put her hands on Elphaba’s shoulders and they both took a moment to catch their breath.
“You - You,” Elphaba stammered out in awe. She wrapped her arms around Glinda’s waist. “You never fail to surprise me, my dear.”
Elphaba was glowing and it was the most beautiful sight Glinda had ever seen. She loved her. That much she already knew, but now she realized she would love her every day, for the rest of her life.
Overwhelmed by this sudden realization, Glinda quickly scanned the square. When she found nobody around, she moved closer and planted a kiss on Elphaba's cheek.
Elphaba beamed, and Glinda had to resist the urge to shower her in more kisses, if only so she could see that precious smile again.
Elphaba lifted her up and she let out a shriek of pure joy. Elphaba held her close and twirled her around. It made Glinda dizzy, though not necessarily from the spinning. It was the fluttering in her stomach, telling her to never let go of Elphaba. To hold her close, like she was holding onto her right now. Because to love someone so deeply, so simply, and so selflessly as she did Elphaba. To be allowed to love Elphaba like she did, to have their love be a reality, was better than any dream she could ever wish for.
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lalesath-blog · 7 years
In the post Vnc vs Pandora Hearts, you said the all the PH characters felt "whole" I'm planning on making a novel of some sort and want to know what you mean by "whole" can you give me like a long-ass paragraph of what is whole and what is not? Or what is it that made you feel the characters were "whole"? Thank you!😘
Oh dear lord, anon. Okay. Before we start, let me just tack on a disclaimer saying that… where as I believe most of what I’m about to say is generally accepted/“fact” some things may undoubtedly be or sound more subjective. So just keep in mind that this is my own perspective on the matter. Also: PANDORA HEARTS SPOILERS (since I assume you’ve read it?)
This is kind of a … tricky thing to answer. Saying “they should feel like a real person” is unhelpfully vague. Not to mention, plenty of real people are decidedly shallow;;
Achieving realistic characters starts with knowing them as the writer. Really knowing them. Knowing where they grew up. What their first pet was. What they eat as comfort food. What their “mindless” habits are. How many nicknames they’ve had. How many nicknames still remain. The feeling they get when they think of the nickname they haven’t heard spoken for 6 years because the only person who ever used it walked out of their life…. Obviously I just mean to say that you should KNOW your characters. Even seemingly trivial details. I’m not saying you have to know what color nail polish your character wears on Wednesdays, but getting a grasp on little things can shed a little light on personality quirks/habits that will make your character more nuanced.
Lots of little details tend to form tangible, meaningful results. Combine that with some original plot details and voilà~ Example: Knowing Sharon is very much into romance content gives some insight into how easily flustered and excitable she gets even regarding her interactions with Break. How she reacts to Alice’s curiosity and her kiss with Oz. She’s a romantic. In more than one sense. Which means she’s also going to be insecure about her body not developing… which ties into a plot detail about legal contracts.
—-Another really obvious thing… is that they need to grow. Develop. And despite popular belief, this development doesn’t have to be positive. There simply has to be a discernible process of getting from point A to point B. Sometimes this is more subtle (especially with secondary characters). And sometimes this is abrupt… but there always has to be meaning to it.
Example: Something I really, really loved… not to break anyone’s heart again… was Elliot’s flip. He was adamantly against self-sacrifice in the beginning of the manga. He tore into Oz, trying to communicate that that way of thinking was harmful/disrespectful to the people he cared about. And how that kind of thinking was inherently selfish/self-righteous and would only hurt the people he claimed to love… And Oz trying to claim that it would be FOR them.
Cut to Elliot choosing to sacrifice his own life to “end the nightmare” (so to speak)… and even to save Oz the burden of having to kill him.“I’m sorry, Leo.”
(I’m not crying… You’re crying).
—-In general though, I think being able to make your reader feel sympathy or EMPATHY for your characters is extremely important. ESPECIALLY when it comes to antagonists, imo. There’s nothing worse than a flat villain. If you don’t care about the source causing your protagonist to struggle, you can’t really take the story seriously, you know? And I cared about every damn character in PH. No matter which side they were leaning towards at any given time.
And characters should engage the reader. Cause them to think. Always. If you have someone questioning their own morality, you’ve hit god tier (Psycho Pass and Code Geass hit me hard with this). Make your characters convince me. All of them. Of everything. If I can’t be convinced they’re right, I at least need to understand. Which usually means delving into multiple layers of emotions. Example:–What does Vincent Want?Vince Wants to Erase His Existence For GilBecause He Wants Gil To Be HappyBecause Gil Never Abandoned Him–Why would he think Gil should abandon him?Because he was a child of misfortune born to parents who abandoned him/them and he felt he was nothing but a burden on his brother.–Why is he willing to go as far as killing himself?Because, due to the above, he never had a sense of self-worth in the first place… and the further trauma/guilt he sustained after the tragedy of sablier made it all the worse.
~~~Multiple Layers & Repeating Patterns~~~ Makes him feel super real, doesn’t it?And sure, Vincent comes across as an asshole a lot of the time… especially early on. But did I cry over his feelings for Gil and when he hugged Ada? You bet I did. Not to mention, I had Echo’s perspective of him as well. Which is another important detail. Characters adding more dimensions to each other through their various povs. 
Aaand now to the super obvious. Characters should have both negative/positive bits. Protagonists generally lean WAY TOO FAR onto the positive side (for me)… minus their one (1) hang-up. Which is usually a simple, easily explainable complex. Like the overly generic [UNDERDOG] issue…. ANYWAY.
People have flaws. People have insecurities. People have bad habits and different ways of reacting to conflict. Different reasons for acting the way they do. Make sure you know them. Example:Leo, for instance, comes across as being subdued. But he’s more volatile than Elliot. Why does he present as subdued? Because in their context, Elliot’s fire tends to put his out. How does Leo confront conflict? By literally letting someone else take control from him while he tries to ignore it. He’s been an escapist his entire life. Hair in his eyes. Glasses that block his vision. Books to distract himself with. Etc. It’s a reoccurring theme with Leo even in his day-to-day demeanor… which means it was important to know from the get-go.
And to cont. from a bit above… everyone also has bits of light. Even a sociopath. Maybe you create a sociopathic serial killer who, every Thursday, leaves a homeless boy a bag of take-out in the alley behind the restaurant the killer and his ex used to visit… before he killed them. The boy had seen him do it, yet hadn’t screamed or alerted anyone. And now your killer practices this sentimental ritual that he doesn’t understand. Maybe, by the end, he forms his own understanding.I think making the reader feel curious never hurts. Make them form questions they want answers to. Even little ones. If I never wonder about ANYTHING, there’s probably not enough detail. I’m not even saying there have to be definitive answers just… I want to notice things. Like why is break always eating candy? Does he actually like sweet things? He didn’t SEEM the type in the past? Is it just to compensate for his former personality? Is it because of Shelly? Is it a shout-out to Emily? Like with the doll? Did he used to smoke? Also he doesn’t drink??? Why? 
Really good characters? It’s like looking at them through a prism. By the end, you’ve seem them in a dozen shades of light. Example:
—-Xerxes Break:The MentorThe Loyal ServantThe Protector/The KnightThe Serial KillerThe VictimThe Wild CardThe Suicide RiskThe Comic Relief The BAMFThe Needy ChildThe Cold, Near-RecluseThe Brother FigureThe Partner  The Unhinged ClownThe [Tragic] HeroEtc.
He’s played dozens of roles on his own and through his relationships with other characters. Some of which are exceedingly different.
When you really get down to it, I think I personally also love the characters in PH so much because I can find something to relate to in all of them.Whether it be Lacie’s otherworldy dissociation, Leo’s escapist tendencies, Sharon’s drunken queen play, Oswald’s bluntness, or Vincent’s self-worth issues… I just. They feel like so much more? From their quirks & hobbies (Ada’s what… VOODOO room? hahaha/the trio of book nerds/Break and his doll… and his candy/Alice and being a massive carnivore/Gil smoking to emulate Oscar… and being afraid of cats/Elliot secretly ADORING cats but not wanting to admit it;;). To their contradictions. Their incorrect views on themselves. And on each other. The various self-realizations. The great dialogue. Just… asdfghjkl
ARGH. It’s SO hard to explain. Just. Characters are more than their goals and their easily definable trope traits. They’re more than their role in the story they’re in and that should come across.
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thatcrochetfairy · 7 years
Nevermore - Chapter 4
Master List
“Wake up sleepy head.” Jefferson gently shook the entrancing beauty sleeping soundly in his spare bed. “Time to introduce you to the modern world.” He smiled down to her as her dark blue eyes fluttered open with a soft sugary smile as she looked on the face of her kind host. But as the words registered the smile faded, shaking her head as she clutched the pendant around her neck. How could she be around people? People talk, people fear her, what she is. “Aww come on, there’s a Halloween party at Granny’s. I promise you’ll have fun.” She shook her head again, sinking herself deeper into the sheets, fear taking hold in her eyes. With a sigh he bent down to her level as she laid smoothing a hand over the side of her face to comfort her. “Hey...it’s alright. You don’t have to go. I won’t make you.” He paused watching the smile return to her lips brushing the dark strands from her face. “So what would you like to do instead?”
 Thinking for a moment she sat up mimicking the act of shooting an arrow. “Hunting?” He asked with a chuckle nodding. He should have figured...you can take the girl from the wild but you can’t always take the wild from the girl. “Okay. While you do that I’m going to stop in town and see if I can find a way to help you.” As he spoke she looked up to him with questioning eyes. Even for a kind father there was no reason for him to help her. She didn’t understand. He explained to her about the book and how it held all the stories from their land, watching her eyes fill with hope and wonder. Could it be true? Could people really learn the horrible story of how all this came to be? Smiling brightly she flung her arms around him, hugging him grateful for the chance to finally be understood. His heart beat frantically as his nose filled with the scent of her hair, his skin feeling how soft hers was.
Jefferson stood in Rumple’s castle eyes wide with disbelief at the mad request he had been given. “I’m sorry. You want me to steal what? From who?” His hand came to rest on the hip of his leather pants as he waited for confirmation.
 “It’s just a ball Dearie. I was told that you were the best in the land.” Rumple gave a twisted grin as he baited the thief before him.
 “I mean, the slippers from Oz, no problem. But to steal from the Thulen Druids is insane. No one goes near them for good reason.”
 “Yes yes I know the rumors.” Rumple waved a dismissive hand. “Wild people drawing magic from nature and the turn of the year. Magic with no cost… If you can commit to the lifestyle. Part of which is an annual celebration of the turning of the year. Hunting, dancing, ritual sacrifice.” He turned with a grin. “Good times for all! They won’t even notice you.. And of course you’ll be well compensated.”
 Jefferson crossed his arms as his eyes narrowed, contemplating the dangers of the presented offer before giving a slight nod. “Fine.”
 “Hey Henry.” Jefferson smiled down to the boy as he sat picking at a basket of fries. “Have you seen any mention of a girl named Lenore in your book?” He asked hopeful as he sat himself across the table.
 “Umm, not that I can think of.” He dropped the fry he had been munching on, turning to pull out the book. Jefferson watched, scanning the pictures as Henry flipped through the pages, each of them looking for Jefferson’s mystery girl. “So the Raven Witch has a name?” He joked as they both looked. “How did you even get that?”
 “I’m pretty disappointed in you kid. Of all people you should know not to judge someone based off a rumor.” He scolded, watching his face sink as he realized he was now disappointed in himself. But as the pages flipped he saw no sign of the name nor image of the girl.
 “Sorry Jefferson, but she’s not in here.”
 “So what does that mean?” He asked as his brow furrowed, the mystery of Lenore growing deeper.
 “It means that She’s not from the Enchanted Forest. There are more books for other lands at the library. Maybe have Belle take a look?” Jefferson nodded, leaving just as quickly as he came.
Lenore’s heart pounded against her chest as she drew back her arrow, letting out a smooth exhale before releasing it. The wind whistled as the arrow missed the dear. Her face twisted with frustration as she hit the closest tree to her, the jagged bark leaving bloody scrapes on her knuckles. Her jaw clenched, teeth holding her lower lip in as she held a scream of pain inside, having become very well practiced over the past few months at keeping in her sounds.
 “Hey, it’s alright. No one gets the stag on their first try.” Birog consoled her as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as the other glowed with a circle of symbols, closing the wounds. “Don’t want anything smelling that.” The two shared friendly smile as she felt the cool magic soothing the sting, new skin forming over the cuts. “Tonight after the fire burns down come to my hut. It is time to teach you something new.” Lenore beamed with excitement at the prospect of learning a new task, thirsting for all the knowledge the Druids had to offer her, thankful for all she has learned already. “Now let’s go get that stag.” She smiled before they both dashed off to bring down the beast.
 Filled with a new vigor Lenore sprinted through the woods, one with the forest once more, as she used to be. Black feathers in her hair caught the wind bringing her hair to dance in the breeze. She drew in a breath, listening to the caws of her brothers flying overhead as she drew the arrow. It whistled through the air before embedding itself into a buck. She stood tall and proud as she pulled her bone made dagger digging into the deer’s flesh, separating ribs from meat, digging to the heart of the beast. Cutting it loose she held it up in the air, silently thanking the gods of nature as the blood pumped from the organ, spilling over her before digging it into the ground. Dagger and bow hanging at her side she proudly drug her kill back to the yard.
 The front door opened quietly as Lenore hacked at the carcass, breaking it down into more workable pieces, sectioning them off into piles of what will be used tonight and what needs to be saved for later. Noting the time he could feel the excitement well in him knowing his daughter would be home soon, peering out the window to see the bloody mess of animal parts all color left his face as his jaw dropped, watching Lenore, blood covering her hair and staining her once porcelain skin he for the first time saw just why everyone seemed to fear her. She looked feral with each hack to the fallen beast, watching the cruel blade slicing through the muscles, hearing the crack of bones splintering beneath her force. Feeling eyes on her Lenore looked up, her heart heavy as she watched Jefferson’s face harden to her. She could taste the blood as she bit her lower lip nervously, her eyes lowering as her heart sank seeing the stern look everyone else gave her. Maybe he wasn’t so different after all. But she was losing light and a fire needed to be built. She didn’t have time to try to explain to him. He didn’t need it anyway...he’s seen this before.
As the sun set over Thule Jefferson made his way into the hidden village, not so hidden as they focused their attention on this ritual celebration. On the far side of all the huts he could hear the beating of drums, strumming of guitars and the hoots and hollers over singing of the heathanistic Druids as they danced around the flames. Curious as he ever was he moved silently, peering around a building to watch as the blood soaked figures twisted and turned in near unnatural movements. Off to the side huge chunks of meat hung from trees still dripping with blood as a select few prepared the parts for cooking or preservation. The Dark One was right, it looked like the whole community was there around the fire. Noticing a pair of midnight eyes lined in stag blood digging into him he quickly retreated behind the wall. His heart stopped as he held his breath, fearful of what they would do to him once she drew attention to his whereabouts. But not a breath of a word parted her lips.
 Breathing a sigh of relief he ran through the huts on a hunt of his own until the crystal sphere was in his grasp. Not even taking the time to admire the treasure he had procured he ran as fast and as light as his feet would take him until the door that took him to this world was behind him and on to Oz he ventured for the slippers.
 The full moon was just beginning to rise as Jefferson and Grace watch the silent girl perform a silent dance around a crackling fire. Twisting and bending in a way all too familiar to him. Jefferson’s arms were folded against his chest, frowning as his eyes darted from the girl down to his own daughter, fascinated by what she sees before her. He was beginning to have a pretty good understanding of just who has been residing in his home.
 “What is she doing Papa?” She asked with a sense of wonderment in her eyes. 
“Marking the turn of the year. It’s important to her people.” He answered in a flat tone, eyes hard as stone as he looked upon her, now understanding how he got away that night. He wasn’t shown mercy, he took advantage of a girl who couldn’t speak. And he’s heard what comes next. He wasn’t sure which thought made him more sick to his stomach. “Maybe you should go do your homework.”
“Oh Papa can I go dance too? Please?” Jefferson’s eyes widened at the request, looking down to his daughter with shock.
“To what?” He looked back up watching her move in the flickering light. “There isn’t even any music.”
Grace’s eyes narrowed as she looked up to her father. “Why are you being so mean to her? You said she wasn’t in the book, that means she’s not from our world. Think how alone she must be feeling now.” She scolded before letting herself out the backdoor to do as she pleased. All he could do was watch, knowing there was little he could do to stop her. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting” Lenore shook her head with a smile as she paused to communicate with her young friend. “I was just wondering, how do you dance with no music?” Lenore smiled, patting the girl’s hair before bringing fingers up to her ears then to her forehead conveying to her that the music was in her mind. Jefferson watched as Lenore showed her how to move to the dance, reminding himself that as much as he hated to admit it, she was getting old enough to chose her own paths.
As the dance came to a close Lenore pressed a kiss to the girl’s forehead as thanks for joining her in the dance...it was much more fun than doing it by herself. She so wished that she could sing the praises of nature for her...perhaps once the curse has been lifted. He breathed a sigh of relief as he watched her point Grace in the direction of the house, sending her in. She wouldn’t feel right teaching her much more of her people’s ways without her father giving permission.
“Okay now it’s time to get to that homework.” He reminded Grace as she came back into the house, reluctantly she agreed. After watching her retreat to her room Jefferson made his way out to her. “You’re a Druid, aren’t you?” She tilted her head from side to side, not exactly sure how to answer, on the one hand yes...but on the other, she never did learn all she needed to, there was much training she was unable to attain. “No, no. Don’t try playing the innocent can’t talk act with me right now. I’ve been to many lands in my time. Seen many ways many people honor the passing of the year and nothing comes close to that dance.” She just stood there, waiting for the backlash of following a life most deemed wrong, though she never understood why. The Druid way made more sense to her than normal civilization ever had. “And I know what comes next...Thank you for sending her in. She doesn’t need to see something like that.” Lenore simply tilted her head in confusion. “The sacrifice...I assume it is some sort of animal.” Lenore shook her head holding back a chuckle before pulling one feather out of her cloak, mentally saying a Druidic prayer over it, blessing it as a gift given to sacrifice back to the Raven Goddess before tossing it into the fire.  His eyes grew wide, as he watched the sacrifice, feeling pretty disappointed in himself for being such a hypocrite. “You worship nature...why would you needlessly destroy it.” He looked up to her, midnight eyes digging into him just as they did long ago as he realized that he’s been pretty prejudiced.
His eyes softened, lowering with regret for his thoughts and actions as of late. “I’m sorry.” He glanced up to her all the sorrow for his actions past and present riding in the creases of his brow. “I…” He exhaled, not sure how to say what he knew he needed to. But if anyone knew the importance of words unspoken it was her. She didn’t need to hear what he had to say, she understood just fine. Her lips parted, the white of her teeth an eerie contrast to the blood stained skin sending excited shivers down his spine. Now he understood why he was never able to get her off his mind, even covered in blood under the full moon he still saw the gorgeous woman underneath, the woman who cared for three ravens like a mother, who showed Grace nothing but kindness...the woman who was stealing his heart. But after all of this, after showing her such malice for the ways that she obviously held dear did he really deserve hers?
“They couldn’t find your story...But there’s more books at the library. Would you be willing to go with me?” She stood there contemplating the idea as she wiped the drying blood from her face, in the end nodding, the idea of having something fresh to read too tempting for her to pass up.
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rubyisms-archive · 7 years
just random ramblings about what i meant in my last post (read more in case it’s too long)
anyway, it’s no secret really how much i love the ozluminati characters (more specifically james, qrow, and oz)
i’ve finally figured it out it’s not just a “i love these characters & their personalities a lot” thing (though that’s a big reason why)
it kinda goes back to a subconscious thing. see, my mom’s favorite all time movie is “the wizard of oz.” and i mean, it’s such a favorite for her that any time we see something wizard of oz related in stores, we get it for her. it’s a good go to gift for her, honestly. she watched it a lot growing up and it’s a movie that she and i shared as i grew up.
and my mom? my mom is my best friend. we have a lot of similar tastes & interests (so much, that she and i share similar food tastes in addition to our music, shows, books, movie tastes). my dad and i don’t even have that.
so it’s kind of a “these three characters’ inspiration are three characters from a book/movie that’s near and dear to my heart because my mom watched it a lot growing up and as a result, i watched it a lot growing up.”
i dunno it’s one of those weird subconscious things. i’m fond of the wizard of oz simply because it’s more than just a movie to me, so of course i would be fond of the rwby characters who’s inspirations are from the movie/book.
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theprettiestshit · 7 years
Commodity Cocktail Kit Review
Written by @Twist.it.tea
 10 premium eau de parfum unisex fragrances
5 x 0.067 oz/ 2 mL White collection fragrances in Gold, Rain, Mimosa, Tea, Magnolia 
5 x 0.067 oz/ 2 mL Black collection fragrances in Whiskey, Book, Moss, Wool, Gin
Available at Sephora for $26.00
  Honestly, Commodity had me at Cocktail.  And being the cocktail aficionado that I am, I hold this product near a dear to my heart.  I loooove unisex fragrances, and my go to is usually Bond No.9 New York Signature Scent.  But Commodity has come through to steal the show.  Unfortunately because I am a Bond girl, the compared longevity of most of the Commodity scents wear off rather quickly and that is the only reason I’m giving it 4 stars.  
Being able to mix and match these scents are what intrigues me the most.  At first I was timid and only wore one at a time.  Rain is a part of the White collection and it smells so fresh.  I’ve started using these scents as an expression of my mood.  Creating my personal ‘recipe’ and formula has been nothing short of interesting.  Mimosa and Rain become a part of my daily spritz when I need a mental boost; a reminder of a beach day with rays of sun warming my skin and the scent of the ocean breeze through an open window.  Ironically, before reading more about this company I noticed I was using certain scents to release a certain emotion or mood I was experiencing.  Commodity’s mission is to “find our inspiration in the creations of our collaborators and the emotions our scents, colors and textures evoke in you.” Eventually I started adding Book from the Black collection.  This scent was unexpected for me with hints of spicy cucumber and torchwood.  I’m really into woodsy scents and mixing this with Rain is my favorite.  All I need is about two sprays of Rain and a half spritz of Book and I’m feeling so refreshed.  Most of the time I grab a single bottle from the White collection and throw it in my bag to have throughout the day, which is easier than carrying around two or three different scentssince the White collection smells amazing all around. I can understand if the Black collection is a little too harsh for some women, but I enjoyed every scent.  Moss and Gin from the Black collection pair well with Gold in my opinion, but honestly I won’t get too deep about my preferences because I believe scents are such a personal experience.  Everything depends on your own mood and what you enjoy walking around emitting all day. 
The test kit I have is retailed at $26.00 which was perfect to test out whichscents I enjoyed the most and for travelling.  Sephora offers another kit at $45 which includes: 6 x 0.16 oz/ 5 mL Eau de Parfum Travel Sprays in Vetiver, Bergamot, Book, Moss, Gold, Rain.  I haven’t tested Vetiver or Bergamot but I would definitely splurge on the larger kit just to see what it was all about.  The Commodity kits are perfect for those who want to create their own scent, while Commodity does offer a selection of these scents in full and travel size bottles ranging from $35-135.00. 
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