#the man will participate in a trend or two. if it pleases the court
columboscreens · 2 months
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abrilliantarchive · 6 years
HOW TO BE HAPPY: A Brief Guide for Citizens [Part 2 of 4]
( Since there was such a positive response to the first part, I’ve gained a second wind and am here to provide part two! I did find a typo in the handbook, but I left it in the transcript as to preserve it as is. )
What can you do for diversion in Wellington Wells? Why, just stop outside your door, and you’re sure to find some fun.
MARIONETTE THEATRE.      The Simon Says Society mounts occasional marionette shows on the Rorke’s Drift Bridge. These shows began in the 1940s with the amateur performers Sholl & Danlip, though our town’s marionette tradition apparently dates back to the Tudor era.
OUTDOOR CONCERTS.      Enjoy the musical stylings of the Tunnel Rats Octet every week in Mrs. Chippy Park. Admission is free, although gratuities are appreciated. Pop star Nick Lightbearer also performs regularly, though locations are kept secret until the day of the event, to prevent throngs of lady fans from swarming the venue.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM ( GARDEN DISTRICT ).      As previously noted, people have been enjoying life in Wellington Wells for centuries. Normally archaeologists must painstakingly dig for evidence of these past eras, however the recent bombing in the Garden District has fortuitously created craters in which one can see multiple layers of history without any effort.
JOURNALISM APPRECIATION DAY.      We Wellies love our newspaper, The “O” Courant. Every spring we celebrate this journalistic treasure by folding it into paper hats and into paper boats that we sail down the river.
FINE DINING.      Wellington Wells is currently enjoying a culinary boom. Our victory gardens overflow with delicious produce, and trade from across the river is brisk. As a result, new see-and-be-seen hotspots seem to open every week. There’s no need to settle for good old beans-on-toast anymore - though, of course, we do still love our B-on-T.
SPORTING FUN!     Wellington Wells has a number of sporting events - such as cricket, croquet, lawn tennis, and fencing - that villagers can watch or participate in. Whilst Wellington Wells no longer plays teams from other villages, we still enjoy our rousing Croquet Team Fight Song.
                                        JOIN THE CLUB!
Still looking for something to do? Wellington Wells has a variety of clubs you can join.
THE ROSE SOCIETY.       The Rose Society is a gardening club. It does not currently have any actual garden, but plans are afoot for a lovely botanical park once co-presidents Clive Birtwhistle and Harry Plantagenet can agree on whether to grow white roses or red roses. If you would like to join the Rose Society, please submit your genealogy (ideally 10 generations or more) to either Harry or Clive.
THE JACOBEAN SOCIETY.       Do you adore Uncle Jack? Do you like wearing jaunty red hats? Of course you do! Why not get together with your follow Jacobeans for trivia nights, lectures, and watching the telly? Club suppers feature the latest Uncle Jack recipes from “That Tastes Delicious - What Is It?” Join the fun!
THE REFORM SOCIETY.      Do you wish to better your fellow man? Perhaps you wish to be improved yourself, but need to guiding hand. Madame Wanda’s new Reform Club is for you! An invitation from a current member is mandatory, but rubber suits are optional.
NICK LIGHTBEARER FAN CLUB.      Our local pop star’s fans get together every week to both write and answer fan mail. “It makes sense to keep the letters all in one place, to save on postage,” says club president Penelope Snug. Membership is open to any attractive female who has not yet been married to Nick.
THE GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY.       Wellington Wells is an area of surprising seismic activity. If you sometimes feel that locations are not where you thought they were, it’s not your imagination. Things really do move around! The Geographical Society keeps track of all our to-ing and fro-ing, in addition to sponsoring Treasure Hunt Tuesdays.
THE SIMON SAYS CLUB.      We Wellies love to do as we’re told! The Simon Says Club ( formerly the Foreign Visitor Welcome Committee ) hosts daily games in Mrs. Chippy Park. The games are free, all are welcome!
If you are looking for amusement out of doors, Eric “Crazy Legs” Liddel conducts walking tours of the Village, “Because many citizens have a tendency to get lost on their own.” Why not tag along and see the sights? Do try to keep up with him though, as his pace is brisk!
THE GARDEN DISTRICT.       Once the pride of Wellington Wells, the Garden District has recently fallen into a bit of disrepair, but will soon be restored to its former glory. Plans are afoot for a lovely conservatory to rival the crystal palace at Kew Gardens, as well as for tennis courts and cricket grounds. Meanwhile, the district has an abundance of Victory Gardens. Clearly no one could ever go hungry in such a locale!
THE VILLAGE.        Hamlyn Village is the one of the most scenic in England, and is especially renowned for its lack of rats. One of the most delightful spots is Mrs. Chippy Park. Do make use of the playground equipment there! As Uncle Jack says, “If we don’t use it, who on earth will?”
WEDNESDAY HILL GHOST WALK ( SEASONAL ).        Of course ghosts don’t really exist, but isn’t it awfully fun to pretend they do? Some of your fellow Wellies enjoy dressing up as ghosts and jumping out to say Boo! When they ask for your immortal soul, you’re supposed to ask them for sweets in return. It’s all part of the game!
THE PARADE.      The Parade is where the posh and powerful mingle. Many government offices are headquartered here. The Parade also host monthly festivals that are open to the public ( though you are advised to “dress to impress.” )
PARADE DISTRICT CALENDAR OF EVENTS.      The Parade District hosts a brisk schedule of events that are sure to delight! The island is easily accessible, and events are open to all.
January ——- New Year’s Pajama Parade February ——- Minor Royalty Coronations March ——- Kilts Parade and Scottish Dancing April ——- Old Possum’s Cat Costume Competition May ——- May Pole and Summerisle Weenie Roast June ——- Gemini Twins Parade** July ——- Lawn Tennis Championships August ——- Uncle Jack Lookalike Parade September ——- Scone Festival October ——- Jack-O-Lantern Parade November ——- Baker Street Mystery Theatre ( in the round ) December ——- Sit on Santa Jack’s Lap!
** Alas, Wellington Wells only has one pair of twins and one of them has recently passed on, but Janice Smith-Smythe does so enjoy her big day. Please come and cheer her on!
                             FASHION IS IN FASHION!
When you look good, you feel good! The posh parade pohh-bahs are hard at work to help you look your best!
SO MOD!       Want to know the latest fashion, kittens? You could people-watch in the Parade to see what the smart set is wearing, or you could simply subscribe to SO MOD. This magazine will keep you from ( gasp! ) wearing polka dots out of season. It also serves up a heap of dishy gossip. Meow!
HAPPY MASKS —  THE LATEST TREND!        Put on a happy face! Style-setter Davey Hackney has designed a mask that permanently turns your mouth into asa smile! “For the moment,” Hackney says, “these masks are quite pricey and only for the smart set.” However they’re sure to catch on with the common folks eventually. ( Hackney grimaces at the thought: “Then I shall have to wear something else on my face when that happens. Perhaps a shroud.” )
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keramalusundeep · 4 years
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Let’s start with God. The answers are always easier that way. Someone I am most fond of once told me, “I pity atheists you know. Because they can’t ever blame God. They don’t have the privilege to ask ‘why God, why did you do this to me’.”
When the greater religions put a gun to our head and threatened us to jump in their well, we jumped. Who knew at the bottom of that well, we would find our superhero who went by the name Evolution!
Dismissing the need for any probation, evolution soon became the king of the jungle. When it roared, the jungle went into submission. But as we all know, no jungle worth its salt ever came without its poachers. The poachers came in the avatars of kings, queens, ministers, prophets, presidents, governors, our parents, our teachers, our communities, our whims, and our fancies. They drew the lines. The ones we were to not cross.
But, the thing is, our DNA came with an eraser, a pencil, a canvas, and a grave full of imagination. So even when we were put to rest, we dreamt. Our dreams made love to our mother earth, who politely went ahead and conceived the spiteful, incestual future of tomorrow, where we carried on the trend of effing our own kids with dreams and fantasies we were obliged to please.
When the tomorrow came, a man was born. He was named William Bruce Jenner. Six and a half decades later, in June 2015, he stood on top of the world and announced that he had changed his name to Caitlyn. Caitlyn Jenner. The world stood back in the stands and cheered him from all corners. Before the announcement, William had made all the required configurations in his biological geometry and aligned his chemistry to the integrity his new name would demand.
“I am so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me.” Caitlyn posted on her twitter handle @Caitlyn_Jenner, which, along with the first tweet of her Vanity Fair cover went on to get a record-setting 1 million fans in less than 4 hours and 3 minutes straight. Whereas the most powerful man on earth, Barack Obama had taken 5 hours to pull the hanky 1 million in his @Potus basket, last month.
Wish Dora was here now to shower under the petals from the high gardens of Twitter. Dora, born as Rudolph R, was the first person to have gone under the knife in the first-ever recorded sex reassignment surgery (SRS) in 1931.
Long before Dora or Caitlyn, the mythologies blew mighty trumpets of accounts concerning legends who were both man and woman in one form. Tiresias, the Theban blind prophet is said to have compelling wisdom for his cursed gender transformations. Cupid, the God who makes our heart fond and stupid with our better halves, apparently, is a unisex God. Way to make a point that love . . . indeed has no gender. If that was not enough, hear this – Cupid’s high-profile mama and dada, Hermes and Aphrodite, were the inspiration for the term ‘hermaphrodite’ (a person with both male and female sexual characteristics and organs). And I believe that was Hollywood’s gospel when it came to spelling the Celebrity Supercouple Nicknames.
Even though the hand holding the umbrella for transgenders is the same, all five fingers of that hand are not. The race to attaining transgender nirvana has been chalked with 5 different tracks. The tracks are identified as transexual, transvestite, genderqueer, androgene, and bigender.
Writing about transgenders is hard. Being them is even harder. Imagine a left-hand drive car coming straight from the factory and claiming that it felt very much right-handed. Since nothing can be done about it, the car is now incapacitated and forced to pretend that it is indeed a right-hand drive car and just drive down the boulevard. Then we have the car that thinks that it is neither left nor a right hand drive, instead a centre-hand drive. Hey, don’t brag your eyes. I told you, already. It is complicated for transgenders.
Harry Benjamin, the famous German-American sexologist and chief medical advisor to Christine Jorgenson (the ex G.I., who, before Caitlyn Jenner, 60 years ago, became the pioneer in America for stealing all shows concerning her Sex Reassignment Surgery), said, “Our genetic and endocrine equipment constitutes either an unresponsive/fertile soil on which the wrong conditioning and a psychological trauma can grow and develop into such a basic conflict that subsequently a deviation like transsexualism can result.”
Let me give you an example. When androgen receptors (a nuclear receptor that regulates gene expression) is said to have a firm handshake with testosterone or dihydrotestosterone (sex steroid), it will lead to the formulation of primary and secondary male sex characteristics. Whereas, instead of a handshake, if the androgen receptors and testosterone have a face-off with each other, their alliance will be broken. Meaning, a person who is assigned as ‘male’ at birth will come to feel and identify that he belongs to the opposite sex.
Again, it will be a blasphemy to summarise the identity of one’s gender purely by a single theory alone. There are potent men with pornstar-sized penises who feel that they should be women, just as there are women who are super attractive, wear feminine clothes, and perfectly capable of conceiving, feel the urge to grow hair on their chest and dangle some testosterone between their legs.
Going by the biological complexity and psychological curiosity, it is evident that Agent X and Agent Y from the Sperm Maker Inc., when it comes to adjudicating the gender of a person, are futile as a burp in a storm.
Oppression, degradation, prejudice – a staple diet in the menu of transgenders, have been riddled with brutal attacks for merely holding a balloon called ‘me’.
In 1513, when the Spanish conquistador, Vasco Nunez de Balbao, found out that a village in Panama had men dressing up as women, he ordered his men to make sure the casual crossdressers and gay indigenes were “torn to pieces” by his pack of wild dogs.
In 2008, 15-year-old Lawrence King was killed by two bullets to the head. The killer was a 14-year-old boy from the same school.
Last week, Stephanie McCarthy, a transgender musician, who was just about to play her gig, was assaulted by five men at Newtown’s Town Hall Hotel in Sydney.
 Yet, if we have a little courage to overlook the barbaric repercussions the transgenders have had to endure, we have come nowhere as close as today, when it comes to fighting for transgender rights. With Poland’s Anna Grodzka, becoming the first transexual MP in Europe to Donald Trump changing the rules in Miss Universe pageant that allowed Kylan Arianna Wenzel, the first transgender to participate in a Miss Universe competition to Madame Tussauds, San Francisco, recently announcing that it will feature a wax figure of Laverne Cox on June 26 during the Pride Week . . . the world of transgenders is on a slow and steady and progressive track. Laverne became the first ever transgender to star in the prestigious museum.
From the Indian wave, we have Manobi Bandopadhyay, who became India’s first transgender college principal when she took charge of Krishna Women’s College in West Bengal earlier this month. In 2014, the Supreme Court of India validated ‘transgender’ as the third sex.
With Caitlyn Jenner’s announcement, the transgender community in America and around the world are positive that going forward they will be able to see better days.
Obama, the first African-American to hold the office, was the first chief executive to inculcate the word ‘transgender’ in a speech, also openly prohibited job bias against transgender government workers, replied to Caitlyn’s second-ever tweet when she expressed her joy about finally being able to come out, “It takes courage to share your story.”
History is an ambitious gold digger eager to marry the most sought-after bachelor – ‘first-ever’. This century, we have had the privilege to see the changes the yesteryears had been begging and crying and hopelessly getting whipped for, just so they could live to breathe the aroma of this hopeful day – where the floods of transgender insurrection will come to overwhelm our naivety, for good.
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365news · 5 years
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365NEWS NEWSPAPER HEADLINES FOR MONDAY 1ST APRIL 2019       *PUNCH* We toughened SIM card replacement to stop fraud NCC National Assembly and the leadership jostle: Matters arising Oppressive bank charges: Mr President, please stop this daylight robbery Magun and Audu Ogbehs impotent sermon 2019 Elections: A post-mortem Commercial banks to pay N103bn taxes to FIRS FGll revert to Jan-Dec budget cycle in 2020 Minister Well produce 65.4 million litres of petrol, others daily Dangote Afenifere vows to continue agitation for restructuring Rainy season: Beware of thunderstorm, Nfory tells pilots, airlines Nigerias instant electronic payment hits 1.34 million FG begins process to simplify property registration Construction industryll witness growth through policy drive NIQS Building collapse: Estate surveyors propose public enlightenment programmes Opening different types of bank accounts CBN, Polaris Bank take financial literacy to schools UAC appoints Aiyesimoju as GMD/CEO Kwara PDP denies being behind governor-elects ordeal Connect Nigeria to empower SMEs with social, technology skills Speakership: APC Reps, others back Gbajabiamila, PDP to meet lawmakers-elect Suspension: Delayed Appeal Courts decisions worry Onnoghens lawyers I can cause trouble for Nigeria if provoked Nnamdi Kanu PDP tells Osinbajo to stop lying against the party *VANGUARD* Intrigues, tension as Gbaja, 16 others jostle for Reps Speakership 3,000 exhibitors from 60 countries to participate in K 2019 trade fair in Germany We've shortage of hostel accommodation, water supply, Katsina NYSC laments ASHON is ready for commencement of commodities, futures exchange ' Ezeagu Zamfara guber: Shinkafi asks tribunal to order fresh polls without APC, candidate Banking stocks undermine NSE performance Ihedioha says governing task very burdensome Ohanaeze Ndigbo passes vote of confidence on Nwodo Heritage Bank promotes financial inclusion strategy on Global Money Week Chris Uba seeks Ifeanyi Uba's prosecution for alleged electoral offences Alleged N7.6bn fraud: Ohanaeze chieftains, lawyers fault suspension of Kalu's trial Lagos to crush over 2,500 okada, impounds 109 more Ugwuanyi lauds Army for peace advocacy in Enugu FREE FLOAT OF SHARES: 18 companies flaw Stock Exchange post listing requirements HYPREP to build cassava plants in Ogoni Many killed as bandits attack Zamfara communities BOND YIELDS: Decline to persist as demand intensifies, N153bn inflow boost interbank Nobody discovered me, says Gov Emmanuel Election Petition Tribunal: A-Ibom INEC declares readiness to give account Expiration of Immunity: EFCC is not probing Amosun, Okocha, Yari APC leaders adopt Obaseki as sole candidate for 2020 Edo gubernatorial election Presidency plans to convert State House Medical Centre to clinic Kwara youths won't suffer under me ' Abdulrazaq *THE NATION* Governors push for Lawan in race for Senate President Former Lagos City Council Clerk Fashinro dies at 99 Lagos retains Fitchs B+ rating despite Visionscape payments default Rivers APC kicks as INEC resumes collation of March 9 elections results Southwest wont play second fiddle again, say Ooni, Fayemis aide Panic in Ogun community as farmer kills two Air Force probes flogging of bandits by personnel Gbajabiamila: Why I want to be speaker African leaders throng Glo stand at Kigali forum Majority party, majority power APC kicks as INEC resumes collation of Rivers gov poll Fidelity Bank to pay N3.2b dividend to shareholders Investors lose N49b on equities in Q1 Insurance crucial to economic development, say experts Accenture hikes forecast as digital investments pay off Bill to let banks work with cannabis firms advances in U.S. House Deepening savings through financial literacy TUC: N30, 000 minimum wage eroded by inflation Boeing sued over Ethiopian Airlines crash VAT increase will raise misery index, says MAN Pan African Re Awards winners honoured *THISDAY* NNPC, Oil Marketers Strengthen Partnership on Petrol Supply African CEOs Show Keen Interest in Glos Digital Solutions LCCI Holds Forum on Regulatory Environment Afreximbank Donates to Cylone Victims Moodys Affirms Access Banks Ratings 30 Undergraduates Emerge UBA Campus Ambassadors FCMB Unveils Easy Account United Capital Rewards Shareholders with N1.5 Billion Dividend SEC Extends Issuance of Dividend Warrants to December 2019 Experts Seek Effective Regulation for Tourism Sector Banks Promote Financial Inclusion Expert Highlights Factors Stifling Stock Market Growth African Governments Urged to Review Aviation Taxes Expert Seeks Support for SMEs Nestl Nigeria Improves Livelihoods in Communities Huawei Reiterates Commitment to Drive Digital inclusion in Nigeria Microsoft Assures Businesses of Digital Transformation Agency Adopts New Fire Fighting Technology Technology Firm Introduces Healthcare Product Itel Mobile Restates Commitment to Customer Satisfaction Stakeholders Harp on Building Viable Digital Economy Take Advantages of Digital Trends, Business Owners Told Caverton Posts N5.75bn Profit in 2018 *THE SUN* APC, PDP biker over polls' militarisation Senate presidency: South East quest legitimate -Basorun Igbo deserve to produce senate president-Nnadiekwe PDP to AGF: Avoid unconstitutional acts in Rivers election Oba-Oliver rejects rerun poll result Chris Uba seeks INEC's permission to prosecute Ifeanyi Ubah Polls: APC sets up panel to probe abysmal failure in Anambra Kwara 2019: No godfather sponsored any politician 2019 African Championship: Adekuoroye crowned Africa's Best Wrestler in Tunisia Ighalo on target, as Shenhua secures first win of the season Balogun determined to earn Brighton starting spot Rodgers: Iheanacho'll get better Star Lager unveils Football Kit for 'Unmissable' match UCL Tour: Heineken brings Puyol to Nigeria Shell, UBA sign $200m contractor support fund Nigerian ports dying as importers strike gold in Ghana, Togo, Benin Seme Customs seizes 8 trailers of foreign rice, 22 exotic cars Apapa Customs generates N60.2bn revenue in 2 months Why aviation sector needs local content law Air Peace takes delivery of 3rd Boeing 777 aircraft Peacock Aviation, Turkish Airlines seal deal to boost airfreight, cargo business Changan affirms success in Nigeria, unveils CS75 SUV line-up Uber, AXA Mansard unite to share safety tips among driverU-partners *GUARDIAN* Group challenges fees Nigerians pay for TSA, ICPC begins review in MDAs Ahmed denies influencing recruitment of new VC for Kwara varsity NCC explains rigorous SIM card processes Ogun completes MTR Garden, urges maintenance culture Liverpool regain Premier League top position as Chelsea survive Cardiff RIMAN, AMCON partner to strengthen risk management practices Samoura arrives as Second NFF-AITEO Awards hold today Home truth Amnesty, others condemn re-arrest of Bayelsa journalist Overhauling the military in a democracy *DAILY TRUST* Rethink inconclusive elections Tension in Jigawa Assembly over new leadership PDP to INEC: Declare Wike winner of Rivers gov'ship poll My case on Zamfara APC primaries beyond me ' Marafa Sokoto APC chair: We'll reclaim stolen mandate Shinkafi wants tribunal to order fresh polls in Zamfara Ex-reps to APC: Zone all N/Assembly positions now to avoid frictions PDP faults BMO on Kano poll violence Those eyeing my position behind suspension move ' Niger commissioner Speakership: Nguroje, Ex-Deputy Speaker, backs Gbajabiamila Youth issues my greatest challenge ' Kwara gov-elect The legislature as toll gate For a gritty, stable 9th House of Reps Babatunde Idiagbon: Patriotism in discourse Ahmed denies involvement in appointment of KWASU VC Auchi poly sacks 17 staff, downgrades 10 over money, gratification for marks Residents protest high electricity billing in Gwagwalada Foundation wants awareness on Down Syndrome 11 Plc renovates 21 classrooms in Apapa One arrested, two on the run for breaking into NNPC pipes Okada riders to watch crushing of 2,500 seized motorcycles in Lagos How Police nabbed Pastor after infecting 15 boys with HIV virus UKRAINE: Comedian leads presidential contest ' exit poll *TRIBUNE* Black Sunday in Bauchi as man, wife, two children, 9 others perish in road accident Using a borrowed laptop' Here is how to leave no traces Senate Presidency: I'm ready to work with all Senators ' Ahmed Lawan, Senate Majority Leader Lessons from inconclusive elections Over regulation, multiple levies killing outdoor advertising in Nigeria 'OAAN Secretary Daniel's cross Nigeria's N35billion Tower of Babel Financial reports: Looking beyond declared profits How to find the help you are looking for Injelititis: Why businesses fail ' 2 5 ways successful leaders demonstrate wisdom at work ABC of leadership I The New Zealand mosque massacre and the banality of evil S/Africa calls for urgent meeting of Ambassadors over Xenophobic attacks Slovakia elects first female president FG to set up cashew processing plants in 4 states ' Ogbeh Why SIM card replacement process is stringent ' NCC FG distributes 300 rice mills to farmers, millers in states South-West: 6,102 bags of rice seized in 2019 Q1 ' Customs *LEADERSHIP* Ukraine Presidential Election May Enter Second Balloting BRISIN Advocates One Stop-shop For Recruitment In Nigeria Commercial Riders Commend PMB Over Micro Pension Plan Bamidele Praises Fayemi For Accommodating Opposition Why I Joined Reps' Speakership Race ' Bago A Gunmen Kill 20 In Zamfara We Are Focused On Resolving Nigeria's Business Environment Challenges ' PMB PDP Alleges Plot By FG To Scuttle Rivers Election el-Rufai Urges Electricity Customers To Pay Bills ICPC Set To Probe MDAs NCAA Cautions Pilots, Airline Operators Over Thunderstorm NNPC, MOMAN Strengthen Collaboration On Products Supply Proposed $13,4m Ibadan Port Will End Apapa Traffic Poor Funding Mars Implementation Of Ecological Projects ' Minister Court Adjourns Case On Malabu, Awards Damages Stakeholders Urge Gov't To Resettle Displaced Orphanage Pupils Candido Promises More Democracy Dividends For Residents FCTA Warns Against Free Medical Outreaches Without Approval Land Reform: W'Bank Team Commends Obaseki On Use Of Technology PMB's Re-election Good Omen Micro Pension Plan: New Dawn For Informal Sector Players Why We Adopted Stringent Processes For SIM Card Replacement ' NCC Win A Home Lottery Gets 3rd Winner *BLUE PRINT* Slow pace of mechatronics training Down Syndrome: Expert makes case for children with learning disorder, other disabilities NYSC DG warns corps members against fraudsters, drugs No team set up to quiz Amosun, Okocha, Yari ' EFCC NFF holds extra-ordinary General Assembly in Lagos Lagos agog for AITEO/NFF event, FIFA Scribe set to pick award Speakership: Drop ambition now, S/east tells Gbajabiamila Why Buhari, Oshiomhole prefer Lawan, Gbajabiamila as Senate President, Speaker ' Okechukwu Okorie warns Ndigbo against playing 'ethnic politics Ex-governorship candidate urges Ortom to embrace opponents Jalingo residents in fear, despair as kidnapping rate soars Still on Idiagbon, the unsung hero 20 years after The days of Boko Haram are numbered ' Nwankpa Senate Presidency: What goes around comes around Pongri: Tribute to a colossus of laurels NAF reinventing self through research, development How much is a Nigerian's life worth Petitions flood Bayelsa election tribunal ahead of deadline We 'll root out remnants of Boko Haramdeadline7 commander Breaking: Liverpool pip Tottenham, return to EPL summit 38 bag distinction as ABU agric colleges convocate 1,165 students Jigawa: Appoint competent commissioners, APC chieftain tells Badaru 6th most miserable nation is Nigeria, report says *BUSINESSDAY* Why value-addition is critical in 21stcentury economy Banks' income from investment securities hit N655bn in 2018 Raphael James: A phenomenal social, education entrepreneur Mirror, mirror'who's the biggest of them all How Rotimi makes his mark in business Lessons from industrial development in South Korea Concerns as FG gradually relegates MTEF/FSP, abusesBihar's Fiscal Responsibility Act Abiodun faces task of retaining aggrieved investors at Ogun industrial clusters Brexit: The tortuous road to EU exit that is convulsing Britain Investors await Buhari's plans to kick-start economy *SPORTS* 2019 African Championship: Adekuoroye crowned Africa's Best Wrestler in Tunisia - The Sun U 56 qualify for finals of President Buhari Golf Cup tourney - Daily Trust A-League and Australian football news LIVE: Taggart scores clinical K-League double - Goal A-League April Fool's: Gallop resigns, Postecoglou back at Socceroos - Goal Adekuoroye best wrestler at African championships - Punch Adekuoroye Emerges Best Wrestler At African Championships - Daily Independent Adekuoroye emerges best wrestler at African Championships - Vanguard Ange N'Guessan ends Tenerife goal drought against Sporting de Huelva - Goal Ange N'Guessan ends Tenerife goal drought against Sporting de Huelva - Goal Ange Postecoglo finally reveals why he left the Socceroos - Goal *GOOD MORNING* Read the full article
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thebeatgossip-blog · 7 years
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Here’s what you missed [THIS MONTH] on @thebeatapp. Please keep in mind that this is now PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE as stated on the recap submission guildelines. Don’t see your recap here? Be sure to submit your recap next week!
Look out Raelynn, boy’s coming fo’yo crown.
It looks like Raelynn Rose @raelynnrose and Cameron Anderson @camderson are in good company, meaning they both love fucking. However, it seems like Cameron’s trying to steal Raelynn’s title as the slut of Mckinley U. He’s been in and out of Kurt Hummel’s @porcelainsongbirdbed and we have reason to believe he’s been in a few others.
After Ezekiel Wilde @ezekielpwilde changed his relationship status to “Courting Hope Crawford,” Hope @hopexcrawford saw it and could not be bothered to change her status in any way. Boy, bye. She later met up with Ezekiel to discuss things, presumably the fact that he thinks that courting is the equivalent of being in a relationship. Finally, she went on a picnic date with him.
Will they, won’t they?
Deciding he didn’t feel like participating in the shenanigans of Noah Puckerman’s @thepuckerbro party, Sam Evans @bodyrollenthusiaststayed in his room and was later joined by Raelynn Rose. Who the hell knows what happened there? Later in the week, he picked her up from the bar and took her home, but refused to sleep in the same bed as her - uh oh, trouble in paradise? What’s the matter Sammy? 
Also, BREAKING NEWS: Sam has a new beau – only no one knows who the hell it is. It’s your cliche mystery man. Who do y’all think it is? He blew out his birthday candles this week as well – Happy twenty-third birthday, Sammy. Give your boyfriend a kiss for us - if he’s even real?
Our condolences.
Anthony Hummel @anthonyhummel visited his mother’s grave - we’re sending our love to you, buddy. At least he’s got Clementine Rose @nottaclementine to keep him steady on his feet.
His brother’s keeper?
Blaine Anderson @sailingwarbler spent some time on a boat with Sam Evans where the two discussed Sam’s Weekend at Bernie’s fantasy. Basically, he wants to reenact the film upon his death. Blaine promised to help him fulfill his dying wish. Can you say friendship goals? He also spent some time with Kurt Hummel - this sounds familiar. Wasn’t another Anderson just barking up the Hummel tree? #Messy!
McKinley’s Sweetheart
June Fletcher @junexxfletcher helped Ezekiel Wilde remove the graffiti that the Wilde’s nephew left on the walls. A budding vandal in our midst - lovely! The girl also moved house, which is a big deal in any young adult’s life. Later on, she hangs out with Maxim McCarthy @fckngmaxim so he can vent to her about his angsty life.
The other Rose.
Clementine Rose spent most of her time fawning over Anthony Hummel who made it pretty clear he wasn’t interested in her, but her hurt didn’t seem to last long because she was spotted out with Beckett Wilde @gonebeckwilde shortly after.
Well let’s hear it for the weirdest ship name ever. And the most surprising couple. Puck and Todd @toddravensdale spent some quality time together this week of the clothes off/dicks out variety. Honestly, we’re still not sure what to make of this…hopefully they were safe?
An Anderson by any other name…
We get it, Kurt they’re hot. But did you really have to fuck every Anderson in town? Or was this a case of mistaken identity? Maybe he just thought Cam was Blaine...or visa-verse. Good luck getting out of that six foot hole.
We were so busy drooling over the Smythe triplets that we missed the talent that is their baby sister Alex @accordingtoalexx, spotted performing at a local open mic, she blew us away with her skill. We can’t wait to see her come out of her shell!
Fucking Maxim.
They’re at it again. It’s like their back together, bickering like an old married couple. It’d almost be sweet if it wasn’t so tacky. Maxim and Raelynn breaking out into a vicious fight via social media that lasted well into the night. Can you say unresolved issues?
We caught up with Maxim later when he broke down while spending time with June. Poor girl seems to be nothing more than a clean up crew for the campus messes™.
The actual worst
We know you already know. Raelynn Rose quite the busy little girl these days, but much to our surprise a shocking number of her evenings were spent in Samuel Evans’ bed. What exactly is going on with that? Then again, we’re sure she’s used to spending nights in beds that aren’t hers. After an embarrassing public fight with her ex, Maxim she went on a date with the guy her ex is fucking, Joseph Smythe. Work it girl, the revolving door of one night stands looks good on you.
McDonalds and Chill?
Apparently it’s the lastest trend. At least according to Maxim and our favorite Smythe, Joseph @tbhjoseph. And how coincidental that Joe is also meeting up with (dating?) Raelynn - Maxim ex. Then again, who isn’t fucking one or the other have of that failed ship?
Damsel in distress
How odd that when Anastasia Clarington @anastasiaclarington for herself in trouble her first call wasn’t hope to that hunk of a brother. No. She called, Ezekiel Wilde of all people to come to her rescue, and to her rescue he did come. We wonder how Hope feels about this? Do we smell trouble in ‘paradise’ already? Thankfully Ana was left unscathed by the incident.
Out of touch?
Ezekiel surprised exactly no one when he jumped the gun and updated his relationship status, poor Hope. He continued to stir the pot when he was spotting in the middle of a bar brawl and then in several online feuds fuelled by his strong convictions. To bad the Bible doesn’t have a chapter on social media etiquette in the modern world.
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227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Trending News! Los Angeles Chili' Lakers Mix! Kareem Chili' Abdul-Jabbar! 'That Was Bill Chili' Cosby Depravity 101': Accuser Slams Actor’s Spicy' Profane Outburst After Guilty Verdi
Bill Cosby’s profane outburst following his conviction for drugging and molesting Andrea Constand didn’t surprise other women who have accused him of sexual assault. “This is the side of Bill Cosby that we know that nobody else believed because I think the general public believes the character that he portrays. They don’t see the real person behind that character,” accuser Victoria Valentino, a former Playboy Playmate who alleged the actor drugged and assaulted her in 1970, told Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Today. According to multiple news outlets, Cosby’s outburst came as the district attorney for Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, pushed to have the 80-year-old’s bail revoked, arguing that the entertainer could be a flight risk because he owns a private plane and could travel “any place.” “He doesn’t have a plane, you a——!” Cosby yelled, according to NBC News, as well as journalists Jim Melwert and Stephanie Wash. NBC News also reported that Cosby added, “I’m sick of it, you a——!,” although according to the Associated Press, Cosby said, “I’m sick of him,” seemingly referring to the district attorney. Other journalists present have said it was hard to make out all of the disgraced entertainer’s remarks at the time. Cosby was ultimately allowed to remain free on bail but was ordered to stay confined to his home. Asked to respond to Cosby’s behavior in court — which included allegations that he laughed during the prosecution’s closing arguments — accuser Lili Bernard told Kotb and Guthrie, “That was Bill Cosby depravity 101.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/that-was-bill-cosby-depravity-101-accuser-slams-actor%E2%80%99s-profane-outburst-after-guilty-verdict/ar-AAwqfdU
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sphynxtee · 4 years
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deepest-devotion · 5 years
The White Key Register
Before the internet, it’s hard to imagine this type of social gathering being possible. An opportunity to socialise and share stories and experiences with like minded dominant women. Each lady who sat at the table had at least one key hanging from a necklace. Chastity belt keys, each with a male host out there somewhere, his cock securely locked away, while the key to his sexual release sat on public display. Nestled between a woman’s breasts, the symbology of male subjugation and female dominance could not be greater.
The woman sitting opposite Donna, and currently holding court, had five keys on her necklace. Four silver and one white. Everyone at the table knew of the white key register, but this was the first time Donna had actually seen someone wearing one. The white lock chastity belt, each one had a unique serial number, and mechanical counter on the locking mechanism. On each locking click, the counter turned, keeping track of the number of times the device has been locked on. When used with the online database, it provided a full proof tracking register.
The process was simple, each time the chastity belt was locked on, it would be filmed, with the film being emailed to the database registrar. This allowed the wearer’s details, along with a verification video, to be entered into the database. Once registered on the database, every release from the chastity belt required to be filmed, up to its reinstatement. So, if the number on the lock aligned with the number of entries in the database, then the wearers adherence to chaste lifestyle could be simply verified.
The woman who registered men onto this database, had to confirm that the wearer was a virgin, and had agreed to sacrifice his sexual satisfaction for the pleasure and amusement of women. Additionally, he could be no older than eighteen years of age at the time of registration. This provided a measure of assurance, with regards to his virginal status. And that’s how the white lock register had been born
Given their age at the time of registration, the male virgins were pretty naive, and didn’t fully appreciate the lifestyle that awaited them. They were blissfully unaware that this environment would fully consume their lives. They had little insight into the mind of dominant women, and this naivety would be exploited to the fullest extent over the course of time, their fates were sealed as soon as they were registered onto the database. Soon they would be nothing more female playthings to be toyed with, used, abused and conditioned into a life of servitude.
This was no Craig’s list, this database contained only virginal males, with a very exclusive female clientele perusing the menu. A simple mechanical counter, some video, and a database, had provided a means to verify a man’s virginity. Never before in human history could a man’s virginal status be monitored and confirmed. Nature’s lack of a male hymen had finally been defeated, and now willing men were sacrificing themselves in the pursuit of the ultimate tease and denial game, were the female orgasm was the only show in town. For them being a white key locked male was an honour, a symbol of their virginal unblemished and submissive status. The white key also conferred a mental lock, in addition to the cold hard steel’s physical confinement.
And now sitting opposite Donna, the white key shone brightest amongst all others. Once the number of keys on your necklace was enough, identifying how many men you had within your stable, but now having a white key amongst your collection had become a symbol of your status, bestowing unbridled bragging rights. All men on the list had initially been registered by their mistresses, but as time passed, woman began transferring their white keys to other dominant women for a fee. The men had become sellable assets, and like any assets they would be exploited fully.
The database had been key to converting them into commodities, as it bestowed each man on the list with an electronic hymen, one that could be verified by any women with access to the list. It provided the buyer with substantial information on each man. They could view every chastity belt release via the uploaded videos, for all on the list. There were photos, valuations, details on the number of times their keys had been traded, trends, comments from current and previous key owners. It was all there, all available at the click of a button.
Commodities, what submissive male wouldn’t want to be viewed as nothing more than a commodity by the dominant sex, the mental compulsion to adhere to the rules of this tease and denial underworld was strong, and for the men on the list, it was  irresistible. Once locked and registered, their submissive nature compelled them to remain on the list. It was a difficult urge to fight, especially given their early indoctrination into this lifestyle. Their submissive sexuality had destined them to a life of exploitation by the database’s female users, their freedom had gone with their registration, and was unlikely to ever return.
For the database’s female users, purchases were two fold. There was the obviously enjoyment and fun that could be gleaned from the eager tongue of a locked submissive male virgin, cunnilingus, rimming, the options were boundless. But over and above the sexual pleasure and thrill of using a virgin, there was the investment potential. If they maintained adherence to the database rules, their submissive virgin’s value would increase with time.
Like a whiskey or a good wine, their value could soar with their vintage, and that value was reflected in the trades between the online female users, as they constantly bartered and haggled amongst themselves with each transaction.
There was no incentive to take their virginity, as it would wipe out the commercial value in an instance. They purchased the white keys, and reaped the benefits, both sexual and financial. Although there was no guarantee with any purchase, given that the men weren’t actual legal property, but only willing participants, even if the mental hold over them was absolute, there still remained some financial risk. Although women had stacked this game very much in their favour, the potential for financial loss was virtually nonexistent.
If a man was uncomfortable with his new key owner, he had two options. He could either buy his white key back, and reimburse the lady, with an inconvenience fee added, so that she would still make on the deal. Or he could remove his chastity belt by whatever means possible. However, this rarely happened, as once a belt was removed, there was no return to his confirmed virginal status, and his place on the list would be no more. He would never again have the honour of being a white key locked male, and the psychological kick that provided would be gone forever, never to return. Buyers knew this and took full advantage, exploiting these men’s compulsive submissive tendencies to the maximum.
Even the option of buying his key back was rarely used. A note would be added to his database entry, and the dominant women using the database would never accept his key again, even if freely given. Commodities had to know their place within the hierarchy, and be discouraged from any form of rebellion. And it worked, once registered as a virgin, the vast majority adhered to the rules, and accepted their new owners, knowing any mutiny would invariably result in them losing their status, and their place on the virgin list. The woman who used this list fully understood the nature of their prey, this market would never crash, there would be no rebellion, only an endless stream of willing slaves, conditioned to please, and enjoyed by their female owners.
Then there were the cherry takers, women who would buy keys, and then take a man’s virginity, regardless of the financial loss. Even these men had little option but to comply. Invariably if they refused, the woman would threaten to delete the video of his release, after the chastity belt had been locked back on. As the numbers no longer tallied, his electronic hymen could no longer be verified. Consequently it was better to lose his virginity and trade his white key for silver, and remain with the woman who took his virginity, than to lose his status with no psychological sexual kick at all. At least she who took his virginity now held his key, now owned him, and kept him as part of her male harem. The woman who used this database had every possible angle covered, they ruled supreme, they made the rules.
Donna knew of this white key virgin male market, but had never been tempted to dabble in it, although she had browsed it on occasion. However, she wouldn’t pay for a submissive male, but listening to this woman’s constant bragging had focussed her mind, she would find submissive male virgins, and start her own portfolio. Technology had provided her generation of women with this unique opportunity, the ability to harvest and develop virginal males, solely for female pleasure and amusement. The female virginal brides of history replaced by a male variety, it was poetic justice for man’s injustice to women thru the ages. Now was the time for the male hymen, be it electronic or otherwise, to shine, and for her to get this business venture under way.
This wasn’t an immoral venture, these men were physically stronger than women. The very fact that they had in effect become modern day slaves, auctioned on a online market, that was controlled solely by women was a reflection on their needs. They were being given the opportunity to serve, that’s how they were wired, this market was a two way street. At least that’s was the moral argument, that Donna had with herself. Others may argue that these men’s deep sexual desires were being shamelessly and fully exploited to the maximum, with no concern for their welfare. That their needs were being taken advantage off, and they were being conditioned to a live of slavery early in their adult live. The simple fact remained, this market existed, and now that the genie was out of the bottle, it would never be put back in. She would join the male electronic hymen club, regardless of any moral arguments.
0 notes
Madden NFL 25 Related Franchise Tips And Technique Guide
Properly … here is something to do when you're tired of watching NFL pre-season games. Madden NFL 18 is an American soccer sports activities online game based on the National Football League and revealed by EA Sports. Sure please, in idea not less than, earlier than the system is tied to pre-order bonuses, NFL video ads for cash (a freemium cellular strategy that is crept its approach into full retail releases), extra packs for sharing your info with EA, and a step past a Season Go - the EA Sports activities Season Ticket. The emblems would nonetheless hold and block other recreation makers from releasing an NFL Soccer game. All of this makes Madden NFL Football really feel decidedly previous, and makes the time funding essential to work through a seventeen week season of football not value it. And where Madden has chosen to scale back, it finally feels better for it. The final two years have given me a modicum of hope that, even so a few years into the period of NFL exclusivity, the Madden workforce can nonetheless find methods to evolve and improve the concept of video game football. Antonick is in search of thousands and thousands in allegedly unpaid royalties, punitive damages and disgorgement of all earnings arising from the $5 billion Madden NFL franchise and related sports videogames, in keeping with court docket filings. While Madden NFL 18 is great for rookies, seasoned veterans are nonetheless catered for. Madden NFL 15 options all of these aspects of the passing recreation, however even with good man-to-man coverage you possibly can still complete passes in tight protection. You may obtain MADDEN NFL Football Hack for Android and iOS! If there is a specific trend at play in Madden NFL Cellular, it is that all the things feels very streamlined and accessible, even more so than last year. We at the moment don't have any Madden NFL 17 achievement or trophy lists for Ps3. Please examine back at a later date for extra achievements and trophies to be added. New player animations give Madden NFL 15 a practical and immersive experience. Madden NFL 06 on the Xbox 360 has the look, and it plays high quality. Citing drastically decreased sales of Madden NFL 2004, EA went directly to the NFL and signed a $300 million cope with the NFL and NFL Gamers Inc., meaning nobody else may create American football video games that had precise NFL teams, gamers, and stadiums. Lechler is a 7-time Pro Bowler and was the punter on the NFL 2000s All-Decade team. It's doable with the new Madden NFL Cellular 2018 Hack software by our crew. For them the cellular MADDEN NFL Football Resources generator is meant. You'll be able to construct your roster from some of the greatest current NFL players, legends, and even future Corridor of Famers. Although it is simple to see the graphical enhancements, the true star of Madden NFL 18 is its new story mode. A runner-up within the previous year's Madden NFL cover selection course of, Gronkowski finished the 2015-2016 season with 10 touchdowns and 1,018 yards on the season, and helped lead the Patriots to the playoffs for yet another yr. Viewers will even notice that the visuals in Madden NFL 25 are slightly missing in comparison with present sports video games. Our fearless chief, Asif Khan, shows Gamespot what it means to do it for Shacknews in Madden NFL 18: MUT SQUADS. 66 Neither New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick nor Bill Parcells appeared in the recreation as they are not members of the NFL Coaches Affiliation. TOM BRADY was revealed because the Madden NFL 18 cover star final month, however right now's EA Play dwell stream ought to showcase a brand new gameplay trailer, a new Journey Mode at E3 2017. Together with the normal licensing program around the NFL championship recreation, the league is rolling out Super Bowl on the 50,” a retro program. All they care about is money, similar as EA. NFL desires as much cash as doable, EA desires to be able to fart round releasing meh NFL titles with no competitors and the unique license solves each companies needs. The Madden demo includes two playable options, as well as two by no means-before-seen videos to get you pumped up for the total video game launch of Madden NFL 25 on August 27. It feels unusual to say that in an era of being more thoughtful of the things large hits do to real NFL gamers, but you'll be able to feel the weight of jarring impacts greater than ever with Frostbite. Madden NFL 10 is the closest thing to "actual" TELEVISION sports activities you can find on a console, full with sponsorship stings for the likes of Snickers and Sprint so beloved of US networks. Madden NFL 18 is presently huddling in preparation for an August 25, 2017 release on the PlayStation four and Xbox One. Special Groups: Welcome the thrill of particular groups back to Madden NFL. Lots of this 12 months's new features involve the NFL players themselves, nonetheless, calling upon gamers to maintain and develop their star athletes. The discharge of EA Sports' Madden NFL online game titles have change into a yearly occasion. Right together with defense, the presentation in Madden NFL 15 is enormously improved, with greater fidelity visuals and a stronger live sport really feel. Toate acestea vă ajută să se bucure de jocul mai mult, fără a fi nevoie să petreacă ore de măcinare joc doar pentru a hack Madden nfl Trucuri de mobil pentru mobil face un pic de bani. No different particular person has been in a position to observe, understand, create and influence the historical past of the sport over that span like Madden had. Not like different sites that strive off of supplying you with a couple of textual content-written performs and name them Madden tips, we at Madden Gurus are dedicated to teaching you ways to be good at Madden NFL each single year. Madden NFL Arcade shall be available as a obtain on Xbox RESIDE Arcade and the PlayStation Store for 1200 MS Factors and $14.ninety nine respectively, just in time for the vacations in December. The rights to the NFL were set to expire in 2012, however with the lockout, the NFL has given EA a one-yr extension. Win your self a $10,000 USD Tremendous Bowl Impressed ring with Madden NFL 18. http://maddenmobilehackgenerator.com/ of the best actual-world NFL matchups every week in Play Now Reside! American Football followers can information their heroes to glory in Madden NFL 18 for the Xbox One. Only a few months after being named the Madden NFL cover athlete, Culpepper suffered a knee damage throughout a sport against the Pittsburgh Steelers and needed to miss the remainder of the 2001 season. After three seasons bearing only the Madden name, the series snags NFL rights, which includes teams and logos. All you got to do is to kind your Madden NFL Cell username and, select the type of machine you might be using and to press the connect button. Nonetheless, essentially the most talked about new function with Madden is the Long-shot mode, during which players observe the arduous highway to turning into an NFL star. Microsoft continues its campaign to publicize the ability of its beast and it does it together with Madden NFL 18 of Electronic Arts, for that cause we are able to already take pleasure in a brand new announcement associated to the brand. See stunning new stadium exteriors surrounded by huge cityscapes and watch the spectacle of NFL gameday come to life in the most photorealistic recreation thus far. The Madden NFL Final League is the first ever aggressive gaming sports activities league of its form featuring one-on-one competitors between 16 of one of the best Madden NFL 18 players and will run from Friday, February 2nd for 2 and a half months of thrilling esports leisure, culminating on the NFL Draft on April 28th. Other units embody NFL Domination which guarantees the participant a 99 OVR CB Richard Sherman (2014-15), a ninety nine OVR TE Rob Gronkowski (2015-16), and a 99 OVR LB Von Miller (2016-17), if they beat the stay event, and Champion units which grant them completely different Champion edition elite players if they gather 10 totally different NFL Division collectibles. Madden NFL sixteen options the most important stars within the NFL, probably the most real looking gameplay, and the motion that keeps you coming again for extra. ONE-SENTENCE EVALUATE: While the sport has many of the same features as earlier editions, "Madden NFL 25" does have some new controls that make sport play more sensible. The Madden NFL cellular cheats on-line instrument will also be used to generate limitless resources. For all intents and functions, a random number generator could be a greater predictor of the result of the NFL playoffs than this simulation. Madden NFL 16 is making its transfer to past and present-gen consoles on August 25, 2015. When you ever want cash, open up the Madden NFL hack software and generate coins and cash and stamina for a lifetime. The most important fallout I see from it, that's impacted my purchases essentially the most, is we also lost loads of those arcade sports activities games like NBA Street, NBA Ballers, NFL Blitz, and so forth. CW's new series takes viewers behind the scenes of the Madden NFL 18 Challenge, which is part of the Madden Championship Series, with the purpose of broadening their attain and expanding their audience. In Madden NFL 17 on Xbox One and PlayStation®four, Big Choices start a new course in your profession mode experience changing the way in which you method your gameplay technique for each match up. Madden Cell hack instrument doesn't must be downloaded you simply do it on our website on-line.Stamina, cash and madden cell free cash serve as probably the most huge issues found in this madden NFL cellular hack. Madden NFL 16 is the first installment within the franchise in a while to include extremely specific throwing and catching strategies. EA Sports activities announced its plans for the quilt of the upcoming Madden NFL after a tear-filled retirement speech from Favre in March 2008. If you do not have to worry about pissing off the NFL, you can also make football and its gamers look as violent and ruthless as you want. Whichever scheme you select, Madden NFL Arcade plays and controls nice. EA Sports has the unique rights to make use of NFL teams and players in video video games till 2013 and no different company appears prepared or able to out-bid them. Madden NFL Football on Nintendo 3DS brings your favorite American Soccer players and groups to life like never before, in jaw-dropping 3D. The motion jumps off the screen as you compete in traditional eleven-on-11 games or excessive-flying five-on-five. 27, ESPNEWS: Madden NFL 18 club championship division finals, from Orlando. Critics, lamenting the dearth of modes, restricted replay, and other lacking Madden intangibles, scored Madden 06 a seventy four on Metacritic, down from the ninety one of Madden 05 and an 88 for the PlayStation 2 edition of 06. The person score for the Xbox 360 version particularly whittled to a mere 50. The one console edition rated decrease prior to now 18 years is Madden NFL Football for the 3DS (that was a forty nine).
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How Oliver Sacks Saved His Own Life By Literary works And Song Brain Pickings.
Solar components are primarily set on an angled surface such as the roofing system of structures. Commentators claimed the drop in popularity of gyms can be the outcome of a backlash against subscription charges integrated with a trend for running, sustained by the popularity of occasions such as ParkRun, the regular Saturday early morning 5km event held across the UK. Virtually 8 years later, those numbers have actually raised by five and one, respectively-progress, probably, however certainly not a transformation. This hybrid design of workout concentrates on using body weight, equilibrium as well as practical motion by integrating yoga exercise methods and also typical acrobatics techniques. I didn't assume she could possibly really feel so strongly about what took place in between us ... not when she recognizes why Hunter as well as I counted the Wind Rangers as our opponents. The gym includes fat burning courses two times a month as well as has signed up dietitians on staff. Ladies whose greatest aspiration was to obtain a secretarial job at Smith Barney and also holiday with their bosses in the Bahamas unlike those people in the Program, who desired for dealing with down F5 hurricanes as well as relaxing surging rivers. Galen came near us, and also the power open up to him without any believed from me. The 3 people stood there full of the night. The clean-and-jerk is a two-part lift in which the weight is extracted from flooring to take on height, then pressed expenses. Beginners ought to carry out the pelvic tilt frequently before beginning the pelvic lift. The only way for any one of the Rangers to call one another would certainly be their independent wrist devices, which really did not count on the Megaship for power. The Bowflex Sport house gym is a versatile device that covers basically every muscle mass team of the body. Some fitness centers do not allow any individual under 18, while some across the country chains, such as 24 Hour Health and fitness, enable minors ages 12 to 17 to sign up with. original site as well as individuals have the tendency to call to mind huge, protruding triceps as well as biceps. When you are looking for the wheelchair lift van or you are preparing to have actually van modified, it is recommended to you that you deal specifically with a credible participant of the National Flexibility equipment suppliers organization when you are should buy a wheelchair handicap lift van. With the suits still in his hand, he struck up one more fire, lighting up the opening, revealing a collection of actions heading down to a reduced degree. The next generation will have a brighter future if everybody in this globe obtains power from this resource. Theories per se are fascinating as well as well suggested yet doesn't actually probe the origin or the history of such power that comes into place. Things is with the brand-new fitness center is that there aren't a lot of our initial team there anymore. The thing was, he lived and also on this side now, and also he needed to maintain himself below until Van Dean entered into his power. Nevertheless, a lot of fitness centers charge much less the longer the contract so you might miss out on a discount. After being left to pass away on the room citadel, Marah and also Kapri ran away with the Rangers and also joined the Wind Ninja Academy. He first fulfilled the Rangers while attempting to conserve a kid in danger together with of them. But in justness to your non-sick fellow fitness enthusiasts," Matthews says, if you're going to get some workout in while you're fighting a cool, you must go with an at-home workout - possibly your favorite fitness DVD or an exterior workout." If you do choose to work out at the health club, be respectful of others and make certain to effectively sanitize all tools that you make use of - which you must always do, sniffles or otherwise. From the decoration to the equipment to the total look of your health club - you have to be accordingly pleased. The lift was built from timber dropped in the Sabina mountains north of Rome. He makes no relocate to method, just enjoying me very carefully as I raise the gold disc from the morpher, examining it very closely. Walking has lots of advantages, including strengthening as well as cardiovascular benefits, but if it was me, I would certainly claim you want to choose the health club membership. Numerous fitness centers have outside pools as well as tennis courts, allowing you to soak up some sunlight while obtaining fit. You'll also more than happy to know that Medicare gives some aid acquiring a lift chair. When I am embeded the center of writing, I'll generally refer to my power phrases, and the following point I know, the sentences occasionally begin creating themselves. Raise Every Voice as well as Sing was written by James Weldon Johnson as well as set to music by his brother, J. Rosamond Johnson, that had actually studied at the New England Conservatory of Music. Handicapped and also impaired persons enjoyed to ride on this residential hydraulic wheelchair lift again and again. It's incredible what does it cost? of an exercise I can now get without any equipment apart from the tables, chairs and doors that exist in a regular room. He made sure they discovered him, but they wouldn't identify him as the former leader of the Power Rangers. While undergoing the wreckage, the Rangers located the Zeo Crystal, evidently stopped by the two villains, then fell under the below ground Power Chamber, their new main office, where Zordon and Alpha-5 retreated to throughout the surge. Over all it's a great fitness center therefore numerous machines that you can always locate one to exercise on as well as Nikko who manages the Pro Shop constantly has a terrific selection of appearal to selected from. If you're a large sweater (you understand who you are ...) after that its an outright need to carry a towel with you and also wipe down the equipment when you're done. As well as for annual participants, see if your gym is just one of the lots of huge chains that will allow you place your subscription on hold, inning accordance with Rather, wrap as well as head outside, or pop in that new health and fitness DVD and exercise in your living room. A thoughtful specialist of these practices will not be misled by the thrill of the experience of power down the course of self-gratification and misuse, but will certainly choose rather to appreciate the deeper thrills of making a long lasting distinction on the planet. Their brand-new golden close friend Antonio reveals the Power Rangers he as well could be a samurai with his lightning-fast Barracuda Blade, the ink-spraying OctoZord, and the ClawZord's megamodes! But as Andreas Bernard reveals in Raised: A Cultural History of the Elevator (2014), this story of development is itself an invention, promoted as well as sealed in place by the Otis firm throughout the 20th century. My gym occurs to have fractional plates, yet if your gym does not, after that you can get a decent set of fractional plates and toss them in your gym bag given that they don't consider very much. The very first week, I lifted with a weight that was extremely easy for me. Then, I gradually included 5 pounds each week. Pause for a minute and take into consideration how this training technique varies from that of most individuals in the gym (and in several various other areas of life as well). A 165-pound man needs to deadlift 295 extra pounds at an intermediate level or 520 extra pounds at an elite level. Generally, these floor covering as well as floor coverings come 3/8 of inches thick which is an excellent choice for house health and fitness gyms. The ideal body gave the Greek citizen a tough model to live up to. To get the body in shape needed training, which implied, first of all, the fitness center. To punctuate his declaration, the ship rocked also more difficult than in the past, throwing all the rangers from their seats, and also causing control panels to spark with fury. Furthermore, they have the tendency to preserve their height also if there is power failing thus curtailing opportunities of unexpected threats. It's so strange; I understand Tori's a Power Ranger, however I don't want to ... tarnish our time along with speak about wicked ninjas, deception, and also vengeance. Holland suggests ditching the regular monthly charge completely by paying up front if you can afford it (and if you're dedicated to utilizing the fitness center). The intro's brooding look probably shouldn't be excessive of a shock given Israelite, previously best-known for middling time travel-themed found-footage film Project Almanac, has actually told IGN the movie will certainly be enjoyable" as well as cheerful" however also one that feels completely grounded in a real world, with actual characters experiencing real points". It is ideal that you look into some of the health clubs in the location and also obtain your subscription in a health club that balances price as well as high quality to your benefit. This silent movie tells the tale of 2 dam structure construction employees complete for the attentions of regional girls. Child gym is likewise held on Saturday mornings at 9am or 11am at the Maison des Sports on the RN7.
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usatrendingsports · 6 years
New coach, identical outcome as Butler knocks Villanova from No. 1 spot once more
INDIANAPOLIS — Probably the most riveting Saturday of school basketball’s season thus far was accentuated within the early Indianapolis night the place the temperature barely broke Zero levels outdoors Hinkle Fieldhouse. Contained in the fitness center, a sweltering and uncommon Butler taking pictures efficiency induced an upset which is able to shake up school hoops’ nationwide rankings.
Villanova is now not atop the mountain and Butler is proving to be the Wildcats’ Kryptonite.
The Bulldogs upset the No. 1-ranked, beforehand undefeated Wildcats 101-93. Apart from catalyzing tumult atop the polls, extra distinctly, the result serves as a reminder that this sport supplies super drama and relentless unpredictability lengthy earlier than March arrives. Convention season is right here and with it comes the chance for frequent chaos. 
One of the best court-storm of this season unfurled on the Hinkle hardwood after LaVall Jordan, a Butler alum all of 15 video games into his head teaching tenure with the Dawgs, acquired the sort of win he’ll always remember. Positive to come back quickly: An enormous shiny photograph of the floor-storm printed out and put underneath glass with BUTLER 101 VILLANOVA 93 adorned contained in the body. The photograph could be hanging in Jordan’s workplace inside every week.
It is a win that validates a season, that establishes Jordan as the precise man for the job. You knock off the No. 1 group, the category of your convention and a latest nationwide champion? Jordan is offering plain proof in a rush that he was the proper selection to interchange Chris Holtmann after Holtmann was lured away by Ohio State in June.
Step again from the outcome, take a scan of the Large East and surrounding cosmic our bodies in school hoops and you will see it is a captivating flip of occasions we have got right here. The dichotomy between Villanova’s fame on Saturday morning vs. the truth of the place the Wildcats appear to take a seat within the larger realm of school basketball on Saturday night time warrants some reflection. Butler stripped the sheen off Villanova. 
The Wildcats (who shall be effective and doubtless are going to wind up ending atop the league standings once more anyway) had been rightfully acknowledged as probably the most full, dominant group in school hoops. Jay Wright’s squad was dealing with a difficult highway take a look at, positive, however this was a Butler group that hadn’t defeated a surefire NCAA Event-caliber opponent to this point. 
How would BU deal with itself in a pressure-packed recreation in opposition to an undefeated group in a first-rate nationwide TV spot on CBS? It was Jordan’s greatest recreation as Butler coach, too. Had Butler come out and misplaced alongside the traces of a 77-70 ending, few if any would have given Jordan grief. As an alternative, he is giving Butler followers hope that this season shall be greater than only a rickety adjustment interval post-Holtmann. 
What we do know: Butler’s program, irrespective of the coach, has a maintain on Villanova. That is the burgeoning plot twist within the Large East. It has been Villanova’s league, sure. 4 consecutive regular-season titles and an total file pretty much as good as virtually every other program over the previous 4 years in school basketball. It has been a league with Xavier in sizzling pursuit of VU. However Butler’s now the foil for Villanova. Butler’s acquired three consecutive wins in opposition to the Wildcats. Two of these wins have now come when Villanova was undefeated and ranked No. 1. 
Butler’s trifecta of wins over top-ranked groups is greater than any program in school basketball since 2012.  
That is nice for the Large East, a league that is trying set as much as ship not less than 5 groups to the NCAAs once more, which might make for the fourth straight season that occurred. Villanova is the flagship program however Butler is able to taking out anybody. In that manner, the Bulldogs are emblematic of how aggressive and unpredictable the Large East has develop into. On Saturday, Butler shot an outrageously good 60 p.c from the sector and an unthinkably environment friendly 68 p.c (15 for 22) from Three-point vary. Villanova wasn’t far behind. It shot 54 p.c, had solely 4 turnovers and was soundly defeated.
You understand how uncommon it’s for a group to commit fewer than 5 turnovers and lose?
“That is one of the best offensive group we have performed in opposition to, and it confirmed,” Wright mentioned. “We have simply been outscoring individuals, and you were not outscoring this group tonight.”
The Wildcats gave up 100-plus factors for the primary time because the notorious 101-80 loss to Creighton in 2014, which got here on the peak of the Bluejays’ energy behind the Participant of the 12 months marketing campaign of Doug McDermott.
Right here comes Butler, banging the door down on Nova, profitable by barraging the Wildcats with 3s. Kelan Martin had 24 factors. Paul Jorgensen, a career-best 23 together with some Trae Younger-esque long-range missiles. Kamar Baldwin had 19 factors, plus 9 boards and a career-high seven dimes. A few of what Butler pulled off was aberrational (this group nonetheless is nowhere close to a top-100 membership in Three-point proportion) however the high-level play of Martin, Jorgensen and Baldwin was a warning shot to the league.
Let or not it’s recognized, lastly and for all, that Butler is a nationwide program and a group now not enjoying the small-guy function. Jordan is Butler’s fourth coach in six seasons. This system is proving to be sustainably profitable in a league that is established itself as, statistically, one of many three hardest conferences in school basketball over the previous three seasons. Butler might have simply dropped off the radar and develop into a filler program within the Large East. As an alternative, it is become the highest foil for the convention’s prime group — and exhibiting that it is acquired a coach prepared for the pains. 
“Proud is the phrase,” Jordan informed CBS Sports activities, when requested to explain the win. “Pleased with guys, happy with our employees, they had been super in preparation, proud alumni that’s happy with our faculty and program.”
Jordan shared some wine along with his spouse Saturday night time, inside their kitchen, toasting to an incredible finish of 2017 for him, his household, their program. The yr started with him contracting a rebuild in Milwaukee. He could not have presumably dreamed up that his life would carry him to the second on Saturday, when his group celebrated — then practically 500 college students darkened the hardwood in celebration. Life can come at you quick, and in basketball, typically beguiling methods. 
Till this level, the Wildcats had regarded — definitively — like one of the best, deepest, most well-rounded group in school basketball. Butler stripped Villanova of its fame, its undefeated file and its declare to the No. 1 spot within the rankings.
Once more.
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This research paper assesses the history of the concept of due process in Anglo-American jurisprudence. While the actual phrase ‘due process of law’ first appeared in the Magna Carta, the concept of due process was transformed when the American colonists adopted it as a limiting principle not only on the use of executive power but also on the scope of the laws that could be passed. Due process protects substantive rights by requiring procedural regularity in the exercise of governmental power and insists that procedural regularity may not be altered by the normal operations of political power. In the twentieth century, due process law in the United States developed in three central phases – substantive, procedural, and functional due process – and these trends continue into the twenty-first century.
Substantive Due Process
Procedural Due Process
Due Process Functionalism
Due Process in Other National Legal Systems
The concept of due process emerges from the central paradox in the creation of state authority. Following Thomas Hobbes (1994), the governmental state may be seen as an evolutionary response to the failings of the state of nature. In the war of all against all, no person has an incentive to industry, writes Hobbes in the Leviathan, because each lacks security in investment, planning, and the ability to exchange. Each faces the threat of bodily violence, invasion of the home, and seizure of property. The response, per Hobbes, is the creation of the state, a body that can impose order, lift mankind from the pitiable war of all against all, and secure collective benefits. The paradox emerges in that the creation of the state also produces a magnified form of the threat that was ever present in the state of nature. The state represents the largest entity capable of inflicting bodily violence, invading the home, and seizing property. Indeed, all states reserve to themselves the right to do just that to their citizens, and most include the right even to punish by death. What then differentiates the modern state that claims political legitimacy from the state of nature? The answer must begin with an abiding respect for procedural fairness in the imposition of punishment and the regulation of the conduct of the citizens’ lives Thomas Hobbes (1994).
This conception of procedural fairness is at the heart of the concept of the rule of law, and of its more technically exigent offshoot, the guarantee of due process. The typical formulation of due process, as that concept has developed in Anglo- American jurisprudence, is derived from the Magna Carta, issued by King John in 1215 in the face of rebellious barons seeking restraint upon the exercise of royal prerogatives:
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessings, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.
The crux of the original formulation was to limit the power of the royal sovereign by granting legal protection to the life, liberty, and property of English freemen. The significance of the Magna Carta’s guarantees emerges from the form of the limitation on sovereign authority. The document does not attempt to deny the sovereign the capacity to imprison, outlaw, or banish the rights-holding citizenry, or to have restraints imposed on the enjoyment of property or other rights held by citizens. Rather it imposes a condition of procedural regularity in the exercise of the sovereign’s power, including central, orderly trial processes and formal proclamation of the applicable legal standards. This notion of procedural regularity is captured in the actual phrase, ‘due process of law’, which first appeared when the Magna Carta was issued in an English version in 1354 by King Edward III. Its modern vitality draws from the efforts of Sir Edward Coke in the seventeenth century to revive the Magna Carta as a check on the power of the Stuart monarchs.
Not surprisingly given these origins, due process emerged from medieval Britain primarily as a restraint on the executive power of the sovereign, specifically of the Crown. The concept of due process was transformed when the American colonists adapted the Magna Carta as a limiting principle not only on the use of executive power but also on the scope of the laws that could be passed. For colonists lacking the rights of participation in the creation of laws, the insult of arbitrary state power occurred whether power was exercised legislatively or by the sovereign. As recast by the colonists, due process became a limitation that extended beyond the power of the crown, to encompass as well local assemblies and, by the time of the revolution, Parliament. Thus, even as England adopted a system of increasing parliamentary sovereignty, the concept of due process as a constraint on the exercise of governmental power retained its vitality in the colonies. As a result, the newly independent Americans established a more limited government, reflected by the Bill of Rights (including a due process clause), as an explicit limitation on the use of state power, including the legislative branch. As articulated by James Madison, “The legislature, no less than the executive, is under limitations of power,” and hence the rights of the people were to be secured ‘against legislative as well as executive ambition’ (Madison, 1896). The source of the limitation was a constitutional command that stood apart and above the normal operations of state authority.
The American focus on legislative power also highlights the importance of due process as a restraint not just on the penal powers of the state but on its civil regulatory powers as well. Due process emerges from this historical origin with two central features. First, it protects substantive rights independently secured by positive law by requiring procedural regularity in the exercise of all governmental power. Second, the requirement of procedural regularity may not be altered by the normal operations of political power. As reflected in the American constitutional experience, the guarantees of due process are not directly accountable to the political dictates of either the executive branch of government (the closest in form to the sovereign crown) or the legislative will of the majority. As a constitutional guarantee, the requirements of due process may not be altered though the customary political processes of legislation. It is these two features of procedural regularity and independence from direct political accountability that define due process as it has emerged most clearly in American constitutional law, which long ago held due process to be a protection of ‘those fundamental principles of liberty and justice which lie at the base of all our civil and political institutions’ (Hurtado v. California, 110 US 516, 535, 1884). Because the development is most clear in American constitutional law, that will serve as the template for further elaboration.
There are five basic elements of due process that may be adduced from American case development, particularly after the post-Civil War amendments to the Constitution extended the command to the conduct of the states toward their citizens. The two given the greatest significance are that, “Parties whose rights are to be affected are entitled to be heard; and in order that they may enjoy that right they must first be notified” (Baldwin v. Hale, 68 US (1 Wall.) 233, 1863). The opportunity to be heard and its “instrumental corollary, a promise of prior notice” (Tribe, 1988), according to the Supreme Court, ‘seem to be universally prescribed in all systems of law established by civilized countries’ (Twining v. New Jersey, 211 US 78, 110–111, 1908). The additional elements of due process are further corollaries necessary to make the right to a hearing meaningful: the right to an impartial arbiter, the right to be represented by counsel, and the right to timely resolution of claims.
The articulation of these elements of due process leaves unanswered a central question dating from the time of the Magna Carta: Are these due process rights intended as affirmative entitlements of the citizenry, as indispensable restraints on the state, or as instrumental checks against arbitrary, capricious, or simply misguided state conduct? Put another way, the constitutional enshrinement of a principle of due process can be seen as creating a distinct set of rights among the citizenry, or as a constraint on governmental processes. Measured against this template, it is possible to characterize the development of twentieth century due process law as passing through three central phases.
Substantive Due Process
The most forceful introduction of due process into the American constitutional canon came in the closing years of the nineteenth century with the emergence of the substantive due process doctrine. Federal courts gave independent substantive meaning to the Fourteenth Amendment’s prohibition on states’ restricting the enjoyment of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Under this view, state incursions upon the affirmative rights of citizens to be secure in their life, liberty, and property were presumptively invalid and subject to exacting judicial scrutiny. The key to this period was an expansive set of presumed individual claims against state regulation. The domain of legitimate state activity was restricted to ensuring the public health, guarding against inherently hazardous activities, and protecting those who could not fend for themselves at law. This last group included (at the time) children, the mentally incompetent, and women. The most controversial feature of substantive due process came with the expansive definition of liberty to include a broad range of market freedoms that in turn prompted federal courts to strike down state regulatory measures by the dozens. Most famous no doubt was the Court’s 1905 ruling in Lochner v. New York (198 US 45, 1905), a case that struck down a maximum hours regulation for the employment of bakers on the substantive due process grounds of ‘liberty of contract’. The hallmark of this period was the use of a high threshold of procedural presumptions against the legitimacy of state regulatory initiatives. The period of substantive due process lasted until its repudiation by the Supreme Court in the New Deal period of the 1930s. Nonetheless, the reaction to the perceived hostility of the Court to progressive social legislation earned the Lochner period notoriety as a constitutional epithet and removed substantive due process from the constitutional lexicon, until its tentative re-emergence at the end of the twentieth century in difficult cases such as the constitutional review of assisted suicide (Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 US 702, 1997). Most recently, the Supreme Court has used the liberty guarantees of the due process clause to ground the privacy rights underlying reproductive freedoms and the constitutional protection of homosexual activity from criminal prosecution (Lawrence v. Texas, 539 US 558, 2003).
Procedural Due Process
The second great phase of due process activism came with the Warren Court of the 1960s. Unlike the Lochner period’s focus on the expansion of substantive claims that triggered due process, the hallmark of the second phase was a focus on ‘procedural due process’, which was understood as an expansion of the process-based requirements for the state to act adverse to the interests of affected citizens. In a series of decisions involving legislatively conferred benefits, ranging from driver’s licenses to welfare benefits, the Court interposed an elaborate series of processes required before such benefits could be withdrawn. The right to a hearing was repeatedly invoked in this period as an affirmative right of participation in governmental processes that inhered in the rights of citizens. The Court did not seek to expand the ambit of positive rights – entitlements were created by the normal processes of government – but instead used the due process clause to enforce heightened procedural hurdles before government could deny a benefit. Instead of the liberty to contract of the early twentieth century, the aggrieved due process claimant of the postwar period would claim a ‘right to be heard’ prior to adverse governmental action. Critics charged that the elevated procedural steps created a presumption against adverse governmental action almost as certain as that of the substantive due process period. But more problematic, as evidenced in the ensuing case law, was how to reconcile near-categorical requirements of an inherent participatory right to process with a range of governmental conduct that required swift response to emergency situations. The case law struggled to find a mediating principle that would allow emergency responses, as with police searches, the impounding of goods in flight, the embargo on goods threatening public health or safety, and a range of comparable conduct whose successful implementation could not await notice and an adversarial hearing.
Due Process Functionalism
The tension in the heightened proceduralism of the Warren Court prompted a scaling back of inherent rights in favor of an instrumental approach to due process. Whereas both the substantive due process and procedural due process period had read the due process command to vest the citizenry with affirmative rights against the state, the functional period beginning in the mid-1970s saw in due process a check against improper or incorrect governmental decisions affecting life, liberty, or property. Thus, in the watershed case of Mathews v. Eldridge (424 US 319, 1976), the Supreme Court analyzed a challenge to the termination of social security disability benefits not in terms of whether due process protections attached, but rather in terms of how much process was due. By contrast to cases of the Warren Court period that assumed that process would have to be the full panoply of evidentiary protections, Mathews v. Eldridge held that the amount of process required prior to adverse governmental conduct would be determined by a balance of interests heavily weighted toward considerations of cost and likelihood of error:
Due process generally requires consideration of three distinct factors: first, the private interest that will be affected by the official action; second, the risk of an erroneous deprivation of such interest through the procedures used; and the probable value, if any, of additional or substituted procedural safeguards; and finally, the government’s interest, including the function involved and the fiscal and administrative burdens that the additional or substitute procedural requirement would entail. (424 US at 334–335)
In the decades since Mathews v. Eldridge, this form of due process functionalism has come to command this area of American constitutional law. All the critical elements of due process – from the right to an evidentiary hearing to the right to counsel – are now subject to the balancing of magnitude of loss versus likelihood of error versus governmental interest in swift action. Some of the applications appear inevitable, as with the ability of police to immobilize illegally parked cars, even in the absence of notice and a prior hearing. Some are more problematic, as with the denial of the right to have counsel provided to an indigent prisoner facing civil proceeding for termination of parental rights.
The case of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (542 US 507, 2004) offers a recent example in the freighted context of threats of terrorism. The petitioner, Yaser Esam Hamdi, was an American-born individual taken prisoner in Afghanistan during the American military action in 2002 and held as an ‘enemy combatant’ in a military prison on United States soil. The government’s only evidence supporting Hamdi’s classification as an enemy combatant would have been inadmissible as hearsay under most circumstances. However, Hamdi was not allowed to challenge the evidence and was not allowed to speak to a lawyer or contact his family, who themselves had to file a petition of habeas corpus on his behalf. Invoking Mathews’ functional approach as the controlling law even in national security cases, the Court conceded that although a hearing was required, it need not, due to the needs of the government during wartime, necessarily include every procedural protection available in, say, a criminal trial. The exact details of the hearing were left to be developed subsequently, but the Court’s message was clear: due process remains a vital protection even if its application must be flexible.
Nearly 800 years after the Magna Carta, this functional view of due process has firmly taken hold in the most developed of due process legal regimes.
Due Process in Other National Legal Systems
Broadly speaking, a large number of the fundamental rights accorded to individuals under the American conception of due process are also found in other nations’ laws, with one critical caveat. The conception of due process, particularly in civil law systems, primarily addresses rights of criminal procedure – for example, the French Declaration of the Rights of Man, which explicitly grants the right to be free from arbitrary arrest and detention. Various international agreements, such as the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, contain similar language. Many national constitutions similarly guarantee the rights to notice, choice of counsel, a speedy trial, and appeal.
Even in the sphere of criminal procedure, there are significant differences between the American notion of due process and that found in other countries. Perhaps the most striking example is the absence in many legal regimes of the right to be presumed innocent that is considered so fundamental in the United States. Also absent in many countries is a notion that both sides in a criminal trial have equal opportunity to advocate their positions.
More revealing is a comparison of the American and German conceptions of due process. On one level, the two countries’ approaches are similar. Both put a pre-eminent value on human liberty. Thus, Article 1(1) of the German constitution states that “the dignity of man shall be inviolable.” This notion of human dignity is akin to the American concept of substantive due process. Both are tools that have been utilized by the respective courts to ‘discover’ hitherto unenumerated rights. In this sense, both countries have a conception of due process that is, to a certain extent, open ended. As a consequence, both must grapple with an abstract and amorphous concept, often with controversial results.
But perhaps the most fundamental difference lies in their highest courts’ approaches to constitutional interpretation. While the German Constitutional Court has interpreted its constitutional mandate to develop a systematic approach to constitutional jurisprudence, the United States Supreme Court, by emphasizing procedural regularity, has exhibited a tendency to act in a piecemeal fashion. The result is that, in some ways, the German view of due process appears even more comprehensive than that of the United States. Most importantly, Germany guarantees the protection of ‘personality rights’ and ‘physical integrity’, which are akin to the American procedural due process. But, unlike the United States Supreme Court, which has often worked to construe due process narrowly, the German Constitutional Court has consistently taken a broad view of due process, viewing as properly furthering the fundamental principle of human dignity – a far more sweeping command than recognized in the initial procedural focus of Anglo-American law.
Hobbes, T., 1994. Leviathan. J. M. Dent, London.
Madison, J., 1896. Report on the Virginia resolutions. In: Elliot, J. (Ed.), Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, vol. 4. Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA.
Tribe, L., 1988. American Constitutional Law. Foundation Press, Mineola, New York.
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