#the promise queueland
fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
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When you think about how this was Emma contemplating what makes a person themselves and whether losing one's memories constitutes death, and her allowing the fear wash over her because despite everything she said to the demon god about it being too little of a reward to pay, now that she's back in reality it just hits her what she's going to have to give up when her family is so integral to her being, and because the moon is the only witness of this, she lets those emotions ride themselves out while she has the privacy before she gathers herself and returns to the paradise hideout.
The pure acceptance one can feel in that last panel as she lets a breath out and calms herself once the fear ebbs a bit because there's still work to be done before that can all happen, and she can't let it get the best of her forever, but it's still better to let those emotions play out naturally and acknowledge them rather than squashing them down and pretending they aren't real.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 11 months
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Things you say to impress your crush.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 months
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TPN Committee: Yeah we’re going to horribly truncate this anime adaption by cutting 50+ chapters, removing so much of the nuance people loved about the original story and make it the greatest disappointment of Winter 2021 after the first season was a critical darling, but as compensation you can have some REN Rights in the form of this album cover that wouldn't be out of place for a shoujo series
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
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This is one of my favorite (beat) jokes in the series I appreciate so much how TPN doesn't belabor its comedy.
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I wonder how much time Chris has been in coma. He was hit at the head by a bullet but his brain was spared (if i remember, they said that the wound is only exterior) (which is good, i'm not sure they could have done anything if the wound had been actually deep and touched the brain, Chris would have died)
but he has been unconscious for a long time and had still crutches when they find Emma.
So it mean that his awakening was "recent" if he still needed crutches (so reeducation).
How severe was his wound? for how much time was he in coma?
Have you theories about it?
Fun fact: Chris was originally supposed to wake up during the Seven Walls arc.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 5)
But yeah after they arrive at the paradise hideout his condition is "conveniently stable" so Shirai could utilize it to facilitate more drama if he needed to or just keep it as is, and he ended up going with the latter.
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(Chapter 126 | Mystic Code Book Chapter 7 Series Timeline)
We don't know the exact date he was shot, but he spent roughly half of October 2047 and at least thirteen days of November 2047 comatose.
After that, it's arbitrary, even if one wants to be canon compliant.
If you want it to take a while for him to wake up, the explanation can be Peter wasn't careful while transferring him from the paradise hideout to Grace Field headquarters, and Chris suffered brain trauma they weren't aware of until they did tests at a hospital.
If you want him to wake up shortly after they arrive in the human world, like in one of Shirai's drafts of chapter 179, you can still have his recovery span the course of months since muscle atrophy occurs rapidly.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 6; I would have been up for this version)
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(Muscle Atrophy in ICU Patients article)
You can also prolong his recovery further by introducing a psychosomatic component. In addition to the physical harm that befell him, the mental trauma of the bunker raid resulted in a combination of him not waking up for however long one wishes to keep him in a coma and possibly hampered his physical therapy for months to over a year even after working to rebuild all the strength he lost.
There are a lot of ways you can adapt it to fit within the phrasing presented by the kids when explaining their trip to Emma in the epilogue:
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"Able to walk again" meaning it did take him some time, although we never see him using crutches like Dominic or Sonya.
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(Chapter 126 | Chapter 157 Bonus Sketch | Chapter 98)
Also it's never focused on, but Sonya uses a cane like her dad post-timeskip.
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(Chapter 104 | Chapter 106 | Chapter 111)
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
One of my favorite little headcanons is Ray growing a beard when he's older to honor Yuugo (and if it helps hide his resemblance to Isabella, well that's a nice bonus) but one of the things he didn't realize about Yuugo's scraggily stringy snake beard was that he meticulously stylized it into that pattern as a way to pass the time in the bunker over the course of thirteen years
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Me, pre-TPN: idk if I could ever get attached to a character named Norman. It’s such an old-fashioned, stuffy, normal name.
Shirai and Demizu:
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months
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This is still the funniest section title-picture combo in the mystic code book it looks like he’s about to give a tell-all and lament about his slightly more slutty younger years.
“Yes, I really did used to strut around with my tits and ass out like that, striking fear and arousal into the hearts of demon and man alike. Do I regret it? Only that Father would never let me hear the end of it.”
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fullscoreshenanigans · 7 months
re: how REN kids differentiate between their two dads, I have a soft spot for the idea of Dad Norman and Dad Ray being shortened to "Dad N" and "Dad R" and then getting smushed together into "Dadden" and "Daddar" when the kids are really little.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
how do you think that the numbers/brands are put on the children?
It must be a tattoo, not a mark like humans marked cattle on earth (like burning the numbers in the skin with burning iron). Because THAT'S would kill a baby for sure (but it seems to be the case at Lambda for the oldest kids? :/).
So it's probably more a tattoo. But even so young babies, it's still a lot. Especially that it's not a little tattoo, and it's on the neck for Grace Field kids, on the chest (near of the heart) for Great Valley or Glory Bell kids. It's very fragile zones, especially for a baby.
So it must be put when they are enough old to survive it and enough soon for them to have forgotten it (and not being hurt anymore) when the day of being send to a orphenage happens.
It probably means that Ray remembers it then. Except if they put the babies to sleep for doing it. Probably because having a baby who screams, moves and cry for all the procedure must he hard to do.
So maye around 7/8 months old? and until then they have bracelets with their number + the number on the cradle.
With how infants are little wiggle worms, tattooing without using anesthesia is unfathomable to me, even if they somehow made the process painless (a small mercy for Ray with his memory).
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(Chapter 28)
It's kind of hard to gauge, but assuming this is shortly before he's handed off to Isabella, it doesn't look like his skin is irritated here, so seven to eight months sounds plausible.
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What's more concerning is the recovery period because you can't tell a baby not to scratch at an itchy, painful mark on their neck, and by that age they have enough control of their motor functions to sink their nails into it.
But they could cover their hands with mittens, and with this being a fantastical series featuring demons set in the near future with advanced technology, it's not a stretch to imagine they've made every aspect of this process painless, or they created some medication that was safe to give babies for a month so they wouldn't deal with excess stress by forcing them to live with that irritation for weeks on end (it's not good for the brain), either at that age or before they're regularly sitting up unaided.
Also tangential link to my post on the presence of their tattoos and brands in the epilogue chapter and beyond (because while the babies are almost certainly knocked out for tattooing, we don't know if Norman and the rest of the Lambda gang were knocked out for their Lambda tattoos/brands. We can always hope, though. 🥲)
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the encroachment of the SWEU has gone too far
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
reading through Return to Grace Field arc like
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