#the rhaenys wannabe agenda
cassatine · 2 years
I would love to know your ideas about Daemon/Rhaenyra and their deranged love!
Ongoing manifesto is [here]
that being said idk that’s a bit. too vague and open-ended a question. pls be more specific next time but for now:
They’re the same person in different bodies and they both looked at their mirror self and thought yeah I’d tap that?? And after ten years of separation, ten years of distance from the mirror self, the only one that truly understood them: I’d rather burn the world down I’d rather be feared than live without that again?? Heights of Targ psychosexual fuckery right there!!
They both subscribe to the idea that only dragon people are real people! Targaryen exceptionalism all the way for them. Why do you think even Rhaenyra’s love for Alicent did not translate to understanding or protection or anything beyond ‘love me fear me adore me’.
Not to deny the unhinged romanticism of the “meant to burn together” line but what I’m personally obsessed by is “they will fear what else we might be capable of”, like that’s their thesis statement and political program rolled into one and it’s hot as fuck. Also stupid as fuck, because that program hasn’t worked out that well for any dynasty in the long term, like, ever, but also: better burn together than keep on living a half life. Viserys called them “restless and chaotic” back when he first thought they’d shagged and really, he’d pegged them right. They tried normalcy (as much as feudal people with pet metaphorical nuclear weapons can be normal) and it turned out to suck ass — “happy enough”, says Daemon of his time with Laena (which, ouch), “droll tragedy”, says Rhaenyra of her life, of her years trying to play by the rules (also ouch). And they’d have gone back to it if not for each other — one spousal funeral reunion shag of tenderness and they were like “meant to burn together” never gonna be separated again!! No cost too dear!!
I get that the argument that they’re getting married for political reasons only get people’s hackles up, and lbr it is on the level of saying water is dry, but imo swinging the pendulum to the other extreme (nothing to do with the political at all) isn’t that much better in the end. It is a political partnership. Rhaenyra doesn’t say “with you as my husband and prince consort my claim wouldn’t be so easily challenged” for people to say that she hasn’t taken the political repercussions of a wedding into account. And whether Rhaenyra is really, really crap at maths or whether she’s fudging the numbers because she wants Daemon that bad (it’s the later, of course it’s the later), the fact is that she makes a political argument for their getting married. Sometimes people both want to climb each other and to be a political power couple steamrolling all opposition until everything explodes in their face (better have everything explode in your face than go through life like you’re already dead for one minute longer than needed).
Rhaenyra has it bad for Daemon, but she has it bad for the throne too. If she didn’t she’d cut her losses and they’d move to Pentos or wherever, and she is very much not gonna do that. They love each other insanely, but they love power too.
Laenor is a darling and we love him but by ep7 it’s kinda obvious that while Rhaenyra does like him she’s been disappointed in him as a political partner for a while (ftr it’s understandable that he’s flaky, what with the trauma of what happened re: Joffrey). He gives her the ‘ready to commit now’ speech and for ten years she’d have had to take it even with no way to know whether Laenor would follow up on it, because she had no other option, but alas for him he gives her the speech after Daemon pops up, freshly single, while the situation with Alicent and the Greens hits No Return Point, and Rhaenyra says: actually yes I deserve a husband that supports me, a political partner I can actually trust to look after my interests, one who will kill a bitch for me, and that ain’t you.
She didn’t free Laenor!! It’s not a victory for the gays!! She functionally exiled him because she chose Daemon over him. She told her husband and friend of ten years to fuck off to Essos and never come back and let his family believe him dead because her mirror self was back and it’s her mirror self she wants. Let her and Daemon be selfish on that one instead of dressing it up as a victory for us queers.
Everyone goes on about Rhaenyra having a case of gender, and she sure fucking does, but you know who else does? Fucking Daemon, that’s who. Viserys says he’s the Visenya of the family. He straights up wields Visenya’s sword. He was sent off to Runestone where his wife was in charge, and where all that would have been expected of him was to do the do and bring forth some heirs, which in Westeros is what's expected of women (also he’d obv. have resented being married to a normie and not another Targ, because only dragon people are real people), and being a cursed mix of extreme insecurity and overblown dragon pride he simply couldn’t handle any of it, hence the extremely unhappy wedding with Rhea, but also his tendency to overperform masculinity à la westorosi (violence). And yet he’s gonna fucking kneel to Rhaenyra!!
Daemon is literally going to crown her!! I am the crown (I am the realm) she told Criston and what’s the one title Daemon will take? Protector of the Realm. He’s going to die for her!! Fighting her war!! Just like Rhaenys died fighting Aegon’s war!!
Ok. Look. Wherever canon goes — at the end of the day some people see incestuous legacies fuckery and like clockwork they go, oh the latest generation has to fuck and do it in full ancestors cosplay while insistently calling each other by familial relationship terms, and they have to make it weird for everyone else, and they also have to kill a lot people to maintain their grasp on power, and by some people I mean me.
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cassatine · 2 years
you are PRECIOUS! there's a lot of talk about parallels between aegon/rhaenys/vysenia and rhaenyra/laena/daemon and people keep thinking daemon is ageon and I'm like????? what? why so confined in gender boxes?? daemon is rhaenyra's malewife and good for him!! rhae is aegon and good for her!!! so finding your blog gave me life thank you
Daemon *thinks* he wants to be Aegon but lbr that's only because the patriarchy has him in its claws he is Visenya the text literally says so but what he really wants is to be Rhaenys he wants to be the one chosen out of love it's so obvious it almost hurts!! (everyone wants to be Rhaenys) he's on the screen every week begging the other dragon people to love him, overperforming gender as a cover like the pathetic insecure bitch he is, and people still somehow make him into some ultramasc daddy Aegon parody go figure. heteronormativity sure rots brains.
also i managed to escape that hell take but i'm giving the side-eye of judgment to anyone that's like aegon/rhaenys/vysenia = rhaenyra/laena/daemon. Laena doesn't even make it into the trio?? love her, love the polycule that was promised, mourn that hbo did not deliver on that end (screens would have exploded from that much hotness) but if there is a trio it is Viserys/Rhaenyra/Daemon sorry that's how it is, putting Laena in it is, again, textbook heteronormativity curse, media literacy gone wrong, the whole shebang. like. i'm aware i'm far from being the last to go on about ancestors roleplay but it's not a generational transliteration!! trying to exactly map out the Aagon/Visenya/Rhaenys relationship onto the current generation is doomed to fail. they think an abnormal amount about their ancestors but they aren't their ancestors good fucking gracious.
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cassatine · 2 years
everyone is about daemon being visenya meanwhile im in my lil corner climbing at the walls screaming he!! wants!! to be!! rhaenys!!
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cassatine · 2 years
i'm not saying Rhaenyra and her idiot uncle roleplay their ancestors but also they absolutely do and obviously Rhaenyra is Aegon while Daemon finally gets to be Rhaenys (take THAT big bro)
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